Author Topic: Cthulu Mafia - TOWN (drunk) WIN, MADNESS SOMEWHAT AVERTED  (Read 95042 times)


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #175 on: April 23, 2010, 05:12:21 AM »
* Jack Daniels starts chugging from his bottle of moonshine.  He's looking haggard, and if there was a visual representation of pain it'd be spilling out of his ears.

"Dang I got a hangover.  ((OOC: Incidentally, this is true.  Yes, it's 10PM the next day.  I'm painfully aware of that.))  Jus' need a little hair o' the dog.  But I reckon we need to get down to business."

"Moses, when I said I reckon yer full-a shit, here's what I meant: It sounds too convenient.  You was a major focus of yesterday for whatever reason, and this slowly-dyin' mumbo jumbo sounds mighty nice for takin' the heat off.  An if you ain't dead soon?  Well, yer jus essssstrapoliatin from flavor, ain'tcha?  I don't think yer scummy, least not as scummy as some other folks.  This is just somethin' I'm filin' away for now."

"As fer the order... I was in it wit Ethan, Martin, and Jon, sure.  Mays you don't remember much since you was a youngin, but after the war Jon hadn't come back with me.  Went around the world, came back... shoot, seven years ago? Anywho, when he came back from his li'l globetrottin' esperience after the warhe got me t' join up with 'im.  I ain't allowed to say too much, outta obligati'ns to the order and such ((re: Role PM wasn't too specific except that I took some sort of masonic-type oath at some point)).  I may be a washed up ol' drunk but I'm a man of my word. What I can tell ya is Hayles speaks the truth.  Been a social club in Maybury longer 'n I know of, and we get together and have these meetin's every now an' again.  I ain't been goin' recently.  Got tired o' all the rituals 'n shit.  Rather jus... rather jus get some drink in me all on my lonesome."

"Actually, this brings to mind... 'ey, Andrews.  You got some talkin' to do. You join't jus' before I quit goin'--may's you ain't got the same obligations as I?  Frankly, I reckon you need to be yappin' a lot more afore long anywho.  Quieter you keep, more creepy you look."

"As fer why I'm votin' the ruskie right now?  His input's been better 'n Andrews', sure, but it still ain't much." ((Metagamingly speaking, while I haven't seen Shale at all on IRC which kind of corroborates his story, I've seen Alice in IRC off and on and she still only has one post up here.  Suspicious!))

"Now outta y'all who's talkin, Hellspade's "I DONE THIS BEFORE!" stinks like my breath, and I ain't too sure my first hunch 'bout the salesman was wrong anymore.  He done changed targets after refusin' to drop his case on Moses til the very end yesterday?  And Pietro's talkin' more but I don't think he's still sayin' that much.  Just kinda goin' along with the flow.  I got my eye on these folks."

"I still ain't got a good read O'malley, but I ain't seein' what's so dang suspicious o' Seamus just yet.  May's I'll post more when I get done readin' up on O'Malley."

((Ugh ninja'd by Sopko but I'm done thinking about Mafia right now.  I need some fucking asprin.  God damn.))


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #176 on: April 23, 2010, 06:59:37 AM »

Moses Bike [ 0]: Bill Hellsnake
Pietro [3]: Seamus (Excal), Peyton Hadley, Nathan Greaves
Bill Hellsnake [3]: Moses Bike, Kyle Handley (Sopko), Pietro
Kyle Handley (Sopko) [3]: Sam Hargreaves, Bill Hellsnake, Chad Hutchins
Peyton Hadley [1]: Ethan Hayles
Ethan Hayles [1]: Ronald Dale (Bardiche)
Nikolai Kolmogorov [1]: Jack Daniels

No votes placed: Nikolai Kolmogorov, Martin Andrews

I have once more prodded our distracted friends.  Hopefully Mother Russia and capitalism can get along well enough to contribute to solving the Marbury Mystery.

There are 41 hours left in Day 2.  With 14 investigators, it takes 8 to lynch.

Princess Leia

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #177 on: April 23, 2010, 08:06:06 AM »
No time for a proper read before work, but one chilling thought struck me overnight: if there are really six nontown players then today could already be LYLO: tomorrow we'll be 11 with 6 to lynch, or 12 with 7 to lynch if Moses is still with us, and either way that could leave us outnumbered if all six bad guys are in there. I'm not sure that the thought helps us a lot (unless you want to take the lack of a warning about LYLO as proof that Moses is one of the six and really has been slowkilled, which a) is so meta it hurts, and b) is kind of stupid given that the info comes from him in the first place); we can't go being super paranoid with votes on day 2, but it's food for thought.

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #178 on: April 23, 2010, 09:07:42 AM »
((Dispensing with flavor since it's late and I just wrapped up work.))

Pietro comes back with yet another vote on a popular case, Hellsnake, justified by dubious reasoning.  If Hellsnake is not paying attention to the game, then he's playing badly.  That makes him bad town, not scum.  We've been down that road before - just yesterday, seems to me.

