
Author Topic: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win  (Read 62782 times)


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Re: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win
« Reply #500 on: June 05, 2010, 09:20:59 AM »
[22:53] <Snowflame> Roukan, you around?
[22:55] <Snowflame> Also, Excal, if a NORMAL doublevoter voted / unvoted in the same post, would there be any indication of this in the votecount?
[22:56] <Roukan> GAH
[22:56] <Snowflame> Gah?
[22:56] <Roukan> I just voted you because I'm about to go to sleep, gonna hang around to see if there's a rebellion vote on Tai/Zenny
[22:56] <Snowflame> If Bard lets us test this out that's great, my anonyvote isn't connected to my vote at all.
[22:56] <Snowflame> What?!
[22:57] <Snowflame> PLEASE UNVOTE
[22:57] <Snowflame> That means in LYLO one of us is scum!
[22:57] <Snowflame> Like, unvote now!
[22:57] <Snowflame> AHHHHHHHh!
[22:57] <Roukan> I DON'T HAVE A CHOICE
[22:57] <Snowflame> Second thoughts, don't even have to say anything.
[22:57] <Snowflame> Yes you do!
[22:57] <Snowflame> Please!
[22:57] <Snowflame> We have this game!
[22:57] <Snowflame> No!
[22:57] <Snowflame> Taishyr is gone!
[22:57] <Snowflame> He's ragequit!
[22:57] <Roukan> WHAT
[22:57] <Snowflame> He's an easy target!
[22:57] <Snowflame> YEs!
[22:57] <Snowflame> He said he's taking his toys and going home!
[22:57] <Snowflame> Please unvote!
[22:57] <Roukan> FUCK
[22:58] <Roukan> EXcAL RESPONDED
[22:58] <Snowflame> We have this totally in the bag!
[22:58] <Roukan> DID I JUST THROW THE GAME
<@Tanaka> You just have this aura in mafia that reminds me of a big eyed cute innocent puppy


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Re: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win
« Reply #501 on: June 05, 2010, 09:27:11 AM »
Hey lookit that I was right on the ball with doublevote shenanigans. :V


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Re: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win
« Reply #502 on: June 05, 2010, 10:55:57 AM »
Man I was totally right, again. And I totally dropped the ball, again.



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Re: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win
« Reply #503 on: June 05, 2010, 12:27:50 PM »
Alright, before I sleep, let's get the setup out there.


Arf! Arf!  You're the famed star of destiny, Koroku!  You may just be a dog, but that doesn't mean you're useless!  Each night you can wander the castle and give one special person a strawberry!  A gift that is sure to raise their spirits and grant them new powers!  As a member of the DL, you win with the Town!

tl;dr You are a Town Dog.
Each night, you can pick one person to give a Strawberry to.

Recruitment: <7
P: Strawberry Gift - Power up one target.
P+: Doggy Dance - Double Power up one target.
P++: Stars of Destiny - Double Power for one night, Powered up for rest of Game.
P-: Bad Fish - Power down one Target

Jin Shirato

So this is what it comes to.  Never really managed to get out of the background back on the Tatsumi Port Island, and can't get out of it here in the DL either.  But like hell if you'll just lay down and die now that you're at the mercy of those madmen.  So that means you'll have to figure out what's up.  Sadly, most of your contacts are dry, but unlike everyone else, you can stay active when the Dark Hour hits, which means you can keep talking when the others can't.  And there might be some more things you can do...  if you can just remember how.  Regardless, you're aligned with the Town, so you need to make sure they win.

tl;dr You are a Town Persona-User.
Each night you can talk.

Jin Shirato
Recruitment: <11
P: Dark Hour - Can talk in the night phase.
P+: Undying Persona - Bulletproof for night.
P++: Awaken Persona - Bulletproof and can pick someone else to talk at night for rest of game.
P-: Addiction - Become Vanilla until powered up.


