
Author Topic: Cthulu Mafia - TOWN (drunk) WIN, MADNESS SOMEWHAT AVERTED  (Read 95047 times)


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #375 on: April 29, 2010, 02:21:45 AM »
Votecount: There are still no votes.

Deadlines: It is now 48 hours into Day 3, and...  well, it's not dead, but there doesn't seem to be much happening.  As noted before, I am willing to set a deadline because it's not good for town if the game bogs down, and town has decent chances of making it to Day 4 even with a mislynch.  As such, I am setting a soft deadline of 72 hours from now - that would be 5 RL days for Day 3, which should be plenty.  I will probably change this into a hard deadline tomorrow depending on response and where the game seems to be.

With 11 investigators, it takes 6 to lynch.  It is potential LYLO.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2010, 02:23:53 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #376 on: April 29, 2010, 05:21:49 AM »
((Well, I still don't really WANT to think about Mafia right now but I've been putting it off long enough.))
* Jack Daniels takes a fairly deep swig of the moonshine, though not nearly as much as he'd been needin before.  For once it's almost as if he doesn't need the stuff, at least not as much as before.

"We all may-a been wrong these last few days, I reckon it's like this: less of us here, the higher chance we'll get us some scum, eh? Gots to look on the brighter side o' things every once in a while.  Not that that mean we don't got no business t' attend t'.

Goin' by the votes... day two, the first to hop on the Hellsnake's train were Pietro (conf. town), Kyle Handley, and Chad.  Hellsnake was lookin' might suspicious as Day 2 went on and I'm not sure early votes tell us much.  The only thing that makes me suspicious of Handley is his ragin' at Moses' droppin' o character, but as I've said before that's a huge WIFOM situation that doesn't really tell much.  His recent post don't tell me much, neither. 

Chad's kind o' suspicious, I think, in part because he may be pullin' the ol' To-Ho hijack ((usurp lead town role, lead scum to victory)), since I done been takin' his bein' town fer granted this whole time.  On the other hand, there's a reason fer that--much of his play has been pretty good, ((thankfully not WOTy, but that's an aside)), and though he's been wrong, he's been wrong for pretty good reasons as far as I kin tell.  ((From here on regarding Chad it's all flavor.))  Now, Chad... about yer pa... jus... jus how much do you know?  I recall him sayin' once he wanted t' be cremated up on some stones up in themthar hills... an fer what it's worth, I reckon yer right.  His wishes in death may be best left... disregarded. 

And I reckon, fer yer sake, that you don't go persuin' his... memoirs... much deeper now.
* Jack Daniels gets kind of quiet for a minute, and takes a drink before moving on.

Anywho, the Pietro train started with Seamus, Greaves, and Peyton. 

Finally done gettin' my bearins on Seamus.  And... nothin' really seems that suspicious to me, outside the miller claim, which I am no longer taking into consideration.  In fact, reading all of his posts, the most noteworthy thing I saw was his commentary on Andrews.  As fer Andrews, I'm none too sure WHAT that statement implies, and reckon I'll wait to weigh in on th' lurker.

Peyton talks too much.  The upswing t' this is that if he were gonna give a strong scumtell by now he prolly woulda done it.  I ain't got much on him, and unless there's a convincin' taker to his challenge, I'm inclined to say he's town.  The wordiness might all be smokescreenin' but I reckon not.

Greaves, I got nothin' on.  He kept draggin' day 2 out with his unvotes, but also hammered at the last minute.  Otherwise he's got so few posts I don't know what to make of it.

((Ugh.  Too much mafia at once.  I've still got to read up on Dale, Hargreaves, Nikolai... Hayles... ;_;  I'll get to that later tonight I promise, but right now I need to think about something else.))

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #377 on: April 29, 2010, 05:47:35 AM »
Distracted?  Heh, you mean "if I don't go mad and kill myself tomorrow" which in the absence of anyone else claiming to be slowkilled is sadly starting to look likely.

Setupwise.... okay, look, gonna lay this out.  The mod has said multiple times that he wanted a game with a lot of roles that were mostly useless or traps.  With that in mind?  I don't think miller status means a darn thing, because I don't think that there IS a cop of useful sanity to be affected by it.  I sure don't think Hellsnake would've been able to full revive anyone, just bring them back for talkin.  (That's water under the bridge now though.)  And I don't think all of the bulletproofs/protects floating around actually function as advertised (though it's pretty clear that at least one (probably Peyton's) does).  

