
Author Topic: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!  (Read 33702 times)


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #100 on: May 15, 2010, 02:40:16 AM »
Editing in results as I go.


Classic game:

Crono Trigger

Crono: 3.85, 17 votes.
Marle: 4.14, 17 votes.
Lucca: 5.26, 17 votes.
Frog: 4.82, 17 votes.
Ayla: 4.94, 17 votes.
Robo: 5.47, 17 votes.
Magus: 7.44, 17 votes.

Ozzie: 4.29, 17 votes.
Flea: 3.79, 17 votes.
Slash: 3.29, 17 votes.
Azala: 4.50, 16 votes.
Schala: 4.85, 14 votes.
Queen Zeal: 4.79, 17 votes.
Lavos: 6.60, 14 votes. (1 DNR)
Write in: Dalton: 6.41, 12 votes.

New game:

Persona 4

Souji: 4.86, 15 votes.
Yosuke: 8.20, 15 votes.
Chie: 6.40, 15 votes.
Yukiko: 5.96, 15 votes.
Kanji: 8.40, 15 votes.
Rise: 6.86, 15 votes.
Teddie: 7.63, 15 votes.
Naoto: 5.50, 15 votes.

Mitsuo: 3.96, 15 votes.
Namatame: 5.50, 15 votes.
Adachi: 7.46, 15 votes.
Dojima: 8.36, 15 votes.
Nanako: 8.56, 15 votes.


Where awesome people hang out:

1.Lily: 8.85, 7 votes.
2.Nanako: 8.56, 15 votes.
3.Kanji: 8.40, 15 votes.
4.Dojima: 8.36, 15 votes.
5.Yosuke: 8.20, 15 votes.
6.Flay: 7.93, 16 votes.
7.Auron: 7.84, 19 votes.
8.Flay: 7.71, 7 votes.
9.Sin/Jecht: 7.69, 18 votes.
10.Teddie: 7.63, 15 votes.


1.Goto: 1.00, 6 votes.
2.Gogo: 2.00, 11 votes, 4 DNR.
3.Umaro: 2.45, 11 votes, 4 DNR.
4.Kimarhi: 2.63, 19 votes.
5.Marta: 2.66, 6 votes.
6.Banon: 3.20, 15 votes, 2 DNR.
7.Yunalesca: 3.28, 16 votes.
8.Slash: 3.29, 17 votes.
9.Yun: 3.71, 7 votes.
10.Flea: 3.79, 17 votes.

Rescued from the puppy mill (Successful writeins):

Dalton: 6.41, 12 votes.

Ranked games:

FF6, FF10, MK1, MK2, P4, CT

Persona 4 just dominated with incredible scores while CT was mostly unremarkable. Magus made the top 10 for about a half hour before the Persona 4 blitz knocked him right out. CT did manage some relevance, getting Flea and Slash in the 10 lowest category! Go CT! Rock on!

Classic game:

Star Ocean 2/Star Ocean 2 PSP

The individual voter can decide on how to balance the PSX and PSP remakes together. Please don't give me separate scores, I won't count either of them if you do that. One score per character, please.



New game:

Tales of Vesperia


Don Whitehorse

Again, writeins are welcome, especially if I missed anyone interesting.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2010, 05:07:43 AM by Dunefar »
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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #101 on: May 15, 2010, 05:08:06 AM »
Star Ocean 2/Star Ocean 2 PSP

