Author Topic: Cthulu Mafia - TOWN (drunk) WIN, MADNESS SOMEWHAT AVERTED  (Read 95272 times)

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #300 on: April 25, 2010, 09:03:09 PM »
((OK, we're running out of time here.

Okay, there's an obvious problem that seems to come up when I think about this enough. If Pietro is Town, he's either a sane Cop in a game where there are several miller roles (which is a pretty horrible role for Town) or we have him as a Paranoid cop in which case it doesn't even matter that there are so many millers. Alternatively pretty much EVERYONE who's claimed Miller is lying, but that's verging on suicidal. Either way, I'm not sure how much we can trust his investigations until we find out if they're true, and we can't do that without lynching someone he's found guilty.

On that note, we can't sit around on 4 miller claims and assume they're ALL true. Daniels is the only one I'm really trusting in to any great extent, given that he counterclaimed when unnecessary. The Kolmogorov miller rolecop claim is sort of uncomfortable, and O'Malley I'm undecided on. Still, no way we're going to resolve it without lynching a few, preferrably those who are suspicious for other reasons, and the case has already been made against Hellsnake. Besides, if Hellsnake claims he can come back from the dead, we have less to risk if we're wrong on him than if we lynch the (presumably mortal) copclaim.

Finally, I have personal reasons not to believe his claim that I don't want to go into at this point in time. For now:

##Vote: Bill Hellsnake (L-1)))

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #301 on: April 25, 2010, 09:05:30 PM »
Woahwoahwoahwoahwoah. You've got it WAY wrong there, buddy. I can't do anything if I die. If I die, I'm gone for good. Anyway, guess I may as well fullclaim, since I'm looking to be quick-lynched.

Miller/Reviver/Bulletproof. Make of that what you will, and go Town.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #302 on: April 25, 2010, 09:12:04 PM »
Oh, yeah. And this is why I didn't bat an eyelash when Jack counter-claimed with Miller. I already knew there were two bulletproofs (Though three makes me very wary) when Callahan died yesterday.

Btw, if you wouldn't mind explaining why you don't believe my claims whatsoever? (Not asking for roles here, FYI) Also, would be nice if you could take your vote down for a sec so we can talk this out like rational folks.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #303 on: April 25, 2010, 09:23:33 PM »
((Ah, I got confused with your claim. I thought you meant you yourself could revive from the dead N3 and then got to resurrect someone afterwards.

##Unvote, then. I'll say that my power may well go along with yours, but not in the way you're looking for and in a way I find hard to see as being balanced for Town. Anything more than that is more than I'm willing to disclose atm.))

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #304 on: April 25, 2010, 09:50:53 PM »

Summary That Is All I Have Time For And Probably All You Want

Hellsnake's play looks much better to me on a reread than it did originally.  Until his post-role-claim shenanigans, he actually looks like bad town, and not AS bad of town as I thought.  He consistently makes cases on the people he votes, and those cases generally contain content that is both original and accurate.  If Day 2 ended right after he finally delivered his promised cases on a bunch of people, I'd actually say he looks like a solid townie.

Then come his post-role shenanigans.  Fuck.  His roleclaim is a big stretch to believe and should not have been claimed at the time if true.  His explanation of the flavor behind it is contradictory and comes in dribs and drops.  He DOES originally indicate he'll be able to revive on day 3, then later denies it.  His attacks on other lynch candidate Pietro devolve from factual to emotional.  He looks like flailing scum to the n'th degree.


Is fucking scum.  If he's not, he's the WORST COP EVAR or I fail at Mafia forever.

His quicklynch post alone is worth quicklynching him for if it didn't do all the damage he seemed to want.  "Kill this guy who promised to give his analysis later before he gives his analysis, in time to modkill two people of unknown alignment, and in the process finish off someone who believes he'll die at night and has an apparently important flavor-based clue we're trying to puzzle off with him."

Then he proceeds to push for the quicklynch, to misrepresent, ignore or outright lie about EVERY SINGLE VOTE AGAINST HIM.  Again, and again, and again.