Flavorwise... I got nothin until or unless someone else has more to contribute.  Andrews claiming amnesia scuttled any real progress in that direction.  In the event I do kick it tonight, I'll say this much:  The Order, includin my father, had a ceremony two weeks ago, and another one the night Pop died.  Their goal was to call down some sort of mysterious power on specific people.  I know who got the power from the first ceremony, and what it does, and it is at least linked to a real game effect.  I don't know who got the power from the second ceremony, or even if anyone did (though my information strongly suggests that someone did), and if someone did, I don't got any guarantees it did the exact same thing as the first time.  Still, I thought it worth pursuin, and still kinda do want to find the other person if possible.  

Good old Mafiawise...

I read over everyone and I got nothin concrete.  Kyle looked bad on days 1 and 2 but his posting today has been better and even explained where he's come from a bit.  Hargreaves, Peyton and to an extent Seamus and Jack Daniels all look like positive contributors.  

Kanbabrif or whatever the Russkie's name is has been mostly absent but then come in with good posting - yet somehow I still find myself wary of him, because the last game of checkers I played with the guy (Mai Hime, for reference) he did the same thing as scum and coasted to a win on having one good post the whole game and nothing else.  Yet it seems like he's been more open this game so... I dunno.

Greaves and Andrews got mostly the same problems.  Greaves especially I'm a little less keen on his posts, done a lotta speculating and a lotta egging on without actually bringing much useful up himself.  Some o' that is a good thing, and lord knows I been speculatin a lot myself, but... he feels off somehow, too aggravated.  I guess that's where my vote would go.

Dale and Hayles I don't even know what to think of, alternatin between scummy and townie and I dunno what.

##Vote: Nathan Greaves

I guess I'll step up then.  Why are you so keen on the eggin on, specially in your posts today?  You been doin an awful lot of yellin at people for doin things you don't like, but whar be the point, or your own case?  Seems like you wanna just talk about the millers and lynch one, or lynch Peyton for arguin to lynch one without votin one (ignorin that he could only turn his vote to Hellsnake really)?  


.... how on the green earth am *I* "lead townie" or anything close to it I haven't even posted for days because emergency work sessions killed my motivation and I don't know what's going on in this game what argh. 

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #378 on: April 29, 2010, 07:59:07 AM »
Kyle Handley

Took a deeper look at Ronald Dale, due to the basic etherealness of his presence throughout the entire game... and honestly, his last five posts or so are incredibly contentless and halfassed. Between his latest efforts and the flip, it's almost enough to make the posts he made during the beginning of Day 2 look more like a concerted effort to keep him in the game, so to speak. He focuses on his case on Ethan, throws out comments on a few others, then hops onto the Pietro train without much conviction and proceeds to ride out the rest of the day by commenting on the posts of others while saying nothing of substance.

Today he's done nothing but speculate on role setup while presenting no cases, though he throws a few names out and promises to get to them eventually! Waiting on that.

Samuel: Where has the case against Nathan's voting been made before? I missed it.

The Mad Russian prodding me for night information then disappearing again amidst total lack of participation again is not a great sign.

Nathan hasn't really gotten much better. The quote he brought up about Peyton is... a good point, but it's still something that can easily be said while pursuing a different case. The rest of his case on Peyton is speculation based on roles. I can't really get behind it. I'm honestly for his lynch, but it'll take more than usual to get me to vote considering the situation we're in.

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #379 on: April 29, 2010, 03:36:35 PM »
Two things I need to reply to ere:
Firstly, how in the bleedin 'ell is Andrews "still champion lurker" but "contributing positively" and Kolgomorov, who's done the same at best and been darn bad at worst, is Town-ish?
As fer yer case on me, I already said ere that I'd already given my reasons for votin Pietro at the time ere. Nice o'you to ignore that post from the top o'the page.

Also, 'Argreaves, you been askin ere who I meant. If'n you been readin my post, it shoulda bin obvious, but I were talkin about ol Hadley over there.
Lookin at these two together, actually, did ya e'en read my post? I'm really not likin that misrep, thanks.

Despite those previous suspicions, mind, Hadley's response ere points out a comment I'd missed on me reread, and definitely puts things in a different light. Kolmogolmogolmorov, care to explain that'n? Yer suddenly lookin pretty darn terrible t'me.

Hargreaves has just shot up my list o'suspicions for some really weird logic and the misrep/lack of readin. Still behind Kolgolmolmorolgomov who's given us little t'work with, and what he 'as given is flawed. Add to that 'is promise of a new post followed by nothin and I think it's enough to say...
##Vote: Nikolai ((Kolgomorov? Something like that.))

