
Author Topic: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool B  (Read 1969 times)


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Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool B
« on: August 05, 2010, 08:53:35 PM »

"Raw Material costs: 4 million Fol
Inventor salary fees: 8 million Fol
Factory Overhead: 3 million Fol

Creating a pair of x-ray contact lenses that allow you to see what cards your opponent has: Priceless" - Tide
Welch Vineyard 8 - 6 Lord Yuna

"I love Millenia, but the dude bullies a COUNTRY." - Pyro
Richard Hawk 11 - 2 Millenia

"The Armstrong line may well have special techniques for fighting games dating back generations.  Who's to say.  What they don't have is little plastic controllers designed to withstand the full forced passions of the Strong Arm Alchemist." - Cmdr King
Major Armstrong 0 - 8 Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde

"Mystina isn't an athelte. Yang's wife is a pro wrestler waiting to happen." - Super
Mystina 5 - 9 Yang's Wife

"Uh huh.  When in doubt, doubt the angry black mage girl's ability to handle children." - Random Consonant
Fun Master Ion 8 - 6 Rita

"Curvy Hilda is perfect for this. Even if she's not a great minion, her infinitely cute stare will make everyone -think- she is, and that's good enough, I think." - Darkholyelf

Rinoa 3 - 13 Hilda

"Lymsleia has allowed the crime against art - Haud - to remain standing in her borders. Loses by default." - Djinn
White Knight Leo 6 - 3 Lymsleia

"Joins the Fab Five and make-overs the world!" - Oblivion Knight
Lily Valendorf 6 - 9 Kanji Tatsumi

Pool B

Match 41

I've done it just as you asked, sir.  I've prepared the two candidates and told them about the mission to stop the use of the Metal Gear, to rescue the kidnapped VIPs, and to capture or kill the leadership of the terrorist group, Fox-Hound; in that order of importance.

"And the candidates themselves?"

One of them is an accomplished marksman.  She's also somewhat used to being stealthy as she's apparently a terrorist herself.

"It is an acceptable risk.  And the other?"

A mercenary, though all reports say he should be reliable.  Likely our sources exaggerate, but I've been told he's beaten up a Goddess by simply refusing to give up.

"Well then, one of these two should be able to accomplish this task for us, let's see who does it first."

Match 42

Welcome to Junkyard Wars, where we assign a challenge and have two teams and their experts duke it out, with one day to design their device and then sort through our junkpiles to find the parts necessary to build it.  And the team whose mahcine does best at the challenge wins.

Red Team is led by Dungeon Man, and any two other people he can call on to help him.  For his technical expert, we've managed to contract Jeff Andronuts from the Town of Winter.  Of course, while he may be lacking in friends, Dungeon Man himself has an extensive history of mechanical work with a wide variety of materials.

Blue Team is led by the former hench called Gilgamesh.  While he only has the one friend, he can get one more friend of Bartz to show up and assist.  As for his expert, he gets Cid Midiera, who is also a world reknown scientist.

Match 43

The speed, the power, the left turns!  This is NASCAR!  And on today's ridiculously long challenge we've got two ace drivers ready to face off.

Kefka Palazzo is more used to the destruction dirby than NASCAR but he's pulled out the odd surprised before, and has positioned himself as someone to never underestimate.

Luigi Mario, on the other hand, is generally an easy man to underestimate, but comes to this challenge with a wealth of racing experience that he's ready to use to show us all who's number one now.  Of course, will he be able to run and run before he's well done?

Match 44

Craft soul into words
Then present with great beauty
Poetry Contest.

Twin Competitors
Draw goodness from darkest grasp.
Rafa and Malak

Innocent being
Adorable atop hair
Baby Frocobo

Match 45

You pathetic amateur, you think you can taunt?  Well, none can taunt, or gloat as well as I!  But, if any were close, perhaps it'd be one of these two.

Oh yes, there's few things quite so haughty as a strategist, and Lucretia has that air of superiority down pat.  I'm sure if it'd net her a win, there's none who can taunt as well as she can.

But Ultros, well, if there's one thing he can do well, it's taunt, boast, and gloat.  Of course, eight legs can't help him here!

Match 46

What is it that makes a man.  Is it sculpted muscles, abs of steel, a willingness to do whatever it is that needs doing regardless of the cost, and a bonus if it involves an excessive amount of punching shit up?  There is that certain je ne sais quoi that defines a man, and here we must distill it down to that basic spirit, and see which competitor possesses more.