Vote definitely standing on Pietro.

Although, oddly enough, he DOES make a decent argument against Hellsnake when he mentions the namedropping without accompanying argumentation.  Why isn't THAT the crux of his argument?  Well, it's in keeping with his continually attacking bad (weak?) play rather than Scummy play.

A clarification for those talking about the Bulletproof stuff?  I was the one who argued it wasn't useless once claimed.  Clear a BP via other roles and you've got a confirmed Townie who can't die outside of LYLO, to give just one example.  And with apparently no successful nightkill last night, we presumably have at least one other defensive role, which might have been able to combo with BP to make one or more nights invincible.  It's useful in very specific situations, which are not apparent to a newbie, and it loses most of its utility when claimed except in those situations - which would make it a fucking stupid fakeclaim for a newbie like Callahan to make.

Anyway, that doesn't matter now except as it reflects on Pietro (and me), and it seems like people are getting mixed up who said what about it.

What Hellsnake ACTUALLY seems to do in the post Pietro is voting on?  The same thing he complained of Bike doing, voting in "chronological order," which he later explained meant stream of consciousness.  Which... :sigh: again, dances the line between bad play and Scummy.  The entire row between Hellsnake and Bike has just been one big facepalm on the Hellsnake side.

And yet, now that Hellsnake has moved on from Bike (for the wrong reasons, but whatever), he's...

... moved on to another apparent OMGUS.


This one is more interesting, though.  What Hellsnake says about Kyle/Sopko here seems accurate to Kyle's case as he had presented it to that point.  And it IS a weird transition, dropping Bike that way.

(I'll note that Pietro never mentions this post, despite HIS vote for Hellsnake coming after it.)

I'll admit, Hellsnake's arguments still seem bad to me, aside from the spot on Kyle which is marred by the fact that its OMGUS.  I just can't get out of my head that it could be playstyle, and the others I'm suspicious of don't have that excuse.

Kyle goes on to clarify his reasons for voting Hellsnake and not mentioning Bike here.  His arguments against Hellsnake are more in depth now, and clearly, and rightly call the snake out for OMGUSing and trying to excuse possible Scumminess with bad play.

He also explains why he didn't mention Bike.  He only had one post, and there was the slowkill.  Except Bike had only tossed out a very light speculation on the slowkill to that point, and he's never confirmed that's what it is to us (nor, for himself, with the mod - if we're to believe him).  I... guess Kyle could choose to say nothing about his main, main target from yesterday, who his last mention of continued to express interest in lynching, and instead hie off on a new, easier target, all because of one throwaway line about flavor in said target's post.

Kyle's explanation after the fact COULD BE true.

But it DID come after the fact, only when promoted by a vote - even an OMGUS vote - and it seems like strange play from someone who was so aggressive the previous day.

I liked Kyle on Day 1, but now he looks Scummy to me.

Speaking of Moses, by way of Jack.

I'm not sure I believe Moses's slowkill, Jack.  Whether he's lying about it and Scum (or at least non-Town), telling the truth about it and right, or telling the truth about it and wrong... I just can't tell.

I don't agree that it's convenient, though.  The people on Moses yesterday were Hellsnake (who is still in the frying pan for a mix of Scummy and bad play, and rightly so), Callahan (who played terribly and used a lot of INCORRECT meta in his votes, despite turning up Town), Kyle (who... initially inexplicably dropped the bad, to my mind, case... and anyway no one seemed to be listening to him) and Seamus (whose vote... doesn't seem very serious, to me, and certainly he never pressed it).  Moses was under little to no MEANINGFUL pressure at the time he broke out the ruminations about slowkill.

Which doesn't make it true, of course, or accurate.

It should not, IMO, enter into our decisions regarding him in any way.

Ethan Hayles is on my case.  Perhaps I'm not the best to judge his case on me, since, well, it's obviously personal.  Ronald Dale addresses the same thing that jumped out at me about his post, namely that Ethan is crediting my analysis for turning him on to Martin and attacking me for going into too much detail.  If I hadn't forced myself to go player by player, I'd have missed Martin, as he apparently did in HIS less formalized re-read since my reportage came well after Martin's sole "contribution" to the thread.

Ethan (et al), I can only say I had good reason to ask Moses about the source of his possible delayed kill, and good reason to not want Scum to know what that reason is if I can avoid it.

I was going to say that Ethan's calling me out for rolefishing is more valid than for reporting... but then it occurred to me - what role COULD I fish from that question?  It certainly doesn't seem to correspond to any of the traditional Mafia roles.

Maybe I'm missing what a theoretical Scum!Hadley could have been fishing for, and it's clear to you and you don't want to say it for fear of giving it away.  Fair enough.  BUT.  If I was rolefishing in an oblique way, surely Chad was doing so in rather more detail here?  In a post Ethan explicitly responds to?  So I'm not even giving him a pass on that.

