Author Topic: Cthulu Mafia - TOWN (drunk) WIN, MADNESS SOMEWHAT AVERTED  (Read 84363 times)

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #200 on: April 23, 2010, 11:06:38 PM »
And to Nathan, I know it's an uncomfortable suggestion, but look at it. We still lose him tomorrow if he's telling the truth, and if he's lying, we lynch a scum. Lynching a scum is NEVER gaining nothing. If you came out against this from the position that his lynch tells us nothing, it'd make a little more sense, but if he ends up being scum it is not. I never said that we should forget looking at everyone else either.
((If Bike is Town and we lynch him today, we lose out.
If Bike is Scum and we lynch him today, we gain something, true.
But if Bike is scum and we spend today looking elsewhere instead, then he'll probably still be alive tomorrow and we lynch him D3, after which things will be pretty much exactly the same.
In the end, if Bike is scum, we'll either lynch him D2 or D3. We can't be SURE he's scum until D3, so why lynch him D2?))

"I'm really not following the Bike/Hellsnake interaction. Hellsnake asks a real personal question about the old man's role, and Bike's response is to move his vote away? Given that the old man knows his role best, though, I'll assume he's trusting Hellsnake for a good enough reason. Still seeing no reason to look away from Pietro today."


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #201 on: April 24, 2010, 12:07:26 AM »
So, took a look at our good friend Ronald, and...  seems he and Mr. Hayles are pretty inseparable.  I mean, they've been sniping back and forth since the start of Day 1.

Now, I'll admit Hayles is doing a good job of showing signs of paying attention to the game.  But...  not sure I can see the point in a lot of his arguments.  And Ronald definately has some good points about him at the start of the day.  I mean, the reporter arguments for Hadley are things which I definately disagree with.  (Rampant Wall of Texting, sure, but reporting not so much)

However, there's one or two quirks with Ronald that seem odd.  His posts are, outside of his charge at Hayles, few and far between.  And Day 2 has mostly been Hayles hunting.  However, the thing that really strikes me as odd is his one real Day 1 post where he says

Other guy I don't like's the journalist type for... being a journalist. But really, somewhere near the start he's yapping about someone dropping a third vote afore everyone's had a chance to speak up and chiding 'em fer it. I dunno 'bout you, but I don't see why people oughta be waitin' fer everyone to speak to make votes here.

Sure, could be smokescreenin' some scum to let 'em lurk and jus' jump on a big case, but it's a non-tell to me, 'cuz we can't sit 'round twiddling our thumbs waiting for Russia to invade. Vaguely don't like your way of repeating what people've been saying.

Does read to anyone else like he's heading off arguments that he's smokescreening by trying to tell us all ahead of time that it's really just a null tell and we shouldn't pay attention to it?

While I'll admit that Ronald's case on Hayles is definately strong enough to notice (though not stronger than the Pietro case), the way they're playing out looks like this could also be a gambit of some kind to show they were at each other's throats with the way they're sitting on doomed trains and then moving over.  (Granted, Mr. Ronald Dale hasn't actually moved his vote yet, he's at least stated an intention while things are still in doubt, so he's at least not sitting out the decision making.  We'll see if he carries through if his case doesn't get traction.)  But yeah, the coy nature of this makes me think there may well be something here and it isn't just Town/Town.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #202 on: April 24, 2010, 01:30:05 AM »
I'm also not happy at the sheer number of people willing to lynch me straight up tomorrow if I don't turn up dead.

Likewise the amount that Hellchameleon is getting free passes. I know Mage can be unstable and all, but he's played a straight up standard scum gambit so far this game, with a variation on being super-OMGUS.
The former is pretty much your own fault, misleading town and all.
I agree wholeheartedly with the latter though.

Just so I have this information later... Moses, would you say your investigation was cop-like? Y'know, acted like a cop investigation?

Rolefish on top of the case name dropping earlier - how many scumtells must a man drop before he is scum?!

