Author Topic: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool A  (Read 2711 times)


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Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool A
« on: July 18, 2010, 09:12:00 PM »
As we all know, any fool can fight and kill.  But where do you go when you want to show off what you can do besides the rending and the maiming?  RPG Heros of all stripes often have to do a variety of things in order to win the day, and here they can come to show them all off, and so we start on the pinnacle of variety, the arena where the Jack of All Trades shall have his day.

The Tournament of Randomness!

And so we start, not slow, but with a bang like any such tournament deserves.  And remember folks, none of these matches are rigged, but all chosen by lot!

Match 1

Welcome to the show that's all about love!  Where we guarantee that at least one contestant will not be going home alone!  But, enough about that, let's meet our lucky bachelors!

Bachelor #1 is a well known scholar who says he likes forbidden magics, mad laughter, and long walks in his own pocket dimension with Choosers of the Slain.  Let's give a warm welcome to Lezard Valeth!

Bachelorette #2 comes here all the way from 4-D space, where she says she likes wacky inventions and large mechanical hands on sticks, but just cannot stand fourth walls.  Let's hear it for Welch Vineyard!

Well now, let's see which one of these two can manage to win at The Dating Game!

Match 2

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Pokemon!

So, I hear that you're starting a Pokemon Journey.  My name is Professor Oak, most people call me the Pokemon Professor.  And your name is?

Ah, yes, it's Lord Yuna!

And you like?  Of course, you like manipulating ancient empires and killing Dragon Gods!

And of course, since you were young you've had that rival, what is his name?

Yes, King Trode.  He likes wandering the world with his lone vassal and daughter, trying to break a curse.

Now the two of you will go forth on your very own Pokemon journey, seeking to defeat all eight gyms and best the elite four, surrounded by your pokemon, learning courage, teamwork and friendship.  Of course, there can only be one pokemon champion, so work hard and perhaps it can be you!

Match 3

There was never any chance, the Dark Lord's forces were simply too strong, his artifact too full of doom, and that force of nature simply too torrential for any real chance of it ever being stopped.  No normal man, or ever extraordinary man could ever have had a chance of success.

But, all this means is that when you succeed, it'll be the stuff of legends.  And all you need to do is break the rules.

Technobabble, Deus Ex Machina, Screwing of the Rules, call it what you will, but when the chips are down, it's what heros do.  And now it's time to stand up and do it.

Two men now face these impossible odds.

One man, one mech, one mission.  Richard Hawk, the Vice President of these Great United States of America now must stand alone against the overwealming force of the terrorist Metal Wolf.  And only his ingenuity at doing the impossible can save the day.

Though always an aide, and never a leader, Ranulf is the lead troubleshooter for all the generals he's helped.  And one doesn't survive the situations he gets put into without doing the implausible and at least dabbling in the impossible.

But which of these two will do the best at screwing the rules?

Match 4

The hall it was rented, and they were presented, as the kind of debaters most folks would enjoy.  But an argument can only end with one person's points being pointier.

He may not look like much, but Ramus the Merchant was known for his hard bargains and sharp wits, having become the foremost merchant in all of Althena's domain from a humble start in the middle of nowhere simply through sheer determination and good instincts.

But, he's up against a master of seduction in the beautiful Wings of Valmar.  Millenia is easy on both the eyes and the ears, as she shows her mastery of both the carrot and the stick in convincing those around her that her way is the right way.

In a war of words and ideas, shall it be the beauty or the geek that triumphs?

Match 5

Sometimes, one has to do well when exchanging words with another.  And sometimes, you just have to be able to make one good speech.

Going first is the Strong Arm Alchemist of Amestris, Major Armstrong.  Though his alchemy will likely not help him here, there's doubtless some Armstrong technique of monologuing he'll be happy to show off.

And his opponent...  is a cat.  Ok, fine, it's a time travelling cat.  Look, all I'm saying is that those things are devious and it probably has something planned.

Match 6

Tales abound of the legendary feats pulled off in the gladiatorial arena.  Where two fighters clash in a show of arms, showing prowess as will be talked off for ages.

