
Author Topic: Cthulu Mafia - TOWN (drunk) WIN, MADNESS SOMEWHAT AVERTED  (Read 84191 times)

Li Syaoran

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« Reply #650 on: May 11, 2010, 02:51:03 PM »
@Makkotah: funny, because I had posted no less than 12 hours ago, and was just in the process of "weighing in" right now. Admittedly, I would have lynched Hargreaves anyway, so meh.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« Reply #651 on: May 11, 2010, 02:56:22 PM »
It's hammer, stop talking please and wait warmly while Snowfire writes the flavour.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« Reply #652 on: May 11, 2010, 07:25:30 PM »
SnowFire [1]: Samuel Hargreaves
Samuel Hargreaves [4]: Nathan Greaves, Jack Daniels, Mei-Fan Chen (Bardiche), Martin Andrews

"It's no wonder this Nick fellow wanted to pretend to be me.  I'm such a fine person, after all.  I do need to work on my singing, though...  been practicing a little Portuguese ditty, but it needs some work."

At least one person was happy.  The mood was grim, otherwise.  Andrews nervously looked left and right, now propounding to everyone his theory that the Order of Caduceus was behind all the world's ills, and all doctors must be stopped.  Greaves chewed on his pencil nearly continuously and alternated between a genial smile and a furrowed brow of concern.  Mei-Fan refused to go indoors despite the start of the rainfall and showed signs of having slept in an open field the night before.  Clearly the traitors among the remaining suspects had been seen as loyal townies for a long time.  But with Mei-Fan's accusation, it seemed clear that trusty veterinarian Samuel Hargreaves was hiding even more secrets than he claimed.  What was this secret organization he claimed to have worked for after the Great War, anyway?

"I suppose we have no other choice, " Samuel said as he drew an engraved cavalry saber somehow hidden on his person.  "You'll find a Knight of Sapientes Gladio is as hard to kill now as last night, madman.  Or is it madam?  It's obvious to everyone - maybe even you - that it is not safe for you to be allowed to exist around real people."  Mei-Fan made a clumsy dodge from Samuel's sudden charge, earning a long gash along the arm - and with a mutter, 'her' movements suddenly changed.  Samuel's next brutal slice was parried by a knife Mei-Fan had drawn from her belt lightning-quick - and it was clear that this really was the second round of an epic battle that started last night, and that the real Ronald Dale was now the one in attendance at this meeting.

"Dale's an interesting one," Greaves cheerfully mentioned to the shocked onlookers - the battle was being fought at close-quarters and it was unsafe to fire into it.  "Did you know he worked in the Intelligence Service in the Great War?  Got that off one of my better contacts.  Acquired some interesting tastes while 'interrogating' prisoners, I hear.  An unusually large number of 'em disappeared, or were 'shot while trying to escape.'  No bodies found, of course.  I'm such a fan of his that I even own a rare copy of a book he only published 50 copies of, privately and to his friends.  It's...  deliciously shocking.  Truly Mr. Dale put his soul, his very twisted soul, into Henry And The Lady.  Hahaha!"

Samuel leaped backward from another deadly poke of Ronald's knife, barely in time - and this time seemed to decide discretion was the better part of valor?  He ran into the nearby Marbury Meeting Hall, an old Congregationalist Church since adapted to serve as a gathering place for many organizations, like the Ladies Christian Knitting Circle.  It was, at the moment, empty.

