
Author Topic: Theorycrafting! (Because I like competitive metagames too much)  (Read 173789 times)

metroid composite

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Re: Theorycrafting! (Because I like competitive metagames too much)
« Reply #200 on: August 01, 2011, 04:18:00 AM »
I was ignoring Excalibur, let alone post-brave twinkery Excalibur, since you have at most one.

Depends--are you running a mixed party or a mono-typed party?  Like...if you're planning 2x Dance, 1x Elemental Gun, 2x Melee or something like that, then Excalibur might represent fully half of your melee setups.

*shrug* When the damage gap is high enough, it works better. I'd take a skillsetless Geomancer SCC over a skillsetless Mediator SCC any day, even waiving the part of the game before guns. I don't have quite the same high opinion of guns that you do, and possibly range in general. (It just happens that in unbanned FFT, lots of ranged options are really powerful ANYWAY... and even can strike many enemies at once.)

"Skillsetless" in this case presumably still means R/S/M is allowed, yes?  Because Geo has R/S/M abilities and Mediator...doesn't have any that are relevant on the SCC.  And there's also the whole "skillsetless Mediators would be painfully bad before guns" (Barius Hill, oh god).  So...I agree!

These weaknesses become less of an issue when you have 8 classes.  In Chapter 1 don't use Mediator.  Get your mediator some R/S/M abilities from other classes.

See, I don't see how that's not an obvious losing trade, given how clunky 3-4 line of sight range only is (and you lose 1 off your effective range due to archer move anyway).

It's more about the kiting/staying alive.  Attack and step back without the enemy ever getting in range of you.

It's...a trade that's probably better in some fights, worse in others.  (In assassination missions you don't care about other enemies hitting you back after you kill the target, of course; so if we're in an SCC where we're forced to pick one for the entire game, I can see the argument that you pick melee.  I feel like in "defeat all enemies" fights, though, I lean ranged unless the damage gap is stupidly large--which is to say, I mostly elementaled on the Geo SCC, but on the other hand I basically ignored Demi/Throw Stone on the Ch2-TM/and Squire SCCs).

Sure, but Charge isn't always practical. In order to match Attack Up provided you have 12 PA already, you need Charge+4... an 8 CT attack. If your speed is only 8 due to it being a Twist Headband fight, and there are enemies who are speed 10, this is already untenable; the best you'll manage is Charge+3, and that drops to Charge+2 against enemies who move-wait first turn (which is usually the case for melee enemies). And then there's charging enemies (which includes several bosses) who just need to be killed right away, usually.

Charge gets bad at the end of Chapter 4, yes.  Charge is good in the earlygame.  In Chapter 2 you only need Charge+2 on a Geo to match Attack Up, and can usually get away with Charge+5 or Charge+7.  In Chapter 3 it's more like Charge+3 that you need to match Attack Up on Geo (and you can still sometimes pull off Charge+5/Charge+7 if you have them).

The thing is, even as you noted before, Nameless Dance has diminishing returns, and you have one guaranteed non-Dancer even if we're going for four of them. So no matter what, you're reliant on something from the Geomancer tree

And no mater what, reliant on something from Thief, and no matter what, reliant on Archer.  But yes.

to have a maximum-killing-power fighter running around dealing with the things which escape status and can threaten your party.  (I guarantee you the Dancer SCC would be waaay easier with this!)

Agreed.  Dancer is good against everything but singletarget damage.

Archer deserves a mention here.  You will be using Charge, especially on assassination missions.  Doesn't really matter if your class is Geo, Archer, or Mediator here--if your plan A is to physically attack, you really ought to be using Charge.

So are you arguing that the #13 is archer? I'm not really convinced; Attack Up damage already gets pretty high, and Charge/Concentrate are both kinda situational in different ways, unlike AU which is a strict improvement, always, and Geo still has a much better carrier (bows still suck).

Nah, I'm more just thinking...if the optimal strategy is attacking physically with humans that aren't leaning heavily on absurd Invitation/Solution/Dance shenanigans, then Charge, Concentrate, and Attack Up are all very centralizing.  (And if you're leaning on melee, Move+2 is also very centralizing).

(Still, to spoil things for the bottom of the post, I'm beginning to think it's the best competition. And that is a weird thing to confront.)

Well, right, obviously you lean towards physical attacks.

Yeah, fair. (Although I don't think Move+2 is worth beelining to because there are other important things I need to grab... in jobs that don't have 40-70% of Geomancer damage at various points in the game. And under your definition of a dead job, it's still better to be in Monk than in Thief.)

If you're beelining, then you're beelining in Chapter 1, the chapter of 4 WP Knife (which means like 20 damage Thief with both genders--Geo, if you had it unlocked at this point, would be 20-25 damage depending on gender.  24-30 a bit later in the Chapter.  Monk is 36 Male/21 female, but with 3 move).

So...with females, Thief is...arguably their best Chapter 1 melee class.  Males...there are better classes, but it's going to be less painful to go Thief now than it ever will be later.

As for higher-priority stuff...what's higher priority at this point?  Chapter 1 Elemental is pretty meh (12 damage).  Rushing to dancer...Thief is on the route to Dance anyway (and again, you want to be done with Thief in Chapter 1, even with female).  There's no point in rushing to Mediator (no guns until Chapter 2).  The big thing you might want to rush to is like...Charge+5/Charge+7 to power-smash the early chapters.  Most other stuff can be delayed due to not being great until later, I think.

-Attack Up being factored in for guns is a silent testament to what Geomancer is doing. You'll notice I have no trouble ignoring the sum total of Mediator's contributions to the game (faith lowering is the cool, but hardly necessary); the fact that you're having trouble doing the same for Geomancer strikes me as evidence for which class is overcentralising.


1. I've said multiple times before that several classes right now obviously get used for certain things (Geomancer included).  I've had no hesitation saying that Attack Up is good and that you do get it (although you probably don't use it in every fight unlike Move+2).

2. If you want to talk about ignoring stuff that takes a little grinding, there's people who've done speed runs ignoring calc (the first few speed run attempts were Ninja and Summoner focused).  You absolutely don't need to spend some time with the party sucking due to being in calc to 0-reset FFT. you agree with banning calc before Ninja and Summoner, then, or do you feel it shouldn't be, because calc is perfectly ignorable?

-Getting 1-2 speed faster isn't very useful for the most part here, given that chapter 3 enemies are rarely if ever more than 1 above even unboosted speed.

Eh?  It's pretty relevant.  Mediators can usually attack wait and doubleturn if they feel so inclined.  Admittedly, this usually isn't an option for Geos or Archers, who will usually need to move in order to attack.  Speed 6 is also disastrous in a few fights (Izlude, Velius).

And as usual, if Geomancer desperately needs that point of speed, they can grab it; Mediator has no such recourse for a damage boost.

But...why would you use the speed boost Concentrate Geomancer if you have Mediator unlocked?  They deal the same physical damage, have the same speed, but one is range 1 and the other is range 8.

If you want unblockable damage, you class change to Mediator.  If you want high inaccurate damage, you class change to AU Geomancer.  (Now that I think about it...I'm actually not seeing Concentrate as being viable in this part of the game because guns are too damn good right now).

I would contend that it is. All manner of inoffensive tactics at this point are suspect; they can miss (Dance, Battle Skill, much of Talk Skill)

I'm not convinced that stuff that can miss is bad.  Yin Yang Magic.   Teleport.  And hey, if missing is that bad, why would you ever use Attack Up over Concentrate in any fight where you have even a chance to miss?

Reliable vs unpredictable is an interesting debate to be had.  Obviously if it's a 1:1 ratio in average output, you take reliable.  How much more average value do you need to go for the unreliable move?  I would argue not that much.

Let's say you're choosing between a flail that deals a random amount of damage (100 average) and a sword that deals consistent damage, but less (80 damage).  I'd...probably pick the axe.  I'm open to arguments here, though.

