So...this is a pretty cool GDC talk from one of the people who worked on League of Legends. (Haven't played either LoL or WoW, so I can't really speak to how accurate these examples are, but it sounds like good design lessons):, enough with the interesting stuff, let's talk about some complete trash...
Cookie Clicker
Let's talk about Wrath cookies vs Golden cookies.
For a 1 hour period, with Wrath you get Wrinklers, so just on top of everything that's times 6.275. So just idling that whole time you get
18990 seconds worth of extra production.
The wrath cookies...Ruin (28% of the time) Lose 10 minutes of production
-600 seconds of production
Lucky (28% of the time) Gain 20 minutes of production
+1200 seconds of production
Clot (28% of the time) Half production for 132 seconds (affects Wrinklers)
-414 seconds of production
Elder Frenzy (6%) production x666 for 12 seconds (affects Wrinlkers)
+50074 seconds of production
Click Frenzy (2%) Makes clicks do x777 for 26 seconds (with alt+shift+numlock you can click about 10x per second using the numpad; I'm not quite sure how the cursors stack up, but the final result seems to be about 9.6% of CPS per click. I'll just round this to 10% since I'm guesstimating how many times you can click in a second).
+20202 seconds of production
Cookie chain (6%) Does...stuff. This is a mess because it's quantized. Reward is somewhere between 3 hours of production, and 3/10 hours of production. Except when it fails, which it can from either dexterity failure, or just 1% failure chance coded into the game.
+1080-10800 seconds of production...barring a failure, in which case it does basically nothing.
Overall: The three most common modes basically cancel each other out, and it's mostly about the Elder Frenzy.
Also worth noting, the rare case of a Reindeer during an Elder Frenzy is 79920, but this is pretty rare due to the short duration of Elder Frenzy, and for the most part Wrath cookies synergize porly with reindeer.
Over the period of an hour, you'll get about 30 Wrath cookies, so about 1.5 Elder Frenzies, 1.5 Cookie Chains, 0.2 click frenzies
Net average gain from an hour of active paying attention:
~101,412 overall x6 or so on just ignoring the damn thing and letting it idle for the full hour.
Golden CookiesSo ok, buy an elder pledge, get some golden cookies, what's this look like?
Lucky (48%) 20 minutes of production.
+8400 with Frenzy (Active about 50% of the time)
Frenzy (48%) Production x7 for 154 seconds
Click Frenzy (3.3%) (Makes clicks do x777 for 26 seconds--see above for more details)
+20202 seconds of production
+141414 seconds with Frenzy (active about 50% of the time)
Cookie Chain (1%) (it's a mess, described above)
+1080-10800 seconds of production...barring a failure, in which case it does basically nothing.
(x7 with Frenzy, theoretically, but there's so many failure cases like the Frenzy ending before the cookie chain does) an hour you'll get about 30 of these.
You'll get a minimum of 1k from all of them, so that's 30k. You'll get about 8 boosted Luckys, so that's another 58k or so. And then there's probably a Click Frenzy in there, getting...well...on average 80k
So...168k bonus overall. This is slightly better than the Wrath cookies which were at 120k
HybridSo Hybrid is an interesting idea where you stop after One Mind and before Communal Brainsweep. It means taking a hit on Grandma production. (In my current game, base Grandma Cps is at 5.8. Could be at 20.8). This is roughly a 5% overall production multiplier penalty. (Grandmas being the third most important building after Prisms and Antimater Condensers)
There's also various intangible problems with Wrinklers spawning at 1/3 the rate (clearing Easter is slower, Wrinklers take longer to spawn which is a penalty any time you need to access the contents). But it gives access to Lucky Cookies while there are wrinklers.
It also allows Frenzy to chain into Wrath cookies which...doesn't do much because Frenzy doesn't chain with Elder Frenzy.
So...the big difference is that every Frenzy also benefits from wrinklers. Which means every Frenzy gets an extra 5,686 cookies
So...overall it's
Frenzy (31%)
Lucky (41%)
+8400 with Frenzy (Active about 1/3 of the time)
Ruin (10% of the time) Lose 10 minutes of production
-600 seconds of production
-4200 with Frenzy (active about 1/3 of the time)
Clot (10% of the time) Half production for 132 seconds
-414 seconds of production
Click Frenzy (2.9%) (Makes clicks do x777 for 26 seconds--see above for more details)
+20202 seconds of production
+141414 seconds with Frenzy (active about 1/3 of the time)
Elder Frenzy (2%) production x666 for 12 seconds (affects Wrinlkers)
+50074 seconds of production
Cookie Chain (2.5%) (it's a mess, described above)
+1080-10800 seconds of production...barring a failure, in which case it does basically nothing.
Ok I don't have a mental shortcut for all of these...just running these through a spreadsheet I get that an average hybrid cookie is worth about 6229. 30 of them over the course of an hour are worth 186,892. And of course, just having Wrinklers is worth 19k per hour, so that pushes this a little over 200k.
Is it worth it? the 5% reduction reduces this lead from 200k to more like 190k. Still good. But if I have maybe one hour when I can actively click, because I'm writing a long analytical forum post...followed by 23 hours when I can't click...well...519,570 from the other 23 hours, where 5% of that is 25k. Which is to say...actually yes, still worth it, barely.
What about the common case of I'm mostly doing something else (playing an online PC game like Starcraft or Heroes of the Storm) and just tab during load times? maybe 2-4 cookie clicks per hour. For starters, Elder Pledge not even really a consideration here, so it's Wrath Cookies vs Hybrid Cookies an hour there's the 22590 from idling with Wrinklers, and then +6229*2 = 35048. By comparison, Wrath cookies are worth about 4000, so +4000*2 = 30590. So a good 15-20% improvement, outweighs the 5% loss.
So...once the setup is done it's probably better in most situations? The slower wrinkler respawn rate is pretty painful, though.