Author Topic: Tsundere Mafia - Game Over  (Read 34956 times)


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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #25 on: September 14, 2010, 10:12:11 AM »
Ano.. Tanaka-san... please don't look at me like that. That Margatroid-san only had the one outfit for me! It's not like I wouldn't mind some real clothes...

Also, what is an empty unvote? Is that when you unvote and don't vote again? I voted! I didn't want to but everyone is doing it! I voted for Tron (are you listening, Asuka-san?) because her rapid backpedaling and fencing around with Maya seems so defensive! And yet appears to be trying to please her in such a slimy way! I don't like that, okay? I've had it with guys and girls who try to be real nice to you but then BAM they're trying to take over the world!

Li Syaoran

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #26 on: September 14, 2010, 10:27:27 AM »
As a quick response to Miss Bonne, I'd like to ask her to find a couple of things for me:
A: A reason for pointing out things that you do not consider scummy other than waffling (This is, as you put it when voting me, a potential soft prod)
B: As a corollary to her own claim, anything that I had worth commenting on in the posts before I made that statement. It is Day 1, initial cases are terrible, that is what happens. Everyone starts lousy when they start anything - well, except me. I started off being super-competent as a rival to Sakura and looked worse and worse with every capture. But that's just because she got lucky, right?!

Miss Langley's latest post can be summed up simply as 'Hey, look, he tried to pretend he had a case on me in his first post! This is TOTALLY more important to follow than anything else I could be trying to do!' Here's the thing, Miss Langley; if my points are supposedly not worth responding to, why have you talked about nothing other than me this entire game?

Now that Miss Bonne is posting and talking about serious matters (unlike Miss Langley, who has refused to look beyond a random vote) I'm definitely comfortable with my vote where it is. Not understanding the 'You're following Maya's lead' case against her - indeed, I have no idea where Miss Tokiha is producing the idea from.

Tron Bonne

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #27 on: September 14, 2010, 11:03:06 AM »
Ah yes, Mai. The good old accuse-someone-of-things-and-then-criticize-them-for-being-defensive-when-they-respond-to-the-accusations strategy. I do so loathe it when self-defense is used as a scumtell. Damned if you, damned if you don't. I figured I may as well be damned if I did because silence, lack of response, is worse in my eyes. And I changed my vote in part because people obviously wanted more material from me, yes (though Chiaki's noncommittal stance now tempts me to change my mind again). Also because I actually did need to look at someone else.

Li's "Of course my case is weak, it's day one" is pretty meh. Have to run right now though, and will not be around for deadline. Don't see many better places for my vote to sit right now, so.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #28 on: September 14, 2010, 01:45:12 PM »
With time winding down so quickly and the day ending soon, I assume you'll want another vote count. Jeez, you're all so hopeless.

Li Syaoran (2): Asuka Langley, Tron Bonne
Asuka Langley (2): Chiaki, Li Syaoran, Mai Tohika, Margaret Houlihan
Chiaki (0): Tron Bonne, Tanaka
Tron Bonne (3): Princess Leia, Maya Kumashiro, Margaret Houlihan, Mai Tohika
Mai Tohika (1): Tanaka

No vote cast: Helga Pataki, Rin Tohsaka, Chiaki

With 11 alive, 6 votes will lynch. You have about 5 hours remaining in Day 1.

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #29 on: September 14, 2010, 02:18:56 PM »
Not just this game that's being tsundere, but also my connection! Or the site's! Or, knowing my luck, both~ Here's to hoping that won't happen again~ *glares at site administrator for a second before returning to this conversation*.

Anyway: firstly, Miss Bonne, it's "Syaoran", not "Li'. Wrong name order - you have to invert it to get the one you're used to. While we're on the topic of Miss Bonne, I'm not sure why she immediately came under fire for her comment regarding Asuka's early pseudo-""pileup"". Yes, 3 votes is not much, but at the same time, why vote her for that? At the same time, I will agree that it's a fairly useless observation and more bafflingly did not come with a vote (if voting for the same person is bad, who should we vote for? it was still RVS at that time, so there's nothing terribly wrong with voting anyone at this time, really). Asuka's roleplay is downright opaque (could you please OOC your reasoning in this post? I seriously cannot seem to figure it out atm).

