
Author Topic: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!  (Read 33701 times)


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #125 on: July 31, 2010, 04:44:25 AM »
Scout 8/10 Has some of the best lines, but also has a whore for a mom and can be obnoxious to deal with

Soldier 10/10 I have personally killed 6,078 men in cold blood while looking them in the eye; jumped on 1,455 live grenades; and stuffed fourteen feet of my own intestine back into my stomach.
If that doesn't scare you out of your frilly pink leotards, guess what: You are an idiot and you hate America.

Pyro 6/10 HUDDA HUDDA HUDDA! Also annoying to deal with, if they airblast spam. Sweet if you pull off that reflected Huntsman kill.

Demoman 4/10 Cursed OP Demoman! The only reason the War was even close is because they cheated!

Engineer 6/10 He's pretty laid back as a character, which kind of hurts him considering the competition. Gets points for GOTTA MOVE THAT GEAR UP!

Heavy 10/10 Kills Tiny Cowards, enjoys Sandvich. Not big surprise.

Spy 9/10 Best Meet the ______ Video, some of the best domination lines, also I've been on a roll so far as getting MVP with him on pub servers lately.

Sniper 9/10 I actually prefer his earlier domination lines. So utterly coldblooded and chilling. "Oh my god you've been shot...did you get a look at the handsome bloke who did it?"

Medic 7/10 His domination laughs are extremely creepy and well done, but to get them you have to battle-medic and also he's a Nazi.


Scout's Mom 3/10 slut

Sniper's Dad 2/10 what a dick
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #126 on: July 31, 2010, 05:39:26 AM »
Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow
Ash: 3/10 Silent main/ annoying voiced guy. Either way.
Mom: 4/10
Professor Oak: 7/10 Oak Meme is worth this much? Sure. Why not.

Gary Oak: 5/10 I laughed at the over-the-topness
Brock: 6/10 Gets a point for just how badly he can't score.
Misty: 3/10. Is there a point to her?
Giovanni: 2/10. He's a villain so I figured I should put him here...

Jessie: 7/10 Iconic.
James: 7/10 Iconic.

Wild ARMs: XF
Clarissa: 8/10. I found her rather decent as far as conflicts. Also totally asks Alexia out on a date like 10 minutes after meeting her.
Felius: 5/10. Is boring but not bad as far as motives and actions/lines go.
Labyrintha: 7/10 Is a VERY capable woman. Labby is fun although she needs to harp on her age less. You're hot! Embrace it!
Tony: 6/10. Less awesome than Repede, more awesome than your average mutt!
Ragnar: 5/10. The stuff with Chelle made me laugh at just how much of a sexist pig he really is. I find this amusing, others may not.
Levin: 7/10. Deconstruction of the heroic main! Yes!
Alexia: 8/10. She may not have had too much development, but she was a lot of fun. Also totally wanted Clarissa.

Edna: 8/10. Edna is a villainess you love to hate. She's great.
Samille: 5/10 Average for the name.
El Jackson: 5/10 see above.
Asgard: DNR.
Rupert: 8/10 Slimy ass villain who doesn't pretend to be much else. He manages to accomplish his role perfectly, and is again someone you love to hate. The interactions with the Martial Guard at the end were cool too. He basically had followers and people who respected him, and didn't understand why that was or what the hell that meant. Basically Rupert never actually understood his own gifts, and so never trusted others who trusted him. Funny how it all worked out.
Eisen: 4/10. WALL OF ELESIUS. Nah. Points for being a thorn in the council's side.
Chelle: 5/10. RAGNAR BLITZ LEBRETT!!! She was hot. She served as a decent enough villain for a while. She translated Mr. RAR EAT BABIES into comprehensible english.
Piedras: 3/10. RAR I EAT BABIES. Point for actually eating  people.
Charlton: 8/10. Charlton is damn stylish. Knew what he wanted, knew why he wanted it, and (thought he) knew how to get it. His ending left me with even more respect for his character. Also music hype.
Weisheit: 6/10. So damn creepy. He has some great lunatic rants but he loses a point or two for showing up one too many times.
Fear Clymsian: 8/10. Rounding out the cast of great villains. She was interesting side-dressing for a while until the lunacy set in. Then she just completely upstaged everyone in the villain cast in a very cool way and positioned herself to be the final showdown. I smiled whenever she was having fun~


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #127 on: July 31, 2010, 06:06:49 AM »
Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow
Ash- 0/10.
Mom- 3/10.
Professor Oak- 4/10.

Gary Oak- 5/10.  His jackassery was amusing.
Brock- 3/10.  The random underlings that look up to him are much more memorable.
Misty- 3/10.
Lt. Suge- 2/10.
Erika- 4/10.  Her utter spaciness actually comes through.  It's weird.
Sabrina- 2/10.
Koga- 3/10.
Blaine- 4/10.  The fact that his gym is a quiz game gives him something.
Giovanni- 4/10.
Lorelei- 2/10.
Bruno- 2/10.
Agatha- 3/10.  Has the hots for Prof. Oak.
Lance- 2/10.

Jessie- 1/10.
James- 1/10.  Annoying bitches.

Wild ARMs: XF
Clarissa- 6/10.  Not terribly interesting, but endearing.
Felius- 4/10.  zzz.
Labyrintha- 6/10.  Very capable woman.  Very capable.
Ragnar- 3/10.  Earns his hate, but isn't... loud enough about it to be hardcore offensive.
Levin- 5/10.  I like the game's take on the love triangle, but that's all that really stand out about Levin.
Alexia- 5/10.

