NoemiFirst big note: all of Noemi's damage is 90% what is listed in the damage post, because her Str was lowered to C- from C. Apparently I have this fact in my own notes, but it's not factored into her damage at the moment, so... yeah.
She has a pretty average stat build overall. Durability is a touch on the shaky side, perhaps; high Spirit average means she's below average in that regard. She's a bit better against physicals because the Dex will prevent multiswings, although she's initially stuck at light armour without especially amazing evade (although it's there). She's fast, though, which is always good. Not amazingly so, but good enough to get the drop on some things, no doubt.
She's very much a character who blossoms as the game goes on. More weapon options help her offence a fair deal, but that's really not the most of it, because she's pretty skill-reliant.
Ifris Libra: Weird skill to balance. Basically a controllable Magic Burst.
I'm assuming that the max MP that can be used is (2*Level + 10)%.
Damage: Damage = MP consumed * 5
Accuracy: 150
Initially this does 120 damage, which isn't especially potent. Note that Noemi's physical does over 190. By the end of the game it can be used as one hell of a nasty attack (2400), but it is subject to fire resistance, and this burns every last drop of her MP, which she needs to do anything. Feels like a nice, flexible situational move. Obviously the versatility increases greatly with level. Its hit rate is such that it should typically always connect except against magical evade whores (remember, average enemy evade is probably 30-40), since whiffing with this creates so much rage that nobody would use it if its accuracy were notably lower.
Arna Evalescere: Might as well be an initial skill. Buff that raises STR and DEX which kinda rules for any fighters in the party. Big disadvantage? Noemi's own party doesn't have too many of these for quite a while! This is yet another skill that gets better as time goes on for that reason alone.
Onto the effect itself. 25% to STR/DEX, then 35%, then 50%, then vanishes. Check out what it does to Noemi herself, as an example:
432 damage with knife, base.
First turn Arna is in effect: 630, but very close to 720
Second turn: 778
Third turn: 972
(actually, all these numbers should be 90% of this, but whatever)
Overall this can lead to a lot of offensive benefit in any battle that goes on three turns. To be fair, folks who are only swinging once anyway won't see as much benefit (e.g. hammer users, most ranged weapons). Still, if cast on 3 PCs, it can easily see a net benefit of 3000 damage if the battle goes on long enough for all of them to attack 3 times, which if you remember the damage formula, is a hell of a lot for one turn. On the whole, I think I'd be happier if the buff did not get more potent as the turns go on; a 3-turn effect which raises both STR and DEX is already rather potent (about 1.5-1.8x physical damage GT rules). So I'm proposing it does just that.
MP cost: 35
Noemi's skill costs are balanced around her 10% MP regen and competent physical. 35 is enough to make it not a no-brainer to use, but low enough that it can still be used fairly often, and doesn't require a serious investment in a boss battle.
Phoenicis Cruor: Presumably a fairly early skill, given an event assumes it may be learned by Noemi 2. Full revival is cool, except it's not cool because it's only 75%, caps the target's HP there, and this only compounds if the person is revived again!
First of all, I'd like to add the same disclaimer Kasia's skill has: its hit rate is based on the max HP of the target. Initially 100%, but you don't want to keep using it. This avoids a situation such as "yes I know this person has taken so much max HP penalty that I'm just reviving him/her to a trivial amount, but that's okay since at least I'm reviving!". Basically, having to repeatedly revive someone with DISSONANCE seems like it should be of questionable effectiveness.
Second of all, MP cost. Higher than Kasia's because Noemi regens more. Perhaps 64 MP.
Nothing else to say about it, really! Straightforward enough.
Minerva Cortis: Aurel's skill. Oddly enough it lets her cover better than Aurel himself can, which is perhaps a bit strange. Of course, it's possibly balanced in practice by the fact that Noemi's stats alone make her way worse at the job.
As a move its main use is for Noemi to dex-tank against enemies who hit way too many times. Both Erastus and Kasia, who are often around Noemi, have bad Dex stats and risk being raped by such enemies, while Noemi's is high and avoids this. Otherwise, it isn't easy to see why Noemi would guard such attacks, but situationally, you never know. More importantly, though, it lets her counter a bunch, and since Noemi's physical is fairly potent (though, less so if not at full MP, see later) this is cool enough. Free damage is free damage. Feels more Mirek's style but hey. Might make sense to be learned only after seeing Mirek, too, as Noemi puts her own spin on things.
Ruling: The move is only effective against ST attacks. Feels too potent against anything else, and a bit nonsensical.
