
Author Topic: Cthulu Mafia - TOWN (drunk) WIN, MADNESS SOMEWHAT AVERTED  (Read 95241 times)

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #150 on: April 22, 2010, 08:31:51 AM »
::Peyton rises late.  Looking around at the assembly, he raises an appraising eyebrow.  With a grin, he wends his way into the crowd.::

"Good to see we're all still here this morning, gentlemen.  I'd like to believe we're out of the woods - speaking metaphorically, you understand.  But -"

::His grin fades.::

"- I ain't in the habit of getting what I want."

::He turns to Hellsnake.::

"What's this nonsense about Mr. Bike talking in right order?  How'd you like him to express himself, at right angles?  Of all the damned fool reasons to look at a man strange, I can't think of one stranger than that.  I suggest you explain yourself, Mr. Hellsnake."

((Seriously, WTF does that even mean, Mage?  You need to clarify.))

((I had problems with your play yesterday and am still suspicious for the same reasons as before, and you've continued to pile on to those - you don't have a newbie excuse for bad play, yet you continually get called out on it?  Then CHANGE HOW YOU PLAY.  And in case you want to protest that you are playing the way you consider good, in a game like Mafia, what the meta considers bad play flat out IS, because Mafia is based on testing trust and deception and reasoning through people's arguments.  If people think you're playing badly then you ARE, because you're either not winning their legitimate trust as Town or lulling them into trusting you as Scum.))

"Understand, friend, I ain't saying you had a thing to do with the murder.  Not without more to go on, at least."

::Peyton turns to Pietro.  He leans over the bar.::

"Don't suppose I could trouble you for a bottle of your most healthful, Mr. Giovanni?  I'm parched."

::He looks it, too, dark circles under his eyes and his skin drier than the climate seems to dictate.  While he waits for the Sicilian to deliver his libations, the former actor idly picks at his cracked skin, frowning to himself.::

::Peyton takes the bottle from Pietro - then grabs his wrist.::

"Could I trouble you for something else, while we're at it?  On account of I couldn't seem to for much of anything, yesterday, except for regurgitating the same things other folks already said and sitting back while Callahan hung."

::Peyton's eyes are hard as he rises to confront the Sicilian.  His free hand slips under his coat, revealing a Colt Single Action Army tucked into a shoulder holster.::

"Not to be dramatic, but I don't imagine you'd go as quietly as the last man hung here, if it should come to that.  And I think just maybe it should, on account of the only thing you said except for blowing wind was to cheer us on to hanging a man for not being useful!  Now, why don't you step out from behind that bar where these good folks and I can see where you keep your hands... off that shotgun, for one."

((In short, my suspicions from yesterday hold for Pietro, and I agree with Seamus that continuing to support the Callahan lynch - mislynch as it turns out - because Callahan's role was no longer useful is just... nasty.  Also WRONG.  Vanilla Town is a plenty powerful role, but leaving that aside, Bulletproof even has some theoretical lategame use, in the right combination of roles it can shut down the Scum for a night action or two.))

((If you had moved your vote to Callahan because of this I'd be pushing for your lynch right now.  But since it just stayed there, it's more of a "that's BS" than a "I'd vote for you even if I didn't think you were Scum before."))

((But you know what?  I did.))

((What's more, I don't believe the ENTIRE Callahan train was Town vs. Town, with no Scum aboard for the ride.  You're definitely the person on that train I thought looked worst to begin with, and unless LAL comes into play with some of the even less active, but less classic Scumlurking, people aboard, I'm definitely inclined to:))

##VOTE Pietro Giovanni

Princess Leia

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #151 on: April 22, 2010, 08:33:25 AM »
what's the point of this statement beyond trying to claim some ownership on the Callahan case?
((I was explaining my worry about the possibility of a quickhammer in this post; I read this post as saying "why are you worrying about this, he's at L-2 which is perfectly safe"; yes, but L-1 is not safe enough, and I didn't want to put him there that early (admittedly it wasn't actually as early as I thought).

There've been enough complaints about the accent that I'll stop it (that and it always took bloody ages). I'll try and keep up the roleplay, just in plain English.))