Edna- 7/10.  Very good at what she does.
Samille- 4/10.
El Jackson- 4/10.  Didn't stand out to me much... not enough to catch the pun anyway.
Asgard- DNR.
Rupert- 6/10.  Pretty convincing in the small time (but competent) villain role.  Used to maximum effect in general.
Eisen- 4/10.  About as retarded as Ragnar, ideologically.  Point for his whole "waste time to keep royal guard from being abused" thing actually being kinda clever, though.
Chelle- 4/10.  I kinda like Chelle and I dunno why.  So we'll keep this low.
Piedras- 5/10.  Elfboy makes him funny.
Charlton- 8/10.  Most compelling character in the cast.
Weisheit- 5/10.  Really effective at the start, but comes unhinged way too early.  The stalker vibe isn't as much fun when it's so over the top.
Fear Clymsian- 6/10.  Good force of nature menace.  Leads to a great ending.

WRITE-IN Katrina-7/10.  Easily the best non-villain character.  They explored her handicap in a surprising way (ie not making it an advantage), and while I don't want to give her awesome creepiness too much credit (because the line between her and the Fear Clysmian is very blurred there), always sympathetic and again, I love the end.
(The merged character would probably be an 8, definitely a good contrast to the other villains and on a par with Charlton, but... yeah, I'd rather judge them separately.)
EDIT: WRITE-IN AGAIN  Hrathnir- 6/10.  Has a couple great scenes with Clarissa and Katrina, and blows himself up to save the kingdom.  What's not to love?
« Last Edit: July 31, 2010, 06:09:31 AM by Cmdr_King »
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #128 on: July 31, 2010, 09:30:01 PM »
I heard TF2 Hijack

Scout - Amusing, but has a pretty severe inferiority complex that in turn makes him obnoxious.  However, he is also the most fun class to play so 10/10

Soldier - He is a gun-toting nut who either is deluded into thinking he actually served in WW2 or actually served in WW2 without being part of the army.  Also, what Trips said. 9/10

Pyro - LOL IS IT A MAN OR A WOMAN?  Also, fires.  6/10

Demoman - A manically depressed black Scotsman who lost his eye and, due to his career as a Demoman is bound to lose his other eye.  More importantly, he is a FAMILY MAN and he LOVES HIS MOTHER.  And is an ALCOHOLIC.  10/10

Engineer - Dell is the most 'normal' of them all, which clearly means he's the 'craziest'.  Dude cut off his arm to replace it with a robot arm.  Not balanced.  7/10

Heavy - Simplistic, yet brilliant.  10/10

Cry some moar.

Spy - Loses points for Teletori face stab, then gains them again because that only happens to Laggy.  Is also awesome. 10/10

Sniper - He is a PROFESSIONAL and he ACTS LIKE ONE.  10/10

Medic - From his bio:

What he lacks in compassion for the sick, respect for human dignity, and any sort of verifiable formal training in medicine, the Medic more than makes up for with a bottomless supply of giant needles and a trembling enthusiasm for plunging them into exposed flesh. Raised in Stuttgart, Germany during an era when the Hippocratic oath had been downgraded to an optional Hippocratic suggestion, the Medic considers healing a generally unintended side effect of satisfying his own morbid curiosity.



Scout's Mom - Whore, and the reason for all of Scout's mental problems. 4/10

Sniper's Dad - Dads just never understand. 2/10

EDIT:  Saxton Hale: 11/10 too much man for rating limits
« Last Edit: July 31, 2010, 11:29:39 PM by Makkotah »


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #129 on: July 31, 2010, 10:58:19 PM »
Scout 9.5/10 Literally deforms his legs to do the job but his official plot is a bit boring but then again bonk bonk bonk
Soldier 10/10 He earned every one of those medals he made
Pyro 6/10 +1 point for those pro taunts
Demoman 10/10 Respectable drunken family man is OP, TF2 gives us good moral values
Engineer 7.5/10 Really moves that gear up and plays a pro guitar
Heavy 10/10 Just too much man for those tiny baby men
Spy 10/10 Pro Spy play is 300 ping+W+M1, also "'This is Scout! Rainbows make me cry! Over!"
Sniper 10/10 "Once upon a time you died and I lived happily ever after, the end"
Medic 6/10 Sure he's important but he ruins everything and like Trips says, he's a Nazi!

Announcer 6/10 "Warning! A friendship has been detected!" OVERTIME OVERTIME OVERTIME
Scout's Mom 3/10 slut
Sniper's Dad 2/10 what a dick
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]

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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #130 on: August 01, 2010, 12:11:45 AM »
Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow
Ash: 2/10
Mom: 2/10
Professor Oak: 8/10

Gary fucking Oak: 10/10
Brock Who?
Misty Who?
Lt. Suge Who?
Erika Who?
Sabrina 3/10
Koga Who?
Blaine Who?
Giovanni 5/10 plot twist
Lorelei WHO?
Bruno who?
Agatha who?
Lance who?

Jessie who?
James who?

Wild ARMs: XF
Clarissa 6/10. She's not bad. A little bit Virginiaesque at points, tends to blather the same cliche phrase over and over, but she's cute.
Felius 4/10. Gets points for me thinking he was evil in C1
Labyrintha 7/10. Hey it's Sopko.
Tony 4/10. Tee hee.
Levin 7/10. I like 'im, he's cute.
Alexia 4/10 Fairly neutral.

Edna: 8/10. So bad it's awesome. I love her evil.
Samille: 5/10. Amusing.
El Jackson 5/10. Amusing.
Asgard DNR
Rupert 8/10. Shweet.
Eisen: 2/10 A loser.
Chelle: 0/10. STOP. MAKING. RAGNAR. TALK. Also makes Ragnar seem rational.
Piedras 2/10.
Charlton: 9/10. Awesome.
Weisheit: 3/10. Kinda weird but cool in his/her own way.
Fear Clymsian: Um, I'm not clear on who is being ranked here. 2/10 for the entity itself, 8/10 for the character who it actually is.
Katrina: 8/10.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2010, 12:15:13 AM by Ciato »
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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #131 on: August 01, 2010, 12:19:43 AM »
Wild ARMs: XF
Clarissa- 6/10. Didn't hate her, didn't adore her. She did have plenty of good scenes in spite of some annoyance value.
Felius- 3/10. Bad. He had zero personality and was even an archtype I usually like! Augh.
Labyrintha- 5/10- Solid! Except for OH I AM SO OLD AT 34- shut the fuck up please, thanks
Tony- 5/10- Dog.
Ragnar- 0/10- Gawn level failure. Not funny, not interesting, and always obnoxious.
Levin- 6/10. Needed to talk less with Ragnar.
Alexia- 6/10. Had amusing lines.