You're Radius, famed knight of Termina.  Or at least...  you used to be..  you think.  Your mind isn't really as sharp as it used to be now that you're in your old age.  Of course, age has its benefits.  For example, you're an exquisite judge of character.  One good look is all you need to know where a man stands.  So each night you can give one person a good looking over, and hope you can remember what it is you found out come morning.  Also, as a man of the law, you're definately with the town and win when they do.

tl;dr You are a Town Amnesiac Cop.
Each night, pick one target to investigate.

Recruitment: <7
P: Sane Cop investigation, forget result.
P+: Sane Cop investigation, remember result
P++: Sane Cop investigation, remember all results
P-: Insane Investigation, remember result.


As the famed Raja, you flew in straight from Dezolis, and boy are your arms tired.  Man, the only thing colder than the reaction to your jokes is this situation you've found yourself in.  Bacon Boy and the Self-Help Kid seem to have locked you all up until you've dealt with some doubtless adoring fans.  Well, they couldn't have found a better man for the job!  You're not only Town aligned, but you're also a capable doctor, able to guard whoever you like with your Res techniques, and able to raise their spirits with your find sense of humour!  Regardless, you win when the impostors are all hunted down.

tl;dr You are a Town Doctor
Each night, pick one target to protect.

Recruitment: <7
P: Res - Doc one target
P+: Ataraxia - Power up one target and Doc them.
P++: Holy Word - Vig target scum, or Doc target Town.
P-: Arows  - Vanilla for a night

Balk Fenzol

You are Balk Fenzol, a loyal agent of the church, and a member of one of the more popular games in the DL.  So you'd think you wouldn't have fallen so low as to be at the mercy of those two.  But, it seems you have, and so you'll have to use whatever tricks you have available in order to get out of this.  Fortunately, you've got dirty tricks aplenty, starting with your trusty Mosfungus Poison, which may not be lethal, but it can weaken your opponents, leaving them unable to act against you as effectively.  Of course, despite being an unpleasent sort, you know the value of teamwork, and so you're happily Town aligned, and win when the imposters are dealt with.

tl;dr You are a Town Poisoner
Each night, pick one target to poison.

Recruitment: <9
P: Mosfungus Poison - Power Down one Target
P+: Poison Patch - Roleblock one target.
P++: Holy Avenger - Gain Vigilante for the night.
P-: Mosfungus Potion?! - Power up one target.


You are Vinsfeld, and with the power of your PURE IDEALS!!! you cannot lose.  After all, who else is better suited to deal with Extra-Dimentional invaders than you are?  Your power, such as it is, is the bolstering power of your PURE IDEALS which will inspire one target each night.  Naturally, you win with the town.

tl;dr  You are a Town Terrorist.
Each night, pick one person to inspire.

Recruitment: <9
P: PURE IDEALS! - Power up one target.
P+: Telepath Tower - Power up one target and give them a PM
P++: Undying Beliefs - Gain one shot survival, lasts until used.
P-: ARMS Raid - Lose ability to unvote.


You're Matthew.  You came around here as part of the first Fire Emblem invasion, and have languished in the shadows ever since, forgotten by the masses and without a match to your name.  But you're ok with that.  After all, spies work best from the shadows.  And in a situation like this, no one is better suited to finish the job than a spy.  Naturally, you're aligned with Town, and win when they do.  However, as part of your services to town, each night you can target one person and call in some favours (even if they didn't know they owed you favours, you're good at convincing people they do) and prevent them from targetting you.  This may have a greater effect if the person targetted is not on your team, but it's hard to be sure of that.

tl;dr  You are a Town Thief
Each night, pick one person, that person cannot target you.

Recruitment: <7
P: Favours Owed - Pick one target, they cannot target you that night.
P+: Master Spy - Pick one target, you watch where they go.
P++: Shadow - Gain Tracker and Bulletproof.
P-: Failed Favour - Pick one target, they target you.