"What are you waiting for?!  After him, fool!" shouted Jack Daniels.  Yet Dale showed an odd reluctance to cross the threshold into the building - rather similar to Mei-Fan's refusal to enter any building at all lately.  What could be causing this?  After an agonizing 5 seconds, Dale made up his mind and threw open the door, immediately dodging to the ground as the expected gunshot rang out.  Samuel blasted his revolver 5 more times, this time angled downward, but Dale had already moved to the side.  The thrill of the hunt in him, and sensing the desperation in Hargreaves, Dale moved back to the doorframe and dashed inside while Hargreaves reloaded -

- and now, the howling which only Mei-Fan had heard before suddenly became audible to everyone.  Black, shadowy monsters burst from the 4 corners of the room.  Dale reached Hargreaves and triumphantly inserted his dagger into Samuel's stomach, and the monsters leaped out onto the both of them at the same moment with an unearthly wail.  They looked vaguely...  but only vaguely...  as if they were hunting dogs, caught in the thrill of their own quarry.  And they had found it.  The hounds ripped both Samuel and Ronald to pieces, embraced in the lock of death....   a sight that won't soon leave the eyes of any who saw it.

Then, as mysteriously as they came, they stopped, leaping back through the corners of the room to their own home...  wherever that might be.

Shockingly, impossibly, it seemed Sam Hargreaves was still a little bit alive, despite being stabbed repeatedly and seemingly devoured by the mysterious shadow beasts.  As Martin Andrews came up next to him, he only mumbled "Beware...  he...  he's not...  human..."

Samuel Hargreaves, Scum Roledoc, was lynched!  (Can protect one person other than himself from normal nightkills.  Learns protected person's roles.)
(And, while in Mafia terms happening tonight, in plot terms happening now because the game is over anyway...)
Mei-Fan Chen / Ronald Dale, Town Cop / Town Vigilante, went crazy and was ripped apart by the Hounds of Tindalos! (Multiple personalities?  Mei-Fan can investigate one person a night and get a result of "Town,"  "Scum," or "Third-Party."  Knows she's not a naive or rando-cop.  Ronald then vigs night target regardless of alignment.)

With the rain gathering force, the suspects decided to stay at the church-cum-Meeting Hall.  Greaves tipped his hat, saying "I'll be back later.  Got a friend of ours I wanted to bring along.  Sure he'll be happy to see you."


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Cthulu Mafia - The Final Confrontation
« Reply #653 on: May 11, 2010, 07:25:40 PM »
The game of Mafia is over.  Town has won.

Roukanken wishes to resign because Town has an assured victory that's extraordinarily unlikely to derp up.

Nathan Greaves, Scum Reviver Doctor, gets disposed of somehow!  (Either shot by Bardiche, or if Bardiche shoots Andrews, Lynched because Jack is a nigh-confirmed townie and Sam H. couldn't protect himself, meaning the Scum must have another Doctor, and Greaves already claimed that he was one.) (Can protect one person other than himself from normal nightkills.  Can 'doc' dead players as well, and choose to revive them either fully or as voteless abominations that collapse after a day and can only talk. Can't revive scum, or at least not effectively; if he does so, the only result is flavor noting their return and prompt death, which doesn't cost town a lynch.)

Jack Daniels, Vanilla Town, survived - and survived sane!  (Formerly a Miller.)
Nikolai Kolmogorov, Town Miller Rolecop (?) Self-Reviver, survived 'till the last day, but was sent insane on the last night, which really means 'gets enough sanity to realize he really is Nick Koupitoris and gets checked into the Sanitarium, again.'
Martin Andrews, Town Docproof, probably didn't survive since Bardiche says his night action would have been to shoot him! (Immune to all actions from doctors and variants.  Attempted action results in a message sent to both parties that the subject is immune.)
Peyton Hadley survived over in the asylum!

Vanilla is obv the most powerful role.


The story, however, is not over.  Sure, town knows that Nathan Greaves is scum.  But can mere ##VOTEs really defeat him?  No, you'll have to be a mite cleverer than that.  Both Jack Daniels and Martin Andrews (if alive) know the chants & rituals & magic circles and such for banishment, so that's under control.  (Don't worry if you don't remember you remember, Martin, you find you know enough.)  However, there is one thing missing: the name of that to be banished.

Anybody - townies, scum, observers - is invited to try and help out our intrepid remaining townies.  The question is: What is Nathan Greaves' true name?  The answer is somewhere in this thread, and has been for some time.  Get it right, and get a more Town-friendly epilogue written!  Get it wrong, and, well.  Mr. Greaves may have more control over the ending in that case.