Edna- 8/10. Total slimeball.
Samille- Pass
El Jackson- Pass
Asgard- DNR
Rupert- 9/10. One of my favorite villains. He's a total scumbag, but he also comes across as very human and relatable in his douchebaggery. It helps that he's your eyes into the villain cast.
Eisen- 3/10. Fails so bad later on.
Piedras- Pass
Charlton- 7.5/10. My biggest beef with Charlton is that the game did a piss poor job presenting his argument he made to Labby when she got captured in chapter 2. It is a very vaild point, and one we see bits of proof that show he may be right! But... the game doesn't give us enough to go on there. Has tons of style.
Weisheit- 2/10- go away
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #132 on: August 01, 2010, 07:18:54 AM »
Wild ARMs: XF

Aw man, XF.  I did enjoy XF but I have some serious plot complaints about it.  I do appreciate that it TRIED and hence was even worthy of nitpicking.  Anyway, since this is rank-the-characters, there is the somewhat subjective question of when I blame a character for a stupid plot point they're involved in.  Sometimes the issue is just too minor and it's easy to shrug off, or seems to be in error, and that's fine; other times I feel the character is acting bizarrely / stupidly and hte plot doesn't seem to realize that, and that's where I'll ding 'em.  But this is not exactly a science as to when I'm willing to excuse someone for being involved in a silly / stupid plot.  (See: Game Arts games, which often have great characters involved in dumb plots.)

Clarissa - 6/10.  Clarissa infuriated me quite a bit, but she was also likable in spite of that.  Her decision to participate in Elesius's troubles was reasonably well done I thought, and gave me some respect for her as far as wandering do-gooder.  The fact that she apparently wasn't drilled more on how to impersonate Alexia is troubling but I blame a combination of the plot and Labby for that.  Anyway, there's a bunch of plots she's involved in that don't make tons of sense, but I can't really finger Clarissa directly on them.  I do think they took Clarissa's Mary Sueness a little far in the later chapters but oh well, there's something of an excuse to make the main character important.  It's too bad, because I thought the idea of impersonating a princess who's supposed to have kewl powers would be interesting - hey, let's see how by trickery or cleverness we can solve problems meant for an actual Princess Medium!  Alas.  (Also, on a setting note.  The designers totally fail by calling the spirit-talking "Princess Medium."  There is nothing established in-game about a situation similar to Falena, where it's really a "Queendom."  They call it the Kingdom of Elesius and everything.  So...  this means that the super-valuable princesses are being MARRIED AWAY and NOT BECOMING QUEEN.  Okay that would just be silly, but the game doesn't go into it and doesn't care much aside from "respect the fantasy trope of the wise king, evil cousellor, and damsel in distress.")

Felius - 3/10.  I agree with super - I potentially like this trope but they don't do much interesting with it.  I do like that Clarissa encourages Felius to find desires of his own, but he never actually DOES.  So he's a one note character- whatever Clarissa says yawn.  The dimensional nonsense isn't done tremendously well either.

Labyrintha - 8/10.  Ah, one of the saving graces of the cast.  I liked Labby, she pulled off the advisor role well and her morality was basically correct - she abandoned a cushy post to fight, and fight cleverly, and I respect that.  I also liked that she was at least one Elesian commoner in the party - it's a bunch of foreigners and children of Important People otherwise, and she actually brings their concerns at least somewhat up.  Two complaints - one, the Chapter 2 prison deal.  I thought she had something more of a plan to argue her case with EISEN by staying behind, but I guess it was just tiredness or something, and both she & Charlton came off kind of lame in their conversation - that was not her best presentation of what the rebels were up to.  Two, the game at times was either implying that Labby likes playing dress-up, or that she is a creepy older lesbian stalker of Clarissa.  If it was the first, the humor was a miss.

Tony - DNR.  The plot around him was cute and well-done though.

Ragnar - 2/10.  I *think* I see what they were going for with Ragnar, but man, the dialogue was a total miss at conveying it.  Nobody talks like that with "Hi I'm here to destroy you all.  Er, so I can save you all?  Maybe?"  Basically large streams of nonsense that need to be tossed out.  Anyway, the Black ARMs plotline was done *idiotically* and Ragnar is required to be a total idiot for that plot to even vaguely work (stomp off and don't explain, but lots of people are at fault here).  The Hrathnir bit tied into the nonsense that was Ragnar's philosophy.  Ragnar vs. Chelle was actually the only scenes were Ragnar even began to work a little.  Meh.  At least the cooking was good camp.

Levin - 7/10.  The other strong member of the cast.  Spiky-haired RPG hero but he worked.  Involved in some plot points which if taken seriously would imply he has the intelligence of canned tuna, but that happens to everyone, so I'm more inclined to write that off as poor plotting.  What made him as far as I'm concerned was that after the very very ridiculous Chapter 2 capital drama, Levin saves the day for the party AND still serves Clarissa.  I was fully expecting some silly "you betrayed me!' dialogue where he'd run off alone and we'd have to save him or something, but no, Levin says the right thing - that he was serving the PERSON and the CAUSE, not just "royal authority" or something.  A distinction too often missed.  (Also one that the game has no excuse for at the end of the capital sequence - been over it in chat, but the actions Charlton takes in the capital are so blatantly evil that no sane patriot would ever support the government, and Eisen, who is portrayed as a good guy, should surely have revolted against even Hrathnir had he made such wannabe-genocidal actions.)

