Author Topic: Cthulu Mafia - TOWN (drunk) WIN, MADNESS SOMEWHAT AVERTED  (Read 95260 times)

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #350 on: April 27, 2010, 07:44:44 AM »
I'll just say this, while my switch to Hellsnake was somewhat suspicious, my case was pretty sound, and one that people agreed with to an extent even before his claiming/randomness shenanigans. I wasn't around unfortunately for the rest of the day and I'll make no excuses, since getting bogged down in that won't help anyone. In other news, I'm completely lost, but I'll try my best.

I (somewhat) only seem to be picking up on the off-the-beaten-track types of cases. Someone I've really been looking at is Nathan Greaves. There's no way that no scum couldn't be on both lynches. The list of people who were on both numbers 5. The confirmed townies Moses and Pietro, and then Nicolai, Jack Daniels and Nathan Greaves. All three look pretty suspicious to me, but Nathan moreso. A case of serious active lurking if ever there was one. The duration of Day 1 sees him hop around from vote to vote with no real convictions before it lands on the fully developed train of Tyrone with no real justification other than it's the train that's developed. Here's the post for reference. Proceeds to make weak justifications after the fact.

Day 2 has him doing much of the same, dropping a Pietro vote for "pressure" and prodding him and one or two other people weakly a bit after that, but mostly not posting. Check out the 24 hr time difference between this post and his next one. After all that time all he really does is state the obvious of the situation. He goes on to play around with the vote a bit, claim to delay the hammer for discussion (which he does not take part in) and then hammers.

Nicolai has the serious lurker case going against him. Upon returning he did put up some original content at least, more than I thought Martin did at least (BTW Peyton, why exactly do you write Martin off entirely? Or am I misinterpreting your statement there and it only applies to one specific part of your argument?). But... there's really nothing there. I have to go back and read his Day 1 contributions, if any.

Jack is... Jack. I can't get a handle on him, but I can't help but think there is something there. Being on both lynches combined with the miller claim and all. The odds of at least one of Jack or Nathan being scum are very high, and the sort of counter-claim that Jack made in response to Bill seems like a relatively decent scum move. I'll agree that it could be that every one of the people that claimed miller could be town! But this combo makes me uneasy. 

I could honestly see all of them as scum/third party. I haven't really checked their posts for any sort of collusion between them though.

On another note, Ronald Dale is the only one that has not been on either one of the lynches. Not bad in itself, but he's been another nebulous figure this game, at least during Day 1. Day 2 he was a bit more active, but I haven't read him close enough to get a handle on it. I'll probably return with that.

Chad is... odd to me. I agree with Peyton about the flavor orientation but in all honesty I can't throw anything at his feet yet.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #351 on: April 27, 2010, 07:47:31 AM »
In the interest of fairness, I would have probably been one of those people on the list of both lynches as well if I'd not been beaten to the punch at laying down the L-1 and Hammer votes.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #352 on: April 27, 2010, 08:17:38 AM »
Alright...  been holding back because a simple reaction post doesn't help, and hopefully collecting my thoughts will give us one or two things to help us out.

Hadley, it's been a while since the last time you played here.  Roles like that led to a long string of mostly Vanilla games.  As for my case on Hellsnake, pretty sure I mentioned the whole way in which he played the Miller card, which really did scream of wanting someone to be cop-like and gone after him so that he had an excuse to say that he was a Miller.  Just the coy way he asked random role-fishing questions before blurting out a brand new tidbit like we should all be in awe of him for stating it.  As for the shakiness of my cases, they make sense to me, which means I must be doing a piss poor job of explaining them.

Now, onto people I find look interesting.

Nikolai still stands out.  I'm thinking that the Miller claims are null tells now, since unless Jack and Nikolai are both scum, Bike's theory about there being four scum and two Millers is bunk.  However, most of my suspicions hang around his not being here, and unlike Martin, making that one placeholder and never following through on it.

Hayles - My #3 choice for Day 2, his one post since I mentioned him doesn't ease my thoughts in any way, shape or form.  It's basically a post where he states the case for both contenders, but his vote is made to even things out.  Not to state which one he finds more guilty, but rather to encourage the two remaining tied.  He's not really tied to the rest of what happened, but still worth a look.