I'm not so much optimising melee damage as I am damage in general; it just so happens that, at most points, melee is too far ahead to consider and ranged must be relegated to a role of backup

Just talking classes here, not abilities...In Chapter 2 and 3 AU guns and Concentrate geos deal very similar damage.  In Chapter 1 and 4 melee is decently far ahead (although it's Knights that win Chapter 1, and Chapter 4 Geo is often the top damage but there's potential side competition from Excalibur, elemental guns, invited Dark Behemoths/Tiamats).

It's hard to say which of us is right on the best thing to optimise, but my personal experience drawn from a variety of challenges I've done (including all the relevant SCCs in question), is that high damage is the best ward against being overwhelmed, especially when you lack healing and revival. Even Yin Yang Magic, the (non-Math) king of debilitation, would be substantially worse without an instant-kill status (effectively the same as damage) for speeding up fights in an emergency, and of course the immensely damageing Life Drain to deal with bosses.

Very good point, and yeah, thinking on that, I agree.  And that's actually a good argument against higher-speed lower-damage setups--if a fast unit dies, the rest of the party still only gets three turns to clean up.

OK, if things go wrong, the panic buttons are...

*High damage to kill the battle fast
*Excalibur's auto-haste only applies when you're alive, so your countdown timer in death is extra slow.
*If you can act-wait, you can gain 60 CT on dead people

That said, umm...if the focus is going to be damage, we should probably look at Dance's damage.

Nameless Dance actually -does- help you clean up--Frog and Sleep boost your physical damage.  Sleep in particular can let you get off a Charge+7.  Confusion tends to add some bonus damage either from an enemy knocking that person out of confusion, or the confused enemy hitting the closest target (which will almost never be you when using a Dance strategy).  Poison deals some small pittance of damage.  I don't think Nameless Dance is quite as much damage as a physical attack, but it's not like you're putting yourself way behind in terms of emergency cleanup capability.

Wiznaibus, however!  Wiznaibus deals...about 12 per hit in Chapter 2 (144-192 total damage per turn depending on the fight--216-288 on turns you 3x Wiz.  remember that competing damage numbers in Chapter 2 was like...50).  Later on, if you go for PA+7 equips, it's like 21 damage per hit (252-336 damage depending on how many enemies there are in the fight).  More if you brave-raise.  (This is generally more total damage than melee attacks).

Now, there's downsides to this--it's better to kill one target and have them no longer be a threat, than injure multiple targets.  And of course, in assassination missions, no! use singletarget.

But point is, even if the best tactic is "Damage Blitz", Dancer can actually play that game, arguably better than other classes (in defeat all enemies fights).

Not sure what class the Dancers use as a carrier in this scenario.  Possibly Archer, because any other class doesn't give them access to Charge for the post-dance cleanup, and because females appreciate the speed formula?  Mediator seems bad because of the 75 PA multiplier hurting Wiznaibus.  Geo...maybe; they have the PA for Wiznaibus blitz, but they're not a female friendly formula and don't have charge.  I'd have to run some damage numbers.

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Re: Theorycrafting! (Because I like competitive metagames too much)
« Reply #201 on: August 01, 2011, 07:59:16 AM »
I've decided to focus my FFT energy on the playthrough at hand so I'll probably not respond directly to some of the points here for a while. Well, maybe a few!

So far I am up to Lenalia Plateau (just beat it, rather). Chapter 1 has been pretty tough because of the combination of lack of healing and lack of magic, but hey, there's a reason that Chemist/Priest/Wizard were all banned in the first half! If any of them were still around there would be a problem!

Knight is hardcore dominant early. Double the damage of Archer. Gap shrinks a little after you get Iron Swords + Longbows (although... the latter comes first) but Knight's durability is also quite useful. I was using Monk a lot because I wanted to unlock Geomancer... similar damage to Knight but way less HP. Generally I felt, especially for maps like Sand Rat Cellar, that I just couldn't afford to lose damage/HP.

My first goal was to get to Geomancer (shocking, I know); the one battle I had it for it made much easier. Really can't stress enough how useful having both ranged (ITE) chipping and an actual good damage option is (Charge makes it even better). Knight will probably still win chapter 1 in my eyes because you get it right away whereas Geo is actually a pain to unlock in the world without Gained JP Up, but there's no question Geomancer is better once you have it. Archer quietly chips in Charge+1 or +2, but is not a happy place to be for the most part if you're male (damage compared to knight is... 15 vs. 30 after Igros, 20 vs. 36 after Sand Rats; unacceptable) but this should close a bit in the last two maps due to Silver Bows plus them possibly starting to hit that PA point.

Possible mistake: I should perhaps have made my girls archers as soon as Longbows showed up (20 damage instead of 24-28 isn't so bad when you have range) but since they were already partly done Monk I figured I'd tough it out because Monk isn't getting any more pleasant to be in any time soon, whereas Archer is getting more appealing with better bows (and the Headgear in Chapter 2). However, it's possible them being in Archer could have saved me a reset.

The other five classes don't exist in Chapter 1 as far as I'm concerned. There's a slim argument to be in Thief if you're female but it's clearly the worst place to be; I'd probably rather put time in there when the game gets a bit easier due to options showing up.

Currently trying to decide exactly when to tackle the road to Dancer for the girls. Guys seem pretty simple, muck around Geo for Attack Up, then head to archer as bows close the gap with swords steadily for a while and pick up some charge skills and maybe Concentrate. The trip to Mediator looks intensely unappealing at the moment; I will probably want to resort to propositions there.

Any advice so I don't miss any "oh why didn't I think of that!" approaches to character building would certainly be appreciated!

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Re: Theorycrafting! (Because I like competitive metagames too much)
« Reply #202 on: August 01, 2011, 08:13:54 AM »
That...probably is something to be said for Geo > Mediator in this. Getting to geo is only mildly painful, as there's still full access to knight, while getting to Mediator requires gaining jp in two dead classes. Dunno how much you're taking things like that into account though.
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Re: Theorycrafting! (Because I like competitive metagames too much)
« Reply #203 on: August 01, 2011, 09:06:46 AM »
I mentioned it briefly to NEB while discussing this, but the immediate kneejerk composition I'd imagine is:

- 4 Male Geos (inc. Ramza) grab Move+2, alternate between AU/Concentrate as preferred, Weapon Guard/Counter Flood/Speed Save for mediocre reaction choice, set Charge as secondary
- 1 Female, beelines to Dancer, uses Wiznaibus/Nameless Dance in appropriate fights, swaps out to gunner Mediator (Charge+AU) in C3 when Mythril unlocks. Can also be the only high Faith char if you really want the elemental gun route (probably not even necessary) or Chantage recipient

Honestly, 6 move (7 if BB or Germinas) Geomancers with Charge should smash in most of the game rather trivially, it's relatively light on JP costs and class hopping... yeah.
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Re: Theorycrafting! (Because I like competitive metagames too much)
« Reply #204 on: August 01, 2011, 03:00:10 PM »
-This gun limit remains until after Grog Hill unless you take a massive, inefficient detour (risks 8 randoms) when Mithril Guns show up in Goug.

Something was bugging me about this, and I didn't work out what it was until after I posted last night.  There's one detour, ever, for guns.  Swords and bows have multiple detours that, if the playthrough is easy enough, I would totally skip.

*Lenalia Plateau checkpoint.  3 potential randoms.
*Lenalia Plateau checkpoint again at the start of Chapter 2 if you skipped it; you start at, what, Orbonne?  4 potential randoms.  (You do get some free swords from Gaffy/Agrias, though).
*Zirekile Falls checkpoint.  5 potential randoms, and you only have two fights until you get to Lionel anyway.
*Yardow Fort City checkpoint. 2-3 potential randoms, just for Platina Sword that will be replaced in 4 fights anyway

Not saying you should skip these detours or anything just...I did not find myself complaining about detours on the Mediator SCC.  There's a long detour, but only one.