You're the almighty All-Father, Odin!  Of course, in your omnipotence, you're sitting here in this fix because you want to be...  yes, it's certainly not because you couldn't deal with those two bullies keeping you all locked in here.  That, and everyone knows All-Fathers love themselves a good puzzle.  So, despite being completely able to solve this in a flash with your wonderful powers, you choose not to.  Yes, that's the ticket.  Regardless, you're with the Town, so you win when you've puzzled out who the intruders are.

tl;dr  You are Town Aligned Beloved All-Father!
Each night you choose to do nothing.

Recruitment: <9
P: All-Father's Rest - Vanilla
P+: Water Mirror - Gain Watcher for the Night
P++: Ruler of the Aesir - Gain Watcher for the Night and one use of Governor
P-: Beloved All-Father - Gain Beloved Princess Status for the night.


You are Rolf.  Despite being a somewhat notable Godlike you've somehow still found yourself here.  Maybe it's the fact that you're very quiet.  Regardless, while you probably could leave if you wanted to, there's a bit of work here to be done.  Not to mention that with this many lights around, bad things would likely happen if you busted out the Megid's that'd be needed to get out of here.  So, you'll lay low, since you figure you'll draw too much attention from the murderers if you let them know you were here, and just use your powers when a chance opens itself up.  Which means, most of the time you'll be using your words alone.

tl;dr  You are Vanilla Town

Rolf - Not in 11
Recruitment: <9
P: Home, Sweet, Home - Vanilla
P+: Gires - Doctor one target with no backlash.
P++: Neiblade - Become bullet proof and bodyguard one target.
P-: Megid - Kill target, power down everyone. OPG, not in LYLO.


You are Thomas.  Despite being in the DL, you just cannot agree with all of this.  After all, there's no reason why you can't co-exist with both sides.  And if there's anyone who'd excel at forging bonds of peace, it's you, a Tenkei Star whose already done that once.  So, each night you can try and recruit one person to join your Budehuc force.  Town, Scum, you don't really care, since everyone can be worked with.  You win when only the people who have joined your army are still alive.

tl;dr  You are a Third Party Recruiter.
Each night you choose one person to recruit.

Thomas Not in 11, TP in 13
P: Tenkai's Request - Chancy Recruitment.
P+: Unseen Potential - Gain Bulletproof
P++: Tenkai's Power - Guaranteed Recruitment
P-: Point of No Return - Target cannot ever be recruited.

Mike Meekins
You are Mike Meekins, a cop.  Or at least...  you used to be.  But you got chased off the force and then out of town.  Now you're running here in order to try and find someplace where you can make a living.  Naturally, coming from the Lawyerverse of the Ace Attourney series, you are Scum, and win when you control the Vote.  Your scum buddies are Richard Hawk (INSERT HERE), and Captain Falcon (Quiet Rain).  If asked who you are, you are claiming to be Janice, the Chrono Cross Bunny Girl.  You haven't actually done anything to her, but she hasn't had a match since Season 9, so you don't think anyone will notice anyways.

As for what you can do, you managed to snag some Badger Family costumes before you left, since they're the only thing that makes you feel good.  When you go out at night, you can dress up as the Blue Badger or the Bad Badger and pick a target.  If you dress up as the Bad Badger, then you will use his gun to shoot the target, and you will feel inspired because you were useful.  While if you pick the Blue Badger then you will dance the happy Badger Dance, which will lift not only their spirits, but yours as well!  Of course...  since your scum buddies knows it's you, Mike Meekins under the suit, they will not be inspired, and so neither will you.  If you ever go a night without feeling inspired, then you lose your vote on the next Day.

tl;dr You are the Scum Badger
Each night you choose one Townie to power up, or one Townie to Kill.
Scum only has one kill each night.

