Heh, working backwards has its flaws. Guess Hinode's covered the starters, though. Oh, something I read on B8: apparently dream world abilities are breedable, so...yes.
http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-bw/637.shtml550 BST Bug fire with flame body
Oh look, a moth/butterfly in pokemon. This should be over quick...right?
Nope. 100 speed, 135 SpA. Fire Dance (80 power, ups your SpA). Butterfly dance (ups speed, SpA, SpD). Healing through morning sun. Good STAB moves. Coverage...ehh the flying version of Focus Blast, Psychic, Solar beam...so...poor coverage.
Tyranitar seems safe, but boosted HP Fighting threatens. Heatran would also be wary of HP fighting. Gyardos covers bug, fire, fighting, I guess, and has SpD. Works...outside of HP electric. Snorlax with thick fat also should tank long enough to kill thanks to SpD and HP.
http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-bw/635.shtml600 BST Dragon Dark with Levitate
Oh boy. This series does not have a good track record.
125 SpA, 98 Speed, 105 Atk. Stat boosting is...Cheer Up. Worse than Garchomp or Salamence, but good for mixed. Coverage is...
Spec...Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Dark Pulse, Earth Power, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Surf, Charge Beam, Focus Blast.
Phys...Head Smash(!!!), Outrage, Crunch, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Dragon Tail (60 power, causes switch out), U-Turn, Fire/Thunder/Ice Fang.
You know, the speed is merely 98, plus Cheer Up is the best booster it has, so that's not great compared to previous bans, but...damn, what do you switch in on this? Wasn't Salamence problematic for combining Dragon, Earth, and Fire? This has those three (at 90-140 power off the special stat). Head Smash means it's not walled by Blissey, either. (Well...Outrage too). Only just noticed the Dragon Tail move...exceptional move; slower pokemon can not counter dragons now, I guess? So...to safely beat, you death fodder into something like Weaville...except without a W4 this time.
VERDICT...Uber. If we're going by the measure where Salamence is uber, then this likely is too. Better Draco Meteor, better Flamethrower, slightly worse Earth.