On the contrary, I dislike the people unvoting without revoting much more than the odd remaining lurker (especially because, well, why unvote Asuka? I don't think she was anywhere near danger for a quicklynch, not to mention quicklynching on D1 is stupid and counterproductive for all alignments involved and nobody would ever do that oh my god). I'll go as far as to say that Chiaki stands out worse here ("your D1 reading sucks", eh? well so does mine - and I'm not going to take that line of thought - especially given that we must lynch someone today regardless, so you're not going to get away with being lazy with your voting here), ##Vote: Chiaki, though Mai is a very close second.

Tron Bonne is a close third, now that I think about it. I dislike the way that observation came without a vote, the SNR of some of her posts, and her case on Syaoran makes little sense: Syaoran explained why he's leaving his vote on Asuka (and the only reason that I'm not voting Asuka right now is that voting for scummy play is a higher priority for me than voting someone for extremely obnoxious and irritating, yet nevertheless bafflingly stupid and counterproductive play, at least at the moment), and I don't really see much of an issue with anything else in his post. Overreaction on his part? Perhaps. But you're overreacting to a couple votes on yourself as well, and it's starting to feel a bit like scum-backed-into-a-corner at the moment. Hm. Hmm.

Still not liking Chiaki/Mai more atm, though.


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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #30 on: September 14, 2010, 03:32:28 PM »
Aha!  You... spotted the trick!

##Unvote: Mai
##Vote: Chiaki

Yes!  That's it!  It was a clever ruse to test my apprentices!  Definitely not an error due to me scanning for goings-on and completely missing Mai-tan's vote because it came at the end of a paragraph and not on a new line.  I, President Tanaka, would never make such a silly mistake... unless I was paid to do so, of course.

(oh my god please make votes easy to spot if you put them in the middle of an otherwise skimmable blah blah I think X like other people have already posted paragraph, oh my god augh Rin you're doing it again right before me here even though I'm agreeing with you)

Chiaki DID empty unvote though and I don't like that!  Take some sort of stance, or you'll never make it in the world of finance!

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #31 on: September 14, 2010, 05:02:02 PM »

Uh, yeah. So Asuka and Chiaki have done some dumb things. Chiaki's I'd even say could draw my vote if there was nothing else out there. I just don't care much about dumb right now when Tron's been giving off scumvibes like crazy given the circumstances.

Do I need to explain this in further detail? Let's give it a shot.

"Triple vote is weird" is a classic non-committal way of opening options. Scum often want to wait and see who they want to vote for later in the day, especially in day one (and especially in an anonymous game) where they won't have a clue at the start who'll end up in front. String some hooks out like this and if in this case Shaoran or Mai end up taking votes it's easy just to ride whatever the main argument is and strap on 'and I did think that pile up at the start was weird' and suddenly bam, smoke and mirrors makes it look like you were there all the time and not indecisive at all. Bonus points in this case for implying that we should be more careful with our votes, which can only possibly help scum at this point (less of a record to track).

Yeah, okay, so I'm not saying that this couldn't have been done by well-meaning and needlessly curious town, so you're not going to find a defence down that line that will convince me, but at this point the best there is out there is looking for scum's muddy footprints, and this is where I'm finding them.

It connects into the other main part: hot air. What's the point in saying that? There's also absolutely zero point in calling for activity from people on the mod block other than looking active, and scum are the only people who need to look active. Okay, so fair enough, day one, low content, less to comment on than normal. But Tron's out there posting a bunch of nothing. Joke vote, fine. Weird comment, not so fine. One post dedicated to over-defensiveness  followed by another post of mostly more defensiveness and then the resolve to vote for someone for not having posted since the joke votes.

Let's highlight that vote, shall we? Voting for someone who hasn't posted since joke voting is a placeholder vote: you know fine well that it's going to move the instant they come in and say anything (and if they don't, they die anyway - that's motivation enough). This is again very standard scum play, as it allows them to delay for quite some time before having to actually take a stand. As town there is absolutely no use in making that vote (no this does not contradict LAL, it's just a misunderstanding of what a lurker is).

Acting active but with a passive vote and bait on the hook. That is why my vote stuck firm as of my last post.

There's much that I don't like in Tron's follow up post, and for the sake of stopping this post getting too long I'll simply say that I'm on the same page as Mai about it, but ask me to expand if need be. While I'm on that, there's a clear difference between defending yourself and being hysterical, and Tron has brought out the 'woe is me' in full. I mean sure, I'll count out plenty of it as role play, but the fluster is plainly there.