And when he's called on all of this and going to hang for being scum, he comes back with a copclaim and then SHOOTS HIS OWN CLAIM IN THE FOOT with an apparent logical contradiction, which he proceeds to defend with gotcha! play and misrepresenting people's attempts to unsnarl the logic.

Vote stays.  Oh, God does it stay.

(I would, however, not be averse to voting Hellsnake tomorrow depending on what happens tonight.)

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #305 on: April 25, 2010, 09:57:01 PM »
Well to lay it out flat, Mr. Hellsnake, I think you're scummy!  I think you've played all today in a very self serving rather than town serving way.  I think you're more likely to be third party than scum-team as it stands but I don't think you're likely to be town.  This whole day has been full o'you revealing little bits and pieces and scramblin to save yourself, sayin "Oh yeah here's another awesome thing about me believe me or not go town!" (twice now today you done this "go town" thing and I ain't likin that), but on the offense you just been goin on about "well why lynch me when you got another choice?"  

It's like people are assumin that Hellsnake is town if he can bring people back, and also assumin Pietro is scummy enough to deserve a lynch.  Which I am not too sure on, seein as unlike Hellsnake, Pietro's behavior actually fits his roleclaim pretty well and makes more sense lookin back on it.  

Point I been tryin to make a few times today is "I can do X in the future if you leave me alive" IS NO REASON NOT TO LYNCH SOMEONE SCUMMY.  Anyone excusin Hellsnake on that sole reason while not excusin Pietro is plumb crazy, and anyone legitimately thinkin Pietro's play is scummier than Hellsnake's now, I'd sure like to hear from them about it.

Ninja by Mr. Hadley doin exactly that.  Well thank you sir, you are an honest man and I can respect that vote now.

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Telegraph Strawberry Spinoff
« Reply #306 on: April 25, 2010, 10:00:55 PM »
Brace for impact.

Also this is startin to worry me, what is goin on?


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #307 on: April 25, 2010, 10:03:04 PM »
Sigh.  Okay, so now we got ourselves a fourth miller claim?

Now I ain't too sure o' Seamus or Nickolai's claims, and I reckon Hellsnake's is bullshit.  Seamus sounds a little scummy, claimin' something like Miller at a time where doin' so would push Hellsnake over the edge.  On the other hand, if Hellsnake turns out to be town, or third party, then this kinda claim would be damn stupid for scum to do since it'd set everyone on him next.  Nickolai's seems fishier to me, like scum hoppin' on an opportunity to smoke screen and get everyone all flustered and more confused 'n normal.

But back to the matter o' today.  If we go an' lynch Peitro, may's we lose a cop that might not be useful a'tall, but if we lynch Hellsnake well then we lose a possible reviver who may not even be that useful since he mayn't do a full revive anyway.  Refusin' to lynch 'im 'cuz of this possibility strikes me as a bad move, and I don't like Nickolai none the more for suggestin' it--sure, we kin verify that after tomorrow's lynchin, but if he's lyin' we're givin' him a whole TWO nights to use his real scum power, whatever that may be.  Not that the point is entirely invalid, though, since if we're goin' by the usefulness of their roleclaims, Hellsnake's is far more useful, since if Pietro IS town he's a dang shitty cop.

Not that I have respect for that line o' thought, mind.

Moreover, we get more information from lynchin Hellsnake.  Doin' so helps us start workin' out this miller business.  So I still think we should lynch him over Pietro.  I'm fine with a Pietro lynch but think Hellsnake's the better idea.

We've got t' act, soon, too.  So for the love of hell will a couple of us be decisive?  We kin wait for Andrews to speak up I suppose but dang if today ends in a no-lynch I'll be right furious.

(Speaking of which, can we get a votecount so we know how long until deadline?)

Ninja'd by Peyton and Chad.  Nothin' t' add, though.

Ninja'd by Chad again.  Huh, I missed that.  Moses, what DO you mean by that?  That we're comin' up on the deadline?  That we're hammerin' soon?