I woke up this morning thinking I should take another look at who was voting old Moses. Even though it turns out Callahan wasn't our killer, there was little grounds for the case against him (as Hadley said back here), and his being (an admittedly distant) second on our list of bad guys smells off. But now I get my reading glasses on I see there were only ever four folks who put names to him, and one of them was the dead guy. Seems odd that he was ahead of Hellsnake despite there being six people listing him, but on reading three of those were joke/alex.
(Ok, guess I can't keep up the roleplay)
Now, Handley: focused on Bike all along, which I don't see as necessarily scum. But that peculiar vote-shuffle at the end has raised my hackles a little; it distorts the record of what he actually did, which is to push Bike all day and then hop onto the big train (which I don't think he'd even mentioned up to that point) at the last minute - and if he's trying to hide it then that is scummy.
O'Malley I've already spoke my piece about, and now that I look the vote for Bike is very early and flagging up something that actually was worth poking. (At least, Bike himself seemed to think it merited the response that touched off the rest of it).

Which brings us to Hellsnake. Honestly, I think much of the attacks against him have been unfair (see what I've said earlier about O'Malley's case on him). The one that is true is that he was naming two suspects and not voting either; this is undeniably bad (and we have not been inconsistent about this, Mage), but not terrible when he's made his suspicions clear, and to tell the truth I can sympathise with his reaction to Bike, because that was a long post and on my first look I too read it as "Hellsnake isn't voting". In terms of the record I think Handley's vote-unvote is worse (though I can't be sure there's not a hint of OMGUS creeping in there).
That said, the attitude really isn't helping. "talking in chronological order is why I've got an issue with you" certainly needs some major explanation.

I was expecting to still be on O'Malley, but he looks a tiny smidgen better than yesterday for seeing that his early vote on Bike was for a reason and actually accomplished something, not that I attach a lot of meaning that early on. Handley looks worse than ever in the cold light of day. Hellsnake has been unhelpful but I'm not yet convinced scummy, and I think merits being given a little longer to either pull himself together or not. Handley > O'Malley > Snake in terms of scumminess; no-one else has really tripped my radar yet, though I'll do a sweep this evening to look for those flying under it.

##Vote: Kyle Handley . Hadley ninja unread

Asuka Langley

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Dusk Castle Wounds
« Reply #152 on: April 22, 2010, 10:56:43 AM »
Okay, so rested and reread, I need yet another out of character post.

Though I have received no explicit confirmation of such, I strongly believe myself to have been slow killed. The flavour was far more specific than I previously thought, in particular about basically making sure my affairs are in order before the inevitable darkness arrives. The wording might just mean that my dark secret is going to be resolved, but I'm not sure I believe that as a role. I expect that I'll either turn up as a suicide tomorrow morning, or have died fighting some giant fish. Assuming that this is a slow kill, the actions to be worried about are thinking that you've had a long conversation but can't quite remember it, and waking up immensely distraught.

I'm now sure enough of this being a slow kill (although I'm not happy with it not being confirmed if it is, but at least if it is it won't sneak up on anyone else) that I will reveal the results of my night action, but not sure enough to pass on a full role claim. However, it turns out that my role doesn't actually generate information as expected, it generates information wrapped up in stupid flavour riddles that I'm supposed to work out but also somehow still be vague, so I haven't actually worked out what I'm supposed to know.

Without decoding the flavour, I know that there are between four and six non-town players, which is remarkably unhelpful. I believe that resolving the flavour will either shrink that zone (least likely), or that there's a mafia team of four and either one or two ITP, or that four Marbury locals (or possibly people currently actually in Marbury) are non-town and one or two outsiders are non-town (most likely). Again, not exactly happy that I'm not explicitly told. I'll puzzle it out for the rest of the day. I can provide more detail if desired, but doubt I can bring it up in sufficient detail that anyone else will be able to work it out.

Asuka Langley

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Autumn Amber Grace
« Reply #153 on: April 22, 2010, 11:33:54 AM »
(In character description for the night information: )

This whole business has had me scratchin' my head, 'n for some reason this ol' screenplay came to mind. The Davidson Report, it was called. Creepy bugger of a story, it had. 'Bout this man who took to measuring his house and found it to be one inch bigger on the inside than on the outside, and it was all downhill from there, believe you me. Anyway, it gots me to thinking that maybe I could try'n measure Marbury, see what popped out. Spent the evening gettin' a list of all the locals, a list of everyone at Rosie's an' all that together and got to measuring, all science like.

Thing is, the most peculiar thing happened.

Measurin' from the inside of Marbury, I reckon I found that we have exactly four guilty buggers. Not sure they're all guilty of this here murder, but they're guilty one way or 'nother (read as: not town aligned).

Couldn't quite measure from the outside so well, but I'm sure that there are either five or six guilty buggers that way. Definitely not four from the outside in, oh no.

I've checked and double checked all of these here calculations, but I always get to the same conclusion. Summin just doesn't add up here.

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #154 on: April 22, 2010, 12:12:15 PM »
((Still ill, and I've a lot of work to catch up on. I'll probably be active again sometime tomorrow. Minimum roleplay from me for now, but I'll try to stay in-character, at least.))