Claude: 7/10. I like Claude. He's not really a hero but gets thrust into a situation where he has no choice but to be a hero. He's a bit on the nice side and his puppy-love romance with Rena gets tiresome quickly. But overall he works as a teenage kid who's been sped along before he's ready and how has to hack it for real.
Rena: 4/10. Likable but still a teenage girl with all the bad choices that implies.
Celine: 5/10. Shower curtains make adventurer's clothes? Sure, why not. She gets points for being so useful early on.
Ashton: 7/10. I like Ashton as a character, shame about how he performs in battle.
Precis: 8/10. This is mostly for the PSP version, which gave her a much better VA. Anyway, I've always liked Precis, she's hyper while still being likable AND not being annoying. A rare combination for that type of character!
Bowman: 3/10. Just doesn't do much for me.
Opera: 4/10. Average, loses a point for chasing after ERNEST. That's like a repo man going after an '89 Corolla instead of an '10 Ferrari. Something ain't right in that girl's head.
Ernest: 2/10. A twat, but one the PSP remake makes marginally amusing.
Leon: 0/10. Annoying know it all kid. I do feel bad for him after his parents kick the bucket, but wait, magic fix it! I can safely hate Leon again.
Dias: 7/10. Can't really defend this one. I don't even like his personality at all, just something about his design and backstory is interesting.
Noel:  2/10. Waste.
Chisato 6/10. Amusing and spunky, though nothing too above average.
Welch: 3/10. 3 points for a couple of amusing PAs.

Shin: 0/10. Repeated unwinnable boss fight? Joy.
Berle: 5/10. On one hand, unwinnable boss fight. On the other I really like his style.
Shiego: 2/10. Meh.
Marsilio: 4/10. Meh.
Nicolus: DNR
Ruprecht: DNR
Jibril: DNR
Vesper:  5/10
Decus: 5/10
Cyril: 6/10. A bastard, probably made that way for Indalecio's amusement.
Indalecio: 8/10. When you realize how screwed up Nede was and how dicked over Dr. Lantis was, Indalecio makes a whole lot more sense.
* Infinite_Ko_Loop is now known as Ko-CidisnotaPrincess
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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #102 on: May 15, 2010, 05:36:04 AM »
Claude: 7/10. Likable enough fellow. Has a few good lines amidst a bad translation. I'd say that was about 70 points. Also gets the development shown at the end of world 1, where he demonstrates that he has found something he believes is worth fighting for and caring about (the choice was emotional and silly, but contrasted with his unattached self it is development).
Rena: 6/10. Very generic female lead? But she works well enough to be respectable, and I ended up liking her more than maybe I can justify objectively so a bonus point she gets.
Celine: 6/10. Point for the bathrobe or something.
Ashton: 6/10. Points for the dragons~
Precis: 2/10. ARGH. VOICE.
Bowman: 4/10. I have little love for him.
Opera: 3/10. Barely exists even if you do get her.
Ernest: 2/10. Exists EVEN LESS.
Leon: 2/10. There is a reason we want you dead.
Dias: 5/10. Emo swordsman, but he pulls it off.
Noel: 2/10. More with the failures.
Chisato: 5/10. She actually has personality, so I can give her average here.

Berle: 2/10 Boring lamer.
Shiego: 3/10 LAZER CAPS
Marsilio: 2/10 more boring lamer.
Nicolus: 1/10 even WORSE.
Ruprecht: 1/10 the trio of fail wise men does indeed fail...
Jibril: 2/10 point for eating you.
Vesper: 2/10 boring but better than the scrubs.
Decus: 5/10 I WILL BURN YOU TO YOUR BONES!!! earns points as comedy.
Cyril: 4/10 tries to bribe you into helping him betray his master... that's... something.
Indalecio: 6/10. He has style and I can not knock him for that. I suppose if you know the history of Dr. Landis then he has some motivation to go along with it? But honestly by the time you fight him he really IS just a machine running on the purpose of 'destroy the world'. But still gets points for style.

New game:

Tales of Vesperia

Yuri: 10/10. Damned if Yuri isn't a ton of fun, which may warrant this score by itself. He does have character worth as well. Yuri at the beginning of the game has essentially given up on life, and is profoundly frustrated at his inability to change anything. As the game goes on he finds a way to channel his frustration to make a positive difference, becoming a (dark) hero in the process. It isn't a groundbreaking story, but it is certainly well executed.
Estelle: 8/10. She is fun bouncing off the others but she herself has some weird development. She mostly gains experience in the world, but it serves to let her try and find ways to channel her natural benevolence... even if she at times comes off as spoiled or selfish along the way by dragging others into oftentimes farfetched or dangerous quests. This might have cost points, but being called out on it makes it a part of her development.
Repede: 8/10. He's a fucking badass dog with an eyepatch who fights with a dagger in his mouth. He has attachments that involve dolls of the other characters riding on him. He has the sidequest with the big bad wolf where he talks! (sorta kinda). Yeah we love Repede.
Karol: 8/10. He's the buttmonkey of the party. He serves this purpose fantastically and has good interaction with everyone. Then as the game goes on he gets one small step of confrontation and engagement at a time to go from a cowardly little kid to a full-on badass. Also serves as a major factor in some of the game's funniest moments, along with Yuri.
Rita: 8/10. Rita is such a bitch. But it's (mostly) a very good act to cover up the fact that she just hasn't developed relationships with PEOPLE like she should. The fact that she treated inanimate objects as her friends, and even outright loved them is evidence of a very broken girl. Her learning to love people over the course of the game is a fairly big deal that is somewhat understated. For all that she is immensely amusing as an angry WMD waiting to be triggered, she honestly does get some decent development.
Raven: 5/10. Is Raven. I might give him a point for being amusing but the hotsprings thing makes me take it away. He needed more beating for that crap.
Judy: 8/10. Pretty and damned stylish, with a first impression that hooked me immediately. Besides that, she accumulates a lot of little scenes that make her lots of fun, much like Yuri. Besides that I liked what they did with her sidequest, since it explains WHY she was doing what she was doing, and why she so badly wanted to keep everyone else out of it.
Flynn: 7/10. A foil for Yuri and a very effective one. Doesn't get the screentime he does to really shine, although he is amusing at times. Like in the 100 monster fight.

The PC cast in this game just works really well with each other, nurturing one another and having a lot of scenes to demonstrate what their characters are and how they develop.

Alexei: 3/10. Wanker. Gets no explanation for WHY he is such a god damned wanker.
Duke: 3/10. Points for being at least explained and having a consistent set of appearances.
Don Whitehorse: 7/10. Awesome UOM. On top of that has a stylish as hell exit.
Yeager: 7/10. Yeager is stylish and his last fight is suitably cool. Also namedrops two other Tales games without you realizing it! And evil german.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2010, 03:58:35 PM by Pyro »


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #103 on: May 15, 2010, 08:29:37 AM »
Claude That'll be around 5/10 points
Rena 4/10 voice sucks
Celine 5/10 did nothing
Ashton 6/10 okay I guess
Precis 3/10 voice sucks
Bowman 5/10 did nothing
Opera 5/10 did nothing
Ernest 5/10 did nothing
Leon 5/10 did nothing
Dias 6/10 eh
Noel 5/10 did nothing
Chisato 5/10 ignoring BtS here
Welch 5/10 did nothing

Shin 5/10 did nothing
Berle 5/10 DID NOTHING
Shiego 5/10 did nothing
Marsilio 5/10 did nothing
Nicolus 5/10 did nothing
Ruprecht 6/10 extra point for tuning fork
Jibril 5/10 did nothing
Vesper 5/10 did nothing
Cyril 5/10 did nothing
Indalecio 5/10 did nothing

New game:

Tales of Vesperia

Yuri 9/10 Really liked him a bunch.
Estelle 7/10 sure okay
Repede 10/10 owns owns owns
Karol 6/10 Has one good scene
Rita 5/10 feh
Raven 5/10 His character was sort of nonsensical and I wish they did the big reveal later. His 'ladies man's thick never really worked, but he wasn't offensive as such.
Judy 6/10 alright I guesss
Flynn 5/10 Eh

Alexei 2/10 sucks
Duke 1/10 everything wrong with jRPG cliches today
Don Whitehorse 5/10 meh
Yeager. 5/10 Evil German #3523432
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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #104 on: May 15, 2010, 08:42:21 AM »


1. Ko: 0.00, 667 votes.

There we go

Tales of Vesperia

Yuri - 9
Estelle - 5
Repede - 10
Karol - 6
Rita - 8
Raven - 6.5
Judy - 8
Flynn - 5

<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]

Random Consonant

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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #105 on: May 15, 2010, 07:15:03 PM »
Classic game:

Star Ocean 2

Claude - Hm, yeah, worked as a kid trying to make the best of being stranded in the ass end of the galaxy.  7/10
Rena - Bland female love interest.  3/10.
Celine - Had a few moments.  3.5/10
Ashton - I kinda felt sorry for the poor guy when I first played.  6/10
Precis - Don't really feel like docking points for bad VA.  That said, had a few moments, plus she manages to be likeable enough.  5/10
Bowman - Existed.  2.5/10
Opera - Existed.  2.5/10
Ernest - Existed.  2.5/10
Leon - He deserved to be smacked upside the head.  1/10
Dias - Lookit me I am wandering badass plagued by inner tragedy.  2/10
Noel - Barely existed.  2/10
Chisato - Existed.  2.5/10
Welch - Abstain, didn't play PSP version.

Shin - DNR, fails to exist.
Berle - Rarminion.  1/10
Shiego - RARMINION.  1/10
Marsilio - Rarminion.  1/10
Nicolus - Rarminion.  1/10
Ruprecht - Rarminion.  1/10
Jibril - Rarminion.  Gets a point for omnomnom.  2/10
Vesper - Rarminion.  1/10
Decus - OH IT'S SO HOT I'M GOING TO DIE.  Also rarminion.  3/10
Cyril - oh hey lookit me I'm gonna overthrow my boss for no reason.  2/10
Indalecio - Eh, style is worth points.  4/10.


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #106 on: May 17, 2010, 08:20:30 PM »
Claude- 7/10. Solid character who generally makes the best of a bad situation (Both game wise andhow shitty the plot is wise)
Rena-  5/10. Bounces well off Dias and Claude.
Celine- Pass.
Ashton- 4.5/10.  Sure, he's not offensive and has his moments.
Precis- 3/10. Augh, yes.
Bowman- 5.5/10. Generally amusing.
Opera- 3/10. What Pyro said.
Ernest- 4/10. Has a few good lines.
Leon- 2/10. go away
Dias- 7/10. Good character work in Claude's path in particular. He was a jerk, but also sort of a mentor figure to both Claude and Rena. His jerkiness also has a logically explained reason.
Noel- 2/10. Fail.
Chisato- 3/10. Barely noticed her in game.

Tales of Vesperia

Yuri- 8.5/10. Good character, but not as good as Luke offhand. Also disliked some of what he did.
Estelle- 7/10. The innocent princess stereotype. She works for what she is.
Repede- 8.5/10. Amazingly good for a dog character. He adds some much needed comedy to the game.
Karol- 7/10. Annoying but well done.
Rita- Pass. I don't have an opinion.
Raven- 1.5/10. Fuck. OFF. I like him less and less when I reflect on ToV.  He usually isn't funny and is rarely interesting outside of his role in the war before the game. His big scene is just bad on so many levels.
Judy- Pass. Apparently I missed her good scenes or something.
Flynn- 8.5/10- Good foil to Yuri. Needed more camera time.

Alexei- 1/10 Terrible, but also has next to no role in the game itself.
Duke- 0/10 Is a XS villian. Die. 
Don Whitehorse- 6/10. Solid enough.
Yeager- 3/10. Not good or especially memorable outside of one scene during *spoilers* funeral.
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #107 on: May 17, 2010, 08:59:07 PM »
Claude- 5/10.  'salright.  It's all downhill from here.
Rena- 4/10.
Celine- 4/10.
Ashton- Abstain.
Precis- Abstain.
Bowman- 3/10.  OK makes him better than he should be.  He's still barely there.
Opera- Abstain.
Ernest- Abstain.
Leon- 2/10.  ON the plus side, I can leave him to die on Expel!
Dias- 4/10.  Could be worse.
Noel- 2/10.
Chisato- Abstain.

Shin- 3/10.  This is the Wisemen's herald guy on Expel, yes?  I remember him more than half his bosses even if I forget his name.
Berle- 3/10.
Shiego- 2/10.
Marsilio- 3/10.
Nicolus- 1/10.
Ruprecht- 1/10.
Jibril- 1/10.
Vesper- 2/10.
Decus- 5/10.
Cyril- 3/10.  His fail is a little funnier than some of the others.
Indalecio- 3/10.