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #380 on: April 29, 2010, 05:10:26 PM »
I guess I'll step up then.  Why are you so keen on the eggin on, specially in your posts today?  You been doin an awful lot of yellin at people for doin things you don't like, but whar be the point, or your own case?  Seems like you wanna just talk about the millers and lynch one, or lynch Peyton for arguin to lynch one without votin one (ignorin that he could only turn his vote to Hellsnake really)?
"You caught me as I was about to drop a vote on Nikolai for still saying nothing this late in." ((Recent events in another game have taught me that LAL is definite truth, and he hasn't posted in 3 freaking days. Still, potential LYLO and all, and Hayles already has a vote down there.))

"But really, how am I meant to defend myself here? Suspecting people without voting them makes sense when it's lylo and one false move could get us all killed. And you even admit that you're doing exactly what I am except that something's a little off. What does that even mean?

As for Peyton, I'm having trouble believing that Hutchins' killers has two options for killing, slowkill and fastkill. Slowkill is apparently able to ignore bulletproof/bodyguard if Peyton's claim is true, and given there seem to be plenty of them out there I don't think they'd have any good reason to do it. Plus the they died in two different ways - Pietro gets shot, and Bike goes insane.

So honestly, I'm more willing to believe one of these kills - probably the slowkill, but I can't be sure - belongs to a third-party. And I find Peyton's actions easier to quantify as a third-party than anyone else's, with the possible exception of the Ruskie.

Still waiting for Hargreaves to explain why he likes Nikolai so much ahead of Andrews."

Li Syaoran

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #381 on: April 29, 2010, 05:36:45 PM »
So some shit regarding one of my courses came up very recently, followed by another game on that other site ending, thus I've been sort of busy. That being said, this game is now at the very top of my priority queue right now, so even IF other shit comes up, that won't impact my activity levels.

*cough* *cough* Anyway. I find it weird that the principal point against me is the Cult Leader comment against Hellsnake, considering that it was pretty much a spur-of-the-moment reaction (it really sounded exactly like that role), before I remembered that alignment-changing roles don't exist in this setup. Even then, this really isn't all that bad - Hellvole was terrible for several other reasons beyond just his role, and my case on him wasn't entirely based on role (though I will admit that it was his final roleclaim that pushed him ahead of Pietro for me).

Anyway: regarding the claimed millers, I'm pretty unconvinced that any of them are Scum simply for how the whole roleclaim nuttery came about. Our good friend Mr.Daniels here might have been a Scum attempting to force through a lynch of Hellsnake, but then Hellsnake would have flipped Miller and not Scum, and then Mr.Daniels would have looked terrible. It has all the feel of a fairly genuine counterclaim to it as well, for that matter - and really, I can't think of anything overtly objectionable from our good ever-drunk friend either, really.

Same for Seamus AranO'Malley - given two Miller claims, Scum fakeclaiming a  third strikes me as bizarre. However, a third Miller claim lends credence to multiple Millers and thus would let you avoid being copscanned and then accused for it, which means that this is less a point in his favour than it is for Daniels. The fact that I can't actually remember anything that he's said all game vexes me as well, I will have to reread him thusly.

Now, what's interesting is that we have two people who claim to be targeted last night and both claim to feel Euphoric over it. One of them lost his Miller status (were you Miller + anything else, Mr.Daniels? You don't have to specify what "anything else" actually is, I'm just wondering if you have a dual/multiple role like what all the flips so far seem to have), and the I'm suddenly really not liking Hutchins. Toss another one onto the reread pile.

Hayles however...that is my main point of suspicion for today. I particularly am amused by the selective attention surrounding my Cult Leader/no-alignment-changing-roles statements: first he goes after Jack for a misrep that was not a misrep, now he's going after me for the same thing, yet the whole comment is more-or-less irrelevant in the grand scheme of both mafia and this world, and yet he's using it as a major point in two cases.