Overall, I think Ethan's original argument against me is specious and weak, and doesn't justify a vote over the two lurkers he called out.  Not sure what to make of this, uncomfortable making ANYTHING of it because I'm not sure if my view isn't colored by OMGUS.

I also don't know if it reflects on Chad one way or another.  He's dangerously close to Pietro-esque lurking at this point, albeit without the train hopping.

Currently, I'm staying on Pietro.  Kyle/Sopko comes across badly as well due to his weird switch.  Hellsnake?  Gah.  Null read trending toward scummy (mostly for saying how it's "just his playstyle" and we should forgive/forget it as a result), but if so I'd have to accept his being bussed this early in the day?  Ethan seems scummy to me but I'll leave that for others to decide.  Chad, and obviously our two absent comrades, aren't posting enough.  Same goes for Dale, I suppose.

Personally, I do not care to vote for Hellsnake today despite finding him on the upper end of suspicious, just because he seems the most likely of the suspicious people to be so because of mistakes rather than Scumminess.

I'll wait for Word of Mod before I move on to Lynch All Lurkers on the Russian and Martin - besides, I think we have genuinely scummy people to pursue right now.

(P.S. Thanks to Sam Hargreaves for losing the heavy accent.  SO much easier and more pleasant to read your posts now. :) )

::dimensional shambler'd by Sam::

We haven't had a LYLO announcement.  I don't believe the Mod is so bastard as to drop something like that on us secretly.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #179 on: April 23, 2010, 11:25:52 AM »
Quote from: Pietro
A total lack of consistency (I'll leave my vote where it is - /unvote/) leaves me wondering: if he's not paying attention to his own posts, how can he be paying attention to the game?
"Question, Mr. Giovanni. What makes you so sure Hellsnake's got bad intent and isn't just a little, uh, out there? I'd word it more clearly, but libel is a bit of a jerk like that.
Thing is, I don't see what makes Hellsnake's lack of attention a clear sign he's a killer."

Your second point, about him mentioning a ton of names and not following up, is a lot more believable. Looking back through my notes, though, I saw that here he said he'd need time to make a re-read, and according to my trusty pocket watch (when politicians say they'll give me five minutes for the interview, I hold them to it!), that's due sometime later today. So I'm gonna wait and see what comes of that before I judge Hellsnake, but as a consequence Pietro looks kinda opportunistic."

((Holding Hellsnake responsible for a lack of information when he's said he'll produce later is pretty aggressive. Weren't you the one who loved America for holding the trial before determining the verdict? Vote stays for now.))

"As for Handley:
Quote from: Sopko
Just dropping him from consideration due to this isn't the way to go, as it ends up the same if he is an extra death down the line or he is lynched today even, unless he's scum. So actually that might be the economic thing to do! Just throwing that out there.
...Wait, what? You want to lynch the guy who's already claimed that some deep dark secret is gonna eat him up tomorrow? What do we have to gain from lynching him a day early, rather than spending today looking for other suspicious folk?"
((If we lynch Town!Bike, then obviously we've wasted a day and given scum an extra head. If we lynch Scum!Bike, then we've gained NOTHING compared to if we'd just waited out the day, noticed he was still alive, and lynched him D3. So there's no reason to risk pressing for his lynch (we lose out if we're right, and gain nothing if we're wrong) and the fact you're even suggesting this makes me feel uncomfortable.

Still think Pietro's passive suggestions are a little scummier than Kyle's in-your-face wrongness, though. Andrews and Nikolai (MUCH easier to remember than Kolmogorov) still need to exist.))

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #180 on: April 23, 2010, 11:27:37 AM »
EBWOP: "We lose out if we're wrong, and gain nothing if we're right, even. Dammit, why do you guys only sell beer around here? I need a goddamn coffee!"

Asuka Langley

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Reed Afterglow Outbreak
« Reply #181 on: April 23, 2010, 12:06:09 PM »
I'm chewing on a post cutting all the background details I have as closely as possible, but before then:

Sam: we don't lose until scum equal/outnumber us. ITP don't count towards that. I'm idly guessing (but not basing anything on at this point, it's meaningless) that three scum, two ITP seems most plausible, which sees us plenty clear of LYLO for now. Not even close even assuming four scum. Early friendly warning not to spend so much time thinking about the set up, mostly because you seem to end up at weird and incorrect conclusions, the obsession of which got you in plenty of trouble in your other game. Of course, playermeta from that gives me a slight town leaning on you, but argh, stop it.

Unfortunately, your being acquainted with the man behind The Davidson Report doesn't seem to help, at least on first glance. Thanks nonetheless.

I'm expecting Chad to actually pull through with something from the push for information, else I'm worried about smoke screening by paying too much attention to flavour that's nice and all, but not actually helpful. That and slowly growing concerns about a pairing with Hellcod.

