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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #75 on: May 01, 2010, 05:58:49 PM »
Chrono Trigger

Crono -  7 - I liked him as a main when I was younger. Probably because of the sword.
Marle - 4 - Meh - More time travel nonsense.
Lucca - There's so many things about Lucca's character that I find both fascinating and frustrating. Like how she herself was the sole reason a younger version of herself first became involved in science in the first place. But then....argh never mind! I'll give her an 8 for SCIENCE!
Frog - 9 - Frog's music is the shit! i still don't get why everyone calls him frog. Like a slap to the face. I mean, they all know he is Glenn, yet they decide to insult him and call him frog. why?
Ayla - 2 - Never cared foe her.
Robo - 6 - robots can be good too!
Magus - 10 - Awesome.

Ozzie - 4 - Why do I have to wear him underwear on my head?
Flea - 5 - It's a man baby!
Slash - 5 - Good to steal his swords.
Azala - 3 - Silly, and a girl now?
Schala - 6 - Kinda just there.
Queen Zeal - 4 - Random evil person. Mother figure of the year!
Lavos - 6 - Good I guess?
Dalton - 9 - Is awesome.

Persona 4

Souji - 3 - is whatever you make him out to be. Also P main pimp as usual.
Yosuke - 9 - Worked his way into my heart. I like the comic relief characters.
Chie - 4 - Meh
Yukiko - 4 - Meh as well.
Kanji - 9 - The bath scenes make him almost a 10.
Rise - 2 - I guess.
Teddie - 7 - As much as this character annoyed me, I found him funny at times as well.
Naoto - 5 - Didn't like or dislike her really.

Mitsuo - 5 - His dungeon was the shit!
Namatame - 4 - There.
Adachi - 6 - I like his early screen time.
Dojima - 8 - Gotta love a working father figure that gets no love.
Nanako - 7 - She's so cute!
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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #76 on: May 02, 2010, 12:15:27 AM »
i still don't get why everyone calls him frog. Like a slap to the face. I mean, they all know he is Glenn, yet they decide to insult him and call him frog. why?

Because when you meet him and ask what his name is, he says "Frog will do."


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #77 on: May 02, 2010, 03:42:16 AM »
Classic game:

Crono Trigger

Crono- 6/10.  Sue me, I CARED when he got vaporized.
Marle- 5/10.  Just kinda there between... well, pretty well everything between the intro and the sidequests.
Lucca- 6/10.  Not bad.
Frog- 5/10.  Hm.  For some reason I liked him when I first played, but I don't really see why on replays.  Sooo we'll just run with average.
Ayla- 5/10.  Cute but not really moving.
Robo- 7/10.  Okay so I like this sort of character.  Shut it.
Magus- 8/10.  Works.

Ozzie- 5/10.
Flea- 4/10.
Slash- 2/10. zzzzzz
Azala- 4/10.
Schala- 5/10.
Queen Zeal- 5/10.  She'd work better if not for being upstaged  by
Lavos- 8/10.  Lavos is the only reason the plot even functions.  Like, seriously, the game is really 5 short stories glued together by Lavos and his introduction during the intermission in part 1.  Various pieces of the Day of Lavos we get to see are also fairly effective, emotional storytelling as the SNES judges, so yeah.

Dalton- 6/10.  Not the best (shown up by Ultros and various SMRPG baddies, for era-appropriate competition) but worth a smile or two.

New game:

Persona 4

Souji Seta- 5/10.  A...bout as good as this sort of main can be without cheating (like Crono)
Yosuke Hanamura- 7/10.  Affable and really drove the plot forward.  Sadly they didn't play off his relationship with Chie too well, and his S.Link was sorta dull.
Chie Satonaka- 8/10.  I recall her being really good about saying things very close to what I was thinking at times.  That's always good.  Very funny when she wanted to be, too.
Yukiko Amagi- 5/10.  Definitely the weak link of the PCs.  Dull character I've seen done better and worse, but at least gets some points for the laugh.
Kanji Tatsumi- 7/10.  The contrast is fun.  One minute, tough guy, the next, threatening to beat you for eating animal crackers without  checking for the special one.  butt of a lot of jokes without ever seeming too victimized.  So yeah, fun.
Rise Kujikawa- 7/10.  Brings a lot of energy.  Also love the VA work.
Teddie- 8/10.  A-ri-su~
Naoto Shirogane- 6/10.  Token sane person.  Although I must admit I didn't do her S.Link.

