
Author Topic: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool D  (Read 2251 times)


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Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool D
« on: July 29, 2010, 09:13:45 PM »
Ike was well on his way to "winning" despite his war record and his opponent's ties to villainy, when suddenly that old quote of Plato's about the best leader being the one who doesn't want the job sprung up out of nowhere.  From there, despite his best efforts, Ike found himself with a landslide victory.

Soren, on the other hand, merely congratulated himself on getting the public to actually buy into that old Plato stuff without Ike finding out he started it.
Holly 4 - 14 Ike

Did you know?  So far as Edna is concerned, mini-putt is not a sport of the nobility, and therefore she won by notplaying.  Maria was crestfallen at the resignation, and decided to play anyways while she had the excuse to do so.
Maria 15 - 3 Edna

"Dungeon Man is a Mech" - Far too many people
Dungeon Man 12 - 3 Necron

"Duster would struggle to write anything, while Gilgamesh is Gilgamesh. Go go funniest novel about crossdressing ever?" - Yoshiken
Gilgamesh 10 - 4 Duster

"Mewt tries to get a law passed to make it impossible for Kefka to win, finds out the hard way that this isn't FFTA Ivalice." - Random Consonant
Kefka 17 - 1 Mewt

Sadly, a small mistake was made.  Flay was all ready.  The princess had been kidnapped, his minions positioned in easily dispatched groups.  He even had a Flaybot there to distract his foe long enough to make him miss the match.  So the Mario Guy was supposed to wear green and not red, every one changed clothing now and then!

But man, was he good!  The skill was enough to draw Flay himself into the fight, and if he missed the swimming contest, well, so would his opponent,  And this kind of fight was way more fun than some stupid swimming contest.

Meanwhile, on the pier, Luigi himself happily accepted the free win while his brother was off storming Flay's castle.
Flay Gunnar 9 - 11 Luigi Mario

"Epic.  Guys, this is HAMMER.  He fails at least as much as the wonder twins and isn't technically a combat character.  Plus Rafa & Malak do use sticks, which is pretty close to those poofy staff thingies you use to fight, while Hammer only uses a gun which is totally illegal here." - Snowfire
Rafalak 10 - 8 Hammer

"Wanders into the censorship offense, the awestruck citizens there use him to censor everything. While Joachim may be more directly effective, Frocobo's widespread use covering private body parts and curse words gives him the sideways firepower to win." - Taishyr
Frocobo 11 - 8 Joachim

Pool D

Match 25

Already they were being called the Twin Trials of the Century.  Two incredibly quirky defendants are expected to easily be found guilty of crimes that, despite how it looks, they did not actually commit.  And somehow, Franziska von Karma is prosecuting them both!  Also, somehow Larry Butz has gotten involved in both.  But, shockigly, the famed defense attourney, Phoenix Wright, is not defending either client.  Instead, two rookies are taking to the field to show the legal world how it's done.

The famed Falenan strategist, Lucretia looks to be in a strong position.  Her primary talents of out thinking her opponent and using every scrap of knowledge to her advantage will translate well to a lawyer's mindset.  Unfortunately, they're best used against a conventional opponent, and this court room is anything but conventional.

Which only makes Bartz Klauser more at home.  Bonus points for already being the butt of all jokes in his world that don't go to the token guy who fails even more than him.  A true Road Scholar, his book smarts near the negatives even as he has that combination of luck and tenacity that lets him often carry the day, and are a trademark of the famed Attourney.

The goal, naturally is to get their client found innocent, however, if this isn't enough, then the winner will be whoever lasts the longest before they fail, or whoever manages to pull through with the fewest penalties.

Match 26

Some competitions can only end in pain.  This is one of them.

The goal?  Bathe an uncooperative cat.

Our competitors?

The first is a well known jobber, Ultros the Octopus.  His well known accomidation to pain will allow him to endure the suffering fairly well, and his eight tentacles will give him a good shot at actually properly washing the cat.