Additionally, one other question.  Who killed Jon Hutchins?  Hint: The answer is not the scum, or at least not the scum collectively!  As Ethan Hayles noted, a knife on the back isn't his style; all the scumkills were based on insanity.  Unlike the Greaves question, the answer to this is not definitively in the thread.  You can, however, take an educated guess.  There are only about 5 characters who had both opportunity and motive.  If you're one of our various brain-addled players with fuzzy memory, feel free to vote yourself if you think you did it.  (And unlike the above, this is just for fun.  Won't change the plot at all.)

Full flip of what really happened behind the scenes, + role PMs and night messages, to come tonight.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - The Final Confrontation
« Reply #654 on: May 11, 2010, 07:26:51 PM »
The three of you charge into the abandoned church, puddles on the floor a testament to the failing roof. Immediately you work on sealing the only exit, blocking it with pews, holy seals, and anything else you can find. For a moment, you breathe a collective sigh of relief.

Until a knock on the door echoes through the building.

"Evening. Anyone home?"

The seals on the wooden door are enough to keep Nathan out, but his voice still travels through with ease and bounces around freely.

"That was quite a show you three pulled off there. Front-page, headline news - 'Sapientes Gladio Wiped Off The Face Or Marbury'! Or at least, that was the plan, wasn't it?"

Nathan places a hand on the door, attempting to push. He's still unable to get through, but his hand pushes the door the slightest bit forward.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to kill you like those brutish cultists would. It's never been my style...not quite as fun, shall we say. The mouse caught in the trap makes the most delightful squeals, so why cut them short?"

Silence for a moment. The sound of nearby thunder resonates, shaking the church's walls.

"And the best part is that in spite of all your supposed little victories, each and every one of you is still blind to the truth. Blind, thoughtless assumptions - they're what have led your kind to its own destruction so many times before."

Nathan chuckles to himself. It is a rough, hearty laugh with all the likability of fingernails on a chalkboard.

"Hargreaves was no better than any of you. He saw a glimpse of me, of what I was. But that story about the Sacred Chosen of Thanatos? Nonsense!"

He nearly bursts into laughter as he recants, resting a hand on the door. It gives another creak, slightly louder than the one before it. The other hand rests on the shoulder of an old man, with a face strikingly similar to that of Moses Bike. A face that has experienced death, and will suffer that fate many times over before its master tires of it.

"He just assumed I was on his side - a Knight Commander of Sapientes Gladio, I told him, and he fell for it without a hint of disbelief. But that was a lie as well - lying is easy, when you've done it for as long as I have.

But the best fables always have a hint of truth in them. It's just a shame you humans have been too caught up in your mortal games to even notice. Too attentive in saving lives to notice something larger at working behind the scenes. And it's that ignorance that'll cost you everything now."

The door creaks again, opening further still. Now the sound of some sort of flapping can be made out above everything else, a sound silenced as Nathan raises one arm.

"Forgive the noise. That's my new pet bat, T'Tahaithoo. I met him here in Marbury before all this started, and I've grown quite attached to him.

But regardless. You've stopped me momentarily with this barrier of yours, but in doing so you've locked yourself in. Now, just wait there like good little children while I get this door open..."

The door starts to shake wildly. At this rate, Nathan will make his way in with ease and - well, you're not sure what he'll do to you, but it definitely isn't good.

There's only one chance. Collectively, the three of you know enough of the occult to perform a rite of banishment - a ritual that with any luck will send Nathan off to another realm where he can no longer be a threat to Marbury (and more importantly, you). There's one problem, though - the ritual requires the true name of the target, and more than likely Nathan Greaves is simply a pseudonym.

With all his claims of a greater truth behind the scenes, though, maybe there's a way to figure things out after all. In the end, your fates depend on whether you can answer one decisive question:

Who is Nathan Greaves?