His D2 play is somewhat irksome, principally due to using a lot of words and saying little - I find I always want to yell at him to get to the damn POINT already, yet quite often it seems that he never does. His opening post actually claims that he finds Andrews scummier than Hadley, yet votes Hadley instead for a reporting charge - yet the issue he has is that his posts contain too many words and are too long and too mixed-in with flavour (RP? What's that? Some form of MST3K Analogue for Let's Play's? :P), which is missing the point of the reporting accusation completely. Reporting is a Scummy action if it is IIoA - Information Instead of Analysis. If there is Analysis, in good amounts, and it is sound, then large amounts of concurrent Information, while aggravating to read through, are not inherently Scummy. There's nothing objectionable about his Pietro vote, but that's solely because there quite literally is everything objectionable with Pietro's play. Really, probably the current top of my suspicion list, but I first want to do a proper reread through both Hutchins and O'Malley before voting (especially considering it technically is LYLO. Quasi-LYLO, yet LYLO nevertheless.)

Princess Leia

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #382 on: April 29, 2010, 06:41:22 PM »
Did anyone else think the same thing about cops as Hutchins? It never crossed my mind, but if scum reached that conclusion earlier then it throws the miller claims (and especially Daniels' crazy roleloss claim) in a decidedly different light.

Handley: When I said that the case on Nathan's voting had been made, I was referring to your post (as an explanation of why I wasn't going into it myself). As far as I can see it's original to you.

Greaves: Care to restate what you were saying in "Slowkill is apparently able to ignore bulletproof/bodyguard if Peyton's claim is true, and given there seem to be plenty of them out there I don't think they'd have any good reason to do it. Plus the they died in two different ways"? I'm having trouble making sense of it.

I do think Kolmogorov has been contributing substantially more than Andrews, but since two people have flagged it up now, maybe my judgement is being clouded by outside knowledge - I have other reasons for clearing him, which I won't go into at this stage.

Hayles: Sure, you gave some reasons, that's why I said "half" rather than "all" - but they were nothing original, and your post doesn't read like they're as much the driving force behind your vote as they should be. You've got the reasons and the vote, but they don't quite connect up right; things like the "like everyone else" make me uncomfortable.
As for who you were talking about, no, it really wasn't obvious. All you say is "go back to my original case" - what original case? Your one previous mention of Hadley in that comment hardly qualifies as a "case"; the way I read it you could equally well have been talking about a previous post. And I don't like having to look through the whole thread just to figure out what you're talking about.
Hayles then gives us the "cult leader" case on Kolmogorov that really seems to be a mountain out of nothing, along with a frankly OMGUSy poke at yours truly, neither of which tends to endear him to me. Finger stays. (Really not comfortable with the amount of votes flying around - it is LYLO, after all, and weak-LYLO can be the most dangerous. But if this is the way we play here I'll put a vote on shortly).

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #383 on: April 29, 2010, 07:31:01 PM »
Handley: When I said that the case on Nathan's voting had been made, I was referring to your post (as an explanation of why I wasn't going into it myself). As far as I can see it's original to you.

Ah. Misinterpreted your meaning there then.

Still curious to hear whether Peyton is writing off Andrews as a suspect entirely in the following quote (and if so, why) or just putting Nicolai ahead of him in this specific argument (and if so, why, because lurking is lurking even if there's a valid reason).

Nicolai Kolmogorov was one of the people who voted for Ty Callahan during what Moses felt was the critical period on Day 1.  Until the very end of Day 2 he was otherwise a non-presence; claimed he wasn't available to play, we'll see after the game I suppose.  (Martin Andrews avoids my suspicion for this because his player wasn't on at ALL.)  Possibly the slowkiller, could be Scum, 3rd Party or Town.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #384 on: April 29, 2010, 09:38:26 PM »
Ronald Dale;

As they say, 有志者,事竟成, so is time to give that promised post.

This is the first instance of something that makes me frown. Before that, he complained someone was starting something before everyone'd had a chance to speak. A vote for Chad because he might be trying to start heavy discussion before everyone's had a chance to speak? As I said, I don't think idling around waiting for everyone is the smartest D1 strategy.

Misrepresentation of Chad here is also a little suspect. To clarify: Chad said Bike was saying crazy stuff but asked what was wrong with it, which I read at the time as meaning he doesn't really think that's worth voting Bike over. Nathan accuses Chad of getting a safety knob there for bajiggling onto Bike when it doesn't make sense to me.

Not to mention he first votes Chad for "trying to start serious discussion before everyone's posted" and then says he's sticking on Chad because "he's voting off gut when there's serious discussion to be had". :derp:

This post is, as far as I'm concerned, fairly useless. Recap of what's happened to mostly pad a post that basically says, "I think Daniels is a real Miller, not sure on the other two. Pietro's claim may be real but it could not be! Hellsnake explain your role to me! Also I want to keep my vote on Hellsnake because his claim is ridiculous."... except a lot more words and chaff and repeating obvious things.

