Author Topic: DL Mafia GAME OVER Scum Win  (Read 62810 times)


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Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« Reply #275 on: May 29, 2010, 09:44:47 PM »
WoT again, hopefully my final one.

Right, actually, you know what? Doesn't quite matter if Kilga agrees with the summary, it's how I read Laggy. Then, with that in mind, let's reboil my Xanth case down. I apologize again for resummarizing (and probably rewriting history on some accounts here, though I'll try to explain or avoid rewriting whenever possible); will wade through my page 10/11 posts and attempt to clarify/summarize. Hopefully this will both give him something coherent to respond to (I hope this ends up coherent) and I can remain coherent myself when he does.

Xanth, don't get upset or anything, this is mainly just explanation/expository, though responding if you want, sure.

* The basic part was contained here - the attack on Laggy over QR seemed faulty.

* And my followup to his justification here is here. I still stand by my comment here - the lurkering that Alice tends to specialize in is what Laggy was prodding for here, and forcing some content instead of a breeze day 1 may turn out to be a boon to us. (At the least, I think this entire argument will ensure no one forgets about Alice and his lurking habits during this game.)

* Finally, this final paragraph was me beginning to wonder precisely why the meta/cherry picking accusation on Laggy was being so pressed - it was probably at this point that I realized that while Laggy had the examples of multiple scum/lurk meta to back up, it was Xanth choosing just Chthulu Mafia to try and disprove it that rankled. Hence the mountain/molehill comment. (I can't confirm this is what happened 100%. I am toro, I don't have the greatest of memory spans right now. Mafia's fun as a result. But I'm pretty sure that was the logic process.)

Amusingly, Xanth's the first one to accuse -me- of reducing -his- argument to meta cherry picking here. My reply above just says I'm still not satisfied with his case on Laggy, so... uh, okay? I think this was where my mood went sour, as I certainly didn't -feel- like my case was simply meta cherry picking - and he should've known that, he had been responding to me.

* I then posted my analysis here, the one that seems to have launched all this. His response: here. Perhaps it'd help if I gave a serious, if brief, summary to your own bullet points?

** Well, that and I neglected to add the ignoring QR thing to the mix, but basically, no, you didn't directly counter his argument. If you did, there could be no confusion here, but there is - you simply provided a counterexample. But this isn't science where one counterexample can ruin a while theory, it's closer to statistics.
** I bluntly disagree: you both cherry-picked meta. Happy? He chose the ones that supported his case (a large amount.) You chose one or two that didn't. This is more along the lines of correlation, attempting to "prove his meta wrong" with one or two could not reasonably happen - it just shows a chance. But the odds were still far on his side, and so was the meta as a result. This is what I've been trying to get at recently.
** Addressed this earlier - "pot, kettle, black" wasn't a reference to you/Laggy but you/me, wasn't meant offensively, and yeah, I think you badly took Laggy's words out of context of the case he was trying to make.
** This is the sort of thing you've called people on in previous games (hi, C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER) - leaving room to slip out of a stance. Sorry, but hey. I still don't object to pointing it out. Does it mean 100% scum on your end? No. Is it another thing I was watching for? Sure.
** Nah, that all makes sense. Not blaming anyone for not switching to Yoshiken. Again, I've got a lot of crow to eat for events there.
** I suck at boiling down stuff, I think is evident now? Apologies for the confusion. But honestly you've done nothing to make me regret pushing this case.

* This and Xanth's civil reply here - I'm just going to ever so kindly point out that you in your reply state "In fairness, in my rush at the time I did not answer the third of those," early on, and then proceed to hammer me for not mentioning part of my own case when we've been trading jabs back and forth constantly. The case is kinda known on both sides, I would think. To abandon a part of the case without stating so is not in my intent, but to attack me over what you yourself have done is rather hypocritical. As for the rest of it, well, I think you can read my summary of how I read Laggy - mayhaps that'll reduce the confusion over these points? Part of me is just wondering how you aren't seeing it, though, but. I don't know.