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - The Final Confrontation
« Reply #655 on: May 11, 2010, 07:38:16 PM »
Clearly Martin Andrews killed Jon Hutchins. After all, Dale saw a 30+ guy run off and there's only one bloke here close enough to Hutchins to do that!

... as for the main question I'll leave that 'till later.

(PS: Sorry Martin, I figured shooting the Docproof ensures there's only one option and no self-defence)

And props to Sam for being scum MVP.


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Cthulu Mafia - Full Log of Night Actions
« Reply #656 on: May 11, 2010, 07:39:39 PM »
While the flavor will all be revealed a bit later, no harm in revealing the mechanics of what happened each night now.

Day 1:
Lynch Tyrone
Night 1:
Ronald: Investigate (and shoot) Peyton (Result: TOWN, Peyton loses his one-shot of BP)
Nikolai: Rolecop Moses (Result: Archivist)
Moses: Read The Davidson Record (find out: "When measured from the inside, the number of non-town-aligned people is four.  But when measured from the outside, the number of non-town-aligned people is either five or six!")
Peyton: Bodyguard Moses
Chad: Protect Moses
Pietro: Paranoid investigation of Hellsnake (Result: SCUM)
Sam (lmm): Roledoc Nikolai (Result: Rolecop (?) Miller Self-Reviver)
Nathan (Roukanken): (Blatant) NK Moses
Seamus (Excal): Docfather self
(Ethan/Yoshi: Practice banjo)
Day 2:
Lynch Hellsnake
Night 2:
Ronald: Investigate (and stab) Pietro (Result: TOWN, but still guilty of bootlegging, and one dead mafioso)
Nikolai: Rolecop Handley (Sopko) (Result: Vigilante Supercop Doctor Bulletproof Triplevoter (???))
Moses: Read captain's log of Sir John Franklin (find out: "Veterinarian Samuel Hargreaves knows the scum's secret, whether he realizes it consciously or not."), go crazy from N1 slowkill
Peyton: Bodyguard Handley (Sopko)
Chad: Protect Jack Daniels (Also removes Miller)
Pietro: Paranoid investigation of Moses (Result: SCUM)
Handley (Sopko): Collect Archivist, Moses' role.
Sam (lmm): Roledoc Jack Daniels (Result: Vanilla, also WTF there are no Vanilla roles)
Nathan (Roukanken): Doc Ethan
Seamus (Excal): Doc Nathan
Ethan (Yoshi): (Subtle) NK Chad
Day 3:
Lynch Ethan Hayles (Yoshi)
Handley (Sopko): Collect one-shot of Psychology Doc.
Night 3
Ronald: Investigate (and stab) Chad (Result: MOD-GUARANTEED TOWN, ineffective attack due to doc)
Nikolai: Rolecop Andrews (Result: Docproof)
Handley (Sopko): Read Alice in Wonderland (find out: "The scum are late!  All scum kills this game are slowkills."), collect one-shot normal Doc from Chad.
Peyton: Bodyguard Hargreaves
Chad: Protect self (Stops Ronald's kill), go crazy from N2 slowkill
Sam (lmm): Roledoc Nathan Greaves (Result: Doctor Reviver, also wow creepy your scumbuddy is not in any sense of the word human)
Nathan (Roukanken): Revive Moses Bike (perma-revive, not just-talk revive)
Seamus (Excal): (Blatant) NK Peyton
Day 4:
Lynch Seamus (Excal)
Night 4:
Ronald: Investigate (and stab) Kyle (Result: TOWN, dead spy)
Nikolai: Rolecop Hadley (Result: One-shot Bulletproof Bodyguard)
Handley (Sopko): Counter-Psych Jack Daniels (Note: Had he lived he'd have collected the one-shot bulletproof from Peyton, but Peyton wasn't actually dead until the start of Day 5).
Peyton: Bodyguard Moses/Gershom/Xanth,  go crazy from N3 slowkill
Sam (lmm): Roledoc Dale (Two separate results: Cop *and* Vigilante; not Vigilante Cop) (Nearly was Roledoc and save Handley, but changed at literally the last second.)
Nathan (Roukanken): NK Moses / Gershom (AGAIN)
Day 5:
Lynch Nikolai
Night 5:
Mei-Fan / Ronald: Investigate (and stab) Samuel H. (Result: SCUM)
Nikolai: Busy being temporarily dead for tax purposes
Moses/Gershom: Go crazy from N4 slowkill
Sam (lmm): NK Mei-Fan
Nathan (Roukanken): Doc Sam (saves him from Dale)
Day 6:
Lynch Sam H.
(If Night 6 had happened:)
Mei-Fan / Ronald: Stab Nathan or Andrews, get other lynched the next day, go crazy from N5 slowkill
Nikolai: Rolecop someone, verify Nathan is Doc who could have saved Sam / see that Jack really is Vanilla
Nathan (Roukanken): NK Nicolai
« Last Edit: May 11, 2010, 07:42:00 PM by SnowFire »