What's all this then? We come back from yesterday's shenanigans to find Bike and 'Snake carryin' on their scuffle, and Handley's suddenly swapped sides? Again, the arguments strike me as the same as those on Callahan - bad play, but not necessarily a murderer. Rather'n votin' on it logically, I'm gonna look for what's more suspicious.
Though I'm secondin those requests of explainin the chronological thing. You're makin less sense than the sheep do.

((Okay, screw roleplay. I'm struggling to get any thoughts together here, and I've spent long enough looking through the posts getting nothing. Mild suspicions from yesterday/today:
 - Hadley, as I said yesterday, reported waaay too much in his summary of everyone and, like the drunkard pointed out, it's near-useless when it's only halfway through D1. Today's post isn't bad, but is a lot of repeating what's been said mixed in with flavour to make it seem longer. I'm fine with roleplay, but when the actual content isn't there, it's a problem. One of the things saving him here is that he called Pietro out in his summary of everyone...
 - ...and the case on Pietro is most definitely a valid one. His few posts seem to be focused on flavour and little else - I'm getting, at most, one point from each. Needs to contribute a lot more, but if we're looking at lurkers...
 - ...Martin Andrews takes the grand prize. I actually found Hadley's summary of the guy going back and went "Wait, who?" He's had all of two posts the whole game, and one was a correction. If there's nothing on a mod-poke/kill here, then this is definitely a time for LaL.

Before voting Andrews, I'll wait for the Word of Mod to see what happens, so...
##Vote: Peyton Hadley
for Day 1 reporting and list to show activity while not providing too much in the way of content. D2's off to a better start, but this is still the best thing I'm seeing.))

((Ninja Moses parts the Red Sea is nice and confusing, as he said before. Nothing much to get from that that he hasn't already said himself, honestly.))

Princess Leia

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #155 on: April 22, 2010, 01:43:19 PM »
Very briefly: Moses, is this Davidson Report business your description of your learnins, or the great almighty's? Back when I lived in the city I once met a curious feller by the name of Truant, who knew a little on the subject.

Asuka Langley

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Pinch Tack Date
« Reply #156 on: April 22, 2010, 01:49:57 PM »
In the middle of a proper evaluation, but to answer the ninja now:

Sam: the title itself was granted by the powers that be, but all else be my own workings.

Princess Leia

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #157 on: April 22, 2010, 02:16:08 PM »
So the almighty mentioned the Davidson Report (should that be record?), but the business about a house bigger on the outside than the inside is your own elaboration on the theme?

Asuka Langley

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Smile Modulator Panic
« Reply #158 on: April 22, 2010, 02:30:41 PM »
Sam: odd you should mention that, which means I now truly believe you know something about it (not that it's an alignment-tell or anything). First time I hear of it, it's The Davidson Record. Now I try and follow it through during the night it's suddenly The Davidson Report. How spooky (by which I mean lol, assume minor mistake).

But no, the plot of the story ain't mine either. I could read off a whole summary of the story right out of these notes, boy howdy. (I just wanted to indicate that all of the wording and angle was my own, since I've already been in trouble once over a copy/paste accusation already)


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #159 on: April 22, 2010, 02:45:48 PM »
Ronald Dale;

Right, so I been looking 'round here and... Not sure 'bout the oldtimer's paranoia of a slow death, but... man, what I am sure about? ... His name's Moses, ain't that right? Figures. Bike. Yeah. Old man Moses Bike.

I've been looking at everything. Words, words, words words words... can't make left or right of some of this. Man... hell, just a week still...

What do I know... hell, 'bout time I knew anything... is that I don't like the Hayles feller there.

##VOTE: Ethan Hayles

I don't like several things about him.

At the risk of sounding OMGUS, his initial vote for me doesn't make sense. I clearly said, "Let's end the jokevote phase", or something to that effect. Hayles then votes me for what he claims to be "taking jokevotes too seriously"... whereas I voted someone who hadn't voted at all.

Not the only thing. The entire Day 1 he sets his vote on me, mentioning Callahan once as someone he didn't thought to be scum, but also that he wasn't the best company to keep. Whatever that means. And then in his next post he votes Callahan after all, pretty late into the bandwagon.

What made me look back is today's case.
- ...Martin Andrews takes the grand prize. I actually found Hadley's summary of the guy going back and went "Wait, who?" He's had all of two posts the whole game, and one was a correction.
I actually found Hadley's summary of the guy going back and went "Wait, who?"

