"He says he's Matthew, and I'm pretty sure we can trust him."
"But I don't know... Matthew's a bit more... dashing than this. Besides, I'm pretty sure a Fire Emblem character would counter more often than he does."
"Yeah, I agree! But... this other guy also looks kinda bad..."
"You do have a point..."
"Kill him, not kill him, will you pansies grow a spine already!" Kefka roared.
"Hah, forget them. I'll take care of this one myself." Luca said as he strode forward.
"You fools!" Matthew cried. "I'm here to help on orders of Lord Hector himself."
"Oh like I care about that pathetic backwater. You lot are almost as bad as those Jowston Pigs!"
Seeing no other way out, Matthew drew his dagger, but the outcome was never in doubt. His sole victory lay in forcing Luca to end it quickly. After his parting words and his corpse faded away, they checked his inventory, and discovered that he was in fact who he claimed to be. The imposters had eluded the group, and the twin terrors had been sated with the Thief's blood.
Glen (MATTHEW - TOWN THIEF) has been permakilled
Day 1 Votes
Alice (4): Cyril, Quietrain, Metroid, Glen, Snowfire, Ciato, Metroid
Carthrat (1): Snowfire, Taishyr, Taishyr, Metroid, Snowfire, Cyril, Snowfire, Zenny, Metroid
Glen (6): Ciato, Snowfire, Xanth, Yoshiken, Kilga, Carthrat, Taishyr, Roukanken, Taishyr
Taishyr (0): Taishyr, Quietrain, Metroid
Xanth (0): Xanth, Metroid, Taishyr
Ciato (1): Zenny, Quietrain
MC (0): Kilga, Carthrat, Alice, Glen, Roukanken
Kilga (0): Taishyr, Yoshiken
Zenny (0): Taishyr, Kilga, Roukanken
Yoshiken (0): Cyril, Ciato, Taishyr
Snowfire (1): Ciato, Alice
Noyn (0): Excal, Excal, Metroid
Excal (0): Snowfire
No Vote: Noyn
It is now Night 1, please send your actions to me.
Day 2 will start in 24 hours.