Mitsuo Kubo- 5/10.   Works well enough as a plot device, void as a character.  5 works.
Taro Namatame- 6/10.  I like the way his plot comes together, mostly.
Tohru Adachi- 8/10.  Not really threatening, but otherwise works well.  The transition was weirdly believable, and beyond that the fact that he was more a quick-thinking opportunist than a calculating murder fits with the rest of his character very nicely.
Ryotaro Dojima- 7/10.  Gives the more fantastic elements of the game a nice anchor.  Enjoyable S.Link.
Nanako Dojima- 10/10.  Every little girl character should be this awesome.
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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #78 on: May 02, 2010, 04:11:38 AM »
Crono Trigger

Crono 5/10 boooring
Marle 4/10 spunky rebellious princess #3253534
Lucca 5/10 Don't care
Frog 6/10 He's alright I guess
Ayla 6/10 See above
Robo 5/10 Don't care
Magus 7/10 He does okay

Ozzie 5/10
Flea 5/10
Slash 5/10
Azala 5/10
Schala 5/10
Queen Zeal 5/10
Lavos 5/10

Dalton 6/10 Has like one good line

New game:

Persona 4

Souji 7/10 Actually has some good scenes!
Yosuke 8/10 Works well for being sort of a normal dude type of character
Chie 5/10
Yukiko 5/10
Kanji 8/10 A good character
Rise 6/10 likable enough but not really special
Teddie 9/10 owns
Naoto 5/10 Exposition Reverse Trap

Mitsuo 5/10 whatever
Namatame 5/10 whatever
Adachi 7/10 works as as total sleazeball
Dojima 7/10 good
Nanako 7/10 also good
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #79 on: May 02, 2010, 07:16:42 AM »
Schala: Abstain. Always liked Schala for no defensible reason at all, so my objective instinct to give her a bad score is at odds with that.

Not going to vote (lazy), but uh why is liking Schala unable to be defended?  She is a character with very few scenes, but in those scenes she is a sympathetic character.  She quite obviously feels deeply for the party and their plight even though she barely knows them, the people in the world generally hold her in high regard from the NPC banter and she is shown to be in an abusive situation that she doesn't really see a way out of.  That... is a lot to get out of something from someone with 4 scenes in a 16 bit RPG.

Edit - Of course I am in the Myria 3 is totally rad camp, so I am all about quality being able to totally outweigh quantity.
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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #80 on: May 02, 2010, 07:20:12 AM »
Classic game:

Crono Trigger

Crono - 4/10
Marle - 4/10
Lucca - 4/10
Frog - 3/10
Ayla - 4/10
Robo - 6/10
Magus - 4/10

Ozzie - 5/10
Flea - 6/10
Slash - 5/10
Azala - who?/10
Schala - 5/10
Queen Zeal - 3/10
Lavos - 5/10

New game:

Persona 4

Souji - 4/10
Yosuke - 7/10
Chie - 7/10
Yukiko - 8/10
Kanji - 8/10
Rise - 8/10
Teddie - 5/10
Naoto - 5/10

Mitsuo - 2/10
Namatame - 6/10
Adachi - 7/10
Dojima - 7/10
Nanako - 6/10


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #81 on: May 02, 2010, 04:39:49 PM »
Crono Trigger

Crono - 5/10. Occasionally had something going for him (self sacrifice, his reaction when his mom disappeared in time), but is most of the time just a boring silent main.
Marle - 7/10. We've seen the rebellious princess before, but at least I felt she had something to rebel against as opposed to several other rebellious princesses who rebelled against logic. Between her tomboyish personality and her attitude of taking action, I rather liked her.
Lucca - 6/10. Somewhat cool, but during her scenes with Robo, she felt like Robo's foil. She doesn't have much else going for her.
Frog - 4/10. His accent didn't do much for me and I didn't find his plight interesting either.
Ayla - 4/10. She had a few minor things going for her, but none of them really did anything.
Robo - 6/10. Well known archetype, but enjoyable for the screentime he has.
Magus - 8/10. Stylish and I like that he never redeemed himself. His plan didn't seem to make much sense (let's challenge Lavos alone), but that suits his personality.