I think Mr. Hellsnake acts plenty guilty, and his most recent action pushes him right on back to the top of my pile.  I said I didn't want to vote for him on account of he looked like the less DANGEROUS possible-Scum, not the less suspicious.
This is actually the most suspicious thing I've seen all game. Possibly for many games. If I didn't have such good reason to vote Snake, I would be urging everyone to lynch PH right now.

Anyway the case for Snake has been made enough, can we hurry up at lynch him already? Active scumtells = scum. Why is he getting away with this?


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #203 on: April 24, 2010, 02:30:35 AM »
Ronald Dale;

Other guy I don't like's the journalist type for... being a journalist. But really, somewhere near the start he's yapping about someone dropping a third vote afore everyone's had a chance to speak up and chiding 'em fer it. I dunno 'bout you, but I don't see why people oughta be waitin' fer everyone to speak to make votes here.

Sure, could be smokescreenin' some scum to let 'em lurk and jus' jump on a big case, but it's a non-tell to me, 'cuz we can't sit 'round twiddling our thumbs waiting for Russia to invade. Vaguely don't like your way of repeating what people've been saying.

Does read to anyone else like he's heading off arguments that he's smokescreening by trying to tell us all ahead of time that it's really just a null tell and we shouldn't pay attention to it?

I'm saying Greaves' argumented at the time that placing a third vote 'fore everyone's shown up = bad.
I said I didn't see how it was bad - the only reason I see it as being bad to drop a third vote before everyone's voted is that the scum who hadn't voted yet can easily jump on a bandwagon case.

It's a non-tell because I simply disagree with the mafiaphilosophy behind it, which I reckon to be "wait for everyone to vote, then get down to srs bsns 3 votes", whereas I feel we shouldn't waste any of our time thumb-twiddling and waiting for people who hadn't checked in after a good few hours when there was productive stuff to be had.

Wasn't referring to myself.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #204 on: April 24, 2010, 02:34:19 AM »
Ronald Dale;

Journalist type and the journalist referred to Greaves, if that wasn't clear. See you talking about me and Hayles being inseperable, but I was talking 'bout Greaves there and not Hayles.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #205 on: April 24, 2010, 02:54:10 AM »
Just so I have this information later... Moses, would you say your investigation was cop-like? Y'know, acted like a cop investigation?

* Jack Daniels takes a good, long drink out of his bottle.


##Unvote,##Vote: Bill Hellsnake

This is the scummiest damn thing I've seen all game.  You have one shot to try and justify that dumbass shit, but frankly I don't think you can.

Eyes on Pietro ("Hurry up and lynch him already!) and Lyle, still, since I detect a hint of scum shipping out one of their own to be honest.  Peyton's pontificatin' don't seem that scummy t' me right now, but I don' like it none the same.

Still need to get a read on Seamus but frankly unless Hellsnerk comes out with the best dang reason ever for this role fishin' I reckon I got 'til the next day anywho.

On last un before I git for a bit.  Right now, Chad, you know mor'n I had 'bout the members o' the order.  Alls I knew from what were Andrews and yer pa.  Didn't know Hayles were a member 'til you told me.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #206 on: April 24, 2010, 03:38:53 AM »
Alright, going over stuff now. Noticed a few odd things about some people (just Ronald Dale for now), so will be posting my findings on a person-to-person basis. (No, not everybody is included, so don't worry)

Oh, Kyle Handley vote was pure pressure, only wanted to get information out of him.


