I haven't had enough free time to reply to this thoroughly until now. Sorry.
Jowy's physical is just as good as his L1s, so he's not running out of that... not to mention he'd double before running out of L1s and L2s anyway.
Flash Judgement + Hungry Friend = 1638 damage. Compared to any average except Fire Emblems + L4 runes, this is a KO to Justin.
Flash Judgement + Hungry Friend is probably a KO to Justin. A Hungry Friend and a physical..... Don't know. You may be right. I don't remember much about it, anything special. So I'm not sure if my Jowy physical respect is all that high, at least against good defense. Safe to say that it's not high enough for me to give it the benefit of the doubt though. It wasn't even important enough to list in the stat topic.
Even if you take that highest kill point possible, Justin still has to run Jowy out of three Piercing Ones and a Hungry Friend (the second Hungry Friend being the threat for KO). Jowy is a full standard deviation above average speed, which arguably is good enough to 5-4 Justin, who is below average speed.
I already went over that in my last post.
Below average by like 2%. And wouldn't IA save him there? I mean that isn't the kind of thing you can't see coming.
So, to review, for Justin to win, barring Immortal Aura being better than most people here seem willing to give it credit, you have to...
As I said before. You didn't even have to see IA lasting 2 full turns (its listed duration in the stat topic) for it to had been enough. 1.6-1.7 still would have caught Jowy's second attack.
(a) Use the highest S2 kill point possible, one which relies on runes that are of highly questionable legality.
(b) Take Jowy's speed low enough so that he fails to 5-4 Justin
(c) Allow Justin healing magic despite the fact that it is universal - all four PCs in the final party can use it.
(d) Take Jowy's physical as a single, minimum-damage hit, instead of its average including crits (which heal-locks just fine)
(e) Not allow Jowy to equip Fire Emblems despite considering them in the aforementioned kill point (to be fair, I don't think he can access an equip screen once in his lategame appearance, but still)
(a) OH NOES!! Jowy is being compared to other Suikoden II PC characters in a way that makes it seem as if they actually can get runes in-game!!! How unrealistic and unfair!!!!
Rune affinities are good enough for me, in the case of the Suikoden series... >_>(b) IA??(^) Jowy doesn't last that long to me. Other than that, I agree with you.
(c) I allow individual skill/move/magic sets. Don't see the point in picking and choosing what legal moves someone can or can't use from their individual skill sets.
(d) To be fair, (like I said before ^) up to this point I just didn't think of it as something particularly relevant.
(e) I didn't use the Fire Emblems average, just the L4. If I had, Flash Judgement + Hungry Friend/attack wouldn't even have been enough. And Justin would have just killed with his ID.
I have a sneaking suspicion that you're going to take every single one of those views. I of course take none of them except possibly (d) and definitely (e) since I don't allow Fire Emblems or any other such accessories period. (Yes, Grefter, I support keeping Fire Emblems out of the DL.)
So yeah, to me it's not especially close.
None "except" for 2 of the 5? lol
See, your suspicion was wrong.

My vote really didn't hinge on these issues, because of the aforementioned IA and absence of a lack of respect for it on my part.