Author Topic: Cthulu Mafia - TOWN (drunk) WIN, MADNESS SOMEWHAT AVERTED  (Read 84212 times)


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« Reply #525 on: May 08, 2010, 09:06:13 AM »

That feller Handley turned out to be a right upstanding citizen, din't he.  Moreover, he was right.  The more I scum hunt the more I doubt my scum huntin' instincts...

That said,

##Vote:Nikolai Kolmorgovoblablablablh

I've consistently thought you've contributed well, but in light of recent events I'm none too sure that's a good thing.  Mor'n that, you done said yew-er gon' contribute at some point an' never done it, same as Seamus.  I'm none too sure I trust this line o' logic, but votin' you puts the pressure on yeh to speak at the very least.  

I'm... I'm gonna have to reread these last 20 pages AGAIN, and even then I'm none too sure I'll come up with anythin' useful, but... shit, nothin' else is gonna bring us close to huntin' scum.  An' I think the more townies get flipped, the more I can see patterns in how they act compared to how scum acts?  Maybe so.  We'll see.

Dimension McNinja'd by Bike.  Not sure why he got slowkilled again, unless that "BIKE KNOW'S SCUM'S SECRET" carries more weight than I initially thought.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« Reply #526 on: May 08, 2010, 09:08:05 AM »
oh my god can I can't believe I just typed "knows" as "know's".  bugs me so god damn much

Asuka Langley

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Ginger Discotheque Extraction
« Reply #527 on: May 08, 2010, 11:06:23 AM »
Jack: I don't know scum's secret, I just know that Samuel knows it somehow.

Regarding the people left in the game:

I'm super duper cleared by about a million different ways now that the slow kill's hit me again.

I'm willing to lose the game if Jack is scum, given how the mod himself basically went out of his way to clear him. Maybe there's some retarded scum way around what's happened to simulate all of the effects, but if there is I'm first in queue to whine after the game ends. He could theoretically be ITP, but given his position and there being two scum left we really don't have the time to chase ITP unless they wave their hands at us. Also, even if he is ITP (I don't believe it) it doesn't matter too much, given that he's all but guaranteed to pick up the slow kill tomorrow and out of the picture anyway.

I'm actually fairly happy with Nathan. I bounced a bunch of ideas off the wall during the night phase, and came to the conclusion that two town revivers was actually about the right balance. The concern started that maybe if two revivers survived to night 3 then it might be too unbalanced in town's favour even with no scum dead by the end of day 2, but the conclusion is reached that the only purpose of two of them existing is to improve the odds of one them being alive by then. Their options for revival are limited to the day 1 and 2 lynches, any fast kills, and the one slow kill that's happened by that point. Exactly one of these is likely to be useful for town (and yet another point towards the fast kill being town), and that's without Nathan's claimed limitation of only being able to choose slow kill targets. So that works out. If instead one of the revivers is scum, then the expected net gain for town is negative, and that's in a position of town being down. So, uh, no. Not with four scum. Even assuming something crazy like scumNathan telling the truth about his restriction and was forced to revive the first scum kill, then I'm pretty sure they'd be using the first slow kill on rolefishing, given the whole 'come back as vanilla' thing. Also, with Samuel having rolecopped him, assuming scumNathan then you either have scumSamuel and/or two doctors on scum's side. I certainly don't believe in the latter, as, even ignoring any sort of potential balance concerns, I can't see docfather Seamus pulling the miller strategy with a secondary protective role around.

So no, given that no one counter claimed in the first instance, I would not advocate or support voting for Nathan unless there is major evidence to the contrary. I consider {Nathan, Samuel} to be the only scum team involving Nathan to be possible at all.

So, two out of {Ronald, Samuel, Nikolai, Martin}. All the easier if we push the fast kill claim through, you see? Counter claim from scum will fail from the real one killing the fake one overnight. Guess I would have been wrong about that yesterday.

