Ninja'd by Dhyer: Sure, three final seasons would also work, if there's interest. Certainly there'd be a much more solid guarantee of everyone of any plot / DL relevance getting in for one last shot.
On a philosophical note, what killed the RPGDL tourney wasn't the RPGDL at all, I think. It was that console RPGs that translate well came too slow to the next-gen systems and were too spread out. If any one system had clearly "won" the RPG market, then games from it could have been ranked like back in the PS1 / PS2 days... but that didn't happen.
On the one final season idea, I'd nominate superaielman to be that one person who has the final say and all. That said because it's the kind of thing I'd enjoy doing, here's my idea for a final season, should we decide to go down that route. (And also, to be clear, after the "final season" there can still be board tournies, natch.)
Sephiroth (? Just in this season but FF7 rep for Heavy.)
Ghaleon (? Strong for the field, but a long history and wasn't in recently)
Empyrea (or Jessica, some DQ8 rep)
Ryu (BoF4)
Rika (or Profound Darkness? On the other hand PCs are fun)
Terra (FF6 can support two reps in Godlike.)
S61 Heavy Upgrade / Champ? (If Emelious champs, though, just ignore him in favor of Xorn.)
Hugo (or Geddoe, but Hugo's more interesting in the DL)
Jack van Burace
Billy Lee Black (Fei is a more obvious choice, but Billy's more interesting in the DL?)
Ike (or Lyn, or Ephraim, but more Ike is the most interesting / is also in Smash?)
Rose (? Or Lloyd?)
Sofia (DQ4)
Odin (BtS excuse)
Alex (Lunar)
Cecil (FF4)
Momo (BoF3) (In just this season. Uh, something else then, and maybe stick a BoF3 representative somewhere else. Red for super hype?)
Room for more champs?
(Heavy is as usual way too crowded. Plenty of other solid picks here - Red, Lyn, Margulis, Scias, Vayne... hell, even Lezard for the lulz)
Lyon (FE8)
Brad (WA2)
Jr. (or SHION??)
Mia (FE9) (? Entirely on "include some swordmaster in the DL hype but Ike is the best pick in Heavy where most of them are and Vantage is cool" logic)
Nina (BoF2)
Alice (SH1)
Yulie Ahtredie
SEIFER (? Headache in the DL but it's Seifer so maybe he gets in anyway?)
Natalia (or Jade, or Guy, or someone from TotA)
Rena (Bad for the division, but less so than Claude in Godlike, and one of the two SO2 PCs with plot)
Some potential upgrade, maybe, if they're cool enough
WA3 PCs get left out, but it translates kinda meh to the DL. I'd have stuck Virginia in but she was just in *this* season so maybe not. (Though there's also Jet for Middle I guess. Though he'll lose horribly.) Could make an argument for MK Jessica as well, unsure of MK's popularity but seems like it should have at least one representative. Chisato would easily qualify for Light based on BtS hype but I think she'd just outright lose to everyone in Highish Middle which is meh.
Mullen (or Evil Gaia for FRUE G1 boss hype? Mullen's still way worse than his ranking would indicate)
Black Wizard
Nanami (S2)
Collete Brunel
Jin Uzuki
Snowe (or Katarina ?)
Emma Hetfield
Algus (will lose, and there will be much rejoicing. Or Mustadio.)
Rufus Shinra (will lose, but style, and Light is short on bosses)
Jogurt (will lose, but it's Jogurt.)
Tried to have a wide spread of games on this. Weirdly enough WA4 lost out