Mr. Martin.
One of the things I've noticed going over his posts is this.

1) Hellsnake's rolefishing is.......dumb. So incredibly dumb. But not necessarily scummy. In fact, kind of dumb-towny, the way I read it, if only because a hypothetical Scumsnake would already know that, if Bike is town, he's not a cop, unless of course he's lying and thereby giving useless info anyway. Millersnake, by contrast, does have a good reason to ask, although he should have been up-front about why.

Now, here's the thing.  He's talking about what Hellsnake should have known.  Now, what I find interesting is that what Martin seems to feel that scumsnake should know isn't Bike's alignment, but his role.  Specifically, he should have a better idea of what Bike's role is than if he were town, which implies that Scum know more than was stated publically.

Which raises the question, if scum do know this, then how does Martin know that scum know this?

Finally, Mr. Greaves.  With Mr. Handley's suggestion he might be scum, I took a look at the voting record.  The journalist is on both trains, and he does jump on them both late.  But, his presence on Hellsnake is as the lynching vote.  And given how Day 2 ended, I could see anyone doing the final blow after the "I'm gonna kill myself!  No, really!" finale the Hellsnake pulled off.

Li Syaoran

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #353 on: April 27, 2010, 08:40:25 AM »
Will have a full post up in a bit, but first, as per our good friend Moses Bike's request, I scanned my salesman friend Handley (i.e. Soppy). Now then, Kyle Handley, did you run into similar nightmarish visions as our good friend Bike, or into something completely different? Were you informed of anything at all by the mod that could correspond to my night action, for that matter? (NB: this is not a rolefish. If you think it's overly broad, don't answer this part of the question. I don't think it is, however.)

Princess Leia

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #354 on: April 27, 2010, 08:58:46 AM »
My, I go visiting the next village for one afternoon, and everything goes to hell. Even my notes from last night are pretty much useless after Pietro's flip.

Jack, I think the more important question is, how's that Miller status goin' for you?

In the meantime, I follow Bike's reasoning that a fourth Millerclaim makes no sense for scum. Which means either we have at least three millers, or both Daniels and O'Malley jumped in there as scum, which I think only makes any sort of sense if Pietro is scum we have at least three millers. Which in turn actually makes me wonder if they couldn't all be true, because if you're going to have three then hell, why not four?
That said, O'Malley is definitely deserving of scrutiny. So too, on thinking about it, is Jack; looking back I realised that, while I had the impression he'd been contributing a lot, I couldn't remember a single thing he'd said. Proper reread of both will have to wait until this evening, by which time hopefully we'll have some more clarity on what Jack was asking about.

I've already spent longer than I've really got on this, but I can't reasonably put off the Dale reread any longer. He comes out better than I was expecting; is giving reasoned positions when he contributes (which is not often, but if we're going after that then Andrews is the worst. (Incidentally, that sucks massively. He's not contributed, but we can't afford to lynch him at this stage either. I would've preferred a modkill if I'm honest; at this stage I just hope the game lasts long enough for him to turn things around)). The one thing I would flag up is that he makes the most tiny unverifiable partial claim imaginable (we are never going to prove that there's no godfather), almost to get in on the roleclaiming action while everyone else is, but I don't think that's a huge issue.

5x ninjas (yes, I really have spent an hour reading back, and it hasn't been enough) unread.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #355 on: April 27, 2010, 09:06:02 AM »
Will have a full post up in a bit, but first, as per our good friend Moses Bike's request, I scanned my salesman friend Handley (i.e. Soppy). Now then, Kyle Handley, did you run into similar nightmarish visions as our good friend Bike, or into something completely different? Were you informed of anything at all by the mod that could correspond to my night action, for that matter? (NB: this is not a rolefish. If you think it's overly broad, don't answer this part of the question. I don't think it is, however.)

I did not experience visions of any kind, nor was I informed by the mod of anything that could correspond to a night action.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #356 on: April 27, 2010, 10:16:34 AM »
Ack. Wanted to re-read the notes on all this durin the night, but guess I be doin that now.