This will not be one of those fights.

In one corner stands the slight figure of Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde.  Her magic forbidden today in favour of her weapon of choice; a stick.  However, despite her lack of weapons training or even any kind of upper body strength she does have one advantage over her foe.  Her life as a Drifter/Dream Chaser has at least kept her active and fit.

The same cannot be said for Queen Brahne, who is notoriously unfit and also never fights against her foes herself.  However, Brahne does have the advantages that at least she dresses properly for a fight such as this, and her multiple layers of flab will probably make her impervious to attack.  The question is, can she catch her foe.

And so, we settle in for what will probably be a memorable fight, if not one that either participant will really want to remember.

Match #7

The fine art of the non sequitir is a hard one to master.  Even more so when it ostensibly has to sound like it's continuing the conversation when a second listen will tell you it really isn't.  That is the heart of the non-sense contest.  To make it sound like you're talking with someone when what you say actually has nothing to do with anything they've said to you at all.

Heading into this, Captain Matthews is the clear favourite, not only does he have a long career as a boozer to teach him the lessons of illogic, and long years of captaining a ship, but he's also seen the example of the master of nonsense, Shion.

Of course, while Mystina is a highly logical person, she's also highly dedicated to being the best.  And she too has had the example of a master of the art, Lezard Valeth.

Match 8

Let's get ready to rock!

Tonight, the World Wrestling Federation is holding its title bout!  And what a fight it's going to be!

That's right, Jim!  And our first contestant has to be the favourite.  Crawling out from Crysta Blue, this Ark the Dark has it all!  Jumping, running, dodging and more moves than you can shake a fist at!

I dunno, Bob!  His specialty is spear fighting and magic, and neither of those are allowed in the ring!

Well, they don't call him the Dark for nothing, and that's not even getting into his cheering section.  His buddies aren't known for playing by the rules, and some of 'em are beasts, literally!

Well, even if the ref does look the other way, I don't think he's got this match won just yet.

Whaddya mean, his opponent's a middle aged woman.   No way she can beat a man in his prime!

No way, folks where she's from all look one heck of a lot older than they actually are.  And she's feisty, but that's not all.  Her trained weapon is the frying pan, and that's translated wonderfully to the most devastating weapon in the WWF!

You don't mean...

Yes!  The folding chair!

Well, Jim, I think we can both agree on this being one heck of a fight!  And here comes the Ref to start the match!

Quick Vote Form

1: Lezard Valeth v Welch Vineyard - The Dating Game
2: Yuna (BoF4) v King Trode - Complete a Pokemon Journey
3: Richard Hawk v Ranulf - Applied Technobabble/Deus Ex Machinaing
4: Millenia v Ramus (Lunar) - Debate
5: Major Armstrong v Crono's Cat - Monologuing
6: Queen Brahne v Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde - Gladiatorial Deathmatch
7: Captain Matthews v Mystina - Nonsense Contest
8: Ark v Yang's Wife - WWF Wrestling


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2010, 09:24:50 PM »
1: Lezard Valeth v Welch Vineyard - The Dating Game

Literally the worst possible contest for Lezard

2: Yuna (BoF4) v King Trode - Complete a Pokemon Journey

Much to the judges' surprise, Yuna manages to get to the Victory Road and beat the Elite 4 in a record time with an unbeatable level 100 team. But there's just something wrong about these particular Pokes. helpmekillmeendthesuffering

3: Richard Hawk v Ranulf - Applied Technobabble/Deus Ex Machinaing

This fine man managed to convert the White House into the FIGHT HOUSE, as well as build a space station with merry christmas gift nuclear missiles. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE, AND THE REASON IS, HE IS THE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE GREAT UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

4: Millenia v Ramus (Lunar) - Debate

Simple enough.

5: Major Armstrong v Crono's Cat - Monologuing


6: Queen Brahne v Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde - Gladiatorial Deathmatch

Let us never speak of this again

7: Captain Matthews v Mystina - Nonsense Contest

Well it's the one thing Xenosaga is good for

8: Ark v Yang's Wife - WWF Wrestling

Yang's Wife d. Ark (12:32, pinfall following a ref distraction and frying pan shot, ***1/2)
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!