As it stands, there's still the possibility of the innards of the box - {Ronald, Martin} being the remaining scum. It's kind of part of why I want the fast kill claimed all the more now. I definitely want the two of you (that's you, Martin and Ronald) to admit to not being the fast killer if you're not, and if you are to wait for the other to anti-claim first. Failure to do this within about 24 hours or so will result in me assuming you're scum. There's still the outside chance of the fast kill coming from outside the box, but I hope not. If it is, there's still no chance for scum inside the box to fake claim the kill after the other guy anti-claims due to the real fast killer then going lol no.

Assuming we do bust out of the box, it's all about Nikolai. Nikolai, who has played a scummy game among scummy games. Playing the exact same way that he's played scum forever, just extreme. Being scum also neatly resolving my night 1 information. Yeah.

I want on that train. L-2 right out of the gate whatever, I feel good enough about it.

##Vote: Nikolai Kolmogorov

Obviously don't put it up to L-1. I'm just being greedy and selfish here. I in particular want to open the box before being in any way committed to this, not to mention that everyone should be weighing in generally.

Hey guys watch me direct a night action, hell yeah: hey Mr. Fast Killer, whichever you might be, here are my thoughts, on the very early assumption that we end up lynching Nikolai today. If he's town, then obviously don't use the power (unless someone has counter-claimed you). If he's scum and does have some titbit in his role information about sending out fake results, then you probably still want to stay your hand, as killing removes a lynch from town. If he's scum and doesn't flip such information, then I think it's probably worth killing Samuel overnight. Odds are we win, and if not then it leaves us in a better shape for the final day - you'll have removed a lynch from town, but Samuel's would probably be inevitable and a 3:1 finale is more in our favour than 2:1. 2:1 would result in either the slow kill victim being casting vote, or scum fake claiming slow kill and the third person casting the deciding vote - pretty much the same but with trap potential. Scum can't fake claim slow kill in 3:1, as we either lynch scum and win or lynch the slow kill and end up in an additional day of 2:1 (due to no slow kill going off that night) with scum getting immediately lynched due to lying, thus 3:1 would be a slow kill claim guaranteed !scum, and give us better odds of picking out the scum from the remaining three.

Sure this directs a kill, but I'm only directing it in the case of there being exactly one scum left, who'll have his hands full acting out the slow kill. Unless gee, Samuel suddenly conveniently claims to be bulletproof too.

Pretty sure this only fails if the fast killer is scum, for which my answer to that is: no. It also has potential to fail if the fast kill is outside of the box, but resolving that the fast kill is inside the box is a pre-condition for my vote on Nikolai anyway.

Personally, I'd still wager on Samuel being town, but I'm still going to cover all the possibilities I can. I'd also then remind myself that at least a fair chunk of why I consider him to be town is due to him ferrying the votes on to Ethan in day 3 and related events, which fail if Nikolai is scum. In fact, if Nikolai is town then I'd just about wipe the odds of him being scum off the board and devote my legacy beyond the grave for the second time for the scum pair to be {Ronald, Martin}. Then again, this is part of why I very much expect Nikolai to be scum regardless of Samuel's alignment.

I want to wait for the fast kill gambit to go through before discussing the possibilities further. Combine that with the amount I've written already, and I'm going to stop here for now.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« Reply #528 on: May 08, 2010, 01:02:21 PM »
"Alright. We're basically down to me, Hargreaves, Dale, Kolmogorov, and Andrews.

The best clue we've got in terms of roles is Bike's 'Hargreaves knows scum's secret'. That could either be a cryptic way of saying Hargreaves is scum, or an even MORE cryptic way of saying that he's rolecopped scum. So in short, I'm willing to safely say that at least one of the Nikolai/Hargreaves pair is scum, maybe even both.

Of the two...? Hargreaves was contributing yesterday, and he was behind the right wagon. Nikolai...well, even the mod has pointed out he seems to be trying to post the smallest amount possible to avoid a modkill. All he has working in his favour right now is the fact he ran alongside Ethan Hayles on Day 3, but that late in with no scum deaths I suppose a gambit along those lines isn't entirely out of the idea. I'd probably drop a vote on Nikolai right now if it weren't for the fact that he's already at L-2.