The second is your typical Terran Marine, noted for their astounding casualty rates when exposed to future combat.  Sadly, he'll be getting no Medic support on this one, but it's not like he's being asked to wash a Zergling.  His tools will be the pain masking and reaction boosting Stimpack as well as the heavy duty armour he's welded into, making him mostly immune to anything the cat can do to him.

Match 27

One is a space shit flying, jedi assassinating, Han Solo wanna be.

The other is THE Moogle, and a slam dancing, something or other.

And today, they have to stare at each other until one of them blinks.

Hey, they can't all be high action thrillathons.

Match 28

In the annals of track and field, there is no event more prestigious than the decathalon.  Ten events, two men, one champion.  However, this event can't be that hard, I mean, Charlie Brown almost won one once.  And that's a good thing, as you'll see when you take a look at our competitors.

First up is noted Tales Mage, Jade Curtiss.  At the very least, he's used to travelling, for all that he's still a frail mage.

On the other hand, his opponent, while noted for his knowledge of monsters, and being freaking everywhere as well as world famous, is still an old man.  The Pokemon Prof himself takes to the field.

At least it isn't the gladiatorial combat.

Match 29

If there is a mountain, there's always someone to climb it.  And today, these two gentlemen are going to try and do their best to scale this peak.

As a Drifter, Clive is used to doing all kinds of odd things for Gella.  And as a sniper, high positions are a natural fit for him.  Together, they should give him an easy win.

Of course, his opponent, Cloud Strife is also no stranger to climbing the heights.  He's climbed a mountain or two in his day, whether it be a frigid abomination, or even just clinging to the shiny golden wire of hope, Cloud's not about to fail here.

Match 30

Ah flight, the dream of ages.  Of course, in this day of aircraft, airplanes, airships, and zeppelins, any idiot (not named Yuki) can fly pretty much indefinately.  The real trick these days is managing to fly without power.  It doesn't matter what method they use, it just has to be unpowered, which means no engine.  And tools or aid they use have to be gained by themselves.

This shouldn't be an issue for our first contestant, the Princess Gwaelin, given her only defining features are her ability to get imprisoned in caves, and her ability to get her way by repeatedly saying "But Thou Must".

Contrast this to her opposition, the jolly spirit of European folklore who has also, somehow, managed to become the Shin Megami Tensei mascot.  He's been a spirit, a myth, a persona, and a shopkeeper over the years, and through all of this has some impressive tools to take this challenge with.

Match 31

The lights, the music, the annoying arrows showing up in their not quite random patterns.  And the everpresent bass beat.  That's right, it's time for Dance Dance Revolution!  The name of the game is simple, best two out of three in a three song set, one chosen by each contestant, and the third chosen at random.

Mitsuru Kirijo may not have quite the edge that being a Japanese schoolgirl would normally give in this competition, due to her high class upbringing not allowing her time for such lower class entertainments.  But, she's a quick study, and a quick ten social link training montage with that god of the arcade dance floor, Emo Jesus, should serve to bring her up to speed.

Meanwhile, our other contestant, while a far more...  um...  not normal persay, but for the ways that count here, is more likely to have tried the game, for however available it is in Zexen.  Of course, the real question is, will it be Mel or Branky who takes to the dance floor?

Match 32

Chess, the game of kings and generals.  The ultimate expression of bloodless war, played from ancient days gone by to the modern day.  It's tactics are countless and sublime.  And today, we'll see two masters of the art of strategy take to the field against each other.

From the war torn land of Elibe, Roy of Pherae is our first contestant.  Raised from birth to lead armies, and eventually granted leadership of the united armies against Bern, this is his event.  His only weakness is a reluctance to even sacrifice a pawn in favour of gaining the victory.

On the other side is Ragnar Blitz Lebrett.  His tactics are unconventional, but his dedication to crushing enemy kings is second to none.

