Author Topic: Invading the contient of champions #5: Repede  (Read 1663 times)


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Invading the contient of champions #5: Repede
« on: March 19, 2010, 11:31:22 PM »
2 doglikes in a row, will this one fare better than the last? (yes.)

Repede vs. Kuja
Repede vs. Sephiroth
Repede vs. Fou-Lu
Repede vs. Ghaleon
Repede vs. Orlandu
Repede vs. Ash Lambert
Repede vs. Albedo
Repede vs. Melfice
Repede vs. Myria
Repede vs. Ryu3
Repede vs. Ryu4
Repede vs. Yuna
Repede vs. Piastol
Repede vs. Kefka
Repede vs. Zophar
Repede vs. Luca Blight
Repede vs. Yuri Hyuga
Repede vs. Profound Darkness
Repede vs. Jade
Repede vs. Emelious
Repede vs. Jenna Angel
Repede vs. Lady
Repede vs. Empyrea
Repede vs. Cloud of Darkness
Repede vs. Heat
Repede vs. False Althena
Repede vs. Isolde

New one starts whenever I damn well feel like it. As for closing... eh, these things don't actually close. Hell, if you finish a game and gain rights on someone I already ran, you can necro the right thread and vote if you want.

Sulphur: lol
Reicher: 70-58 (55%)
Sora: 55-81 (40%)
Garm: 40-104 (28%)


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Re: Invading the contient of champions #5: Repede
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2010, 11:52:01 PM »
Repede vs. Kuja- It's Kuja.
Repede vs. Sephiroth- Status.
Repede vs. Fou-Lu- Faster.
Repede vs. Ghaleon
Repede vs. Orlandu- OHKO.
Repede vs. Ash Lambert- Think this fight is a tie. Neither can break the other's regen, both have infinite resources.
Repede vs. Albedo- Albedo.
Repede vs. Melfice- Melfice's status isn't turn one. EDIT: Tie, see below.
Repede vs. Myria- Myria's is.
Repede vs. Ryu3- Faster.
Repede vs. Ryu4
Repede vs. Yuna- Kneejerk Yuna as faster.
Repede vs. Piastol- Eternum.
Repede vs. Kefka- I don't think Train stops gale dog and I don't see Kefka OHKOing average.
Repede vs. Zophar- I think? Need to check what status Repede can wall.
Repede vs. Luca Blight
Repede vs. Yuri Hyuga
Repede vs. Profound Darkness- Faster.
Repede vs. Jade- Faster.
Repede vs. Emelious- Not OHKOed.
Repede vs. Jenna Angel
Repede vs. Lady- Don't see Lost Progress hitting Invincibility.
Repede vs. Empyrea- Think so
Repede vs. Heat
Repede vs. False Althena- Repede should be able to drop Ray into non OHKO range.
Repede vs. Isolde

Repede: 18-7-1. Definitely rankable, since there are a few non champs who beat him offhand (Tir, Souji, TimeLord). Just need fast status or to be able to OHKO him.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2010, 02:08:10 AM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
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Re: Invading the contient of champions #5: Repede
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2010, 09:49:09 PM »
Repede vs. Kuja
Repede vs. Sephiroth: OHKO with Shadow Flare?
Repede vs. Fou-Lu: This takes a while. A good looooong while.
Repede vs. Ghaleon: This takes FOREVER.
Repede vs. Orlandu: No OHKO, so no go.
Repede vs. Ash Lambert: Eventually Repede ID's him with a Fatal Strike.
Repede vs. Albedo
Repede vs. Melfice: Gets under Gale Dog and eventually kills through Mystic Artes to bypass the evade... This takes a while.
Repede vs. Myria: Myria 3 had accurate ID.
Repede vs. Ryu3
Repede vs. Ryu4
Repede vs. Yuna: Anima. ID.
Repede vs. Piastol: Eternum.
Repede vs. Kefka: I'll  bite for Kefka going first.
Repede vs. Zophar: 50% status charm or immune silence or paralysis or something.
Repede vs. Luca Blight
Repede vs. Yuri Hyuga: Yuri2 might almost make this last forever. Build to 4 overlimits or something and go to town.
Repede vs. Profound Darkness: Eventually.
Repede vs. Jade
Repede vs. Emelious: I don't think he OHKOs? Someone correct me if I'm wrong because I may be. Mystic Artes eventually get the Orb so.
Repede vs. Jenna Angel
Repede vs. Lady
Repede vs. Empyrea
Repede vs. Cloud of Darkness
Repede vs. Heat
Repede vs. False Althena
Repede vs. Isolde