Alexia - 3/10.  Man what a disappointment.  First off she should have been dead had I been writing the plotline.  But given that she isn't, they picked Warrior Princess #73 from central casting and didn't really do anything further.

Katrina - 2/10.   The realization that we were meant to take the fact that Katrina doesn't know fear seriously was slow yet horrible.  Yes yes it's an RPG and cinematic madness is quite different from real madness, but even given cinematic madness...  seriously W. T. F.  For an extreme example, smart autists may not have the same sense of empathy as "normal" people but they certainly intellectually understand such concepts.  So I was never sold on this idea.  And her dialogue is written like...  actually I will delete what I wrote here.  We're very clearly not supposed to think Katrina is stupid yet that's how she comes off for her age.  I guess I do like the fact that she gives Alexia's ARM to Labby in the escape and encourages Labby to continue on, but meh.  Her later plot has its moments but I guess Edna gets "credit" for that.

Hrathnir - 5/10.  I liked some of his dialogue, like his conversation with Katrina about why she's unfit to take the throne (nice contrast with Edna's explanation, too).  The time travel plot was idiotic but I blame the plot writers for that, not him.  On the other hand I feel that the game kind of "lets him off the hook" about why the hell his royal council is so evil.  Edna's got an excuse, it's a different system, but presumably Hrathnir must have appointed Charlton at one point?  And that he wasn't taken sick entirely suddenly?  He's also disturbingly blase about politics, saying the equivalent of "I do what I think is right and will probably fail and die" to Ragnar.  Uh, dude, this is kind of YOUR JOB to get the politics right.  Glad you're admitting flaws but it sounded like you did well enough with Eisen before so why are you falling apart now?  Oh, well.

Edna - 8/10.  Awesome.  The plot folks let her get out of danger in lame ways rather than awesome ways, which is too bad ("look over there!  Now I run off in my carriage along the rocky road despite just talking with you 2 seconds ago!  Oh no the girl with the gun has blown away my wheels!") but in general served her purpose very well.  I was pissed off at her own ending too, as the geography and timeline make *no* sense at all, but oh well.  I'd have written it so she gets away with her fortune because she's a damn cockroach in game that doesn't get caught when she damn well should have, so she might as well keep that attribute all the way to the end.

Samille, El Jackson, Asgard - DNR.
Rupert - 7/10.  Also pretty good.  Canny, clever, ruthless, your eyes to the bad guys.  Owns Clarissa repeatedly.  In no way should have been appointed head of the Martial Guard but hey, he'll take it!  (That more reflects badly on Charlton.)  

Eisen - 5/10.  Uh.  I liked his Chapter 1 plot with wasting time at the COuncil Meetings!  I don't mind the idea of his character, either.  Unfortunately the late Chapter 2 plot slightly sours me on liking him too much, and then he's mind controlled, and then there's the utterly idiotic second fight with the Royal Knights which lowers their stock some more though I guess that's also just another excuse for a fight.  Meh.  Coulda been better, definitely.

Chelle - 5/10.  RAGNAR BLITZ LEBRETT!  Was persistent pest but never had quite enough presence.
Piedras - 5/10.  Existed.
Charlton - 3/10.  I'm sorry, Charlton's motive just utterly clashed with the reality of the game, and getting owned by Edna + own plans was about the fittest possible death for him.  Anyway, let's see.  The Martial Guard is a law unto itself that is basically a bunch of armed bandits extorting from civilians and killing your own people.  This is actually not entirely uncommon!  This is what happens when you have petty rulers who are more concerned with settling petty scores and stashing money in their Swiss Bank accounts, etc.  I would have had no problem at all dealing with a pathetic Robert Mugabe type looting their own country and extracting bribes and "taxes" all the way down.  But noooo.  Charlton is apparently a patriot who believes in Law & Order?  Whut?  Then starting up something like the Martial Guard to LOOT YOUR OWN COUNTRY is about the worst possible way to do it!  You already had law & order!  Alternatively, they could have made the Martial Guard the equivalent of Hitler / Mussolini's Blackshirts / Brownshirts and have had them a semi-organized paramilitary terror force whose job was to settle scores and intimidate political opponents.  That's a way to make a chaotic group serve a order objective.  Except they didn't!  There were no Jews / socialists the government hated and hence a reason for the Martial Guard to exist.  So what's the deal?  I mean, it's been done a zillion times before.  But if Charlton wanted to militarize the country because war is awesome...  then START A WAR!  A *foreign* war!  That way your troops are looting and pillaging somewhere else, and the burst of patriotic fervor will unify Elesius like you want!  ...sigh.  If anyone bears blame for the Chapter 2 nuttiness it's also Charlton - again, if we're supposed to respect Charlton as merely someone with a different vision for Elesius, why is he trying to blow up the *entire* capital?!   I love England so much I will blow up London?  ...sigh.    This wasn't "get rid of Shell 7 where all the people we don't care about live."  Generally unimpressed with his other plans as well, though that was partially intended I guess.  Just...  the motive is important here, and the clash here was *extreme*.

Weisheit - 5/10.  Creepy at first when he's the Merchant of Death.  Pathetic later.  But I guess that was part of the plan.  Gets a point for not wanting to blow up the world after all.
Fear Clymsian - 5/10 - Dialogue at the end is generic "HAHAHA DOOOOOOM" heard a zillion times before.  But does get serious credit for one scene (shared with K?), the battle where all the Martial Guard are confused and sent into paranoid darkness because it's fun and delicious delicious fear.  That was pretty badass.


So chat was mentioning TF7 awhile back, which of course brought to mind a different TF-number.  Actually the casts fits pretty well...

