
Author Topic: SaGa Frontier (All PCs, Numeric Stats)  (Read 8737 times)


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SaGa Frontier (All PCs, Numeric Stats)
« on: May 17, 2010, 04:27:57 AM »
SaGa Frontier PCs have a very complex method of increasing in strength, and due to similarities between 'races' of characters, it is very difficult to determine the strengths and weaknesses of varying PCs within a single race, though it is rather easy to weigh the strengths of the races against each other.

To determine the strengths of individual PCs (rather than a whole race), the characters' innate growth rates, starting skills/equipment, and unique skills/equipment were emphasized. Taking these innate attributes, all the individual characters were scaled up to endgame strength assuming they were only using the abilities that their unique/starting skills indicated, and were only allowed access to storebought equipment, as it is readily available to a full team of 5 without grinding for item drops. Unique equipment (what little there is) was also allowed.

To define 'endgame strength', the number of battles was fixed to 200 in a single playthrough, assuming equal Battle Rank/Stat Growth throughout all 200 battles. This is an 'ideal' setup that is not exactly reflective of in-game, but it should represent an 'average' of serveral playthroughs. For example, most players will need to fight many more than 200 battles to achieve the highest possible stats, and will fight many battles that are not 'ideal' for their PCs to grow. Alternatively, the game is easily beaten by speed-runners who do not increase Battle Rank/Stat Growth as much. This topic seeks to be close to an 'average' of the extremes.

Data here is synthesized and collected from Zaraktheus' Mechanics Guide.

Average Human PC Growth in 'Ideal' Playthrough:

Human PCs all have a chance after battle to increase one or more their stats. This chance is effected by the rank of the Enemy being fought, the current value of a given stat, an innate growth factor unique to each PC/stat, the type of action taken in a given battle, and a barely-important factor that slowly increases every time a PC does -not- increase a stat to help ensure that the RNG doesn't screw over the PCs (this factor is called Inevitability by Zaraktheus). I am throwing out Inevitability due to its very minor influence until late in the grinding stages (and for sanity's sake,) but keep in mind it exists.

Enemy Stat-Up values and a PCs' current stats cannot exceed 99. Additionally, the highest easily-recurring Enemy Stat-Up value is 75, creating a 'soft' cap for Human Stat growth to run into. (But they have more-than-enough equipment stats to easily reach the true cap if they hit 75 naturally.)

This guide takes the randomness of these factors out of the equation by assuming that, in an 'ideal' playthrough, the player will always fight an enemy with the same Stat-Up value as their current Stats. Obviously, this will never happen in a true playthrough, but it should work out to be about average given that a player can fight enemies with much higher Stat-Up values than their current stats, but will often run into lower enemies that waste their time. Additionally, using (and not using) equipment can help manipulate Stat-Up values to be closer to this 'ideal'.

Innate PC Stat-Growth Factors:
These are simply a minor factor that each PC has in determining their affinity for raising different stats. The worth of these factors has been inflated in this topic due to the 'ideal' nature of averaging playthroughs.

                   PC Stat Growth Bonuses Chart
                          by Zaraktheus


Name          |TOTAL|STR|QUI|INT|WIL|PSY|VIT|CHA|HP |          Name
         Blue |  33 | 0 | 5 | 8 | 8 | 6 | 1 | 2 | 3 | Blue
       Emelia |  33 | 3 | 5 | 0 | 7 | 1 | 6 | 7 | 4 | Emelia
         Fuse |  33 | 6 | 2 | 2 | 6 | 2 | 5 | 3 | 7 | Fuse
          Red |  33 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 6 | 2 | 5 | 3 | 7 | Red
        Rouge |  33 | 0 | 5 | 8 | 8 | 6 | 1 | 2 | 3 | Rouge
      Asellus |  30 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 6 | 9 | 0 | 9 | 3 | Asellus
        Annie |  28 | 5 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 5 | 6 | Annie
Capt.Hamilton |  28 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3 | 6 | 0 | 5 | Capt.Hamilton
         Doll |  28 | 3 | 2 | 6 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 6 | 3 | Doll
       Fei-on |  28 | 4 | 8 | 1 | 0 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | Fei-on
          Gen |  28 | 7 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 6 | 0 | 7 | Gen
         Liza |  28 | 3 | 7 | 6 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 1 | Liza
     Mei-ling |  28 | 1 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | Mei-ling
       Roufas |  28 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 6 | Roufas
         Lute |  25 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 3 |12 | 6 | Lute

In-battle Actions' Growth Factors:
Every type of action taken in battle partly determines the chances for each Stat to increase after a battle. In this 'ideal' playthrough, PCs were determined to only use actions in battle based on their starting/unique abilities and equipment. For example, because Blue only starts with Magic skills in his repertoire (and is the only one who can learn a large number of unique spells), he is assumed to only be taking Magic actions, and the growth of his stats reflect this. This type of growth is most common for players to take as focusing on one type of action increases the chances for the relevant Stats to grow (INT,PSY,QUI in this case) AND for learning new skills of that type (Realm magic spells in this case).

For characters with multiple types of starting abilities, the character was assumed to be an average of all types of actions they could take. For example, Roufas starts with Mind Magic, a few basic Sword skills, and a few basic Gun skills. His stats reflect what would happen if a player trained Roufas in Magic for one-third of the game, Sword for the next third, and then Guns for another third. This does not represent the most likely case for a Roufas for any single true playthrough, but it -does- give an accurate average of how well-balanced he is and can be trained to be.

Due to the strong influence of Action Growth Factors, if you disagree with this method of trying to represent a character's average worth, then take this topic's numbers with a grain of salt, they are only based on a theoretical 'ideal' playthrough.

For reference, here are the numbers from the Mechanics Guide.
                   Action Growth Factors Chart
                         by Zaraktheus

        Any Magic |  23 | 0 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 8 | 4 |
              Gun |  22 | 0 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 0 | 5 |
     Martial Arts |  22 | 4 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 7 |
            Sword |  22 | 3 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 6 | 0 | 6 |
None of the above |  12 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 8 |

The actual formula, again thanks to Zaraktheus:

S = Current value of this Stat (Base value, modified by equipment, mystic
    absorbs, and any buffs/debuffs from the current battle)
E = Enemy Stat-Up Value of ONLY the Main Enemy
B = Stat Growth Bonus for this Stat
I = Inevitability
D = adjusted Difficulty
C = base Chance
A = Total Action Growth Factor for this Stat of all Action Types chosen in this
N = Number of different Action Types chosen in this battle
F = Final Chance

S - ((E + B) + (I / 8) - 10) = D
0 <= D <= 20
Convert D->C using Table 3*.
(C * A) / (N * 4) = F
If rand(0...99) < F, improve this Base Stat +1; max 99

*Table 3:
Difficulty->Chance Table 3 (Stat Growth):

'Ideal' Formula notes:

The 'ideal' playthrough assumes the player is awesome is always fighting an enemy with a stat-up value equal to their current stat. It also assumes that Inevitability=0.

Example for Fei-On (innate STR growth affinity=4), assuming current STR=25, against an Enemy with a Stat-Up value of 25.


Note, that if we assumed Current STR=50,


we get the same result. This simplifies the first half of the formula to:

10-(innate growth factor)=D

This inflates the worth of the innate growth factor immensely. (Which is good because this topic seeks to display the unique strengths between PCs.)

From here, all Difficulty values were converted to Chances (C). The 'ideal' playthrough assumes that a character only uses 1 type of action in any given battle (to maximize chances for getting associated abilities).

Using our Fei-On STR example (Fei-On only trains in Martial Arts, which has an Action Growth Factor of 4 to STR):

So the final chance for Fei-On to increase his STR in any given battle is 31%.

Since the 'ideal' playthrough assumes that Fei-On will fight exactly 200 battles (this is only possible in a vaccuum, since there's no way to get Fei-On without fighting -anything- beforehand, but this is a theoretical topic); he is most likely to gain 31% of 200 possible points of STR.

So his final STR will be a combination of his initial STR, his growth (+62), and his best storebought equipment's boosts. (Coincidentally, this example is the only one that hits the true cap of 99 for Humans.)

For character's training in multiple starting actions, the same calculations were performed for each type of action, then averaged together based on the number of different action types. This would simulate the aforementioned scenario with Roufas.

Human PC 'ideal' skillsets:

This part is even more theoretical, and based on the idea that a PCs' starting abilities and unique abilities are indicative of their unique usefulness, since they already have a headstart on those sets of skills than most of the other PCs.

Thus, humans with starting spells are assumed to get all spells of the given school. Humans with starting swordskills are assumed to be training with swords. Humans with starting martial arts skills are assumed to be training in martial arts. Humans with starting gunskills are assumed to be training with guns. Humans with starting martial arts skills and starting spells are assumed to be training in one, and then the other, for an example of a mixed build. Asellus is assumed to be learning Mystic abilities as well.

For sword skills and martial arts, each PC has an innate talent of learning one of the individual sword/fist skills, or not. If the PC does -not- have the talent for learning a certain skill, their chance of learning it can never be higher than 1/256. With the talent, this chance is much higher, and so it is assumed that PCs training in swords and martial arts are only learning the skills for which they have an innate talent, to further emphasize each PCs' uniqueness.

For swordskills, only characters who have claim to a Katana (Gen and Roufas) can use Katana-dependent skills.

For martial arts, there is one ability, called DSC (Dream Super Combo?), which is only available upon learning four other martial arts skills. No PC has the talent to learn all four of these skills, but if a martial arts-using PC had 3 or more of the required skills on their talent list, then DSC was considered for their skillset.

Each PC's talent list was found by Zaraktheus in his Mechanics Guide.


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Re: SaGa Frontier (All PCs, Numeric Stats)
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2010, 04:28:22 AM »
Mystic PC 'ideal' notes:

Mystics can naturally grow certain stats in the same manner as Human PCs, namely HP, WP, JP, and CHA. These were calculated in the same manner.

Additionally, because Mystics cannot learn Sword, Gun, or Martial Arts skills, they were permitted to Train in Swords (to increase some much-needed WP) if their starting equipment included a sword. Otherwise, they all trained in Magic (they all start with the Mystic Magic Gift) and 'Other' (all Mystic Absorb skills fall under this).

Mystics were allowed to absorb their choice of the commonly-found random enemies at max Battle Rank. They were also allowed to equip their choice of common storebought equipment.

Most of Mystic's 'unique-ness' is seen in the form of their starting spells, some of which are even entirely unique to a given Mystic (Rei, Zozma, and TimeLord to a certain extent).

Mec PC 'ideal' notes:

Mecs do not increase their stats. Their stats rely entirely on their starting stats + their equipment, which boost Mecs considerably more than other races.

All Mecs have some fixed equipment to determine their base stats, and they were allowed any combination of storebought weapons to play to their strengths.

Mecs learn skills by absorbing enemy Mecs and 'downloading' programs (skills) from them. This method is entirely dependent on the enemy mec.

However, Mecs also learn skills innately, through 'Self-Development'. Everytime they download an enemy Mec and do -not- learn a skill, they have a chance of learning one of their innate skills. Only these skills were considered for the purposes of uniqueness, and Mec equipment choices are based on maximizing their potential with those skills.

Note that to use the program 'ShootAll', which deals a great deal of damage, a 'Memory-Board'-type piece of equipment must be worn by a Mec. Because Memory Boards are not storebought, only Mecs who had Memory Boards as a piece of Starting Equipment can use this.

In her own scenario, T260G has the ability to transform into other Mec-types. Because Type1, Type7, and Type8 bodies are exclusive to T260G, she has her choice of these forms and their associated skills.

Monster PC 'ideal' notes:

Monster stats are based entirely on their ability to transform into other Monsters by absorbing abilities from them. They also gain 4 HP permanently every time they absorb a new skill. Since there are less than 200 of these skills in the game, it is reasonable to allow each monster to absorb all possible skills that they can get to exhibit their unique max 'Prime HP' stat.

Note that this does not imply that every monster is allowed to use every monster ability, this is simply a theoretical 'ideal' for displaying one of their few unique traits.

'Endgame' monster forms were determined by a Monster's starting skills. Monsters were allowed forms that shared required abilities with their individual starting skills, and were allowed to supplement their skills to get the desired form assuming they kept as many of their starting skills as possible.

For example, Riki is assumed to be using the Black Dragon form as he can keep all of his starting skills and still obtain this form, which requires one of his starting skills, TailHit (or Tail). He could also opt for, say, the Red Dragon form under the same criteria, but the Black Dragon generally has more utility and is his assumed default.

Monsters can only equip accessory-type items, so while these were generally excluded from other races' setups, Monsters have a strong claim to them and were allowed to equip the best storebought accessories.

Additionally, since they are only obtainable in Riki's scenario, Riki has a strong claim to the Ring accessories and was allowed to equip those.