Mike Meekins
P: Blue Badger Dance - Powers up a Townie.
P+: Bullhorn Blues - Adds a Scum Target in addition to the BBD target.
P++: Proto Badger Dance: Powers up just a scum
K: Bad Badger Dance - Kills one Townie
P-: Deep Depression - Going on Kill also loses Vote.
Must use one of these each night or else get horribly depressed and lose vote for upcoming day.
Cover: Janice

Richard Hawk

You are the Vice President of the Great United States of America, Richard Hawk!  In order to combat the terrorist Michael Wilson and his terrifying war machine the Metal Wolf, you came here to the DL, where there's many like minds with the capability to deal with one lone mech.  Sadly, to get to those like minds, you need to get past these madmen first.  This means you are SCUM.  Fortunately, there's a couple of other patsies here with you to help you along.  First is an ex-cop, Mike Meekins (Noyn) as well as an intergalactic race car driver, Captain Falcon (Quiet Rain).  As for your cover story, well, you've quietly done away with some other rebel by the name of Lepant, and have been passing yourself off as him.  Just mention the Republic of Toran and you should be fine.

Now, what can you do?  Not much, but due to your mastery of politics you do have the claim of being Godfather.  Which means that all investigations clear you, and all assassins fail against you so long as you take no action.  Of course, if you do take an action, you have your own arsenal of mechanical war machines you can use to kill one person of your choice.  These may not be able to stop doctors, but they do have a nasty side effect of weakening anyone else targetting your kill target, including doctors and bodyguards.  There may be some exceptions, but those are rare if they exist.

tl;dr You are a Scum Vice-President
Each night you can be Godfather, or send a warmech to kill one Townie.
Scum only has one kill action per night.

Richard Hawk
P: Heart of Justice - You all American Values makes you a Godfather
P+: Misinformation - Change result to something favourable to scum.
P++: Vice-President of the Great United States of America!: Gain one use of Governor.
K: Giant Mecha - Kills one Townie, one shot Docbuster, afterwards will weaken anyone targetting the kill target.
P-: Miscalculation - Unable to Unvote
Cover: Laguna Loire

Captain Falcon

You are the legendary Captain Falcon, intergalactic race car driver and bounty hunter.  You are here to pursue a bounty of some sort, but your path to justice is being stopped by this farce, so you must end it.  You are working together with a cop called Mike Meekins (Noyn) as well as the Vice President of the United States of America, Richard Hawk (INSERT NAME).  Truly, this is a team that loves JUSTICE!!!  If called on who you are, you have with you a barrel in which you will hide and claim to be the mechanical marvel Gadget Z.

Naturally, this is all to the good, but subterfuge will only get you so far, so you'll need to use you skillz each night in order to go further.  When it comes to killing power, there's nothing that can top your FALCON PAUNCH!  It will blow through all protection in order to hit your target, and everyone else acting on that target will be horribly weakened by the by blow.  Of course, the wind up takes so long that by the time you're ready to hit them, the night will have ended and the next day will also have ended as well.  If you're looking for something quicker, then you can simply demand that someone Show You Their Moves!  At which point you tell them who they should be targetting.

Other stuff here, but apparently my save screwed up.  That's bloody odd.

Captain Falcon
P: Show Me Your Moves! - Taunts a Target Townie, convincing them to use their power on a target of your choice.
P+: Show Me Your Moves! GX - Also Rolecops the target.
P++: Bounty Hunter - Rolecops and Roleblocks target.
P-: Super Smash! - Become Vanilla for the night.
K: Faaaaaaaaalcon PAUNCH! - Slowkill that cannot be blocked.  Not lethal to anyone acting on target when it hits, but will weaken them.
Cover: Seifer Almasy

And now, Night Actions.