(If I were to skip one of these it would probably be Yardow, just because of my playstyle I'm more confident using Move+2 AU gun users on Velius anyway.  Hmm...I just realized--if you're speed 8 against Velius and he uses Clops, you can land a Charge+1 before his spell finishes; not that big of a deal, but it is +24 gun damage with AU thanks to roundoff.  Geomancer...well no, you don't want to use speed boosting on Geomancer if you can avoid it, so the Charge+1 trick doesn't matter.  Archer......actually, 108 gems Archer is better damage than Mediator; less range, and the potential to miss if Velius acts weird and doesn't charge, but yes, they might want the Charge+1 pre-empt trick too; probably +16 longbow damage for them?)
« Last Edit: August 01, 2011, 03:43:50 PM by metroid composite »

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Re: Theorycrafting! (Because I like competitive metagames too much)
« Reply #205 on: August 01, 2011, 05:43:39 PM »
*Lenalia Plateau checkpoint again at the start of Chapter 2 if you skipped it; you start at, what, Orbonne?  4 potential randoms.  (You do get some free swords from Gaffy/Agrias, though).
*Zirekile Falls checkpoint.  5 potential randoms, and you only have two fights until you get to Lionel anyway.

I usually skip these two, and am doing so this playthrough. For the rest... The first Lenalia Plateau checkpoint also nets you Silver Bows (and some armour if you're still using knight, and Bronze Shields if you... care) and is only +2 potential randoms on Chain Vests. Yardow checkpoint also nets you +30 HP from heavy armour. The Mithril Gun trek is... nothing but guns.

It's a valid point that a pure gunner army will have that as its one and only detour (though... you'll likely still make the Lenalia Plateau one because all of your main damage for the end of C1 comes from those two weapons) but I do think it still matters.

And of course, it's to the credit of guns that if you're going for a mix, you can probably get the guns you need through Invitation + the Grog Hill war trophy.

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Re: Theorycrafting! (Because I like competitive metagames too much)
« Reply #206 on: August 01, 2011, 06:51:08 PM »
And of course, it's to the credit of guns that if you're going for a mix, you can probably get the guns you need through Invitation + the Grog Hill war trophy.

Hmm...point.  And...mixes may be the way to go.

In assassination missions I don't like using 5x melee (five party members; boss can only be hit on four sides, sometimes less if they stand against a wall so three sides; bunching up can be bad).  But I have no such objections to, say, a 2-3 melee-range split.

In "defeat all enemy" fights, dance seems like the real ultimate power anyway (even if it's just Wiznaibus, that will still often your highest overall damage when 6 targets are alive).'s only critical to have optimized weapons on your non-Dancers.

(In super hard fights you'd optimize your Dancers' melees too of the selling points about Dance is that you can grab any JP you want.  Want a bunch of Thief JP to steal stuff?  Thief with Dance secondary--almost painless by Thief standards!  Hell, want to never put your males into Thief but still want to get Move+2?  Have your Dancers chill in Thief for a few fights--Thief has PA so it's not much of a downside, and males need only 370 spillover JP on average; maybe 10 fights for one dancer to give your males enough spillover; 5 fights if you doubleteam it with two Dancers).
« Last Edit: August 01, 2011, 06:58:33 PM by metroid composite »

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Re: Theorycrafting! (Because I like competitive metagames too much)
« Reply #207 on: August 01, 2011, 07:04:43 PM »
Playthrough is up to Zaland! Currently debating when and how many people to send to Mediator; I think I want Ramza with a gun for the Wiegraf duel (not that there aren't other ways to win, but it's the safest?). Getting Attack Up and maybe an Elemental or two first (already have Hell Ivy since Hell Ivy rules), probably will make the trek shortly.

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Re: Theorycrafting! (Because I like competitive metagames too much)
« Reply #208 on: August 01, 2011, 07:49:48 PM »
I think I want Ramza with a gun for the Wiegraf duel (not that there aren't other ways to win, but it's the safest?).


Well, Sing Ramza breaks that fight; I doubt you want to go all the way to Bard just for Wiegraf/Velius, but...yeah.

Non-Bard setups...

Mediator: Are you Capricorn?  Charge+5 AU gun from a Capricorn deals 168 damage to Wiegraf.  You need to it 269 to make him run?  Which means C+5, wait, Attack for 96 is........juuuuust short of dealing enough damage.  If you keep yourself CT-synced with him, though, then you can 2HKO (you do need to let him act twice for this--although with Move+2 he might not be in range turn 2.  If you're level 18, then equip Germinas Boots instead of Sprint Shoes and guarantee that he won't be in range turn 2).  Although, well, if you're level 18, you can also just go speed 9, shoot and run away first turn.

Geomancer: Concentrate Geo, if Capricorn, let's see...Wiegraf gets his second turn on clocktick 25, so if you're speed 7 then you can still Charge+5 him.  Which means, if you're level 18 by that point you can Chameleon, Twist, Bracer.  Which is...252 damage with Concentrate Charge+5 Capricorn.  Not enough to OHKO, and puts you in a bad spot (you could get countered and then killed on the next turn).

Attack Up Geo: With Move+2 do you have enough movement to run around behind him turn 1?  He tends to wave fist from three panels away, so...2 panels to walk up to him, 4 panels to walk around him.  YES!  Same level 18 plan (Chameleon, Twist, Bracer, Capricorn, Charge+5) gives...324 damage.  It...ends the fight, but doesn't actually drop him to 0 HP (he has 337 by the stat topic), so you risk getting countered.  Your HP is...170, so...Wave Fist (72 w/ good compat) + Counter (120 with good compat) = dead.  So...ok, bad plan.

Archer: Risks dieing from Lightning Stab crit.  Otherwise, I think Concentrate Archer is a lot like Mediator except I think they might deal the...5 extra damage needed to kill with C+5, wait, doubleturn, Attack.  (But only if level 18--below that and they can't get away with 108 gems).

Yeah, guns seem like the most sensible approach.  (Unless you're in the mood to Bard it up!)

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Re: Theorycrafting! (Because I like competitive metagames too much)
« Reply #209 on: August 02, 2011, 10:05:13 AM »
Compared to chapter 1, chapter 2 just basically got curbstomped. I only had two resets and both were extremely avoidable/the result of stupid mistakes on my part (although I won't claim my Execution Site team could have won 100% of the time, needed some luck with either getting through shields OR landing status with elemental... just not much. Also, luck would have been greatly reduced if I wasn't trying to keep moving forward with JP and using, e.g. a Lancer and an Archer).

Some notes:
-I've thus far been ignoring propositions, although Goug/Warjilis does exist for 'em. This is possibly a bit unfair, I dunno.
-I finished chapter 2 with dancer not yet unlocked. The girls have been basically doing nothing but working on Dancer prereqs, though of course they sit out about 1 in every 4 battles on average and of course sometimes I have to sacrifice their choice of class for the "must win this fight now" attitude (e.g. extra time in knight).
-Chapter 2 was, somewhat predictably, the Geomancer hype show. It's not a significant exaggeration to say that the optimum way to play this chapter is as a Geomancer SCC with Charge+1/2. Much of this is Elemental being very solid in this chapter (as you've hyped) but a good deal of it is also Attack Up and how good Geo is as a carrier right now (everything else does less with Elemental and deals less damage at melee, and... generally has less durability, and less move).
-Yeah the portion of the game before you get Move+2 practically is more than 25%. I'm just starting to pick it up now. No, it is NOT worth beelining too because you want to get Elemental first (5 range is good times) and a good support skill is also pretty important. I think we're both too used to assuming a metagame where Gained JP Up exists; everything is harder to unlock/get now.
-On the melee/range thing: I do use Elemental more than physicals, but on the other hand, the physicals do play a crucial role sometimes. There's little doubt that a Geomancer with elemental far outperforms an archer or gunner, for instance (and the archers also set and get reasonable use out of Elemental, it must be noted)
-But even when it's not doing damage, Elemental deserves some note for "makes any class more tolerable to just plain get JP in". Most of chapter 2 is easy so you can afford people in sub-optimal classes; the problem is that thief will be locked to melee or the "slows your JP gain rate by 40-50%" Steal Heart (and just getting that is a multi-battle delay to Move+2). However, it's not SO easy you can afford to waste many turns attacking each other, so Elemental gives you something that is always useful to do (even with loltastic MA, it's still 25% stop, sometimes GT). Hell Ivy is the only terrain I picked up until I started getting superfluous Geomancer JP, incidentally (then I started getting Kamaitachi or Carve Model on some people).
-Attack Up is winning out over Concentrate in a pretty big way. Part of this is that, with a few exceptions, enemy evade is fairly low, of course. But the bigger part is just accessability. Yes, yes, they both cost 400 JP... but Geomancer is just so much more pleasant to actually be in, and Charge creeps in as competition for that Archer JP (this second point of course does not discredit archer).