Ozzie - 4/10. Sometimes amusing, but no more than that.
Flea - 3/10. Him being a tranny did nothing for me.
Slash - 3/10. He's something to hit.
Azala - 4/10. Does get the job of being a temporary adversary done.
Schala - 4/10. Don't care much about her.
Queen Zeal - 5/10. She works as a power hungry fool, but lacked style and ultimately was little more than yet another temporary adversary.
Lavos - 7/10. Had a very effective scene of destruction and does a good job of gluing CT's story together. Somehow still didn't feel like that much of a threat, unlike say Sin.

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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #82 on: May 02, 2010, 04:51:03 PM »
Crono Trigger

Crono: 2/10. lulz
Marle: 5/10. I find her amusing.
Lucca: 2/10. nasty girl, loves to sex robots
Frog: 8/0. FROG!!!!
Ayla: 3/10.
Robo 3/10
Magus 9/10

Ozzie 2/10
Flea 2/10
Slash 2/10
Azala 4/10
Schala 7/10
Queen Zeal 4/10
Lavos 7/10

Writein: Dalton: 7/10
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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #83 on: May 02, 2010, 05:09:23 PM »
Chrono Trigger

Crono: 3/10. Not actively offensive, and gains a points for having -some- emotion - does more than Kimahri?! >_>
Marle: 4/10. Meh.
Lucca: 5/10. Not-quite-as-meh.
Frog: 5/10. See Lucca.
Ayla: 7/10. She fucking kicks dinosaurs. Anyways, I kinda liked what they did here, for all that she got annoying now and then.
Robo: 4/10. Meh.
Magus: 6/10. Would be a 3 or 4, but his backstory makes up for his lack of likeable character.

Ozzie: 4/10. Sure.
Flea: 4/10. Sure.
Slash: 3/10. Sure.
Azala: 5/10. Did stuff?
Schala: Abstain. Like hell if I remember her actually doing anything.
Queen Zeal: 8/10. Well-written! I liked the stuff they did with her, and she's the kind of villain I love to hate.
Lavos: 3/10. Giant Space Flea.
Write-in: Dalton: 5/10. Either annoying or funny. Never both, and both in equal parts, so... average works well here.

Persona 4

Souji - 2/10. Not actively offensive.
Yosuke - 7/10. Starts off good, but eventually fades away to just sitting in the background complaining every now and then. Balances out at being half-decent.
Chie - 7/10. Fsteak?
Yukiko - 9/10. For all that she's kinda generic, she's kinda generic done very, very well.
Kanji - 9/10. 'kay, this guy? Probably the most in-depth character in the PC cast. Love what they did with him, just wish they'd gone that bit further with his S-Links, rather than making them all the same damn thing.
Rise - 7/10. Starts out really promising, goes into generic done kinda well.
Teddie - 8/10. Works as comic relief.
Naoto - 7/10. Ace detekative, not much else, but likeable enough.

Mitsuo - 3/10. Creepy kid next door. Gets a point for awesome dungeon of awesome.
Namatame - 8/10. Really liked what they did here too!
Adachi - 5/10. Would've been a 9 if they hadn't destroyed the whole thing with "I was bored" >_>
Dojima - 7/10. Started out kinda hating him, ended up really liking him. Reaaaally needs at least, like, 8 S-Link ranks to have any character worth, though.
Nanako - 8/10. d'awwww.


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #84 on: May 02, 2010, 05:50:15 PM »
Crono Trigger

Crono: 4/10. Not bad, but hardly good.
Marle: 3/10. Actively annoying most of the game.
Lucca: 7/10. Was a favorite of mine as a kid. Probably my first semi-serious exposure to the idea that girls can be nerds too(what, I grew up in North fucking Carolina, okay?)
Frog: 8/10. Like his charcter, his backstory, and I still feel like him using the Masamune to open the path to Magus's Castle is one of the strongest scenes in the game.
Ayla: 6/10. She has style, but that's about it. Still cool, though.
Robo: 7/10. Had some really cool bits, also the whole "holy crap it's a robot!" factor, which appealed to me greatly the first time.
Magus: 5/10. Shouldn't surprise anyone that I don't fall for the Designated Badass characters. Decent character overall, I'm just not a fan of the style.

