Author Topic: Tsundere Mafia - Game Over  (Read 34945 times)

Li Syaoran

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #75 on: September 17, 2010, 12:01:22 PM »
Li seems like a misguided townie that seems to be talking out of her ass
Dammit, it was one stupid school play! Can't we just let it go!?

Seriously, though, looking at Leia's GRAND REAPPEARANCE I'm not very won over. It's better than nothing, but the case on Tanaka basically runs on gut. The only time I could see Tanaka nodding his head in agreement was agreeing that Helga/Leia look bad, but a) it's sort of hard to defend lurkers and b) he went on a different case on me anyway. Echoing would be 'yeah me too Vote: Whoever they said' but in terms of actual votes Tanaka's been doing no copying.

But there's worse out there, because Mairat is ugggggh. Uuuuuuuuuggh. Uuuuuuuggggh.

I cannot feel that this rage is genuine. At all. It feels like abuse of the fact he's the only non-anonymous player, so his LURKER HITLER persona gets cranked up to 13 in order to make up for his lack of actual content.

I don't like the way Li presents a case on me, obviously, it grates to be told 'you haven't commented on ANYTHING ELSE', which seems like a nice way of ignoring what I have said as though it's irrelevant.
Irrelevant? No. Blindingly obvious? Yes. Easily attributable to real-life circumstances, and corrected by contribution almost the instant D2 started? Yes.

And if we're to appreciate MEIN MAIDENKAMPF tactics, explain why Leia/Helga are more worth your vote than Tohsaka, who in your own words has offered a single post of stolen content. You write her a clear on 'oh well her case was KIND OF not bad' when for all intents and purposes she's currently the worst lurker in the game. GJ with that double standard there!


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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #76 on: September 17, 2010, 01:27:47 PM »
I got called on being LURKERHITLER in the game in which I was LURKERHITLER as if it was a bad thing, too. Some things never change, I guess.

Anyway. You are kinda being absurdly nitpicky. Let's get this out of the way first- I consider all of Helga, Leia, and Tohsaka to be lurkers. Helga is actually the best out of them at the moment since she's been around today, though missing all of day 1 is still pretty uh and I'd still be willing to lynch her.

Leia is kind of awful. It's not just that she lurked all d1 with token votes, but her only case today is pretty much BS, it wasn't even a case so much as "I don't like him, vote!1"

Tohsaka is also pretty bad. She actually posted some stuff yesterday that looked like maybe she put some thought into it (or maybe she just copied it, I'm not sure, still more than Leia.) Did you miss the part in my earlier post where I said I'd lynch her, too? The dividing line between these two is actually really small. Ultimately they've both posted next to nothing, and the tiny tidbit of what Tohsaka did post looks slightly less bad than what Leia did. Thus, my vote.

Helga Pataki

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #77 on: September 17, 2010, 03:08:45 PM »

I simply will not move away from the blindingly obvious cases. There is Helga, as I discussed earlier; I don't want to just excuse her for vanishing yesterday (as I said before, it would have been quite trivial and non-time-consuming to post something. I can't believe she couldn't have found the time somewhere.) In her last post she accepted a fairly strong counterpoint against her case on Li, then didn't actually re-evaluate things in the name of being 'purposeful'.

You might have misunderstood me a bit. I was sticking to my guns because I still believed that Li's absence was on purpose, not... whatever you mean by "being purposeful". But the case does bear further consideration due to...

Leia posted! And... I honestly cannot make heads or tails on the case, other than gut vote. Not really news, but... yeah. Nothing else to go on. At best it's extremely lazy town play. At best. This honestly benefits no one. While Li is going about things in a rather haphazard fashion, at least he is trying to put something together. Leia is just... I don't know what. They're certainly not really trying to put something solid together, especially when the heat is on them. Know what does that? Scum and bad townies. And we don't need either.

##Vote: Princess Leia

That brings her to -1, I believe.

Tanaka also just sort of ignored my question... I would still like an answer to the question I asked in my previous post.

Also just sort of headdesking about Rin... but if it does keep going like it has been, the mod will sort it out before we will have to. I don't think there's that much more time left.

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #78 on: September 17, 2010, 03:26:46 PM »
Poking in to say that I'm alive and will have stuff up in at most an hour.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #79 on: September 17, 2010, 05:12:05 PM »
Day 2 Vote Count!