Right quick now, I just wanna say somethin on this before rereadin:
In the meantime, I follow Bike's reasoning that a fourth Millerclaim makes no sense for scum.
If Jack/Seamus be scum, then maybe. If all three be Town, then Moses' theory on his N1 info means nothin, so it's, at worst for 'em, a 1:1 trade, and 3:1 at best.

Need to read over the appearances of Nikolai and Martin mostly, although wanna take a re-read of Bardale and Sopkyle too. This post has somehow taken me almost an hour, so don't expect me to be around soon, but expect a lotta input when I do get back.

Margaret Houlihan

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Nathan Greaves

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #358 on: April 27, 2010, 12:05:15 PM »
"Well, there goes a good man. I'll make sure to pass his name on to the obituaries for ya, kid.

Anyway. Think there's some important facts to be pulling from tonight. Namely, the fact that Pietro got killed when there are still three claimed millers out there. More than likely, the killer is someone outside of that group - in other words, someone who Pietro was still a threat to.

I find it hard to believe that the slowkiller would outright claim his actions when he knew they would incriminate him, so I don't think we're dealing with a slowkilling Peyton/Nikolai here. Then again, there's an important question in 'how exactly did Moses get slowkilled when Peyton claimed to be covering him that night?' Maybe the slowkill is doc-immune, or maybe Peyton is putting on his own little show.

Also of interest is what he says here:
But I'll say this.  I don't believe we're going to figure out the 3-Miller business without somebody dying.
He says this, and then proceeds to leave his vote on Pietro for the entire day. Not only does that make it pretty akin to cheerleading, but there's also the aforemented point of people outside of the miller claims that were scared of Pietro's powers likely being responsible for his death.

Finally, there's the fact he claimed Bodyguard/BP, when we now have two confirmed dead Bulletproofs. Two is already ridiculous enough. Three is just too much to really believe.

##FoS: Peyton Hadley

Chad's claim, like with Moses, should be left and checked to see if it's genuine. There might be a difference, but we won't know until we look.

Millers are still here. Daniels is the clearest of the three to me for his timing, and O'Malley as I said before is iffy for counterclaiming the counterclaim. Nikolai I don't think is the slowkiller, unless he's really enough of a maniac to publically declare his target. Doesn't rule him out as scum, though. I don't remember those last two having any real impact yesterday either, so they both need to get in here and help out rather than lurk like nuts.
Hadley still seems to add up the best for me, though, with Nikolai and O'Malley both looking about as bad as each other at the moment."

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #359 on: April 27, 2010, 01:23:35 PM »
Hayles - My #3 choice for Day 2, his one post since I mentioned him doesn't ease my thoughts in any way, shape or form.  It's basically a post where he states the case for both contenders, but his vote is made to even things out.  Not to state which one he finds more guilty, but rather to encourage the two remaining tied.  He's not really tied to the rest of what happened, but still worth a look.
Assuming you mean this post? I specified'at I found Pietro scummy for 'is lurkin ((why hullo thar hypocrisy)) and his convenient misinformed claim. (Turns out that were just 'im lyin. wut.) I weren't just tyin the two for the sake o'tyin 'em.


Other than that, Kolmogorov drops the cult leader bomb about Hellsnake not long after I pointed out that cult leader is a role we explicitly COULD NOT have according to the Mod's limits (no alignment switching).
Actually, he don't at all. All he says on the matter is:
Quote from: Chad Hutchins
If Hellsnake is scum and lying we should lynch him now, not days from now.  Even if he IS a reviver, that don't make him town.  What's to stop him from bein oh maybe like third party Aothingy cult and the guy he revives joins him in it?  Just as a possibility.
Highly unlikely, and I'm not sure if he is lying. I'm still more convinced that Pietro is lying at this point. As for the whole cult aspect, alignment-switching/rules/etc.
's far as I can tell, he's sayin what you said about that bein impossible due to the rules. ('though some clarification on that from Nikolai wouldn't go amiss)


Chad, if yer really thinkin yer set to die overnight, make sure to let us know anythin that might help. Not askin you to tell us everythin, just anythin that might help us. ((Yes, I'm a little annoyed about Bike holding back information because 'it might not be a kill', only to wind up dead.))
((inb4rolefishing. This is entirely based on whether Chad has information that'll help -Town-, and since I'm pretty certain he's Town, personally, I figure he'll be a good judge of what is worth revealing and what isn't.))