Random Consonant

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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2010, 09:27:40 PM »
1: Lezard Valeth v Welch Vineyard - The Dating Game
Lezard tries to turn the host into a horrible monster in order to bait Lenneth, gets disqualified.

2: Yuna (BoF4) v King Trode - Complete a Pokemon Journey
Lord Yuna seems more like a do-it-yourself kinda guy.  Just don't ask what that entails.

3: Richard Hawk v Ranulf - Applied Technobabble/Deus Ex Machinaing

4: Millenia v Ramus (Lunar) - Debate
Logic isn't Millenia's strong suit.  Alternatively, Millenia gets Ramus flustered by turning on the charm, but he then turns around and offers to hire her to work at his shop.

5: Major Armstrong v Crono's Cat - Monologuing
A mere cat cannot hope to stand against the monolouging technique that has been passed down the Armstrong line for generations.

6: Queen Brahne v Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde - Gladiatorial Deathmatch
Cecilia pokes Brahne.  Brahne falls over on Cecilia.

7: Captain Matthews v Mystina - Nonsense Contest
Eh, sure.

8: Ark v Yang's Wife - WWF Wrestling
Frying pans are superior.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2010, 04:52:43 AM by Random Consonant »


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2010, 09:29:28 PM »
1: Lezard Valeth v Welch Vineyard - The Dating Game
Lezard is not real successful in his romantic endeavors, and athletic geek girls who can beat stuff up are rarely single for long if they don't want to be.
2: Yuna (BoF4) v King Trode - Complete a Pokemon Journey
Monstrous form makes creeping up on hapless Pokemon in tall grass easy.  Well-experienced for a "travel the entire world" trip.
3: Richard Hawk v Ranulf - Applied Technobabble/Deus Ex Machinaing
Guy in a mech vs. cat of nature at technobabble.  Eats a Missile Punch.
4: Millenia v Ramus (Lunar) - Debate
Millenia does not in fact make Ryudo hers next time they meet.  Still a strong contestant but I'm going to hold her ending slightly against her, while Ramus successfully negotiates prices on Dragon Diamonds, builds a centuries long merchant empire, etc.
5: Major Armstrong v Crono's Cat - Monologuing
Cat in a monologue contest.  Princess Gwaelin for Godlike in this category, as a side note.
6: Queen Brahne v Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde - Gladiatorial Deathmatch
7: Captain Matthews v Mystina - Nonsense Contest
Mystina's lines seem to indicate she's impatient with fools and nonsense.  She's smart but eventually she's just going to explode and start ranting and then lose.  Meanwhile, XS3 ending hype for Matthews, as I think he's the one who invokes the "let's randomly reference a Wagner play and have swan power save us?"  That was pretty impressive nonsense.
8: Ark v Yang's Wife - WWF Wrestling
Closest match of the pool!  Yang's wife plays dirty which is handy in wrestling.  On the other hand Ark basically beats up all the animals in the world in Chapter 2 which is a pretty impressive wrestling backstory, and pretty sure he has some special moves that don't involve the spear.  Awaiting arguments.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2010, 09:29:45 PM »
1: Lezard Valeth vs Welch Vineyard - The Dating Game- Lezard may be a lunatic bent on world domination, but he also is extremely charsmatic when he has to be. Look at how he suckered in Alicia and company. Welch is never anything but obnoxious, and is ugly to boot.
2: Yuna (BoF4) v King Trode - Complete a Pokemon Journey- With Professor Morrie to help guide him, Trode should have no problems handling this.
3: Richard Hawk v Ranulf - Applied Technobabble/Deus Ex Machinaing- Ranulf's a fairly sharp guy, but he's up against the great Vice President. he's fucked.
4: Millenia v Ramus (Lunar) - Debate- Millenia's an age old demon who can be extremely seductive when she wants to be, and has plenty of wit. Ramus lucks into a fortune thanks to Quark's crystalized shit. This won't be close.
5: Major Armstrong v Crono's Cat - Monologuing- Skip.
6: Queen Brahne v Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde - Gladiatorial Deathmatch- Cecilia is extremely fit and has spent time on a battlefield. Not only is Brahne brutally out of shape, she spends almost her entire time on camera under Kuja's spell. That doesn't make for an effective gladiator.
7: Captain Matthews v Mystina - Nonsense Contest- Matthews is pretty no nonsense. Mystina's sense of whimsy is her most notable character trait. She should be able to run circles around Matthews.
8: Ark v Yang's Wife - WWF Wrestling- Frying pan to the HEAD is like the ultimate wrestling attack.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2010, 09:30:36 PM »
1: Lezard Valeth v Welch Vineyard - Hmm. Scratch that. If we assume that contestants WANT to win then Lezard from VP2 clearly demonstrates a fair degree of ability to hide his motives and be charming enough for these purposes. Unless Welch was willing to go the distance I doubt her being of the better sex at this would benefit her.
2: Yuna (BoF4) v King Trode - Seriously now. When have villainous means EVER succeeded against heroism in the Pokemon world?
3: Richard Hawk v Ranulf - Applied Technobabble/Deus Ex Machinaing: Do... I even have to explain this? "NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE, AND THE REASON IS, HE IS THE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE GREAT UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!"
4: Millenia v Ramus (Lunar) - Debate: Millenia can be pretty convincing and manipulative when she wants to be. She convinced a devastated mother to go on living for something on a whim. Ramus pretty much got his store from a terrified merchant already willing to do pretty much anything he would be told.
5: Major Armstrong v Crono's Cat - Monologuing: Being able to talk makes this pretty trivial.
6: Queen Brahne v Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde - Gladiatorial Deathmatch: Shoves the stick down her throat or something.
7: Captain Matthews v Mystina - Nonsense Contest: From Xenosaga.
8: Ark v Yang's Wife - WWF Wrestling: Ark is the LEGENDARY HERO or something. Physically fit for this.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2010, 09:35:39 PM by Pyro »