« Last Edit: May 17, 2010, 04:30:20 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: SaGa Frontier (All PCs, Numeric Stats)
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2010, 04:28:56 AM »

HP: 872
STR: 79
QUI: 51
INT: 11
WIL: 32
PSY: 9
VIT: 65
CHA: 17
Def: 60
WP: 150
JP: 0
LP: 9

ZeroSword: Atk+60
(RaySword: Atk+45, All Stats +??, HP Up, Uses 'RaySword' when attacking)
PoweredSuit: Def+50, Str +10, Quick +10, Stops Blind
Hyperwear: Def+10
ShellShield: May block physical attacks

Red starts the game with Sword and Martial Arts skills learned.
(Red has the talent to learn more than this, but these are the only ones with any utility that aren't outclassed by the better skills)

Active swordskills:
RosarioImpale - 8 WP - Holy Elemental
TripleThrust - 7 WP - Piercing
DeadEnd - 6 WP - May add ID
RisingNova - 7 WP - Heat Elemental
GaleSlash - 5 WP – Piercing, Anti-Aerial, Full MT
ThunderThrust - 2 WP - Lightning Damage
StunSlash - 0 WP - Adds Stun
Heaven/Hell - 3 WP - Adds Stun
DoubleSlash – 1 WP

Passive swordskills:
Kasumi - 4 WP - Defend and Counter

Active Martial Arts skills:
SkyTwister - 10 WP - Force elemental
TriangleKick - 7 WP – Piercing, Force Elemental
OgreRun - 5 WP - Adds Stun, Ground Elemental
LocomotionG - 5 WP - Adds Stun, Throw Elemental
AirThrow - 1 WP - Adds Stun, Throw elemental
DSC - 18 WP - Throw elemental, Only available if all 4 DSC Moves are equipped
Sliding - 2 WP - Adds Stun, Ground elemental, DSC Move 1
Suplex - 4 - Adds Stun, Throw elemental, DSC Move 2
BabelCrumble - 4 WP - Adds Stun, Throw elemental, DSC Move 3
(GiantSwing) - 6 WP – May add ID, Throw elemental, DSC Move 4

Passive Martial Arts skills:
SwayBack - 1 WP – May avoids Physical Attacks
DragonTurn - 3 WP– May Counters Kicks

Alkaiser Sword Skills:
 - Only Red can learn these skills.
KaiserWing - 1 WP
KaiserSmash - 4 WP

Alkaiser Fist Skills:
BrightFist – 0 WP
ShiningKick – 1 WP
SparklingRoll – 2 WP
Al-Blaster - 2 WP - Magic Damage
FinalCrusade – 2 WP – User -1 LP, other allies to Full HP Recovery
FlashTurn – 4 WP
DeflectLance – 5 WP
Al-Phoenix - 7 WP - Fire Damage
Re-Al-Phoenix - 10 WP - Fire Damage

HP: 502
STR: 19
QUI: 46
INT: 88
WIL: 83
PSY: 80
VIT: 8
CHA: 27
Def: 60
WP: 0
JP: 230
LP: 7

PoweredSuit: Def+50, Str +10, Quick +10, Stops Blind
Hyperwear: Def+10
ShellShield: May block physical attacks

Blue starts the game with the Gift of Realm magic and several Realm magic skills learned. Blue will eventually have the Gift and know all the spells for nearly every Magic ability in the game.

Skillset Later

HP: 624
STR: 23
QUI: 97
INT: 30
WIL: 77
PSY: 19
VIT: 55
CHA: 41
Def: 60
WP: 118
JP: 0
LP: 9

LethalGun: Atk+60
LethalGun: Atk+60
PoweredSuit: Def+50, Str +10, Quick +10, Stops Blind
Hyperwear: Def+10
ShellShield: May block physical attacks

Emelia starts the game with a Gun and several Gun skills learned when recruited in other scenarios. In her own scenario, Emelia is handed a gun as her first piece of equipment. In her own scenario, she has the unique ability to change costumes which change her talents at learning Sword and Martial arts skills. Between her 3 talent lists, she has the talent to learn all but for skills in the game. She is the only PC capable of getting the talent to learn all four DSC abilities as well and future incarnations of this topic may include a separate listing for costume-changing Emelia.

Active Gun Skills:
BoundShot - 5 WP
TotalShot - 4 WP – Full MT Enemy
CrossShot - 4 WP - Can't Miss
StunShot - 1 WP – Adds Stun, Ground Elemental, Full MT Enemy
ReactionShot - 3 WP - Interrupt and Counter

Passive Gun Skills:
QuickDraw – 0 WP - Attack first if using a Gun, always automatically used
TwoGun - 0 WP - Attack with 2 guns, always automatically used

HP: 782
STR: 47
QUI: 34
INT: 10
WIL: 14
PSY: 13
VIT: 48
CHA: 43
Def: 60
WP: 160
JP: 0
LP: 10

ZeroSword: Atk+60
PoweredSuit: Def+50, Str +10, Quick +10, Stops Blind
Hyperwear: Def+10
ShellShield: May block physical attacks

Lute is always recruited with a Knife equipped and some Swordskills learned. (Lute has the talent to learn more than this, but these are the only ones with any utility that aren't outclassed by the better skills)

Active Swordskills:
LifeSprinkler - 10 WP - Piercing
RisingNova - 7 WP - Heat Elemental
GaleSlash - 5 WP – Piercing, Anti-Aerial, Full MT
StunSlash - 0 WP - Adds Stun
Heaven/Hell - 3 WP - Adds Stun
DoubleSlash – 1 WP

Passive Swordskills:
Deflect - 1 WP - Blocks Attacks

Asellus [Mystical Change]
HP: 726   
STR: 47 [87]
QUI: 44 [99]
INT: 27 [85]
WIL: 43 [81]
PSY: 65 [99]
VIT: 29 [49]
CHA: 47   
Def: 60   
WP: 70   
JP: 87   
LP: 8   

GoldenLion: Atk+75
PoweredSuit: Def+50, Str +10, Quick +10, Stops Blind
Hyperwear: Def+10
ShellShield: May block physical attacks

Asellus is recruited with a FiendRod and some swordskills in Emelia's scenario, and she's forcefully equipped with a sword by Ildon in her own scenario. She also always has the Gift of Mystic Magic, and has the unique ability to absorb Mystic skills despite her ability to grow stats like a Human. She was trained in Swords, Magic, and 'Other' for her Mystic Abilites. (Asellus has the talent to learn more sword abilities than this, but these are the only ones with any utility that aren't outclassed by the better skills.)

Active Swordskills:
RosarioImpale - 8 WP - Holy Elemental
Haze-to-Wheel - 9 WP – Full MT Enemy
TripleThrust - 7 WP - Piercing
DeadEnd - 6 WP - May add ID
RisingNova - 7 WP - Heat Elemental
GaleSlash - 5 WP – Piercing, Anti-Aerial, Full MT Enemy
ThunderThrust - 2 WP - Lightning Damage
StunSlash - 0 WP - Adds Stun
DoubleSlash – 1 WP
Godless - 5 WP - Defend and Counter

Passive Swordskills
Kasumi - 4 WP - Defend and Counter

Item Casting:
FiendRod: FinalStrike - 10WP - Physical, Breaks FiendRod, Heat/Force Elemental
ShadowDagger: ShadowHold - 1 WP – Adds Paralysis, ST Enemy
RuneSword: VictoryRune - 1 JP - Increases Attack Power, ST Ally

Mystic Magic:
Fascination - 1 JP - Addss Charm, ST Enemy
PhantasmShot - 3 JP - Summons a random phantom beast, ST Enemy
GlassShield - 5 JP - Defend and Counter next hit with Broken Glass, Self Target
MirrorShade - 7 JP - Creates Illusions, Random Allies

Mystic Absorb Abilities:
For a full listing of Mystic Absorb abilities, see the Mystics section.
Mystic Sword – Activates Mystic Transformation, Absorbed Mystic Ability
Mystic Boot – Activates Mystic Transformation, Absorbed Mystic Ability
Mystic Glove – Activates Mystic Transformation, Absorbed Mystic Ability
Mystic Transformation – Asellus only: Grants Asellus the boosts from any absorbed monsters she has. The defaults assumed for stats are one Unicorn, one Dullahan, and one Suzaku.

HP: 811
STR: 75
QUI: 7
INT: 40
WIL: 55
PSY: 43
VIT: 44
CHA: 20
Def: 60
WP: 88
JP: 110
LP: 9

HandBlaster: (initial equipment)
PoweredSuit: Def+50, Str +10, Quick +10, Stops Blind
Hyperwear: Def+10
ShellShield: May block physical attacks

Fuse is always recruited with some Martial arts skills learned and the Gift of Mind Magic. He also comes equipped with a Handblaster, which does not teach any skills, but allows the use of some abilities if it is equipped. (Fuse has the talent to learn more than this, but these are the only ones with any utility that aren't outclassed by the better skills.)

Martial arts skills:
Active Martial Arts Skills
SkyTwister - 10 WP - Force elemental
Lastshot - 9 WP - May add ID
TriangleKick - 7 WP – Piercing, Force Elemental
OgreRun - 5 WP - Adds Stun, Ground Elemental
LocomotionG - 5 WP - Adds Stun, Throw Elemental
Chop - 1 WP - Adds Blind
AirThrow - 1 WP - Adds Stun, Throw elemental

Mind Magic:
MindHeal - 2 JP - Restores Full HP, Self Target
Evaporate - 2 JP - Adds invisible, Self Target
Spellbound - 2 JP – Adds Paralysis, ST Enemy
Lifewave - 2 JP - Powerful Magic Attack, ST Enemy
Awakening - 2 JP - Raises Stats, All WP/JP costs doubled, Self Target

Handblaster skills:
Paralyzer - 0 WP – Adds Paralysis, Full MT Enemy
BlasterSword - 0 WP - Physical Attack, Force/Electric Elemental

HP: 502
STR: 19
QUI: 46
INT: 88
WIL: 83
PSY: 80
VIT: 8
CHA: 27
Def: 60
WP: 0
JP: 230
LP: 7

PoweredSuit Def+50, Str +10, Quick +10, Stops Blind
Hyperwear Def+10
ShellShield May blocks physical attacks

Rouge is always recruited with the Gift of Realm Magic. In Blue's scenario, he can potentially learn nearly every spell in the game automatically, however, this topic assumes the recruitable Rouge from every other scenario.

Realm Magic:
Gate - 0 JP - Does absolutely nothing
EnergyChain - 1 JP - Magic Attack/Causes Paralysis, ST Enemy
PsychoArmor - 2 JP - Raises Vit and Psy, ST Ally
Implosion - 3 JP - Magic Attack, Instant Death, ST Enemy
PsychicPrison - 7 JP - Interrupt next target Spell w/damage to target, ST Enemy
VermilionSand - 8 JP - Magic Attack, Causes Blind, Full MT Enemy

HP: 902
STR: 94
QUI: 57
INT: 8
WIL: 23
PSY: 12
VIT: 72
CHA: 11
Def: 60
WP: 153
JP: 0
LP: 10

CometBlade Atk+55, Allows use of MillionDollers
PoweredSuit Def+50, Str +10, Quick +10, Stops Blind
Hyperwear Def+10
ShellShield May blocks physical attacks

Gen is always recruited with some Sword skills and some Martial arts skills learned. He also is required to get the Comet Blade, which allows the use of a unique ability and allows the learning of Katana abilities if it is equipped. (Gen has the talent to learn more than this, but these are the only ones with any utility that aren't outclassed by the better skills.)

Active Swordskills:
LifeSprinkler - 10 WP - Piercing
Haze-to-Wheel - 9 WP – Full MT Enemy
2GaleSlash - 5 WP – Piercing, Anti-Aerial, Full MT enemy, requires 2 Swords
ThunderThrust - 2 WP - Lightning Damage
StunSlash - 0 WP - Adds Stun
Heaven/Hell - 3 WP - Adds Stun
DoubleSlash – 1 WP
Godless - 5 WP - Defend and Counter

Passive Swordskills
Kasumi - 4 WP - Defend and Counter (Automatically Used May)

Active Katana skills:
Tres Flores - 9 WP
Blizzard - 6 WP - Adds Paralysis, Cold Elemental

Item Casting:
CometBlade: MillionDollers - 7 WP - Piercing/Heat Elemental, Full MT enemy
ShadowDagger: ShadowHold - 1 WP – Adds Paralysis, ST Enemy

Martial arts skills:
Active Martial Arts Skills
SkyTwister - 10 WP - Force elemental
OgreRun - 5 WP - Adds Stun, Ground Elemental
Fist - 3 WP – Piercing, Force Elemental
Chop - 1 WP - Adds Blind
AirThrow - 1 WP - Adds Stun, Throw elemental
DSC - 18 WP - Throw elemental, Only available if all 4 DSC Moves are equipped
(Sliding) - 2 WP - Adds Stun, Ground elemental, DSC Move 1
Suplex - 4 WP - Adds Stun, Throw elemental, DSC Move 2
BabelCrumble - 4 WP - Adds Stun, Throw elemental, DSC Move 3
GiantSwing - 6 WP – Chance of ID, Throw elemental, DSC Move 4

Passive Martial Arts skills:
KO Throw - 2 WP – May Counters Punches
DragonTurn - 3 WP– May Counters Kicks

HP: 735
STR: 46
QUI: 61
INT: 57
WIL: 54
PSY: 30
VIT: 48
CHA: 35
Def: 60
WP: 108
JP: 82
LP: 9

ZeroSword: Atk+60
LethalGun: Atk+60
(Katana: Atk+34)
PoweredSuit: Def+50, Str +10, Quick +10, Stops Blind
Hyperwear: Def+10
ShellShield: May block physical attacks

Roufas is always recruited with some Swordskills and Gun skills learned, along with the Gift of Mind Magic. (Roufas has the talent to learn more than this, but these are the only ones with any utility that aren't outclassed by the better skills.)