Negating one attack is also handy at worst. Can't overlook that part of it. RAR BOSS CHARGES UBER PHYSICAL ATTACK, Minerva Cortis, lulz.
Probably needs a fairly substantial cost too, given the length of its effect if not as high as the previous. Maybe 51 MP.
Callida Leanae: Noemi's hidden bitchslap move. Adding her respectable Int onto her Strength means 2.37x damage for one attack (though less if Arna has been used), and it has no real downside. It's almost certainly too good as is, since it can be used every battle, if only once. This is ignoring the fact that it cancels charged enemy attacks, which may or may not be common.
The obvious solution is just to nerf it. It's
should be an excellent damage skill, since the other mains have one, and hey, it's inherited from the damage queen herself, but a recharge time would put a damper on it and would prevent the "use this use this USE THIS" tagline it currently has. I'm going to suggest a full 1-turn recharge time, which means this potent damage is definitely more of a finisher. And that's good, because it avoids the situation where you use it early in the battle to take advantage of her passive Draco Eruptus, then use other things.
When will this one be learned? I dunno. Could reasonably be very late, once Isolde and Noemi have had time to hang out. Probably should be. Post-timeskip most likely?
Draco Eruptus: The passive of the same name (by the way this is confusing <_<) is more important to Noemi overall, but the Mirek-learned active also deserves some note. Consuming all MP is quite a blow, considering what Noemi gives up, but she also regains it pretty quickly so it's okay, and it's a good way to get past a tough random.
The targetting says "6-hex cone" which I can't envision. I can see 4 or 8 easily enough! Going with the 8 hexes, which basically means everything within a 120 degree arc for range 2 (3 adjacent hexes, then the 5 behind them).
The damage is described as moderate.I'm thinking fixed at 1 swing, but that one swing is dealt at 2x ATK, meaning it overcomes defence well.
The overall damage is similar to her average physical (though does better at overcoming both Dex and Def, so it's reliable), and is a bit more effective with a heavier weapon (which makes sense to me, and gives those more of a niche for her). It doesn't have the same raw damage as Libra, but it's still quite painful and deals with swarms well. Kinda funny that she has TWO Magic Burst type moves but they do very different things, so it's fine. Note that since this move will always have the backing of MP Focus, its damage hovers around 923 GT with a greatsword (80% hit) to 583 GT with a knife.
Draco is very important to Noemi, though moreso for the passive than the active. I have it pencilled in as a good move to learn late in the pre-timeskip arc of the game, as a fake final skill. Maybe during "the attack", not sure.
Lupus Baubari: It has to be a fairly late gain, since it is Yiu-learned. Anyway, what a strange skill. Silence + Lock State eh. I'm assuming it doesn't ignore immunity though it could be read either way. It's a neat, versatile little skill which has three uses: owning enemy spellcasters, owning enemy buff strategies, and to protect one's own PCs from status and debuffs.
MP cost: 77. Not your everyday spell, and by now she's regaining MP so easily...
Accuracy: 130. Fairly accurate. Treated as ITE when used on an ally, I'd imagine, since they want to be hit by it.
If the target immunes silence, I'm imagining the entire move fails. Mechanically, the move will need to apply a second status, maybe something as simple as "quieted state", to make it clear that the status has been locked.
How does this interact with existing statuses? I imagine they persist. How does this interact with Dispel? That I'm really not sure about. Figure I'll throw this one out for design help.
Strix Bravere: It's been described as a late skill, which is making me unconformtable a bit since a lot of stuff Noemi is getting late and she seems to be getting little between her Chapter 1-2 revival and her late skills from Mirek. Well, we have a couple options here: either move one of Mirek's or Isolde's earlier, or make this one earlier. Initially I was thinking this one, but in hindsight, the healing here is so good that it should probably be gained around when Kasia leaves to soften the blow of that some.
Anyway, physical attack with MP cost, drains to some degree (75% of damage dealt). Typically speaking, Noemi's damage is such that this is only about 20% healing, but keep in mind her ways to raise this: her passive at full MP (though this only works once, presumably) which makes it ~33%, and Arna (as well as any other buffs) which again gets it up to that range. It's not amazing whoamg broken draining or anything but it's pretty nice. Probably needs a hit rate penalty, but not a large one... honestly, even 10% works. So we'll run with that.
MP cost: 40. Fine with this being used fairly often, since it's giving up +5% MP regen as well.
Whew, that took longer than I thought. Combo skills and the passives I'll look at later. And this is only one character.

Anyway, I know it's a lot to read, but anyone who could run through my thoughts, agree/disagree, etc., would be appreciated. Especially looking at advice on when skills should be picked up, and the mechanics of Lupus.