Also, just before we get going on this thing: Yes, there is a reason for my semi-rolefishing. (I say "semi" because I'm just asking if what he did acted like a cop investigation, since I have more than enough reason to believe that crazy roles are crazy) Actually... might as well say it now, since I've got nothing to lose. I'm a miller (yes, I'm aware that this alone does absolutely nothing to help my case). So, y'know, if his investigation were like that of a cop's, I'd show up as anti-town. And if we could manage to decode what the heck it all means, that might actually give us a huge clue as to who/where we should be hunting. And when to turn our eyes from one side to the other. (As for what the 'sides' are? Well, that's what we gotta find out)

Anyway, on we go. First up, BarDale.
- Got my attention because, oddly enough, he makes absolutely no mention of the rolefishing.
- Also seems to completely ignore people like Peyton and Pietro who have made a few... questionable claims recently (covered below)
- Spends a lot of time defending himself, and really focuses his fire on Ethan.
- Dismisses Moses' slow-kill story entirely (which I also kinda doubt, thinking on it)
- Really, his day 2 play faces a fair bit of tunnel-vision (with an admission he's willing to switch to Pietro, decently early on)
- Oddly enough, hasn't switched to Pietro, despite people taking issue with his Ethan case (because otherwise, why would he continue to defend it, right?)
- Day 1 consists of... 2 posts. Hum.
- Begins by attacking both of the people without a vote in the jokevote phase, voting one and just prodding the other. Which, uhh, seems a little suspicious to me, but whatever, I'm willing to give it a pass since it's (I think) meant to be a push out of the joke phase
- Completely drops all suspicions and mentions of our friend Kyle here on Day 2. (Btw, I noticed we have a Handley and a Hadley. So, uhh... yeah. maybe referring to them by last names isn't such a great idea, those of us that have been?)

Summary: Mildly suspicious, not seeming scummy (yet). Will keep eye on him.

- 2 posts today, first one briefly touching up on things, and then voting me for a lack of consistency in my unvoting Moses.
- His second post is almost entirely about "LYNCH HIM NAO" (even though I'd promised to get back to you guys after a while, which really just makes it seem like he wanted to get rid of me before I could get back. Also: Time is Town's BFF)
- Day 1 has him saying nothing new, although he says he does here despite, uhh... yeah. It's short, you can read f'r yourself.
- Pietro has some inconsistency of his own; claims that he found the bulletproof claim fake because it had 'supposed usefulness' and that he 'rightfully rubbished it.' Inconsistency is that Ty hadn't claimed any usefulness from it, and the few that were claiming so actually made a good case for it. (Also, yeah, it's hard to not read what you said as "bulletproof is useless, let's rope 'im")

Side point: Before I forget to mention this, I am doing all of this with absolutely no regard to what others have said on any cases. Peyton and Pietro came to my attention because other people found them suspicious, and I wasn't sure why. So I decided to do my own investigation.
Summary: So far, uhh, seeming really scummy to me. Not gonna place a vote down until I'm through, but... wow. Not sure how I missed all that earlier.

Gonna post this now to avoid WoT'ing.

Jack Daniels Ninja.
Nothin' to say on this. I probably should have just claimed miller right from the get-go, frankly, but hindsight is always 20/20. Oh, and no, I don't regret claiming miller. I have no reason to doubt the investigation itself, and anything to help us clear that up is good, is it not? Anyway, yeah. If you're still totally gung-ho to lynch me, let me know.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #207 on: April 24, 2010, 04:10:56 AM »
Now I knows yer full of shit, one hundred per-cent.  My vote stays.  Hang 'im from the ropes, boys, we got ourselves a scum.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #208 on: April 24, 2010, 04:40:17 AM »
Well, mayhaps not one hundred percent, but I ain't got a reason to trust the miller claim, and I got a dang good one to think he's full of it.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #209 on: April 24, 2010, 04:42:20 AM »
Seamus O'Malley
- Seems to enjoy doing a lot of prodding
- Apparently believes Pietro scummier than my rolefishing (said he'd hold back commentary on me until I'm looking worse than Giovanni)
- Apparently can't see that he had a flawed case on me Day 1, as even today has been saying he finds no reason for others to suspect him
- Makes some inaccurate assessments of how things went down yesterday; well, right answer, but wrong path. (votes weren't a reliable source of information for who was how suspicious yesterday, generally. Though yes, I was quite easily the second best target)
- Day has already been covered, really, aside from more poking and prodding

Summary: Suspicious, but not scummy. Seems very... to the side, which does worry me.