Margeret Houlihan (0): Li Syaoran
Princess Leia (4): Margaret Houlihan, Tron Bonne, Mai Tohika, Helga Pataki
Li Syaoran (1): Helga Pataki, Tanaka
Mai Tohika (1): Li Syaoran
Helen Helga Pataki (0): Mai Tohika
Tron Bonne (1): Maya Kumashiro
Tanaka (1): Princess Leia

No vote cast: Rin Tohsaka

With 9 alive, 5 votes will lynch. You have a little over 27.5 hours left in the day.

Princess Leia is at L-1. I know Helga already pointed it out, but I figured you might appreciate a official warning anyway. It''s just good form, after all.

Princess Leia

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #80 on: September 17, 2010, 06:11:49 PM »
I do not think Tanaka is scum because of his flavor (lulz). I think he is scum because of his presence but non-presence. Rat's passive-aggressive bitchiness I find somewhat concerning, I'm not sure if he is trying to channel being a real tsundere or if he is a bitchy-bitchy scum-scum. BLAH BLAH YOU CAN NEVER NOT BE A LURKER whatever dude. Don't lynch Li, she's not scum. I am vanilla town.

And now, for something better than you~

I control the world
You controlled my heart
And life was easier than watching evil empires fall apart

You saw that only my blood lust could tear us apart
So you raided my artillery for a tranquilizer dart
You steadied, took your aim, and shot me straight in the heart
Let your tender reign over me start

I spend the next twenty years with my head between your knees
All the while making sure you heard my cautionary pleas
There's a price on my head at which nobody would sneeze
Cuz I sailed the, sailed the seven seas
Accumulating so many enemies

They would fall for me
And I would fall to you
And you're the closest thing I'll ever have to Waterloo

When they write my history
Will they include all your conquests of me?

I'd totally hammer myself if it wouldn't cause epic tears and sobbery. (Watch this turn into aweeesome WIFOM speculation about if I am trying to FOOL YOU INTO BELIEVING THAT I AM TOWN BY NOT HAMMERING MYSELF!)

(And yes, I know my behavior is deplorable. Unfortunately, I'm prone to such bouts of deplorability. It goes along with being a tsundere.)

Li Syaoran

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #81 on: September 17, 2010, 06:58:22 PM »
Don't lynch Li, she's not scum.
Look, we REALLY need to go over this gender thing.

Leia's outburst may as well be ignored either way, the lack of useful comments to go with it are the real problem. Honestly, though, still don't think she's the best target today. No, apparently I accidentally took a swig of Carth's MAIDENKAMPF MINERAL WATER (all caps necessary), and I'm about ready to put an end to the most brazen lurker of all.

##Unvote, Vote: Rin Tohsaka

She promised to have something that wasn't a reworded version of Tanaka's case up within the hour. Three-and-a-half hours ago. One post of borrowed content in four days is just pushing it.

Would still like to see a Mai/Tohsaka lynch ahead of Leia today. Not convinced by Mai saying that Leia's vote on Tanaka is worse than Rin's stolen vote on Chiaki (complete with the same mistake that Tanaka made while he prepared the case!)

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #82 on: September 17, 2010, 07:45:42 PM »
Quote from: Helga
And Li did "leave". Even if someone is active, if they miss the last quarter of the day, including a sudden death with himself on the chopping block, you have to at least consider it's on purpose. It's not just actions, it's the timing of actions too. Although Maya at least brings up a good counterargument that he could have easily saved himself if he'd been around, which I hadn't considered. It's enough to give me pause, but I'm still in the purposeful camp, so I'm still decided on this for now, with Mai being my #2.
Actually, by that logic it strongly looks in his favour to be around during the end of the day, if you're still going by the "Li-skipped-a-day-on-purpose" logic. Not sure what to think of the rest of the Li case, beyond the fact that so much of it seems to be based around things that Li did that were odd or nonsensical rather than scummy or even anti-town. He does have case-parroting against him, but it doesn't seen to be blatant and the case is otherwise valid, and the rest of his behaviours are more "lolwhat" than scummy.

In general, ugh. This is bad, but not enough to make Helga a top target.

Seconding Mai that the blindingly obvious cases are the ones to go after. First off, there's Leia. Do I even have to elaborate on this? Shows up, calls the thread boring, and then half-asses a case on "gut"? After the absolutely craptacular behaviour yesterday at deadline? Yeah no. At worst you're scum, at best you're being an extremely blatant distraction playing extremely anti-town. So yeah. Dieplz.