Put very simply, Xanth? If you're not scum, convince me that someone else is. At this point I think I've flushed my own anger out of my system, and I'm willing to listen to and parse your cases. Because perhaps the most damning thing to me, throughout this case? I THINK YOU'RE SMARTER THAN I AM. This is why this behavior confuses the crap out of me. Attempting to influence me with emotions (since that honestly feels like what's been going on (another partial pot-kettle moment, though I haven't done anger at all)), the inconsistency (because yeah, I think that calling some of this inconsistent is a fair summary) and the brutal misreadings of Laggy - since that's what they seem to me - seem so goddamn unlike you that I have to think at this point that you pressed the case on Laggy to get an easier lynch. If you aren't scum, help us find scum. When you're on your game I know you're better at it than I can be by leagues. But right now I don't have any other person I suspect higher, due to what I've seen in game thus far. Deal?

Going to go reread Zenthor and the activity floating around him.


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Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« Reply #276 on: May 29, 2010, 10:05:39 PM »
He, he, he.  You do yourself no favors as far as I'm concerned, Rou.

OK, for the record. 'I overreacted' is NOT an acceptable response, because otherwise it'd be a viable scum play to say any extension that they get called out on was an overreaction. Even then, that's a relatively small part of the argument which you're blowing out of proportion.

As for the unvote - you've gone off on a tangent. Explaining why you didn't do it isn't the problem, it's just the fact that you DIDN'T do it that is the problem. And there's nothing subjective about that, because anyone who wants to read through your posts will be able to verify that for half of Day 1 your vote was completely useless.

See, now you misunderstand (misrepresent, given I had already clarified this to Kilga at the time of your post?) my case on you.  It isn't that you didn't understand these things--and, by and large, your posts indicated that you didn't.  Here's the original statement that prompted this:

Quote from: Roukanken
His vote was still lying on Ciato that whole time, and Ciato doesn't come up in his suspicions at all, even for a throwaway 'needs to post'.

The implication, as I read it here, is that the problem is that my vote is on Ciato.  The explanation I gave for not moving my vote was clearly stated in a post that you linked to and dismissed out of hand.  Now, if your problem really was the fact that I didn't move my vote (for that matter, if your problem really was that "I overreacted" isn't a good enough explanation...), you could have made that case from the start by reading the very posts you linked to and painted as devoid of content.  

You did not.

Why are you cautious about using your vote on Day 1? Because you're afraid people will agree with you and start a wagon? If you weren't convinced that Alice's lurking was a genuine scumtell - or at least something good enough to kick off D1 discussion - why'd you bring it up in the first place?

As I said, I'm more conservative with my vote than others seem to be around here.  As far as I'm concerned, tossing your vote around willy nilly simply looks bad (see Xanth's more legitimate point about Laggy), dilutes the weight of the opinion of every vote thereafter, and frankly I had no strong opinions about anyone at that point in time.  I'm pretty sure I've said this before, but perhaps I didn't and I just think that because of pattern recognition... but I brought up Alice's lurking in defense of Laggy.  I thought (still think, will think) going after Laggy because he was doing the EarlyLaL thing was supremely stupid.  This does not mean, however, that I was ready to place a vote on Alice--this, I have addressed before in one of those "devoid-of-content" posts.


Carth, Carth, Carth.  Really?  "I said Zenny was OMGUSing and look at that he switches his vote to someone who wasn't voting him HMM HMM HMM" I can't tell if you're being scummy or if I just plain don't like you this game.


Snowfire Analysis:  Last time on Wall of Text Z, I got bored reading through this and just found myself nodding along with his posts.  "Yep, I agree with that.  Yep, agree with that.  Seems good.  Sounds good.  Agree with that.  WAaaaaaaaaaaait a minute this isn't useful!"  So I did a re-read, and... well, frankly, through Day 1, it's mostly the same.  At this point I also notice Rou doing the whole "reading but not really" thing with Snow's posts.  I'm more and more confident in my Rou vote by the second.  Honestly, I don't get much of a read on him one way or another.  Sure, I agree with a lot of what he's saying, but that doesn't say much about his alignment I guess.  I think I'm more pleased with his Day 1 play than I am his Day 2 play, but he's just recently shown up again so that doesn't say much either.  The one thing I do have on him is his case on Alice, which I'll get into... well, now.