First up is a slam dancing moogle whose specialty is avoiding combat.  Ok, so apparently he has an issue of all of his buddies being manlier than him, especially the yeti that will randomly pick him up and use him as a weapon.  But at least he's a melee fighter by nature.

As opposed to Jade, who is not only a mage, but also prone to cheating.  Of course, Gandar is a mage who managed to win the title of manly, so it's not an auto lose.  Of course, there is a difference between dirty tricks and cheating.  One's manlier.

Match 47

Since we seem to already be on the subject of manliness, let's move on to the second of the manly challenges and start up the drinking contest.  They'll be matching each other shot for shot, bottle for bottle, until one of them is too sick or too drunk to go on.

For Cloud, this may just be another mini game, and who knows how Mako will effect alcohol.  That said, his ability to drink has never been hugely important.

Then again, neither has it been for his opponent, mythical fairy type Jack Frost.  He'll almost certainly be going in one of his real forms, as having to depend on the alcohol tolerance of a Japanese schoolboy, even ones as perfect as those two, seems a losing trade against Cloud.  Of course, how much he'll be able to get down is still in question.

Match 48

And completing our trio of masculinity, we've got the Bar Fight.  Oddly enough, for this one we've got two aristocratic rapier fighters who'll have to use fists, chairs, broken bottles, and other such improvised weaponry in order to carry the day.

Roy was honestly just here to recruit some mercenaries, while Mitsuru because it was the last place anyone would look for her as she practiced eating a hamburger.  Then the brawl starts, and oddly enough, it just won't stop until one of the two are downed.

Quick Vote Form:

41: Ike v Maria - Stealth Match (Metal Gear Challenge)
42: Dungeon Man v Gilgamesh - Junkyard Wars
43: Kefka Palazzo v Luigi Mario - Nascar Racing
44: Rafa/Malak v Frocobo - Poetry Contest
45: Lucretia v Ultros - Taunting/Gloating
46: Mog v Jade Curtiss - Manliness Contest
47: Cloud Strife v Jack Frost - Drinking Contest
48: Mitsuru Kirijo v Roy - Bar Fight

Random Consonant

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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool B
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2010, 09:10:53 PM »
41: Ike v Maria - Stealth Match (Metal Gear Challenge)
Well surely Maria has access to some fancy cloaking device.

42: Dungeon Man v Gilgamesh - Junkyard Wars

43: Kefka Palazzo v Luigi Mario - Nascar Racing
While Luigi is sort of out of his element without the random items, Kefka's more than likely end up in a wreck due trying to crash into as many people as possible.

44: Rafa/Malak v Frocobo - Poetry Contest

45: Lucretia v Ultros - Taunting/Gloating
Don't tease the octopus, kids.

46: Mog v Jade Curtiss - Manliness Contest

47: Cloud Strife v Jack Frost - Drinking Contest

48: Mitsuru Kirijo v Roy - Bar Fight
Thinking SSBM gives Roy the edge here.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool B
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2010, 09:29:47 PM »
41: Ike v Maria - Stealth Match (Metal Gear Challenge)- What Random said. Ike's much more of the pound you in the face till you stop moving type.
43: Kefka Palazzo vLuigi Mario - Nascar Racing- Luigi has extensive backround in racing thanks to Mario Kart.
44: Rafa/Malak v Frocobo - Poetry Contest- The type of person who judges poetry is likely to be an animal lover. Frocobo just has to look cute while Malak tries to make a Haiku out of exploding frogs and gets his ass kicked by the judges for cruelty.
45:Lucretia v Ultros - Taunting/Gloating-  Superior brainpower carries the day.
46: Mog v Jade Curtiss - Manliness Contest- Mog is cool! He also is an adorable Moogle who wears a fur suit as his best armor and says Kupo all the time. Jade's not the manliest around, but he can top that.
47: Cloud Strife v Jack Frost - Drinking Contest- Strongly suspect a nonhuman will have a high tolerance for this kind of thing.
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool B
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2010, 12:12:46 AM »
41: Ike v Maria - Stealth Match (Metal Gear Challenge): Both have experience doing something like this, but I think Maria's superior technology is too much for Ike to overcome.
42: Dungeon Man v Gilgamesh - Junkyard Wars
43: Kefka Palazzo v Luigi Mario - Nascar Racing: Luigi has more experience.
44: Rafa/Malak v Frocobo - Poetry Contest
45: Lucretia v Ultros - Taunting/Gloating: I think Ultros would end up coming into the match unprepared confident in his abilities. Lucretia however, will have researched all the ways to get under Ultros's skin and her cool head helps her to almost completely ignored Ultros's taunts.  
46: Mog v Jade Curtiss - Manliness Contest
47: Cloud Strife v Jack Frost - Drinking Contest
48: Mitsuru Kirijo v Roy - Bar Fight: I think Roy would have some reservations about fighting a lady in such an uncouth manner. I don't think that Mitsuru would be above kicking him in the balls either.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2010, 11:41:58 AM by dude789 »