He then unvotes so there won't be a hammer before Day's end, which confuses me because how often does Town lynch well before deadline? Stinks like a move to scream, "Look I'm town because I want more discussion to happen!"

He revisits that here, again being mighty helpful by allowing discussion. His two posts inbetween "let's have discussion" and "I'll wait before ending discussion" don't contribute much to the discussion though. In fact it's downright weird he votes Hellsnake, then jumps off him again like a revolving door. Like he isn't sure whether he wants to lynch Hellsnake.

Aaand he spends the rest of the day hard on Peyton who is a bulletproof and seemly can't be taken out by Mafia by normal means. And the prevalent argument I seem to get from it is "I don't buy Peyton's roleclaim!"

... Yeah, no.

Still not done with my re-read but not getting happy vibes from Nathan at all. He's been pretty riskless. Careful inquiries, never venturing really into something by pressing someone hard with something new. Feels too careful to me.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #385 on: April 29, 2010, 10:17:18 PM »

So I heard the humans are needin' me back, huh? I heard my name, and far be it from me t'disappoint. Good thing for you 'tweren't no trouble 'tall to get here quicklike, thanks to my brand-spankin'-new jet engine makin' travel easier.

...What? Whaddaya mean "what's a jet engine"? You don't got jet engines here? Y'all's crazy.

Well, anyway, I see you're dealin' with a cosmic horror dealie here, and, well, to be perfectly honest, I owes it t'my fellow kappa t'make sure I don't get harmed none, so there ain't a lot I can do for ya. B'sides, the last thing Gensokyo needs is another one o' these things raging about. Yukari got mighty pissed last time that happened. The least I can do for y'all is a vote count, though, I guess. Anyone got a pocket calculator so I can add up them votes?...Nothin'? Really? Well, what about a ballpoint pen so I can do it by hand?...Oh, come on, you folks can't be serious. How can you not know what this stuff is? No wonder humans are makin' up stories about how we reach right up into their backsides for fun, y'don't know nearly enough t'know better.

Fine, I'll take care of this on m'fingers.

Eiki Almighty, no pocket they're'll be tellin' me they don't got no radio telescopes. Bleedin' silly humans...

This investigation scene and this votecount have been hereby high-jacked by the To-Ho Gang, and we're laughin' out loud 'bout it!

Nathan "Shameimaru" Greaves (1): Chad "Kamishirasawa" Hutchins
Reisen Udongein Kolmogorov (1): Ethan "Minoriko" Hayles

No vote: Everyone else

With 11 beautiful lasses in elegant dresses still in play, it takes 6 to lynch. It is Potential LYLO.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #386 on: April 30, 2010, 12:05:32 AM »
With 11 beautiful lasses in elegant dresses still in play, it takes 6 to lynch.
"Wait a minute, since when was I wearing a dre-oh, jeez, thank Christ I'm the only journalist around here or I'd be ruined."

Greaves: Care to restate what you were saying in "Slowkill is apparently able to ignore bulletproof/bodyguard if Peyton's claim is true, and given there seem to be plenty of them out there I don't think they'd have any good reason to do it. Plus the they died in two different ways"? I'm having trouble making sense of it.
((Basically, given that there are apparently half a million bulletproofs out there and that the slowkill is BP/Doc-immune, there's no reason for scum to use the fastkill and waste a night hitting a BP. And besides, if Hadley is telling the truth then they used both at once N1, and may well have done the same N2 depending on what's happening with Chad/Daniels.
And besides that, a scumteam who can't kill nearly half of Town, and whose only payoff is a flock of Miller roles that may well be worthless given there's no sane cop to scan them, is a really hard prospect to believe. So either there are fewer bulletproofs than we think, in which case Hadley is probably lying and two BPs was all we had, or the scum kill is actually the BP-immune slowkill, in which case Hadley is potentially an SK who faked being attacked N1 after he saw there was no scum kill to sell himself. Either way, I'm struggling to believe he's Town.))

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #387 on: April 30, 2010, 12:57:22 AM »
So hey Greaves more to the point who if anyone do you think is scummy for reasons unrelated to multiple miller/BP/etc role shenanigans?


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #388 on: April 30, 2010, 01:53:11 AM »
((*Zenny puts his face in his hands and regrets saying ANYTHING EVER.*))

* Jack Daniels likewise takes a good, long drink.  Goddarn it if he ain't hallucinatin'...