Peyton Hadley
- Gonna be right clear here, I was asking about the Report part of his night actions, not the... wait, how did you come to the conclusion I was talking about the visit? Ok, your response to Mr. Hargreaves' assessment is a little off here, buddy. Mind explaining that?
- Also mind explaining just where young Chad did his 'rolefishing?'
- Lots of... rambling. Seems to try and cover everything.
- Day 1 is... long. Mostly gonna go off of summary because it would take forever otherwise (still lots of rambling pre-report)
- Seemed to line things up nicely (outside of Kyle) for how things would go down today and yesterday, though that could be my imagination, upon reading the last line of his summary.

Summary: Seeming a little off, and will be looking at him (and Kyle) very intently if Pietro is town.

Chad Hutchins
- Day 2 is basically just trying to figure out flavour stuff, attacking Peyton and Kyle (and being alright with a Pietro lynch), and saying he believes certain people to be town.
- Uhh... seems to clear an awful lot of people, actually. Day 1 and 2. And if it were just a few less people, I'd suspect him of having prior knowledge and be edgy about it, but he actually reads fairly well (mostly from Day 2 performance, which involves some actual attacking)
- Makes the call for Callahan to roleclaim

Summary: A couple of things seem a little odd, and I want to see them as odd. Like the intentional third vote and saying "I don't believe x is scum" despite scummy actions (like, say, myself and Callahan), but I can't. He reads well enough that the third vote thing is peanuts, and he clears too many people (4, if I counted right, and 2 of them being incredibly suspicious) to make me believe he has any sort of definitive knowledge on the subject. So, really? Neutral, at worst.

Uhh... Chad. Would you happen to know who the god the Order worshipped is called?

Hargreaves will attract a further look at another time, too, as I'm not sure how I feel about him coming to the conclusion he did about my rolefishing. (Cop? Really?)

Oh, and if anybody has any information on an "Aorako," it'd be mighty appreciated.

Ninja'd by Daniels again. Alright, just gonna roleclaim now: I'm a Miller/Reviver. I look suspicious (bounty hunter lulz), hence the miller, and thanks to this magical little roach that crawled up my nose, I got some... powers. One of these is the ability to revive on the night of the New Moon, which would be... two nights from now. (Night 3) However, just how powerful the revival is will depend on... something. If it's full-powered, then I can revive somebody, save their powers, and if it's not, I can only let them talk for a day.  I have this strange feeling that Aorako is related to my reviving, so... Oh, and the most important part: I'll know by tonight/tomorrow morning how powerful the revival is.

Re-ninja'd. By Jack. Sigh.
And this reason is?

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #210 on: April 24, 2010, 04:47:43 AM »
Right, I'm a bloody idiot. Completely forgot to ##Vote: Pietro Giovanni
L-3 is not a dangerous position, I know this seems OMGUS, at this point I don't care. He seems the most (immediately) scummy to me, given my re-reads.

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #211 on: April 24, 2010, 04:50:51 AM »
Man, Hellsnake, you were fakin a pass the whole time?  Why didn't you claim that right off the bat?  Why didn't you claim that at the end of the last play clock, when you got man to man coverage on you day 1?  You know if there's a defensive back out there they're gonna be wanting to investigate you!

Snakes alive I don't know what now.  My gut still says dumb town seein all the other goin ons but I don't know if I can trust my gut no more cause that's a hell of a fumble.  I mean a heck of a fumble.  Sorry, Ma.

Well now that you're claimin miller you got anything else you wanna say?  I'd like more lookin at Kyle still so I ain't movin my vote right yet but uh realistically speakin Hellsnake I think you are gonna snake in hell today now.

Well I just got ninja'd by that so uhhhhhhhhh I guess thats enough to not lynch you today anyhow.  I guess.