Oh, okay Peyton. So I excused you for your one man show yesterday, but that post is grade A wall of text journalism that reads super bad for being about five times as long as it need be. Regarding confirming the effect of night action on me with the mod, I've tried and failed. I'm not fearing heat if it doesn't kill me, given that odds are it'll happen to someone else tonight to corroborate tomorrow.

Was kind of more willing to let Kyle off than most for not going back on me today after the end of yesterday, but I seriously don't like the retcon implication regarding it being about the claim. Main reason why I'm not behind lynching him is because I do think he's the slow-killer (/ whatever happened to me), who I don't think is scum. Not that role spec should draw the claim out of him either way. Just don't think I can dance around the issue and claim I'm against his lynch for trumped up reasons. More the reason why I'm at the very least cautious about who's pushing on him. Would certainly be pushing Pietro over him if need be, for reasons mostly not originally my own.

I'm also not happy at the sheer number of people willing to lynch me straight up tomorrow if I don't turn up dead.

Likewise the amount that Hellchameleon is getting free passes. I know Mage can be unstable and all, but he's played a straight up standard scum gambit so far this game, with a variation on being super-OMGUS.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #182 on: April 23, 2010, 12:43:49 PM »
This one is more interesting, though.  What Hellsnake says about Kyle/Sopko here seems accurate to Kyle's case as he had presented it to that point.  And it IS a weird transition, dropping Bike that way.

(I'll note that Pietro never mentions this post, despite HIS vote for Hellsnake coming after it.)

I'll admit, Hellsnake's arguments still seem bad to me, aside from the spot on Kyle which is marred by the fact that its OMGUS.  I just can't get out of my head that it could be playstyle, and the others I'm suspicious of don't have that excuse.

Kyle goes on to clarify his reasons for voting Hellsnake and not mentioning Bike here.  His arguments against Hellsnake are more in depth now, and clearly, and rightly call the snake out for OMGUSing and trying to excuse possible Scumminess with bad play.

He also explains why he didn't mention Bike.  He only had one post, and there was the slowkill.  Except Bike had only tossed out a very light speculation on the slowkill to that point, and he's never confirmed that's what it is to us (nor, for himself, with the mod - if we're to believe him).  I... guess Kyle could choose to say nothing about his main, main target from yesterday, who his last mention of continued to express interest in lynching, and instead hie off on a new, easier target, all because of one throwaway line about flavor in said target's post.

Have to be quick, but I more meant that "I only had one post in which I didn't mention him, and now there's the slowkill" rather than meaning the slowkill was part of why I didn't mention him in it. Not that it wasn't hinted at, but it didn't factor into why I switched to Hellsnake at all initially. Of course, that can only be taken at my word, so make of it what you will. 

And to Nathan, I know it's an uncomfortable suggestion, but look at it. We still lose him tomorrow if he's telling the truth, and if he's lying, we lynch a scum. Lynching a scum is NEVER gaining nothing. If you came out against this from the position that his lynch tells us nothing, it'd make a little more sense, but if he ends up being scum it is not. I never said that we should forget looking at everyone else either.

To Moses, I'll agree that Peyton's posts are typically longer than they need to be, but they're hardly just meh journalism. How many times have we had someone say "Well, I wouldn't have noticed that." from his posts? He's adding new stuff, you just have to sift through the text. I'll go with your call that he needs to boil things down more, but I'm not getting a scum vibe from it on it's own. When he chooses a case to pursue, he's at least pretty consistant overall.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #183 on: April 23, 2010, 01:10:12 PM »
((Whaddya know, ill again. Back to no roleplay, sigh.

Hadley is still saying so much here that means so little. Example:
I'm not sure I believe Moses's slowkill, Jack.  Whether he's lying about it and Scum (or at least non-Town), telling the truth about it and right, or telling the truth about it and wrong... I just can't tell.

If I hadn't forced myself to go player by player, I'd have missed Martin, as he apparently did in HIS less formalized re-read since my reportage came well after Martin's sole "contribution" to the thread.
Except I tend to read backwards through the topic. If I'd been going forwards through the topic, the first thing I'd've done would be look at the character list, which would've been enough to achieve what your reporting posts did.

I was going to say that Ethan's calling me out for rolefishing is more valid than for reporting... but then it occurred to me - what role COULD I fish from that question?  It certainly doesn't seem to correspond to any of the traditional Mafia roles.
You asked if the slowkill was linked to his role. You asked how he obtained that information. It was nothing to do with just flavour, like Chad's one that you later mentioned.

The reason my vote was on you over the lurkers before was because we'd had no Word of Mod on whether they were going to be modkilled or not, and I wasn't going to place a vote on someone who might then go on to be modkilled. As it is, I'm feeling even more justified in my current vote, as that post was needlessly long and contributed very, very little.