I will at the very least grant Tron's point on Shaoran, though. I had clearly overlooked that cheerleading while holding on to the easy mark. That's dangerous, and the fact that I didn't spot it at the time worries me more. Still several tiers down Tron herself, but credit where it's due.

I'd say who's giving me a bad first impression otherwise, but frankly with this level of activity it's pretty much everyone except probably Mai, and that's Rat so hey. Shaoran and Chiaki probably top out the rest for active faux pas, and I distinctly dislike Helga actively avoiding day one entirely (it's not like it's hard to catch up) but with what, two hours to go to the deadline, it would take extraordinary measures for me to move from Tron now.

Princess Leia

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #32 on: September 14, 2010, 05:16:26 PM »
Out of everything that's happened today, the only thing that really catches my eye is Tanaka dwelling on empty unvoting! This feels tenuous at best a way to catch scum and a good way to mindlessly hang someone.

##UNVOTE, VOTE: Tanaka

It's hard for me to say too much else, plus I have to go to work now!

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #33 on: September 14, 2010, 05:31:14 PM »
You better be thankful you're getting all these vote counts from me!

Li Syaoran (2): Asuka Langley, Tron Bonne
Asuka Langley (2): Chiaki, Li Syaoran, Mai Tohika, Margaret Houlihan
Chiaki (2): Tron Bonne, Tanaka, Tohsaka Rin, Tanaka
Tron Bonne (2): Princess Leia, Maya Kumashiro, Margaret Houlihan, Mai Tohika
Mai Tohika (0): Tanaka
Tanaka (1): Princess Leia

No vote cast: Helga Pataki, Chiaki

With 11 alive, 6 votes will lynch. You have about 1.5 hours remaining in Day 1.

If there's a tie at the deadline, sudden death rules will apply, regardless of how many people are tied.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #34 on: September 14, 2010, 06:10:02 PM »

What is this I don't even.

Because tying up the votes even more going into the deadline in order to pursue a completely new thread before disappearing for the deadline itself is the best action ever, right. I wouldn't insist on you being on Tron, but with an hour to go to deadline you should be picking a front runner or making a damn good new case.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #35 on: September 14, 2010, 06:57:52 PM »
EDIT: Wait, shit, I screwed up deadline times. Curse this account not being in the right time zone.

Still an hour to go! Lucky for all of you.


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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #36 on: September 14, 2010, 07:05:51 PM »
fdjaklsdjfalsk;dfjlj, totally thought I would have one more hour, going to make an effort to read what little cases their are before I get out a decent post.

I would like to get out that at the time of my previous post, pretty much all the targeted lurkers were up for mod prods I didn't feel a need to vote for someone who was potentially up for modkill within a day anyways, though it is entirely my fault for not elaborating on that.

Going to note that I was just about to put my vote on Tanaka since something about his jumping on me for being indecisive on this scarce day 1 and not voting for prodded lurkers just strikes me as off, especially since he
s basically using reasoning people have used earlier.

No to check the other cases more closely.


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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #37 on: September 14, 2010, 07:10:44 PM »
jfdlkajskflj; >.>

##Vote: Tanaka

Just getting that out there for the record

Going back to reread anyways.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #38 on: September 14, 2010, 07:20:36 PM »
We are all tsundere for majorities, I see.

Li Syaoran (2): Asuka Langley, Tron Bonne
Asuka Langley (2): Chiaki, Li Syaoran, Mai Tohika, Margaret Houlihan
Chiaki (2): Tron Bonne, Tanaka, Tohsaka Rin, Tanaka
Tron Bonne (2): Princess Leia, Maya Kumashiro, Margaret Houlihan, Mai Tohika
Mai Tohika (0): Tanaka
Tanaka (2): Princess Leia, Chiaki

No vote cast: Helga Pataki

With 11 alive, 6 votes will lynch. You have about 35 minutes remaining in Day 1.

If there's a tie at the deadline, sudden death rules will apply, regardless of how many people are tied.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2010, 07:30:40 PM by Alice Margatroid »


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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #39 on: September 14, 2010, 07:51:20 PM »
Alright, read some stuff, still thinking the case on Tron is overreaction to Trons second post which just strikes me as typical post topic #743710948710347 to get the game out of jokevote phase, and then Tron overreacting to the overreaction in response.

Asuka and Li's back and forth doesn't really leave any impressions other then striking me as lazy/and or bad play on both their parts, though I was pretty tired and didn't pay as much attention to those since most the post still struck me as half joking at the time.