Only two battles had resets on them:
Golgorand: I had one because I forgot how to avoid the knights and got blitzed pretty fast by them. Second try I mostly just kited them.
Lionel Gate: Had a bit of a brain fart and forget that Gafgarion's Night Sword would, uh, heal him. Second try I just stuck Ramza in Geomancer so he'd reach the gate turn 2 and it wouldn't even matter. I'd still have won the first try if I hadn't missed something like half a dozen attempts to stop Gaf, or if my party had been five Geos instead of uh Archer/Archer/Thief/Lancer/Lancer (why yes, Rubber Shoes made me disrespect the fight). And really, that's sort of the story of chapter 2; its challenge (even the execution site's) is negated if you play it as a Geomancer SCC plus a little help, the only reason to really consider other classes is for later-in-the-game preparation.

Chapter 1:
1. Knight (PA, HP, swords)
2. Geomancer (Knight remix plus Elemental is a winning trade, but a bit too late for the top spot)
3. Archer (Charge. Bows are kinda okay after the halfway point, outright good for Zeakden)
4. Thief (... at least it exists)
5-8. Classes which are either impossible to unlock without grinding or massively suboptimal to unlock due to dead class traversing plus chapter 1 being hard.

Chapter 2:
1. Geomancer (Elemental, Attack Up, clearly the best carrier overall due to HP/PA/MA/move/equips)
2. Archer (Charge, possibly Concentrate. Bows are kinda serviceable)
3. Mediator (while I didn't personally unlock them until the end, you could, and Romanda Guns are nice, though pretty reliant on at least one ability from the above two since 36 is outperformed by Elemental)
4. Thief (provides Move+2. A bit of a JP sink and an awful carrier, though)
5. Knight (might look better if you banned Geomancer, but as is, a grossly inferior option. Entire skillset has been devoid of value so far, and they're no longer a good carrier)
6. Dancer (two chapters of inferior stats and don't really exist in Chapter 2 unless you grind)
7-8. Classes which are completely unreasonable to access in the current metagame at this point.

Chapter 1 finished at Level 5-6, Chapter 2 at 11-12, for the record. Current build plans involve Ramza picking up Charge but also having Invite (possibly switching over to gunner duty later, or alternating between that/Geo as needed), the male Geos focusing on Geomancer/Charge/Move+2 beatdowns, and the girls very close to getting Dancer (once they have that and the three key dances, they'll probably work on Mediator too).
« Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 10:06:44 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Theorycrafting! (Because I like competitive metagames too much)
« Reply #210 on: August 02, 2011, 11:38:46 AM »
Mmm, right, I forgot about the lack of Gained JP Up for stuff like unlocking Dancer (I'm too used to that stuff just being done sometime in late Chapter 2).

Interesting note about Elemental being good even on Archer.  I would have expected more like...Steal Heart or Mimic Daravon (though I suppose you didn't have these).

How are you using your Knight JP at the moment?  Weapon Guard?  Hm, I guess non-mage WG blows right now (5% Coral Sword, 5% Mythril Gun, 10% Platina Dagger).  Or are you saving it for something else?  (Equip Shield on Thief?  Equip Sword on Thief/Priest?)

Out of curiocity: what was your Zigolis Swamp random enemy?

(On a Zigolis Swamp invite thing that just occurred to me about Zigolis: in the non-random enemy slot it's a 100% chance for you to invite a Ghoul.  Then again, Yugo Woods is a 100% chance to invite a Revnant, which circumvents breeding headaches altogether.  And even if you don't get it there, it's a bad idea to charge forward at Poeskas Lake which leaves you alone with two Revnants at the start of the fight.  The game really wants to give you Drain Touch...).

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Re: Theorycrafting! (Because I like competitive metagames too much)
« Reply #211 on: August 02, 2011, 06:31:50 PM »
No Mimic Daravon yet. Steal Heart... I learned with one person and... never used. That hit rate!

Elemental sees uses on Archer because (a) sometimes the MT is worth it, (b) sometimes more range, (c) sometimes ITE is worth it when you know the rest of your damage kills anyway. Overall it isn't exactly pinning ears back, no, but it's still a decent addition to the toolbox.

Knight JP I'm really not sure about. I'm sorta sitting on it in hopes that one of the Equip X abilities will be useful, or maybe I'll feel a certain Battle Skill could turn a fight down the line. I could buy Weapon Guard (it's not terribly crowded out yet because archer/geo want to spend JP on other things), and it's possible that at the end of the day, having +5% evade on most of my units may end up a better payoff than the Equip abilities, but for now I'm not ready to take that chance.

Zigolis Swamp random enemy was a Flotiball. I didn't have Mediator unlocked at that point anyway, though. (One reasonably could, certainly, if the invite lottery or resetting there was a high priority.)

*checks Drain Touch* 60+MA. Revenant MA is roughly 4.81+0.69*Level, so... 78.6% to 92.4% hit rate at levels 20-40, say (this can swing a bit with random MA of course)? Good zodiac can make that really shine I guess, for some boss-killing. You'll probably want to do a little breeding regardless, but it is quite an interesting boss-kill tactic if needed. I kinda doubt we're at the point where it feels worth it, though... and sadly, we may not hit it until Mediator is banned. A shame.

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Re: Theorycrafting! (Because I like competitive metagames too much)
« Reply #212 on: August 02, 2011, 09:36:00 PM »
Drain Touch is also MOD3, so the accuracy will go up if the target is charging (which will usually make it 90%-100%, I think?)

Altima is the fight where it really sounds like Revnants would help a LOT.
Hashmallum...meh; Hashy is so very smashable in a number of ways (Threaten/Solution, Magic Break, just ****ing blitz him etc).
Adramelk...maybe.  You get a free turn before he can move, and Revnants are handy against Dycedarg too (can teleport behind to avoid the shield; aren't as walled by Defence Up).
Zalera...maybe.  Zalera's not normally blitzable, but Revnants could probably swing it.  And...Revnants are undead, so Death Sentence is a positive status for them.
Velius...nah.  If you have Mythril guns, then you have a Velius script prepared.

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Re: Theorycrafting! (Because I like competitive metagames too much)
« Reply #213 on: August 03, 2011, 07:37:59 AM »
Chapter 3 finished. Stompstompstomp I thought this was supposed to be a challenge. Chapter finished at Level 20-21 (though the last two fight were of course too short to really change this... notably, I generally hit 18 around Grog Hill).

One reset to report, against ZALMO. Same reason as Lionel Gate, I had an absolutely horrid team due to trying to milk the battle for skills (Archers/Thief/Lancers). The Archers were supposed to be the kinda competent units but I totally forgot Zalmo has ARROW GUARD, lolspoiled. But yeah with an even slightly competent party (Geomancers, people with Mithril Guns, Dancers...) this would go down hard.

I tried to invite the Goland chemists, but due to bad luck I wasn't able to (first one had to die because he was a threat to Olan, the second was just an unfortunate critical hit killing him). This was kinda fluky, normally you'd be able to easily snag at least one gun here. I ended up making the Goug trip to buy 'em so that I wouldn't be disadvantaged by this. I reset a little to avoid some (but not all) fights. This was also the point I finally got Dancer (one of the girls got there from the Zalmo fight, the other right after). I only bought one because they cost a lot.