And then he votes Peyton for "not contributing too much in the way of content", says the arguments on Callahan were bad play but not scummy, and his Day 1 mentions only that Callahan isn't scummy followed by Callahan is scummy so I'll vote him - this doesn't add up.

Yeah no roleplay in that, deal with it~

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #160 on: April 22, 2010, 03:08:49 PM »
((No roleplay again, whee~.

I said you took the jokevote phase too seriously, yes. I never said it was a strong argument, it was the start of Day 1, what else d'you expect? I then kept my vote there on grounds of LaL, since you showed up early on and then did literally nothing for the rest of the day.
For Callahan, I said in the post where I voted him that there was only so much I could put down to bad play, and some of his responses seemed too scummy to be just bad. (And the part about 'not the best company' was basically flavour for "He's not good at being Town, but he doesn't seem like scum either." Obviously this changed as the day went on, and I don't think anyone here can say he looked less scummy between my posts that you mention.)
And what, I'm not allowed to read a name mentioned in Hadley's posts because I think he's scummy? Yes, I think Hadley is scum. But he mentioned Andrews and I didn't know who Andrews was. This shows nothing other than that I'm reading Hadley's posts, which I did with everyone - I went back and read the whole damn topic. And if that's not the point of your argument, I'm not sure what is.

Nothing to add on Moses/Sam's interactions. It could be suspicious, but it could also be purely flavour, so I'm willing to ignore this for now until we know either way.))

Asuka Langley

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« Reply #161 on: April 22, 2010, 03:31:30 PM »
Well now, that be enough about me woes and worries.

Sirs, my first rounds would be to check on who was pointin' at who and when. I'm particularly interested at the state of play come high noon (here), when it was all blocked up 'n Tyrone's madness hadn't drawn all attention. Just before this were Kyle's move to me, and Jack and Martin bringing the count on Tyrone from one to three. The next few votes that followed this were:

Chad unvoting Hellgorilla (and voting Kyle)
Hellsealion unvoting Seamus and voting me
Pietro unvoting Seamus and voting Tyrone
(Ronald unvoting Pietro and voting Kyle)
Nikolai voting Tyrone
Nathan (unvoting Chad and) voting Tyrone

At which point (here) it's all a lot clearer.

Now I'm thinkin' this is the key time of day and there's likely to be some guilty shuffling in here. With the way that Tyrone's madness took him, I'm sure that come sundown any ole criminal could lay low wherever they like, but back at noon it's a lot packed, and I'm betting they're sweating bullets in the hope that the right (wrong) people come out in front, especially if'n there's a guilty party in range at noon, which I'm thinking there's decent odds of.

Vote that screams out most there is Pietro's, who's already been pickin' up sticks today - jumpin' from one sinking ship in order to push another out in front. Nikolai's in that sweet spot of Tyrone voting as well, but I'm oddly far less suspicious of the Commie right now precisely because he went so far to provoke me, which doesn't sound like the best way to lie low when I'd been up in arms 'bout earlier attackers.

Probably not gonna find it surprising when I point to the Hellsalmon's vote next. Suspicion of pushing a second town wagon, you see. Don't gel very well given he came off Seamus to get there, I must admit, but I'd guess it looked more likely to stick, 'specially with all the bonuses that came with it. Funny how he's been struggling to get anythin' to stick to that case ever since.

I'd say that if the Hellllama is guilty then Chad looks a little bad for taking him outta the top slots, but then it was only a joke vote in the first place.


Oh, good day, Ethan. Mostly I'm hopin' Sam might know something 'bout the story that could jog the ole noggin and sharpen my results (maybe that's even how my role was supposed to work in the first place). Certainly hopin' for more than just idle chatter out of it.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #162 on: April 22, 2010, 03:52:22 PM »
"Morning, all.

So, Chad has done nothing that makes him look any better ((his last post basically said 'oh btw I don't support the Callahan lynch but Kyle is still bad on gut!')) but I'm a fair enough guy. I'll give him some time to speak up before I point any fingers, but by now if you aren't contributing it's a decent sign you've got something to hide.

Same goes for Andrews and Kolmogo-Kolgo-Komolgo-gah, you Ruskies have such crazy double barreled names, dammit.

As for scumminess - don't see any harm in Bike's claims since we'll find out if his suspicions are right soon enough, Pietro's habit of jumping around the wagons with little/no content before landing on Ty doesn't endear me to him, and Hellsnake is really not talking any sense from where I'm standing (then again, he hasn't offered anything of his own today, so I'll hold on judging him until I have some fresh info to work with). Of those three, I'm most comfortable with the mafioso over there - if nothing else, maybe the pressure will get him to actually say something that would sell."