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - The Final Confrontation
« Reply #657 on: May 11, 2010, 08:05:53 PM »
Already mentioned it in scumchat, but yeah, take full blame for us losing this one. Before Day One had even ended, I got ill and had no motivation or energy whatsoever, so really couldn't be bothered to read through the topic at all. (Which is also why I didn't double-check my claim, despite knowing the Miller had flipped already)

As for who killed Hutchins, I'm willing to hazard a guess at it being Andrews as well. I mean, he was part of the Order, lost his recent memory for some unknown reason and would have been involved in the ritual that Bike heard. As for those in the Order, it wasn't me, and Jack stopped going, leaving Andrews (and some unknown, but it's much easier to blame the one we know about.)

As for Greaves, that'd take a re-read, which asdsgfhgdfhg not happening now. Maybe later, if I'm feeling better.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - The Final Confrontation
« Reply #658 on: May 11, 2010, 08:08:07 PM »
I was? Yeah, I guess that makes me the prime suspect.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - The Final Confrontation
« Reply #659 on: May 11, 2010, 08:13:36 PM »
Oh, since I forgot to mention it, props to lmm. I said from the start that, if I'd not known you were scum, you'd've been my prime choice for NK, and you played amazingly throughout - it was only role madness that really caught you out, methinks, so congrats on that one.
Town MVP... hrm. Difficult, but I'd probably say Hadley. A few things he couldn't have known about ("Scum tried to NK me, and now Ethan's pushing for my lynch!") but otherwise, solid play throughout.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - The Final Confrontation
« Reply #660 on: May 11, 2010, 08:18:02 PM »
"I'm gonna accuse Chad Hutchins. He was the one to call attention to the body of Jon on Night 0, there's evident uncertainty about his father's innocence here, and of course there's the fact that after he looked through his father's work he sent the entire building into who knows where.

Now, anyway, back to this door..."


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - The Final Confrontation
« Reply #661 on: May 11, 2010, 08:20:58 PM »
I'm not a fan of the door. Let's stick with non-door-related activities.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.

Asuka Langley

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Blacksmith Floorboard Heresy
« Reply #662 on: May 11, 2010, 08:38:59 PM »
I don't know, Sam played the whole super bussing thing, but didn't actually play it well, what with pumping so much information into the game tying him down very tightly. He spent most of the game tying a noose around his own neck - it was never going to last. It also pretty much forced him to lynch Seamus on day 4, even when it saved a townie they really needed to deal with at one point or another.

Likewise that revival play. The main reason not to distrust Nathan from it was because it wouldn't save him.

My experience of the game:

Day 1: Tied up in crazy defence.
Day 2: Motivation drain on probable slow kill.   (and man, not one but two docs on me at the time)
Day 3: Dead, and mostly confused about how anything could balance.
Day 4: Too much to catch up on.
Day 5: Dying again, still too much to bother catching up on.
Day 6: Dead. Again.