Alice: As much as I don't like that he's not around, it makes re-reading him mercifully brief.  Completely misreads Laggy in his first post, says he agrees with Xanth's case on Laggy, then proceeds to vote MC for reportering.  Uh, what.  Ignoring my own opinions on the validity of MC reportering charges... that just doesn't make any sense.  She misunderstood Laggy almost to the point of absurdity and agreed with an established case against him, but votes MC in a throwaway line.  Already talked about how stupid the "Glen is a noob but MC isn't" malarky was.  Also votes Snowfire for reasons that amount to whether or not the MC reporting charge is valid and a misread of Snow's opinions of Carthrat.  Later, statistics stupidity, some hypocrisy, and a dash of lolwut.  Seriously?  Given her previous opinions on Laggy and her comments to Glen, she still votes MC for lack of content?  Just... what?  That... agh, THAT'S JUST SO STUPID!  He gets less sure about Glen as the day draws to a close but leaves his vote on MC.

This in turn makes me ever-slightly happier with Snowfire.  His case on Alice is sound; Alice's case on MC is entirely based on the reporting nonsense, and Alice has done some horrible misreading not just of Snowfire but also of Laggy.  

That SAID... Going back to my previous analysis... well, I think I can still see Carth not being able to process a case on Alice, for similar reasons why others and I write off the reporting charge on MC's early play--familiarity with the person's way of thinking.  From my minimal experience with Alice, he... well, put generously, his way of thinking is incredibly foreign to me. (Link is to Cthulhu mafia, only there to cite what I'm talking about.)  

To state my opinion on Alice clearly, I am personally not happy with Alice's play but can totally see not being able to formulate a case on him due to familiarity with the way he operates.  

I think that's everyone.  tl;dr: Alice needs to show up and post more and his arguments are trash, but he's still not as scummy to me as Rou.  Most likely one of Xanth/Tai is scum but not both, small chance both are town.  Distrust of Carth stems from his dismissiveness, irritation, gut feeling and things he's already explained away to my satisfaction.  Yoshiken's next on the list by virtue of the irritation.  Pretty happy with Snow/Kilga/MC.  Noyn is currently a non issue.

Tai Ninja!

God damn it god damn it god damn it.  No, I'm going to go do something else. Mafia has eaten away 4 hours today already.  Fuck that.


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Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« Reply #277 on: May 29, 2010, 11:39:55 PM »
And I do apologize for the WoTing response re: my case after saying I wouldn't do it, I mainly did so out of part frustration and part feeling like I needed to just coalesce the damn case together again for the sake of coherency. Idly, if we need proof I was clueless on the deadline function despite Excal's post, this was during the deadline phase and catches my derp mindset decently well. Anyway. Zenthor!

* Has the Rat train vote panic. Null tell. (Why null tell after I harped on it earlier? Because it hit me how few games Zenthor's really played in. I'm not sure I can hold it against him, he's semi-new to Mafia IIRC. Had Alex, say, done this I would be really skeptical, but this is probably the first game this many votes has accumulated this quickly with no comment for him, in hindsight.) He admits this was stupid immediately after the logic's pointed out. (This is why Rou harping on it is something I balk at.) Defends his reaction here, - people kept harping on him about it, so defensiveness isn't terribly unnatural.

* Admits fault and doesn't get defensive when Kilga attacks him on the Xanth/Laggy/IRC conflation. Actually it's kinda creepy looking at it now, he reads a lot like me but with more cussing. Regardless, this generally reads well to me - instead of defensiveness (which is only good if done exceptionally well, and tends toward null (like above) with sometimes scummy) he just explains the issue and moves on.

* Breakdown! This generally reads fine (this was trimmed), only comment is I don't really agree that D1 Yoshiken looked too great. But see below (again, I trimmed this section for brevity)

oh, diversion, since people have been ? about why I'm mellowing on Yoshiken! Basically I'm still not happy on the day 1 Yoshiken but day 2 has been pretty damn solid, even from the first post which I got ninja'd by. Yeah, I'm still wary of the day 1, but... the day 2 thus far from what I've read has felt decent enough that I'm not concerned, he's provided arguments and reasoning when present and I generally think he's clear for now. 'kay? Wish he'd give details on why he disagrees with my Roukanken case (*prod for when he returns*) but for now...

Back to Zenthor, D2... reply to Rou with annoyance on Rou missing the point, then * this. Another blowbyblow, and while I think I need to reread the Rat case my general gut reaction is disagreement on everyone but Rat. Then again, this should be expected, considering. >_> And more importantly, he's reasonable about his cases and arguments, and structures well. The followup here - where'd I say that first part, Zenny? It was probably in the N1 typeup, hopefully the above explains some.