Ugh. Leia: could you quit being a jackass? Much appreciated. Thanks.

(Actually, wait, Tron seems to indicate that the slimeness on Tanaka's part is RP? That means that Leia voted someone over--argh goddamnit how much worse can you get?)

The other people that stuck out when rereading were Margaret and Tron. Regarding the former, well... on the one hand, her reaction to Asuka's post when he unvoted her was a bit... not quite warranted (I don't see how her actions cleared her at that point), but on the other hand given flips it seems slightly less of an issue than it would be otherwise (or I could just be making no sense at all here). Once again, I came into this with a negative opinion of her from her earlier D1 play, but her latest posts all seem to be fine. Short, but the cases are fine and I can't say I disagree with the vote for Leia, or the reasoning for it. Still not convinced about her opinions regarding Tron, though.

Tron is a bit less obvious. I'm starting from Maya's case on D1, which was brought up again D2. D1 she overreacted and generally made a clown of herself, which... perhaps is slightly scummy, but I'm not sure how likely town are to flail around in a mad panic if they think they'll be lynched early, so... hm. That being said, D2: Maya has posted on people other than you, today, in fact a fair amount in her second major post today. You have... not. Some commentary on stuff that doesn't seem all that useful for alignment-determining purposes, such as the late-D1 Helga rudeness, and of course the Houlihan case at the beginning of the day, but most of your posts were either further arguments with Maya, or some speculation as to whether scum would want to hammer a townie at the end of D1 or further perpetuate a tie (fairly pointless imho, not to mention so prone to interpretation that it basically falls apart completely). So yeah. A bit more commentary, something on the scale of Maya's post about everyone-that-was-not-you would be nice, thanks. Much appreciated.

Don't really have any issues with Maya. MAIDENKAMPF...hmm. Li: I'm not sure why you think that Leia isn't the one of the lurkers to go after. Lurking, then returning only to contribute precisely nothing over the course of several posts is imho even worse than Vanilla Lurking. As for the rest... uh yeah I think Li is just being absurdly nitpicky. I'll disagree that Helga is worth a vote, but otherwise I... don't see any problems with his cases? Yeah, don't see anything that would make me think he's scum so far.

(Li: yes, stuff came up. Oh noez, it took a little longer. Would you rather I have not proofread and checked this over? Yes my lurking is inexcusable but now of all times is a remarkably odd time for someone to crack regarding it).

Couple of issues with your comment: first off, I fail to see how my behaviour is worse than Leia's. D1, perhaps, though I stand to think that jumping in and voting for someone with no logic at all is worse than actually trying to state some sort of opinion. D2, though? Come on. But regardless of that, we're just mincing words here. As for mistakes, I'm... not seeing them. Unless you try to claim that Chiaki didn't unvote someone pointlessly without voting for someone else, which either he definetly did on D1, or I'm blind - as that was the main argument behind my case. Weak in general? Sure. But for D1 I'd like to consider it as not being bad, especially as I was otherwise wary of the Tron Bonne case at the time. Whatever. Anyway, still don't think Li's anything other than a townie at this point, albeit misguided.

The only person I still can't really make sense of right now is Helga, but let me get this out first before I land on the business end of a sword... or worse. More in my next post.

No vote, partly because Leia's at L-1 and partly because... I'm not 100% convinced on Leia. Her behaviour is horribad, but I can't seem to get over the feeling that this is too easy almost. Like you'd think that an actual scum would put more effort into, y'know, saving themselves, than what Leia is doing right now (which seems to be basically walking headfirst towards the guillotine). Blargh.

Tron Bonne

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #83 on: September 17, 2010, 09:46:18 PM »
Leia's trolling makes it basically impossible for me to move my vote off of her. Really, what else can we do with that? If it's not scum trying to provoke a lynch that seems destined to happen anyway, in order to end the day and short-circuit discussion...well, the only explanation I can think of for a townie Leia is that the player just wants out of the game. In which case the method of bringing this about warrants an intimate meeting with a sack full of doorknobs after this game's over, because seriously man.