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2010, 09:33:17 PM »
1: Lezard Valeth v Welch Vineyard - The Dating Game ~ Yeaaaah, Lezard's kinda out of his league here. I mean, this'd need to be Brahne for it to even be close.
2: Yuna (BoF4) v King Trode - Complete a Pokemon Journey ~ Clearly has experience, what with Guv and his Call Team. Yuna, on the other hand, joins Team Rocket halfway through and was last seen exploring the Goldenrod Radio Tower with a Blastizard.
3: Richard Hawk v Ranulf - Applied Technobabble/Deus Ex Machinaing ~ RICHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD!!!
4: Millenia v Ramus (Lunar) - Debate ~ Pass
5: Major Armstrong v Crono's Cat - Monologuing ~ Man, this'd be a tough match for anyone, let alone a cat.
6: Queen Brahne v Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde - Gladiatorial Deathmatch ~ Never underestimate the power of a body slam. That's gotta be worse than being hit by Snorlax.
7: Captain Matthews v Mystina - Nonsense Contest ~ Pass.
8: Ark v Yang's Wife - WWF Wrestling ~ Frying pans. Thwack~


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2010, 09:39:27 PM »
1: Lezard Valeth v Welch Vineyard - The Dating Game - At worst, she dates her own weapon. Lezard... we don't imagine that.
2: Yuna (BoF4) v King Trode - Complete a Pokemon Journey - Let's analyze this a bit more carefully. King Trode: Bumbling, careless oaf royalty with a heart of gold hidden by a kinda mean exterior. Yuna: Total jerkass evil dude. One of these succeeds in Pokemon games. One doesn't.
3: Richard Hawk v Ranulf - Applied Technobabble/Deus Ex Machinaing
4: Millenia v Ramus (Lunar) - Debate
5: Major Armstrong v Crono's Cat - Monologuing - Crono's Cat interrupts Major Armstrong via Deus Ex Machina switch, dropping him down a pit. Then meows for ten minutes straight.
6: Queen Brahne v Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde - Gladiatorial Deathmatch - Thinking.
7: Captain Matthews v Mystina - Nonsense Contest - XS versus VP? Ow. Gutchecking this answer.
8: Ark v Yang's Wife - WWF Wrestling - Poor Ark. Would -never- look good in a wrestling outfit, gives up by default.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2010, 09:44:23 PM »
1: The Dating Game-

One is a man rejected by every woman he's ever met.
One is a girl who's supposedly obsessed over by most of a planet.
Gosh, I wonder.