##Vote: Pietro Giovanni

((OOC: I admit I'm not much of a reader, but thanks to an endless supply of pop trivia I'm pretty sure Bike's story is based off of The Navidson Record. Not sure if that'll help you cut your numbers down, but worth mentioning just in case.))

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #163 on: April 22, 2010, 04:47:36 PM »
I meant it in terms of what he puts down first, and when; He speaks like he talks. Now, normally I wouldn't be makin' such a fuss over it, but it just so happens that his case on me came almost entirely from me not voting --Not for not voting earlier but for just plain not voting-- upon which he voted me. Then came the admission that I had a vote down. The fact he talks like he thinks makes me more than a mite skeptical his vote on me was for the delayed voting, and not...

Blah, losing my train of thought. Basically, Moses talks in stream-of-consciousness. When he thinks of something, he says it. Normally, not a problem. But when Moses votes for me here he makes his case about me not voting at all, votes me, then makes a brief mention that I have a vote down. The order that all happens in is the key part.

As for the rest of what's gone on today, I'm certainly going to need to take a closer look at Pietro and Peyton (And who is Martin Andrews? Name doesn't ring a single bell all game), as well as Seamus and Chad as they were my other top suspects of yesterday. Feel okay leaving my vote where it is, however, since Moses' last post is more than a little odd. I don't rightly see why he's trying to paint me with a brush there. If you could please clarify, Old Man Bike?

...oh, right. Before I forget, there really is no point in leaving my vote on Bike, given he's dead at some point tomorrow regardless, it would seem. (Either he's slow-killed, or he was lying)

##Unvote: Moses Bike

Will have a vote down after I do a nice thorough re-read. (However, will be busy today, and a good chunk of tomorrow, so might not come until sometime tomorrow) Would still like some clarification, however, Moses.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #164 on: April 22, 2010, 04:50:36 PM »
No time, was gonna vote Pietro but there's enough pressure on him as is.  Don't want to put him at risk of a scum-train quite yet.  No read on Hellsnake because lolmage, and after the last day I'm not too keen on lynching simply for bad play. And this slowkill business coming out of Moses reeks of OMGUS (is that even the right terminology? I don't care). Gut says go for LAL until I have time to reason out things a bit more.

##Vote: Nikolai Kolmogorov

Asuka Langley

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Flower Circle Kitten
« Reply #165 on: April 22, 2010, 05:46:28 PM »
(Nathan: thanks, but no, I don't think it'll break by knowing any more about the actual source material. Sam's reaction and talk of 'Truant' implies to me incredibly strongly that he might actually have been primed with relevant information for this situation, but your finding what it was based on at least warns me that it is at least possible for someone to pull bull on me (I'd assumed it completely invented here))

I'm not findin' Peyton to be the disagreeable sort. I slept through his long monologue, but can't say I'm surprised an actor would want the stage. Sure the guilty may want to try and hide a tree in a forest by belching out so much, but I don't think they'd be hiding so well if they then give you a map of the forest all summary like. Sure, I think the monologue was mostly pointless and could have been left unsaid 'cept for the glossy glossary at the end, but frankly it's his time spent on writing his script, and I'm happy so long as the end justifies the means. I'm really thinkin' that's true here.

If we're talking 'bout people evading our attention (flying under the radar), then top of my list is Sam for the accent thick enough to make for tough chewing, which caused me to all but totally ignore the man yesterday. Care less now that he's speaking with the proper English, o'course. Not sure why Martin's takin' so much more of a beating than the Commie, given their situations are nigh identical and all, unless'n it's just that his good American name isn't quite so memorable. Not that they both don't need to get their acts together today or nothing, but same can be said of too many of us asides.


Oh, and it's the Hellsparrow again, parading around the fact that he doesn't actually have a reason to be pointin' at me - real men would have realised that they'd just misheard me, apologised and moved on rather'n try and make the error itself a reason to vote for me. Attachin' yet another hand-waver of a reason to me regardin' what I've just said. Will this one stick? I'm guessin' about as likely as anything else so far when you put so little into it. To do this 'clarifying' business you ask after, I was sayin' that noon (the time around the linked vote count in that post) was prime time for the guilty to make their move, 'n your move is one of the more suspect ones - even comes easy explained when it'd be your own ass you're coverin'. Not the foundation of no case when you can write that story with innocent intent, but let's call it an awful strange coincidence that the guiltiest man here in my eyes made a suspect and convenient vote change at the point I was thinking guilty parties would be most likely to be forced to move.