Active Swordskills
LifeSprinkler - 10 WP - Piercing
Haze-to-Wheel - 9 WP – Full MT Enemy
2GaleSlash - 5 WP – Piercing, Anti-Aerial, Full MT enemy, requires 2 Swords
ThunderThrust - 2 WP - Lightning Damage
StunSlash - 0 WP - Causes Stun
Heaven/Hell - 3 WP - Causes Stun
DoubleSlash – 1 WP
Godless - 5 WP - Defend and Counter

Passive Swordskills
Kasumi - 4 WP – May Defend and Counter

Katana skills:
Tres Flores - 9 WP
Blizzard - 6 WP - Adds Paralysis, Cold Elemental

Item Casting:
RuneSword: VictoryRune - 1 JP - Increases Attack Power
ShadowDagger: ShadowHold - 1 WP – Adds Paralysis, ST Enemy

Active Gun Skills:
BoundShot - 5 WP
TotalShot - 4 WP – Full MT Enemy
CrossShot - 4 WP - ITE
StunShot - 1 WP – Adds Stun, Ground Elemental, Full MT Enemy
ReactionShot - 3 WP - Interrupt and Counter

Passive Gun Skills:
QuickDraw - 0 WP - Attack first if using a Gun, always automatically used
TwoGun - 0 WP - Attack with 2 guns, always automatically used

Mind Magic:
The first number is JP cost.
MindHeal - 2 JP - Restores Full HP, Self Target
Evaporate - 2 JP - Adds invisible, Self Target
Spellbound - 2 JP – Adds Paralysis, ST Enemy
Lifewave - 2 JP - Powerful Magic Attack, ST Enemy
Awakening - 2 JP - Raises Stats, doubles target’s WP/JP costs, Self Target

HP: 623
STR: 87
QUI: 71
INT: 20
WIL: 25
PSY: 18
VIT: 51
CHA: 20
Def: 61
WP: 149
JP: 0
LP: 8

PoweredSuit: Def+50, Str +10, Quick +10, Stops Blind
Hyperwear: Def+10
ShellShield: May block physical attacks
FangAmulet: (initial equipment) Def+1, Str+5

Liza is always recruited with some Martial arts skills learned. (Liza has the talent to learn more than this, but these are the only ones with any utility that aren't outclassed by the better skills.)

Active Martial Arts skills:
SkyTwister - 10 WP - Force elemental
Lastshot - 9 WP - May add ID
OgreRun - 5 WP - Adds Stun, Ground Elemental
Fist - 3 WP - Piercing, Force Elemental
Chop - 1 WP - Adds Blind
AirThrow - 1 WP - Adds Stun, Throw elemental
DSC - 18 WP - Throw elemental, Only available if all 4 DSC Moves are equipped
(Sliding) - 2 WP - Adds Stun, Ground elemental, DSC Move 1
Suplex - 4 - Adds Stun, Throw elemental, DSC Move 2
BabelCrumble - 4 WP - Adds Stun, Throw elemental, DSC Move 3
GiantSwing - 6 WP – May add ID, Throw elemental, DSC Move 4

Passive Martial Arts skills:
SwayBack – 1 WP - May avoid Physical Attacks
KO Throw - 2 WP - May Counter Punches
DragonTurn - 3 WP – May Counters Kicks

HP: 832
STR: 76
QUI: 56
INT: 9
WIL: 34
PSY: 15
VIT: 57
CHA: 28
Def: 60
WP: 170
JP: 0
LP: 9

ZeroSword: Atk+60
PoweredSuit: Def+50, Str +10, Quick +10, Stops Blind
Hyperwear: Def+10
ShellShield: May block physical attacks

Annie is always recruited with a Laser Knife equipped and some Swordskills learned. (Annie has the talent to learn more than this, but these are the only ones with any utility that aren't outclassed by the better skills)

Active Swordskills:
RosarioImpale - 8 WP - Holy Elemental
BearCrush - 5 WP - Blunt Elemental
DeadEnd - 6 WP - May add Instant Death
RisingNova - 7 WP - Heat Elemental
StunSlash - 0 WP - Adds Stun
DoubleSlash – 1 WP

Item Casting:
ShadowDagger: ShadowHold - 1 WP – Add Paralysis, ST Enemy

HP: 494
STR: 13
QUI: 61
INT: 57
WIL: 61
PSY: 42
VIT: 20
CHA: 25
Def: 60
WP: 59
JP: 116
LP: 10

LethalGun: Atk+60
LethalGun: Atk+60
PoweredSuit: Def+50, Str +10, Quick +10, Stops Blind
Hyperwear: Def+10
ShellShield: May block physical attacks

Mei-Ling is always recruited with a Gun equipped and some Gunskills learned, along with some Light magic spells learned. In subsequent playthroughs she can start with more Light spells learned, so these are added to her skill list.

Active Gun skills:
BoundShot - 5 WP
TotalShot - 4 WP – Full MT Enemy
CrossShot - 4 WP - ITE
StunShot - 1 WP – Adds Stun, Ground Elemental, Full MT Enemy
ReactionShot - 3 WP - Interrupt and Counter

Passive Gun Skills
QuickDraw - 0 WP - Attack first if using a Gun, always active
TwoGun - 0 WP - Attack with 2 guns, always active

Light Magic:
Spells marked with an asterisk are not confirmed initial spells.
SunRay - 1 JP - Fire Damage/Anti-Undead, ST Enemy
StarlightHeal - 2 JP - Restores HP, ST Ally
FlashFire - 4 JP - Fire Damage/Adds Blind, Full MT Enemy
FlashFlood - 5 JP – ID, no battle reward, Full MT Enemy
LightSword* - 7 JP – Add Lightsword to equipped weapons for battle, Self Target
MegaWindblast* - 9 JP - Fire Damage, Full MT Enemy

HP: 820
STR: 99
QUI: 76
INT: 12
WIL: 31
PSY: 18
VIT: 72
CHA: 15
Def: 60
WP: 163
JP: 0
LP: 8

PoweredSuit: Def+50, Str +10, Quick +10, Stops Blind
Hyperwear: Def+10
ShellShield: May block physical attacks

Fei-On is always recruited with some Martial arts skills learned. (Fei-On has the talent to learn more than this, but these are the only ones with any utility that aren't outclassed by the better skills.)

Active Martial Arts skills:
Lastshot - 9 WP - May add Instant Death
Corkscrew – 9 WP
TriangleKick - 7 WP – Piercing, Force Elemental
GoldHand - 6 WP - Lowers Intelligence, Force Elemental
OgreRun - 5 WP - Adds Stun, Ground Elemental
LocomotionG - 5 WP - Adds Stun, Throw Elemental
Chop - 1 WP - Adds Blind
AirThrow - 1 WP - Causes Stun, Throw elemental

Passive Martial Arts skills:
SwayBack - 1 WP - May avoid Physical Attacks
KO Throw - 2 WP - May Counter Punches
DragonTurn - 3 WP – May Counter Kicks

HP: 544
STR: 26
QUI: 64
INT: 67
WIL: 61
PSY: 38
VIT: 36
CHA: 39
Def: 60
WP: 62
JP: 118
LP: 9

LethalGun: Atk+60
LethalGun: Atk+60
HandBlaster: (initial equipment)
PoweredSuit: Def+50, Str +10, Quick +10, Stops Blind
Hyperwear: Def+10
ShellShield: May block physical attacks

Doll is always recruited with some Gunskills learned and some Dark magic and Mystic magic spells. In subsequent playthroughs she can start with more Light spells learned, so these are added to her skill list. She also comes equipped with a Handblaster, which does not teach any skills, but allows the use of some abilities if it is equipped. Doll is trained in Guns and Magic.

Active Gun Skills:
BoundShot - 5 WP
TotalShot - 4 WP – Full MT Enemy
CrossShot - 4 WP - ITE
StunShot - 1 WP – Adds Stun, Ground Elemental, Full MT Enemy
ReactionShot - 3 WP - Interrupt and Counter

Passive Gun Skills:
QuickDraw - 0 WP - Attack first if using a Gun, always activates
TwoGun - 0 WP - Attack with 2 guns, always active

Handblaster skills:
Paralyzer - 0 WP – Adds Paralysis, Full MT Enemy
BlasterSword - 0 WP - Physical Attack, Force/Electric Elemental

Mystic Magic:
Spells marked with an asterisk are not confirmed initial spells.
Fascination - 1 JP - Adds Charm, ST Enemy
PhantasmShot - 3 JP - Summons a random phantom beast, ST Enemy
GlassShield - 5 JP - Defend and Counter next hit, Self Target
MirrorShade* - 7 JP - Creates Illusions, Random Allies

Dark Magic:
Spells marked with an asterisk are not confirmed initial spells.
Hidebehind - 1 JP - Distracts Enemy, ST Enemy
PowerGrab - 1 JP - Drain HP and lowers abilities, ST Enemy
ShadowNet - 3 JP – Adds Paralysis, Full MT Enemy
DarkSphere - 4 JP - ST Enemy
ShadowServant* - 9 JP - Creates a shadow mimic, Self Target

Captain Hamilton
HP: 858
STR: 53
QUI: 62
INT: 39
WIL: 54
PSY: 28
VIT: 70
CHA: 21
Def: 60
WP: 150
JP: 10
LP: 8

LethalGun: Atk+60
LethalGun: Atk+60
ZeroSword: Atk+60
PoweredSuit: Def+50, Str +10, Quick +10, Stops Blind
Hyperwear: Def+10
ShellShield: May block physical attacks

Hamilton is always recruited with several Swordskills and Gun skills learned. (Hamilton has the talent to learn more than this, but these are the only ones with any utility that aren't outclassed by the better skills.)

Active Swordskills:
LifeSprinkler - 10 WP - Piercing
DeadEnd - 6 WP - May cause ID
RosarioImpale - 8 WP - Holy Elemental
RisingNova - 7 WP - Heat Elemental
GaleSlash - 5 WP – Piercing, Anti-Aerial, Full MT
ThunderThrust - 2 WP - Lightning Damage
StunSlash - 0 WP - Causes Stun

Item Casting:
ShadowDagger: ShadowHold - 1 WP – Adds Paralysis, ST Enemy
RuneSword: VictoryRune - 1 JP - Increases Attack Power

Active Gunskills:
BoundShot - 5 WP
TotalShot - 4 WP – Full MT Enemy
CrossShot - 4 WP - ITE
StunShot - 1 WP – Adds stun, Ground Elemental, Full MT Enemy
ReactionShot - 3 WP - Interrupt and Counter

Passive Gunskills:
QuickDraw - 0 WP - Attack first if using a Gun, always activates
TwoGun - 0 WP - Attack with 2 guns, always active
« Last Edit: May 17, 2010, 04:33:56 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: SaGa Frontier (All PCs, Numeric Stats)
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2010, 04:29:16 AM »

Mystics cannot increase their stats like a human PC. Instead they rely on equipment and 'Mystic Absorbs' to power up. They can defeat and absorb monsters into one of three pieces of natural equipment (their Mystic sword, boots, and gloves) to increase their stats and give them skills (often similar to the ones the monster used).

For pure utility, there's only a handful of Absorbs that every Mystic wants, and I've limited their selection only to easily-repeatable battles.

Additionally, here's a list of all the possibly-useful Mystic absorbs. Note that if Mystics want to use one of these, they'll have to sacrifice some stats to absorb the new associated monster:

Mystic Absorb Skills of potential use:
MagicHeal - 3 WP - Restores HP and Cures Status
Assist - 2 WP - Raises Stats, ST Ally
Spoil - 2 WP - Lowers Stats, ST Enemy
Da-dum - 0 WP - Raises STR and QUI, MT Party

Basic Physical options (Best damage vs. no-WP usage)
TigerRampage - 8 WP
Lance - 0 WP

Status Effects
Assasinate - 7 WP - Physical attack, ID
GriffithScratch - 7 WP - Physical Attack, Adds Paralysis
Crystalizer - 7 WP - Non-Elemental Attack, Adds petrify
MysteryTap - 3 WP - Adds Mess, MT Enemy
Flash - 2 WP - Adds Blind, MT enemy
PoisonusBlow - 2 WP - Physical attack, Adds poison 
Psych-out - 1 WP - Adds Stun
BloodSucker - 1 WP - Steals HP
Hypnotism - 0 WP - Adds Sleep
Suffocation - 5 WP - ID
PsyNet - 4 WP - Adds paralysis, MT Enemy
BladeNet - 3 WP - Physical Attack, Adds paralysis
Sweep - 0 WP - Adds Stun

SpreadBlaster - 4 WP - Holy Attack
HeatSmash - 5 WP - Fire attack 
Thunderbolt - 5 WP - Lightning Attack
IceSmash - 5 WP - Ice attack 
WaterCannon - 1 WP - Water Attack
HellWing - 4 WP – Anti-Air attack 
Tremor - 5 WP - Earth attack, MT Enemy
Spiders - 4 WP - Ground Attack (Like Sliding or OgreRun)
TitasWave - 7 WP - Sonic Attack
Oscillation - 4 WP - Sonic Attack, MT Enemy
GremlinEffect - 2 WP - Non-elemental attack, Extra Damage on mecs 
DeadlyPowder - 1 WP - Spore attack

Princess WhiteRose
HP: 765
STR: 76
QUI: 83
INT: 85
WIL: 59
PSY: 90
VIT: 55
CHA: 53
Def: 41
WP: 16
JP: 140
LP: 8

ShellShield: Occasionally blocks physical attacks
MysticMail: Def+23, locked
Hyperwear: Def+10
JetBoots: Def+7, Qui+5, Stops Quake Attacks
FlowerAmulet: Def+1, Psy+5, Cha+5, initial equipment

Default Mystic Absorbs:
2x Suzaku: +20 to every stat, except Cha, no skills worth noting
1x Dullahan: +20 to Str, Qui, Psy, and Int, Griffith Scratch is on Sword, Assinate on Boot, Crystalizer on Glove

Note, most Mystics would prefer a Unicorn on Mystic Sword for MagicHeal, but WhiteRose comes with some decent healing already and probably prefers the stat-boost overall.

WhiteRose comes with some Light Magic spells already learned, as well as the innate Gift of Mystic Magic. She's also capable of using absorbing various monsters for their Mystic Abilities.  Other monsters can be absorbed to get other abilities as well, but will decrease the listed stats if they replace the given defaults.