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Re: Invading the contient of champions #5: Repede
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2010, 04:21:45 AM »
Repede vs. Kuja
Repede vs. Sephiroth - Faster + Status/OHKO
Repede vs. Fou-Lu - I'm thinking his dispel works fast enough to eventually get Repede.
Repede vs. Ghaleon - Hmm... I wonder if Chaos Shield would prevent Repede's physicals from charging TP. If so... then Ghaleon runs Repede out of Gale Dog charges and Fate Storms.
Repede vs. Orlandu - OHKO
Repede vs. Ash Lambert - Ash's evasion makes this his win. Repede doesn't hit often enough to build up a Fatal Strike ID hit, and if he's trying to physical and missing, he's not using his Running TP regen, so he'll eventually run out of TP for Gale Dog. If he goes solely on the Running regen->Gale Dog chain, then he's never attacking, and fuck that.
Repede vs. Albedo
Repede vs. Melfice - All of Repede's damage is evadable physical stuff. Perfect evade owns. Could be a tie but Melfice's defense is more perfect against Repede... If Repede ever stops running and charging Gale Dog, then Melfice wins.
Repede vs. Myria - ID
Repede vs. Ryu3
Repede vs. Ryu4
Repede vs. Yuna
Repede vs. Piastol
Repede vs. Kefka
Repede vs. Zophar
Repede vs. Luca Blight
Repede vs. Yuri Hyuga - Hmm... close. Yuri1 might go first and OHKO. Depends on your ARPG speed interps.
Repede vs. Profound Darkness - This takes forever. Especially in the final form, where she starts spamming Cancelling on his Gale Dog. But... she's below average speed, and I see Repede as slightly above, so he eventually gets her.
Repede vs. Jade
Repede vs. Emelious - Faster, Dimension Blade + Spirit Wail kills.
Repede vs. Jenna Angel - I'm thinking Dekaja can bring down Gale Dog and she can sneak in an action with one of her orbs. Alternately... I think I see Almighty hitting through Gale Dag.
Repede vs. Lady - Uh... Lost Progress ftw.
Repede vs. Empyrea - Waves of Ice->Damage on double-turns. Invincibility Spoiler.
Repede vs. Cloud of Darkness - Though CoD OHKOs if she gets a turn first (randomly?)
Repede vs. Heat - It's a tie with Heat regenerating Tentacles and Repede spamming Gale Dog and slowly killing the Tentacles off. But... I'm leaning towards allowing Almighty to hit through Gale Dog, so it's slightly in Heat's favor.
Repede vs. False Althena - OHKO first.
Repede vs. Isolde - Close, but not fast enough.

Other people who probably beat Repede: Belial, Rika, IQA, in addition to Super's list.


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Re: Invading the contient of champions #5: Repede
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2010, 04:27:57 AM »
Repede vs. Kuja
Repede vs. Sephiroth
Repede vs. Fou-Lu
Repede vs. Ghaleon
Repede vs. Orlandu
Repede vs. Ash Lambert
Repede vs. Albedo
Repede vs. Melfice
Repede vs. Myria
Repede vs. Ryu3
Repede vs. Ryu4
Repede vs. Yuna
Repede vs. Piastol
Repede vs. Kefka
Repede vs. Zophar
Repede vs. Luca Blight
Repede vs. Yuri Hyuga
Repede vs. Profound Darkness
Repede vs. Jade
Repede vs. Emelious
Repede vs. Jenna Angel
Repede vs. Lady
Repede vs. Empyrea
Repede vs. Cloud of Darkness
Repede vs. Heat
Repede vs. False Althena
Repede vs. Isolde

That was boring.


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Re: Invading the contient of champions #5: Repede
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2010, 04:57:28 AM »
Can Gale Dog  be dispelled? If so then the list expands quite a bit to people like Cecilia, most DQ8 bosses and maybe Rosa. Also if you let disable hit through the invinciblity then Mewtwo wins.


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Re: Invading the contient of champions #5: Repede
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2010, 06:16:58 AM »
*shrugs* I don't recall there being any Dispel in ToV, but I'm not inclined to give Gale Dog all that much credit. It doesn't last very long and there's no indication when it wears off, so trying to use it the way Repede does in the DL is rather difficult. Also, from the way it looks, it seems more like a perfect evasion skill that works on Physicals and Magic rather than true invincibility. However, there's nothing but evadable physicals and magic in ToV that I remember.

Hmm... maybe this can be tested against Mystic Artes (assuming Mystic Artes are ITE)? If Gale Dog isn't true invincibility, then he gets owned by ITE stuff.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2010, 10:17:28 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: Invading the contient of champions #5: Repede
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2010, 06:37:30 AM »
I don't think there's even a Mystic Arte that has a wind-up time short enough to get a hit in on Gale Dog.


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Re: Invading the contient of champions #5: Repede
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2010, 03:22:36 PM »
I know someone did a Repede solo challenge on youtube and I think that Gale Dog protected him from MAs, but I'm not entirely sure.


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Re: Invading the contient of champions #5: Repede
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2010, 08:23:19 PM »
I think I've seen it null out a Mystic Arte as well.

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Re: Invading the contient of champions #5: Repede
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2010, 12:30:22 AM »
Mystic Artes most certainly aren't ITE in TotA for what it's worth. *mocks Absorption Gate Van some more*

I kinda mock the idea of defaulting invincibility (a buff) to being undispellable myself. Burden of proof should definitely be on the invincibility to show that it is awesome, there. Dispel tends to go through defensive measures designed to stop magic or attacks in general in most games (e.g. Zophar's dispel kills WDP, Dispel kills Reflect in most FFs, Culex's Shredder kills Red Essence) . Of course, any dispel that is STOPPED by a defensive measure (e.g. FF4 reflect!) I am fine with not hitting invincibility.

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Re: Invading the contient of champions #5: Repede
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2010, 02:07:30 AM »
Actual damage/status invincibility skills I see blocking everything, including dispels, unless they are very specifically hit by something. If you use a move in game and can't be damaged, I see that translating to the DL.

Repede vs. Melfice - All of Repede's damage is evadable physical stuff. Perfect evade owns. Could be a tie but Melfice's defense is more perfect against Repede... If Repede ever stops running and charging Gale Dog, then Melfice wins.

Oh right, Melfice did have buffs. He'll get some use out of runner/diggin and the rest, but I don't think he can force more than a tie offhand. Doubt Repede can OHKO. Mmm, vote changed.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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