His own case on Roukanken... is at least a solid one - that is not an unreasonable expectation and calling Rou out on it is understandable. Myself, I've been thinking Rou has been more solid outside of Zenthor material. May need to check and confirm this, I wasn't pleased with Rou's own response to my case, at least, but put that aside as being biased.

And then a breakdown saying both me and Xanth look crappy, which is frankly the sort of reason why I put that comment in the bottom of my previous WoT - neither of us could possibly look good here and, honestly, the Nervous Bug in my stomach's making me think we're both town despite Logic Bat going "keep pushing". So yeah. Zenthor I'm not complaining about, he's being reasonable and intelligent. The monkey fuckwit dingbat.

Rat next, but I need a break from Mafia and don't blame Zenthor for stepping away for a bit. So.


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Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« Reply #278 on: May 30, 2010, 01:06:31 AM »
* Taitoro tosses around the current field on the presumption Xanth is town.

... Xanth, Kilga, MC, Zenny. Could I ask for honest rereads of content of Rat and Alice? Specifically, -how much of their content was stated by people before them-, and would you gauge them to be lurking on average at this point? In other words, are they pulling active lurking?

Still doing reread, only halfway through. This mainly comes after a bout of deductive reasoning that admittedly makes a few steps I'm not terribly comfortable fully committing to, but...


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Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« Reply #279 on: May 30, 2010, 01:06:51 AM »
Oh. SnowFire, I'd ask for your opinion on that question set as well.


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Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« Reply #280 on: May 30, 2010, 01:18:03 AM »
Sod it, I'm done here.

Tai, I really, really hope you're town, because if you're scum then you've deliberately made my game complete misery over really, really stupid stuff.

##Unvote: Tai
##Vote: Xanth

Because even when I flip the table over in a /ragequit I'll at least be polite and give warning rather than just copy/paste my PM information, but I will do that on the first claim of appeal to emotion, because I have next to no intention of staying in the game. By which I mean getting into the game at all, really. I guess expectations are such that I just can't play in the May-July rush.

I hate myself for being a selfish baby about it, but I'm just not willing to go on like this and spend late nights getting depressed over it. It'd just go on forever otherwise, with each of us continuing to claim that each wall of text is the last.

I wouldn't really trust my opinions right now given how heavily on tilt I am and how little I've read through the murky people, but I was looking out for people hedging their bets on the endless frustration, and while there was quite a lot of that, Makkotah stands out as worst, and while I'm being crazy I'd even take a stab at a team of Makkotah/Snowfire/Metroid, but that's probably ten levels too simple, especially with the level of lurkery, which really ought to contain scum somewhere.

And yeah, sorry Excal. This game's gone to hell in a handbasket with no fault of your own.

Ninja: okay, that you can have. I commented on Alice and have nothing to add, and haven't read through Rat. Liked him at the start, but since melted into the background for me. Haven't read enough to say any more on him.


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Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« Reply #281 on: May 30, 2010, 01:22:26 AM »
My apologies, Xanth. I really didn't mean to piss you off with the walls of text.

For what it's worth?

##UNVOTE: Xanth

I think I'm wrong, myself. If you're scum and doing this to pull me off, it's a partial success, but I'm not thinking I'm right on you anyway. Vote will reland when I'm done reading.


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Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« Reply #282 on: May 30, 2010, 01:27:55 AM »
And yes, I do have my reasons for pulling off. Basically, after rewriting my case and my interp on Laggy, I've been looking it over, and my basic conclusion came down to this: as stupid as it sounds, you were too earnest. Too positive, so to speak. In other words, you -believed- your case and your reading, just as I believe mine - and that doesn't happen with scum. You fought too hard even under minor pressure for it to be a scum case.

Going back to that Rat read. And yeah, I was keeping an eye out for a Xanth post, in case you were wondering. Although part of me was waiting to get blasted again.


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Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« Reply #283 on: May 30, 2010, 02:17:09 AM »
Xanth:  VOTE FOR YOURSELF TO PROVE YOU'RE TOWN!  But seriously.... uuuugh.  This makes me like Tai slightly less, and the WIFOM about what that says regarding your alignment hurts.  