Man what.

No, I don't know what the Order worships or even that they worshipped anything at all.  All I got is Pop's notes on meetings and who was in it, it don't say what they did.  I know they did somethin two weeks ago involvin Pop and I got strong flavor reasons to believe they did the same thing again the night Pop died involvin someone else, someone who is here in town with us and they may'a got some actual special power from it.  I don't know what it is or if they're good or bad or other but it's just my lil flavor sidequest so I am askin about it.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #212 on: April 24, 2010, 05:02:28 AM »
The reason is that I'm a bloody miller.  I highly doubt there are two miller roles in this game.

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #213 on: April 24, 2010, 05:06:29 AM »
Well uh thanks for tellin us.  I don't think I agree with you none on that point though Mr. Daniels. 

I feel like I may have run some sort of "Mafia" games in a past life or somethin where puttin in two millers is exactly the sort of thing I'd do as a mod to discourage that kinda setup metagamin. 

You two maybe wanna elaborate on how exactly your "milling" businesses work flavorwise?

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #214 on: April 24, 2010, 05:08:41 AM »
Oh, mine works plenty fine. See, bein' a bounty hunter doesn't exactly earn the respect of others. Or their trust. And I imagine Jack's is that he's the town... He, uhh... He keeps the liquor industry running 'round here.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #215 on: April 24, 2010, 05:16:27 AM »
Well, y'd be wrong on that Hellsnake. 

Chad, I done had a fallin' out with yer pa, back in April.  's why I stopped attendin' order meetin's and rituals.  I jus' couldn't go through with 'em anymore.  We done... we done seem some things, back in the war, an... an I didn't want nothin' to do with them anymore.  The day he died, he called me to the Order lodge t' convince me to he'p him perform some big ceremony comin' up on All Hallow's Eve.  We argued, and in the end I refused.  The reasonin' behind my Miller status is the argument we had right afore his death makes me look mighty suspicious.

Nah, maybe yer right and there are two millers, but frankly I think the Hellsnake's full of shit.  Too convenient to maybe have been investigated, found out on his scum status, and then claimin' Miller (o' course, with some extra incentive not t' lynch him by claimin' reviver, too) once his back's against the wall.

I dun by it fer a second.

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #216 on: April 24, 2010, 05:20:44 AM »
Nuggets/Jazz halftime post.  Dispensing with flavor.

Addressing Hellsnake's points about me:

Chad did his rolefishing here in his first post of the day.  At least, that's how I interpreted it; others seemed to see it differently.

- I am pretty sure Moses is town.  Moses, please tell us exactly what happened to you in as much detail as you possibly can.  Ask the mod how close you can get to quoting if possible.

It's not that bad, but combined with his (then) lurking, seemed worth prodding/noting.  Chad's been much more involved since, albeit in ways I don't agree with.

Hargreaves is the one who assumed you were talking about the visit, saying he thought Moses thought you were implying you were a cop with possible slowkill attached to your power.  Which... Hargreaves' interpretation made no sense to me, but Moses's reaction to your question also made no sense, and your original question only seemed to make sense as Scum!you.  Assuming you were talking about the visit, though, Hargreaves' interpretation was off.

By "lining things up," do you mean the people I thought were scummy are widely thought to be scummy today?

Addressing the rest of the Hellsnake situation:

OK, that's... quite a roleclaim.

Since I think Pietro remains scummier than thou anyway, this claim is enough to move me back from thoughts of switching to you.  It's difficult to believe, particularly because the "roach crawled up your nose" bit seems like dubious flavor and it's such a powerful ability, it's a classic "save my ass" claim.

BUT, Callahan's role was a double role.  So is mine.  As such, somebody turning up Miller/SOMETHING wouldn't surprise me.  (With that said, if your role is accurate, it's the most powerful I've seen in this game.)

