Uh, yeah. So Asuka and Chiaki have done some dumb things. Chiaki's I'd even say could draw my vote if there was nothing else out there. I just don't care much about dumb right now when Tron's been giving off scumvibes like crazy given the circumstances.
Do I need to explain this in further detail? Let's give it a shot.
Triple vote is weird" is a classic non-committal way of opening options. Scum often want to wait and see who they want to vote for later in the day, especially in day one (and especially in an anonymous game) where they won't have a clue at the start who'll end up in front. String some hooks out like this and if in this case Shaoran or Mai end up taking votes it's easy just to ride whatever the main argument is and strap on 'and I
did think that pile up at the start was weird' and suddenly bam, smoke and mirrors makes it look like you were there all the time and not indecisive at all. Bonus points in this case for implying that we should be more careful with our votes, which can only possibly help scum at this point (less of a record to track).
Yeah, okay, so I'm not saying that this couldn't have been done by well-meaning and needlessly curious town, so you're not going to find a defence down that line that will convince me, but at this point the best there is out there is looking for scum's muddy footprints, and this is where I'm finding them.
It connects into the other main part: hot air. What's the point in saying that? There's also absolutely zero point in calling for activity from people on the mod block other than looking active, and scum are the only people who need to
look active. Okay, so fair enough, day one, low content, less to comment on than normal. But Tron's out there posting a bunch of nothing. Joke vote, fine. Weird comment, not so fine. One post dedicated to over-defensiveness followed by another post of mostly more defensiveness and then the resolve to vote for someone for not having posted since the joke votes.
Let's highlight that vote, shall we? Voting for someone who hasn't posted since joke voting is a placeholder vote: you know fine well that it's going to move the instant they come in and say anything (and if they don't, they die anyway - that's motivation enough). This is again very standard scum play, as it allows them to delay for quite some time before having to actually take a stand. As town there is absolutely no use in making that vote (no this does not contradict LAL, it's just a misunderstanding of what a lurker is).
Acting active but with a passive vote and bait on the hook. That is why my vote stuck firm as of my last post.
There's much that I don't like in Tron's follow up post, and for the sake of stopping this post getting too long I'll simply say that I'm on the same page as Mai about it, but ask me to expand if need be. While I'm on that, there's a clear difference between defending yourself and being hysterical, and Tron has brought out the 'woe is me' in full. I mean sure, I'll count out plenty of it as role play, but the fluster is plainly there.
I will at the very least grant Tron's point on Shaoran, though. I had clearly overlooked that cheerleading while holding on to the easy mark. That's dangerous, and the fact that I didn't spot it at the time worries me more. Still several tiers down Tron herself, but credit where it's due.
I'd say who's giving me a bad first impression otherwise, but frankly with this level of activity it's pretty much everyone except probably Mai, and that's Rat so hey. Shaoran and Chiaki probably top out the rest for active faux pas, and I distinctly dislike Helga actively avoiding day one entirely (it's not like it's hard to catch up) but with what, two hours to go to the deadline, it would take extraordinary measures for me to move from Tron now.