While no one who wants to follow along with the "get your asses out of your chairs" exercise program has to be doing it for weight, I certainly am. With that in mind, I'll be posting my weight once a week and generally tracking my calories/nutrition (no one else needs to do it - but it helps keep me accountable). Feel free to make fun of me and what I eat all you like.
Starting weight: 183
Target caloric intake: 1200-1800 (1500 on average)
Aiming for 1-3 pounds per week, so about 20 pounds over the course of the program (so: 163 by November 8).
I don't lose weight when I do cardio only, so in addition to running Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I'll be doing some cross training on Tuesdays and Thursdays and some free-form exercise or another on Saturday or Sunday, for a total of 6 days "on" and 1 day "off."
Week 1, Day 2 (pre-program)Week 1: 5 minute warm-up walk. 60 seconds jogging, 90 seconds walking; repeat for 20 minutes. 3 minute cool-down walk.
Whee, I'm so glad I gave myself the extra two days of running. I need to feel my way back to this thing. Damnation. It's unfair how you get more unfit in 8 weeks of not running than you get fit in 8 weeks of running. Also, my shoes suck, so I'm probably going to try barefoot running on the treadmill. This means my future times will be even slower, likely.
2.15 miles, 28:00 (a little over a 13:00 mile)
Tips for myself:
- SLOW THE HELL DOWN. I know you used to run a LOT faster than you're running right now, but you haven't run in several months. Take it easy. You'll get there.
- Humidity sucks. Breathing is hard when the air is made of water. Open the window and turn on the fans. If you don't, you will die.
- Run on the midfoot. This will go a long way toward slowing you down, too, but it's not healthy to land on the ball of the foot all the time. Stop doing it.