Quick Vote Form:
25: Lucretia v Bartz - Defend a Phoenix Wright Defendant
26: Ultros v Terran Marine (Starcraft) - Cat Bathing
27: Mog v Atton Rand (KOTOR2) - Staring Contest
28: Jade Curtiss v Professor Oak - Decathalon
29: Clive Winslett v Cloud Strife - Mountain Climbing
30: Princess Gwaelin (DQ1) v Jack Frost - Unpowered Flight
31: Mitsuru Kirijo v Mel & Branky - DDR
32: Roy v Ragnar Blitz Lebrett - Chess
« Last Edit: July 29, 2010, 09:18:01 PM by Excal »


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool D
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2010, 09:21:01 PM »

Quick Vote Form:
25: Lucretia v Bartz - Defend a Phoenix Wright Defendant- More up her alley.
28: Jade Curtiss v Professor Oak - Decathalon- Oak isn't in his element here.
29: Clive Winchester v Cloud Strife- Cloud does a fair bit of climbing in game. He also strikes me as the better athlete.
30: Princess Gwaelin (DQ1) v Jack Frost - Unpowered Flight- no comment.
32: Royv Ragnar Blitz Lebrett - Chess- A contest that involves rational thinking and tactics? Ragnar be fucked.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool D
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2010, 09:24:19 PM »
Quick Vote Form:
25: Lucretia v Bartz - Defend a Phoenix Wright Defendant - Formswaps to Mediator, outwhips while being in a semi-capable dialogue class (shush, you). Willing to listen to arguments but as it's a Phoenix Wright courtroom capability is sorta secondary to me here. (>_>)
26: Ultros v Terran Marine (Starcraft) - Cat Bathing - Ultros is from a game where CAT SCRATCH is an awesome move. He flees in terror. The Terran Marine Stim Packs, while on the 'roids accidentally crushes the kitty. Neither side wins.
27: Mog v Atton Rand (KOTOR2) - Staring Contest - Stares while dancing, dances a rock at his opponent's face.
28: Jade Curtiss v Professor Oak - Decathalon - He's in good enough shape to get it on with Ash's mom ten times a day, so this should be cake.
29: Clive Winslett v Cloud Strife - Mountain Climbing - Cloud forgets why he was climbing the mountain in the first place.
30: Princess Gwaelin (DQ1) v Jack Frost - Unpowered Flight - Marries the dragon, asks for a ride. (EDIT: Gate convinced me, changed vote.)
31: Mitsuru Kirijo v Mel & Branky - DDR - Tentarafoo's self to get the funky moves needed to win.
32: Roy v Ragnar Blitz Lebrett - Chess - No fucking clue.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2010, 09:29:23 PM by Taitoro »

Random Consonant

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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool D
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2010, 09:24:34 PM »
25: Lucretia v Bartz - Defend a Phoenix Wright Defendant
Elfboy logic works.

26: Ultros v Terran Marine (Starcraft) - Cat Bathing
On the one hand, Ultros is just as likely to squirt ink on the cat.  On the other hand, Marines are pretty much incapable of doing anything other than walking, shooting, injecting themselves with harsh stimulants, and dying.

27: Mog v Atton Rand (KOTOR2) - Staring Contest
What the christ is this I don't even.

28: Jade Curtiss v Professor Oak - Decathalon

29: Clive Winslett v Cloud Strife - Mountain Climbing

30: Princess Gwaelin (DQ1) v Jack Frost - Unpowered Flight
Someone starts a rumor that Jack Frost can fly.

31: Mitsuru Kirijo v Mel & Branky - DDR
Eh, sure.