Tales of Vesperia

Yuri- 9/10.  I think I gave Luke a 9 anyway, even feels about right.
Estelle- 7/10.  A little bland on her own, but I like the way she and Rita go together.
Repede- 6/10.  Works well enough.
Karol- 5/10.
Rita- 8/10.  The reincarnation of Lina Inverse.
Raven- 4/10.
Judy- 7/10.  I really enjoy her and Yuri's flirty interplay.  The rest of the character could be better but isn't offensive such that it detracts from this.
Flynn- 8/10.

Alexei- 2/10.
Duke- 3/10.  If nothing else, he gets a point over Alexei for actually having sense beaten into him rather than just dying like a douche.
Don Whitehorse- 7/10.  He's not a terribly interesting or original character, but the game really knew exactly how to use him.
Yeager- 5/10.  He's better dead than alive!  It's sorta neat.
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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #108 on: May 18, 2010, 02:05:39 AM »
Claude - 5.5 - I liked him but I see little worth there.
Rena - 4.5 - I liked her for being an option for the main character, but then her story was stupid.
Celine - 6.5 - Funny in her PAs
Ashton - 10 - The reason I like the game to this day.
Precis - 5 - Because despite hating her archetype, I don't want her dead.
Bowman - 6 - Doctor dude. Had some fun PAs. Being a cheating husband was a weird touch in a PS1 RPG, so I found him memorable.
Opera - 4.5 - Adult woman. Loses points for making you miss Ashton.
Ernest - 3 - Worse.
Leon - 5.5 - Passable.
Dias - 2.5 - I hate him. He's pretty much every male stereotype I hate.
Noel - 4 - Just there.
Chisato - 6 - Had a personality!
Welch - Pass

Indalecio - 6 - Decent.

New game:

Tales of Vesperia

Yuri - 10
Estelle - 7
Repede - 8
Karol - 7
Rita - 8.5
Raven - 6
Judy - 10 - Really struck a chord with me. Criminally underused, but her sidequest helps.
Flynn - 7

Alexei - 4
Duke - 4
Don Whitehorse - 6.5
Yeager - 7

Adeccor and Bocos - 7 - What Meeple Said
« Last Edit: May 28, 2010, 01:39:22 PM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #109 on: May 23, 2010, 01:58:20 AM »
Bumping this, going to tally this up next Friday. Vote now!
* Infinite_Ko_Loop is now known as Ko-CidisnotaPrincess
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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #110 on: May 23, 2010, 02:16:10 AM »
Star Ocean 2/Star Ocean 2 PSP

The individual voter can decide on how to balance the PSX and PSP remakes together. Please don't give me separate scores, I won't count either of them if you do that. One score per character, please.

Claude - 4/10
Rena - 6/10
Celine - 6/10
Ashton - 7/10 Barrel~
Precis - 2/10
Bowman - 5/10
Opera - 4/10
Ernest - 4/10
Leon - 1/10
Dias - 2/10
Noel - 4/10
Chisato - 5/10

Shin - Who?/10
Berle - Did he do stuff?/10
Shiego - Who?/10
Marsilio - Did he do stuff?/10
Nicolus - Who?/10
Ruprecht - Who?/10
Jibril - Who?/10
Vesper - Who?/10
Decus - Did he do stuff?/10
Cyril - Did he do stuff?/10
Indalecio - Did he do stuff?/10

New game:

Tales of Vesperia

Yuri - 10/10
Estelle - 9/10
Repede - 8/10
Karol - 3/10
Rita - 9/10
Raven - 3/10
Judy - 6/10
Flynn - 7/10

Alexei - 3/10
Duke - 1/10
Don Whitehorse - 8/10
Yeager - 8/10


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #111 on: May 23, 2010, 03:11:48 AM »
Tales of Vesperia

Yuri - 10/10
Estelle - 7/10
Repede - 10/10
Karol - 4/10
Rita - 4/10
Raven - 5/10
Judy - 9/10
Flynn - 7/10

Alexei - 1/10
Duke - 3/10
Don Whitehorse - 7/10
Yeager - 8/10


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #112 on: May 26, 2010, 04:47:47 PM »
This closes in two days. Vote now!
* Infinite_Ko_Loop is now known as Ko-CidisnotaPrincess
<Nephrite> That is depressing.
<CmdrKing> I know.  Cid would makea  great princess.