SOLDIER- Cloud /10, obvious, also both jump into the air and rain explosive destruction on their enemies.
Medic - Aeris /10, heals buddies then limits and either makes them invincible or fills up their own limit gauges for constant crits.
Sniper - Vincent /10, hangs in the back row with a 255% accuracy weapon called the Sniper and should be equipped with Deathblow.
Spy - Yuffie / 10, also pretty obvious, has silly sneaky tricks and then plonks you in the head.
Demoman + Heavy - Barret / 10, he's pretty much both, shoots a big machine gun / has a boxing glove weapon / blows stuff up.
Engineer- Cid /10, this one is also obvious, though the Engineer is too polite here.

In the stretch category..
Pyro - (Red) 13/10?!  Is Red, starts with Fire materia, is (potentially?!) non-human?  Talks too much though.
Scout - Tifa /10?  Well Tifa is portrayed as mobile but comparatively frail in some of the FF7 stuff.
Announcer - Cait Sith / 10?  Reeve sits in Shinra HQ the entire game and remotely controls both sides for his own amusement.  I guess.

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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #133 on: August 02, 2010, 01:13:25 AM »
Wild ARMs: XF
Clarissa: 6/10. Her conflict over the princess lie was good enough to net her an above average score, for all that she wasn't amazing or anything.
Felius: 4/10. Bland.
Labyrintha: 6/10. Quite amusing, though I do second Super.
Tony: 3/10. Doesn't really do much even for a dog.
Ragnar: 1/10. It's Ragnar.
Levin: 7/10. Love triangle stuff was hilarious, good deconstruction of the
Alexia: 6/10. Kinda generically likable I guess.

Edna: 8/10. Aw yeah. The game knows exactly what a bad and stupid person
Samille: 5/10. Works as a foil to El Jackson, unimpressive otherwise
El Jackson: 6/10. Pretty funny.
Asgard: DNR
Rupert: 7/10. I'm a bit iffy on some of his stuff, but his exit is just brilliant. That should probably give Charlton more points than him, but eh. Otherwise he's a pretty effective PoV character and total scumbag.
Eisen: 3/10. Could have been good with his legal obstruction, and he and Levin have a decent dynamic, but the second royal knights battle is -3 points by itself.
Piedras: 2/10. CORPSES.
Charlton: 8.5/10. I'm always pretty amazed at just how wrong Snowfire can be about plot things. Charlton uses the Martial Guard to control his own people quite well; everyone in towns are scared shitless of opposing his rule. Anyway, he has quite convincing reasons for doing what he does, and a hell of a lot of style.
Weisheit: 6/10. Liked the creepy stalker, liked the VA, liked the contrast between the brilliant plotter and the total lack of common sense. Final appearance costs him a point, though.
Fear Clymsian/Katrina: 9/10. I find the two impossible to consider totally separately, so just consider this score for any and all entries that end up being ranked. Anyway, one of my faves. I love how they take her seemingly random character trait and build it into a nasty, frightening, yet unique villain motivation. She has lots of show-stealing scenes towards the end. And I have no problem with mind control when it's playing with the host's own wishes and desires.

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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #134 on: August 02, 2010, 04:19:37 AM »
Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow - Uh... I guess I'll include what I know from the first season of the anime since otherwise none of these people has a discernable personality.
Ash - 3.5 - Quite bland, but occasionally has his moments in the earliest episodes and a few gym leader episodes. About right for a silent main, too.
Mom - 5 - I remember thinking she was amusing in the anime, for all that I can't remember why.
Professor Oak - 6 - All points are for the memes.

Gary Oak - 6 - All points are for the memes.
Brock - 6 - I just like him. Perhaps I can relate to him?
Misty - 4.5 - Better than Ash!
Lt. Suge - 3 - He presented the first real challenge to our hero in the anime, which was kinda nice.
Erika - 4 - Kinda bland, but I liked her episode.
Sabrina - 6 - Actually quite an intriguing character in the manga.
Koga - 4 - Ninja!
Blaine - 3
Giovanni - 5 - Kinda cool in the anime and manga.
Lorelei - 3 - no.
Bruno - 4 - At least he had an episode in the anime!
Agatha - 3.5 - Ghosts!
Lance - 4 - Dragons!

Jessie - 7.5
James - 8 - Just because I wanted to rated James higher than Jessie.

Wild ARMs: XF
Clarissa - 7 - Haven't finished the game, but I like her.
Felius - 4
Labyrintha - 9 - I want more characters like this.
Tony - 6
Ragnar - 5 - I really haven't seen anything to make me despise Ragnar with the ferocity I've seen around here yet, so I'm tentatively giving him average. He seems fine to me.
Levin - 8 - Awesome.
Alexia - 5 - Average.

Edna - 8
El Jackson
Rupert - 8
Eisen - 5.5
Chelle - 5
Piedras - 4
Charlton - 7
Weisheit - 6
Fear Clymsian - Abstain.


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #135 on: August 02, 2010, 07:14:02 AM »
Charlton: 8.5/10. I'm always pretty amazed at just how wrong Snowfire can be about plot things. Charlton uses the Martial Guard to control his own people quite well; everyone in towns are scared shitless of opposing his rule. Anyway, he has quite convincing reasons for doing what he does, and a hell of a lot of style.

Scared, yes.  But for what end?  Since Alexia's death and Hrathnir / Katrina's incapcity to rule, Charlton was basically regent a year before the game starts (with the consent of the Council, sure).  We're supposed to think Charlton's a master manipulator, so he knows that Eisen won't do anything (as indeed he doesn't).  So in other words...  he's already boss.  He doesn't need to consolidate power because he *has* it.  It's like stealing from your own house; he can order the legitimate reins of government around.  Okay, so Charlton doesn't need to launch a coup or anything.  So why does he form the Martial Guard and pursue the policies he does?  What's his agenda?  We get two reasons:
1. Law & Order.
2. Militarism, war is awesome and the crucible of character, etc. etc.