Li: Attacking Rin for her post being delayed is, like a lot of suggested evidence you've brought up, inconclusive. I am personally a slow typer and take some time to organize my thoughts, so it's not hard for me to imagine a post taking longer than planned. The post did happen, within a couple hours. If it was half a day late or something, sure, that's cause for suspicion of delaying tactics on the player's part. A couple hours? Nitpicking, I think. I take issue with the content of the post that did turn up, instead. On that note--

Some inaccuracies in your post about me, Rin. Outlined after the quote:

but most of your posts were either further arguments with Maya, or some speculation as to whether scum would want to hammer a townie at the end of D1 or further perpetuate a tie (fairly pointless imho, not to mention so prone to interpretation that it basically falls apart completely). So yeah. A bit more commentary, something on the scale of Maya's post about everyone-that-was-not-you would be nice, thanks. Much appreciated.

A: I haven't been arguing with Maya today. I went out of my way not to argue with Maya today. I made one post quite clearly stating that I was responding to her arguments only because she expressly asked for such, and that it would be the last time I addressed those particular concerns. The only other time I've interacted with her today involved asking a simple question about an unrelated statement she made about Helga.

B: Speculation about scum hammering etc. was explicitly in response to Li doing the same. I was pointing out exactly what you just said--that it's useless and unreliable. Was this not clear? It's equally inaccurate to use this to define "most of my posts." It was a single paragraph.

C: Asking for a wall of text is a decidedly inelegant request. Ask me specific questions about specific people and I'll answer them. Asking me for a grand summary on everyone in the game? Bad form. What you are asking for is a trap. Such a request presents someone with a delicate balancing act that has no real chance of success--it demands too much of one's time to respond to criticisms and provide the requested material. Something is going to be left out, and when that happens you can add it to your case, such as it is.

Points A and B are things that are blatantly clear from my posts, I feel. Did anyone else actually find my meaning uncertain when I made those statements? Please consult them and let me know. Replies 62 and 64. It's difficult for me not to see Rin's use of plain mischaracterizations as anything but an attempt at provocation (attempting to resurrect the sordid day 1 catfight via point A, I think). Coupled with low her presence and parroting day 1, I would be glad to vote for her right now were Leia not so busy inspiring concussions via headdesking.

Tron Bonne

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #84 on: September 17, 2010, 10:23:49 PM »
Mmf. And yet I find myself typing up my thoughts on everyone anyway. Will be brief and hope people request elaboration where desired; wall of textness just makes this game mind-numbing to read.

-Leia is topic du jour of the moment, yes. Not sure what it would take to move my vote off her right now (and I can imagine a lot). Would have to see evidence that she actually cares before considering it. But all we have right now is some taunting of the "I'm really not trying to inspire WIFOM right now OR AM I?" variety. Awful.

-Rin is who I'd look at next. See day 1, see the above posting.

-Li/Mai/Helga are in the "maybe" pile, in about that order of precedence. I have a variety of issues with each, just nothing as damning as the person my vote's sitting on right now. Bad arguments for Li, Mai has a Helga case that feels somewhat forced, day 1 for Helga along with a somewhat scattershot approach to cases that I otherwise agree with (for the record, I don't think Li deliberately missed out on deadline yesterday; I am willing to bet it simply occurred past his normal hours of consciousness). Can provide examples if desired; am trying to summarize as briefly as possible right now.

-Tanaka/Houlihan/Maya I have nothing solid on right now. Not sold on any one individual's towniness, I just have nothing much to build a case with here. Been a while since we heard from Houlihan, though; raises some minor worries about flying under the radar (which a scum Houlihan could think she'd get away with for a while, as she hasn't accrued much suspicion this game).

Around for a while if people have direct responses.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #85 on: September 18, 2010, 12:34:17 AM »
I'm not quite as busy as I was at the start of the game, but I am suffering a massive dose of lethargy. The game's activity and such in general, plus getting the reverse of expectations for what I do (concerted scumhunting, well that's just you going crazy, but man, that useless wad of opinions on everyone, that sure is A grade material). And yeah, really very little I can do about my position when next to no one (except maybe Rin?) is buying into it at all, and knowing that this necessarily includes a whole bunch of townies saps me massively.

Yeah, yeah, whine whine whine, woe is me.

If I'm not getting my way then I need to make my secondary case and move well before the deadline. I'm going to assume I'll feel better next time I'm around and wait until then before moving my vote, but for now, quickly, are some raw opinions.  You're not going to like them because I don't have the energy to fluff them up properly, but I'd rather have crap now and have you understand where I'm coming from than it coming completely out of the blue when I'm next back.