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #113 on: May 28, 2010, 02:50:54 AM »
Star Ocean 2:
Claude: 6/10.  I guess I Sympathized with him and such, but there's not much there otherwise...I blame Disc 2 really.
Rena: 4/10. She was fine at first, but then they did like nothing with her...then added a really stupid plot twist on her which docks a point.
Celine: 4/10. Cliche they do nothing interesting with.
Ashton: 6/10. Had some amusing moments.
Precis: 2/10. Apathy, then I dock a point for genuinely PAINFUL VA.
Bowman: 3/10. Apathy.
Opera: 4/10. She was slightly more amusing than the apathy characters, but that's about it.
Ernest: 3/10. Docking a point for being worthless and what not.
Leon: 3/10.  Annoying stuck up little kid.
Dias: 5/10. You know, he's the kind of character you think you'd hate more, but turns out there's not much to hate!  Why isn't he higher?  Well, if Disc 2 actually did something to build upon what he actually HAD, I'd feel like I cared more.
Noel: 2.5/10.  Apathy + Sucks in battle docks him half a point.
Chisato: 4/10. I like the idea behind her, a News Reporter whose willing to go to ANY LENGTH FOR A STORY...but they did practically nothing with it.
Welch: Abstain; haven't played the remake.

Shin: 2/10. Generic Henchman lamer.
Berle: 2/10. Generic villain lamer.
Shiego: 3/10.  GAINS A POINT FOR TALKING LIKE THIS!!!!  Why? I don't know.
Marsilio: 2/10.  Man...
Nicolus: 2/10.  The Wisemen...
Ruprecht: 2/10. Really...
Jibril: 2/10. Suck.
Vesper: 2/10. ASS!
Decus: 3/10. ...ok, at least he's memetastic, that'll give him a point?
Cyril: 4/10.  2 points gained entirely for the battle theme and being slightly more memorable as a character due to the whole "I'm going to outdo our boss thing!"  God damn is this villainous collective failures.  BUT THERE'S ONE MORE!
Indalecio: 3/10.  Oh wait, he's only slightly less lame than the rest *PUNTS*

New game:

Tales of Vesperia

Yuri: 9/10.  Um, yeah, he's just really awesome.  Just seems to be lacking something for me to give him a 10/10, but yeah, damn fine main character.
Estelle: 7/10.  Well done parody on the Naive Princess stereotype, and bounces off Yuri's practicalness as a foil rather well.
Repede: 7/10.  He's god damn Repede; that's all I need to say.
Karol: 6/10.  He was alright, but took a little too long to become likable, and I felt like you're suppose to like him earlier than that.
Rita: 7.5/10. A character who actually makes the "Is always pissed off!" thing likable? Wow, congrats!
Raven: 6.5/10.  Funny, and some half decent serious stuff.  Still kind of wanted more though.
Judy: 5/10.  She's alright, but felt so...I dunno.  No, its not something that learning her backstory would help with; the game just doesn't do really much with her the entire way after a nice strong start.
Flynn: 8/10.  Damn good foil for Yuri.  Most characters like him would be annoying pricks who are all "NO! LAW IS ABSOLUTE!", but Flynn actually shows willingness for compromise, if frowning upon it at the same time, and best part? He never actually opposes Yuri in any sort of confrontational way; its always more of a second guessing kind "Are you sure you know what you're doing?" kind of way, which really sold the fact that the two were genuine friends, with different views on things, instead of the cliched "We were friends in the past, BUT NOW WE CAN'T AGREE SO WE'RE ENEMIES!" idiocy that just about every game has.  Kudos to Flynn for that reason alone.

man, ToV's cast is really strong, but I feel like there's something I'm forgetting...