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #308 on: April 25, 2010, 10:05:43 PM »

Moses Bike [ 0]: Bill Hellsnake
Pietro [6]: Seamus (Excal), Peyton Hadley, Nathan Greaves, Moses Bike, Bill Hellsnake, Sam Hargreaves, Ronald Dale (Bardiche), Ethan Hayles, Peyton Hadley, Nikolai Kolmogorov
Bill Hellsnake [6]: Moses Bike, Kyle Handley (Sopko), Pietro, Jack Daniels, Seamus (Excal), Moses Bike, Chad Hutchins, Nathan Greaves
Kyle Handley (Sopko) [ 0]: Sam Hargreaves, Bill Hellsnake, Chad Hutchins
Peyton Hadley [ 0]: Ethan Hayles
Ethan Hayles [ 0]: Ronald Dale (Bardiche)
Nikolai Kolmogorov [ 0]: Jack Daniels

No votes placed: Martin Andrews, Nathan Greaves.

There are 2 hours left in Day 2.  With 14 investigators, it takes 8 to lynch.

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #309 on: April 25, 2010, 10:18:48 PM »
Also thinkin more on it, I think the bulletproof claim also strongly points to Hellsnake as third party.  We already got one hard confirmed flipped town bulletproof and one soft confirmed (no scum kill, nobody else claimin to be attacked) claimed bulletproof.  Now there could be any number of millers without affectin balance too much I think, but three bulletproofs is startin to have ridiculous implications if they're all town. 

And again Hellsnake didn't say nothin about this and didn't seem to think much about it, which I suppose he would have if he was town - just threw it out there to save his skin again.  If football's learned me anything it's that only carin bout your own stats and not bein a team player is about the worst thing a player can do.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #310 on: April 25, 2010, 10:25:04 PM »
Fu--yeah, guess I did say Day 3. Meant Night 3.

As for Miller business... I could do a whole thing right here, right now, but I need to know if Moses' investigation last night acted like a cop's. Without that, we really are at a complete loss about the whole Miller business until at least two of us wind up dead. (Yes, two. One will set off a whole bunch of new questions that won't be answered without another's death)

Still waiting on whatever Moses was telling us to brace for, though.

Ninja'd by Chad: What good would any of that do at this point? It's all going to be seen as flailing, so why bother doing anything but giving you guys information, and trying to think of stuff for tomorrow? Oh, and yeah, I AM Town Bulletproof/Miller/Reviver. Not a Third Party. Sorry if my teamplay goes along different lines than yours. I'm also sorry I've been trying to crack the puzzles that have been showing up, which we need more information for. So very, very sorry.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #311 on: April 25, 2010, 10:30:12 PM »
Also, way to contradict yourself again. You say you think I'm scummy, than go on to claim how I'm acting exactly like a third party and that you think I'm a third party. You also keep giving me misrep.

Once this mess with me and Pietro's over, and if the Miller thing hasn't cleared up, I'd like people to poke their noses in Chad's direction.

Anyway, I think I'm gonna give Kyle another look-over.

Asuka Langley

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Dragonfly Trombone Floss
« Reply #312 on: April 25, 2010, 10:32:05 PM »
Oh, nothing serious. I'm only kinda sorta around anyway in case I'm really needed going up to deadline. Not being useful or anything.

That was just a joke following a post from Peyton threatening to have more summaries, which I thought might result in something like the end of day one.

One thing I'll point out is that I don't remember that particular inconsistency from Hellzebra. Well, remember it differently. If I remember correctly, he started by saying it was a night 3 thing, then at some point later muddled up and said he'd get the stuff on day 3, before going to night 3. Maybe that's worse, but I read the day 3 thing as it came out as a random slip. Not that I'm not still on him.

Don't know about the third party claim. The bulletproof claim from the Hellarmadillo is just what regardless.

More ninjas. Heading off again, but no, I'm still not responding to your rolefish, Helljellyfish. Especially now it doesn't seem to be related to any of your three claimed roles.

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #313 on: April 25, 2010, 10:33:57 PM »
By "scummy" I meant "nontowny".  As in not acting like town's best interests are your best interests. 

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #314 on: April 25, 2010, 10:45:54 PM »
Rrrg... Go to Hell. *Sigh* Anyway. There's one more thing I'd like to know; when a sane cop investigates Third Party, what result do they get?

Chad, I'd appreciate it if you could please not use words like 'scummy' in the case of 'nontowny' then, as there are certain connotations attached.

