I would be fine with using WordPress for Game Patches and Reviews and such, I'm just a bit worried that people will get lazy and then never update their own pages. With the Wiki, I can do it for them. Especially for people that aren't HTML-savvy, or whatever system WordPress uses. (I guess that includes me if WordPress uses something weird, since I've never played with a WordPress system before.)
Honestly, I'd be fine with making WordPress pages for a
Front Page, where we put updates, a site description, and major portal links (such as to the current Tournament pages and the Wiki); and for the
Game Patches; and possibly for
Reviews. More than that seems like more work than its worth? All the things I have linked to the current Features page on the Wiki (
http://rpgdl.com/wiki/index.php?title=Features )
could work as WordPress pages, but using the Wiki seems more user-friendly to me.
Also, if we put everything on the WordPress pages, then the only thing we're using the Wiki for is StatTopics, and then the Wiki will get ignored again, which seems incredibly counter-productive at this stage.
But these are just my initial impressions, perhaps with some more info on WordPress pages... or perhaps just getting a chance to play around the system if Hal can set something up... these impressions could change.
Hal, do you think you could set up a sample WordPress page for us to test some things and see how it would actually work in practice?