 Lezard Valeth v Welch Vineyard

2: Complete a Pokemon Journey-

Trode's journey to lift his curse is really not unlike a pokemon journey, and his tactics in that journey will serve him well.  First, make sure to train your starter hard and always make sure they know what you need them to do.  Don't be afraid of new companions, but make sure they compliment your starter.  Sidequesting is okay, but always make sure you get powered up out of it.

Yuna meanwhile is cold and calculating, well equipped to dismantle the gym leaders and tackle the elite four.  However, he's also a man driven by his scientific goals, and in this case he's been afforded a unique opportunity; afterall, the world of Pokemon is filled with many godlike beings, and in their natural habitats!

In the end, while both are more than capable of finishing the journey, Yuna's need for research will impede him a great deal longer than Trode's sidequesting and levelling up.

Yuna (BoF4) v King Trode

3: Applied Technobabble/Deus Ex Machinaing

Not a lot to say here.  One's a hapless (if snarky) Lieutenant in a swords and sorcery world, one's a mecha pilot/evil tyrant defender of REAL AMERICAN JUSTICE.

Richard Hawk v Ranulf

4: Debate

Ramus deals in soft core porn, and is rather pervy when handing it out.  Millenia IS softcore porn, at least by his standards.  His ability to actually speak is in doubt here, let along say something coherent.

Millenia v Ramus (Lunar)

5: Monologuing

This, uh, wouldn't be a contest even if CT cats could talk.

Major Armstrong v Crono's Cat

6: Gladiatorial Deathmatch

Too horrible to contemplated.  Even if Cecilia cut through the layers of blubber, Brahne would just fall over and squish her.  Instead, Ceci does the noble thing and kills the first person who tries to get her to agree to this.

Queen Brahne v Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde

7: Nonsense Contest

Mystina of course is well versed in "things that look like nonsense but are actually important".  She studies.  Of course, even people who study can be thrown off by the nonsense that is Matthews' daily life, but then again so is he.  However, where Mystina has a scholars desire to understand any new nonsense thrown her way, Matthews has the much simpler approach of smacking them and calling them a moron.

And in any contest of teh non-sequitor, it's defense, the ability to shrug off the nonsense and move on, that's key to victory.  also he may or may not just knock Mystina out, of course.

Captain Matthews v Mystina

8: WWF Wrestling


Ark v Yang's Wife
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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2010, 09:48:57 PM »
1: Lezard Valeth v Welch Vineyard - The Dating Game
2: Yuna (BoF4) v King Trode - Complete a Pokemon Journey
3: Richard Hawk v Ranulf - Applied Technobabble/Deus Ex Machinaing
4: Millenia v Ramus (Lunar) - Debate
5: Major Armstrong v Crono's Cat - Monologuing
6: Queen Brahne v Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde - Gladiatorial Deathmatch
7: Captain Matthews v Mystina - Nonsense Contest
8: Ark v Yang's Wife - WWF Wrestling


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2010, 09:52:48 PM »
Quick Vote Form

1: Lezard Valeth v Welch Vineyard - The Dating Game- Right, the flaw being that Lezard wouldn't want any other woman.
2: Yuna (BoF4) v King Trode - Complete a Pokemon Journey- Yuna will probably just figure out a way to combine Pokemon together. Trode...starts out on foot. He's about 2 feet tall.
3: Richard Hawk v Ranulf - Applied Technobabble/Deus Ex Machinaing
4: Millenia v Ramus (Lunar) - Debate- Millenia definitely has a way with words.
5: Major Armstrong v Crono's Cat - Monologuing
6: Queen Brahne v Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde - Gladiatorial Deathmatch- Wow, a fight Brahne can actually likely win. All she needs is likely to connect once.
7: Captain Matthews v Mystina - Nonsense Contest- Matthews may be a drunkard, but listen to Mystina talk about magic with LZ. Like basically any in depth discussion of magic in game, it's complete gibberish to the player!
...into the nightfall.