Mystic Magic:
Fascination - 1 JP - Adds Charm, ST Enemy
PhantasmShot - 3 JP - Summons a random phantom beast, ST Enemy
GlassShield - 5 JP - Defend and Counter next hit, Self Target
MirrorShade - 7 JP - Creates Illusions, Random Allies

Light Magic:
Spells marked with an asterisk are not confirmed initial spells.
SunRay - 1 JP - Fire Damage/Anti-Undead, ST Enemy
StarlightHeal - 2 JP - Restores HP, ST Ally
FlashFire - 4 JP - Fire Damage/Adds Blind, Full MT Enemy
FlashFlood - 5 JP – ID, no battle reward, Full MT Enemy
LightSword* - 7 JP – Add Lightsword to equipped weapons for battle, Self Target
MegaWindblast* - 9 JP - Fire Damage, Full MT Enemy

HP: 902
STR: 87
QUI: 93
INT: 76
WIL: 52
PSY: 84
VIT: 51
CHA: 43
Def: 61
WP: 68
JP: 93
LP: 8

ZeroSword: Atk+60
ShellShield: Occasionally blocks physical attacks
PoweredSuit: Def+50, Str+10, Qui+10
Hyperwear: Def+10
MellowRing: Def+1, Blocks Water attacks, fixed

Default Mystic Absorbs:
2x Suzaku: +20 to every stat, except Cha, no skills worth noting
1x Dullahan: +20 to Str, Qui, Psy, and Int, Griffith Scratch is on Sword, Assinate on Boot, Crystalizer on Glove

Mesarthim comes with the innate Gifts of Mystic Magic and Rune Magic. Various monsters can be absorbed to get other abilities as well, but will decrease the listed stats if they replace the given defaults.

Mystic Magic:
Fascination - 1 JP - Adds Charm, ST Enemy
PhantasmShot - 3 JP - Summons a random phantom beast, ST Enemy
GlassShield - 5 JP - Defend and Counter next hit, Self Target
MirrorShade - 7 JP - Creates Illusions, Random Allies

Rune Magic:
VictoryRune - 1 JP - Increases Attack Power, ST Ally
VitalityRune - 2 JP - Adds Regen, ST Ally
HideRune - 2 JP - Adds Invisible, ST Ally
FreedomRune - 4 JP - Immune to Paralyze/Petrify/Sleep, ST Ally
WallRune - 7 JP - Immune to Projectiles, ST Ally
SoulRune - 7 JP - Vastly increases all Stats, Self Target
DwarfRune - 8 JP - Lowers Attack Power, ST Enemy
StasisRune - All JP - "Stops Time", ST Enemy/Self Target

Item Casting:
MellowRing: LifeRain - 4 WP - User -1 LP, other allies to Full HP Recovery
MellowRing: Maelstrom - 8 WP - Water attack, May add ID, MT Enemy, Requires 3 Mystic Weapons
ShadowDagger: ShadowHold - 1 WP – Adds Paralysis, ST Enemy
RuneSword: VictoryRune - 1 JP - Increases Attack Power, ST Ally
RuneSword: Cockatrice - 6 JP - Damage/Adds Petrify, ST Enemy, Requires StasisRune being equipped

Dr. Nusakan
HP: 882
STR: 92
QUI: 83
INT: 84
WIL: 56
PSY: 86
VIT: 55
CHA: 41
Def: 58
WP: 80
JP: 105
LP: 7

ZeroSword: Atk+60
(WaterCannon: Atk+20)
ShellShield: Occasionally blocks physical attacks
PoweredSuit: Def+50, STR+10, QUI+10, Stops Blind
Mysticwear: Def+8, fixed (Mystic MagicHeal)

Default Absorptions:
2x Suzaku: +20 to every stat, except Cha, no skills worth noting
1x Dullahan: +20 to Str, Qui, Psy, and Int, Griffith Scratch is on Sword, Assinate on Boot, Crystalizer on Glove

Dr. Nusukan comes with some Arcane spells, some Dark spells, and the gift of Mystic Magic.  Various monsters can be absorbed to get other abilities as well, but will decrease the listed stats if they replace the given defaults.

Mystic Magic:
Fascination - 1 JP - Adds Charm, ST Enemy
PhantasmShot - 3 JP - Summons a random phantom beast, ST Enemy
GlassShield - 5 JP - Defend and Counter next hit, Self Target
MirrorShade - 7 JP - Creates Illusions, Random Allies

Dark Magic:
Spells marked with an asterisk are not confirmed initial spells.
Hidebehind - 1 JP - Distracts Enemy, ST Enemy
PowerGrab - 1 JP - Drain HP and lowers abilities, ST Enemy
ShadowNet - 3 JP – Adds Paralysis, Full MT Enemy
DarkSphere* - 4 JP - ST Enemy
ShadowServant* - 9 JP - Creates a shadow mimic, Self Target

Arcane Magic:
Spells marked with an asterisk are not confirmed initial spells.
Saber - 1 JP – Low Magic Damage, ST Enemy
Gold - 3 JP – Adds Distract, MT Enemy
Grail - 3 JP - Cures any status ailments, ST Ally
Shield - 3 JP - Raises Defense, initiative, MT Party
Death* - 4 JP - ID, Lose 1 LP if it fails, MT Enemy
Fool* - 6 JP - Lowers Stats, Field
Magician* - 7 JP – “Creates Illusions”, Self Target
Tower* - All JP - Massive Magic Damage, ST Enemy

Item Casting:
ShadowDagger: ShadowHold - 1 WP – Adds Paralysis, ST Enemy
RuneSword: VictoryRune - 1 JP - Increases Attack Power, ST Ally
MysticWear: MagicHeal – 5 WP – Restores HP and status

HP: 883
STR: 68
QUI: 79
INT: 80
WIL: 64
PSY: 71
VIT: 33
CHA: 45
Def: 48
WP: 83
JP: 94
LP: 8

ZeroSword: Atk+60
(FiendRod: Atk+13, allows use of FinalStrike)
ShellShield: Occasionally blocks physical attacks
MysticMail: Def+23, locked
Hyperwear: Def+10
JetBoots: Def+7, Qui+5, Stops Quake Attacks
Mirror Glass: Def+8, Stops Blind

Default Mystic Absorbs:
Mystic Sword: Unicorn: +18 to Qui, Int, Will, and Psy, MagicHeal on Sword
1x Dullahan: +20 to Str, Qui, Psy, and Int, Griffith Scratch is on Sword, Assinate on Boot, Crystalizer on Glove
1x Suzaku: +20 to every stat, except Cha, no skills worth noting

Ildon comes with a sword (FiendRod) equipped, as well as the innate Gift of Mystic Magic. Various monsters can be absorbed to get other abilities as well, but will decrease the listed stats if they replace the given defaults.

Mystic Magic:
Fascination - 1 JP - Adds Charm, ST Enemy
PhantasmShot - 3 JP - Summons a random phantom beast, ST Enemy
GlassShield - 5 JP - Defend and Counter next hit, Self Target
MirrorShade - 7 JP - Creates Illusions, Random Allies

Item Casting:
FiendRod: FinalStrike - 10WP - Physical, Breaks FiendRod, Heat/Force Elemental
ShadowDagger: ShadowHold - 1 WP – Adds Paralysis, ST Enemy
RuneSword: VictoryRune - 1 JP - Increases Attack Power, ST Ally

HP: 687
STR: 49
QUI: 81
INT: 90
WIL: 57
PSY: 66
VIT: 28
CHA: 58
Def: 48
WP: 56
JP: 133
LP: 6

ZeroSword: Atk+60
ShellShield: Occasionally blocks physical attacks
MysticMail: Def+23, locked
Hyperwear: Def+10
JetBoots: Def+7, Qui+5, Stops Quake Attacks
Mirror Glass: Def+8, Stops Blind

Default Mystic Absorbs:
Mystic Sword: Unicorn: +18 to Qui, Int, Will, and Psy, MagicHeal on Sword
1x Dullahan: +20 to Str, Qui, Psy, and Int, Griffith Scratch is on Sword, Assinate on Boot, Crystalizer on Glove
1x Suzaku: +20 to every stat, except Cha, no skills worth noting

Rei comes with the innate Gifts for Mystic Magic and Mirage Magic. Various monsters can be absorbed to get other abilities as well, but will decrease the listed stats if they replace the given defaults.

Mystic Magic:
Fascination - 1 JP - Adds Charm, ST Enemy
PhantasmShot - 3 JP - Summons a random phantom beast, ST Enemy
GlassShield - 5 JP - Defend and Counter next hit, Self Target
MirrorShade - 7 JP - Creates Illusions, Random Allies

Mirage Magic:
BlackCat - 1 JP - Damage/Adds Mess, ST Enemy
Nightmare - 2 JP - Damage/Adds Sleep, ST Enemy
Jackal - 4 JP - Damage/Adds Poison, ST Enemy
Cockatrice - 6 JP - Damage/Adds Petrify, ST Enemy
Reaper - 7 JP - Damage/ID, ST Enemy

Item Casting:
ShadowDagger: ShadowHold - 1 WP – Adds Paralysis, ST Enemy
RuneSword: VictoryRune - 1 JP - Increases Attack Power, ST Ally

HP: 852
STR: 61
QUI: 82
INT: 74
WIL: 49
PSY: 62
VIT: 36
CHA: 41
Def: 48
WP: 25
JP: 120
LP: 8

Handblaster: (Default Equipment)
ShellShield: Occasionally blocks physical attacks
MysticMail: Def+23, locked
Hyperwear: Def+10
JetBoots: Def+7, Qui+5, Stops Quake Attacks
Mirror Glass: Def+8, Stops Blind

Default Absorptions:
Mystic Sword: Unicorn: +18 to Qui, Int, Will, and Psy, MagicHeal on Sword
1x Dullahan: +20 to Str, Qui, Psy, and Int, Griffith Scratch is on Sword, Assinate on Boot, Crystalizer on Glove
1x Suzaku: +20 to every stat, except Cha, no skills worth noting

Silence comes with the Gift of Mystic Magic.  He also comes equipped with a Handblaster, which does not teach any skills, but allows the use of some abilities if it is equipped. Various monsters can be absorbed to get other abilities as well, but will decrease the listed stats if they replace the given defaults.

Mystic Magic:
Fascination - 1 JP - Adds Charm, ST Enemy
PhantasmShot - 3 JP - Summons a random phantom beast, ST Enemy
GlassShield - 5 JP - Defend and Counter next hit, Self Target
MirrorShade - 7 JP - Creates Illusions, Random Allies

Handblaster skills:
Paralyzer - 0 WP – Adds Paralysis, Full MT Enemy
BlasterSword - 0 WP - Physical Attack, Force/Electric Elemental

HP: 750
STR: 55
QUI: 91
INT: 72
WIL: 62
PSY: 69
VIT: 37
CHA: 37
Def: 48
WP: 45
JP: 160
LP: 10

ShellShield: Occasionally blocks physical attacks
MysticMail: Def+23, locked
Hyperwear: Def+10
JetBoots: Def+7, Qui+5, Stops Quake Attacks
Mirror Glass: Def+8, Stops Blind

Default Absorptions:
Mystic Sword: Unicorn: +18 to Qui, Int, Will, and Psy, MagicHeal on Sword
1x Dullahan: +20 to Str, Qui, Psy, and Int, Griffith Scratch is on Sword, Assinate on Boot, Crystalizer on Glove
1x Suzaku: +20 to every stat, except Cha, no skills worth noting

TimeLord comes with the innate Gifts for Mystic Magic and Time Magic. Various monsters can be absorbed to get other abilities as well, but will decrease the listed stats if they replace the given defaults.

Mystic Magic:
Fascination - 1 JP - Adds Charm, ST Enemy
PhantasmShot - 3 JP - Summons a random phantom beast, ST Enemy
GlassShield - 5 JP - Defend and Counter next hit, Self Target
MirrorShade - 7 JP - Creates Illusions, Random Allies

Time Magic:
DelayOrder - 1 JP - Lowers Speed, ST Enemy
TimeLeap - 3 JP - End's Enemy's Turn, ST Enemy
TimeTwister - 5 JP - Gives ally an extra turn, ST Ally
TimeEclipse - 5 JP - Lowers Speed, Adds Petrify, ST Enemy
ChaosStream - 9 JP - Random Damage and Status Ailments, MT Enemies
OverDrive - 10 JP - Gives caster eight turns in a row*, Self Target

HP: 999
STR: 59
QUI: 87
INT: 84
WIL: 49
PSY: 70
VIT: 33
CHA: 50
Def: 48
WP: 90
JP: 97
LP: 9

ZeroSword: Atk+60
(FiendRod: Atk+13, allows use of FinalStrike)
ShellShield: Occasionally blocks physical attacks
MysticMail: Def+23, locked
Hyperwear: Def+10
JetBoots: Def+7, Qui+5, Stops Quake Attacks
Mirror Glass: Def+8, Stops Blind

Default Mystic Absorbs:
Mystic Sword: Unicorn: +18 to Qui, Int, Will, and Psy, MagicHeal on Sword
1x Dullahan: +20 to Str, Qui, Psy, and Int, Griffith Scratch is on Sword, Assinate on Boot, Crystalizer on Glove
1x Suzaku: +20 to every stat, except Cha, no skills worth noting

Zozma comes with a sword (FiendRod) equipped, as well as the innate Gift of Mystic Magic and several spells from the Evil Magic category (despite lacking the gift). Various monsters can be absorbed to get other abilities as well, but will decrease the listed stats if they replace the given defaults.

Mystic Magic:
Fascination - 1 JP - Adds Charm, ST Enemy
PhantasmShot - 3 JP - Summons a random phantom beast, ST Enemy
GlassShield - 5 JP - Defend and Counter next hit, Self Target
MirrorShade - 7 JP - Creates Illusions, Random Allies

Evil Magic:
RavaShot - 1 JP - Magic Attack, Adds Stun, ST Enemy
SharpPain - 1 JP – Adds Stun, MT Enemy
PainDoubler - 1 JP - Magic Attack, up to 666 Damage, MT Enemy
DeathCurse - 4 JP - ID, Lose 1 LP if it fails, ST Enemy

Item Casting:
FiendRod: FinalStrike - 10WP - Physical, Breaks FiendRod, Heat/Force Elemental
ShadowDagger: ShadowHold - 1 WP – Adds Paralysis, ST Enemy
RuneSword: VictoryRune - 1 JP - Increases Attack Power, ST Ally
« Last Edit: May 17, 2010, 04:35:58 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: SaGa Frontier (All PCs, Numeric Stats)
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2010, 04:30:48 AM »
All Mecs can opt to change their storebought equipment for any other storebought equipment. They may wish to do this to get more weapon options. Note that Circuit Boards are not storebought, so they can only equip those if they had one initially equipped. A Circuit Board boosts INT and is required to use ShootAll, so several Mecs may opt for this.