Not that I should really complain too much, but you've then stopped pointin' at me for one of the worst reasons. I've already made it clear that I don't know for sure that there's poison in my system that's gonna do me in, so on one hand if you think I'm lying then there's not much point in putting me off till tomorrow, and on the other hand if'n I am still alive on the morrow then I won't appreciate a quick trip to the charred gallows just on the basis I haven't already killed myself.

...can't inherently fault you for bein' busy and all, but delaying gettin' your opinions down for quite so long ain't gonna do your position any good.


(Jack (Makkotah): I'm sure you'll expand on your thoughts later, but do you mean you find the claim fishy, or that the delayed kill itself was placed out of spite or similar? For what it's worth, given what seems like a high proportion of non-town players, I think it's almost definitely not from scum (unless crazily it's their only kill, which I don't believe for an instant, but reminds me - so far as I see no one's claimed to have been attacked last night yet), and be it vig or serial killer (oh god no role spec really), I'm guessing I was targeted for looking dodgy to whoever it was)

(Not that I like jumping right on in at LAL, but I trust your position far more than I do the Helltuna's, what with past and present opinions being far clearer)

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #166 on: April 22, 2010, 05:53:22 PM »
Looking back, something about Mr. Handley seems a little... off. I noticed that he completely ignores Moses today, his old case, and jumps guns straight to (one of) his next suspect(s). In this post, he says he only drops ol' Moses because the case isn't taking off. He also says that neither of his next suspects seem at all scummy to him, just odd, and that they weren't something 'to take to the bank.'

Now, if we go to his post today, he jumps straight to voting for me because... why? Because I assumed scum weren't complete idiots, didn't have time to clear up the "chronological order" thing, and because I was a little stand-off-ish towards the end of the day yesterday? Sure, I can see that making me climb up the ladder of suspicion, maybe even to a vote (kinda, though that seems a little too aggressive to get much done), but what gets to me is the complete dropping of everything mentioned yesterday. It's not because I did of the reasons he had yesterday and the new stuff, it's just the new stuff.

But, mostly, if we're looking for a slow-killer... His sudden jump away from Moses (not even bothering to mention him today) makes me all the more suspicious of him.

##Vote: Sopko (Kyle Handley?)

Care to explain?

Ninja'd by the old man. True enough, and I did misread you there. I thought you'd gotten a guarantee from the mod that you were slow-killed.

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #167 on: April 22, 2010, 06:04:45 PM »
((Ethan's voting me for too much reporting, in the same post he points a finger at a guy who first got picked up for lurking in those "reportery" posts and ADMITS HE DIDN'T NOTICE ANOTHER LURKER until those posts.))

((So yeah.  Not even going to address this further, it isn't worth the trouble.))

"Times may be tough around these parts, Moses, but there's no call to start playin' the blues.  You think maybe that stuff you're reading got into your head?"

((In other words, Moses: Did you have to actively REQUEST the material you're trying to puzzle out today?  And if so, do you think it's possible that your slowkill, if you are suffering from a slowkill, could have come from doing that rather than from your visitor?  It's potentially very important.))

Asuka Langley

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Replica Laser Tempest
« Reply #168 on: April 22, 2010, 06:17:30 PM »
(At the very least, scratch the delayed opinions thing from my last post. That was way too fast to be made in response to me flagging him for it.

Don't look for the slow-killer at this point, though. They're not necessarily anti-town, and almost certainly not scum)


(Peyton: I don't want to elaborate on my role too much at this point in case I don't bite the bullet (although if you're looking specifically for the keyword 'request', then no), but I am absolutely certain - short of being explicitly lied to - that it is not responsible for what I perceive as the slow kill. There are at least two very concrete reasons for this confidence. On top of that, all of the slow kill stuff came part and parcel with this meeting and long conversation with someone last night that I can't seem to remember any more, so whatever it is, it's coming from someone having acted on me.)


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #169 on: April 22, 2010, 06:41:02 PM »
On the accounts note: It's not a big deal, I realize people are in a rush, but a reminder to try and use the alternate account consistently if you're using one.  Also, by default I sent night action results PM to "main" accounts on the theory that if you have email notification enabled, it'd be to that one.  If anyone would rather get their PMs to their alternate account, just PM me so.

Anyway.  Votecount.