Handley's all over the place with his views, but it doesn't strike me as scummy, and I'm more inclined to see who gives off scum-vibes over who is logically bad after yesterday. >.>  Same goes for Hellsnake, who's seeming very much to be bad Town right now. Can't say the same for Pietro--
Was gonna repeat what Nathan said about 'Snake producing info later, but ARGH do NOT promise information later and then say you'll be away for 24+ hours. Still not necessarily scummy, just fucking annoying.
...And then he goes on to post an hour later and vote? I take back what I said a couple of lines back. Hellsnake is seeming pretty scummy now, and I'd happily push for his lynch. Leaving my vote where it is, but Peyton = Snake > Pietro are my main suspicions right now, excluding lurkers. (And I'm including Ronald and his amazing one (relevant) post a day in the lurkers group.)))

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #184 on: April 23, 2010, 01:11:22 PM »
((Aaand wrong account. Putting this here for people using the View by Last Posts. >.>))

Princess Leia

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #185 on: April 23, 2010, 01:17:44 PM »
Superquick post during lunch: if we really think Bike is scum (and I don't), we should lynch him today, slowkill-claim or not; better to lynch scum now rather than later, and who knows what mischief he might be able to get up to tonight? (And this holds double since he's trying so hard to say that it might not be a slowkill after all).
Handley evidently agrees, which makes his "and now there's the slowkill" very awkward, though he has acknowledged this.

Asuka Langley

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« Reply #186 on: April 23, 2010, 03:33:24 PM »
Chad: right, here you go, here are all of the details I have from the top again, as close as I can shave them. Note that this post is mod approved: either approved that it doesn't break any rules, or approved for dedication to bullshitting. So by hook or by crook I'm allowed to say this.

My story starts two weeks ago when I was out fishing in the mountains (not at the lodge), where I heard [probably] two or three people doing some weird chanting and then a scream, but didn't check any closer. Presumably some NPC death that we haven't even worked out exists yet. Probably scum, but possibly a joint dark secret (guess it could have been Order members instead of scum). Suddenly a little unsure how this fits with the information I gained last night, which was potentially pointing at four scum (conclusion is I guess not, it'd be overthe expected odds anyway).

On the night of the murder of Jon Hutchins I was fishing near the lodge, where I didn't see or hear anything, and don't have anything to help with there. After I mixed up these two events at the start of day one this changed to agree with what I said (that I also heard chanting and a scream on the night of the murder), but I think go with ignoring the cover up and work with what we were supposed to.

Last night (night 1) was split into two parts for me. The first part was my own night action, which involved several paragraphs detailing The Davidson Record, eventually running into the whole 'hey, let's try that here, that wouldn't be totally crazy or anything' plan. The most specific I can get about this result is measured from the inside, 4 non-town; measured from the outside, 5 or 6 non-town, but unclear what 'inside' and 'outside' refer to exactly. I've already presented my thoughts on it being measurements of inside or outside of Marbury itself as the best bet, or possibly the difference between 'scum' and 'anti-town'. Don't really buy there being four scum very easily, but not sure about the other possibility either, as it was more people getting measured than places.

The other half was the action on me. This comprised of waking up feeling wretched, having a long conversation during the night that I can no longer remember, and having seen a vision. The vision was of my dark secret - it felt like the worst possible outcome of the secret (Rath'napula mean anything to anyone?). I need to deal with it, and the time for that is soon. The language is very final, basically like the dark secret will swallow me or I'll die bringing it right or something. Plus a little more to make it clear that this is the work of someone else's night action. There was no attached mechanical effect, but everything points to something happening during night 2 instead, and I can't see what it could be other than a slow kill. What else can it be, the power of plot resolution?

Asuka Langley

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Teacup Dance Nerve
« Reply #187 on: April 23, 2010, 04:15:18 PM »
Oh, bugger, cocked up the highlighting. Wanted to draw attention to the core of my night action's meaning: measured from the inside, 4 non-town; measured from the outside, 5 or 6 non-town. Refer back to the post above for the attached speculation.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #188 on: April 23, 2010, 04:16:39 PM »
Just so I have this information later... Moses, would you say your investigation was cop-like? Y'know, acted like a cop investigation?


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #189 on: April 23, 2010, 04:28:55 PM »
Ronald Dale;

Dropping in just to say nothing's changed. Complaining someone hasn't contributed much and yet accrediting realisations due to that someone's posts does not a good case make to me. Not to mention I doubt scum'd try to put themselves on the radar so massively on Day 1.

Happy with where my vote is.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #190 on: April 23, 2010, 04:45:20 PM »
Ronald Dale;

I said you took the jokevote phase too seriously, yes.

This is really a non-issue but I didn't take it serious at all, hence why I said to put an end to it and make a serious vote for a serious reason and an early stage in the game. Lollygagging around with jokevotes doesn't help anyone, moving into srs bsns does.