Now, then... Chad, well, kin ye think of anyone else who'd claim the title?  Yer about the only sumbitch I'm pretty sure is town, deceased aside.  Maybe lead town role was one-a them... mis... mis-gnomes, but my point is the same.  Just got to remember that just 'cuz I think yer town don't mean y'are.

I been mullin' it over some and I'm startin' t' realize that part o' the reason I can't get a read on folks is mah confidence's shot.  Been wrong, damn wrong, twice nah, thrice if yer countin' Pietro, an... well, makes a feller unsure o' hisself.  But now ain't the time fer it.  So, s'cuse me while I drink up to steel mah nerves a bit.

Now, as I were sayin... ain't really got a read on Greaves.  But what others have been sayin' do make a bit o' sense t'me. Lookin' back at it, Greaves ain't really done much t'il t'day, an' when he done took his vote out to prolong discussion it were at a point where Andrews ain't contributed yet, and assumin' town Greaves, he couldda reckoned that Andrews' vote couldda gone either way, so I guess that ain't too bad o' a play.  At the same time, he ain't really done much except... speculate on roles and make arguments from flavor (to a degree anyway).  I'm not too sure he's scummy, but I don't like how most of his arguments don't seem to stem from anyone's actual play.

An' Greaves, as per yer argument that Peyton's a liar about his bulletproof status... well, he done put forth that challenge about who else could have been the target night 1, ain't he?  An' nobody's done put forth a claim to it.  I suppose that the night one target COULD have been Hellsnake, but then I imagine Hellsnake would have said somethin' about it.  Bad as he was playin', and don't get me wrong, he was, what he said largely seemed t' be the truth in hind.  He would'a mentioned somethin' about it.   I suspect his role's more o' a trap than he's aware, but I'm inclined to believe the bulletproof claim given how bloody role madness this game's been.  An' since nobody's done claimed to be N1's target, I don't think he's scum.  Don't rule out third party, though.

((Say... he protected Bike N1, didn't he. Say, Peyton, who DID you protect last night?  I have some suspicions... though they're not quite about alignment as of yet.))

((Annnnd... real life is pulling me away once again.  I know I said I'd post more last night and didn't but I promise I will this time?  I actually want to get a good look at Ethan Hayles and Dale, since both have been consistently slipping under my radar this game.))


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #389 on: April 30, 2010, 02:18:38 AM »
((Oh, one more thing I meant to address but forgot, and will since I have more time than I thought:

No, whoever it was that asked, I don't have any other powers that I'm refusing to claim.  I'm just a vanilla ex-miller.  Although, if you count getting the thread hijacked, I guess that's LIKE a power.

Though, really, just to FIT IN I feel like I should be claiming to be a bulletproof doctor busser who can revive but only on nights where the people I target don't have any actions taken against them, also I can't be lynched unless there's two consecutive lynchings on me and my votes count for double.  Alas, it was not meant to be.))


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #390 on: April 30, 2010, 02:22:10 AM »
I see that we have visitors.

Daniels, throw that book of demon names out and stop spoutin' 'em off, it just brings trouble.

Hayles, grab that shotgun you keep for pests & varmints.

Peyton, I don't know if you've got a protective circle ritual thingy or what, but ya might want to research that to prevent further incursions.


In administrative news.  Votecount is the same as above, still potential LYLO.  And as noted yesterday, I am now changing the soft deadline into a hard one.  Day 3 will end in 48 hours at 9:00 EDT, May 1.  Given the gravity of the situation if discussion is very active at the time I may be willing to push this back somewhat, but do not rely on this (and "somewhat" means "perhaps half an hour").  If there is no hammer by deadline, the majority lynch candidate will die.  As a reminder to Town, a close tie between 3 candidates at 3 votes makes it very easy for scum to surreptitiously only move a vote or two to get a mislynch, so you should want to hammer anyway.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #391 on: April 30, 2010, 02:52:02 AM »
So hey Greaves more to the point who if anyone do you think is scummy for reasons unrelated to multiple miller/BP/etc role shenanigans?
((Nikolai for taking 3 days to show up, then doing the following in his big post:
- Declaring every other miller to look townie based on their claims not making sense as scum. Seriously, if scum saw two miller claims (since I'm pretty sure Daniels is being genuine with his claim at least), that's easily enough to convince them the claim is enough to hide behind, moreso if there are three. This is then immediately irrelevant given that he claims non-role reasons to suspect O'Malley - in which case why'd he bother saying that the Miller claims looked townie considering that the only other claimed miller (besides Daniels, who no-one really has a problem with) was him?
- Reading into the setup over the Chad/Daniels euphoria, in blatant IIoA.