Ozzie: 3/10. He very nearly costs Magus points, since there's this vibe of "...this guy is really supposed to be a credible threat? What?" going on. If he were strictly a joke villian, he'd work better. But the game really does try to take him seriously at points, which he cannot pull off.
Flea: 5/10. Random tranny is funny.
Slash: 5/10. Random semi-noble enemy swordmaster type. He gets away with acting like he has character when he really doesn't due to playing straight into a classic trope. It also happens to be a trope I like, so average works.
Azala: 5/10. Average works. Find it kinda funny that Ayla gets the serious antagonist while Magus gets the joke boss, for thier personal adversaries.
Schala: 6/10. She was decent for what she was, yeah.
Queen Zeal: 4/10. Eh, was never overly impressed by her.
Lavos: 9/10. Sets ths standard for Giant Space Fleas. It's looming in the background as a very real threat for the entire game, and it's very existance ties everything together.

Dalton: 6/10. Very effective at making me really WANT to kick his teeth in. Gets a point for that.

New game:

Persona 4

Souji: 5/10. Silent main. They sorta get average by definition from me.
Yosuke: 9/10. Unapologetic Yosuke fanboyism here~
Chie: 8/10. Also awesome. She and Yosuke played off of eachother very well.
Yukiko: 5/10. Honestly kinda bored me. Not horrible though, so.
Kanji: 7/10. Funny. CK sums it up well.
Rise: 6/10. Not bad at all, but I don't quite feel I can give her the same as Kanji.
Teddie: 6/10. You'd think I'd like the chronic punster more, but he just never overly clicked with me I suppose. Bearable at the very least.
Naoto: 8/10. Good character, plus the gender ambiguity jokes amused the hell out of me.

Mitsuo: 6/10. Not really sure where to put him. Like Dalton, quite good at making you WANT to hurt him, but also sadly pathetic at the same time. The random scenes/announcements/etc in his dungeon were great though. Hmm, think I'll settle on a 6?
Namatame: 4/10. His plot works well, but Namatame himself is mostly a tool. I credit more of his plot to Adachi then I do him.
Adachi: 9/10. Exact opposite of Yoshi here, the whole "I was bored" thing is part of what makes him this effective to me. Why? Becuase he's just a fucking sociopath, that's why. It's nice to have serious villians who don't have grand motives every once in awhile.
Dojima: 7/10. Excellently portrayed father figure.
Nanako: 8/10. Awesome little girl. She and Lym from S5 totally need to hang out~
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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #85 on: May 02, 2010, 06:20:18 PM »
i still don't get why everyone calls him frog. Like a slap to the face. I mean, they all know he is Glenn, yet they decide to insult him and call him frog. why?

Because when you meet him and ask what his name is, he says "Frog will do."

Yeah, but they know his real name and still call him Frog! I get telling Crono and the gang that line, but the queen and all the knights? they should have more respect. ha!
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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #86 on: May 03, 2010, 12:19:01 AM »
Persona 4

Souji: 5/10
Yosuke: 8/10 Brosome.
Chie: 2/10: Didn't care much for Chie.
Yukiko: 6/10: Passable.
Kanji: 9/10: Is the best male character.  Loses a point for weird semi-plothole reasons.
Rise: 10/10: Is the best~
Teddie: 8/10: Utterly insane.
Naoto: 0/10: Stop shitting up my game!

Mitsuo: 2/10: Works as a creepy bastard.
Namatame: 3/10: Probably be higher if I talked to him more around town.
Adachi: 8/10: I like Adachi.  The plot warps everything he does to make sense.
Dojima: 9/10 Is the man.
Nanako: 9/10: Is adorable.


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #87 on: May 03, 2010, 04:17:15 AM »
Classic game:

Crono Trigger

Crono - 3 - Silent main, and any points you would have gotten for nostalgia are cancelled out by being drawn by Toriyama.
Marle - 5 - Rebellious Princess, but does a good job of it. Her situation was sympathetic enough.
Lucca - 8 - SCIENCE!!
Frog - 4 - Meh.
Ayla - 8 - I found her to be genuinely funny. And, of course, Djinn likes promiscuous characters.
Robo - 6 - Cool for a robot.
Magus - 5 - All of these points are for presentation, but I just really hate him.

