
Author Topic: Nino>Kornell  (Read 410 times)


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« on: March 07, 2008, 05:14:56 AM »
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

"Forget other people's feelings, this is fun and life is but a game and we nought but players in it.  CHECKMATE!  King me and that is Uno." - Grefter


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Re: Nino>Kornell
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2008, 03:58:47 AM »
"HAH! A little girl like you can't possibly defe-" Kornell's words were chopped off by a massive pillar of fire smashing him in the face.

"...Hey! Damn you! I'm not just some joke! You have to le-" Again, his words were cut off.

Nino shrugged, and kept firing fireballs as an increasingly irate Kornell tried desperately to say his piece.

This was the Duelling League!

He was free from the restraining shackles of the world that had cruelly bound him!

And he still was not allowed even a scene here?

As he fell into unconciousness, his last thoughts were the horrific realization that, in trying to not look like a fool, he hadn't even attacked...

Nino shrugged again. She was just doing what she'd been told to...

She did kinda feel sorry for the guy, though.


Violetta smiled.

"You know, you're a man after my own heart." She noted, as a cloaked figure handed her a small bag. "Ruthless, yet cruel."

"I just do what I have to." Jaffar said flatly, as he walked off.
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

"Forget other people's feelings, this is fun and life is but a game and we nought but players in it.  CHECKMATE!  King me and that is Uno." - Grefter