Night 0 Actions

Taitoro: Boost QR (Sucess)
MC: Boost Kilga (Sucess)
Noyn: Inspire Snowfire (Failure!)
Yoshi: Poison Noyn (Sucess)
Cyril: Do Nothing (Works)
Zenny: Choose to do Nothing
Rat: Do Nothing (Works)
Alice: Investigate Kilga (TOWN, FORGOTTEN)
Ciato: Recruit Taishyr  (FAILS)

Night 1 Actions

Taishyr: Strawberry Noyn  (Redirected to Xanth)
MC: Inspire Snowfire (Success!)
Noyn: Bad Badger
Yoshi: Bone Zenny (Success!)
Zenny: Choose to do nothing.
Rat: Roukanken (Success)
Alice: Target MC (Town, Forgotten)
Ciato: Recruit MC (Failure)
Roukanken: Target Taishyr (Success, Buffer)
SCUM: Kill Ciato (Success)

Night 2 Actions

Taishyr: Strayberry Zenny (Redirected to Snowfire)
MC: Inspire Taishyr (Success!)
Yoshi: (Bone Rat)
Zenny: Choose to do nothing
Rat: Snowfire (Success)
Roukanken Target Taishyr (Success)
SCUM: Kill Yoshiken


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Re: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win
« Reply #504 on: June 05, 2010, 12:37:20 PM »
And now for general thoughts.

The power setup for this game actually worked about as planned.  It was meant to be a system where Scum had one member who could really work the system at night, another who would have decent abilities during the day, and a third who would be a liability in all aspects.  Sadly, the liability was one of the things which went wrong when Noyn vanished, and I didn't bother to replace him because too many other people had dissappeared, and because by that time I wanted to drop a scum in order to make up for the fact that Town was liable to lose two people to modkills at that point.

As for town, it was to have a stock of powers that were nigh useless when at low levels, but could become something worthwhile at higher levels.  However, there were two keys that town needed.  Which ever team was doing stronger in the day phase was more likely to get power boosts at night.  Same with the debuff.  As well, with Captain Falcon in play, Town needed to keep away from that zone where scum knows what's up, but Town does not.  As it was, Snowfire figured out the setup at the beginning of Day 2, and that gave him a stranglehold on the nights.

Honestly, if I was going to try this again, I'd probably do a little bit more in the way of power up abilities, and maybe even with the power downs, since the double abilities never got into play, and not many town abilities were ever triggered (though, oddly, only one person who got boosted died before it could be used).  Also, was not expecting team scum to be quite so eagre to deprive one of their own of votes in order to avoid boosting a random Townie.

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Re: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win
« Reply #505 on: June 05, 2010, 01:18:06 PM »
Zenny: yeah, noticed that one yesterday.  I don't think I would have pushed it even if I was not on a cell phone, though.  (Emotional appeal does make me not want to push someone).

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Re: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win
« Reply #506 on: June 05, 2010, 02:59:02 PM »
On the setup: not seeing the Noyn role as a liability: it can circumvent all downsides by going on a kill. I mentioned day1, earlygame voteless is arguably a net positive for scum.  (Got Noyn some townie cred, and kept him from expressing opinions...and to add to that it made us form some wrong ideas about the setup).

Alice Margatroid

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Re: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win
« Reply #507 on: June 05, 2010, 03:31:56 PM »

Not sure what to say about this one.

On one hand, I'm kicking myself for not pushing Snowfire more after Alice flipped town, because his terrible Day 1 vote for Alice should have looked even worse. I'm kicking myself for tunneling so hard on Tai and Rat that I point-blank refused to acknowledge that Roukan was equally as bad as them by my own standards for finding them bad in the first place. I'm kicking myself for not doing NK speculation on Yoshiken's death, because it was incredibly jarring (I honestly fully expected to draw the NK after Xanth's flip, and even if not me I would have thought Zenthor would go ahead of Yoshi) and deserved some attention. Certainly a lot more than it was given.

On the other hand, given all of Tai, Rat, Xanth and Alice were town...I don't know if anything else I could have done would really have made a difference. Not gonna say more than that, as I'm sure none of you are particularly proud of this game and don't really want to hear someone else rub it in.