Kyle needs to speak up. Now. He hasn't talked since before role shenanigans. Ethan and Seamus also need to speak up. I realize that with so little time left, it is incredibly unlikely to get any of them around, but they've been gone far too long.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #315 on: April 25, 2010, 10:47:54 PM »
Sorry, meant to say "Go to Hell(snake)".


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #316 on: April 25, 2010, 10:48:34 PM »
Backstory, as requested:

I don't have the slightest idea what in the hell is going on, because I have amnesia. I woke up a few days ago and went through my normal morning routine before realizing that, while I know who I am and what I do for a living, what the local newspaper is called, etc, etc, I can't recall a single thing I've actually done in my entire adult life. And even though I can tell from my own records at the store where I work that I've only lived her for about half a year, it feels like I've been here forever.

Anyway, when I went into town that day, I was confronted with the murder of Sheriff Jon Hutchins, and while I can't really remember doing anything specific, I know he was a good man.

I am not, to the best of my knowledge, a miller, despite being from out of town.

Okay, so, Hellsnake and Pietro are the going concerns. Apologies if I duplicate anyone else's arguments without credit; I'm mainly going through their posts specifically, because digesting the entire thread this quickly would just tie my brain in knots.

1) Hellsnake's rolefishing is.......dumb. So incredibly dumb. But not necessarily scummy. In fact, kind of dumb-towny, the way I read it, if only because a hypothetical Scumsnake would already know that, if Bike is town, he's not a cop, unless of course he's lying and thereby giving useless info anyway. Millersnake, by contrast, does have a good reason to ask, although he should have been up-front about why.

2) The reviver part of the claim is just outright bizarre. Like I said before, I'm not going to pretend to know the mind of mod; I know my role isn't exactly standard issue, either. But it smacks of the "oh, and here's why it would be a REALLY BAD IDEA to lynch me" gambit that scum likes to pull, when there is NO good reason for a townie with such a kill-bait role to fullclaim unasked so early.

3) In the same post (and his subsequent megaposting), he does almost as much reporting as I did this week, and brother, that's a lot of reporting (seventeen #@!$ articles between my last post and today. Argh!). Reporting can also be dumb-town play, but it, the rolefishing and his tunnel-vision on Pietro in those megaposts (defining people by their positions on a pet case - not good) combines into a whole lot of poor play, all in one package.

4) OH GOD PIETRO'S CLAIM BURNS US. I know, this is supposed to be about Hellsnake, but Jesus CHRIST. You claimed cop so you could confirm that a self-proclaimed miller returns scum?! Because, y'know, everybody was worried that Hellsnake was a godfather or ITP claiming miller for shits and giggles, and this sets our minds at ease? Argh argh argh argh argh argh argh. ARGH. Also, argh. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH. This makes Bill's reviver claim look like Nobel material.

Okay, I need to move on to something else or I'm just going to keep typing "argh" until the day ends.

5) Bill leans on the reviver claim again. See above re "don't lynch me or else" being a scummy sort of argument.

6) FOUR MILLERS? What the fuck.

7) I agree with Bike here:
You'll forgive me that my immediate reaction to a 'miller rolecop' claim is to assume 'scum rolecop'.
Especially since it now seems to be open season for miller claims.

8) Reading through Pietro's posts, it seems...a bit sparse, maybe (oh, the hypocrisy!), but on the whole reasonable. The only thing that sticks out is his most recent post:

My point is that, if your flavor made you think you were Insane or Paranoid, why would you go whole-hog pushing the lynch of a person who your investigation seemed to clear (Insane) or tell you nothing about (Paranoid)?
Your logic requires the confirmation that Hellsnake is really a miller; how do you know this?

A claimed miller will, 99.9999999999999999999999% of the time, return scum to sane cops; either because he is a miller or because he is scum claiming miller to explain an investigation labeling him scum. The only way that doesn't happen is if the claimer is non-miller town, ITP or godfather, claiming miller for NO REASON AT ALL.