32: Roy v Ragnar Blitz Lebrett - Chess
If nothing else, Roy has at least likely been exposed to the game.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2010, 02:09:30 AM by Random Consonant »

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool D
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2010, 09:26:50 PM »
25: Lucretia v Bartz - Defend a Phoenix Wright Defendant

Lucretia is practically a dead ringer for Mia Fey. Knows every situation impossibly well, sometimes to annoying extremes, but you can't contest how good she is assessing situations and planning out strategies. Bartz... well, PW defence attorneys may at times win by being unconvential, which favours Bartz, but frankly none of them are half as stupid as he is, so I don't think he's got much of a chance. Seems like his trial will just devolve into two different Butzes being whipped. A lot.

26: Ultros v Terran Marine (Starcraft) - Cat Bathing:

Eight arms to deal with a cat's struggles. I know I've often wished for just a third myself when trying to bathe a cat.

27: Mog v Atton Rand (KOTOR2) - Staring Contest


28: Jade Curtiss v Professor Oak - Decathalon

This is painful. Who retires complaining about his hip first? Probably not Jade, since he's a bit of a Gary Stu at all things not related to social interaction, even if physical activity is his next worst specialty.

29: Clive Winchester v Cloud Strife - Mountain Climbing

One of the few RPG characters with actual proven experience doing this. His ability to shake off hypothermia just with a few seconds of shivering will prove invaluable here.

30: Princess Gwaelin (DQ1) v Jack Frost - Unpowered Flight


31: Mitsuru Kirijo v Mel & Branky - DDR

I don't care what her upbringing is, she's still a teen girl from Japan, and if -that- doesn't give you a massive advantage in DDR, nothing does.

32: Roy v Ragnar Blitz Lebrett - Chess

As long as someone convinces him that chess has no survival ranking, he has this in the bag.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool D
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2010, 09:27:35 PM »
25: Lucretia v Bartz - Defend a Phoenix Wright Defendant: Lucretia is psychic. And will probably seduce Franziska for good measure just because. Bartz will also get his defendant off the hook by sheer dumb luck, but will mouth off and get more penalties while doing it.
26: Ultros v Terran Marine (Starcraft) - Cat Bathing: Yeah, think full body armor takes this one.
27: Mog v Atton Rand (KOTOR2) - Staring Contest: Dunno Atton.
28: Jade Curtiss v Professor Oak - Decathalon: If Jade doesn't win purely by being in better shape, he'll cheat.
29: Clive Winchester v Cloud Strife - Mountain Climbing: Hmm. This is a fairly tough one. Grappling hook gives Clive the edge, for all that I think Cloud would win on pure physical ability if he didn't have that. But this is the kind of thing WA tools were made for, really.
30: Princess Gwaelin (DQ1) v Jack Frost - Unpowered Flight: Putting on a pimp hat and hitting on a chick with superstrength is a great way to reach low orbit without an engine.(If you don't get this, don't worry, you're not supposed to.)
31: Mitsuru Kirijo v Mel & Branky - DDR: Mitsuru is focused at least, while Branky is likely to pull on Mel's arm at a wrong time and screw her up. Or make comments about jiggle and make Mel stop halfway through to smash his head against a wall.
32: Roy v Ragnar Blitz Lebrett - Chess: Have you seen the size of the FE6 cast? And how random the people who join are? Roy recruits Ragnar halfway through the match and wins by default.
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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool D
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2010, 12:15:16 AM »
25: Lucretia v Bartz - Defend a Phoenix Wright Defendant-The intelligence gap between the two is too much for Bartz to overcome.
26: Ultros v Terran Marine (Starcraft) - Cat Bathing
27: Mog v Atton Rand (KOTOR2) - Staring Contest
28: Jade Curtiss v Professor Oak - Decathalon-He probably sneaks in a Dodrio or something.
29: Clive Winslett v Cloud Strife - Mountain Climbing: This is a good match, but Clive has both the grappling hook and Mighty Gloves to help his grip. I also don't think Clive would be above using his bomb and sniper rifle to slow Cloud down.
30: Princess Gwaelin (DQ1) v Jack Frost - Unpowered Flight-I don't think being carried by the hero counts as flight.
31: Mitsuru Kirijo v Mel & Branky - DDR
32: Roy v Ragnar Blitz Lebrett - Chess