But why would you hope he's town?  So he's wasted everyone's time?  At least if he's scum he'd have done a pretty damn good job of goading a player out of the game (apparently).

Tai:  Fine, I'll do that, since you gave me something specific to look for.  Otherwise I would have told you to piss off. >_>

Carth is the first one to bring up MC's posts being reporter-styled, and comes shortly after MC's damning post.  Alice brings it up long afterwards.  Next few Carth posts address MC being really verbose yet leaving her vote on Xanth.  Kilga kind of addresses this but near as I can see Rat's the first to bring it up.  Rou brings this up, but only after Carth brings it up a second time.   Let's see... moves his eye off of MC first, it seems, his case on me is distinct from Roukanken's case on me.  His case on Tai is pretty distinct from Xanth's and Kilga's analysis, and... that's it as far as content goes.

Do I think he's pulling an active lurk right now?  Uhhhhh.... Not... particularly.  I'm not really sure.

Alice, as I said, brings up the reporter charge long after other people had.  Misread of Laggy is the only thing in his first post that's original.  Next post states "MC's reporting charge is weak WTF?" in the post following the time Carthrat does it.  Misread of Snowfire is his only original contribution there.  Saying Glen's post is awful but chalking it up to clueless noobdom is also original.  Back-and-forth with Glen is original, but doesn't him any favors if you ask me.  

Is Alice pulling off an Active Lurk?  Not a chance in hell, you have to be posting to do an active lurk.

Tai ninja.  Reverse OMGUS?  My head hurts.


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Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« Reply #284 on: May 30, 2010, 02:38:20 AM »
For the record, I almost asked for a modkill yesterday myself, but was determined Xanth was scum at the time and decided I wasn't going to give him the pleasure. But yeah, that entire argument stream made me miserable, too, and his own reaction... yeah, it makes perfect sense. I don't tend to explode/act out of anger online, but otherwise it's amusing to reread and see how much emotions were actually likely mirrored.

So yeah, reverse OMGUS kinda not really but definitely sorta looks like that, doesn't it. <_<; A few things outside of this.

One: Three scum max. 4 scum: Modkill Noyn, 10 players 4 scum, mislynch me, 9 players 4 scum (mislynch town, whatever, I'm vote leader or close enough right now so easiest example), NK someone, 8 players 4 scum, scum win so today would have to be LYLO. It's not unless mod is ditzy. 3 scum max. Tomorrow is likely LYLO. Two: Mod, please confirm amount of time left in day. It should be about 22 hours or so by my count. Third: Xanth, whatever you are, take a vacation from the game for a few days? I don't think anyone can blame you at this point, myself alone has been a massive pain in the ass. Don't worry about the game for a bit and just cool heels. :/ Dislike suicide in general (again, hi, Middleman) and if a vacation can recharge you a bit, cool.

Rat and Alice summary will be coming soon, spacing posts out.


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Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« Reply #285 on: May 30, 2010, 02:39:07 AM »
EBWOP: I myself have likely been a massive pain in the ass to you. Blah, English language fail.


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Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« Reply #286 on: May 30, 2010, 02:41:29 AM »
Am back.  This game has been unnaturally stressful for all sides it seems.

Xanth: ....yikes.  Xanth, you strike me as a person who would not pull the suicide-sympathy gambit if you were scum, and frankly if you are scum then this will get a severe WTF about being willing to play meta + flame war interaction with Taishyr at the end.  Anyway, please reconsider and don't get yourself modkilled.  Unless you are scum.  Then go ahead.  Anyway, point is this makes me willing to kneejerk Xanth town (and be REALLY MAD AT HIM after-game if he is.)  Tai ninja: Yeah, the vacation suggestion sounds like the best here for sanity's sake.

Taishyr, re Alice / Rat: There is nothing on Alice to re-read, so my opinion stands: Suspicious comments on Day 1, only one case that he really came up with which was based on a far over-critical interpretation of me; bad by my judgment.  On re-read of Rat , well, I still disagree with him over just about everything (he thinks you come off worse than Xanth, he thinks the case on Roukanken is bad, he thinks Zenny is suspicious), but I feel like he's actually making cogent arguments and definitely not lurking anymore.  Basically I'd be willing to vote Rat but because he's saying stuff he can be held to later, I'm fine with putting this off until we see more flips.  Alice meanwhile?  There's nothing to hold AGAINST lurkers which are why they can be so frustrating to town.  So I'd be far happier with an Alice lynch than a Rat lynch.  For that matter I'd be happier with a Roukanken lynch > a Rat lynch at this point as well.