And what, I'm not allowed to read a name mentioned in Hadley's posts because I think he's scummy? Yes, I think Hadley is scum. But he mentioned Andrews and I didn't know who Andrews was. This shows nothing other than that I'm reading Hadley's posts, which I did with everyone - I went back and read the whole damn topic. And if that's not the point of your argument, I'm not sure what is.

Point of argument = you said Hadley doesn't contribute much, I disagree and rebuke that with your own observation that he pointed out lurkers and made you aware of at least one. He's done his part in trying to help town by reviewing everyone and pointing out the lurkers. Whether this was helpful or not can be measured by whether he raised any awareness of lurkers. (He did)

As for the rest, could happily switch to Pietro if no one's interested in Ethan. I started with him Day 1 where he was cheerleading the jokevote phase and purporting it to be serious (This is where Ethan's attention should have gone) and I pretty much have to read back to remember he posts at all. (My name is Kettle, Pot, how are you?)

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #191 on: April 23, 2010, 04:48:33 PM »
((More OoC~

BardDale, that is the entire point of reporting - it highlights things that anyone can find to make it look like a contribution. Yes, I noticed Martin existed because of his posts. It just happened that I came across his posts before Martin's own.
As for the radar thing, it's just reading as "It's so scummy, it can't be" which is asffsgdftgfsfcdsagvgfdasfcregfzd.

'Snake's definitely rolefishing there, which is horrible, especially considering how little he's trusted Moses until now - has there been a change to that, Snake, or are you asking someone you don't trust to provide you with information? >.>

Personally, I'm inclined to trust Moses, since he's seemed very much Town to me so far, but no idea on the meaning there. I guess it could mean people from inside/outside Marbury, but I'm leaning more towards it being scum/non-town myself.))

((Dale ninja: Except he did this at the start of Day One. It was pure reporting, he didn't even comment on the lurkers in his summary, and it was way too early to be of any use ANYWAY so it is entirely there to look like he's contributing while offering very little - like everything else he's posted since.))


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #192 on: April 23, 2010, 05:03:29 PM »
Ronald Dale;

Yeah, I don't subscribe to "so scummy it can't be scum".

However I can see where you come from if you put it at the End of Day 1. My personal opinion is that it wasn't entirely 100% town to do but not scummy either. If anything I have a pretty good feeling about Peyton so far, except I can't say much but that it originates more from the gut than from the mind.

I'm not as optimistic about Moses. There isn't anything in there I feel comfortable holding against him, but I, for one, don't buy his slow-kill story at all. All this cryptic pish-posh pointing to a coming slowkill sounds suspect enough. There's good enough reason for me to let it slide for the day, but I'll definitely revisit it tomorrow.

Asuka Langley

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Marble Souljam Burner
« Reply #193 on: April 23, 2010, 06:06:59 PM »
Not quite subtle enough, Hellmantis. I doubt that was deliberately set up as a bluff / double bluff, though, so I'm very much inclined to back off of you right this instant.

##Unvote: The Hellowlbear
##Vote: Pietro Giovanni

For all the reasons for Pietro, and all those against Kyle, given this breaks the current three-way tie.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #194 on: April 23, 2010, 06:56:45 PM »
Since the rules question was asked: LYLO and Potential LYLO will be announced.


Moses Bike [ 0]: Bill Hellsnake
Pietro [4]: Seamus (Excal), Peyton Hadley, Nathan Greaves, Moses Bike
Bill Hellsnake [2]: Moses Bike, Kyle Handley (Sopko), Pietro
Kyle Handley (Sopko) [3]: Sam Hargreaves, Bill Hellsnake, Chad Hutchins
Peyton Hadley [1]: Ethan Hayles
Ethan Hayles [1]: Ronald Dale (Bardiche)
Nikolai Kolmogorov [1]: Jack Daniels

No votes placed: Nikolai Kolmogorov, Martin Andrews

Obligatory warning: If Nikolai and Martin do not post by the end of Day 2, they are likely to fall into a portal to another dimension, where they will stare helplessly at their bodies being controlled by unknown other souls, or even worse fates where their bodies simply disappear with ne'er a trace.  Don't let it happen.

There are 29 hours left in Day 2.  With 14 investigators, it takes 8 to lynch.

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #195 on: April 23, 2010, 08:02:39 PM »
Just so I have this information later... Moses, would you say your investigation was cop-like? Y'know, acted like a cop investigation?

((what is this i don't even))

((For once I have to agree with Ethan on something.  Put Hellsnake back atop my list next to Pietro.  No longer uncomfortable switching to him, because seriously, sod this noise.  If that isn't blatant scum rolefishing, I literally don't know what it could be.))

((I don't understand why Moses backs OFF after this, and his explanation doesn't clarify it to me.  I do agree with the DIRECTION, obviously.  I also don't understand why Moses is giving Kyle/Sopko a free pass on his weird day to day switch, to the point of shifting his vote to Pietro with the specific justification that it breaks the tie between Pietro and Kyle.  I'm all for protecting the innocent, but where is your evidence of innocence, Moses?))