Ozzie - 4
Flea - 5
Slash - 5
Azala - 7 - Really like the theme behind this whole scenario, and Azala plays it well.
Schala - 6
Queen Zeal - 5
Lavos - 7
Dalton - 5

New game:

Persona 4

Souji - 5 - Just going to say this now. I liked pretty much everyone in P4. The characters felt really alive and while you can argue that they are archetypal, I've met at least one person in Japan (specifically in my classes) who is a direct analogue for each of them. They are spot-on. Even Souji, whose entire characterization comes from his interactions with Nanako and Dojima, worked out pretty well. Also, gets an extra point for not being Minato.
Yosuke - 9 - The real main character and a damn amusing one.
Chie - 7 - Plays off of Yosuke well, and really likable.
Yukiko - 5 - She's pretty generic, but there's just enough there to keep her enjoyable. She played off of the rest of the cast well.
Kanji - 10 - I unabashedly like Kanji.
Rise - 9 - I unabashedly like Rise.
Teddie - 7 - Good comic relief. His serious plot wasn't bad either!
Naoto - 4 - Only character that I found myself getting bored with. Also the only one who was entirely fake and I've never met a person like this in real life.

Mitsuo - 7 - Creepy and effective background color.
Namatame - 6 - Kinda lame, but the stuff that revolves around him while he's on-screen is fascinating.
Adachi - 9 - Win.
Dojima - 10 - Win.
Nanako - 10 - Win.


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #88 on: May 03, 2010, 04:41:19 AM »
Persona 4

Souji- 7/10. The game did a good job making you feel attached to a silent main. Having an actual family and a circle of friends he interacts with helps with that.
Yosuke- 8/10. He's Xander.
Chie- 7/10. Generally cool.
Yukiko- 7/10. Too bad she didn't turn out to be the Killer. That would have been awesome.
Kanji-  8/10. "What did you just say? Please beat the shit out of me Kanji?" He has good lines and somehow makes the gay badass character work.
Rise- 9/10. What Djinn said. The change from superstar idol to depressed girl to bubbly teenager is well done. Her S link is really cool as well.
Teddie- 6/10. Hit and miss. Gets much better once his human form comes out to play.
Naoto- 7/10. Benefits tremendously from the time her S link is set, it gives a very bittersweet tinge to it.

I really like this PC cast. It's funny, interacts well, and everyone has tons of dialog.

Mitsuo- 4/10. Points for the dungeon but the character himself I completely forgot about until then.
Namatame- 3/10. He barely existed outside of the one scene in the hospital.
Adachi- 6/10. Frankly, the reveal was his best part. Otherwise, meh.
Dojima- 9/10. Realistic father figure. You only get to see a small section of his life- unlike the kids and Nanako, he doesn't massively change over the year. He's still mourning his wife and looking for the killer and still trying to be a father in spite of a hectic job. His S-link had the perfect ending in that regard- you have a happy moment as a family then he's off to work. He also provides some much needed conflict with Souji, as the investigation team keeps running int ohim.
Nanako- 9/10. Every day is great at Junes~  Or what everyone else said.

Write in: Morooka 6/10. Because King Moron makes school fun.
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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #89 on: May 03, 2010, 06:23:07 AM »
Persona 4

Souji - 6/10 - Pretty much see Super.
Yosuke - 8/10 - The real main character early on, always amusing.
Chie - 8/10 - She just resonated with the rest of the cast so well.
Yukiko - 6/10 - Entertaining enough - good but not great.
Kanji - 9/10 - Yoshi says it best.
Rise - 7/10 - Annoying sometimes, but far more lovable. Good S. Link, not terribly generic.
Teddie - 7/10 - Good comic relief, and had some cute scenes here and there.
Naoto - 6/10 - A little 'blah' at times, but had her moments.

Mitsuo - 4/10 - Plot device, but not a bad one.
Namatame - 4/10 - Same.
Adachi - 8/10 - Cabbage-man is so wonderfully just... not a good person.
Dojima - 9/10 v
Nanako - 10/10 - The Dojima family stuff is probably my favorite part of the game. Nanako's adorableness MIGHT be coloring the rating just a hair.
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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #90 on: May 04, 2010, 06:22:42 PM »
Going to update this Saturday or Sunday! Get your votes in now!
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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #91 on: May 07, 2010, 05:52:45 PM »
Crono Trigger