Izlude was minorly worrying because my archers missed four times in a row to start the battle (yes, yes, Concentrate hype!) and my gunner died fast but eventually I landed the hits I needed, combined with Dance, to not completely die.

In both the big Riovanes fights I made some pretty big errors but not enough, I just had too much firepower. I lured Velius to the wrong place so one of my Geos couldn't hit him, but when the other two did just shy of 700 damage between them (ps one of them was a girl) and Ramza does well over 200 before Velius' first turn it hardly matters. Did the fight with gunner Ramza, one other Mediator, and three Geos for the record.

Roof, I just didn't realise that the assassins could only be hit by one melee attack from each side before they moved. Didn't matter due to my two speed 9'ers and two naked PCs.

All other fights generally scanned as complete jokes, beyond Olan who can be frustratingly difficult to save (bows/guns both have serious problems reaching the top of the roof, didn't buy Blizzard) if he decides to be stupid. Yardow could have been okay except that by late Chapter 3 I was mostly done with my class monkeying and was actually in generally good setups (one archer was the main weak point and even it's okay there).

I could afford two Bracers, for the record. That, three Platinum Swords, five Power Sleeves, four Twist Headbands, two Sprint Shoes, a Chameleon Robe, and the aforementioned Mithril Gun were the major purchases of the chapter, though I also snagged a few extra swords/bows/Judo Outfits/Flame Shields. No propositions yet, still. At this point I'm going to stick to this; we can quibble with its effects later.

I started picking up Move+2 late chapter 2; by mid Orbonne, everyone except gunner Ramza had it. Reaction abilities are only finally starting to trickle in, mainly in the form of Counter Flood just for ease of getting; everything else either has a negligible effect or doesn't feel worth the time spent in an inferior class. My Dancers may end up with Arrow Guard since Archer/Geo are comparably good carriers for them; we'll see. Towards the end of the chapter I could finally start to pick up Concentrate, although it remains to be seen if it really justifies the time spent in an inferior class.

I don't really have anything good to say about Talk Skill. Faith monkeying has some uses I guess, we'll see if I ever care about mages enough for this to score points (for now, I'm not doing it), Mimic Daravon I basically only use when there's an obstacle in my way because it misses so often and I have crazy damage to lay into everything between AU/Charge/Swords and all that PA-boosting/Guns. Maybe it'd find a little more use without Dancer. Certainly I would if we got rid of our best methods of damage, but... not sure this will happen until both Geo and Archer are banned. As is, it gets the Steal Heart treatment (though I did finally use Steal Heart with my useless Thief in the Zalmo fight! Better idea: don't use Thief, and don't buy abilities that make you spend more time in Thief.)

Oh, and a serious "lol" at brave/faith raising is needed at this point. Bad internal compatibility is pretty clearly the way to go even if you decide to optimise zodiac at all (I don't anticipate ice healing to be very useful, but there have certainly been times when I wanted to take less from destatusing myself) and it makes the already terrible hit rates of Praise/Preach even worse. Not to mention there's so little reason to raise either (reactions are just... not a priority or impressive). If I'm wrong about how chapter 4 plays out I'll rescind these comments, but at this point I don't expect I will be.

Chapter 1 still by far the hardest part of the game! BAN KNIGHT? (Well, if there's any debate about Knight vs. Bard later on...)

Opinion of classes in chapter 3...

1. Geomancer (high-end carrier for basically everything, Attack Up still great even with competition in some fights, Elemental's niche compromised now but still the best skillset for a melee male)
2. Dancer (yeah, the mook smash is good, although chapter 3 is kinda boss-heavy which holds them in check a bit)
3. Archer (Charge is a preferred skillset unless you have Dance. Concentrate/Arrow Guard get it some very minor points)
4. Mediator (who cares about Talk Skill with this offence? Main use of the skillset is snagging a few guns. Of course, guns themselves are very solid, but very reliant on Geomancer/Archer and need an extra hoop or two to get, and gunners either have lower move/durability/bad primary OR give up the AU possibility)
5. Thief (Move+2 and a big pile of garbage)
6. Knight (Light equips take off in this chapter, Battle Skill still sucks)
7. Bard (hahaha I guess you could open it by now but WHY)
8. Mime (is Mime)

The main remaining question I have for how to play chapter 4 is... do I even look at Bard? Maybe with Ramza? I don't see much reason for my males to bother with that side of the tree. If Thief were banned, the effort spent would easily be worth it, but as is... while I would like +1 move for my melee powerhouses, I probably can't justify it.

Really can't imagine anything shaking Geomancer's hold on #1 at this point, though. It has very clearly won to this point and the only way its competition can pass it is if chapter 4 is much harder than I expect (which might justify things like monster taming, elemental guns, or faith modification).

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Re: Theorycrafting! (Because I like competitive metagames too much)
« Reply #214 on: August 03, 2011, 11:06:22 AM »
I think if you're going to get Bard in this group of classes, you get it only with Ramza, and only if you can get it for the Velius fight.  (Which is to say, I have more respect for Sing than I do for Move+3).  Among other things, you've already passed the window when going through mages might not be too painful (chapter 2 when they have Knight-level physicals.  Chapter 3 when they get all their best elemental damage optimizing or can use Equip Gun to maximum effect).

Chapter 4...getting through mages with males in the least painful way possible is probably...Equip Gun and Charge.

Doesn't sound like you'll need to detour for any invite stuff, but I'd be inclined to leave a monster talker in the party (when you might be fighting monsters) just in case a golden opportunity comes to you.  Finath River can still spit out a Uribo, and there's a slim chance you might get into a random with Hydras or Behemoths.  Oh, and Balk 2: I've done Flame Shield, Rubber Shoes, Nameless Dance on him before, and the battle is just so absurdly under control that I doubt grabbing one goodie would be a problem.  (Grabbing two may not happen, though.  The moment you invite a Tiamat the clock is ticking: you might not be able to keep the AI Tiamat from ending the fight before inviting the Chemist).

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Re: Theorycrafting! (Because I like competitive metagames too much)
« Reply #215 on: August 03, 2011, 03:37:14 PM »
More thoughts on Move+3!

You prioritized Attack Up over Move+2, which means that you value +33% damage over +50%/+66% movement.

Bard gets you +1 movement, but usually in exchange for -1 PA from terrible PA growth.  If you're planning to be a gunner, that's a trade you'll happily take, but I can't see gunners caring so much about +1 movement.  If they're going to voluntarily suck, they'd probably rather grind for Equip Armor or Battle Skill just in case those are ever relevant.  (And they'd certainly grab themselves some reaction abilities before M+3).  If you're planning to be a melee Geo, though, the setup that cares about movement...then -1 PA is about an 8%-10% drop in damage, in exchange for a 17% increase in movement over Move+2.  Which is to say, very similar to the movement/damage ratios of AU to M+2.  (And note that for a geo this will drop their elemental damage by a similar percentage).

So...assuming you were correct to value Attack Up over Move+2, it's also probably correct to never get Move+3.

4. Mediator (who cares about Talk Skill with this offence? Main use of the skillset is snagging a few guns. Of course, guns themselves are very solid, but very reliant on Geomancer/Archer and need an extra hoop or two to get, and gunners either have lower move/durability/bad primary OR give up the AU possibility)

I would definitely default to Elf Mantle for gunners in Chapter 3.  They don't really need the move, especially if they're not planning on using Talk Skill.  (In fact, they should be always considering the option of "shoot, wait" and not moving at all).

Oh, one other side note: know what breaks the Adramelk fight?  Fly.  Adramelk will always run to his closest target, so if you hop between the upstairs and downstairs while everyone else hides in a corner (and hopefully shoots or something) then you can make him never take a relevant action.

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Re: Theorycrafting! (Because I like competitive metagames too much)
« Reply #216 on: August 03, 2011, 04:09:55 PM »
Good point about Elf Mantle. My only "true" gunner was also my only PC without Move+2 so of course I usually wanted the boots (3 vs. 4 matters even for gunners) but normally yeah, that'd definitely be the way to go.