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool B
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2010, 02:22:29 AM »
41: Ike v Maria - Stealth Match (Metal Gear Challenge)
42: Dungeon Man v Gilgamesh - Junkyard Wars
43: Kefka Palazzo v Luigi Mario - Nascar Racing
44: Rafa/Malak v Frocobo - Poetry Contest
45: Lucretia v Ultros - Taunting/Gloating
46: Mog v Jade Curtiss - Manliness Contest
47: Cloud Strife v Jack Frost - Drinking Contest - Heec ho!
48: Mitsuru Kirijo v Roy - Bar Fight

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool B
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2010, 01:36:40 AM »
41: Ike v Maria - Stealth Match (Metal Gear Challenge)
42: Dungeon Man v Gilgamesh - Junkyard Wars
43: Kefka Palazzo v Luigi Mario - Nascar Racing
44: Rafa/Malak v Frocobo - Poetry Contest
45: Lucretia v Ultros - Taunting/Gloating
46: Mog v Jade Curtiss - Manliness Contest
47: Cloud Strife v Jack Frost - Drinking Contest
48: Mitsuru Kirijo v Roy - Bar Fight
« Last Edit: August 08, 2010, 03:30:12 AM by Ciato »
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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool B
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2010, 02:34:14 AM »
44: Rafa/Malak v Frocobo - Poetry Contest- Yeah, let's go with the ones that can actually write poetry. No idea how Frocobo would win this as it kind of auto-loses by default at...most everything, but definitely this.
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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool B
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2010, 03:28:24 AM »
41: Ike v Maria - Stealth Match (Metal Gear Challenge): It's been said.
42: Dungeon Man v Gilgamesh - Junkyard Wars: Lack of caring on multiple fronts.
43: Kefka Palazzo v Luigi Mario - Nascar Racing: Part of me wants to say "Luigi never wins" but yeah, still has more experience here.
44: Rafa/Malak v Frocobo - Poetry Contest: Why are Rafa and Malak getting multiple wins?
45: Lucretia v Ultros - Taunting/Gloating: Lucretia has this smugness to her which could help, but still doesn't go for outright taunting. Ultros... he can do that.
46: Mog v Jade Curtiss - Manliness Contest: Slamdancin'.
47: Cloud Strife v Jack Frost - Drinking Contest: Strong kneejerk. Jack Frost is tiny.
48: Mitsuru Kirijo v Roy - Bar Fight: What dude said.

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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool B
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2010, 05:22:54 AM »
41: Ike v Maria - Stealth Match (Metal Gear Challenge): I don't think there's much to say here.  Ike is not the person to do this - I think there's 1 mission in FE9/10 that involves stealth?  Whereas Maria has to sneak around in SO3 plenty of times to avoid detection.
42: Dungeon Man v Gilgamesh - Junkyard Wars: Many arms helps here.  As does being small enough to manipulate things.
43: Kefka Palazzo v Luigi Mario - Nascar Racing: MarioKart hype
44: Rafa/Malak v Frocobo - Poetry Contest
45: Lucretia v Ultros - Taunting/Gloating
46: Mog v Jade Curtiss - Manliness Contest: Gee, man vs. a non-human...
47: Cloud Strife v Jack Frost - Drinking Contest: Cloud has a limit - demons/spirits/fairies have none
48: Mitsuru Kirijo v Roy - Bar Fight: Throws away her sword, punches Roy in the face, then subjects him to her special "torture"
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory

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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool B
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2010, 11:31:47 AM »
41: Ike v Maria - Stealth Match (Metal Gear Challenge) - It's been said before: Ike + Stealth = almost auto-win for opponent.
42: Dungeon Man v Gilgamesh - Junkyard Wars - Everyone remembers that Dungeon Man himself is actually the man INSIDE the dungeon, rather than the dungeon itself, right?  And to think he's able to come up with something that awesome in-game is astounding.
43: Kefka Palazzo v Luigi Mario - Nascar Racing Kefka's too busy killing stuff to win.
44: Rafa/Malak v Frocobo - Poetry Contest - Pass
45: Lucretia v Ultros - Taunting/Gloating - Lucretia...  Seems too Mary-Sueish to really want to bother with taunting people.
46: Mog v Jade Curtiss - Manliness Contest - It really says something when you lose a contest of manliness to a mascot for cute.
47: Cloud Strife v Jack Frost - Drinking Contest - Pass
48: Mitsuru Kirijo v Roy - Bar Fight - Mitsuru has the range tools for this.  Roy does not.  I mean, getting hit with a frozen table leg hurts, right?


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool B
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2010, 01:31:12 PM »
As far as I remember it, he had the scientist transform him into the entire dungeon in some way. But this is me and memory so.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool B
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2010, 02:14:55 PM »
Short comments this week.

41: Ike v Maria - Stealth Match (Metal Gear Challenge)- if nothing else, her greater weaponry range makes her better at MGS gameplay.
42: Dungeon Man v Gilgamesh - Junkyard Wars
43: Kefka Palazzo v Luigi Mario - Nascar Racing
44: Rafa/Malak v Frocobo - Poetry Contest- "Kweh kweh kweh wark" is better than anything those two could come up with.
45: Lucretia v Ultros - Taunting/Gloating
46: Mog v Jade Curtiss - Manliness Contest- Much greater control over his spear.  Essence of manliness.
47: Cloud Strife v Jack Frost - Drinking Contest- Fairies like Jack Frost love their booze, but also get drunk off thimbles.
48: Mitsuru Kirijo v Roy - Bar Fight- Execution.  Roy wishes he had the above contest.
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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool B
« Reply #12 on: August 08, 2010, 09:31:10 PM »
Voting will be closing some time tonight, so get your votes in while you still can.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool B
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2010, 12:02:16 AM »
41: Ike v Maria - Stealth Match (Metal Gear Challenge)- Maria would rock. I always lose the stealth part of the prison break mission in FE9.
42: Dungeon Man v Gilgamesh - Junkyard Wars- Dungeon man makes his own dungeons
43: Kefka Palazzo v Luigi Mario - Nascar Racing- Duh
44: Rafa/Malak v Frocobo - Poetry Contest- Kweh kweh is not poetry
45: Lucretia v Ultros - Taunting/Gloating- Dont tease the octopus Lucretia
46: Mog v Jade Curtiss - Manliness Contest- Jade looks like a girl.
47: Cloud Strife v Jack Frost - Drinking Contest- JF is small, even though he isnt human.
48: Mitsuru Kirijo v Roy - Bar Fight- Smash brothers! Mitsuru probably joins Roys harem like Fir does.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool B
« Reply #14 on: August 09, 2010, 12:31:31 AM »
41: Ike v Maria - Stealth Match (Metal Gear Challenge)
Maria would fit into StarCraft: Ghost pretty well.
42: Dungeon Man v Gilgamesh - Junkyard Wars
43: Kefka Palazzo v Luigi Mario - Nascar Racing
44: Rafa/Malak v Frocobo - Poetry Contest
45: Lucretia v Ultros - Taunting/Gloating
46: Mog v Jade Curtiss - Manliness Contest
Hardest match in the pool, neither are manly in the slightest.  Mog is cuter than Jade, though, which I think kills him here.
47: Cloud Strife v Jack Frost - Drinking Contest
48: Mitsuru Kirijo v Roy - Bar Fight
Fire Emblem characters are famously dodgy.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool B
« Reply #15 on: August 09, 2010, 01:33:57 AM »
48: Mitsuru Kirijo v Roy - Bar Fight: Real Winners are the cops since both are underage.


Fine, Roy, he like, sets things on fire.  Plus Pimp Roy powers.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool B
« Reply #16 on: August 09, 2010, 08:44:30 AM »
Adding in:

48: Mitsuru Kirijo v Roy - Bar Fight- Roy doesn't seem to be getting many votes beyond the games he was in, so throwing in the personality trump in a close match.
...into the nightfall.