Overall views? I've 'alf a mind to follow me instincts and vote for Jack. He was one of the main voices on the first day, and has kinda trailed off since, but... hrm. There's somethin else about 'im, just can't place it.
As it is, I'm gonna follow logic instead and...go back to my original case. What with the misrep of Nikolai I mentioned above, Nathan's point ((the second one, about "Millers are suspicious!" *leave vote on Pietro* - not liking the WIFOM/role meta there, thinkin on it, though!)) and, o'course, my previous thing about fluffing out 'is posts - yes, he has some input, but nowhere near as much as it seems just by scanning his posts - he seems to be playin a pretty typical active-scum game.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #360 on: April 27, 2010, 02:08:37 PM »
Working, can't draw up a full post for another few hours yet, but wanted to respond to this while I've got a minute:

Mr. Martin.
One of the things I've noticed going over his posts is this.

1) Hellsnake's rolefishing is.......dumb. So incredibly dumb. But not necessarily scummy. In fact, kind of dumb-towny, the way I read it, if only because a hypothetical Scumsnake would already know that, if Bike is town, he's not a cop, unless of course he's lying and thereby giving useless info anyway. Millersnake, by contrast, does have a good reason to ask, although he should have been up-front about why.

Now, here's the thing.  He's talking about what Hellsnake should have known.  Now, what I find interesting is that what Martin seems to feel that scumsnake should know isn't Bike's alignment, but his role.  Specifically, he should have a better idea of what Bike's role is than if he were town, which implies that Scum know more than was stated publically.

Which raises the question, if scum do know this, then how does Martin know that scum know this?

The assumption is that townies do not lie outright in their roleclaims. Obviously *glares at Pietro* that assumption is....not perfect. But it's my experience that when you claim your role, one of the consequences is that town still doesn't know if you're lying scum or not, while the actual scum don't have that little quandary.

Princess Leia

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #361 on: April 27, 2010, 09:59:45 PM »
And for all that's happened since my last post, I could've left it until now. Bah, timezones.

As it is, I'm gonna follow logic instead and...go back to my original case. What with the misrep of Nikolai I mentioned above, Nathan's point ((the second one, about "Millers are suspicious!" *leave vote on Pietro* - not liking the WIFOM/role meta there, thinkin on it, though!)) and, o'course, my previous thing about fluffing out 'is posts - yes, he has some input, but nowhere near as much as it seems just by scanning his posts - he seems to be playin a pretty typical active-scum game.
Hayles, this would be a lot clearer if you actually said who it was you were talking about.

Lots of little pieces of carelessness from Hutchins, but if anything at this stage that's more likely to be third party than scum. If he's the slowkiller (and either didn't kill, or - and this fits even better in my eyes - went after everyone's favourite target after yesterday, Pietro) then what he's said today makes a pretty clever claim; takes the heat off him, yet lets him dodge when he turns up tomorrow still alive, and no risk of anyone counterclaiming. But either way we leave him alive, at least for today; at this stage not going after scum would be pretty much suicidal.

Leaving the claimed millers aside for now, I'm looking to Had...Han... Kyle (Soppy, realise it's a bit late to be asking for things like this, but mind putting your character name at the top of your posts like Bardiche is doing?). Latest posts looks better; is posting a variety of cases. I'll read over Greaves next and will post if I find anything interesting, but for now, I disagree with O'Malley's assessment; a hammer is still a vote, no less important than any other, and even at L-1, Hellsnake was by no means certain to be the day's lynch. And while Hellsnake's request to selfhammer was (of course) bad, stupid play, I don't think it really outshone the rest of the day in that regard. Putting both Handley and O'Malley aside for now, along with all the lurker-types, until we've sorted this miller business a little.

On which point, just in case I wasn't clear enough earlier: Jack, please expand on your Miller role, to the maximum extent you feel comfortable doing.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #362 on: April 27, 2010, 10:55:06 PM »
Votecount: There are no votes.  (Though I guess I could keep a FoS count if others start casting them, but there's only one of those so far.)