Helga basically answered the mod prod and went off to disappear again, without anything meaningful to say, which is annoying.

Dislike Rin's vote on me for refusing to sit on a jokevote, but she at leasttries to bring up other points, unlike Tanaka, whom Laya pretty much said my opinion on best.

Thinking I'm going to leave vote where it is and be a jerkface to the mod (It's not like I'm mentioning it because I'm SORRY or anything)  and try and get the sudden death extension so that we can get more worthwhile discussion.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #40 on: September 14, 2010, 08:01:40 PM »
Deadline has hit! Since there is a tie, the day will continue until one player has more votes than any other.

Li Syaoran, Asuka Langley, Chiaki, Tron Bonne and Tanaka are the only valid vote recipients. No one else may be voted for. The first of those five to have more votes than any of the others will be lynched. If I am not around when this happens, please mill about quietly and patiently until I return (leaving very soon, shouldn't be gone more than a few hours).


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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #41 on: September 14, 2010, 08:19:08 PM »
Well carp!  I have arrived a little late!  TARDINESS IS UNACCEPTABLE IN THE CORPORATE WORLD...
Unless you are the President, of course.

I still find Chiaki the currently scummiest target, for unvoting, and then coming back and OMGUSing me for attacking him for unvoting.  It's like he's aggressively not taking any stance on anyone, everyone is "typical" and "doesn't really leave any impressions" except oh yeah Rin and I are bad for voting him.  Uhh yeah okay.  Leia's accusation of me is kinda hypocritical too (unless you can show me some way of catching scum day 1 that isn't tenuous at best?  If so, please do, we can sell that on the show!) but in the interests of not bogging down...

I don't really like the case on Tron but I do like the fact that there is a case on Tron, although Maya's pretty wall of texty about it.  The Li/Asuka slapfight reads town/town to me but I'm somewhat less of a fan of Margaret just jumping on.  More gut than anything though and well Chiaki/Leia kinda look worse to me.

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #42 on: September 14, 2010, 08:25:28 PM »
I knew day was ending fast, but I didn't expect it to be ending this fast!

##Unvote: Captain Langly

Her answer's satisfied me enough that I don't think she should be court-marshalled just yet.  I'm also not for Private Li or Mr. Tanaka, Li doesn't measure up with the other two despite spending most of his time whining and tunnling.  As for Mr. Tanaka, I find his fixation on not voting unsettling, but at least he's been looking and so he should live the day.

This was just a quick step to prevent Captain Langly from meeting an untimely end, and will now be looking at Sgt. Tronne and Corporal Chiaki.

Asuka Langley

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #43 on: September 14, 2010, 08:29:49 PM »
Ok, I have two votes because one person misreads what I said and one idiot boy thinks I am scummy for never wasting my time talking about the Tron case. What makes him any better anyway? Because he made a Captain Obvious statement? Hey everyone, Tron said something about piling on one person, and she doesn't offer an alternative!! This is an obvious case and it is obviously easy to jump on it, why should I waste my breath saying something so damn obvious? It's crap; it's ED1 or at least RVS D1.

Why do we pile on one person during the damn RVS? Because we want someone to comment on it, we want to see reactions. Tron provided a reaction. This isn't some damn science like piloting an EVA that only few people can do!! There's nothing outstanding in that case.

That said, Miss Langley's post consisting of an attack aimed solely at me which depends entirely on my first vote on her being serious (Hint: It wasn't)

And what's with this anyway? Some Chinaman way of saying "I don't understand goddamn English?" Where the hell did I ever take his vote on me serious? I kept my vote on him because he reacted so defensively by pointing at others who fit the bill of my jokevote. I thought that was plenty interesting to keep my vote on and hey look, he refines his vote to an OMGUS and doesn't even have any damn thing to show for it!! He whines I didn't comment on Tron or anything remotely interesting when the only 'interesting' talk was Tron. Unless you count the lurker squad, who I don't because they're lurkers and not worth my time!!

A: A reason for pointing out things that you do not consider scummy other than waffling (This is, as you put it when voting me, a potential soft prod)

This is a dumb trap anyway. We all know, everyone knows, that the only answer Tron can give that she thought it was innocent. This is just asking for the damn obvious. Nothing Syaoran has done today hasn't been kicking in the Temples of Damn Obvious and singing the National Anthem of Obliviousville.