Incidentally, I think your assessments of Chad and Kyle today actually brought new information to the fore, so in spite of some seriously screwed up play I could actually buy you NOT being Scum, without being close to sold on it.

::ninja'd and the Nuggets are sucking it up anyway.  Will address Jack's claim in next post.::

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #217 on: April 24, 2010, 05:25:36 AM »
Jack, if you really don't believe me, then you've got my throat right by the rope anyway. You can wait a couple days to make sure of it, can't you?
* Bill Hellsnake suddenly stands up completely straight

Now then. Einčhver sðegja mér hvarð Aorako čer. ÐNÚNA! I have a mission to complete, after all, and it needs to be done áður Eðn Stjarčna čer Ðrétt.

Ninja með Peyton.
I sincerely apologize for the whole mess þar smeð þú očg Hargreaves.

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #218 on: April 24, 2010, 05:26:31 AM »
Just letting everyone know that I am alive, reading the thread right now, will post in a couple hours and will now have proper time to devote to the game, and apologise for the otherwise lurking to everyone.

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #219 on: April 24, 2010, 05:29:05 AM »
Time for me to roleclaim, too, I think, because it may be VERY relevant right now.

I am a Bulletproof Bodyguard.  Bulletproof by way of casting the flesh ward spell, a bodyguard by way of my dark secret and the way it propels me to defend others from the Mythos.

The Scum could confirm this if they were inclined to give us a hand, because I'm the person who was attacked on Night 1.

So "having duplicate roles" could be not only true, but REALLY IMPORTANT.

Oh, and while we're at it?  I'm also the person who visited Moses on Night 1.  Bodyguard'ed him because he seemed like Town's MVP.  So barring something in my power that I don't know about, his slow-kill, if it exists, is NOT because of his visitor.

Meanwhile Hellsnake seems to be going mad on us?  Or transforming into something hideous?
« Last Edit: April 24, 2010, 06:11:43 AM by Peyton Hadley »

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #220 on: April 24, 2010, 05:36:57 AM »
::)whatevers I don't need to explain myself anymore heil Cthulhu  ::)

Are you for real?

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #221 on: April 24, 2010, 05:38:51 AM »
Ég sé jafnvel óhroða hefur gleymt hvernig á að tala Sumerian. Hvílík skömm.

Hafa ekkert að hræðast, því að ég er ekki að breyta í neinu, einungis að uppfylla hlutverk mitt.
* Bill Hellsnake mutters a bit to himself, then gets lost in thought for a few moments

Sorry, where was I? Oh, yes. Well, it would appear that we have another little contradiction. Moses is convinced that his possible slow-kill came from--waaaaait a second. Nobody else say anything on the matter, I want Peyton's pure testimony here. Tell me more about you 'protecting others from the Mythos.' As much as you feel comfortable sharing.

((Side note: The random language is all flavour, and thrown in for fluff. Please don't take it seriously))


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #222 on: April 24, 2010, 05:52:39 AM »
Nah goddarn it, I roleclaimed for a dang reason.  Nobody else roleclaim unless you have to.  ((I really don't want to see a repeat of Meme mafia where town Role claimed all their roles and gave scum quite the helping hand.  Holy crap why do I even have to EXPLAIN that.))


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On invoking the mod
« Reply #223 on: April 24, 2010, 05:59:17 AM »
Time for a brief rules note, because I'm not liking the direction some of these posts have been heading.  This is important.  Please read.

I have noted in the rules that I will BS on command for scum (or anyone if they need help lying), what I feel to be a necessary rule to prevent metagaming based off of who is familiar with the setting and who is not.  For that matter, I am also happy to provide "extra background" for players who want some more details for their backstories.  Both these are mostly a matter of flavor.  I will not suggest roles to the scum, for example.  I will, however, provide a "flavor" explanation behind "I want to claim vig / doc / tracker / etc.," and provide plausible fake flavor behind what non-scum activities they could have been up to.  This may include many flavor details about said role, but not the "general idea" of it.