Credit to the Snoukan team for doing just enough to never be at the top of my suspicions list, regardless. I can't say I didn't suspect you, but I can't say I would have pushed you first.

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Re: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win
« Reply #508 on: June 05, 2010, 03:37:04 PM »

Actually, I will also say that, for how functionally not-very-useful it was, for how much it required me to do extra work more than anything else, and for all the good it did us in the end, I had a lot of fun with the Insomniac role. There's a certain appeal to being the lone actor on the stage, as well as not being under anyone's posting schedule but your own. I wouldn't mind drawing it again in future games.


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Re: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win
« Reply #509 on: June 05, 2010, 04:35:31 PM »
While it didn't come into play as much in the end...

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Re: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win
« Reply #510 on: June 05, 2010, 04:39:08 PM »
So I tried to recruit the most likely person to recruit and failed? Wonderful. Nothing like a role based purely on chance and being killed Night 1.

Setup was absurdly unbalanced if that wasn't obvious from the fact that only one townie had to be killed for LYLO to happen.
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Re: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win
« Reply #511 on: June 05, 2010, 04:49:06 PM »
You know, despite getting totally played like a fiddle by Snow at the end?

Totally called Rou.  I'm proud of that, or at least as proud of that as anyone can be of anything in #clusterfuckmafia.

Also.  ANONOMAFIA.  I don't think I'll play anything else again.


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Re: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win
« Reply #512 on: June 05, 2010, 04:56:07 PM »
I was going to say that SnowFire called me Koroku instead of Kogoro, the obvious mistake for a suikodog->Kogasa swap, and that he had to have known my role somehow to correct me that specifically.

And then decided it wasn't worth the effort with Kilga tunneled on me + my depression kicked to eleven for non mafia reasons. (The ragequit was in part due to just being tired of the game since the beginning of day 2, but also just because life has not quite been fun. BEES are part of this.) So. (Also he'd just excuse himself with Google and Kilga would keep tunneling. Not that I blame you, Kilga.)

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Re: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win
« Reply #513 on: June 05, 2010, 05:00:30 PM »
Kilga could've done a better job tunneling. After all, he called out both scum in one post in night 1, but seemed determined to talked about EVERYONE.,4995.msg108875.html#msg108875

Enjoyed the return of Touhou, BTW.


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Re: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win
« Reply #514 on: June 05, 2010, 05:03:02 PM »
frankly, he's tied with Zenny for town MVP here. just only so much two good townies can do when drama and explosions and stress occur.


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Re: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win
« Reply #515 on: June 05, 2010, 05:09:55 PM »
Kilga could've done a better job tunneling. After all, he called out both scum in one post in night 1, but seemed determined to talked about EVERYONE.,4995.msg108875.html#msg108875

Oh God, and Noyn was in that post too. Figures I'd call out the entire scum team (EDIT: and the one third-party player, no less) and then go off in a completely different direction.

frankly, he's tied with Zenny for town MVP here. just only so much two good townies can do when drama and explosions and stress occur.

I fully concede town MVP to Zenny, because he was actually right about something, which is more than I can say.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2010, 05:13:06 PM by Kilgamayan »

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win
« Reply #516 on: June 05, 2010, 05:13:45 PM »
I have some megalomaniacal in-character cackling I wrote up earlier in case I was around for hammer vote, but eh, still not really in the mood for it, might post it later.

