Leia's an obvious mark from a grand total of one piece of actual input, in itself bad information, and the key to causing the end of the day to be quite such a spectacular wreckage. There's frankly nothing there to defend other than the fatally poisonous 'scum surely wouldn't act
that brazenly'. It turns my gut that Tron's jumped on it nice and early, but I needn't consider that relevant. The only thing that confuses is me is why she'd move to someone completely new rather than jump to another town train, given that it was always going to draw more attention
and be more dangerous (unless it was an all town sudden death) the way it was played.
I have little to say about Margaret. Everything I would mark up against her just looks like making the best of a bad situation. Not exactly happy with the implication that her current vote is little more than placeholder.
Rin's day one play was Tanaka-lite in terms of priorities, in that at the time of her post her top criterion was empty unvotes, and like Tanaka seems to have thought that Mai had one as well as Chiaki, which I'm not as quick to damn as Shaoran is. I like most of what I see, except for the irony of [correctly] accusing Tron of having a low SNR while having a fair bit of noise in her own post (yeah, sure, me too, keep the irony chain going). Would very much like to see more of her the most, as on one hand I think she'd be a big asset in active debate, and on the other hand I'm worried that that's currently the perfect level of lurking to ride this whole game out (that is, "oh, not Tousaka! At least Tousaka's doing a bit more than X, Y and Z").
Tanaka I'm happy enough with. It's easy to fall into the trap of letting him off more easily for being the most entertaining player, but even keeping that in mind he reads most fluidly and thoughtful in both days.
Having said that I disagree with his point that Mai said a decent amount in day one. Last I chipped in about Mai she was doing okay, but looking back on day one I only see one 'good' post, which I'd put somewhat below Rin. Wary of her breaking case of the day on Helga, in that she seems awfully mad for the lack of Helga posting in day one, which is nice and all, but this is after deigning not to comment on it at the time. And that's it? Not thrilled.
Helga is
rude. Undeniably. Very bad grace to skip day one entirely, especially such a short day one, and worse for being so frank about it. Points back for at least getting in early today, but away again for a case I largely can't get behind, so points back to Mai for the case on Helga being on the mark if very oddly timed. I like:
Then he oddly goes "Ha! I counter your argument!" to "Eh, whatever. You're posting, I'm posting, and that's okay." in the same post.
But little else, particularly for a rather weird cherry picking of lurkers, and particularly that being quiet during sudden death is a great idea if your neck's on the line and there's an easy way for you to save yourself.
Shaoran I find to be a bull in a china shop. Conspiracy theories are so cute. You're never going to get anywhere with one, but I see them more as dumb here than scummy. The thrashing all over the place today after the tunnelling yesterday is weird sauce, but at the very least I like the way he's getting all of his thoughts on the table. I'd just appreciate it if he could think about them more clearly and didn't need to be directed. The manner of tunnelling in the first place was still bad, if I'm allowed to say that.
Yeah, great. I think most of you are pretty bad, mostly as a result of how little discussion there's been, and would even be willing to vote for Leia right now. Now back to Tron, who's flipped so many switches that my vote would feel betrayed anywhere else.