Additionally, I've chatted with some of you over IRC and PM (including, obviously, the scum team), sometimes over random stuff, sometimes over mafia in general, sometimes over the game but not related to night actions / flavor revelations.  Any of these communications never happened.  I understand there may have been some confusion here, but this is a different tier than "background flavor."  You are free, of course, to claim "The Mod said I'm Town!  It's in my Role PM!"  But please do not discuss other communications.  I think people have been taking this a little too far, as it stands, invoking the Mod more than I'm comfortable with.  I do not want to have to do something drastic such as curtail side communication with players that is not strictly related to rules questions.

I don't think this has become a huge problem, but like I said, I don't like the direction this seems to be headed, whether it be over-enthusiastic scum taking advantage of my offer and throwing my name around freely or over-enthusiastic town reporting conversations.  I do -not- want meta based on this to override the game.  If you feel the need to invoke me personally, or aren't sure whether a comment is "side conversation" or "night action result," consider sending the post to me to check over first.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2010, 06:01:20 AM by SnowFire »

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #224 on: April 24, 2010, 06:00:52 AM »
"I don't see much reason not to tell you folks, on account of you've all seen SOMETHING here."

"My tale begins four years ago...  I was the best damned actor you ever saw off Broadway.  Only reason I didn't own the stage in New York is on account of Yankee bias against a man from Dixie - any critic with half a brain will tell you so.  But I digress.  Four years ago..."

::Peyton shudders.::

"There was a play.  Director found it... God knows where.  Called 'The King in Yellow.'  I played the title role.  Was SUPPOSED to play it.  But it was - WRONG.  Every rehersal we had, folks got more into their characters than I'd ever seen 'em.  Some weren't the best actors I ever played alongside, but damned if they didn't inhabit THOSE characters.  Or maybe it was the other way 'round."

"On the last dress rehersal, it was like, for the hours of the play, I WAS the King in Yellow.  Like IT - for it were no man, not as we know 'em - was ME.  I... couldn't take it."

"Just before opening night, I threw myself off the stage.  Broke my leg.  Ironic, ain't it?  'Break a leg,' they always say.  Well doin' it for real saved my life.  Not a single soul walked out of that theater on opening night, when the King in Yellow played and Aldebaran was in the sky.  To this day, I don't know what happened in there, not exactly, but I heard... enough.  I knew it in my bones, broken or no."

((FWIW, this background is my (Bobbin Cranbud/Joshua Cole)'s creation for a tabletop Call of Cthulhu game.  I thought it would be fun for Mafia, too.  Snowfire only took over from this point on, although what he came up with mostly parallels what I actually did with the character.))

"Ever since, I been hunting things like this.  I fell in with some folks who poked their noses into this stuff, solved - resolved, anyway - a few cases in Arkham country, and then I heard about this here.  After what happened to me, what I allowed to happen to the rest of my troupe - I can't stand to see another soul end up like they did."

"And now I've gone and used one of those secrets we dug up, putting down that unseen THING in the hills."

::Peyton sinks into a chair by the bar and takes a long pull from his bottle of liquor.::

::He looks up, hollow-eyed and, and spits,::

"That satisfy you, bounty hunter?"

((Game mechanically, I pick a person and act as a bodyguard.  Since I was bulletproof, I figured, why not?  Isn't it Doc+?  On the flip side, the Mod did tell me some nightkills might get through my resistance, so if MOSES had been attacked and I blocked it, I'd think that was the source of the slowkill.  But the Mod was very clear that I was the target last night.))

::ninja'd by Jack Daniels::

((I don't think everybody should roleclaim, but I also did for a VERY SPECIFIC REASON - because you were saying duplicate Town roles were unbelievable, and I already KNOW we had duplicate Town roles.))

::ninja'd by our good Mod::

((Snow, I assume I'm the guilty party here?  Very sorry if I went too far, and it will not happen again.))