I'll leave my comments on the whole fastkill situation until after Bike's finished his rolefishing expedition. Pun fully intended, you're very welcome."


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« Reply #529 on: May 08, 2010, 01:54:45 PM »
Okay, sure. I am most definitely not the fast killer. I am, however, about to get ready for and then head out to work, so I don't have the time to post anything more substantial than that for a while.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« Reply #530 on: May 08, 2010, 02:34:37 PM »
Ronald Dale;

Don't have a lotta time. I'm not a fast killer. Real post coming up later, running late.

Princess Leia

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« Reply #531 on: May 08, 2010, 02:45:22 PM »
##Vote: Roland Dale

Dude, what the fuck?


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« Reply #532 on: May 08, 2010, 02:49:38 PM »
Ronald Dale;

OK, quick one still, why's that suddenly grounds for voting me?

Princess Leia

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« Reply #533 on: May 08, 2010, 02:58:26 PM »
Because I investigated you last night. I'll give you a chance to say anything you want before I say anything more.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« Reply #534 on: May 08, 2010, 03:08:03 PM »
Ronald Dale;

Then I'll say my role PM did NOT include "You can kill people". ... but my role PM does say... Gruh.

Hargreaves, do you mind keeping it to yourself for now? I'm back in two hours after grocery shopping, possibly less, and I'll disclose everything I know then. You can decide if I'm lying, but I swear that if your investigation pops up me as a killer, I have absolutely no recollection of being one. ... and I suspect that this may well be the case.

Princess Leia

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« Reply #535 on: May 08, 2010, 03:10:04 PM »


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« Reply #536 on: May 08, 2010, 03:48:03 PM »
Ronald Dale; (?)

Raining, so I just went to a grocery store nearby.

Anyway, to clear matters up. I'm not Ronald Dale.

In fact, I am not even a guy! (don't worry if I look like one, I don't know why!)

I'm actually Mei-Fan Chen, from China. I have no idea what my job is, but it has to do with research.

I am Cop. My sanity was not confirmed, but I confirmed it during the game to be "sane" - more on that in a few. My alternate identity was revealed to me on Night 2, along with an... interesting memory snippet.

A German soldier was talking to me in French, calling me "Mr Schmidt" - for all intents and purposes this is to Ronald Dale. Dale then grabs a knife and I black out.

Similar stories emerged each night, but I passed them off as unimportant flavour, a mistake Hargreaves has now confirmed to be stupid. I suspected it but he basically confirms it - I am probably the killer.

Mei-Fan probably comes from the future. Today I received a message that I read a newspaper on October 26 (gameDay 1) that a man was sliced up and Ronald Dale was the only witness. And he witnessed a vague man in his 30s escape.

Ronald Dale is in his 30s.

My night targets were Peyton, Pietro, Chad and Kyle, in that order. Chad was a barderp, I hope you'll forgive me for it.

However, Peyton was attacked N1, and the other two died on the nights I investigated them.

Coupled with Hargreaves' story, I believe I am an insane killer, รก la Jackal and Hyde.

I chose not to voice these suspicions because it sounded downright crazy but if Hargreaves rolecopped me to be the killer, and the targets picked were already suspect, then I believe there is sufficient reason to believe I may in fact be that killer.

If I am then my honest apologies to town, I was never informed my power would kill and N1 and N2 I had thought of as coincidences, given that I found them both pretty suspicious and obvious targets for the kill.

I can only say my Day 1 and 2 hazy play were due to laying low as a Cop, and my insistence on lynching Pietro came from the belief that there was no way there were two Cops. Hayles later was because I specifically paid attention to that tidbit, hence why I could point it out that quickly.