Anyway.  Need to do a Yoshiken re-read.  Am quite happy with MC's Day 2 content and doubt I will vote for Zenny either.  I find myself nodding along and agreeing with a lot of it, so that gets a positive mark from me, though obviously "we agree a lot" isn't a guarnatee.  Kilga...  definitely willing to leave any attempt for a Kilga case for later.  Taishyr...  I have no idea, especially with recent developments that make Xanth / Taishyr look like a town-town blow up.  If nothing else on role-meta alone the "power up" ability sounds towny though Excal warned us not to trust this TOO much, but generally willing to defer this case as well.  So yeah, Alice > Roukan >> Rat ?= Yoshiken pending a Yoshi re-read.  Noyndy...  well, there's obviously nothing to say there, and it sounds like that's cruising toward a modkill if Andy doesn't join.


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Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« Reply #287 on: May 30, 2010, 02:43:43 AM »
Minor addition: Taishyr, on second thought I need to re-read you as well as Yoshi.  I'd kind of kneejerked you town before and saw Xanth as the worse party in that spat, but since I'm leaning town-Xanth now...  hrmm.


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Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« Reply #288 on: May 30, 2010, 02:45:37 AM »
Oops.  Also edit
"kneejerk Xanth town (and be REALLY MAD AT HIM after-game if he is.)"
"kneejerk Xanth town (and be REALLY MAD AT HIM after-game if he is scum.)"


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Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« Reply #289 on: May 30, 2010, 02:49:21 AM »
nah, I deserve a fair amount of blame for Xanth's situation, presuming he's town - town/town between two wall of texters each rabidly yelling at each other? Yeesh. :/ and yeah, I think he's town. If he's not, eh, but I think he is now. (And in fairness, and this'll come up when I post it, Rat thinks Xanth comes off worse than I in this spat. But I've got a different bone to pick with Rat there.) (NINJA EDIT SnowFire - okay that statement makes more sense. >_>)

Working on Alice analysis since yeah, it's short.


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Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« Reply #290 on: May 30, 2010, 02:58:23 AM »
Snow: Uh.  Wrong:  Rat said that Xanth looks worse because it's so out of character for Xanth to pull the raeg card.  

Quote from: RatCarth
Offhand I think I dislike Xanth more than Tai, this woe-is-me, reactionary play does not seem natural at all.

I don't like Rat's arguments so much, but we should be clear on what they are.

Totally irrelevant sidenote:  I've decided I really like Anono/semi-anonomafia more than regular mafia.

Ninja!  Nothing more to add.


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Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« Reply #291 on: May 30, 2010, 03:04:32 AM »
Did he?  Give me a sec, I could have *sworn* he said he was leaning Xanth's side.


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Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« Reply #292 on: May 30, 2010, 03:07:05 AM »
Never mind you are correct.  I think I must have misread someone else's post as being by Rat...  give me a sec, this might change things.


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Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« Reply #293 on: May 30, 2010, 03:14:51 AM »
Nope I was just 100% wrong.  Which is weird because I got Rat's position right before when I noted that I agreed with Zenny & Rat that Xanth came off looking more the worse in that spat but somehow I'd manage to twist it around in my head by the time I got back.  So uh yeah.  That does make Rat look even better, though as noted I wasn't overly enthusiastic about a Rat lynch today anyway.

SnowFire derp, sorry 'bout that.


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Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« Reply #294 on: May 30, 2010, 03:17:40 AM »
Two posts incoming, second is short and contains vote. I apologize, this seemed the easiest method. Rat summary. * first serious post, first to directly state MC reporting after big wall/isn't first to comment on LaL and go against it. This... basically boils down to "Laggy meta fail, but won't vote switch off MC because MC is clarification prodding which is... more suspicious than what I'm claiming Laggy's doing". Also goes "she ignores her case on Yoshiken" and then "her posts have been nothing but reporting" which feels contradictory. I think I know what he was trying to get at, but it's still poor wording at best and contradictory at worst. Final reply to this series is here, where he continues to push the point (and is rebuffed immediately after by MC).