Okay, now for something completely different: Kyle/Sopko. His flavor fixation took up a lot of Day 1, and still irks me something fierce. Day 2, he throws a nigh-contentless vote on Hellsnake - asking for clarification on some wording, and mainly justifying the vote with suspicion from Day 1. He does follow that with a good post about Hellsnake's play and scumminess, and then disappears with this:

And to Nathan, I know it's an uncomfortable suggestion, but look at it. We still lose him tomorrow if he's telling the truth, and if he's lying, we lynch a scum. Lynching a scum is NEVER gaining nothing. If you came out against this from the position that his lynch tells us nothing, it'd make a little more sense, but if he ends up being scum it is not. I never said that we should forget looking at everyone else either.

And to Nathan, I know it's an uncomfortable suggestion, but look at it. We still lose him tomorrow if he's telling the truth, and if he's lying, we lynch a scum. Lynching a scum is NEVER gaining nothing. If you came out against this from the position that his lynch tells us nothing, it'd make a little more sense, but if he ends up being scum it is not. I never said that we should forget looking at everyone else either.

And THAT strikes me as all KINDS of bad. "he's not even sure that he's been slowkilled, because it's pure flavor and inference, but if we mislynch him, hey, he was going to die anyway, right?" NO! Bad! Arghle! Losing a townie by nightkill is bad, but losing a townie to mislynch is far worse, because a nightkilled townie doesn't represent a lost chance to kill scum. If there were any chance of Kyle actually being lynched today, I'd vote him over Pietro and Bill both, but that doesn't seem quite possible, so I'm going to read through the topic again and try to decide between our frontrunners. Offhand, I'd say I'm peaning towards Dread Peter.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #317 on: April 25, 2010, 10:51:48 PM »
Correction: Sheriff Hutchison took me to see Jon Hutchins, who I remember being a good guy (despite not remembering anything he's actually done). Accursed similar last names!


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #318 on: April 25, 2010, 10:54:45 PM »
Not to press the issue or anything, but the sun's mighty low.  If you'd be so kind as to make up your mind quickly...

Li Syaoran

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #319 on: April 25, 2010, 11:01:09 PM »
@Hellsnake: first off, your current role sounds actually very much like a Cult Leader, which is while not a Scum role nevertheless an inherently Anti-Town role. On top of that, several things about your play just do not add up, to the point where I'm not sure what to make of it.

@Hutchins: the massclaims, modulo Hadley, have all been strictly that of Millers, and I fully support claiming Miller at this point if you are one, but not any further role details, or anything at all about your role if you are not a Miller. Other than lending anti-credence to some of the more suspicious Millers about, it lets Pietro know who not to scan if he is to confirm himself to Town. Etc.

@Hellsnake: it's an hour to deadline, and I'm actually slightly more comfortable seeing you go than Pietro right now (though I'm still debating switching my vote, need to think about that just a little bit more before potentially doing so), so I suggest you fullclaim.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #320 on: April 25, 2010, 11:01:25 PM »
Oh, believe me, I realize.

Anyway, on a reread, a comment I glossed over before: Bill's comment about breadcrumbing a THIRD power rankles me. Rather badly. As mentioned before, dropping power claims/hints as a "don't kill me or you'll be sorry" thing is not a move I associate with town.

Li Syaoran

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #321 on: April 25, 2010, 11:03:41 PM »
Not So Ninja: didn't see the actual claim. Um, Bulletproof Miller Reviver? Even with the Miller bit that's already an extremely powerful role, and we've already seen one Town BP flip. Not buying you as Town at this point, sorry.
##Vote: Bill Hellsnake

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #322 on: April 25, 2010, 11:05:57 PM »
I really only dropped one hint, mostly meant as a way to attract scum NKs tonight if they happened to notice it. I was not, in any way, hoping to need to fullclaim.

Ninja'd by Nikolai, nothing to say about the matter now, other than that I would really like a minute to figure all this Miller business out.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #323 on: April 25, 2010, 11:07:16 PM »
Is EVERYBODY bulletproof in this burg? Did I miss out on kevlar genes or something?

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #324 on: April 25, 2010, 11:08:22 PM »
"Yeah, Ruskie, I was about to say as much about his third role. Kinda makes him unstoppable other than through lynch which REALLY doesn't sound friendly to me.

Declaring intent to put down the last vote, but I'll leave it a little while for discussion."