Andrews, after promising to write something up in a few hours at the start of the day, has made a similar disappearance. Seriously, the amount of lurking going on between these two is pretty horrible, especially given that their RL difficulties conveniently stopped just in time for them BOTH to post at the end of D2. Better still, late enough in the day that Andrews had a viable excuse for not placing a vote anywhere!

If we're to ignore the players who've literally been lurking all game, there's O'Malley for his aforemented Post of Nothing, his D2 'Hayles is scummy but Dale is scummy for attacking him so hard' post (I don't follow. The vote was early enough in the day that raising the case would've been a real threat to Scum!Hayles, so why would Scum!Dale take that risk when there were at least two other wagons he could easily have lended support to?) and his going along with Handley's case on me while adding (yet again) nothing of value beyond 'he hammered Hellsnake, but given that Hellsnake was horrible that means nothing!'))

"Oh, and by the way - that's a nice cap you got there, kid. Mind if I take you to the side for a minute for an interview 'bout these 'jetenjin' things o' yours? Not got much in currency, but I can sure as hell pay you in smiles."

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #392 on: April 30, 2010, 03:42:01 AM »
Now, then... Chad, well, kin ye think of anyone else who'd claim the title? 

Well I would've said Peyton on account o'sheer volumes of text and bein in the thick of things.  Feels like I ain't been talkin too much this game, pretty sad if my game's still the best we've got, but so here we are.


I dunno if "too many BPs/protects" is any better than "too many millers" now.  Seems like it could be that the slowkill is the main scum kill and the fast kills are vig or third party?  Baseless speculation, maybe not, but I ain't thinkin goin down those lines is helpful no more after seein last night.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #393 on: April 30, 2010, 04:06:06 AM »
Faith and begora, mayhaps this is some kind of Helltown if monstrosities like that can be so easily summoned.

In more serious news, I'm with Chad.  The thought I've given towards the setup has gone nowhere.  Maybe with the extra bits that Bike could have given us we'd be able to piece it together.  But as is, seems pretty pointless to look down.

So, looks like we've got ourselves a deadline.  Fair enough.  I've been looking through folks, and I do have a short list that I'm currently firming up.

Hayles - Still first in my mind for what I've said before.  I definately think there's something to find between him and Ronald, and he's looking the worse of the two.

Daniels - His Day 1 was weaker than I remembered it.  Definately need to look at his 2/3, but I'm not sure if I give him so much credit for the Miller gamble as others do.  Especially since his position on all the major stuff that went down Day 1 was "Seems neutral" except of Tyrone, which he said he was having some serious doubts over right before the day ended.

Andrew - As odd as it sounds, I have no real worries about Nikolai.  But this guy?  Next to nothing from him, and when he does come, his material isn't that strong.

Handley - Not to be confused with the Actor.  Also someone who I can't recall a thing for, at least, not past Day 1, and Day 1 was a risky, but otherwise fine way to get through the day without saying a thing, which he...  mostly did.

Not quite seeing the case on Greaves, but I'll be keeping an eye out for anything on him regardless.

And since we need people to speak up now, guess I'll vote.

##Vote: Ethan Hayles

Princess Leia

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #394 on: April 30, 2010, 01:55:58 PM »

Ack, my old nemesis. You won't win this time.

Just to note that I won't be around this evening, though given the rate at which things have (not) been happening I needn't have bothered. Have some thoughts on the Greaves/Hadley killstyles/BPs whatever, but I can't go through them rigorously now; will hopefully have formed them into something coherent by tomorrow morning (i.e. about 20 hours from now), which is when you're next likely to hear from me.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #395 on: April 30, 2010, 03:40:38 PM »
Le's face it, my day 1 play was shit, and I'm kinda surprised more people didn't harp on me for it Day 2 to be honest. The moment somebody brought up the idea, "Well if Tyrone was scum why wouldn't his teammates just tell him about the jokevote phase," I knew I fucked up--I'd been lynchin ol' Ty for his attack on me and some poor play, not fer scumtells.  By that time I'd built up the train so much, so much steel and steam behind it and we were so close to hammer, it was too late to stop it.  I became the father of death and it's been the main factor in my bein' afraid to make a argument t'day.

But as I done said, now ain't the time for that.  Now's the time t' hunt scum.