EDIT: Oh, and

You prioritized Attack Up over Move+2, which means that you value +33% damage over +50%/+66% movement.

While it may be that I do (not 100% sure) I really need to emphasise that "spend time in Geomancer" is just infinitely preferable to "spend time in Thief". Though... of course you have to do both anyway. I guess this means I felt that getting Attack Up helped Thief more Move+2 helped Geomancer, at least (and this makes sense... Geomancer has elemental when out of range which is very powerful in chapter 2, and 4-5 move already so the percentage is on the lower end of what you listed, 40-50%).
« Last Edit: August 03, 2011, 04:25:25 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Theorycrafting! (Because I like competitive metagames too much)
« Reply #217 on: August 06, 2011, 03:25:19 AM »
And chapter 4 beaten!

Jokerun - Is the jokerun. Snagged a Uribo. Ended up breeding a Porky by Limberry, which I imagine is very lucky? Didn't bother with Chantage though.

Balk 1 - So I decided to do this with five Ice Shields. Then I realised "hey I have ice brands, time to remove Counter Flood from everyone". So I do so. Unfortunately, what I don't notice is that, in Ramza's case, instead of removing Counter Flood, I removed Equip Shield. So the entire battle falls to pieces. Shockingly I still win pretty easily, offence!

South Wall - Not sure this was the right choice. Being blitzed is a little scary here. I pull it out though it would have gone better if everyone had Arrow Guard certainly (just... ugh to getting 450 -more- Archer JP, and there aren't many battles late enough that it feels significantly useful).

Sluice - Site of the one and only use of ice healing in this playthrough as I use it to ensure my Geo on the left survives a spell before one-shotting Shale/the head wizard back. I could have set up for this better like with White Robes/Reflect Rings on the left side probably but oh well.

Everything up to Elmdor - lol

Elmdor - I get one shot through Blade Grasp which really turns the tide. Otherwise I do badly at my abusing of this battle (fail to bait a Blood Suck, which results in only one Ultima to be redirected) but yeah, a little luck sees me through. Coulda been a reset.

Zalera - Super horrid luck on this one, Nightmare keeps causing sleep. I -should- have just Kamaitachi'd it away right away probably, since my team was set up for the fight excellently otherwise and I could afford the hit. As is I didn't do it until a desperation move late in the fight and ended up winning this on the very last clocktick.

Adramelk (1 reset) - I misjudge my offence against Dyce here (a fair bit of my team is bad zodiac with him, hadn't noticed) so my timed blitz of him falls short and he finishes someone off. I come a few clockticks short of outracing the crystallisation. Without this error I don't lose, second try was pretty easy.

Everything else until Altima - lol. I get a Tiamat from Balk (Flame Shield/Rubber Shoes/Thief Hat makes the fight easy). End up not using it, but could have; it would have torn Altima apart with the 999 damage off 550 HP and all. Rofel gets his weapon snapped, only other notable thing. I'd have won anyway but it was necessary for a one-rounding, I think?

Altima (1 reset) - I lose once because I try to keep Alma alive. This ends up killing Ramza. Second try I don't do anything so stupid. Sweep demons, break her speed, murder.

Thoughts on various things in chapter 4...

Knight - Excalibur is interesting. An excalibur knight is faster and more durable, but less mobile and generally less damaging (especially if he keeps Elemental over Charge) than Geo. That alone is kind of a push, but a few small things push the knight into the "worth using" category; the fact that he saves you a bunch of money (free Excalibur/crystal gear), the versatility of trading durability for power without being fragile, and Battle Skill being (gasp) actually useful against Zalera, Rofel, and Altima. Weapon Guard is also actually worthwhile for the Excalibur user. It's... still probably the least valuable of the six "real" classes in chapter 4, though.

Archer - Concentrate loses pretty decisively to Attack Up overall (analysis forthcoming) but it's still nice to have, Arrow Guard is pretty cool if you can stomach its cost, and a few charges help (nobody had more than 3 for me) and round out a good skillset for most. Not much else changed here; I kinda regretted not having bows against Rofel and Altima a bit maybe? But not much.

Thief - They have Move+2. Otherwise you run screaming. Still, it was nice to have +2 move without trekking over to Bard, so while it certainly isn't in the running for most overcentralising class, it does have a nice grip on one of the five slots (carrier, secondary, R, S, M).

Mediator - Guns definitely decline in value as the chapter goes on (nice for battle skill, pity my battle skiller didn't have Mediator unlocked! But that's only ~3 battles as mentioned). Tiamat is a pretty good "I win" trick against Altima, though. Persuade's a much weaker one, though it's there. (By the way, Revenants? Not so much, 160 HP just dies there, and no Angel Ring.) They're mostly about a host of minor tricks; my general feeling that they could just as easily be ignored at no major cost stands; puts you in a bit of danger against Wiegraf though.

Geomancer - They could honestly just coast on Attack Up being brutally important, but their 6 move + high power is pretty much the best way to just cut through most battles in C4 anyway (knight does end up providing competition, yes, but it's only competition, and only for one slot). Everyone except Ramza hit L8 in this, nobody hit it in any other job, as a note.

Dancer - Dance remains pretty cool, declining only slightly from chapter 3. Bad when you go into blitz mode, though, and of course the worst thing about it remains forcing females. Still, it's probably optimum to have one or two. The skillset also lets them gain JP anywhere really easily, always a plus, although all the time spent unlocking it instead of other things makes this less of one.

Bard - I can't say I really regret not unlocking it. As I keep coming back to, it would look much better if Thief were banned, and its main role is to stop Thief from overcentralising the movement slot utterly (i.e. I'm pretty sure if I carried these analyses to the end that thief would end up #18, since in the final four Kn/Th/Ba/Mi showdown, knight gets to rest on its laurels as workhorse while cheerfully settling for whichever of Move+2 and Move+3 ends up as unbanned)

Mime - AHAHAHAHA. Man I'm pretty sure I didn't get the 6300 JP needed for this the entire game!

On Attack Up vs. Concentrate:

Going through chapter 4 on my attack geos (so ignoring gunners and dancers), I tended to use either AU, Concentrate, or a mix. Generally speaking, looking back, you want Concentrate for people with shields or generics who are high-enough levelled to use mantles reliably, and AU for everyone else (as well as evasive-types who can be baited into charging). When a boss is present, the strategy which defeats the boss is of course optimum (you -may- take out randoms more optimally with something else, but the gap is usually negligible by comparison if you even bother, and plus you may be neutralising them with Dance anyway). Here's what this ends up looking like:

Doguola Pass: Mix
Meliadoul: Concentrate
Finath: AU
Zalmo: Mix
Balk 1: AU
Walls: ... mm, I'm still unsure which wall you should take, -and- what you should go for here... probably north and a mix?
Sluice: Mix
Germinas/Poeskas/Limberry Gate: AU
Elmdor: Unsure. Optimally you don't care.
Zalera/Adramelk: AU
Outside Murond: Mix
SK Trio: Doesn't matter (Kletian dies either way)
Zalbag/UBS4: Concentrate [EDIT: missed Zalbag]
Rofel: AU
Kletian: Dies either way (though if you got Elemental haxed or something, AU would win?)
Balk, Hash, Altima: AU (Balk has a mantle, yes, but he's not the threat; controlling the monsters is).

Ignoring Elmdor and Kletian, and calling the "mixes" half a point each, the score is 13.5 versus 5.5, before guns are in the mix. It's also worth noting that AU acquits itself much better in a hypthetical "ban archer" scenario since it pretty much always does -something-, while Concentrate just sits there useless (or near-useless) in any fight against charging enemies, monsters, pre-L40 archers, or others who lack evade.

Think that's it for now! Playthrough was pretty fun, final level going into the last battle was 34-35 or so. (Well one dancer reached 39 in the Altima fight, but... dance against L66 target.) Definitely not overall hard with the possible exception of chapter 1; most of my resets could be avoided.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2011, 06:36:47 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Theorycrafting! (Because I like competitive metagames too much)
« Reply #218 on: August 06, 2011, 06:15:59 AM »
Hm interesting.