((Looking back, I see your reason is that you believe he's the slow-killer and that the slow-killer is non-Scum for setup reasons.  I don't see your reason for the former belief, though, which... GAH.  If it's role, it's role.  Fuck.  Otherwise, I'm not at all inclined to give Kyle a pass because all his explanations are only when pressed on specific issues, although certainly I don't think he's top 2 Scummy today.))

BardDale, that is the entire point of reporting - it highlights things that anyone can find to make it look like a contribution. Yes, I noticed Martin existed because of his posts. It just happened that I came across his posts before Martin's own.

((No, Ethan, the point of reporting is to look like you're contributing without taking stands or unearthing new information.  You're going to sit there and claim I've done that?  If this becomes an issue with anyone else I'll give you a point by point of what I noted first, or issues I had that no one else had raised, or positions I've taken so people can judge me by WHAT I've done for the game, not HOW you think I have done it.))

"I find you don't like me much, Mr. Hayles, and I'm at a right loss to understand how you think I ought to play things.  Maybe you'd rather I latch on to a single fella like one of those English bulldogs and not let go with all my might, like you have?  Seems to be your preference."

"Near as I can tell, your whole blessed case on me is based on the fact I ain't tunneled on to a single person all day, and have the temerity to say so.  Or else on the fact I ain't blessed with the time to lurk about here and pop up each time one of these fine gentlemen says something that sits uneasy with me, so I'm forced to express all my thoughts simultaneous-like."

((This goes for Moses, too, since he seemed to agree with Ethan about my latest post.  Actually, it goes strictly for Moses since, despite some weirdness today, I'm inclined to think he's pro-Town, which is very much not the case for Ethan.))

((Considering that I have maybe two or three times a day to drop in here with enough time to post, how would YOU have me post my suspicions, thoughts and reasoning?  I can't react as fast as issues develop; should I just IGNORE issues that aren't either 1) the most recent or 2) the most severe?  Because that's... not going to happen, I'm sorry.))

Princess Leia

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #196 on: April 23, 2010, 08:10:25 PM »
Hayles, at some point everything anyone can say comes down to things you could figure out from listening to everyone else and thinking about it hard enough. If what's said becomes useful to the rest of us, it's no longer reporting, it's contributing, and if Hadley's helped us pick someone out of the shadows, as it seems he has, then that's a good deed, plain 'n simple. Now while he's gone on at much greater length than he rightly needs to, what matters is not the volume of chaff (he's not gonna get a whole lot've credit simply for having written a lot on day 1) but the weight of the kernel, and on that front I'd say there're plenty of folks worse than him (Giovanni springs immediately to mind).

Hutchins has been gone half a game day now. He better have something to show for all that flavour he was requesting. O'Malley has been gone even longer, and Giovanni is topping the bunch (I can't actually see a single post from him to-game-day, though I'm sure I read a short one earlier - perhaps with the wrong account?). Handley is posting, but on looking there's not a lot; this post says little if anything new on Hellsnake, and nothing on any other subject; namedrops the big case of the day while contributing nothing to it. And regarding "you act as if I've actively dropped everything I said yesterday about Bike." - you had not even mentioned him in your only post, how more "active" does it get? Most recent post is ever so slightly better with the opinion on Hadley, but it's still mostly self-defence complete, with a curious reinterpretation of his own post.

Active lurking worse than passive (outright non-posting is not subtle), so vote stays where it is, but I'll be looking to hear something from O'Malley before long, and that goes double for Giovanni if he really hasn't posted today.

Hadley ninja. I imagine Bike was hoping we could all reason this for ourselves and keep it out of the public thread, but it looks like it's going to have to come out, and scum will be reasoning collaboratively, so I think it's best to get it out in the open: as I read it, Hellsnake is a cop, and so (understandably) wanted to know whether investigating certain players/things leads to the probable-slowkill Bike's been hit with. Bike believes this is really the case (rather than Hellsnake trying to bluff us that that's what's going on), hence the backoff.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #197 on: April 23, 2010, 08:43:09 PM »
Well, back.

Mr. Hargreaves, you are quite correct.  Pietro has made a post so far today, but it's more of his usual nothing, so I don't blame you for not remembering it.  On that note, Mr. Hargreaves, I've noticed I'm constantly getting mentioned by you as a suspect.  All I can really get from a quick look through though is some stuff vaguely related to my Hellbadger case.  Mind elaborating?

As for Chad, I'm also fairly curious as to what he's pulling out.  Especially since I'm not sure if waiting for Mr. Martin to show up is such a hot idea with his current attendance record.  Add on that flavour came first, I'm really not sure what the point of what he's aiming at is.  Which makes all the drama and suspense nothing more than a bad joke of a smokescreen.  Definately bad vibes here.