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool D
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2010, 03:48:10 AM »
25: Lucretia v Bartz - Defend a Phoenix Wright Defendant - When something stinks, it's always the Butz.
26: Ultros v Terran Marine (Starcraft) - Cat Bathing
27: Mog v Atton Rand (KOTOR2) - Staring Contest
28: Jade Curtiss v Professor Oak - Decathalon
29: Clive Winslett v Cloud Strife - Mountain Climbing
30: Princess Gwaelin (DQ1) v Jack Frost - Unpowered Flight
31: Mitsuru Kirijo v Mel & Branky - DDR
32: Roy v Ragnar Blitz Lebrett - Chess - Ragnar couldn't outchess a rock.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool D
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2010, 03:48:22 PM »
25: Lucretia v Bartz - Defend a Phoenix Wright Defendant - Job changes into Mediator and ends up taking the Judge's place and rules in favor of his own side. ...Hey, it hasn't happened in PW yet, but it's sure to happen eventually.
26: Ultros v Terran Marine (Starcraft) - Cat Bathing - Seafood Soup! calms the cat during bathing.
27: Mog v Atton Rand (KOTOR2) - Staring Contest - Atton gets freaked out by Mog's creepy eyes.
28: Jade Curtiss v Professor Oak - Decathalon - Cheats more than Yugi Moto.
29: Clive Winslett v Cloud Strife - Mountain Climbing - Grappling Hook Tool argument convinced me.
30: Princess Gwaelin (DQ1) v Jack Frost - Unpowered Flight - "But I don't want to forfeit the match Hee-ho!" "But Thou Must!"
31: Mitsuru Kirijo v Mel & Branky - DDR - It's in her DNA~
32: Roy v Ragnar Blitz Lebrett - Chess - All of his units come back to life as Zombies when they're taken. :O


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool D
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2010, 08:33:45 PM »
I'm curious why people are letting Bartz job change into a mediator because FF5 doesn't have a mediator job.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool D
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2010, 09:38:09 PM »
It has Trainer, but yeah, I agree that this wouldn't really do him much good.

Also, grappling hooks aren't mountain climbing tools, either in real life or WA3. To be honest I'm quite stunned that people are voting against Cloud given he climbs mountains in his home game.

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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool D
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2010, 10:52:04 PM »



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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool D
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2010, 11:06:03 PM »
It has Trainer, but yeah, I agree that this wouldn't really do him much good.

Also, grappling hooks aren't mountain climbing tools, either in real life or WA3. To be honest I'm quite stunned that people are voting against Cloud given he climbs mountains in his home game.
While Clive may not have ingame experience he is in good shape to climb a mountain (hanging grates show that he can both hold his own weight and pull him self up with ease). I people are seeing his tools and overall competence as more than making up the difference. 

As for Bartz, I think Mediator is more of a translation oddity as that job seems much more like a trainer and something like that is used in the later translations. Even if he did have a FFT style mediator job, Lucretia is still really, really good at this sort of thing and I don't think mediator would just be an instant win against her. 