Deadlinecount: There is no deadline.

Danacount: There is no Dana, only Zuul.

With 11 investigators, it takes 6 to lynch.  It is potential LYLO.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #363 on: April 28, 2010, 12:34:46 AM »
Ronald Dale;


Thinking on the other day, I review old guy statements. Look like slow kill actually there, however, there is problem with this. Unless there is town movement in slowkilling him, this means Mafia has two nightkill powers.

He said that there were no more than six scum; four from inside, two from outside. I wonder if this means four millers and two actual scum? Four inside group of uninformed majority, two outside group of uninformed majority? I knowing there one Godfather on scum side, this mean four-scum game. I don't think this is unimportant. It means someone can claim a total farce of a role combined with Bulletproof with the knowledge no Cops can sniff 'em out. If they claim a defence role like Bodyguard with it so they can hide their slow-kill powers...

死马当活马医, we must lynch scum today. I will re-read thread again, scan for important things. Not sure when I'll deliver, probably tomorrow.

Pietro dying leave much problem, as PE#1 die... or whatever the heck his name was... probably looking at Nathan Greaves, Peyton and Sopko the most.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #364 on: April 28, 2010, 12:36:24 AM »
Ronald Dale;

Four-scum game? Hell... what am I thinking... I of course mean a three scum game, two of which are observable and one of which is Godfather.

Yes, I am heavily implying I'm suspicious of Peyton's role now that Bike's slowkill was actually true even though he was guarded, meaning either Peyton's lying about his role or there was a slowkiller who could bypass that kind of crap.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #365 on: April 28, 2010, 01:53:11 AM »
"Actually, before I go take a nap ((read: go to bed)), one more question for Hadley. Who the hell did you target last night? To get more to the point, why weren't you covering Pietro? Were you so sure he was scum that you were willing to let the guy who'd claimed cop get killed no problem if you were wrong, when there were no other particularly good targets? That claim of yours is starting to look reeeeeal shaky, pal."

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #366 on: April 28, 2010, 03:10:09 AM »
Sorry, all, extremely busy today. :(  Will not be able to post any flavor, and possibly not any more at all after this.

Nathan: I targeted the person I think may be the actual Cop, not the obvious fakeclaim.  He's posted and hasn't mentioned suffering any slowkill effects, and I'd rather not say who it is because unlike Pietro, I have reason to believe he may be an actual useful Cop.

Of course I was willing to let Pietro die.  He played literally the scummiest game I've ever seen, and throwing out an "I'm a cop - but probably useless lol" claim at the end of a day in which he should have hung doesn't change that.  Need I remind you that the last we heard of him before he died, he'd just gotten a powerful town role lynched by asspulling that cop claim at the end of Day 2 and then riding it to a bunch of people jumping to Hellsnake?

You've got to be off your rocker if you think I'd lift a finger to save him.

Dale: I told Moses yesterday that I could probably only stop non-magical effects.

Also, so far it looks like the Scum may have had a ONE SHOT extra nightkill, since no one seems to be suffering from a slowkill today.  Considering the power of at least one of the Town roles we know we had, is that really such a shock?

Ethan: You're right, Kolmogorov did correctly point out that the Mod ruled out roles like Cult Leader.  That makes his assertion here, during the ramp-up to Hellsnake being lynched, even stranger.  Since we know - and Kolmogorov specifically acknowledged, as you point out - that Hellsnake couldn't have been a cult leader, what's the point of throwing that out there?

All: To anyone who thinks I'm Scum - who do YOU think was the nightkill target on Night 1?  Whoever it was, if it wasn't me, had best step forward and claim it.  Of course, the liar then guarantees a 1:1 Scum/Town trade (barring more Town liars, because... yeah), and even in potential LYLO I doubt the Scum are willing to do that.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #367 on: April 28, 2010, 05:27:48 AM »
((H'okay, before I go through re-reading stuff and making a coherent argument (which hopefully won't be wrong because cripes haven't I been so wrong so far), I'm going to say this.