N1 I investigated Peyton because the walls of text were the best I had D1 as suspicious, he returned Town.
N2 I investigated Pietro because I thought he'd die the next day and I wanted to confirm my sanity, he returned Town.
N3 I hatbotted the action and investigated Chad, forgetting he was getting slowkilled.
N4 I investigated Handley, because I was sure he was scum and wanted a solid investigation in my hand to condemn him.

Also the reason I asked for the date earlier is because November 1 is very very very bad and it is my mission to end the threat to town before that time.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« Reply #537 on: May 08, 2010, 03:53:04 PM »
Mei-Fan Chen;

Also, ##VOTE: Snowfire.

Princess Leia

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« Reply #538 on: May 08, 2010, 03:59:28 PM »
Analysis to come in a bit, but for now I'll just say that, crazy as it may seem, Bard/Dale/Mei-Fan's story checks out. I actually received two role results for him, one that said he was cop (no sanity given) and one that said he was vigilante. Not "killer" or anything but explicitly "vigilante", which was why I was so confused that anyone would lie about it. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Snowfire


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« Reply #539 on: May 08, 2010, 04:13:56 PM »
Mei-Fan Chen;

Just adding: my role PM said that it is Cthulhu Mafia so he couldn't say the role would work as advertised, but I'm definitely not rando or naive, so I took that to mean sanity rather than "olol you are a vigilante as well as Cop!"

... so I'm sane.

... I could've investigated myself and had almost done so N1 to confirm sanity. Go figure.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« Reply #540 on: May 08, 2010, 04:14:57 PM »

Nathan has been sitting in the back, chewing on his pencil. At the sound of 'Dale' producing 'his' grand declaration, he promptly bites it in two.

"Well, I'll be damned. You certainly pull off a very believable man, that's for sure. This'll make an interesting article tonight...well, as soon as I'm finished with yesterday's. Look, all this madness that's been going around has been screwing with my schedule, okay?

But yeah, Mei-Fan That is the best worst role ever. If it wasn't for the fact that Hargreaves has basically vouched for you, I'd probably be voting you right now. For the moment, I'm pretty sure it's just safe to ##Vote: Snowfire (L-1) for what is possibly the most absurd setup I've ever seen in all my days."

((It's very tempting to start saying Chen, but given the forum I come from that has obvious connotations. :V))

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« Reply #541 on: May 08, 2010, 04:58:37 PM »
Hutchins Hops It, A Brand New Bike, And O'Malley Dies For His Sins
The Latest Installment In The Nathan Greaves Guest Report Saga

In another wild day in Marbury, the death count surrounding the Jon Hutchins investigation continues to rise.

After leading his football team to a stunning victory against their Milton rivals, Chad Hutchins, the son of the deceased, has disappeared. Margie Jenkins, the family's housemaid, was believed to be delirious when she claimed that the Hutchins household was missing, but sure enough the manor has completely vanished, leaving nothing but a mysterious symbol in the earth.

While this most curious incident unfolded, another mystery emerged on the other side of Town. In the early hours of the morning Jeb Cress, proprietor of Rosie's Country Inn, revealed to the masses that his wife Mary was, contrary to popular belief, still among the living. The situation grew even more confusing when Marbury welcomed yet another new resident - Gershom Bike, supposed brother of the missing-and-presumed-dead Moses Bike. His face is strikingly similar to that of his brother, and there are suspicions passing around that the two might in fact be the same man.

Still, in the midst of all this calamity, the search for the accomplices of Ethan Hayles ran on unfazed. Evening brought a final majority down upon Seamus O'Malley, local all-around handyman. As the investigation dragged on, he claimed to have been a former member of the clergy, but as this claim was placed under the magnifying glass O'Malley attempted to flee the scene. Marbury watched on as the priest was lead to the gallows, muttering that he had been intending to 'save' the innocents of Marbury despite having been found guilty of assisting in Hutchins' murder.

Uncertain police officials have reported the recent series of successful investigations as 'positive', but by now they have stopped attempting to explain the various supernatural occurances that have plagued this little town. Several residents are still in disbelief over the return of Mary Cress in particular, and there is noticable speculation over what other strange forces will act next...