And...  while I'm not entirely sure what to believe about the slowkill, I'm also baffled at why someone would fake claim it.  I mean, while Bike looked to be getting the second most heat on Day 1, Hellsnake sure felt closer to being in actual danger (in that Moses got a lot more noise, but the Hellchupacabra got a lot more actual attention and votes, 4-6 if you look at the counts).  So, yeah.  Doing something that would only grab attention seems risky.  Doesn't hurt that I'm otherwise leaning Town on the guy, and at the very least.  I'm curious to see if that really is a slowkill or not, so lynching him seems a bad idea, especially since we have so many better people to go after than him.

Also don't see the case on Hadley.  Guy does like the sound of his own voice, but he's at least thinking about stuff, and there's usually something in his posts worth the read, which is more than I can say for some of you gents.  Only other thought is vague disappointment that Martin and Nikolai might get away with single posts before day's end, but such is life.

Need to read up on Ronald, and keeping commentary on the Helljackalope back until he's looking worse than Giovanni...  somehow.

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #198 on: April 23, 2010, 08:51:22 PM »

So misters, even though I ain't spoke up too many times, I thought I was at least pretty clear with what my opinions were.  This comes up when Mr. Peyton steps up and makes a big long speech that as I heard it boils down to "Hellsnake is dumb not scum, Pietro is textbook scummy, ain't nothin to be done on Moses" and then a bit of self defense and one toss-off mention of Kyle as maybe scummy.

Now... ain't that exactly the conclusions I came to and posted earlier?  Sure does look like it, cept with a ton more reportin, downplayin Kyle, and then a lurker accusation on me - which I guess is for only needin a few sentences to say things instead of a wall, given that Mr. Peyton otherwise seems to agree with me?  Dang, I hate it when the smart kids come in an' try to make me look stupid.  I may not be the brightest in school but I got an eye on punt fakeouts and man but I am willin to vote Mr. Peyton as well now for reporting and downplaying Kyle and up-playing me.

An' then we got some more stuff goin on with Moses and Hellsnake, which aw hey, Peyton gon latch on to to yell at Hellsnake again.  Well now how does that make any sense?  If Moses is DYIN tonight like he says he thinks he is then why is askin for his role such a bad thing?  
... and why does Mr. Hargreaves somehow get that Hellsnake is a cop from that?  Not entirely clear what is up there.

Anyhow Kyle came back and defended Mr. Peyton's reportin style too so I am definitely thinkin they are buddy buddy and not too good.  A Pietro is fine too an all but I think I'd now really like to see one o'them two get tackled today myself.

As for the flavor stuff.  Well I have not heard back from Martin Andrews yet so that makes it hard to say anything.  Also Moses gone and changed his story so now I'm not too sure what to think.  I have been lookin through Pop's stuff though and what I am still sure of is that there is one other specific person in town affiliated with the Order of Unseen Wisdom and their rituals (other than the three I mentioned) and I would like to find out who they are.  This is all mostly just a side thing though... for now.  I ain't sure whether there are game effects or not from it all but it's implied there might be so why not?  But it is all aside from actual cases, so.

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #199 on: April 23, 2010, 09:19:56 PM »
"Chad, son, apparently my speechifyin' has indeed allowed the medium to obscure the message, on account of you seem to misread my post rather badly."

"I think you haven't been around much, and you yourself admit that.  I think Mr. Hellsnake acts plenty guilty, and his most recent action pushes him right on back to the top of my pile.  I said I didn't want to vote for him on account of he looked like the less DANGEROUS possible-Scum, not the less suspicious.  That's a far cry from your assessment, where you seem to feel he's cleared at least for the moment."

::Peyton glances Hargreaves' way.::

"I don't follow you there, Sam.  How does what Hellsnake asked imply HE is a cop, not Bike?  Bike never mentioned any 'investigation,' just a visit."

"Back to you, though, Chad.  I also think Mr. Handley looks guilty today, and seems to me between saying I think he looks Scummy and putting him second on my list of suspects on that time, I don't see much more I could've done.  I could have voted for him, but that would have meant taking my vote off Mr. Giovanni, who still seems like the worst to me by a fair margin."

"Our takes don't seem to line up on much of anything EXCEPT Handley looking bad today."

((Also, I had a problem with your rolefishing and lack of presence, but as you can see from my list of suspects, you were low on the list, and remain so.))

"As to your search for information on your Dad's Order?  I ain't involved on account of having just shown up in town, but I can tell you what I saw when I went out there last night:"

((Since that's where my night's PM told me I went to investigate. :) ))

"The Order's rituals are definitely in tight with certain THINGS man was not meant to know.  Don't know where they picked it up or whether they knew it or not, but they were dabbling in something right awful.  They seem to hold Walpurgis Night (April 31) and Hallow's Eve (October 31) sacred, and celebrate with bonfires up in the mountains.  Don't know what they put IN 'em, though."