The miller claims aren't necessarily a good scumtell after last (game) night.  I have very good reason to believe that many of the townies were actually cast as Millers.  I'm... hesitant to say more, at the risk of tipping too much off at scum.  In fact, had I read my PM more closely last (real) night I probably wouldn't have said anything at all, though on the other hand it helps town to know not to be focusing too much on the miller claims.  I'm not sure any of the claimed-millers are any less suspicious as of yet, but if they are it isn't because of their miller claim.))

Princess Leia

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #368 on: April 28, 2010, 07:35:35 AM »
Hadley: What if scum had a choice between slowkill and a normal NK? (It'd be risky, but if you were going to use that kind of power at all, N1 is the time to do it, leaving us with just one flip to work from D2 - and if this is what happened then it's worked out pretty well for them). Then scumYou could safely make the claim you have, and look like a very valuable town role.

Jack, it's great how you want us to think the miller claims aren't so suspicious when you're one of them. Forgive me if I'm finding you more suspicious rather than less. Again, I want more detail on your specific miller status.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #369 on: April 28, 2010, 01:08:16 PM »
Ronald Dale;

Peyton: You bring up a filastifilic point. Asking who we think was the N1 target does point me only at "scum may have a slowkill ability", but given that my misgivings about you are solely role-related I admit I've nothing further to say until I do the research.

Anyone happen to know the game date?


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #370 on: April 28, 2010, 04:25:20 PM »
It's too dang early fer flavor or forming arguments, just addressin Hargreaves.

((Egh, fine, I don't see the harm in this (other than it makes me more suspicious) unless whoever did it roleclaims (hint: DON'T DO IT christ why do I have to tell people that).  That, and this information (if you choose to believe it) helps town sort out the Miller nonsense.

Specifically, I am no longer a miller, just a vanilla townie.  Somebody's night action targetted me, and took away my miller status.  Flavor-wise, this action gave me very much the opposite of what happened to Bike -- I'm feeling very euphoric and all that nonsense.  Speakin' of flavor...))

Since we're talkin' an' all that, Hargreaves... you seem t' know some things that shock me.  Some things yeh do, some o' the songs yeh sing when liquored up... you serve in the war, son?

((Actually, speaking of my night PM I need to address chad some flavor wise but I just woke up. Deal with mafia this afternoon instead.  so many walls of text. so many))


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #371 on: April 28, 2010, 07:32:18 PM »
I...  see.  Nothing's happened to me that I know of.

Re: Martin.  Eh, true.  And it's not like now, when it is plausible for people to have multiple roles.

Alright, looking at where we're sitting, there's 11 of us.  Even given four scum, that still needs three people to die for us to lose.  So, given that five scum is grossly unbalanced and a fair bit more likely to cause game over than the flavour indicates, I think we need to assume four scum with the ability to doublekill somehow.  Also, that if there is a slowkill, then it'll have to already be in play on a Townie.  Unfortunately, no one seems to have the same symptoms as poor ol' Bike did, which means if it is in play, then scum can change the flavour of it in order to keep people from knowing who it is they targetted.

Unfortunately, I've got nothing further out of looking at the setup than this, since after this point it's all WIFOM without more info.  And I'm not sure it's worth any more of our time today barring some kind of revelation.  However, it is flexible enough that I can see a fake claim of being a NK target if the standard kill doesn't have to be used every night.

One last thing for right now, I gave Ronbard another look with the newer stuff in play and...  given him a clean bill of health.  Most of the things that've been giving me issues have mostly been Bardisms, and otherwise, he's been helpful enough.

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #372 on: April 28, 2010, 10:37:14 PM »
Eeesh... Aye, Daniels, I was there in the war. But that was a long time ago. Though not nearly long enough. Let's concentrate on more recent horrors.

It's a mighty strange thing you say has happened to you, but with the way things've been going lately... I think I believe you, for now. Which leaves us with... nothing from the miller claims, and back to good old scumhunting. (Though, have we remembered that the 6/4 could be three millers and one godfather?)

People who've posted enough without smelling scum: Hadley, Daniels (given above), Dale (barely), Hutchins (see previous post), Kolgomorov-ish.
Therefore, people I'm worried about: Greaves, O'Malley, Hayles, Handley, Andrews.