Princess Leia

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« Reply #542 on: May 08, 2010, 06:12:28 PM »
If we lynch SnowFire does that count as a "happily ever after"?

Anyway. This breaks open Bike's nice box. We have two scum left alive, and putting aside my good self, only one person without some degree of clear on them, namely Andrews. We have mod-confirmation on Bike, and external confirmation (barring a counterclaim which would shock me even after this much insanity) for Mei-Fan and Greaves. Which leaves Andrews and Kolmogorov, but I also think Daniels isn't absolutely clear; "returns vanilla to rolecops" strikes me as a far more sensible godfather-type ability than "returns Miller Rolecop X to rolecops", particularly since it would sort-of match Handley's role. I can't judge how obvious I was in pushing him at the start of day 3, but from here I can well imagine him realising I had a role result from what I said. The initial miller claim of course makes sense as scum, both to protect himself from "proper" cops and to get Hellsnake lynched. The one niggle here is how well it fits in with Hutchins' role, but I can see that being deliberate setup - it's a bastardy role combination, sure, but at this point everything's bastard modding to a greater or lesser extent. On that basis I don't think it's too much of a stretch to imagine that scum received some kind of hint that such a role existed. (Or they happened to hit Chad with a role investigation night 1 - unlikely, sure, but everything's unlikely now)

All of which proves nothing, of course. Maybe Nikolai really is scum, Daniels really is town, and I'm just overthinking things. But while he's been posting a lot more than the Russian, I don't remember a whole lot of what Daniels has been saying, and with this much insanity around I don't think we should be writing him off on roles any more than we should be Kolmogorov.

That said, I don't think he's my prime suspect for today. While we must be dealing with one crazy role-godfather (and that's in addition to the docfather, but given no real cops that's less wtf than it might be), and even given all that's happened, I'm not yet willing to believe in both Kolmogorov and Daniels being scum. I'm aware that for the rest of you, going by pure rolelogic makes me the prime target, but I have to follow my own principles.
##FoS: Martin Andrews; will do a full reread of the three of them and place my vote either this evening or tomorrow, but I don't expect to be anywhere else.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« Reply #543 on: May 08, 2010, 06:35:02 PM »

Nikolai Kolmogorov [2]: Jack Daniels, Gershom Bike
Mei-Fan Chen (Bardiche) [ 0]: Samuel Hargreaves
SnowFire [3]: Mei-Fan Chen (Bardiche), Samuel Hargreaves, Nathan Greaves

Uh...  I'm at L-1, so it looks like I better role-claim. I'm actually Town Yog-Soggoth, by which I mean I want to devour the town.  That quiet your suspicions?

Also note that Mr. Soggoth is on vacation at the moment, so if you want me to respond to IRC pings talk to "Snow_Fire" or "Snow_flame" as SnowFire/Snowflame is my home account I left online despite not being there.

Asuka Langley

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Stool Bazaar Requiem
« Reply #544 on: May 08, 2010, 07:39:41 PM »
Well good. That's not exactly how I saw those claims going,

Samuel: the thing that clears Jack is the fact that he claimed that he had lost his miller status, and then Chad flipped. Especially with the specific claims from the mod that scum millers do not exist, and though he wouldn't rule out the possibility of powers that could fake miller to rolecops, he did say that only millers would respond to Chad's power. Even if scum did somehow find out about Chad's role, Jack made it clear that he'd lost miller status before Chad said anything about having targeted him. It's really, really tight short of something utterly retarded, which is why I'm willing to confirm him and bitch about it later if he is somehow scum.

So no, as usual you're barking up the wrong tree of set up theory for the wrong reasons.

Mei-Fan: leaving aside everything else for now, just how did you know about the existence of the godfather? (or godfather-esque role - I'm not saying that it need not be Seamus's docfather)

Mei-Fan's claim reduces some odds, at least. ScumMei-Fan => scumSamuel. I'm probably going to clear her outright quite yet when I have a few remaining things to consider, but it almost certainly fits into the puzzle as expected.