So...~2 resets for the combined Chapter 3-4.  But presumably would have been a non-issue with Chantages/Tiamats that you had the invitations for.  (Which is to say not worth resetting at Zigolis Swamp).

Although it is noteworthy that between Zigolis Swamp and Finath River there's a 56% chance of Porkies on any given run.

Ok, stuff that's adjusted in my thinking from this run:

Attack Up is a lot more centralizing than I thought.  Mostly due to Chapter 3, where...why would you ever use Concentrate when you can just use guns for good unblockable damage?  (And by extension, Concentrate is less centralizing than I thought).

Elemental is more centralizing than I thought.  I had not expected Archers to use elemental, for instance.

Monsters that aren't Tiamats suck.  I mean, I knew Tiamats were better than other monsters, but I thought maybe other monsters would show up on the radar.  No.

I had been thinking of the game as something like 75% mooks, 25% bosses (for the purpose of evaluating Dancers).  Wrong.  Chapter 4 is about 50-50 for assassinations/mooks.  Chapter 3 is also about 50-50.  Chapter 2 is mook-heavy, yeah, but you don't really have Dance for chapter 2.  So...this definitely adjusts my evaluation of Dance.  (Not that there aren't some boss fights where dance is really cool, like Balk and Zalmo, but they are the minority).  On the flip side, this boosts damage (Attack Up, Concentrate, Charge, Geomancer class, Mediator class, sometimes Knight!!!)

Invitation-based cheese--it happens, even when you're not trying for it.  Aside from the gimme Balk Tiamat (which you only get to use in two fights--hardly game-changing) it's about a 60% chance of something ridiculous doing mean things to Chapter 4.

So...ignoring the dance side of things (they don't seem to be a serious contender for centralizing due to too damn many bosses), I think it goes something like...

Chapter 1: KNIGHT!
Chapter 2: Geomancer (Elemental)
Chapter 3: 67% of the time: Geomancer+Archer (Attack Up+Charge; using various classes). 33% of the time: Mediator-Thief (Chantage)
Chapter 4 pre-Balk2: 60% of the time: Mediator (Chantage or small chance of Tiamat/E-Gun)  40% of the time: Geomancer (Swords keep getting better; guns don't.  Bows can, with effort, but they were not serious equipment before; also--three different anti-physical bosses who arguably call for Elemental blitz!)
Chapter 4 post-Balk2: Mediator (guaranteed Tiamat; level 50 Tiamat can...probably solo these fights?)

Potential Deep Dungeon: Dancer???  (Enemies tend to spawn a million panels away and be mooks, and frogged enemies are great when searching for exits).  Mediator is also increasingly important in a potential DD setting (Threaten-control; possible invite potential).

...Is roughly my overview of the game at the moment.  Feel free to make corrections!

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Re: Theorycrafting! (Because I like competitive metagames too much)
« Reply #219 on: August 06, 2011, 06:51:36 AM »
Realised I forget to note Zalbag in the support ability notes; he was a victory for Concentrate (and was actually counted as such, just I deleted him by accident)

Yeah part of the issue is that said Tiamat is Level 50 while most other stuff you'd run into is way lower. I don't know if it could -solo- Altima but uh you have four other units and they aren't complete garbage if you got that far. On the Tiamat note, though, it should be noted that with out at least one of the shield classes, inviting it is almost impossible... but that's three possibilities and we're concerned with overcentralisation, so.

I'm not really terribly convinced that the idea that "if a Uribo spawns, you will definitely catch it, and you will definitely walk back and forth between two locations for ages in order to get a Porky, you will breed more Porkies, go into a battle and poach as needed". Particularly for the one in Finath River, in the time it takes to do that I could probably complete the sluice with a team that decided to give this the finger. And I'm a little skeptical about the gains; Chantage is excellent, but remember we're warding off very much potential resets at this point, and Chantage doesn't ward off all of them, anyway. My views are probably coloured here since I tend to make Ramza Capricorn/Taurus (dat conventional SCC wisdom) and this is actually a really bad idea if you're planning on getting a Chantage (Altima tends to decide Ramza is a tasty target, etc.). Anyway, I guess what I'm saying is I'm certainly not willing to ignore the classes that let us easily complete the game every one playthrough in 3 we get a Uribo in Zigolis Swamp (let alone the 5 in every 9 where we meet one period).

Plenty of respect for that Tiamat though, never really thought about "lol 50% mHP breath attack on 550 HP monstrosity", probably because the Mediator SCC makes this strategy cruelly illegal. Mediator best class in the last two fights, yes.

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Re: Theorycrafting! (Because I like competitive metagames too much)
« Reply #220 on: August 06, 2011, 12:58:19 PM »
In the event of Taurus/Capricorn Ramza in the Altima fight for a Cantage team, go Knight, drop his faith, use an evade focused setup (Excalibur).

If Altima decides to still melee Ramza, she's hitting 60%+ evade combined with Alma being set on protect Ramza by default, and Altima's asking to get Battle Skilled.  If Altima ignores Ramza, then you win (non-ramza crystallizations don't matter in the Altima fight).

Oh, and while you're at it, set up your Chantage users as bait, too.  Is one of your females Taurus/Capricorn?  You win.  If not?  Set them up with deliberately low HP, or in the Altima fight get all the demons to hit them.  You can even attack them with your own characters if you want Thief Hat for speed but it's giving you too much HP.  And if you're gradually replacing your team with level 1 females as you poach Chantages, then that's another good way to get low HP on your Chantage users.

As far as not bothering to breed/poach, I suppose that's fair as long as you're not doing propositions.  Notably, walking between dots probably takes more time than just resetting about two times at Zigolis.  Speaking of which, if we're taking this hardline approach, then propositions become a definite no, except for propositions in connected citie (Dorter-Orbonne) that you're passing through anyway.  All others risk a random when you're short on people.

metroid composite

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Re: Theorycrafting! (Because I like competitive metagames too much)
« Reply #221 on: August 06, 2011, 06:29:48 PM »
Though mmm, yeah:

Reset count is low enough to discourage any sort of Zigolis Swamp resetting nonsense.

Going by the percentages above, Geo is dominant for a larger percentage of the game.  (100% in Chapter 2, 67% in Chapter 3, ~40% in Chapter 4).  Compare to Mediator (33% in Chapter 3, 60% in Chapter 4).  It's about 2 chapters to 1;  Or, counting Chapter 4 as two chapters because it's so long, it's about 2.5 chapters to 1.5 chapters.  Either way, yeah, I'm now inclined to agree: Geomancer is the next to go.

Ban List:

1. Calculator
2. Summoner
3. Wizard
4. Chemist
5. Squire
6. Ninja
7. Time Mage
8. Samurai
9. Lancer
10. Priest
11. Oracle
12. Monk
13. Geomancer

So...what now?

Support abilities: With Geo gone, the dominant support ability becomes......quite possibly Equip Gun I think.  Think about it--even on an Archer, guns usually keep even with bow damage, but they let the Archer wear a shield, and give the Archer more range.  And in general, it picks up where Elemental fell off--gives your Thief a range ability so that they can act.  Naturally, there's some competition...from Equip Sword, which you might want in some assassination missions.  Concentrate has definite uses too, although I think it might be the #3 Support right now, which is weird.  And obviously you might want a support for your Mediator, which would be none of the above (probably Equip Shield though maybe Equip Armor).

Movement abilities: Move+2 still dominates.  Although, with the best melee strategies being banned, Move+2 may be lesser in the priority list.

Reaction abilities: Arrow Guard is still good.  Weapon Guard is still good in the fights where Arrow Guard is irrelevant.  I don't think either of them are necessarily a high priority--Knight JP is now decently valuable.  Elfboy got to, what, Chapter 4 without learning a reaction ability at all.  Enemy archers are mooks, so the correct answer to them may be Dance.