-I really think that Shaoran isn't scum. The attitude is all wrong and he's been butting opinions and seeing what falls out all over the place. Productive, and I see it as needlessly risky for scum in this situation. Easier and safer to usurp head townie than do that if you want to be active.

-I'm sorry, but I don't think Leia is scum either. Missed a golden opportunity to silence Rin for another day if nothing else. Don't see anyone believing it could work. Stupidly risky at the best of times, but especially in such a massively apathetic game with a clear 3 vote lead. Yeah, attitude's terrible and not helping town regardless (although frankly in her position I don't blame her for not suddenly gaining motivation), but it would be stupid of me to knowingly lynch someone who I think is town, even if bad town.

-I'm super worried about Tanaka being the super-charismatic sort of scum who wins by everyone being in love with him (I do love you, man), but still can't pick anything out of it.

-Rin still gets one more out from me. Maybe I'm just constantly falling into the trap that I pointed out myself, but I think she'd be fine if she just talked more frequently. I'll be seriously disappointed if this continues into day 3, but yeah, honestly I'm willing to give that time to see if she improves rather than sling her down now.

It's the other four I'm looking at. You want pure gut? Pure gut? Tron/Margaret. Tron/Margaret/Mai if we do have the added misfortune of facing three scum instead of two (I do presume two from the way the rules seem to balance, but who can say, it could all be in the role balance and is not worth discussion). But don't ask gut things like that.

-Tron I'll just leave commenting further now. Been there, done that, watched her move in to usurp lead townie, still sure, but the inability to get motion there is why I'm here in the first place.

-Margaret I feel really bad for suspecting so closely because there's little solid to it. I'm largely obsessed with how day one panned out and how it was Margaret who made the jump to end the day, plus a few things like the place holding nature of the vote today. No, I can't get this to tally with some other things, and no I'm not going to push it when my mind still finds it dumb, but here's openness for you.

-Helga just doesn't inspire. Holding onto the Shaoran vote in the face of accepting counter-arguments only to jump ship when Leia shows up and pastes an even bigger target on her than existed in her absence? Seriously weak, very easy scum play to make for a day.

-I'm largely on the same page as Shaoran regarding Mai today. Attitude doesn't ring at all. LAL beyond LAL in a really overly simplistic manner. Think it's largely been put on to scaremonger for this day and next (at least) if scum. It's the sudden huge drive towards Helga at the start of day 2 despite not saying anything to her about it during day 1 as mentioned earlier that pushes me this way.

Okay, not so quick after all. In short, given a lack of Tron I'm almost certainly shifting to either Helga or Mai. I'd say whoever it is who's more likely to go, but like hell am I letting scum get the chance to interfere with that.

Raw, wall of text, gut, fishing hooks, mostly crap, delayed vote. Yeah, getting better every time.

Tron Bonne

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #86 on: September 18, 2010, 01:31:15 AM »
-I'm sorry, but I don't think Leia is scum either. Missed a golden opportunity to silence Rin for another day if nothing else. Don't see anyone believing it could work. Stupidly risky at the best of times, but especially in such a massively apathetic game with a clear 3 vote lead. Yeah, attitude's terrible and not helping town regardless (although frankly in her position I don't blame her for not suddenly gaining motivation), but it would be stupid of me to knowingly lynch someone who I think is town, even if bad town.

The scenario above is predicated on Rin also being town, which you can't actually know for sure. You are assuming Leia's alignment based on an assumption you've made about someone else's alignment. Yes, a scum Leia could want to prevent a town Rin from talking more, thus making her look worse tomorrow, by self-hammering, and this would seem to support your theory that Leia is town; however, a scum Leia would also want to make sure a scum Rin got some time to talk and shore up her own credibility before the day ended, which would act against your theory. As we don't actually know Rin's alignment, it is pointless to try to use this scenario to discern Leia's alignment either way. It relies on an unknown variable. If there are reasons to give Leia some slack, I don't think this is on the list. If you have other reasons to trust her, please elaborate. You can forgive her for being unmotivated? Very well, I can understand this to some extent. But Leia isn't unmotivated; she's self-destructive and trolling.