Note: These boosts only apply to Mecs.

ZeroSword: HP +100, STR +15, QUI +15
RuneSword: HP +100, STR +20, PSY +20

BigMissile: HP +150, STR +20, WIL +20
HEAT Bazooka: HP +200, WIL +30
GrainCannon: HP +150, QUI +10, WIL +30, VIT +10
MachineVulcan: HP +150, QUI +18, WIL +18, VIT +18
HyperBlaster: HP +175, QUI +25, WIL +25
LethalGun: HP +150, QUI +20, WIL +20, PSY +20

WonderBangle: HP +100, QUI +20
ShellShield: HP +40, STR +8, VIT +8

WarLordArmor: HP +100, STR +20, VIT +20
PoweredSuit: HP +100, STR +20, QUI +20

MirrorGlass: HP +75, INT +25, WIL +25
LaserScope: HP +100, INT +20, WIL +20

The Intelligence stat plays a role in how many skills a Mecs can equip. It appears to work under the following trend:

91+ INT - 8 skill slots
76-90 INT - 7
61-75 INT - 6
46-60 INT - 5
31-45 INT - 4
>30 INT - 3
I don't believe it goes below 3 skill slots.

Note that Mecs are immune to non-Mec-specific statuses.

T260G (Type 8) (Type 1) (Type 7)
HP   850   (950)   (775)
STR   60   (60)   (55)
QUI   99   (99)   (99)
INT   67   (72)   (57)
WIL   70   (95)   (70)
PSY   20   (5)   (5)
VIT   20   (5)   (15)
CHA   20   (5)   (5)
Def   99   (99)   (60)
WP   50   (50)   (50)
JP   0   (0)   (0)
LP   15   (15)   (15)

Default (Type 8 - OmegaBody)
HyperBlaster: HP +175, QUI +25, WIL +25   
HyperBlaster: HP +175, QUI +25, WIL +25   
PoweredSuit: HP +100, STR +20, QUI +20   
PoweredSuit: HP +100, STR +20, QUI +20   
LaserScope: HP +100, INT +20, WIL +20

(Type 1 setup - initial form)
ZeroSword: HP +100, STR +15, QUI +15   
HyperBlaster: HP +175, QUI +25, WIL +25   
HyperBlaster: HP +175, QUI +25, WIL +25   
PoweredSuit: HP +100, STR +20, QUI +20   
PoweredSuit: HP +100, STR +20, QUI +20   
LaserScope: HP +100, INT +20, WIL +20   
LaserScope: HP +100, INT +20, WIL +20

(Type 7 setup - unique form)
ZeroSword: HP +100, STR +15, QUI +15   
HyperBlaster: HP +175, QUI +25, WIL +25   
HyperBlaster: HP +175, QUI +25, WIL +25   
PoweredSuit: HP +100, STR +20, QUI +20   
LaserScope: HP +100, INT +20, WIL +20

T260G is only Mech which can switch body types. It is also the only Mech with access to the Type 1, 7, and 8 bodies. For most purposes, its Type 8 form will be best, though the other forms have some uses. Due to its ability to change body types, T260G can learn any Self-Development skill, though some can only be used in certain body types. All Type 8 Mechs are always equipped with a MegaBeamSword, V-System, and Fort Body. Since T260G does not come with a CircuitBoard-type piece of equipment, it cannot use ShootAll. (Type 1 Mechs only have one locked equipment slot, the MecBody; so this form has the most equipment diversity. Type 7 Mechs are always equipped with a Hammer, MicroMissile, and MecBody. They have access to a unique Hammer ability.)
The rest of its equipment is storebought. Its skills are either innately equipped to its type or learned through Self-Development. It can equip up to 6 skills in any form, but may sacrifice some offense or durability to boost its INT higher for more skill slots.

OmegaBody (Type 8) specific skills (does not take up a skill slot):
MegaBeamSword-(2 WP) Single target attack. Damage increased by CombatMastery.  Does Blunt, Heat, and Force-type damage.
V-MAX-(0 WP) Raises all stats.  At end of 5th turn after use (including the turn used to activate V-Max), V-End activates, dropping all stats significantly, as well as costing you 1 LP. While active, StarlightShower and CosmicRave are enabled.
Cosmic Rave-(7 WP) Heavily damage one enemy.  Must have V-Max active in order to use. Damage increased by CombatMastery.  Does Blunt, Heat, Thunder, and Force-type damage.
Starlight Shower-(7 WP) Heavily damage all enemies.  Must have V-Max active in order to use.Damage increased by CombatMastery.  Does Blunt, Heat, Thunder, and Force-type damage.

Passive skills:
ShootingMastery-Attack power of guns and heavy weapons and the skills involving them are increased by 50%
CombatMastery-Attack power of physical attacks and skills are increased by 50%
SelfRepair-Restores HP at the end of each round of battle.(Amount of HP recovered is equal to VIT+7, except for EngineerCar (VIT+16) and Leonard (VIT+8).)
MaxwellProgram-Restores 1 WP at the end of each round of battle(Passive)

Active skills:
MecSonata-(4 WP) Attacks all enemies. May cause Stun in mec-type enemies. Damage not affected by CombatMastery. Does Force-type damage, and has      Sonic-quality. Comes out first like MagicHeal or Shield.
InterceptSystem-Counterattack a strike with missiles. Missiles do not need to be equipped to use this skill. Neither Combat nor ShootingMastery boost the damage done. Heat and Blunt-type damage.
ShockSoldier-(8 WP) Attacks all enemies, but does not affect enemies that are floating. Damage increased by CombatMastery. Does Slashing, Blunt, and Piercing-type damage.
PopKnight-(10 WP) Attacks all enemies, even floating ones.  Does a bit more damage to floating enemies. Damage increased by CombatMastery.  Does Slashing, Blunt, and Piercing-type damage.
PluralSlash-(5 WP) Very powerful attack against one target.  Must be equipped with a sword to use. Damage increased by CombatMastery.  Does Slashing, Heat, and Force-type damage.
Magnify-(15 WP) Powerful ST attack for some of the heavy arms.  Disables the weapon after use. Can cause status conditions in the Mec using it. Damage increased by ShootingMastery.  Damage-type based on weapon used.  Only  works with HG-Cannon, GrainCannon, IonCannon, HyperBlaster, LaserCarbine, and Laser/LaserCannon.

Type 7 - specific skills:
HammerCrash-(4 WP) Powerful single target attack. Must have a Hammer equipped to use, meaning it can only be used with the Type 7 body on T260. Damage increased with CombatMastery.  Does Blunt-type damage.

Rabbit (Type 2)
HP   775
STR   25
QUI   99
INT   50
WIL   85
PSY   30
VIT   10
CHA   20
DEF   60
WP   75
JP   0
LP   20

LethalGun: ATK+60 HP +150, QUI +20, WIL +20, PSY +20   
HyperBlaster: HP +175, QUI +25, WIL +25   
HyperBlaster: HP +175, QUI +25, WIL +25   
PoweredSuit: HP +100, STR +20, QUI +20   
MemoryBoard: HP +100, QUI +20, INT +25 (initial equipment)

All Type 2 Mechs are always equipped with a LaserCannon, BitSystem, and ECMSystem. Rabbit comes equipped with a MemoryBoard, IonCannon, and MissilePod. Only the MemoryBoard is worth keeping for the INT boost that allows this mech to equip more skills. The rest of its equipment is storebought. Its skills are either innately equipped to its type or learned through Self-Development. It can equip up to 5 skills.

Equipment skills (does not take up a skill slot) :
BitSystem-Damages one random enemy at end of turn.  Ends when user faints, or after a certain number of turns. Damage not increased with ShootingMastery.  Does Thunder-type damage.
ECMSystem-(0 WP) Causes missiles attacks to miss.
LaserCannon-(7 WP) Powerful single target attack. Damage increased with ShootingMastery.  Does Force-type damage.

Attack skills:
SatelliteLinker-(7 WP) Powerful attack against one enemy.  Must have activated BitSystem to use. Damage is not increased with a Mastery.
Magnify-(15 WP) Powerful ST attack for some of the heavy arms.  Disables the weapon after use. Can cause status conditions in the Mec using it. Damage increased by ShootingMastery.  Damage-type based on weapon used.  Only  works with HG-Cannon, GrainCannon, IonCannon, HyperBlaster, LaserCarbine, and Laser/LaserCannon (Type 2 & 4).
Jammer-(1 WP) Stuns all enemy mecs.

Passive skills:
ShootingMastery-Attack power of guns and heavy weapons and the skills involving them are increased by 50%
MaxwellProgram-Restores 1 WP at the end of each round of battle(Passive)
SelfRepair-Restores HP at the end of each round of battle.(Amount of HP recovered is equal to VIT+7, except for EngineerCar (VIT+16) and Leonard (VIT+8).)
CounterECM-Nulls the effects of ECM.~

ZEKE (Type 3)
HP   600
STR   70
QUI   99
INT   45
WIL   55
PSY   1
VIT   5
CHA   10
Def   60
WP   30
JP   0
LP   15

*AT Missile   
ZeroSword: HP +100, STR +15, QUI +15   
BigMissile: HP +150, STR +20, WIL +20   
NakajimaBoard: HP +50, QUI +30, INT +10 (initial equipment)
PoweredSuit: HP +100, STR +20, QUI +20
LaserScope: HP +100, INT +20, WIL +20
(Aguni-SSP - initial equipment)

All Type 3 Mechs are always equipped with a RailCannon, AT Missile, and Accelerator. ZEKE comes equipped with a NakajimaBoard, Aguni-SSP, EasyRifle, and JetBoots. Only the NakajimaBoard is worth keeping for the INT boost that allows this mech to equip more skills. The rest of its equipment is storebought. Its skills are either innately equipped to its type or learned through Self-Development. It can equip up to 4 skills.

Equipment skills (does not take up a skill slot) :
ZeroSword - Basic Sword Attack
BigMissile - Basic Missile Attack
Accelerator-(0 WP) Raises QUI.
AT Missile-(1 WP) Single target attack. Damage increased by ShootingMastery.  Does Blunt and Heat-type damage.
RailCannon-(1 WP) Single target attack. Damage increased by ShootingMastery.  Does Blunt and Piercing-type damage.

Active skills:
MecSonata-(4 WP) Attacks all enemies. May cause Stun in mec-type enemies. Damage not affected by CombatMastery. Does Force-type damage, and has      Sonic-quality. Comes out first like MagicHeal or Shield.
KAMIKAZE-Crash-(4 WP) Powerful ST attack, but consumes 1 LP when used.  When using the last LP, the attack power rises by about three times. Damage increased by CombatMastery.  Does Blunt, Heat and Thunder-type damage.
InterceptSystem-Counterattack a strike with missiles. Missiles do not need to be equipped to use this skill. Neither Combat nor ShootingMastery boost the damage done. Heat and Blunt-type damage.
PluralSlash-(5 WP) Very powerful attack against one target.  Must be equipped with a sword to use. Damage increased by CombatMastery.  Does Slashing, Heat, and Force-type damage.
Shoot-All-(24 WP) Fires "all" equipped guns at one target.  Must be equipped with a Secret, Memory, Nakajima2, Nakajima, or Octopus Board to use in battle. Damage increased by ShootingMastery.  Only works with SuperMissile, BigMissile, MissilePod, DOBBY Bazooka, HyperionBazooka, HEAT Bazooka, LightBazooka, MachineVulcan, LightVulcan, JunkBazooka, RailCannon (Type 3 & 5), MicroMissile (Type 5 & 7), AT Missile (Type 3 & 5), and MachineVulcan (Type 6).  Damage-types vary according to fired weapons.

Passive skills:
ShootingMastery-Attack power of guns and heavy weapons and the skills involving them are increased by 50%
CombatMastery-Attack power of physical attacks and skills are increased by 50%

BJ&K (Type 4)
HP   800
STR   25
QUI   95
INT   55
WIL   99
PSY   25
VIT   10
CHA   10
Def   60
WP   55
JP   0
LP   20

LethalGun: HP +150, QUI +20, WIL +20, PSY +20
HyperBlaster: HP +175, QUI +25, WIL +25
HyperBlaster: HP +175, QUI +25, WIL +25
PoweredSuit: HP +100, STR +20, QUI +20   
LaserScope: HP +100, INT +20, WIL +20
(Buckler - initial equipment)

All Type 4 Mechs are always equipped with a LaserCannon, MediPack, and MecBody. BJ&K comes equipped with a Protector and Buckler. Only the Buckler might be worth keeping for the chance to deflect some attacks, but it's not set as default here. The rest of its equipment is storebought. Its skills are either innately equipped to its type or learned through Self-Development. It can equip up to 5 skills.

Equipment skills (does not take up a skill slot) :
LethalGun- Basic Gun attack
HyperBlaster- Basic blaster attack
Medipack-(0 WP) Restores 250 HP to one of your party members.  Will miss if used on Mecs, including self.
LaserCannon-(7 WP) Powerful single target attack. Damage increased with ShootingMastery.  Does Force-type damage.

Active skills:
MecSonata-(4 WP) Attacks all enemies. May cause Stun in mec-type enemies. Damage not affected by CombatMastery. Does Force-type damage, and has      Sonic-quality. Comes out first like MagicHeal or Shield.
Magnify-(15 WP) Powerful ST attack for some of the heavy arms.  Disables the weapon after use. Can cause status conditions in the Mec using it. Damage increased by ShootingMastery.  Damage-type based on weapon used.  Only  works with HG-Cannon, GrainCannon, IonCannon, HyperBlaster, LaserCarbine, and Laser/LaserCannon (Type 2 & 4).
HypnoFlash-(2 WP) Puts all enemies to sleep.