I'm pretty much sold on scumNikolai, which may well seal scumSamuel as a result. ScumNikolai at least resolves tons of stuff.

In fact, if I can convince myself to clear the fast kill (which could yet be counter-claimed, but I doubt it), I'm reducing the field to {Nikolai, Samuel, Martin}, which is sufficiently few to force the win. (I haven't said much - if anything - about Martin, but his actions since the box initially closed have matched the rough models I'd expect of scum, it's just lower profile since scumMartin has always been covered by plans)

I have two concerns at present. One of which is a potential set up involving a scum fast kill (very unlikely, hopefully on my way to disproving it), and the other relating to my night 1 action. Now that I've convinced myself on scumNikolai I'm pretty sure 4 inside / 6 outside refers to the miller set up, but I've been wondering if 5 outside could specifically refer to an ITP, and working out just where the ITP would realistically live in all of this. I'm hoping just as a survivor. Mostly, I'm back to wondering why the 5/6 outside was left so uncertain.

I also asked the mod to confirm that scum must kill. Well, not quiet that. Something like 'scum must use their primary killing power each night' so that the response would not imply anything about the alignment or even existence of particular killing powers in the game. Annoyingly no, he refused to confirm even that about scum rules. I asked because them forgoing the slow kill leading into a 2:1 would let them win the game (by being the only one to claim the attack). I'm pretty sure that they do have to kill, but better safe than sorry - it's another reason for ensuring 3:1 if possible, as that scum gambit fails there too.

So yes, I'm pretty hot for Samuel taking the fast kill this evening, given the lack of a bulletproof claim for defence. Bonus points for it tying Mei-Fan down just in case of the aforementioned scum pairing.

Asuka Langley

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Wool Smuggler Ghetto
« Reply #545 on: May 08, 2010, 07:44:38 PM »
Oh, pardon me, maybe he'll be able to do his silly claimed protect thing on himself, if allowed. As much as that came with claims of an attached curse if that actually deflected a kill.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« Reply #546 on: May 08, 2010, 08:12:07 PM »
Mei-Fan Chen;

Regarding that. I was blatantly told in no uncertain terms that I had knowledge of a Godfather-variant or Godfather being among scum. The first post notes the Docfather as "Godfather-variant", so I assume that the one I was hunting for has been resolved.

Additionally, mr Greaves, I'd like to point out that Day 1 you said you were hunting for a serial killer. I have reason to believe, from flavour, that mr Ronald Dale is the acclaimed Serial Killer. This night I saw a memory snippet where a detetive threatened Ronald Dale to get out of town due to "a problem" he "didn't have under control", and every night I black out for a while.

"I" referring to Mei-Fan Chen. I know little of Ronald Dale, but enough now to assume he's the serial killer you might've been looking for.

There's no need to look elsewhere for third parties right now, let's focus on scum, shall we?

RE: My night actions, I'll respectfully say I have no intention of staying my hand due to November 1st being a daily panic attack for me. I'd rather take my chances with hitting scum than I do with allowing scum to reach that coveted date. (I think we have tonight left before november 1st, correct me if wrong)


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« Reply #547 on: May 08, 2010, 08:16:01 PM »
Mei-Fan Chen;

Ah, we have three nights at best, unless mod time skips. Nevermind, I can control Ronald Dale as necessary. Unless someone has objections with me following confirmedTown's directions, I'll be fine with having my action directed for the night, even if it means staynig my hand.

Princess Leia

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« Reply #548 on: May 08, 2010, 08:17:58 PM »
Sorry, did Chad actually claim to have targeted Jack? I don't remember it and couldn't see it on a quick look through his posts.

Asuka Langley

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Stocking Goulash Festival
« Reply #549 on: May 08, 2010, 09:38:20 PM »
The more pertinent question would be how scum could possibly know about the miller-removal when he'd only return 'doctor' to rolecops.