The case on Chiaki is the ONLY interesting thing beside Syaoran brat here today. And the case on Tron is stupid. Tanaka's case is equally stupid especially with Chiaki's OMGUS.
I was just about to put my vote on Tanaka since something about his jumping on me for being indecisive on this scarce day 1

just about to put my vote on Tanaka his jumping on me. You're not even pretending not to OMGUS.

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #44 on: September 14, 2010, 08:46:53 PM »
Looking at things, I'm in favor of calling the MPs on Corporal Chiaki.

While there is a case on Sgt. Bonne, it's all in wordplay.  There's no hard evidence.  And unlike her fellow, she's talking.  She'll make later days better, while her friend here leaves with no vote, no participation, and the worst case he has so far is "he voted for me".  The man's dead weight that I won't be sad to see go.

Of course, if I had my way, I'd be going for that 'Princess' instead.  She's said next to nothing, and the one thing she did say felt like a placeholder excuse to justify not having her vote on someone who'd actually get hung at day's end.

But, announcing intent to call the MPs on Corporal Chiaki in fifteen minutes.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #45 on: September 14, 2010, 08:51:29 PM »
Well, for the record I disapprove of this mess. Oh but Maya it gives us more time for discussion when we've had so little. Yeah, but we should have been doing that before now, and all we get is confusion and an inevitable chaotic result of someone voting to save themselves or someone else. But no use whining now.

I'm just posting to say that I'm still around but unwilling to move from Tron. I think it's the strongest thing going and the other options are boringly about the same to me.

Asuka Langley

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #46 on: September 14, 2010, 09:03:07 PM »
I for one won't mind to see the conductor go. His claim for leaving his vote is stupid. He already said he dislikes ALL OTHER CASES. Leaving only the one he's supporting right now. His claim that he leaves it on for the sake of Sudden Death is downright stupid because if he believed all of the other cases are crap and Tanaka looks worst, he should be claiming to leave it there so he can convince people to get on Tanaka instead. This action lacks of course and I for one won't mourn his passing. Blah blah blah jumping on a bandwagon but if I can't get Li Syaoran today I'll take the only other alternative. So there you have the support of the world's greatest EVA pilot!!

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #47 on: September 14, 2010, 09:04:34 PM »
At least in a two way tie where both targets are already voting for each other you have a chance of reasoned debate.  Here, it'll be all too easy to have one of them turning the whole thing into a mess where you can't properly lay the blame on anyone.

Well, I said I'd call the MPs, and time's up.

##Vote: Corporal Chiaki

Stop talking, because this day is over.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #48 on: September 14, 2010, 09:27:59 PM »
At work, cannot do flavor just yet. (Also this gives me an excuse to research Chiaki and write up something mildly presentable!) However I will at least give you a flip. Don't read into my getting on from work for you guys too much, though. I'm just here to make sure my game can run smoothly.

Chiaki (Vanilla Townie) has been lynched!

It is now Night 1. People with night actions have 24 hours to send them in (sending to either account will do, I check them both).

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Night 1
« Reply #49 on: September 15, 2010, 08:48:46 PM »
"Wer war dieser wunderbare Mann? Haben wir ihn wirklich gerade zum Tode verurteilt?"

"Uh, hello, some of us are still in middle school here! Speak English!"

"Ich kann nicht glauben, dass ihr das getan habt! Er ist nur ein missverstandenes Wunderkind! Nicht mehr!"

"Little lady, I'm gonna have to ask you to stop that. Just because we're battling the Reds doesn't mean there isn't still some lingering fear and hatred of the Germans."

"Ihr seid allesamt wertloser als Shinji! Mir reicht's! Chiaki-san, warte auf mich!"

Unfortunately for Asuka, she forgot that she actually was a doll this time, and fell off the table where everyone had been sitting, breaking into several pieces upon hitting the floor. Curious, very curious. Alice's work was usually much sturdier than that...

"What shoddy craftsmanship! I cannot sell products like this! The people will never buy into such poor quality, not even if it's from me! You! Set up a meeting with Miss Margatroid for me!"

Everyone else, however, had been able to look closely at the wreckage, and it was easy to tell - someone had tampered with Asuka's joints.

But who?

Asuka Langley (Town Cop) was killed overnight!

It is now Day 2. With 9 alive, 5 votes will lynch. A majority before deadline is not required. You have 72 hours. Happy hunting!

(Sorry Chiaki player, life likes getting in the way of things. :<)