Greaves I've said my peace on. ((Kind of dropping character from here on because I want to get this written up before class/work.))

Now, Hayles.  Comes in on the Ty lynch on day one to make it L-1, after keeping his vote on Dale for a bit.  Seems he and Dale railed back and forth at each other in Day 1/early Day 2, and he has since entirely dropped his case on Dale.  Don't like that at all.  He also focuses his attention on Peyton some Day 2, and it's before Peyton claims Bulletproof, and largely I agree with his analysis (though in fairness I brought up Peyton's list being useless first so I don't know how much I should read into it).  He's not coming off to well, no, but he's also no worse off than Greaves.  Both are mostly guilty of lurking and not sayin' much, though Hayles completely dropping his case on Dale makes him slightly more suspicious? It's interestin' to me that both o' em are going after Peyton.  How Peyton answers my question may well color my views on both these fellers.

Re: Chad: And, as fer Peyton being lead townie?  He's posted a lot of content, sure, but I ain't feelin' too good about him yet.

Re: Hargreaves: Considering neither o' ya'll not lookin' as suspicious as Greaves or Hayles right now, I'm not going to ask what your guarantee on Andrews is. Yet.  My main beef with Andrews is a LAL beef, and I suspect that if he don't cut that shit out soon I'm gonna focus more on 'im.  And if/when I do, I'm gonna press you harder on this subject.

Back t' reads... Kolmorogorobovorobog: He advocates not lynching Hellsnake because of his power, but the only tell I can get from that is WIFOM as shit.  Also (correctly) deducts that Pietro's actions are similar to a cop's on day 2.

Not many posts, but the posts are pretty good.  Has definitely linked himself to Kyle beyond the point of return with his latest claim of targetting Kyle--if Nikolai's scum, then Kyle's scum too (though if Nikolai is town Kyle isn't necessarily town).  But neither of those two are reading as scummy to me.  The most scummy thing about Nikolai at this point is that I've frequently seen him in IRC but he's still lurking as much as he does.  Granted, considering I make it a point to have real life take precedence over Mafia (and considering the walls of text I don't always WANT to be mafiaing even if I'm online >_>), it'd be hypocritical to make this too much of this.  Of the two lurkers, meta aside Nikolai comes off much better than Andrews, but neither of them are as suspicious as Hayles or Greaves.

I... think I'm going to vote Hayles, but since that'd put him at L-3, and if Hayles IS town scum can sneak in for a swift win, I'm not going to do that quiiiite yet.  I need to read up on Dale a bit, since he seems like a likely third candidate for lynchin', but more importantly I need to go to class/work.  I shouldn't have much more to say at this time anyhow (barring Peyton really dropping the ball in his next posts).

Given how things progress by the time I get back, I may put a vote down.  For right now, though, #FoS: Ethan Hayles. 


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #396 on: April 30, 2010, 06:14:58 PM »
Administrative note: It has now been over 72 hours since Martin Andrews / Shale's last post.  Combined with not being around much the first 2 days, Martin Andrews is now on inactivity modkill watch, again.  If Shale does not post again by the end of Day 3, he will be modkilled at end of day with flip.

And now...  a votecount.

Nathan Greaves [1]: Chad Hutchins
Nikolai Kolmogorov [1]: Ethan Hayles
Ethan Hayles [1]: Seamus (Excal)

No votes: Everyone else

With 11 investigators, it takes 6 to lynch.  It is Potential LYLO.  Day 3 will end in 32 hours.

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #397 on: April 30, 2010, 07:40:05 PM »
Just popping in to apologize for my absence.  This week has been ridiculous. :(

I'll be able to participate over the weekend and maybe late tonight.

Aaaand looking at the votecount I see Day 3 is going to end in the middle of the weekend.


Well, I'll be here Saturday.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #398 on: April 30, 2010, 08:24:09 PM »
Referrin' to my note about Nikolai and Kyle being tied together--I was wrong on that.  I remembered that Nik said that he targetted Kyle, but forgot that Kyle had responded and said that he wasn't notified about anythin' like a night action.  I figgered that if Nikolai was scum he'd have t' be lyin' about who he targetted, and then have someone else corroborate the story.  There was no corroboration, so just toss that bit out.  That's what I get for tryin' to think at the wee hours o' the mornin'.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #399 on: April 30, 2010, 11:39:24 PM »
Oh hey look I was also wrong about where Hayles was at.

##Vote: Ethan Hayles.  No harm in this yet, I hope.