Anyway, want to emphasize that this game was actually extremely close.  We basically bet everything on winning on Day 3.  If we'd have lynched scum Day 3, our position would have collapsed - 3 votes to 1 vote and we would have had to go through *two* more days.  Even worse, a subtle element of the setup is that everyone who has a "notification" action becomes a nigh-confirmed townie once there is only one scum left, since a setup that let scum go on a NK *and* perform some other action is highly irregular and breaking one of the core assumptions of Mafia.  Let's say we lynched Roukanken.  I could then shoot Taishyr, maybe hope to get Rat lynched, and then...  um.  There'd be MC / Zenny / Kilga left for targets with MC likely already town-confirmed, and the other two amazingly towny.  Yeah, good luck winning there.  A better option would be to try to mindhax who Taishyr was going to target and NK them (probably Zenny again?) so that I could keep up the "Taishyr has never provably aided town!" paranoia, but that's a roulette.  Then get Taishyr lynched, shoot Zenny or something, then try and mislynch Rat on Day 5 despite pushing the "Taishyr is lying scum" theme way too hard probably.  Yeah, my hopes were not high at all.  

Along those lines, let me compliment Zenthor / Kilgamayan / Metroid's play (seriously).  You were all really towny and, more importantly, fun to have in the game.  As noted above nigh-confirmed townies are incredibly valuable and was why I figured we were screwed if the game continued anymore.

Also thanks to our replacements who kept the game from falling apart in Glen / Rou.  Obviously special thanks to Rou as if QR had been modkilled it'd have been awfully lonely as 1 scum vs. lots of town.  Also think the "enemy" gambit worked decently well at making us look like an implausible scumteam.

As for my Day 3 play, I wasn't lying about being at the end of my rope, either.  Yesterday was the Friday jobs report so I was up early for work, then got home to have my heart stopped by Rou's vote (was not kidding when I said that), then sat in front of a computer screen more thinking about Mafia.  For whatever it's worth, the bit about town wanting a hammer was good, towny advice though; if we'd been awake and the issue was still unsettled Rou & I certainly would have  done the "screw it toss 3 votes here and go for majority lynch at deadline" gambit.

Rat, you were 100% right that declaring the power-up was not tremendously towny, but I would have been thrilled if town got in the habit of always declaring these.  I don't agree that it was indefensible - Xanth had, after all, already declared himself, and he was town - but you were on to something.  Also, on the Day 1 case, I figure Day 1 lynches are basically random.  As a towny I fear scumRat, and as scum I fear townRat - correctly, apparently - so I figured why not go big?

Taishyr, my apologies if I pushed you to the edge in any way.  I tried to keep it as civil as I could but  even if you had made the *perfect* post I probably would have jumped all over you for it.  I walked into Day 3 with my suspicions officially still with Roukanken as #1 on the list, so I'd have taken pretty much any excuse offered to stick Tai or Rat above him due to the whole "bet everything on winning today" strategy.

Will probably post more in a bit, but there is one thing in particular I'd like to brag about.  That is the Night 2 Yoshikill.  Let's look into that one a bit more from the scum perspective.  I had the anonyvote on Day 2 as well which I didn't use of course thanks to MC's power-up, so we knew I could get an anonyvote, and this would enable us to functionally end the game a day early.  Thanks to Falcon we could also reliably set this up.  There was just one problem.  If we did a *blatant* scumhammer, then the "demotivator" (as I called the level-downer since they made Meekins depressed) could target one of the scummembers, and presumably a +1 / -1 effect would lead to zilch and humiliatingly quicklynches of US.  In other words, the power-downer had to die before we could even think to attempt this plan...  and we had all of one nightkill to find him.

Zenny claimed to be powered-down so he was out.  MC + Tai had claimed power-upper.  Kilga was a possibility, but his Day 1 speculation about the power-downer role (EDIT: The 'votestealer' as was thought at the time) included a number of mistaken assumptions, so he was a master of not showing off his role knowledge via lies if it was him, plus he was already an Insomniac.  That left Carth and Yoshi as the potential demotivators.  Well, Zenny was hit N1...  and Yoshi barrels into Day 2 with a case on Zenny and hitting him hard.  That's the reason Yoshi had to die.