Passive skills:
ShootingMastery-Attack power of guns and heavy weapons and the skills involving them are increased by 50%
MaxwellProgram-Restores 1 WP at the end of each round of battle(Passive)
SelfRepair-Restores HP at the end of each round of battle.(Amount of HP recovered is equal to VIT+7, except for EngineerCar (VIT+16) and Leonard (VIT+8).)

PzkwV (Type 5)
HP   800
STR   30
QUI   75
INT   25
WIL   99
PSY   1
VIT   30
CHA   10
Def   70
WP   75
JP   0
LP   25

*AT Missile
HyperBlaster: HP +175, QUI +25, WIL +25
HyperBlaster: HP +175, QUI +25, WIL +25
PoweredSuit: HP +100, STR +20, QUI +20   
LaserScope: HP +100, INT +20, WIL +20

All Type 5 Mechs are always equipped with a RailCannon, AT Missile, MicroMissile, and FortBody. PzkwV comes equipped with 2 additional Protectors, which aren't worth keeping. The rest of its equipment is storebought. Its skills are either innately equipped to its type or learned through Self-Development. It can equip up to 3 skills.

Equipment skills (does not take up an equipment slot) :
HyperBlaster- Basic Blaster attack
MicroMissile-(1 WP) All target attack. Damage increased by ShootingMastery.  Does Blunt and Heat-type damage.
AT Missile-(1 WP) Single target attack. Damage increased by ShootingMastery.  Does Blunt and Heat-type damage.
RailCannon-(1 WP) Single target attack. Damage increased by ShootingMastery.  Does Blunt and Piercing-type damage.
Graviton-(8 WP) Does heavy damage to one target. Damage increased by ShootingMastery.  Does Force-type damage. Attached to FortBody.

Active skills:
InterceptSystem-Counterattack a strike with missiles. Missiles do not need to be equipped to use this skill. Neither Combat nor ShootingMastery boost the damage done. Heat and Blunt-type damage.
Magnify-(15 WP) Powerful ST attack for some of the heavy arms.  Disables the weapon after use. Can cause status conditions in the Mec using it. Damage increased by ShootingMastery.  Damage-type based on weapon used.  Only  works with HG-Cannon, GrainCannon, IonCannon, HyperBlaster, LaserCarbine, and Laser/LaserCannon (Type 2 & 4).
(Shoot-All-(24 WP) Fires "all" equipped guns at one target.  Must be equipped with a Secret, Memory, Nakajima2, Nakajima, or Octopus Board to use in battle. Damage increased by ShootingMastery.  Only works with SuperMissile, BigMissile, MissilePod, DOBBY Bazooka, HyperionBazooka, HEAT Bazooka, LightBazooka, MachineVulcan, LightVulcan, JunkBazooka, RailCannon (Type 3 & 5), MicroMissile (Type 5 & 7), AT Missile (Type 3 & 5), and MachineVulcan (Type 6).  Damage-types vary according to fired weapons.)

Passive skills:
ShootingMastery- Attack power of guns and heavy weapons and the skills involving them are increased by 50%

EngineerCar (Type 6)
HP   620
STR   70
QUI   70
INT   55
WIL   75
PSY   5
VIT   15
CHA   5
Def   60
WP   75
JP   0
LP   20

ZeroSword: HP +100, STR +15, QUI +15
BigMissile: HP +150, STR +20, WIL +20   
NakajimaBoard: HP +50, QUI +30, INT +10 (initial equipment)
PoweredSuit: HP +100, STR +20, QUI +20   
LaserScope: HP +100, INT +20, WIL +20

Most Type 6 Mechs are always equipped with a MachineVulcan, RepairPack, and MiniPlant. EngineerCar comes equipped with a NakajimaBoard, which is worth keeping for the INT boost that allows this mech to equip more skills. The rest of its equipment is storebought. Its skills are either innately equipped to its type or learned through Self-Development. It can equip up to 5 skills.

Equipment skills (does not take up a skill slot) :
ZeroSword- Basic Sword attack
BigMissile- Basic Missile attack
CrossHair-(3 WP) Critical hit against one enemy, but uses MachineVulcan. Damage increased with ShootingMastery.  Does Piercing-type damage.
RangeFire-(3 WP) Attacks multiple enemies in a ranged cone, but with MachineVulcan.Damage increased by ShootingMastery.  Does Piercing-type damage.
RepairPack-(0 WP) Restores 400 HP to one of your mecs.  Will miss if used on a non-Mec.
MachineVulcan-(0 WP) Does low damage to one target. Damage increased by ShootingMastery.  Does Piercing-type damage.

Active skills:
InterceptSystem-Counterattack a strike with missiles. Missiles do not need to be equipped to use this skill. Neither Combat nor ShootingMastery boost the damage done. Heat and Blunt-type damage.
PluralSlash-(5 WP) Very powerful attack against one target.  Must be equipped with a sword to use. Damage increased by CombatMastery.  Does Slashing, Heat, and Force-type damage.
EnergySupply-Restores 50 WP to a Mec ally. Comes out first like MagicHeal or Shield.
ShockSoldier-(8 WP) Attacks all enemies, but does not affect enemies that are floating. Damage increased by CombatMastery. Does Slashing, Blunt, and Piercing-type damage.
PopKnight-(10 WP) Attacks all enemies, even floating ones.  Does a bit more damage to floating enemies. Damage increased by CombatMastery.  Does Slashing, Blunt, and Piercing-type damage.
Shoot-All-(24 WP) Fires "all" equipped guns at one target.  Must be equipped with a Secret, Memory, Nakajima2, Nakajima, or Octopus Board to use in battle. Damage increased by ShootingMastery.  Only works with SuperMissile, BigMissile, MissilePod, DOBBY Bazooka, HyperionBazooka, HEAT Bazooka, LightBazooka, MachineVulcan, LightVulcan, JunkBazooka, RailCannon (Type 3 & 5), MicroMissile (Type 5 & 7), AT Missile (Type 3 & 5), and MachineVulcan (Type 6).  Damage-types vary according to fired weapons.

Passive skills:
CombatMastery-Attack power of physical attacks and skills are increased by 50%
ShootingMastery-Attack power of guns and heavy weapons and the skills involving them are increased by 50%

Leonard (Type 6)
HP   725
STR   75
QUI   50
INT   90
WIL   65
PSY   5
VIT   10
CHA   10
Def   60
WP   80
JP   0
LP   20

BigMissile: HP +150, STR +20, WIL +20   
BigMissile: HP +150, STR +20, WIL +20   
MemoryBoard: HP +100, QUI +20, INT +25 (initial equipment)
PoweredSuit: HP +100, STR +20, QUI +20   
LaserScope: HP +100, INT +20, WIL +20

Leonard is a special Type 6 Mech, who is always equipped with a BeamSword, RepairPack, and MiniPlant. Leonard comes initially equipped with a MemoryBoard, which is worth keeping for the INT boost that allows this mech to equip more skills. The rest of its equipment is storebought. Its skills are either innately equipped to its type or learned through Self-Development. It can equip up to 7 skills.

Equipment skills (does not take up a skill slot) :
BigMissile- Basic Missile attack
BeamSword-(2 WP) Single target attack. Damage increased by CombatMastery.  Does Blunt, Heat, and Force-type damage.
RepairPack-(0 WP) Restores 401 HP to one of your mecs.  Will miss if used on a non-Mec.

Active skills:
InterceptSystem-Counterattack a strike with missiles. Missiles do not need to be equipped to use this skill. Neither Combat nor ShootingMastery boost the damage done. Heat and Blunt-type damage.
PluralSlash-(5 WP) Very powerful attack against one target.  Must be equipped with a sword to use. Damage increased by CombatMastery.  Does Slashing, Heat, and Force-type damage.
EnergySupply-Restores 50 WP to a Mec ally. Comes out first like MagicHeal or Shield.
ShockSoldier-(8 WP) Attacks all enemies, but does not affect enemies that are floating. Damage increased by CombatMastery. Does Slashing, Blunt, and Piercing-type damage.
PopKnight-(10 WP) Attacks all enemies, even floating ones.  Does a bit more damage to floating enemies. Damage increased by CombatMastery.  Does Slashing, Blunt, and Piercing-type damage.
Shoot-All-(24 WP) Fires "all" equipped guns at one target.  Must be equipped with a Secret, Memory, Nakajima2, Nakajima, or Octopus Board to use in battle. Damage increased by ShootingMastery.  Only works with SuperMissile, BigMissile, MissilePod, DOBBY Bazooka, HyperionBazooka, HEAT Bazooka, LightBazooka, MachineVulcan, LightVulcan, JunkBazooka, RailCannon (Type 3 & 5), MicroMissile (Type 5 & 7), AT Missile (Type 3 & 5), and MachineVulcan (Type 6).  Damage-types vary according to fired weapons.
HypnoFlash-(2 WP) Puts all enemies to sleep.

Passive skills:
CombatMastery-Attack power of physical attacks and skills are increased by 50%
ShootingMastery-Attack power of guns and heavy weapons and the skills involving them are increased by 50%

« Last Edit: May 17, 2010, 07:00:07 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: SaGa Frontier (All PCs, Numeric Stats)
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2010, 04:34:53 AM »

Monsters don't have a lot of uniqueness among them, but this section is dedicated to showing what a typical monster can become by endgame by giving them high-level monster forms based on their starting abilities. Monsters can only equip accessories, so they are granted the use of four storebought or unique accessories in this section. In addition to their starting abilities and the additional abilities needed to attain higher-level forms, Monsters can utilize a wide range of abilities that other races don't have access to, giving them an interesting niche if you consider this.

Assist          2   Raises Stats       
BattleSong      3   Raises Attack Power for everyone                       
Beak            0   Physical Attack, Causes Blind             
BeetleJuice     4   Water Attack   
BoltBarrier     0   Sets up BoltBarrier, Counter with Lit. when Attacked
BoltBlast       5   Lightning Attack
BrainCrush      3   Physical Attack, Lowers Int.
CharmGaze       3   Causes Charm
Coils           5   Physical Attack, Causes Paralysis
CounterFear     0   Counters with Red Mess status ailment when attacked
Da-dum          1   Raises Str. and Quick for the whole team
DeadlyMoss      6   Causes Anger and Poison
DeathGaze       4   Instant Death
Deathsynthesis  0   Restores HP every round, only works on Undead
DeathTouch      4   Instant Death
ElfShot         1   Non-Elemental Attack, Lowers Will
Fang            0
FireBarrier     0   Sets up FireBarrier, Counter with Fire when Attacked
FireKiss        4   Steals HP, Causes Charm, No effect on Mecs
Flash           0   Blinds all Enemies
GaleAttack      3   Wind Attack on All Enemies
GasFlame        4   Fire Attack
GhostTouch      2   Steals HP, Lowers PSY, No effect on Mecs
GliderSpike     5   Wind Attack
GremlinTouch    2   Physical Attack, Extra damage on Mecs
GriffithScratch 7   Physical Attack, Causes Paralysis
GroundHit       5   Earth Attack, Causes Stun
Headbutt        5   Physical Attack, Causes Stun
Heal            0   Restores HP and Status
HPDrain         4   Steals HP, No effect on Mecs
Hypnotism       0   Causes Sleep
IceBarrier      0   Sets up IceBarrier, Counter with Ice when attacked
IceSmash        3   Ice Attack
Ignis           7   Fire Attack on All Enemies
IllStorm        4   Poisons all Enemies
Ink             1   Water Attack, Causes Blind
Kick            0
Kusanagi        3   Non-Elemental Attack
Kylin'sSong     3   Raises Int. and Quick for the whole team
LifeRain        4   Uses LP to restore allies HP
LightBall       2   Non-Elemental Attack on all Enemies, Causes Blind
LightningWeb    6   Lightning Attack on All Enemies
Lullaby         2   Puts all enemies to Sleep
Maelstrom       8   Water Attack on All Enemies, May cause instant death
MagicHeal       5   Restores HP and Status
MagneticStorm   7   Physical Attack on All Enemies, Extra Damage on Mecs
MightyCyclone   6   Physical Attack, Causes Stun
MinionStrike    6   Physical Attack on All Enemies
Needles         0
Oscillation     8   Powerful Sonic attack on all enemies
PainPowder      2   Non-Elemental Attack, Causes Blind
Petrify         6   Physical Attack, Causes Petrify
Pheremone       4   Non-Elemental Attack, Causes Charm and Poison
Photosynthesis  0   Restores HP every round, only works in sunlight
PoisonMist      5   Causes Poison and Blind
PoisonNeedle    5   Physical Attack, Causes Poison
PsyReflector    0   Reflects basic magic back to the caster
Quake           6   Earth Attack on All Enemies
SacredSong      6   Holy Attack on All Enemies
SadSong         3   Lowers Strength, no effect on Mecs or Undead Monsters
Scream          4   Sonic Attack, Causes Blue Mess
Seduction       3   Causes Charm on All Enemies
Silf            5   Holy Attack
Siren           7   Sonic Attack on All Enemies, Lowers Will
SphinxRiddle    7   Causes Petrify
SpiderNet       1   Lowers Quick
Spoil           2   Lowers Stats
Stampede        4   Physical Attack on All Enemies
StoneGas        6   Non-Elemental Attack, Causes Petrify
TailHit         3   Physical Attack, Causes Stun
Thunderbolt     3   Lightning Attack
TigerRampage    8
TitasWave       6   Sonic attack, Causes Stun
Tornado         5   Wind Attack, Causes Stun
Tremor          5   Earth Attack on All Enemies, Causes Stun
TripGas         4   Causes Anger
Windblast       5   Wind Attack on All Enemies
Wing            1   Wind Attack

All Monsters' base forms are included for those who consider only a Monster's original form to be unique.