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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2010, 10:05:26 PM »
1: Lezard Valeth v Welch Vineyard - The Dating Game - Welch wins by default. Lezard may be cunning and able to string people along, but he's very bad at not letting his ultimate Insert Penis Into Lenneth's Vagina IKEA Erotica plans interfere with his short-term cunning.
2: Yuna (BoF4) v King Trode - Complete a Pokemon Journey - Tonfa sums this up brilliantly.
3: Richard Hawk v Ranulf - Applied Technobabble/Deus Ex Machinaing - VICE PRESIDENT against a FE character in a technobabble battle. That's going over well.
4: Millenia v Ramus (Lunar) - Debate - This is a gooooooood match. But ultimately, I think Millennia is better at straight-up wordplay and convincing than Ramus, who needs a monetary scenario to do his strong-arming.
5: Major Armstrong v Crono's Cat - Monologuing - Crono's cat presses a switch, Major Armstrong goes down a hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooole and cat meows win monologues.
6: Queen Brahne v Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde - Gladiatorial Deathmatch - Cecilia uses her FIRE-BREATHING STAFF FROM A DISTANCE and sets Queen Brahne ablaze for her monstrous American Gladiator bikini outfit.
7: Captain Matthews v Mystina - Nonsense Contest - Captain Matthews is very no-nonsense even when he -is- being derailed by XS plot stupid. Mystina, however, could bullshit rocks into being loligoth catgirl meidos without a sweat.
8: Ark v Yang's Wife - WWF Wrestling - Apply frying pan to forehead, victory.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2010, 10:16:27 PM »
1: Lezard Valeth v Welch Vineyard - The Dating Game

More will to win, possibly better at it anyway... but yeah, more will to win.

2: Yuna (BoF4) v King Trode - Complete a Pokemon Journey

Dhyer brings up a good point. Trode is like 2 feet tall! He probably gets lost because he can't see over the tall grass. Not to mention he looks enough like a pokemon that others might attack him.

3: Richard Hawk v Ranulf - Applied Technobabble/Deus Ex Machinaing

No comment needed.

4: Millenia v Ramus (Lunar) - Debate

Not sure it's quite as one-sided as people are making it out to be, but sure.

5: Major Armstrong v Crono's Cat - Monologuing - Abstain

6: Queen Brahne v Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde - Gladiatorial Deathmatch

Being blubbery does not protect you from attacks very well. Staff to the kneecap = battle over.

7: Captain Matthews v Mystina - Nonsense Contest

Much as I like Matthews, he's very much no-nonsense, rather than nonsense. I think pretty much everything he said over the course of three games made sense and that's saying something since he's in the XS universe! Mystina could probably babble about magic and Yggdrasil and whatever for a victory here.

8: Ark v Yang's Wife - WWF Wrestling

Frying pan in WWF.

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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2010, 10:26:19 PM »
1: Lezard Valeth v Welch Vineyard - The Dating Game
2: Yuna (BoF4) v King Trode - Complete a Pokemon Journey
3: Richard Hawk v Ranulf - Applied Technobabble/Deus Ex Machinaing
4: Millenia v Ramus (Lunar) - Debate
5: Major Armstrong v Crono's Cat - Monologuing
6: Queen Brahne v Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde - Gladiatorial Deathmatch
7: Captain Matthews v Mystina - Nonsense Contest
8: Ark v Yang's Wife - WWF Wrestling
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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2010, 11:52:35 PM »
Lezard Valeth v Welch Vineyard - The Dating Game - Pass
Yuna (BoF4) v King Trode - Complete a Pokemon Journey - Pass
Richard Hawk v Ranulf - Applied Technobabble/Deus Ex Machinaing - Pass
Millenia v Ramus (Lunar) - Debate - Pass
Major Armstrong v Crono's Cat - Monologuing - Pass
Queen Brahne v Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde - Gladiatorial Deathmatch
Captain Matthews v Mystina - Nonsense Contest - Pass
Ark v Yang's Wife - WWF Wrestling