Alexei: 2/10. OH THAT'S RIGHT.  The villain cast is REALLY FUCKING AWFUL, and Alexei is a good example of that.
Duke: 1/10.  See, at least in Alexei's case, they tried to justify his dickery, but they did nothing with it and its just stupid.  Duke?  He's inconsistent, they make him mysterious and clearly villainous from the get go, then try to pretend he's NOT, almost like to say 'See? We can make this guy a good guy!' only to then go "NO HE'S THE BAD GUY!"  HIs reasons are stupid and...ugh, yeah, did not like him, and I don't even think there was any potential to make him good based on the direction they took him, which just makes me wonder why they even bothered to make him like this AT ALL.
Don Whitehorse: 6/10.  Cool UOM, just wish they did more with him.
Yeager: 5/10.  Has a cool accent, and his final scene kind of salvages him, but otherwise he's a generic henchman.

Addecor and  Bocos: 7/10. Putting their ranking together cause I can't realistically rank them separately!  Anyway, funny incompetent idiots who are the spiritual successors of Solt and Peppor.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #114 on: May 28, 2010, 04:39:16 PM »
Last call, updating tonight. Vote now!
* Infinite_Ko_Loop is now known as Ko-CidisnotaPrincess
<Nephrite> That is depressing.
<CmdrKing> I know.  Cid would makea  great princess.

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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #115 on: June 02, 2010, 10:43:44 PM »

Star Ocean 2/Star Ocean 2 PSP-

Claude: 7/10
Rena: 7/10
Celine: 9/10
Ashton: 6/10
Precis : 6/10
Bowman: 5/10
Opera: 6.5/10
Ernest: 4/10
Leon: 3/10
Dias: 8/10
Noel: 4/10
Chisato: 4.5/10

Indalecio: 5.5/10

Tales of Vesperia

Yuri: 8/10
Estelle : 7.5/10
Repede: 8/10
Karol: 7/10
Rita: 8/10
Raven: 7/10
Judy: 6.5/10
Flynn: 6/10

Alexei: 4/10
Duke: 5/10
Don Whitehorse: 7/10
Yeager: 4.5/10
"A Yeul that loved to sing. A Yeul who wished to travel. A Yeul that collected flowers.... Every one of them was unique"


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #116 on: June 03, 2010, 03:06:23 AM »
I knew I forgot something. Updating this weekend. Duuur.
* Infinite_Ko_Loop is now known as Ko-CidisnotaPrincess
<Nephrite> That is depressing.
<CmdrKing> I know.  Cid would makea  great princess.


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #117 on: June 24, 2010, 08:15:13 PM »
Rena 8- I'm COMING
Celine 8- Shes from Mars
Precis- 8
Bowman- 3
Opera -8
Ernest -1 Die Ernest
Leon- 5 cute at least
Dias 5- so over hyped
Noel 4- I kind of feel bad for him
Chisato 10
Welch- DNR

Shin- DNR
Ruprecht-1 I had a teacher whose last name was Ruprecht. Doesnt give him more than a 1.
Jibril- 2 (+1 for nom nom)
Decus- 5 OW ITS HOT
Cyril- 3
Indalecio -5


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #118 on: July 12, 2010, 01:47:29 AM »


New game:

Tales of Vesperia


Don Whitehorse-5
« Last Edit: July 22, 2010, 06:33:21 AM by Niu »


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #119 on: July 12, 2010, 09:25:35 AM »
I knew I forgot something. Updating this weekend. Duuur.

Literally how a pro Ko operates
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #120 on: July 29, 2010, 03:12:15 AM »
If Dune doesn't get to this within the next 2 days (when I get back to Morgantown), I am hi-jacking it.  Next games will be Eternal Sonata and Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #121 on: July 29, 2010, 03:35:45 PM »
You're welcome to it, have fun.
* Infinite_Ko_Loop is now known as Ko-CidisnotaPrincess
<Nephrite> That is depressing.
<CmdrKing> I know.  Cid would makea  great princess.


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #122 on: July 29, 2010, 08:31:32 PM »
Note:  I played roughly up to the end of the first disc and got bored.  I also didn't get all the characters, and it's been years so I don't remember stuff that well.

However, suck it.