Crono: 3/10.  Has actual in game actions or something that suggest he's at least REACTING to stuff, which is more than most Silent Protagonists have...this is sad.
Marle: 2/10.  Oh look tomboy princess who falls in love with the main and hates her dad...her development was so forced and out of nowhere and...ugh.
Lucca: 5/10.  She had the arrogance thing, but that's about it.
Frog: 5/10.  Has a stylish scene with the Masamune slicing down the mountain and ACTUAL BACKSTORY, something like the entire CT cast didn't have, so he average score.
Ayla: 3/10. AYLA SMASH!  Whatever.
Robo: 6/10.  Guess he was alright, since you did see some actual development and it made sense, and they did some fun things with him being a robot...that said, why the fuck is Robo listed after Ayla anyway? IT MAKES NO SENSE!
Magus: 8/10.  Holy shit, a character with genuine development, and a gray character who...remains gray until the end.  You really can't tell if he's actually a good guy underneath it all, or he's just joining you cause you both have a common enemy in Lavos (whom he wants revenge on) and he doesn't give a shit about things not Schala.  Seeing both his younger self and older self actually helped make a somewhat complete character!  He really stands out in this cast as far as writing goes.

Ozzie: 6/10.  Loony Toons Style death traps are fun, but that's about it.
Flea: 3/10.  2 Scenes, gets a point for tranniness.
Slash: 2/10.  The most memorable thing about him is Frog calling him "Sir Slush" ...seriously, that's sad.
Azala: 2/10. Is there.  Oh look, rants about how Humans have doomed the future and what not when s/he dies!  Try having more screen time so I can give a shit.
Schala: 4/10.  Felt like more of a plot device than a character half the time, lacks any real development, cause its all "I'm nice and treat everyone equally" until her mother tells her to do something, then she goes into "Loyal Slave Daughter" mode.  This could have been forgiven...if she didn't spontaneously DISAPPEAR as soon as the Ocean Palace died.  The whole MIA thing for no good reason is not effective damn it, ESPECIALLY when its the very foundation that CHRONO CROSS' PLOT IS BASED UPON.
Queen Zeal: 6/10.  Yeah, she's got style and is crazy, but not much else. 
Lavos: Abstain.  Unlike Jenova, whose 100% plot device and not a real character, Lavos actually EXISTS and his presence is felt.  However...I still have problems judging him as a character, cause of lack of screen time and the game often treats him more as a looming threat rather than a character.
Of course, that's no different than G3 Xorn, but then, XORN HAD BATTLE QUOTES.  This changes everything <_<

Persona 4

Souji: 2/10.  See Crono, only remove the actual emotion thing.  Oh sure, lots of dialog, but...pretty much all of them end the EXACT SAME WAY: the character treats you as Mary Sue regardless (they might get mad at you for like 5 seconds, but then just submit you're right.  That's the game's version of "Mean response.")  Souji is what made me pinpoint exactly what I hated about jRPG Silent Protagonists as a result.  Also, another thing that stood out to me was the Nanako scene near the end.  It should have been a really powerful moment, and would have been with SOMEONE WHO TALKS...but Souji being a Silent Protagonist really undermined it.  Fail Souji, especially since Tir McDohl had a similar moment over a decade earlier and did it FAR more effective despite the same handicapped.
Yosuke: 7/10.  Actually kind of liked him and found him relatable, and many times it felt like HE should have been the main, only wasn't cause YOU ARE SOUJI, YOU MUST BE SILENT.  He felt like the team's Real Leader too, just because you are Souji, being the leader means instead of Yosuke going "Ok, we're doing this!" its "Ok, leader, is that what we're doing?"  Ugh, loses a point for the reason alone; SMTs really need to learn that Silent Protagonists fail.
Chie: 3/10.  Boring S-links and otherwise a cliche, next.
Yukiko: 4/10.  The opposite of Chie, she was a little more entertaining...a little.
Kanji: 7/10.  Also kind of liked him; they did a good take on the "Big tough guy with a soft spot" thing well here.
Rise: 5/10.  I guess.  People need to stop hyping the transformation from "Celebrity' though cause when we first meet her, she's already in the Depressed Girl state; we barely see her as the big teen idol. 
Teddie: 9/10.  I hate TEddie, cause he forces me to admit that there's actually good writing in Persona 4 that I can't deny >: (
Naoto: 3/10.  GIRL WHO WANTED TO HAVE A PENIS SO SHE CAN BE A DETECTIVE, yeah no.  Minus 1 point for being OBVIOUSLY FEMALE when you first meet her, but the game tries to play it up as her being "Clearly male."  Fail on design and voice acting there to massive degrees.