Incidentally, and I think Kilga picked up on this, the fact that Rat was poisoned - when Rat was who Yoshi was voting the previous day - should have been further confirmation that Yoshi was in fact the level-downer.  If we hadn't shot the level-downer then town would not have had a "negligible" chance of winning, since a level-down aimed at me would have ruined us.  I figured it'd also have the bonus of showing that Tai was trying to switch to a Town wagon on Day 1 but didn't have high hopes it'd come up, and it didn't.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2010, 06:06:16 PM by SnowFire »


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Re: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win
« Reply #517 on: June 05, 2010, 05:21:14 PM »
SnowFire: nope. I shut up mainly due to personal stuff + oh hey whenever I speak up Kilga aims at me, I know I'm town, town's best bet is for me to shut up. >_> <_<

I'm hard to cow but life threw me enough curveballs that I did honestly stop caring - my catch on you that I posted was the last attempt I was going to give, and Kilga going "that looks scummy!" before you even replied made me go ", then good luck town".


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Re: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win
« Reply #518 on: June 05, 2010, 05:39:01 PM »
I'm tempted to make an advice dog, but I'm lazy.

<06/05>[10:34:30] <DLMAFIA> Wordswordswordswordswords
<06/05>[10:34:34] <DLMAFIA> Wordswordswordswordswordswordswordswords
<06/05>[10:34:41] <DLMAFIA> wordswordswordsWORDSWORDSWORDSWORDSWORDS
<06/05>[10:34:53] <RichardSHawkFire> Words?
<06/05>[10:34:53] <DLMAFIA> wordswordsWORDSWORDSWORDSwordswordswordswords
<06/05>[10:34:56] <RichardSHawkFire> Word.
<06/05>[10:34:58] <RandomConsonant> Word.
<06/05>[10:35:13] <DLMAFIA> wordswordswordsFUCKTHISGAMEIQUITwordswordswordswordswordswordswordswords
<06/05>[10:35:19] <DLMAFIA> wordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordsGAMEOVERwordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswords
<06/05>[10:35:21] <DLMAFIA> wordswords
<06/05>[10:35:21] <DLMAFIA> words
<06/05>[10:35:28] * Yakumo sets fire to DLMAFIA.


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Re: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win
« Reply #519 on: June 05, 2010, 05:53:50 PM »
It only just clicked that both my doc targets were scum. Good god would that docvig have been nice >_<


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Re: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win
« Reply #520 on: June 05, 2010, 05:56:55 PM »
Eh, I don't remember who I fingered as scum in my nightchat with Excal on N1. Don't think it's important to keep track of, this game reminds me of a certain individual too much already.

Yes, I was Sasarai for those unawares. I'd decided to keep up with the game and figured to votecount as Excal asked me to. When I switched in, well, I alluded to it earlier but I was not really feeling it when I came to the storm with Xanth and Taishyr. I'll admit I've done the same once and it was incredibly poor, and the memories of UncertainKitten-esque shenanigans here were all but uplifting in spirit.

It's a shame MC had to switch out with me - I feel she'd have done a much better job, and completely found her town-like. I don't think this has much to do with me knowing that beforehand, because she was helpful and actively engaged in discussion - I agree with Rat regarding that she displayed good townie traits.

I liked the setup, and I liked Kilgamayan's night posts. I thought it a shame Noyn dropped out of the game like he did but WCYD.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win
« Reply #521 on: June 05, 2010, 06:06:37 PM »

Man, Advice Momizi got about 300% more fun after Double Spoiler.


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Re: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win
« Reply #522 on: June 05, 2010, 06:15:01 PM »
* Taitoro saves that just to use for future topics.


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Re: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win
« Reply #523 on: June 05, 2010, 06:23:19 PM »
[me]saves that just to use for future topics.[/me]


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Re: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win
« Reply #524 on: June 05, 2010, 06:52:25 PM »
Not enough words there, Kilga.

Ah well.  I will state that when I get around to them, my next two games will both be anonymous.  But, that will be for when they happen.  Also, one of them will very certainly be low power.  These nifty power games are fun and all, but there's also a certain charm to classic.