Individual pages look great! A few things, and I hesitate to bring them up 'cause they're both cosmetic. First, can we get character icons on the individual pages? Second, is it worth linking to their existing DL profile? Makes it easier for people who want to to delve deeper into a character's record, checking out the seasons they won in, or looking up who their opponents faced or whatnot.
Incidentally, is there any thought that the DL records will migrate over to the wiki? I'm not suggesting it, and certainly not in the short term, since the way it's set up on the site is already very good and easily navigable, but it does make a certain amount of sense.
As for the power and Stamina thing, I'm tempted to say leave them off, but this goes to the question of what exactly you want the wiki useable for. For general reference those stats are fine, but if you're thinking RPGmon, it'd be better to condense things into a single category. I confess I'm not familiar with how CT stats work but if, for example, there are 2 stats that determine defense, it's more useful for RPGmon purposes to have a single stat that represents both. I figure this is still compatible with noting alternate equipment-type changes, though I guess it's a bit uglier.
Is it worth having a separate, boiled-down table somewhere for RPGmon purposes? Would such a thing be possible without running into contentious issues, such as speed interpretations?
EDIT: of course, you've already got conglomorated stats in there (yeah, I'm real observant) but I still think the idea of having 2 separate tables, one for raw stats and one for RPGmon, is worth consideration.