...except that his actions throughout the game achieve the exact reverse.  The Martial Guard is a bunch of barely-controlled mercenaries spreading chaos in the land and robbing his own citizenry.  He achieves number 2, sort of, via starting a civil war.  But also making people nostalgic for the old days of peace-loving King Hrathnir, and furthermore Clarissa gets more credit for starting the war than Charlton anyway (...unless he was intentionally being as bad a ruler as possible so as to provoke a civil war, which would be psyduck, so yeah no.).  I won't go into my Chapter 2 capital plot complaints again but suffice to say that this doesn't jibe with the idea of him actually loving Elesius either.  They could have fixed this plot in a number of ways:
A) Acknowledge that Charlton wasn't actually all that having a Yuri Hyuga type character mouth off at him about how he threw away a position where he could have revolutionized Elesius to become a hated failure.
B) Rather than portray the Martial Guard as bandits, portray them more like the secret police, and show Elesius becoming a fascist state where political enemies disappear rather than a broken-down kleptocracy.  (Basically, more missions like the one where the Martial Guard kidnapped an important town citizen to get their way.  That was actually scary and fitting a disciplined enemy.)
C) Change Charlton to only care about enriching himself, and not really caring about the fate of the nation at all, so whatever if everything goes to hell.

Charlton is no Marscal Godwin.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2010, 07:22:19 AM by SnowFire »

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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #136 on: August 02, 2010, 07:42:06 AM »
The Martial Guard is a bunch of barely-controlled mercenaries spreading chaos in the land and robbing his own citizenry. 

No. You pretty badly misinterpreted what the Martial Guard was doing, and your very own post is the proof. This seems to be par for the course with you and this game, since you seem to consistently believe things which aren't substantiated by the game and make it make much less sense than the conclusions which everyone else seems to have no problem reaching.

I don't really want to derail this topic with walls of text so if you want to continue this argument, catch me in chat sometime.

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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #137 on: August 04, 2010, 05:46:20 PM »
Update on Friday.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #138 on: August 06, 2010, 02:52:00 AM »
Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow
Gary Oak - Gary Motherfucking Oak/10

Lance - hax/10

Jessie - Prepare for trouble/10
James - And make it double/20

Wild ARMs: XF
Clarissa - 6/10
Felius - 4/10
Labyrintha - 8/10
Tony - dog/10
Ragnar - 0/10 shut up ragnar
Levin - 5/10
Alexia - 7/10

Edna - 6/10
Samille - 5.5/10
El Jackson - 5.5/10
Asgard - 0101/1010
Rupert - 9/10
Eisen - 3/10
Chelle - 0.5/10
Piedras - 3/10
Charlton - 5/10
Weisheit - 6/10
Fear Clymsian/Katrina - 10/10

Clear Tranquil

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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #139 on: August 06, 2010, 11:33:00 PM »
Clarissa: 7.5/10 - Saaailor Moo- Wut *^_^* Anyway main character, lots of plot/fleshing.
Felius: 6/10 - Boring PC but Weisheit/Kressen, Yula, plot stuff.
Labyrintha: 8/10 - Extra point for the red hair!
Tony: 6.5/10 - I can only rate a dog so high. Even so it's something that Tony manages to hold his own vs the rest of the cast.
Ragnar: 7/10 - (SPOILERS warning for the Djinns) Cooks, cleans, sews. Generous with eats. Tony approved! Liked the Ragnar/Chelle stuff, especially the bittersweet ending and how Ragnar dedicates his life afterward to travelling around helping (and feeding!) others, unable to standby while others continued to suffer. I dunno I think Ragnar's tragic past and the way he lost his family and friends just resonated with me. The way he would recite the names of the fallen when he was down and didn't know what to do got to me too.
Levin: 7/10 - Token RPG kid that kicks ass. Hax. Cuuute!
Alexia: 5/10 - I don't really like Alexia for some reason but it's hard to pit down why. I don't really hate her or anything either but yeah. Needed to be around more I think.

Edna: 7/10
Asgard: 5/10
Rupert: 8/10
Eisen: 5/10
Chelle: 5.5/10
Piedras: 4./10
Charlton: - 8/10
Weisheit: 6/10
"Fear Clymsian/Katrina:" 8.5/10
« Last Edit: August 07, 2010, 12:29:08 AM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #140 on: August 07, 2010, 02:42:19 AM »
Last Call until updating!
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #141 on: August 07, 2010, 06:54:52 AM »
Just some comments to clarify things.  If a character receives less than 2/3 of the total game's rankings, they will be DNR'd (so if there are 10 votes, and 6 people rank someone while 4 don't, the character is DNR'd).  Abstains are not counted against a character in this manner (if the character is skipped, I assume they are DNR'd unless otherwise indicated...typically because they probably aren't memorable enough to be included <_<).

Also, Bonus games are not included in the rankings, as they aren't RPGs...typically.

Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow (5 Votes)
Ash - 2.1
Mom - 3.4
Professor Oak - 6.4

Gary Oak - 6.6
Brock - 4.5
Misty - 3.4
Lt. Suge
- Death by not caring1
Giovanni - 4
- No caring?  Or sharing? ;_;

Jessie - 5.6
James - 5.8

Wild ARMs: XF (9 Votes)
Clarissa - 6.5
Felius - 4.1
Labyrintha - 7.1
Tony - 4.9
Ragnar - 2.6
Levin - 6.6
Alexia - 5.4

Edna - 7.6
El Jackson
- Why does no one care?!
Rupert - 7.8
Eisen - 3.8
Chelle - 3
Piedras - 3.5
Charlton - 7.1
Weisheit - 5
Fear Clymsian/Katrina - 7.2

Scout - 9.2
Soldier - 9.7
Pyro - 6
Demoman - 8
Engineer - 6.8
Heavy - 10
Spy - 9.7
Sniper - 9.7
Medic - 7.7

Announcer - 6.3
Scout's Mom - 3.3
Sniper's Dad - 2


1) Lily: 8.85
2) Nanako: 8.56
3) Kanji: 8.40
4) Dojima: 8.36
5) Yosuke: 8.20
6) Flay: 7.93
7) Auron: 7.84
8) Rupert Dandridge: 7.8
9) Flay: 7.71
10) Sin/Jecht: 7.69


1) Goto: 1.00
2) Gogo: 2.00
3) Ash: 2.1
4) Duke: 2.2
5) Umaro: 2.45
6) Alexei: 2.5
7) Leon Geeste: 2.5
8) Ragnar: 2.6
9) Kimarhi: 2.63
10) Marta: 2.66


Shadow Hearts
Sea Mother
Roger Bacon

Albert Simon

Grandia III

That Guy With the Beret

Professor Booster

The Doctor

[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory

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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #142 on: August 07, 2010, 07:17:32 AM »
Shadow Hearts
Yuri: 9/10. Trench-coatin'
Alice: 3/10. wtf ever
Zhuzhen: 3/10 ^
Margarete: 3/10 ^
Keith: 5/10. Gay vampire sex.
Sea Mother: um schlooooop/10?
Koudelka: 3/10
Kato 6/10. Chintastic.
Kawashima: 6/10. Fine, I guess.
Roger Bacon: 7/10. FAKE NAMING SCREEN. This would be higher if this were SH2

Wugui: Super/10 (0/10) (Just kidding! 2/10)
Dehuai: 5/10
Olga: 2/10
Albert Simon: 4/10. Hattastic.

Grandia III
Alfina: WHEN YOU FLY IN THE SKY SOMETHING SOMETHING YOU'RE DREAAAAAAAAAMING/10 (2/10) Man I'm so shocked by my brother DOING EVIL STUFF despite the fact this is all he does ever. "NOOOOO! EMELIOUS! YOU'RE EVIL?!"
Ulf: 3/10. Likes food. Deepest character evar
Miranda: 6/10. -2 for dating Alonso
Alonso: 0/10. Ragnar.
Hect: 2/10. uhhh plays a violin?
Schmidt: 1.5/10 NO.

time to not take the villains seriously

Emelious: 6/10. Surrounds himself with things that make him believe his penis is large. (COCKSCOCKSCOCKS). EDIT: Bonus point for breathing and continuing evil laughter when he kills you in battle.
Xorn: 8/10. duh
Violetta: 5/10 <3 pain, emelious whip me
La-Ilim: 1/10. His special power is throwing up
That Guy With the Beret: 1/10. Looks like Lord Yuna but is 1/100th as cool.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2010, 07:37:43 PM by Ciato »
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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #143 on: August 07, 2010, 09:40:52 AM »
Shadow Hearts
Yuri: 9/10 - Is Yuri. Funny that Yuri is a lot like Ragnar in his base personality, cocky, self sure/self confident in things, with a forward assertive/aggressive manner when he's taking the lead and the way he acts around Alice and Margaret until of course he genuinely falls for Alice (then again see Lucia dancing scene in Covenant, some things never change ;))
Alice: 8/10 - Is Alice. Plays off Yuri well. Doesn't overplay the DiD stuff I feel and makes up for it anyway later when she grows a pair. Face off with Foxface was epic. You can even choose how she reacts to Dehuai earlier on too. I made her sass of course *^_^* Innately gentle, sweet and kind to others but with a will of iron. Probably one of my most favourite characters, next to Aerith.
Zhuzhen: 6/10 - Plays off Yuri and Yuri's dad well enough. Helps Alice out early in the second half of the game. Then sort of disappears. Bonus awesme UoM point.
Margaret: 5/10 - Sexy spy! Sassy! Otherwise just kind of there like most of the non Yuri/Alice cast.
Keith: 5/10 - Is a Valentine. Gay (or is it bi) vampire sex~
Halley: 4.5/10 - Yuri is allowed to have passionate emo outbursts from time to time, so Halley should be too  :P They both had unstable powers anyway irrc. Admire what he did with/for other orphans. Other than that wasn't around long enough for me to hold too much interest.
Sea Mother: 4.5/10 - Supergran!
Koudelka: 5.5/10 - Is Koudelka. Needed moar Koudelka. Extra point for red hair~
Kato: 4.5/10
Kawashima: 4/10
Roger Bacon: 6.5/10 - Is Roger Bacon.

Wugui: 5/10 - Really creepy.
Dehuai: 5/10 - Eh works.
Olga: 4.5/10 - Ding dong the witch is ded!
Albert Simon: 6.5/10 - Albert's an ass but ... Hat. Tea. Gentlemanly manners. Interesting back story from Roger about him that shows that he was human once. Hat. TEA!
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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #144 on: August 07, 2010, 06:30:09 PM »
Shadow Hearts
Yuri - 9/10
Alice - 8/10
Zhuzhen - 4/10
Margaret - 4/10
Keith - 4/10
Halley - 2/10
Sea Mother - 3/10
Koudelka - 6/10
Kato - 6/10
Kawashima - 2/10
Roger Bacon - 6/10

Albert Simon - 7/10

Grandia III
Yuki - 4/10
Alfina - 3/10
Ulf - 4/10
Dahna - 4/10
Miranda - 8/10
Alonso - 0/10
Hect - 5/10

Emelious - 1/10
Xorn - 5/10
Violetta - 1/10
La-Ilim - 2/10
Kornell - 7/10
That Guy With the Beret
« Last Edit: August 08, 2010, 05:44:59 PM by Talaysen »