So, uh, sorry guys, I wasn't actually of much use when it came to working out who was what (I never did read the thread in full again). I can optimise the role set up without thinking too much (reeeaaaally wish you had told us about the self-revival, Nikolai - sure, we would have pretty much definitely lynched you to prove the point, but I would have known that we had a spare action as a result), but didn't have a really good idea of who was what based on what they'd been saying like you're supposed to, other than that Excal really wasn't playing like Excal. Like, my only memory of Martin was the first two days of lurking, so I was way behind on the more positive reads of him being far townier than Nathan, which mattered. You know, like how the game is supposed to work.

I'm really quite happy with how my outing the fast killer gambit paid off, mostly because I knew the first box of suspects didn't make sense and that broke it open, but also because it made Mei-Fan head townie, and she had all of the right information about who had been playing scummy to bring it home.

Also glad that town rallied at about the point I died, despite no fewer than four townie giant distractions during the game. That took some really smooth play to keep in hand.

The game felt really unbalanced for quite some time - first in town's favour, then in scum's favour by about the time that I died [for the first time] - but worked out oddly well when actually getting to grips with the whole picture.

I had plenty to say but have mostly forgotten it at the moment, so it can wait until whenever. The only other thing to say immediately would be:

My initial guess for Nathan Greaves's true name is Rath'napula. This being the name presented to me when I was being slow killed by... oh, lookie here, Nathan. In my dark visions it was supposedly the name of the killer fish I had in the lake, but it's the one random name from the thread that comes to mind that makes a degree of sense. Bonuses if anyone else picked up that name in their death visions, but I'm guessing not.

Don't have the relevant information on hand to guess Jon's killer. It wasn't me, that's all I can say with much conviction. I was only in Marbury to look for weird things in the lake.

Princess Leia

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - The Final Confrontation
« Reply #663 on: May 11, 2010, 08:42:12 PM »
Phew, it's finally over. I really need to learn to spend less time on these games. Thanks to everyone, apologies to the rest of the scumteam. It did rather end up being decided on the basis of roles, but that's probably my fault for telling the truth to town so much.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - The Final Confrontation
« Reply #664 on: May 11, 2010, 10:03:18 PM »

Yo dawg, I herd u like roles in your roles, so I put some roles in your roles so they would have roles.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - The Final Confrontation
« Reply #665 on: May 11, 2010, 10:04:10 PM »
That's how we role.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - The Final Confrontation
« Reply #666 on: May 11, 2010, 10:29:59 PM »
So the wait's on Nikolai.

At least he doesn't need to bother with that wall of text.

... am I the only one a little annoyed he managed to skirt by mostly lurking and snipe-contributing, promising analysis but never delivering and yet ending up the towniest town among us?

Welcome to the nightmare MotK Mafia has been living for the past year and a half.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - The Final Confrontation
« Reply #667 on: May 11, 2010, 10:31:41 PM »
Also, no guesses from me, I simply could not follow this game due to all the flavor. Well-constructed setup, apparently, but damn if it isn't harsh on anyone that doesn't follow Lovecraft.

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - The Final Confrontation
« Reply #668 on: May 11, 2010, 11:12:55 PM »
Clearly Martin Andrews killed Jon Hutchins. After all, Dale saw a 30+ guy run off and there's only one bloke here close enough to Hutchins to do that!

>_> <_<

Anyway, that was fun, role madness was pretty sweet despite how much of a headache it turned into.  Derps all around.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2010, 11:26:19 PM by Makkotah »


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - The Final Confrontation
« Reply #669 on: May 12, 2010, 12:57:24 AM »
As much as I can respect the gutsy play (I did also sign up on to the Revival ploy), the big mistake you made at the end was to not fakeclaim the slow kill.  Odds were good you were going to end up losing the credibility war against Bard, but at least then you wouldn't have shot yourself in the foot by confirming him Town.