Carriers: Mediator, obviously, gets guns by default.  Knight has the best un-supported damage in Chapters 1, 2, and 4.  Thief actually becomes a serious carrier (4 move, 4 jump, high speed mult, 100 PA mult)--using either Equip Sword (for movement and speed) or Equip Gun (for speed).  Archer is the other prime candidate for Equip Sword/Equip Gun, of course.

Skillsets: Dance goes up in value, as males had "well they can't Wiznaibus but at least they can elemental"--now dance is the only range damage move.  Charge is still quite good.  I'm not sure what you do if you want a range effect with an otherwise melee character and aren't female; Talk Skill I guess?  Mimic Daravon if you're not in range; Solution self if you're not in range to Mimic Daravon.  Seems like a much better range option than Steal.  And...honestly probably also far enough ahead of Sing that the competition isn't too serious.  Let's see...Archer uses Dance if female, probably Talk Skill if male.  Mediator uses Charge.  Knight uses Talk Skill or Charge depending on the fight and the setup (or Dance, obviously).

Monsters fail less now.  The correct answer to beat a few bosses might now be "hope that Boco bred some Red Chocobos".  (Notably: Elmdor and Rofel stand out as fights where choco meteor blitz should probably be considered).  (I'm actually half-tempted to put Boco somewhere in this ban list--obviously below Mediators, as Mediators can just invite another Chocobo; but I'm pretty sure Boco wouldn't be last on the list--lol Mimes).

So the top contenders are now...

Knight: Wins on both durability and damage in several chapters.  Dominant in Chapter 1.  You now actually probably want a decent amount of Knight JP.  Source of healing (which may matter more now that damage is lower).

Dancer: Dancers remain an elephant-in-the-room in that wow they trash...about half the fights in Chapter 3/4.  At what point does that become "too good"?  On the other hand, now they climb through a -lot- of dead classes to get to their destination, and that's not helping.

Mediator: Guns stand out more.  Talk Skill stands out more.  They still break the endgame.

Thief: They're suddenly a bit of a carrier class (how the hell did that happen?) and still carrying a very centralizing ability.  Although...power and relevance wise, I'm guessing it's Skillset > Carrier > Support > Movement right now.

Archer: Attacking has gotten relatively worse as a strategy with AU gone (compared to Dance, Talk Skill, etc) and that's never a good thing for Charge.  On the flip side, guns going up in value is a good thing for Charge.  Archer is also gaining more carrier roles--not to the point of dominance, but certainly to the point where it's non-painful to get Archer JP.

Bard: Meh.  I just don't think Sing cuts it yet, and Move+3 is still a crazy investment for a questionable trade (and M+3 doesn't at all like Thief becoming a credible carrier).

Mime: No.

So...this is a bit of a tangled mess.  Bard and Mime can be instantly discarded.  Thief I'm also inclined to discard, because the game has become more range-focused.  Dancer......gosh.  They're stompingly good in...50% of Chapter 3/4 fights.  This could arguably make them the most dominant in these chapters, but only in some playthroughs (in other playthroughs you win the invite lottery and get a Uribo).  It's very possible Dancer is #2, but I find #1 hard to argue as long as Mediator is in the ring offering grinding alternatives.

This leaves a mess of Knight/Archer/Mediator.  Knight brings damage (equip sword, Knight class) and durability (equip shield, Knight class).  Archer brings damage (Charge, Archer class) and durability (Arrow Guard).  Mediator brings range and accuracy (guns), durability (faith lowering), and sometimes invitation does ridiculous stuff to the later chapters.  Hmm...I'm not sure; I want to run some numbers on these.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2011, 06:31:44 PM by metroid composite »

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Re: Theorycrafting! (Because I like competitive metagames too much)
« Reply #222 on: August 06, 2011, 07:38:38 PM »
In the event of Taurus/Capricorn Ramza in the Altima fight for a Cantage team, go Knight, drop his faith, use an evade focused setup (Excalibur).

Yeah, and you can even Threaten/Power Break Altima if you want. Too used to the thief SCC where Chantage was definitely not a win there! But we'll just blame thieves. Complaints withdrawn, anyway.

Speaking of which, if we're taking this hardline approach, then propositions become a definite no, except for propositions in connected citie (Dorter-Orbonne) that you're passing through anyway. 

Personally, I was already assuming that as a matter of course, for the reason you said. So yeah, only proposition locations are Igros-Zeakden, Dorter-Orbonne, Warjilis-Goug, Goland-Lesalia, Zarghidas-Zeltennia, and very later on Goug-Gariland. Even those could be seen as questionable, but don't really take -that- much time so in principle I'd be fine with them.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

metroid composite

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Re: Theorycrafting! (Because I like competitive metagames too much)
« Reply #223 on: August 07, 2011, 03:37:05 PM »
Quick correction to the Starcraft 2 table on page 5: I had the cost for Brood Lords wrong, so my cost efficiency calculation was way off.  (I copied the stats table from TeamLiquid into a spreadsheet, and didn't notice that the Brood Lord cost was just the morphing cost--ignoring Corruptor cost).

Actual Brood Lord cost efficiency (if they are being shot at and their broodlings are not): 0.12.  20% Above Mutas, but 20% below landed Vikings.

So um, yeah, Brood Lords need support against ground armies that can get close to them.  (Which, admittedly, few ground armies can).

In yet other games...I totally want to write about Dust 514, but can't due to NDAs.  <3 Dust 514, though.

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Re: Theorycrafting! (Because I like competitive metagames too much)
« Reply #224 on: August 18, 2011, 03:56:51 AM »
Starcraft 2, Economical 1-basing as Zerg.

So...when 2v2ing with Laggy, he sometimes tells me to "go econ Roach" (as opposed to 7RR).  I've spent some time thinking about what this actually means when on one base.

Notably...I was reading this:

By and large you can ignore the graphs and the minutae of the post--they're kind-of wrong.  But the relevant point is...if you're going for one-base econ, how do you do it?  The answer is an earlier pool (within reason).  An earlier pool gets you an earlier queen which gets you more larva, which gets you more drones, which makes your econ better.

Basically, an econ build probably means the fastest pool possible without ever sitting on 3 larvae.  Which turns out to be 12-pool.  The only reason to do a slower pool than 12-pool is if you're doing a speedling opening, in which case you do 13-gas, 12-pool.

Any earlier than that, and you start wasting larvae.  Econ 11-overlord-pool means sacrificing about 1/2 of a larva early on, in exchange for a queen 7 seconds earlier.  Econ 10-pool means sacrificing about 1 larva in exchange for a queen 28 seconds earlier.  (All numbers coming from in-game testing here--on Xel'Naga Caverns, 10-pool starts at 1:12, 11-over-pool starts at 1:33, 12-pool starts at 1:40).

But 14-pool is common in econ builds, you say--14 pool gets to build a couple of drones about 20 seconds earlier, which means it gets 30 extra minerals, which it can then spend on a Hatchery.  Spiffy.  But it doesn't get a drone advantage, just a 30 mineral advantage--when I'm planning on one-basing, I'll take the earlier queen.

So...11-pools, and 12-pools, do they do extractor tricks?

Answer: meh, whatever.  Seriously, my testing really wasn't conclusive.
On paper, 11-over-pool gets about 10 extra usable minerals from extractor tricking.  (maybe 20 extra minerals mined, -6 minerals from extractor cancel).
On paper, 12-over-pool is maybe 5 extra usable minerals from extractor tricking.  (maybe 25 extra minerals mined, -17 minerals from extractor cancel, and time spent not mining for one of the extractors if you don't plan to waste larva.  Alternatively, -18 from three extractor cancels).

In-practice, I did maybe 1 second better extractor tricking for 11-pool, and 1 second worse double-extractor-tricking for 12-pool.  They aren't really different builds strategically; number of drones/overlords before pool matters way more than how you got there.  12-pool wastes no larva either way (if done right--need to start the first extractor trick well before 150 minerals or you'll max out larvae).