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool D
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2010, 11:17:49 PM »
25: Lucretia v Bartz - Defend a Phoenix Wright Defendant
...look his name was originally translated as Butz.  He's Larry's long-lost cousin or something and will probably end up getting his client off by making himself even more suspicious and getting charged himself before Phoenix swoops in.  Meanwhile Lucretia might just be the most hax possible defense attorney in the tournament to beat Franziska, as Lucretia - even more so than Mia - is written like she's read the script already, is willing to use unconventional tactics, etc.  And can seduce Franzy as a backup plan, yes.
26: Ultros v Terran Marine (Starcraft) - Cat Bathing
Uh.  They are both *awful* at this.  Ultos by all rights should win - pick cat up, jump in river - but Ultros also has an amazing capability to fail constantly.  Then again the Marine has an amazing ability to die constantly, unless he can lure the cat into a bunker.  Ummmm.  Sure WTH Ultros.
27: Mog v Atton Rand (KOTOR2) - Staring Contest
28: Jade Curtiss v Professor Oak - Decathalon
The game hypes Jade as possibly being able to kill Largo with his spear, and he does travel across the world, so he can't be that out of shape.
29: Clive Winslett v Cloud Strife - Mountain Climbing
Yeah, climbs several mountains himself, is in general hyped as a physical badass.
30: Princess Gwaelin (DQ1) v Jack Frost - Unpowered Flight
Tools or "aid" gained by themselves?  Gwaelin seems pretty great at getting aid.  If marrying the Dragon doesn't work then ask Empyrea, the good ol' dimension traveling bird instead.
31: Mitsuru Kirijo v Mel & Branky - DDR
Bad, bad, bad Branky!  You made me miss a step!  Now it's time for punishment!  (Meanwhile the misses will continue as Mel is distracted by the conversation.)
32: Roy v Ragnar Blitz Lebrett - Chess
Fighting is all RAGNAR BLITZ LEBRETT knows and he'll keep doing it!  ....though yeah.  Roy is more of a Gary Stu anyway so probably wins without losing a single piece somehow.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool D
« Reply #14 on: August 01, 2010, 03:57:08 AM »
Random Excal hijacking of the elven account.

This pool closes tomorrow!

If you want to vote, vote now.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool D
« Reply #15 on: August 01, 2010, 04:00:14 AM »
Quick Vote Form:
25: Lucretia v Bartz - Defend a Phoenix Wright Defendant
26: Ultros v Terran Marine (Starcraft) - Cat Bathing
27: Mog v Atton Rand (KOTOR2) - Staring Contest
28: Jade Curtiss v Professor Oak - Decathalon
29: Clive Winslett v Cloud Strife - Mountain Climbing: The fact that this is even close is like what.
30: Princess Gwaelin (DQ1) v Jack Frost - Unpowered Flight
31: Mitsuru Kirijo v Mel & Branky - DDR: meh.
32: Roy v Ragnar Blitz Lebrett - Chess: lolololololololololragnar.  Roy convinces him to kill his own king.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2010, 04:07:46 AM by Ciato »
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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool D
« Reply #16 on: August 01, 2010, 04:03:51 AM »
Quick Vote Form:
26: Ultros v Terran Marine (Starcraft) - Cat Bathing
27: Mog v Atton Rand (KOTOR2) - Staring Contest
28: Jade Curtiss v Professor Oak - Decathalon
29: Clive Winslett v Cloud Strife - Mountain Climbing
31: Mitsuru Kirijo v Mel & Branky - DDR
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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool D
« Reply #17 on: August 01, 2010, 04:11:35 AM »
Sans comments due to laziness this week.

25: Lucretia v Bartz
26: Ultros v Terran Marine (Starcraft)
27: Mog v Atton Rand (KOTOR2)
28: Jade Curtiss v Professor Oak
29: Clive Winslett v Cloud Strife
30: Princess Gwaelin (DQ1) v Jack Frost
31: Mitsuru Kirijo v Mel & Branky
32: Roy v Ragnar Blitz Lebrett
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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool D
« Reply #18 on: August 02, 2010, 06:56:55 PM »
25: Lucretia v Bartz - Defend a Phoenix Wright Defendant
26: Ultros v Terran Marine (Starcraft) - Cat Bathing
28: Jade Curtiss v Professor Oak - Decathalon
29: Clive Winslett v Cloud Strife - Mountain Climbing
30: Princess Gwaelin (DQ1) v Jack Frost - Unpowered Flight- But thou must's her way to victory
31: Mitsuru Kirijo v Mel & Branky - DDR
32: Roy v Ragnar Blitz Lebrett - Chess