Moses Bike [ 0]: Bill Hellsnake
Pietro [3]: Seamus (Excal), Peyton Hadley, Nathan Greaves
Bill Hellsnake [2]: Moses Bike, Kyle Handley (Sopko)
Kyle Handley (Sopko) [2]: Sam Hargreaves, Bill Hellsnake
Peyton Hadley [1]: Ethan Hayles
Ethan Hayles [1]: Ronald Dale (Bardiche)
Nikolai Kolmogorov [1]: Jack Daniels

There are 53 hours left in Day 2.  With 14 investigators, it takes 8 to lynch.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2010, 06:50:55 PM by SnowFire »

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #170 on: April 22, 2010, 09:36:41 PM »
Hey all.  I got to work down at the drugstore today (or the insane tutoring girl, whichever), so I ain't got much time now but after this the crazy should finally be over for me.

Short version thoughts:

- I am pretty sure Moses is town.  Moses, please tell us exactly what happened to you in as much detail as you possibly can.  Ask the mod how close you can get to quoting if possible. 

- I think Mr. Handley's switcheroo is crazy as all get out and combined with his stuff yesterday he needs to tell us what is goin on.

##Vote: Kyle "Sopko" Handley

- I am also willin to vote Pietro (who has not stood out at all to me which is bad) and lurkers

- I am not willin to vote Bill Hellsnake today, based on my continuing read on him and Handley's vote. 

- Martin Andrews, Ethan Hayles, and Jack Daniels - I want you to tell me everything you know about the "Order of Unseen Wisdom."  In particular I would like to know if any of you three specifically has any flavor information on what happened the night my Pop died.  I do have reason to believe this flavor affects gameplay in at least a slight way.

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #171 on: April 22, 2010, 11:50:40 PM »
Alrighty, I be feelin' a li'l better now, so 'opefully I won't be needin' t'take too many breaks now. Can't be 'eld up by illness over on th'farm!

Hadley, I already gone 'n' explained that one to th'writer over there. It's all well and good finding some good points, but a list like that is a mighty fine way o' lookin like yer doin a lot while not actually addin all that much to the discussion. I said that yer conclusion were fine, just the build-up to it were 'orrible, an' I don't agree with Moses in sayin that the summary makes up fer it, since it still looks like you added a lot more to this discussion than you actually have.
Not to mention that your latest 'contribution' is just you comin in, sayin you don't need to defend yerself, then pushin Moses for a little more info for some role speculation. Really not seein a reason to move my vote right now.

Moses, lookin' back, Nikolai gave a lot more t'us in his post than Martin did, not that him not bein here now is any good. Still, would push Martin 'head of Nikolai on what li'l they 'ave given us.

Aye, Chad, I know a thing or two about the Order. Bein alone on the farm now means I be needin somethin t'do, and the Order's a good chance for me t'meet with people. As fer yer pa, me an' him spoke a few times, but 'e were always far more into it than me. Said he had some big thing planned next week, but those big events were ne'er my thing. I were more into the social side o' things.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #172 on: April 23, 2010, 01:13:05 AM »
Hadly: I didn't lynch him because a roleclaimed bulletproof wasn't useful - his claim was a likely fakeclaim due to its unconfirmability and supposed usefulness to town (which I rubbished, rightfully so). And yes, my vote was already on him from before that.

Martin Andrews is not here, most deserving of LAL, only one post etc.

There's a few things goin' on around here makin' me a might suspicious, see?
The more I think about what this Hellsnake fellow said, the less it makes sense.
The post at,4828.msg104915.html#msg104915 raised concern, but more recently:
As for the rest of what's gone on today, I'm certainly going to need to take a closer look at Pietro and Peyton (And who is Martin Andrews? Name doesn't ring a single bell all game), as well as Seamus and Chad as they were my other top suspects of yesterday. Feel okay leaving my vote where it is, however, since Moses' last post is more than a little odd. I don't rightly see why he's trying to paint me with a brush there. If you could please clarify, Old Man Bike?

...oh, right. Before I forget, there really is no point in leaving my vote on Bike, given he's dead at some point tomorrow regardless, it would seem. (Either he's slow-killed, or he was lying)

##Unvote: Moses Bike
A total lack of consistency (I'll leave my vote where it is - /unvote/) leaves me wondering: if he's not paying attention to his own posts, how can he be paying attention to the game?
This on top of 'dropping names that people find suspicious' to target attention away from himself, without addressing any of those arguments (blatant name-dropping with no real effort or justification).
I'm not just nitpicking either, I'm fairly certain of my conviction; let the records show it.
##Vote Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #173 on: April 23, 2010, 03:15:10 AM »
Like I say, Bike, I heard Truant's tale about this Davidson (or Navidson? Could've swore it was Davidson, but this was years ago) Record back in Boston, and a mighty curious one it was too. Said he was going to try and have it published, though I don't know if anything ever came of that. If your visions from on high be matching up with it, mayhap I can help you find the sense of them. Though I don't recall there being a whole lot've sense in Johnny's tale, so there may not be much advice I can give. I can tell you to beware the minotaur, and which of the brothers was the good one, if you've got any correspondence between them kind of things and us, but the ways of the gods are mysterious indeed.