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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #145 on: August 07, 2010, 07:24:43 PM »
Quote - lolsilentmain.  2/10
Curly - Exists.  4/10
King - Does stuff?  3.5/10
Toroko - Meh.  3.5/10
Sue - Meh.  3.5/10
Kazuma - Meh.  3.5/10
Professor Booster - Gets points for sharing a name with a SMRPG villain.  4.5/10
Momorin - Who?
Jenka - Has puppies.  5/10

Balrog - Huzzah!  9/10
Misery - Bitch bitch bitch.  5/10
The Doctor - HE IS EBILZ.  3/10
Ballos - Whatever.  4.5/10


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #146 on: August 07, 2010, 11:05:55 PM »
Yuri 9/10
Alice 7/10
Zhuzhen 5/10
Margaret 5/10
Keith 5/10
Halley 3/10 ahhh i hate you i hate you
Sea Mother 5/10
Koudelka 5/10
Kato 5/10
Kawashima 5/10
Roger Bacon 8/10

Wugui 5/10
Dehuai 5/10
Olga 5/10
Albert Simon 5/10

Grandia III
Yuki 2/10
Alfina 1/10
Ulf 4/10
Dahna 3/10
Miranda 6/10
Alonso 2/10
Hect 3/10
Schmidt 3/10
Raven 1/10

Emelious 1/10
Xorn 7/10 most sympathetic character in the game
Violetta 1/10
La-Ilim 5/10
Kornell 6/10
That Guy With the Beret 5/10

Quote 6/10 point for sweet hat
Curly 5/10
King 6/10 hey at least he tried
Toroko 5/10
Sue 4/10
Kazuma 4/10
Professor Booster 5/10
Momorin who?
Jenka 5/10

Balrog 7/10
Misery 6/10
The Doctor 5/10
Ballos 5/10
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #147 on: August 09, 2010, 04:28:42 PM »
Wait wait wait... so leaving someone blank counts as "DNR" now? That seems counter-intuitive. I figured leaving a name blank would be more neutral, like an "Abstain".

Shadow Hearts
Yuri - 10/10 - It's Yuri and he makes this series what it is.
Alice - 6/10 - My most hated character trope, but she pulls it off nicely and I actually like Alice herself, so this says something and deserves above average.
Zhuzhen - 5/10 - Cool old man character. I found him funny but he was just serious enough to pull off the dynamic with Yuri's dad.
Margarete - 6/10 - I really enjoyed her character arc. Also, I think the inclusion of actual historical figures in the SH games was such a fun idea.
Keith - 4/10 - He's a Valentine, so I can't give him lower than this out of principal, but he has the least personality of any of the SH characters I can think of.
Halley - 6/10 - He worked for what he was, though his battle quotes... Also, +1 for related to Koudelka.
Sea Mother - 9/10 - I love this part of SH1, it makes me laugh every time.
Koudelka - 8/10 - Gets points for being in Koudelka. Also, SH series needs Moar Koudelka.
Kato - 6/10 - Could be higher, but this is just setting him up for SH2, really.
Kawashima - 5.5 - Likeable and memorable. Also based on a real person!
Roger Bacon - 8/10 - So many awesome SH characters~

Wugui - 5/10 - SH villains didn't get awesome until Covenant, but they were functional enough.
Dehuai - 5/10
Olga - 5/10
Albert Simon - 7.5/10 - Well, okay, I really liked this guy, actually.

Grandia III
Yuki - 2/10 - Hate.
Alfina - 1/10 - Die in a Fire.
Ulf - 5/10 - Best permanent PC?
Dahna - 4/10 - At least they tried?
Miranda - 7/10 - Best reason to play the game. Seriously, the game feels like a half-finished project, and you can clearly see the seams between the portions of the game where Miranda is around (does a good job of capturing the original Grandia's light-hearted adventuring feel) and the portions after she leaves (plot/character/logic goes to shit). Also, after the failure of Yuki, it's easy to understand why Miranda would want to try again with a completely different /species/. Much higher chances of success. So I'm not holding Alonso against her.
Alonso - 3.5/10 - Not my favorite character, but I don't hate him. He had some funny lines and I liked the overall feel of his sidequest arc.
Hect - 3/10 - Get a personality?
Schmidt - Abstain
Raven - 2/10 - Because I forgot Alfina existed until this point and I should really save my '1's for people who deserve it.

Emelious - 5/10 - I hate him and everything about what he did to one of my favorite game series, but there's some hilarious camp factor surrounding him, so it evens out back to average.
Xorn - 5/10 - see above.
Violetta - 4/10 - Actually found her sufficiently creepy and her death kind of shocked me, so she gets this high.
La-Ilim - 2/10 - Point for creepy design.
Kornell - 5/10
That Guy With the Beret - Abstain... who is this?


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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #148 on: August 09, 2010, 05:30:04 PM »
If you want things ranked then rank them, if you don't rank it what difference does it make?  There is no focus on presentation here, we don't need a soft middle ground term or approach to it.

Beret guy is the dude that giggles maniacally when La-Ilim regurgitates on mirrors.
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Re: Rate the characters 2: RATE HARDER!
« Reply #149 on: August 09, 2010, 08:28:16 PM »

Shadow Hearts
Yuri- 9.5/10
Alice- 6/10
Apathy for the rest of the cast.

Grandia III
Yuki- 3/10. There.
Alfina- 1/10- Just die, please.
Ulf- 4/10. Best character in the PC cast!
Dahna- 2/10. She has absolutely no personality to speak of, to the point where the complete void in said personality gives her a lower score than Yuki.
Miranda- 6/10. Loses 2 for sex with Alonso.
Alonso- 0/10. Worse than Ragnar

Emelious- 1/10. Awful.
Xorn- 5/10. At least is hilariously awful.
Violetta- 3/10. Loser.
Kornell- 6/10. Had a great line, best part of cast.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...