Riki (Black Dragon) (Lummox)
HP   810   (60)
STR   99   (18)
QUI   73   (18)
INT   49   (8)
WIL   64   (8)
PSY   79   (8)
VIT   102   (18)
CHA   79   (18)
Def   69   (10)
WP   182   (16)
JP   96   (12)
LP   8   (10)

RING/Thief (QUI+10, Hides Team)   
RING/Merchant (CHA+10, MT Charm status)   
RING/Fighter (STR+10, ATK buff)   
RING/Healer (VIT+10, Restores HP MT)

Riki starts with the skills Tail, TailHit, and Heal available. The best endgame form that uses any of these skills is the BlackDragon, which also requires absorbing the skills Fang and StoneGas. Riki's chapter is the only one where the Ring accessories can be obtained, so Riki has claim to these.

TailHit - 3 WP - Physical Attack, Causes Stun
Tail - 1 WP - Physical Attack, Causes Stun
Heal - 0 WP - Restores HP and Status
StoneGas - 6 WP - Non-Elemental Attack, Causes Petrify
Fang - 0 WP - Physical Attack

RING/Guardian - Raises Defense for all allies
RING/Hermit - Cures all Status
RING/Merchant - Charms All Enemies
RING/Thief - Hides team
RING/Healer - Restores all allies' HP
RING/Hero - Locks Status
RING/Schemer - Causes random status ailments on enemies
RING/Fighter - Raises ATK Power
RING/Lord - Restores JP & WP

Thunder (OgreLord) (Ogre)
HP   888   (120)
STR   79   (36)
QUI   46   (16)
INT   48   (16)
WIL   37   (12)
PSY   44   (25)
VIT   78   (24)
CHA   29   (6)
Def   51   (20)
WP   122   (40)
JP   66   (28)
LP   10   (10)

BloodChalice(Def+1,Psy+5, blocks ID)

Thunder starts with the skills Feint, GroundHit, Dash, and BoltBreath available. The best endgame form that uses any of these skills is the OgreLord, which also requires absorbing the skill Thunderbolt. Note that the RockScout is another possibly useful endgame form, but I went with OgreLord as the default due to its clear relation to Thunder's starting form.

GroundHit 5 WP - Earth Attack, Causes Stun
Dash - 2 WP - Physical Attack
Feint - 1 WP - Causes Stun
BoltBreath - 2 WP - Lightning Attack
Thunderbolt - 3 WP - Lightning Attack

Cotton (Manticore) (Tidi)
HP   844   (180)
STR   74   (27)
QUI   46   (36)
INT   31   (12)
WIL   48   (22)
PSY   25   (18)
VIT   48   (16)
CHA   29   (21)
Def   38   (28)
WP   104   (46)
JP   54   (20)
LP   6   (7)

BloodChalice(Def+1,Psy+5, blocks ID)

Cotton starts with the skills Assist, Heal, Needles, and SuperSonic available. The best endgame form that uses any of these skills is the Manticore, which requires absorbing no additional skills.

Assist - 2 WP - Raises Stats       
Needles - 0 WP - Physical attack
Heal - 0 WP - Restores HP and Status
SuperSonic - 2 WP - Sonic Attack

Slime (BigSlime) (Slime)
HP   684   (90)
STR   22   (19)
QUI   8   (11)
INT   9   (7)
WIL   23   (22)
PSY   29   (29)
VIT   30   (28)
CHA   4   (4)
Def   21   (20)
WP   26   (26)
JP   32   (28)
LP   8   (10)

BloodChalice(Def+1,Psy+5, blocks ID)

Slime starts with the skills Solvent, HPDrain, and Spoil available. The best endgame form that uses any of these skills is the BigSlime, which requires absorbing no additional skills.

HPDrain - 4 WP - Steals HP, No effect on Mecs
Solvent - 0 WP -  Water Attack
Spoil - 2 WP - Lowers Stats

RedTurnip (Kraken) (Mandrake)
HP   999   (110)
STR   88   (28)
QUI   59   (20)
INT   62   (25)
WIL   53   (32)
PSY   38   (34)
VIT   97   (23)
CHA   56   (25)
Def   23   (24)
WP   166   (32)
JP   74   (10)
LP   8   (10)

BloodChalice(Def+1,Psy+5, blocks ID)

RedTurnip starts with the skills Bloodsucker, BrainCrush, SleepGas, Fang, SeedVulcan, Scream, Ink, and ElfShot available. The best endgame form that uses any of these skills is the amazing Kraken, which also requires absorbing the additional skills Maelstrom and MightyCyclone.

Bloodsucker - 1 WP - Steals HP - No effect on Mecs
BrainCrush - 3 WP - Physical Attack, Lowers Int.
ElfShot - 1 WP - Non-Elemental Attack, Lowers Will
Fang - 0 WP - Physical Attack
Ink - 1 WP - Water Attack, Causes Blind
Scream - 4 WP - Sonic Attack, Causes Blue Mess
SeedVulcan - 1 WP - Physical Attack
SleepGas - 2 WP - Puts all Enemies to Sleep
Maelstrom - 8 WP - Water Attack on All Enemies, May cause instant death
MightyCyclone - 6 WP - Physical Attack, Causes Stun

King Sei (Dullahan) (Death Knight)
HP   892   (240)
STR   99   (52)
QUI   87   (39)
INT   61   (34)
WIL   72   (40)
PSY   59   (39)
VIT   80   (44)
CHA   79   (40)
Def   58   (39)
WP   198   (99)
JP   98   (66)
LP   4   (4)

BloodChalice(Def+1,Psy+5, blocks ID)

King Sei starts with the skills Kusanagi, MinionStrike, DeathSynthesis, HPDrain, and SacredSong available. The best endgame form that uses any of these skills is the awesome Dullahan, which also requires absorbing the additional skills Siren, Stampede, Thrust, and Trample.

Deathsynthesis - 0 WP - Passive, Restores HP every round, only works on Undead
HPDrain - 4 WP - Steals HP, No effect on Mecs
Kusanagi - 3 WP - Non-Elemental Attack
MinionStrike - 6 WP - Physical Attack on All Enemies
SacredSong - 6 WP - Holy Attack on All Enemies
Siren - 7 WP - Sonic Attack on All Enemies, Lowers Will
Stampede - 4 WP - Physical Attack on All Enemies
Thrust - 0 WP - Physical Attack
Trample - 4 WP - Physical Attack

Suzaku (SuzakuJr.)
HP   943
STR   72
QUI   85
INT   56
WIL   71
PSY   73
VIT   64
CHA   80
Def   54
WP   108
JP   0
LP   8

BloodChalice(Def+1,Psy+5, blocks ID)

Suzaku starts with the skills FireBreath, FireBarrier, Wing, and GliderSpike available. His initial form, the unique SuzakuJr., is already a decent endgame form, so it's a good representation of his usefulness. The GriffinJr. form is a slightly more powerful generic alternative, though.

Wing - 1 WP - Anti-Air Attack
FireBarrier - 0 WP - Sets up FireBarrier status, Counter with Fire when Attacked
FireBreath - 3 WP - Fire Attack
GliderSpike - 5 WP - Anti-Air Attack

Kylin (KylinJr.)
HP   888
STR   62
QUI   76
INT   90
WIL   48
PSY   75
VIT   41
CHA   82
Def   53
WP   164
JP   108
LP   5

BloodChalice(Def+1,Psy+5, blocks ID)

Kylin starts with the skills Kylin'sSong and Photosynthesis available, as well as the Gift of Space Magic. His initial form, the unique KylinJr., is already a decent endgame form, and the only way he has access to his Space Magic spells, so it's a good representation of his usefulness.

Kylin'sSong - 3 WP - Raises Int. and Quick for the whole team
Photosynthesis - 0 WP - Passive, Restores HP every round, only works in sunlight

Space Magic:
LightShift - 1 JP - Weather effect, makes the field Daylight. (Regen for those with Photosynthesis)
DarkShift - 1 JP - Weather effect, makes the field Night time. (Regen for those with Deathsynthesis)
VaporBlast - 1 JP - Basic Magic Attack, ST
Vanish - 3 JP - Instant Death, ST
Vortex - 3 JP - Cancels all status effects, MT Ally/Enemy
ReverseGravity - 6 JP - Gravity Attack, Causes Stun, MT

« Last Edit: May 17, 2010, 06:39:09 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: SaGa Frontier (All PCs, Numeric Stats)
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2010, 04:37:23 AM »
I'm listing all PCs for each metric. I personally allow Mecs and Monsters into the averages at their best, but I'm also including averages for Humans-only (basic class that matters most of the time), Humans+Mystics-only (These are the only Ranked PCs besides T260G), and Full-Cast-with-Base-form-Monsters (closest to Meeple's original topic).

Full-Cast Average: 775.4
Full-cast Average (Base Form Monsters): 661.8
Human-only Average: 708.4
Human+Mystic-only Average: 754

999   Zozma
999   RedTurnip
943   Suzaku
902   Gen
902   Mesarthim
892   King Sei
888   Thunder
888   Kylin
883   Ildon
882   Dr. Nusakan
872   Red
858   Capt. Hamilton
852   Silence
850   T260-OmegaBody
844   Cotton
832   Annie
820   Fei-on
811   Fuse
810   Riki
800   BJ&K
800   PzkwV
782   Lute
775   Rabbit
765   White Rose
750   TimeLord
735   Roufas
726   Asellus
725   Leonard
687   Rei
684   Slime
624   Emelia
623   Liza
620   EngineerCar
600   ZEKE
544   Doll
502   Blue
502   Rouge
494   Mei-Ling

Full-Cast Average: 60.5
Full-cast Average (Base Form Monsters): 53.1
Human-only Average: 53.6
Human+Mystic-only Average: 59

99   Fei-on
99   Riki
99   King Sei
94   Gen
92   Dr. Nusakan
88   RedTurnip
87   Liza
87   Mesarthim
79   Red
79   Thunder
76   Annie
76   White Rose
75   Fuse
75   Leonard
74   Cotton
72   Suzaku
70   ZEKE
70   EngineerCar
68   Ildon
62   Kylin
61   Silence
60   T260-OmegaBody
59   Zozma
55   TimeLord
53   Capt. Hamilton
49   Rei
47   Asellus
47   Lute
46   Roufas
30   PzkwV
26   Doll
25   Rabbit
25   BJ&K
23   Emelia
22   Slime
19   Blue
19   Rouge
13   Mei-Ling

Full Cast Average: 68.9
Full-cast Average (Base Form Monsters): 64.2
Human-only Average: 58.2
Human+Mystic-only Average: 67

99   T260-OmegaBody
99   Rabbit
99   ZEKE
97   Emelia
95   BJ&K
93   Mesarthim
91   TimeLord
87   Zozma
87   King Sei
85   Suzaku
83   Dr. Nusakan
83   White Rose
82   Silence
81   Rei
79   Ildon
76   Fei-on
76   Kylin
75   PzkwV
73   Riki
71   Liza
70   EngineerCar
64   Doll
62   Capt. Hamilton
61   Mei-Ling
61   Roufas
59   RedTurnip
57   Gen
56   Annie
51   Red
50   Leonard
47   Fuse
46   Blue
46   Rouge
46   Thunder
46   Cotton
44   Asellus
34   Lute
8   Slime

Full Cast Average: 52.8
Full-cast Average (Base Form Monsters): 48.7
Human-only Average: 37.6
Human+Mystic-only Average: 53

90   Rei
90   Leonard
90   Kylin
88   Blue
88   Rouge
85   White Rose
84   Dr. Nusakan
84   Zozma
80   Ildon
79   TimeLord
76   Mesarthim
74   Silence
67   Doll
67   T260-OmegaBody
62   RedTurnip
61   King Sei
57   Mei-Ling
57   Roufas
56   Suzaku
55   BJ&K
55   EngineerCar
50   Rabbit
49   Riki
48   Thunder
45   ZEKE
40   Fuse
39   Capt. Hamilton
31   Cotton
30   Emelia
27   Asellus
25   PzkwV
20   Liza
12   Fei-on
11   Red
10   Lute
9   Annie
9   Slime
8   Gen

Full Cast Average: 56.3
Full-cast Average (Base Form Monsters): 52.1
Human-only Average: 48.7
Human+Mystic-only Average: 51

99   BJ&K
99   PzkwV
85   Rabbit
83   Blue
83   Rouge
77   Emelia
75   EngineerCar
72   King Sei
71   Suzaku
70   T260-OmegaBody
65   Leonard
64   Ildon
64   Riki
62   TimeLord
61   Doll
61   Mei-Ling
59   White Rose
57   Rei
56   Dr. Nusakan
55   Fuse
55   ZEKE
54   Capt. Hamilton
54   Roufas
53   RedTurnip
52   Mesarthim
49   Silence
49   Zozma
48   Cotton
48   Kylin
43   Asellus
37   Thunder
34   Annie
32   Red
31   Fei-on
25   Liza
23   Gen
23   Slime
14   Lute

Full Cast Average: 42.6
Full-cast Average (Base Form Monsters): 39.4
Human-only Average: 34.0
Human+Mystic-only Average: 48

90   White Rose
86   Dr. Nusakan
84   Mesarthim
80   Blue
80   Rouge
79   Riki
75   Kylin
73   Suzaku
71   Ildon
70   Zozma
69   TimeLord
66   Rei
65   Asellus
62   Silence
59   King Sei
44   Thunder
43   Fuse
42   Mei-Ling
38   Doll
38   RedTurnip
30   Roufas
30   Rabbit
29   Slime
28   Capt. Hamilton
25   BJ&K
25   Cotton
20   T260-OmegaBody
19   Emelia
18   Fei-on
18   Liza
15   Annie
13   Lute
12   Gen
9   Red
5   EngineerCar
5   Leonard
1   ZEKE
1   PzkwV

Full Cast Average: 43.4
Full-cast Average (Base Form Monsters): 36.0
Human-only Average: 45.7
Human+Mystic-only Average: 44

99   Riki
97   RedTurnip
80   King Sei
78   Thunder
72   Fei-on
72   Gen
70   Capt. Hamilton
65   Red
64   Suzaku
57   Annie
55   Emelia
55   Dr. Nusakan
55   White Rose
51   Liza
51   Mesarthim
48   Roufas
48   Lute
48   Cotton
44   Fuse
41   Kylin
37   TimeLord
36   Doll
36   Silence
33   Ildon
33   Zozma
30   PzkwV
30   Slime
29   Asellus
28   Rei
20   Mei-Ling
20   T260-OmegaBody
15   EngineerCar
10   Rabbit
10   BJ&K
10   Leonard
8   Blue
8   Rouge
5   ZEKE

Full Cast Average: 34.4
Full-cast Average (Base Form Monsters): 30.1
Human-only Average: 27.8
Human+Mystic-only Average: 34

82   Kylin
80   Suzaku
79   Riki
79   King Sei
58   Rei
56   RedTurnip
53   White Rose
50   Zozma
47   Asellus
45   Ildon
43   Lute
43   Mesarthim
41   Emelia
41   Dr. Nusakan
41   Silence
39   Doll
37   TimeLord
35   Roufas
29   Thunder
29   Cotton
28   Annie
27   Blue
27   Rouge
25   Mei-Ling
21   Capt. Hamilton
20   Fuse
20   Liza
20   T260-OmegaBody
20   Rabbit
17   Red
15   Fei-on
11   Gen
10   ZEKE
10   BJ&K
10   PzkwV
10   Leonard
5   EngineerCar
4   Slime

...Hah, just kidding. SaGa Frontier damage formulas aren't cracked yet. You'll have to wait.