((Oh dear. I'd intended to reply as soon as we'd established who the House of Leaves stuff was coming from but then various things came up, and it seems people have been reading a lot more into what I said than there was; all I meant was I've read the book. I don't have any mod-given knowledge, I just recognised the name, so all this is probably (hopefully) irrelevant except for flavour.)

Two very minor points against Hadley: the stuff about bulletproof being useless is junk, obviously in the context of a roleclaim before the gallows, vanilla town is useless. (His point against Giovanni's voting, as expanded on by Bike, is sound though). I don't like "it's potentially very important", and it comes while he's repeating a point Dale has already made. Everything is potentially life or death here, and we all know this (as much as the last paragraph contradicts this).

Hellsnake... actually manages to make sense. (Not that you're right, Snake, by any means: Bike objected not only that you hadn't voted, but that you'd made a post in defence of not voting - at which point the fact that you had a vote down at the time genuinely is an afterthought and there's nothing suspicious in that). The namedropping is indeed bad, but only if he doesn't then follow up on it. Giovanni's "lack of consistency" point doesn't seem at all fair. What is bad, on the other hand, is that his post is all defence, with no scumhunting at all - but with the names we have something to hold him to.

Hutchins seems to have come to the same conclusions as myself so far; will wait to see where his flavour stuff is heading.

Kolmogorov was more memorable than Andrews by some way. It bears remembering that he did pitch up at the right time to pretty much seal the deal on Callahan, and talked as if he'd be posting a lot more (the questions about the use of russian) and then didn't. But because this was so blatant, I'm inclined to let him run with it for now, and would vote Andrews ahead of him, though I find Giovanni worse than either. When I started on this post I thought Giovanni's last post was trying to contribute, but having written my Hellsnake paragraph above I realise no;  he rides on the "concern" raised by a previous post while saying nothing about it, gives some rather bad logic about paying attention, and makes one valid but simple point (about namedropping). It really doesn't feel like Giovanni's building his own case here. Active lurking worse than passive, and there's the vote timings to think about.

I'll give Handley and O'Malley another look when they've posted, but for now I'm thinking probably Handley ~ Giovanni > O'Malley > Andrews > Kolmogorov > Hadley, and the first three are the only ones smelling outright scummy.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #174 on: April 23, 2010, 04:23:03 AM »
So, my good friend Hellsnake, you think I'm scummy because I think your argumentation is flawed and doesn't back up your defense? I'll accept your explanation of what you meant by the chronological order issue. That in particular was more an honest question than a part of the argument against you, which is why I separated it into a different paragraph.

However, again, your scum meta argument is frankly useless, and you continue to push other meta stuff as a legitimate and adequate defense of your actions.  Even bringing up something like "Just look at what I've done in previous games! That proves I'm innocent!" is awful, and that alone is worth a vote. This is why I voted you. I said this. In fact, all you ever seem to do is counter-vote anyone who seems to go after you aggressively. You had two serious votes yesterday, the one on Seamus (the one that is not your opening jokevote) in which you snap at him for suspecting you, on the one on Bike... in which you snap at him for suspecting you. Admittedly, you've clarified what you meant by the chronological thing, but Samuel Hargreaves makes a valid point about that in his latest post. Now you have a vote today! ... in which you snap at me for suspecting you, and make ANOTHER baseless meta argument (the role speculation that I'm the cause of Bike's supposed condition due to not mentioning him). On that note, I've also had all of one post today (not a great thing admittedly), and you act as if I've actively dropped everything I said yesterday about Bike.

In retrospect, the vote-tagging at the end probably wasn't the best way to go about that, but I'll stick by it. And just because I didn't bring him up doesn't mean I'm not still watching Bike. I'm waiting very intently to see how this claim of his works out, and honestly the only thing that will clear him as far as that is his death, as far as I'm concerned. Just dropping him from consideration due to this isn't the way to go, as it ends up the same if he is an extra death down the line or he is lynched today even, unless he's scum. So actually that might be the economic thing to do! Just throwing that out there.

To Pietro, Bulletproof is actually useless to town once it is claimed, barring certain crazy role setups. Bulletproof really isn't something that's an effective fakeclaim to stop a lynch due to this.

I'll be waiting for plenty more posts from Pietro today, because it seems the potential is there for him to just doing the same thing he did yesterday: find a cupcake reason to hop on someone and ride it the rest of the day while not talking much.