Mitsuo: 2/10.  A concept that could have been great, but is too short lived, and is mostly dealt with by characters just talking about it. Mrf.
Namatame: 6/10. Worked for his role, I guess.
Adachi: 4/10.  Scooby Doo Villain, except that Scooby Doo Villains are LESS obviously the ones at fault; actually, I find myself still unable to guess the exact culprit in Scooby Doo episodes cause when you think you found a pattern in the show, they pull a fast one and go "nope, it was the suspicious guy!"  Congrats, Adachi, you are beaten by a KID'S CARTOON SHOW in villainy, how does that make you feel?
Dojima: 8/10.  Yeah, rather well executed guy whose caught between work and family, trying his best to be a good father/uncle, but just doesn't know the right way to get it across.  The reaction to Nanako stuff was good too, and that sequence would have been great if not for Disney Death Syndrome and FUCKING SOUJI BEING A SILENT PROTAGONIST *murders things dead*
Nanako: 7/10.  Well done version of a little girl and likable, but loses a point for quite possibly the most asinine Disney Death ever.  It went from "holy shit, Persona 4 just did the unthnkable in killing a character like that, well played!" to "...did you just...undermine all that emotional drama and get our emotions worked up only so you could say 'just kidding ^_^' in the end? FUCK YOU GAME."  This was the big climax moment related to Nanako, which is why I hold it against her; to think I would have preferred the cliched "She's probably not going to make it...wait! Miraculous Recovery!" scenario only cause it wouldn't have had that emotional drama built up just to spin around and pretend like it was nothing.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #92 on: May 07, 2010, 06:14:44 PM »
Crono 3.5/10
Marle 2.5/10
Lucca 4.5/10
Frog 5.5/10
Ayla 5.5/10
Robo 3.5/10
Magus 8.5/10

Ozzie 7.5/10
Flea 5/10
Slash 4/10
Azala 6.5/10
Schala 2/10
Queen Zeal 6/10
Lavos 6.5/10

Dalton 7.5/10

Souji 6.5/10
Yosuke 8.5/10
Chie 8.5/10
Yukiko 7/10
Kanji 10/10
Rise 10/10
Teddie 9/10
Naoto 7/10

Mitsuo 2/10
Namatame 7/10
Adachi 10/10
Dojima 9.5/10
Nanako 9.5/10

Morooka 7.5/10
« Last Edit: May 14, 2010, 05:49:52 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #93 on: May 07, 2010, 07:09:08 PM »
Reminder: This closes this weekend. Vote now!
* Infinite_Ko_Loop is now known as Ko-CidisnotaPrincess
<Nephrite> That is depressing.
<CmdrKing> I know.  Cid would makea  great princess.


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #94 on: May 10, 2010, 03:47:51 AM »
Extended until Friday since I've had a generally crappy weekend.
* Infinite_Ko_Loop is now known as Ko-CidisnotaPrincess
<Nephrite> That is depressing.
<CmdrKing> I know.  Cid would makea  great princess.

Clear Tranquil

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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #95 on: May 12, 2010, 03:52:01 PM »
Crono Trigger-

Crono: 5/10
Marle: 4/10
Lucca: 6/10
Frog: 5.5/10
Ayla: 6.5/10
Robo: 5.5/10
Magus: 8/10

Ozzie: 4.5/10
Flea: 4.0/10
Slash: 3.0/10
Azala: 2.5/10
Schala: 5.0
Queen Zeal: 5.5/10

New game:

Persona 4

Souji: 5.5/10
Yosuke: 9/10
Chie: 8.5/10
Yukiko: 6.5/10
Kanji: 8/10
Rise: 6/10
Teddie: 9.5/10
Naoto: 5.5/10

Mitsuo: 5/10
Namatame: 6/10
Adachi: 8/10
Dojima: 9/10
Nanako: 9.5/10
"A Yeul that loved to sing. A Yeul who wished to travel. A Yeul that collected flowers.... Every one of them was unique"


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #96 on: May 12, 2010, 04:34:04 PM »
Crono 2/10
Marle 3/10
Lucca 3/10
Frog 3/10
Ayla 4/10
Robo 10/10 - Rick rolls everyone with his theme tune. Best part is you don't know it at first.
Magus 9/10

Ozzie 4/10
Flea 3/10
Slash 2/10
Azala 6/10
Schala 4/10
Queen Zeal 4/10
Lavos 7/10