Full-Cast Average: 775.4
Full-cast Average (Base Form Monsters): 661.8
Human-only Average: 708.4
Human+Mystic-only Average: 754

Full-Cast Average: 60.5
Full-cast Average (Base Form Monsters): 53.1
Human-only Average: 53.6
Human+Mystic-only Average: 59

Full Cast Average: 68.9
Full-cast Average (Base Form Monsters): 64.2
Human-only Average: 58.2
Human+Mystic-only Average: 67

Full Cast Average: 52.8
Full-cast Average (Base Form Monsters): 48.7
Human-only Average: 37.6
Human+Mystic-only Average: 53

Full Cast Average: 56.3
Full-cast Average (Base Form Monsters): 52.1
Human-only Average: 48.7
Human+Mystic-only Average: 51

Full Cast Average: 42.6
Full-cast Average (Base Form Monsters): 39.4
Human-only Average: 34.0
Human+Mystic-only Average: 48

Full Cast Average: 43.4
Full-cast Average (Base Form Monsters): 36.0
Human-only Average: 45.7
Human+Mystic-only Average: 44

Full Cast Average: 34.4
Full-cast Average (Base Form Monsters): 30.1
Human-only Average: 27.8
Human+Mystic-only Average: 34

Full Cast Average: 56.2
Full-cast Average (Base Form Monsters): 53.1
Human-only Average: 60.1
Human+Mystic-only Average: 57

WP (Physical skill MP)
Full Cast Average: 93.9
Full-cast Average (Base Form Monsters): 79.8
Human-only Average: 106.7
Human+Mystic-only Average: 90

JP (Magical skill MP)
Full Cast Average: 64.6
Full-cast Average (Base Form Monsters): 57.8
Human-only Average: 65.6
Human+Mystic-only Average: 84
« Last Edit: May 17, 2010, 05:26:47 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: SaGa Frontier (All PCs, Numeric Stats)
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2010, 04:38:52 AM »


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Re: SaGa Frontier (All PCs, Numeric Stats)
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2010, 03:09:40 PM »
I've never see any human PC break 900 HP before. 850ish is the highest I've seen.
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
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Re: SaGa Frontier (All PCs, Numeric Stats)
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2010, 03:44:10 PM »
Grind moar.

In other news - I love you and want to marry you, Djinn.  Do you have a calculation procedure for doing hard-style damage numbers? 
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: SaGa Frontier (All PCs, Numeric Stats)
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2010, 04:00:33 AM »
Since the 'ideal' playthrough assumes that Fei-On will fight exactly 200 battles (this is only possible in a vaccuum, since there's no way to get Fei-On without fighting -anything- beforehand, but this is a theoretical topic); he is most likely to gain 31% of 200 possible points of STR.

This seems like arbitrarily boosting the stats of people who join later because they somehow fight the same number of battles.  It's like saying a character who joins at L35 halfway through a game that has endgame L70 still gets 70 levels and ends up at L105 (well okay, maybe only 50 levels due to EXP-to-level scaling, but that doesn't change the point).

Also if there's an enemy stat up cap at 75, then once a character hits 76, they should still be considered hitting things with 75 stat up.

Also don't agree with giving monsters storebought accessories just because they can't equip anything else.

Don't remember how monster transformation worked in this game, so can't really comment there.

That all said, great job here.  Been looking for a much more accurate SaGa Frontier stat topic for awhile and you've got a really good start here.  Have fun with damages!


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Re: SaGa Frontier (All PCs, Numeric Stats)
« Reply #11 on: May 18, 2010, 04:13:22 AM »
Since the 'ideal' playthrough assumes that Fei-On will fight exactly 200 battles (this is only possible in a vaccuum, since there's no way to get Fei-On without fighting -anything- beforehand, but this is a theoretical topic); he is most likely to gain 31% of 200 possible points of STR.

This seems like arbitrarily boosting the stats of people who join later because they somehow fight the same number of battles.  It's like saying a character who joins at L35 halfway through a game that has endgame L70 still gets 70 levels and ends up at L105 (well okay, maybe only 50 levels due to EXP-to-level scaling, but that doesn't change the point).

Also if there's an enemy stat up cap at 75, then once a character hits 76, they should still be considered hitting things with 75 stat up.

The problem as you probably know is that every character in the game has pre-determined statistics no matter "when" in relative terms you get them to join, so what exactly happens to those people?


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Re: SaGa Frontier (All PCs, Numeric Stats)
« Reply #12 on: May 18, 2010, 04:18:28 AM »
Assume approximately how many battles they would fight if they were recruited at earliest possible time.  So if the first time you can recruit character X is a quarter of the way into the game, they fight 150 battles.


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Re: SaGa Frontier (All PCs, Numeric Stats)
« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2010, 07:16:08 AM »
But the game length is variable too...

How do you determine a quarter of "This game could take anywhere from 5 to 40 hours"?

It should be noted that this really only applies to Fei-On and Doll. They are the only humans who can't be recruited after an opening scene or starting the right quest.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2010, 07:18:42 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: SaGa Frontier (All PCs, Numeric Stats)
« Reply #14 on: May 18, 2010, 08:52:41 AM »
I don't understand what you mean.

If you fight around 50 battles before getting character X and about 200 more battles before the final boss, then character X is gotten around the 20% point.  I wouldn't do it by hours since hours have nothing to do with how the characters level up: battles do.

Unless you mean because different paths have different lengths, then just use the one they can get recruited earliest in, compared to the path length.


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Re: SaGa Frontier (All PCs, Numeric Stats)
« Reply #15 on: May 18, 2010, 03:27:55 PM »
Unless you mean because different paths have different lengths, then just use the one they can get recruited earliest in, compared to the path length.

He's saying everyone other than Fei-on and Doll has a path in which they can be gotten right at the start, I think


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Re: SaGa Frontier (All PCs, Numeric Stats)
« Reply #16 on: May 18, 2010, 08:24:25 PM »
Then it only matters for Fei-On and Doll, but it DOES matter for them.


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Re: SaGa Frontier (All PCs, Numeric Stats)
« Reply #17 on: May 19, 2010, 01:26:09 AM »
Actually can't Fei On be recruited right away in Emelia's quest after she completes her "starting senario"? She has a rune already so she can access Fei=ons dungeon if she starts the rune quest, which requires no battles to start.

She might have to do the sewer "mission" first, but I think you can avoid battling there.


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Re: SaGa Frontier (All PCs, Numeric Stats)
« Reply #18 on: May 19, 2010, 02:24:11 AM »
Oh, that's right. I rarely use Fei-On, so I never bother getting him that early. Thanks for reminding me. Yeah, so it only applies to Doll, who is only in Red's story anyway, so that should make it easier to figure out how many battles you could have encountered before getting her.

With characters that are available in multiple paths, it's little weirder because different paths are different lengths, and you still have the question of whether or not to include the Magic quests... and how many. I went with 200 battles as a reasonable average of multiple playthroughs, but when you try to dissect it too closely to figure out how many battles is actually reasonable for a single path and a single PC... it's much more messy and the figure may not apply as accurately.

Take Fei-On, since we're talking about him. In Asellus, Riki, Red, and T260G's paths, you have to fight their opening battles before you can start the Rune Quest to get to Tanzer so you can get Fei-On. In Blue and Lute's paths, you can start the Rune Quest immediately, but you have to get at least one Rune before you can go to Tanzer to get Fei-On, which implies battling. In Emelia's path, you can go to Tanzer right after her opening sequence (which has some battles, and all but one is avoidable). Once you get him in one of the paths, though, then you have a question of how many -more- battles are there? Red and Riki have pretty long paths that follow (probably more than 200 battles worth). Asellus, T260G, and Emelia have more average-length paths (with roughly 200 battles total). Blue's path is variable in length due to being able to pick your favorite Magic Quests (and whether or not the credits rolling after the Rouge duel counts as 'over'). Lute's path is really really short, with far less the average 200 battles, unless you include the Magic Quests. And all of the paths have the option of including the Magic Quests or not, which are basically the main meat of the game itself, despite being optional.

Does this help explain why I would want to just use an average number of battles and ignore 'later-joining on average PCs should fight fewer-than-average battles'?


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Re: SaGa Frontier (All PCs, Numeric Stats)
« Reply #19 on: May 19, 2010, 04:50:50 AM »
Assume approximately how many battles they would fight if they were recruited at earliest possible time.  So if the first time you can recruit character X is a quarter of the way into the game, they fight 150 battles.

There is one more problem is saying this. As the predetermined states is not scaled toward when they join. Rather, how many cycles you play the game.


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Re: SaGa Frontier (All PCs, Numeric Stats)
« Reply #20 on: May 19, 2010, 04:55:20 AM »
Yeah, there is that. But I just assumed 0 previous playthroughs (or finishing the previous playthrough at a low battle rank - same result) for base stats for all PCs.


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Re: SaGa Frontier (All PCs, Numeric Stats)
« Reply #21 on: May 19, 2010, 08:56:55 PM »
The best way to do it would be to get stats for every path.  That's a lot of work, so it's why I'm not suggesting that in practice.

Here's what I'm saying.

Assume character X can be recruited after 50 battles in path A where there are 250 battles total, as well as after 45 battles in path B where there are 200 battles total.  In path A, that's 20% in, while in path B that's 22.5% in.  Despite path B being earlier in number of battles, character X is "earlier" in path A, so use that one.

Now you used an endgame of 200 battles.  So character X is assumed to fight 80% of 200 battles: 160.  Use that.

I'm not arguing against your "just use 200 battles path lengths be damned" part, just the fact that if a PC is forced to join later than "right away", then they should not get the benefit of fighting stuff when they weren't even around.  Like my example earlier, it's like saying someone joins at L35 midway through the game gets the same 60 levels or whatever as the people who joined at L1 in the beginning.  No, they're all taken at L60, because the rest of your party would be at around L35 there too!  It's the same thing here, people are going to have more than their starting stats when they meet character X.


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Re: SaGa Frontier (All PCs, Numeric Stats)
« Reply #22 on: May 20, 2010, 03:22:25 AM »
Tala, the example you use doesn't work. As stated before, SF does not scale your character's state against hour game progress.
There is no character with lv.35 that joins in mid way in SF, it is impossible.
Because this is assuming that the character has a level scaled up to lv.35 because you already progress into the mid game.

In SF, the states are scaled against how many cycle of games you played and there is a threshold on how high their base states can be. And if using their first cycle states, they always have the minimum of the predetermined states. In other words, it is VP1 hard mode, assuming you use first cycle states, everyone starts with lv.1 regardless when they join, and the only way to have every character to get a fair share of states is to have them all fight identical amount of fights.

BTW, Djinn, does enemy rank affects state up rates?


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Re: SaGa Frontier (All PCs, Numeric Stats)
« Reply #23 on: May 20, 2010, 11:01:48 AM »
Tala, the example you use doesn't work. As stated before, SF does not scale your character's state against hour game progress.
There is no character with lv.35 that joins in mid way in SF, it is impossible.
Because this is assuming that the character has a level scaled up to lv.35 because you already progress into the mid game.

In SF, the states are scaled against how many cycle of games you played and there is a threshold on how high their base states can be. And if using their first cycle states, they always have the minimum of the predetermined states. In other words, it is VP1 hard mode, assuming you use first cycle states, everyone starts with lv.1 regardless when they join, and the only way to have every character to get a fair share of states is to have them all fight identical amount of fights.

BTW, Djinn, does enemy rank affects state up rates?

Most Human PCs start with relatively similar base stats. Lute's and Meilin's are notably worse than most. Captain Hamilton's and Fei-On's are notably a little higher.

Enemy rank affects stat growth more than anything else in the game actually. But because that's not unique to any PC, I just set these equal to whatever the PC's current stat was to essentially null out the bonus that Enemy rank grants. Instead these stats reflect a PC's innate growth rate at its maximum effectiveness.


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Re: SaGa Frontier (All PCs, Numeric Stats)
« Reply #24 on: May 20, 2010, 07:43:02 PM »
Also as a sidenote (though obvious at this point), Timelord far prefers GriffithScratch over MagicHeal, just for his typical "I Overdrive and explode you before you act" schtick.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.