Andrews... has actually been contributing positively. Is still champion lurker, but if that's our best case today... well, I really hope it isn't.

Handley's post today reads very well to me, picking a few things up, and not wasting time focusing on self-defence. Doesn't completely excuse previous days, but makes me feel a lot better about him.
The case against Greaves' voting has been made. What he's said has been generally OK though, and he has contributed some valid arguments. I can't fairly judge his end-of-day-1 poking at me; is it a silly nitpick or a genuine issue?
Hayles: day 1, weak lurker case on Dale, then very late on the Callahan train. Day 2, early vote on Hadley with a dubious reporting case, followed by some wordy self-defense. This looks worse on a reread; there're a lot of words, but very little in the way of original cases. Eventually drops that case, which I guess is better than continuing it, though to my eyes Hadley is much the same D1 and D2, then gets on Pietro, but as has been mentioned, "to even the scores" is half his argument.

I see O'Malley was starting to make a case on Hayles here, which makes me feel slightly better about him. Then this post puts him right back again, for the plain acceptance of Pietro's role, even to the point of being suspicious of Hadley. And his post just now gives us only some weird speculation that he himself seems to admit is useless. AFAICS the slowkiller could be ITP (now I've gotten confused on this before, but 3 scum + 3rd party SK would still qualify this as potential LYLO, right?) or town, so the assumption in "if it is in play, then scum can change the flavour of it" seems premature.

Summing up, I think for scumminess Hayles > O'Malley > Greaves > Handley, and Andrews probably belongs somewhere in the middle for want of enough posts to judge from. ##FoS: Hayles; not 100%, but if I had to vote now, that's where it'd be, and we're going to have to lynch sooner or later.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #373 on: April 28, 2010, 11:28:48 PM »
Nathan: I targeted the person I think may be the actual Cop, not the obvious fakeclaim.  He's posted and hasn't mentioned suffering any slowkill effects, and I'd rather not say who it is because unlike Pietro, I have reason to believe he may be an actual useful Cop.
"And that reason is...what? What reason could you have other than reading real well into this player of yours to assume we had both a paranoid Cop and a real Cop? The fact you've said you wanted to protect a player you thought was Cop rather than just a player you thought was Town is what interests me with that statement of yours."

All: To anyone who thinks I'm Scum - who do YOU think was the nightkill target on Night 1?  Whoever it was, if it wasn't me, had best step forward and claim it.  Of course, the liar then guarantees a 1:1 Scum/Town trade (barring more Town liars, because... yeah), and even in potential LYLO I doubt the Scum are willing to do that.
"Doesn't rule out SK, does it? Maybe scum DID try to hit you N1, but you're a bulletproof third-party. That's definitely a lot easier for me to believe than yet another Townie who can't be nightkilled.

Meanwhile, Kolmogorov and his promised content from here are taking their sweet time. O'Malley's Wall Of Setup Analysis doesn't do anything to help, and about all he can offer is a clear of a player that no-one is really finding serious fault with anyway. And Hargreaves, hold still for one second - why exactly are you suddenly believing Daniels after he's claimed to have been cured of his suspicious aura?
On another note, what makes Nikolai better than Andrews in your opinion?" ((Andrews/Shale apparently has more genuine RL reasons to not have been posting. Alice, not so much, and what he's offered is the strange Cult Leader point against Hellsnake and a miller rolecop claim that could easily be scum rolecop going along with the miller bandwagon.))


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #374 on: April 28, 2010, 11:30:30 PM »
Anyone happen to know the game date?

Day 0 was October 23, 1928, so today (Day 3) is Friday, October 26, 1928.  There'll be a new moon tonight.  Also, tomorrow (Saturday) is the day of the Big Game between the Marbury Senior High Ospreys football team and the big regional threat, the Tilton Bears.  Marbury's lost every year and has an 0-8 record; understandable for a small high school founded recently.  But they only lost 24-14 last year and showed a lot of fight in the first half before getting worn down by Tilton's larger bench.  The Ospreys have done great this year, so it promises to be a close game...  at least if its star player Chad isn't too distracted by the tragic loss of his father.