* Switches to Glen here. Admits to tunneling, gives reason of "I've got little to say on anyone else, null tell". Has the "I resent my early-day skimming being used against me" line which I've responded to here, albeit sardonically - basically it's defensive and doesn't read well. Generally naysays on MC all through this, which makes the Glen vote odd - almost throwaway. Granted he has the Laggy dislike to build on, but. He attacks MC for simplistic logic - that doesn't make sense to me, either. Not sure. Just generally not happy with that post.

* D2. Yo yo yo. States disinclination to go back to MC (... this switch feels abrupt). Claims Zenthor has been entirely reactive when Zenthor made the points against Carthrat first on D2. No fly zone. Accuses Zenthor of active lurking, I disagree highly (based on my own reading, at least. Reactive, some, yes. Active lurking, no. He's been opinionated.) IOW this just... yeah, doesn't sit well with me either. Has this regarding why he moved off MC... uh... why did your perception change before and after you were voting him? Perhaps a stupid question but that seems weird. Overall this second post is decent, though. Thinking on it.

* Tells me I shouldn't care about anti-early-LAL now. Sorry, but that makes me wonder what's being hidden, try again later. Regarding part quoted, I'd have to check, but Rou's post's tone and the lack of attention to detail Rou paid were what set me on edge regarding it IIRC and that's what I tried to approach. States willingness to lynch either me or Xanth already (and leans Xanth - this part doesn't surprise me no matter Rat's alignment, so no major comment), which sets off alarm bells at this point (attempts tonarrows it down to us two for lynching). Offers further explanation of MC-towny-leanness, not sure if I buy it, leans on Kilga regardless here. Overall, I'm not reading Rat well, no. It's not anything major - no huge gaps - but the sudden swap off MC and the attempt to cover for it D2, the push to lynch either myself or Xanth at that point (herding into a lynch of two targets, both of which he might well know are town?)... just seems poor. I'll do that Alice summary and decide my vote. He isn't active lurking, however. I'd agree there in response to my own question, though other opinions are certainly welcome.


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Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« Reply #295 on: May 30, 2010, 03:21:00 AM »
Alice summary. * First post for Alice in the game! Begins with a misinterp of what Laggy said (it -would- take guts for scum to quicklynch from that train, as a response to Zenthor), has the weird Noyn line that just kinda means nothing, critiques Laggy's comment about the L-2 thing (answer: because it gets reactions, which help us get info), and then comments on the votes/unvotes/revotes/Xanth->Laggy case, jumps on MC for reporting without acknowledging the Yoshiken work at all or why it doesn't count for anything. * This post against SnowFire, which I think SnowFire himself covered well enough in one of his responses. This is kind of an empty vote and switch away from MC, the case is pretty much seemingly based on a misread/expounding of SnowFire's comment. I'm really not sure what's going on here, this seems blatantly not paying attention at all.

* Here, sticks to MC reporting charge despite MC having been generating content by that point. Mrgh. Argues statistics on jokevote train scum -, fine, that's not something I'll argue with. Yells at Glen (and then doesn't vote him) (and still misreps SnowFire some), goes back to voting MC. Well, at least the MC part's consistent, but. Continues to debate Glen here. Dismisses any potential OKaying of MC as "I guess I suppose I could see m_c as a somewhat clueless newbie with a strange posting style, but even then, a bunch of things don't add up.", but neglects to say what doesn't add up other than a theoretical lack of content. Then protests my "attempt" at starting the Yoshiken lynch and asks a rhetorical... both of which seem pointless, as the lynch was obviously kinda going nowhere at that point but to Glen. AAAAnd nothing day 2! At all! Unless I'm completely missing it! So here, Alice, have a vote for active lurking and lack of content D2, as well as attacking easy case (MC) and pitnicking SnowFire while accusing Glen of doing the same to you, as I wonder if you were just waiting for one of Xanth or myself to noose up completely:

##VOTE: Alice


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Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« Reply #296 on: May 30, 2010, 03:23:28 AM »
EBWOP (I suck at think today): It's not active lurking, because like Zenthor said, you have to be posting to be active lurking. Content is... regurgitated MC case without much seeming thought in it, but spat with Glen and SnowFire picknit are both original if bad, yeah. Still.