Claude - Generic fantasy hero. 5/10
Rena - Bland female love interest.  5/10.
Celine - About as much personality as DQ3 Wizard.  2/10
Ashton - More personality than Claude?  6/10
Precis - Don't remember/10
Bowman - OK hype aside, dull.  2/10
Opera - Don't remember/10
Ernest - Didn't get him/10
Leon - On the one hand, his character actually managed to evoke an emotion out of me.  On the other hand, that emotion was rage.  +2 points... split between the two characters I gave 1 to before I remembered him.  1/10
Dias - Generic brooding swordsman.  5/10

The rest:  Don't remember or didn't get that far.


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #123 on: July 31, 2010, 03:11:56 AM »
Star Ocean 2/Star Ocean 2 PSP (13)

Claude - 5.96
Rena - 4.96
Celine - 5.16
Ashton - 6.54
Precis - 4.27
Bowman - 3.84
Opera - 4.31
Ernest - 2.95
Leon - 2.5
Dias - 4.73
Noel - 2.87
Chisato - 4.81

Welch - lolzor fail

- These guys all suck and don't get rankings!

Indalecio - 3.78

Tales of Vesperia (11)

Yuri - 9.22
Estelle - 7.13
Repede - 8.22
Karol - 5.9
Rita - 7.3
Raven - 4.86
Judy - 7.35
Flynn - 6.95

Alexei - 2.5
Duke - 2.2
Don Whitehorse - 6.45
Yeager - 5.75


1.Lily: 8.85, 7 votes.
2.Nanako: 8.56, 15 votes.
3.Kanji: 8.40, 15 votes.
4.Dojima: 8.36, 15 votes.
5.Yosuke: 8.20, 15 votes.
6.Flay: 7.93, 16 votes.
7.Auron: 7.84, 19 votes.
8.Flay: 7.71, 7 votes.
9.Sin/Jecht: 7.69, 18 votes.
10.Teddie: 7.63, 15 votes.


1) Goto: 1.00, 6 votes.
2) Gogo: 2.00, 11 votes, 4 DNR.
3) Duke - 2.2
4) Umaro: 2.45, 11 votes, 4 DNR.
5) Alexei - 2.5
6) Leon Geeste - 2.5
7) Kimarhi: 2.63, 19 votes.
8) Marta: 2.66, 6 votes.
9) Ernest - 2.95
10) Banon: 3.20, 15 votes, 2 DNR.

Man, what an awe-inspiring cast of characters.  No one cares about the SO2 villains except Indalecio!  Or, really, the entire CAST for that matter >_> .  Indalecio is lucky people hate him less than the rest of the cast >_>  

Hopefully this time, it will be better!?  I've decided to change the new game up a little bit, so people are more interested and familiar with it...

Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow
Professor Oak

Gary Oak
Lt. Suge


Wild ARMs: XF

El Jackson
Fear Clymsian


Scout's Mom
Sniper's Dad

Interpret that last one however you want >_>  Write-ins are completely free to be added in!  I will accept anything in increments of 0.1.  Vote on the characters, but feel free to use anything of the character (voices are acceptable!).  Have fun, otherwise!
« Last Edit: August 07, 2010, 05:15:17 AM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory

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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #124 on: July 31, 2010, 03:48:30 AM »
Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow
Disclaimer: lolpokemoncharacters
Ash - Is a slient main.  2/10
Mom - Is a mom.  3/10
Professor Oak - Is Prof. Oak.  7/10.

Gary Oak - Is the best rival ever or something.  7/10
Brock - Is a dude.  3/10
Misty - Is a chick.  3/10
Lt. Surge - Is a dude.  3/10
Erika - Is a flower chick.  3/10
Sabrina - Is not a teenage witch.  3/10
Koga - Is a better ninja than Ryu Hayabusa.  3/10
Blaine - Is an UOM.  4/10
Giovanni - Is a crime lord.  4/10
Lorelei - Is a chick.  3/10
Bruno - Is a dude.  3/10
Agatha - Is a hag.  3/10
Lance - Is a cheater.  2/10

Jessie - Is Jessie.  7/10
James - Is James.  7/10