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2010, 12:41:23 AM »
On a side note, I change the vote totals as I see them, and don't count at the end, so please make a note of any edited votes or changes after the fact.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2010, 12:45:16 AM »
Lezard Valeth v Welch Vineyard - The Dating Game: When it comes down to it, Lezard is at least smart enough to lie about himself to get the answer with the best results.  Welch is more likely to scare the contestant off.
Yuna (BoF4) v King Trode - Complete a Pokemon Journey: Yuna can create gods; catching monsters in balls is problem for him!  Especially since he's probably not above genetically creating superior Pokemon for the sake of dominating the Pokemon league!  I can't see Trode having any sort of advantages.
Richard Hawk v Ranulf - Applied Technobabble/Deus Ex Machinaing: Not only are Laguz like Anti-Science in this regard, Richard Hawk is nothing but helicopters, tanks, and giant robots, I think he has at least SOME knowledge about this stuff!
Millenia v Ramus (Lunar) - Debate: Negotiating is one step away from debating, so I'm sure Ramus can adapt.  Millenia...well, I suppose seduction or something may work, but eh.
Major Armstrong v Crono's Cat - Monologuing: The dude monologues in the show himself ALL THE DAMN TIME, complete withe Lensflares, shirt rippings, etc.  This is even ignoring the fact that his opponent is a cat.
Queen Brahne v Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde - Gladiatorial Deathmatch: Staff may help, but I'm thinking Brahne would not be above wielding a freaking battle axe that Cecilia could hardly hold up!
Captain Matthews v Mystina - Nonsense Contest: Mystina gets into verbal warfare with Lezard Valeth; this is second nature to her.
Ark v Yang's Wife - WWF Wrestling: Yang fears his wife probably for a good reason.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #17 on: July 19, 2010, 12:47:37 AM »
1: Lezard Valeth v Welch Vineyard - The Dating Game

I doubt threats are a great way to charm the ladies; nor is having naked child-Valkyrie clones hanging around in your basement, which you know he'll be asked about.

2: Yuna (BoF4) v King Trode - Complete a Pokemon Journey

Trode does not match up.

3: Richard Hawk v Ranulf - Applied Technobabble/Deus Ex Machinaing

Not too close, sadly.

4: Millenia v Ramus (Lunar) - Debate

5: Major Armstrong v Crono's Cat - Monologuing

As awesome as the match may be, the Armstrong Family has been training for this for generations!

6: Queen Brahne v Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde - Gladiatorial Deathmatch

*match start* "FINISH HER" *staff to back of head/kneecaps/anywhere vital*

7: Captain Matthews v Mystina - Nonsense Contest

Abstain, since I feel like depending on how you take the match, either could win.

8: Ark v Yang's Wife - WWF Wrestling

Frying pan.
<%King_Meepdorah> roll 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"?
* +Hatbot --> "King_Meepdorah rolls 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"? and gets 999."12 [1d999=999]
<%King_Meepdorah> ...
<+superaway> ...Uh oh.
<+RandomConsonant> ...
* +superaway shakes head.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #18 on: July 19, 2010, 01:45:27 AM »
1: Lezard Valeth v Welch Vineyard - The Dating Game
2: Yuna (BoF4) v King Trode - Complete a Pokemon Journey
3: Richard Hawk v Ranulf - Applied Technobabble/Deus Ex Machinaing
4: Millenia v Ramus (Lunar) - Debate-Millenia's fairly persuasive. I think being able to blow Ramus up also makes her a lot more persuasive.
5: Major Armstrong v Crono's Cat - Monologuing
6: Queen Brahne v Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde - Gladiatorial Deathmatch- Cecilia is actually in shape. I also don't think Cecilia would be stupid enough to get in a situation where Brahne could just fall on her.
7: Captain Matthews v Mystina - Nonsense Contest
8: Ark v Yang's Wife - WWF Wrestling