Dalton 9/10

Souji 7/10
Yosuke 10/10
Chie 8/10
Yukiko 7/10
Kanji 9/10
Rise 7/10
Teddie 9/10
Naoto 8/10

Mitsuo 4/10
Namatame 8/10
Adachi 10/10 - When I thought early on who the killer could be I thought "Wouldn't it be a laugh if it was Adachi?", the best part was of course that it was actually him. Also Cabbage.
Dojima 10/10
Nanako 10/10

King Moron - 8/10 - Sad when he died :'(


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #97 on: May 12, 2010, 05:13:30 PM »
Classic game:

Crono Trigger

Crono - 2/10. Silent main.
Marle - 4/10. Annoying princess. Gains two points for not being afraid to flex her power instead of wimping out at the last possible minute.
Lucca - 6/10. POWER OF SCIENCE works better than the above two.
Frog - 4/10. Was a knight, gimmick was he was a frog. I really liked the "split mountain in half" scene too, but that... didn't feel like it had to be Frog. Blah, can't explain.
Ayla - 7/10. Odd favorite. I think mainly for punching Kino.
Robo - 6/10. POWER OF SCIENCE again.
Magus - 8/10 BECAUSE I AM PRETENDING HE GETS KILLED BY THE PCS OKAY PLOT WISE HIS PC FORM DOESN'T EXIST god that was really kinda pointless. I mean, okay, I get liking the ambiguity of "is he reformed or just after the same goals" type of thing, I can see that, but the game drops him so heavily there any potential there is wasted to me. Conceptually as an optional PC he could've been cool but it didn't get written that way. As a villain, I actually like him. So.

Ozzie - 6/10. I AM IMMORTAL *foiled by cat*
Flea - 3/10. ...nyeh.
Slash - 4/10. Eh, somewhat more engaging, but both of these two needed more.
Azala - 7/10. Worked as an actual villain, at least made sense for what was going on. Needed more screentime but goes out with style.
Schala - 3/10. What Meeple said kinda. Could have been interesting if she had been fleshed out more.
Queen Zeal - 4/10. Power hungry bitch. Somehow feels less threatening than Azala despite doing more.
Lavos - 8/10. GIANT SPACE FLE- wait, introduced 10% of the way in, IS A THREAT YOU'RE WORKING AGAINST THE ENTIRE GAME, and you actively see its effects unfold? For a damn space flea that's pretty much awesome.
Dalton - 6/10. Better villain than Zeal. I'm sorry, that's my honest opinion. <_<

New game:

Persona 4

Souji - 3/10. Silent main. Dialogue choices and the few funny scenes at the beginning "It looks like there's someone stuck in a trash can. decide to leave him alone." give him a point over Crono, but in the end, silent main.
Yosuke - 8.5/10. The real squad leader.
Chie - 5/10. Generic but likeable.
Yukiko - 5/10. Generic, not as likeable, but the laugh amused me. As did the gag glasses, which were her theme. So a point extra.
Kanji - 8/10. Renovate your ass.
Rise - 4/10. Didn't really like her.
Teddie - 7/10. One of the more rounded characters.
Naoto - 6/10. Probably my favorite girl in the PC squad, which says little. Still, intellect + general distaste of the group's antics for a lot of the game was an interesting contrast.

Mitsuo - 3.5/10. Needed more screentime.
Namatame - 6.5/10. Decently well-done villain.
Adachi - 7/10. Doesn't give two shits about you.
Dojima - 9/10. Yeah, I like Dojima. Excellent SLink, excellent story presence. Just done rather well.
Nanako - 8.5/10. Same for her, but she wasn't as impactive as Dojima was - perhaps due to being around more often.

King Moron - 3/10. Needed to be written like Hiimdaisy for me to appreciate him. In-game, just came off as someone I didn't really miss.


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #98 on: May 14, 2010, 05:44:17 PM »
Last call, gonna update this starting this evening.
* Infinite_Ko_Loop is now known as Ko-CidisnotaPrincess
<Nephrite> That is depressing.
<CmdrKing> I know.  Cid would makea  great princess.


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #99 on: May 15, 2010, 02:23:37 AM »
Locking for the beginning of the update.
* Infinite_Ko_Loop is now known as Ko-CidisnotaPrincess
<Nephrite> That is depressing.
<CmdrKing> I know.  Cid would makea  great princess.