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Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« Reply #297 on: May 30, 2010, 04:43:37 AM »
Tai: In the context of using it as a point against Xanth, I have a hard time buying that explanation, as it would suggest Laggy did not do his research properly, in which case Xanth was in the "right" to vote for him anyway. Alice has played 5 games here, one of which is this game. The other four?

- Worms Armageddon, lurked as scum.
- Villains, lurked as town (for as long as he was in the game, which wasn't very long).
- Meme, lurked as scum.
- Cthulhu, lurked as town.

Just here at the DL, Alice has a 100% lurk record and is literally 50/50 on his alignment. And just for the record, if we want to pull MotK games into the equation, he has lurked as scum (Mai HiME), lurked as town (MotK Mafioso), been active as scum (Gensokyo Worker's Union) and been active as town (Dorf Fort), and in none of these cases are the linked games the only example.

If Alice had a much more unbalanced DL game sample (every game where he lurked he was scum, ever game where he was active he was town), then I would not necessarily begrudge this way of thinking, but given the actual numbers I just can't buy it. If we are to assume Laggy was suggesting Alice has used this as a tactic "often" in the past, then he is wrong in regards to the DL and only technically right in regards to MotK because of the sheer number of times he has drawn scum there (the man is a walking statistical anomaly; Andrew, Bard, Gate and Rat all wish they were as good at drawing scum as him) somewhat accompanied by MotK's knack for letting lurkers cruise control to victory. If we are not to assume Laggy was suggesting Alice has used this as a tactic in the past, then we can safely assume he was cherrypicking due to his reaction to being presented with a counterexample. Either way, Laggy made a mistake that could be seen as scummy, and I believe Xanth was in the right to vote for him.

(Man, I can't wait for Laggy's postgame comments.)

In regards to your reread request, I may give Alice a once-over (wouldn't take very long, at least), but I can say with confidence that Rat has not been active lurking, as I remember a lot of his content being both relevant and new as Day 1 progressed. He also had the first Zenthor vote of today, backed up with reasons other than what Roukan talked about, and, and even if someone else had votes Zenny first I think it's a bit of a kick in the pants to cast suspicion on someone just because they lost the time zone lottery. I would be hard pressed to say Alice has been active lurking anyway, as it implies he's actually been posting, well, anything. I define active lurking as "posting without saying anything meaningful" (see lolcat in Meme Mafia for a good example of this), so for me, Alice is very blatantly plain ol' lurking but not actually "active" lurking. I honestly expect the modkill axe to chop his head off at this point, even given the Noyn situation and who the game mod is.

Fake edit: Oh, well, that already got explained, okay.

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« Reply #298 on: May 30, 2010, 04:52:17 AM »
Also, since it's "pertinent" to this thread, one of the reasons I've been distracted for this long was ABC Family showing Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. >_>

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« Reply #299 on: May 30, 2010, 05:13:13 AM »
I wouldn't say Rat's really leaning on Kilga there.  His reasoning for the change doesn't change between those two posts--you COULD make the argument that Kilga basically insomniaced that during the night but the connection there is so tenuous that I don't give that much credit.  If anything, this little re-read has made it clear to me that Rat's content is for the most part original content.  Still disagree with most of it, mind.

I also wouldn't say that stating a willingness to lynch either you or Xanth is an attempt to narrow it down to just you two for potential lynch candidates.  Stickler for direct quotes that you have been...

Quote from: Ratattat
I cannot say I'm wholly against the lynch of either party at the moment, and really the whole thing seems somewhat contrived.

"Trying to narrow it down to just you two for a lynch" factors in there... how?

I don't see anything else to take issue with in this last series of posts.  I'm... wary that you're banking on people viewing the way the clusterfuck with Xanth ended to make people conclude that you're both town, but right now there's not enough I take issue with in the following posts to follow that up.  Yet.  


By my count, deadline is 6PM EST tomorrow, 18 hours away.  Correct me if I'm wrong, Excalarai.  No Alice at all, shock.  Rou... well, timezones, so he still has plenty of time to respond to me.  I want this response before I consider taking the "Alice was terrible yesterday and not around today let's lynch" train to Margaritaville.  

Kilganinja.  Hm.  That's an interesting point--clearly, this means if Alice is active he is scum.  Yesz.  Seriously, though... I don't know how this affects my thoughts on Tai v. Xanth.   Or if it does at all.  It may!  We'll see.