As for me, was unable to post as much as I wanted to on Day 3/4, which is a shame since while I was planning to bus Yoshi (He had slipped up, and I was having a hard time finding anything on other folks who weren't Alice/Shale) I wasn't able to support my case.  The most frustrating thing about the whole thing is that, despite my case on Yoshi being something I would have followed as Town, I got called out for having too much info, by a fellow scum buddy.  >_>

People getting on my case about my flip flop on Bard...  while I do do flips like that often enough as Town, I'll admit it.  Suspecting him in the first place was mostly a fiction so that I could jump on him later.  I'll also admit that I went with the Miller claim when I assumed there would just be no cop in play.  Amusingly, I was more expecting there to be a watcher, and was planning to randomly Cop townies or other high profile folks to hopefully get some eventual credit there.  That...  panned out poorly, though the chaos presented by the claim was fun.

Ah well, props to Town.  You guys did win the game, even if Scum did help you guys lock things down.  lmm and Rou, while you guys did make a couple of slip ups, it was otherwise a pretty good attempt.  And honestly, a lot more fun than the scum teams that don't even try anything.

Finally, Kudos to Snowfire.  Nice setup, and it was fun to watch Town go mad trying to figure out what the hell was up.

As for who did what, I think I agree with the majority that it was Shale what did it.  Not scum's style to kill that way.

As for Greaves...  as twisted as it sounds, I think my RP goal was pretty much accomplished, and the last bit of it is to see him taken down...  (And yes, this is considering the whole I am scum thing too...  Despite being scum, I'm still not Gladientes Sapio, and I'm supposedly not easy with their methods of hunting monsters with monsters.)


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - The Final Confrontation
« Reply #670 on: May 12, 2010, 01:06:20 AM »
Hmm.  Nah, Rath'napula's a good guess, but not quite that.  I don't know how much longer that door is going to hold up.

On behalf of Mr. Greaves: "It's unsurprising that none of your mortals could break my inscrutable code, despite it being right in front of your faces."  So, if you want to have a go at looking, you only need to read Nathan Greaves' posts.  Also, for this to work, the answer has to be in something that *the characters* would have access to in-setting...  a pretty big clue I think.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - The Final Confrontation
« Reply #671 on: May 12, 2010, 03:02:03 PM »
"Code....code, code--a code!" Andrews gasped, scrambling for the stack of papers he had kept in the shop's back room. "Those damned articles, there would be something. Let's see, maybe -- there! N...A...THAN ISSCUM -- that son of a bitch, he was making fun of us! It's got to be there somewhere, maybe not that one, but one of them....of course! A being from beyond time, someone -- something -- that doesn't belong here and now, and one of these pages....yes! That's it! His true name..."

"Tom Lehrer!"


"No, no, that can't be right. Something else, something...there...that's...." Greaves' second article dropped to the floor as Andrews' eyes unfocused, staring into space. "That, that....that's him it can't be that's him no we're going to die...." His voice pitched higher as he began to babble, with a terrible rhythm in his words.

"I name you, servant of Azathoth, the will of the Outer Gods, the Three-Lobed Burning Eye--the Black Man, the Crawling Chaos...Nyarlathotep!"


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - The Final Confrontation
« Reply #672 on: May 12, 2010, 05:54:58 PM »
I'm going to guess Ronald Dale killed Jon, personally.
<%King_Meepdorah> roll 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"?
* +Hatbot --> "King_Meepdorah rolls 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"? and gets 999."12 [1d999=999]
<%King_Meepdorah> ...
<+superaway> ...Uh oh.
<+RandomConsonant> ...
* +superaway shakes head.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - The Final Confrontation
« Reply #673 on: May 12, 2010, 06:00:44 PM »
Okay guys.  Nothing to add to the RP, but...

Wow.  Rou, that was ballsy as hell.  And you still were the last scum alive.  Great job.

EDIT:  Also, derp derp derp.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - The Final Confrontation
« Reply #674 on: May 12, 2010, 06:06:36 PM »

Seriously, we're all morons.
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-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.