Glen Veil

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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #19 on: July 19, 2010, 02:04:12 AM »
Queen Brahne v Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde - Gladiatorial Deathmatch  Cecilia is at least capable of wielding a sword, she is also used to being stabbed and hit in the face by a giant wrecking ball. Brahne had to put physical effort into snapping a wooden fan.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #20 on: July 19, 2010, 03:11:12 AM »
2: Yuna (BoF4) v King Trode - Complete a Pokemon Journey - Trode gets caught by another trainer.
3: Richard Hawk v Ranulf - Applied Technobabble/Deus Ex Machinaing - Kitty can't snark his way out of this one.
4: Millenia v Ramus (Lunar) - Debate - Booooobs.
5: Major Armstrong v Crono's Cat - Monologuing - Armstrong monologues enough for FIVE MEN.
6: Queen Brahne v Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde - Gladiatorial Deathmatch - Run around in circles until Brahne passes out. This should only take a minute or so.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2010, 06:24:34 AM by Ultradude »
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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #21 on: July 19, 2010, 03:31:35 AM »
1: Lezard Valeth v Welch Vineyard - On the plus side, Lezard would no doubt destroy the set of an awful show!
2: Yuna (BoF4) v King Trode- Trode tends to fail at everything
4: Millenia v Ramus (Lunar) - Chicks win debates... it's unfair, but true. 
5: Major Armstrong v Crono's Cat - Armstrong would be in bluelike for the ability to monologue... not fair for cat
6: Queen Brahne v Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde - We've all seen Troy.  The big buff/fat guys always lose to the quick guys via jumping sword stabs.
8: Ark v Yang's Wife - Total setup.  Weapons like a frying pan + WWE = unfair


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #22 on: July 19, 2010, 06:17:01 AM »
1: Lezard Valeth v Welch Vineyard - The Dating Game
3: Richard Hawk v Ranulf - Applied Technobabble/Deus Ex Machinaing
4: Millenia v Ramus (Lunar) - Debate
5: Major Armstrong v Crono's Cat - Monologuing
6: Queen Brahne v Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde - Gladiatorial Deathmatch
7: Captain Matthews v Mystina - Nonsense Contest
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #23 on: July 20, 2010, 02:06:39 AM »
1: Lezard Valeth v Welch Vineyard - The Dating Game
Lezard is unlovable. Besides, Lenneth is the only woman he would ever want.

2: Yuna (BoF4) v King Trode - Complete a Pokemon Journey
If I didn't know any better, I'd think that Trode was a Pokemon himself. That gives him an advantage for some unspecified reason.

3: Richard Hawk v Ranulf - Applied Technobabble/Deus Ex Machinaing
Abstaining on Richard's matches. The nomination thread said this contest was for RPG characters and I'm pretty sure Metal Wolf Chaos isn't an RPG.

4: Millenia v Ramus (Lunar) - Debate
Millenia lays on the sex appeal, which flusters Ramus too much for him to concentrate. Easy victory from there.

5: Major Armstrong v Crono's Cat - Monologuing
Armstrong doesn't even need to launch into a monologue to win this. He just flexes at the judges until they award him the winner. (As an aside, I'm glad that Armstrong made it into the contest, seeing as how he's so unbelievably obscure and all.)

6: Queen Brahne v Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde - Gladiatorial Deathmatch
Physical activity, you say? Brahne suffers a stroke 27 seconds into the match.

7: Captain Matthews v Mystina - Nonsense Contest
I think she's spent enough time around Lezard to know a thing or two about spouting nonsense.

8: Ark v Yang's Wife - WWF Wrestling
Yang's Wife needs an appropriately over-the-top wrestler name. I'm thinking Slambangalicious.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #24 on: July 20, 2010, 02:41:54 AM »
I also stated that Rule of Awesome trumps anything save obscurity.

This has allowed in Richard Hawk, Major Armstrong, and the Terran Marine.

As for Armstrong and his obscurity.  The game he's in counts as obscure, and there are some folks in the DL who don't follow anime.  Unlike the other two, he's not here for any game appearance.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2010, 02:44:19 AM by Excal »