You should consider how much your trust of Rin is rooted in the fact that she shares your misgivings about me; I have personally been wondering whether I share a similar blind spot in regards to Helga and Houlihan (on account of their suspicion of Li). Remove that appealing convergence from Rin's posts (her two posts) and see what's left.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #87 on: September 18, 2010, 05:42:26 AM »
Day 2 Vote Count!

Margeret Houlihan (0): Li Syaoran
Princess Leia (4): Margaret Houlihan, Tron Bonne, Mai Tohika, Helga Pataki
Li Syaoran (1): Helga Pataki, Tanaka
Mai Tohika Tokiha (I've been making that mistake for years apparently) (0): Li Syaoran
Helen Helga Pataki (0): Mai Tohika
Tron Bonne (1): Maya Kumashiro
Tanaka (1): Princess Leia
Rin Tohsaka (1): Li Syaoran

No vote cast: Rin Tohsaka

With 9 alive, 5 votes will lynch. You have about 15 hours left in the day.

Princess Leia is at L-1.

Margaret Houlihan will be prodded for activity as soon as this has been posted.


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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #88 on: September 18, 2010, 09:00:50 AM »
Leery at people popping up and going 'well Leia might not be scum because scum would not do what she does, it's too easy!' It is pretty much one of the scummiest things you can do and I certainly shall not be going elsewhere today. Mostly looking at Maya going 'surely Leia would have silenced Rin by dying'. It is a pretty hard thing to gauge; Leia probably expected to die on her own soon enough, she could not be thinking at all, she could be waiting for a buddy to slam her, she could be a lot of things. Tron pretty much nails it by pointing out what she is doing is flagrantly anti-town. Kinda want to see how it all goes down before speculating on teams- but a Leia/Rin one isn't one I think is too likely at this point, for all that I think they're both pretty bad.

Not liking Maya much, this is a situation where I think keeping it simple is better and rooting around for theories on contributors instead of those who, well, aren't seems like it's looking right past the obvious. In her case on Tron here-
Quote from: Maya
Ran around like a headless chicken, very pointedly did not respond to my expanded argument (you know, after having hated the earlier form of it at this point), and for playing daddy's little friendly helper since to blend back in. What's this, you just so happen to agree with two of the cases of the day that were made before you posted? What are the odds! Let's not forget that the actual sum content of what she did after getting all flustered - which I think is at least part of why people aren't voting for her? - was actually no better than most. The very large attitude change to the new sweetness does nothing to dissuade me either.

-doesn't have anything solid in it that is screaming 'SCUMMY TRAITS' to me, so I'm not sure why she's still pursuing it as this juncture and certainly don't think it is more deserving than the many other colourful characters I've singled out today.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #89 on: September 18, 2010, 06:25:21 PM »
With the forums dying on us for a while, I'm going to tack 8 hours on to the end of the day to make up for the loss.

Li Syaoran

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #90 on: September 18, 2010, 10:50:22 PM »
OK so.

Rin has posted.
Quote from: Rin
As for mistakes, I'm... not seeing them. Unless you try to claim that Chiaki didn't unvote someone pointlessly without voting for someone else, which either he definetly did on D1, or I'm blind - as that was the main argument behind my case.
My point was that you hastily threw on the 'oh, and Mai is a close second' at the end of that point, without explaining why Mai was second. You do this at the end of a paragraph on empty unvoting - yes, Chiaki was guilty of this, but you accuse Mai of it when she did no such thing. And pointed out as much here. And Tanaka had conveniently made the same mistake in an earlier case. Apparently, you buy into this case so much that Mai is your definite second place ahead of Asuka/Tron, and yet you don't actually offer any reasoning for your vote on Mai beyond 'same as Chiaki did but not as bad'. I don't understand why I need to repeat this when I said as much here earlier.

Now, let's cut Rin's wall down so everyone can understand what it entails.
- Borrowed points on Leia that have been brought up a dozen times already.

- Case on Margaret which a) takes the inconsistent response point I made at the start of the day and b) goes on to say 'oh but maybe not because clearing a Townie for a bad reason can't be bad'. So, basically waffling.

- A point on Tron which...actually sort of rings with me. After bringing up the fight with Maya, I looked back and found a nice little tidbit:
Quote from: Roll
Very much so. I don't believe you're capable of being objective about me any more. It's neither reasonable nor healthy to be as rock-hard convinced about someone day one as you were about me. I have been in your shoes before and recognize all the signs of the obsessed townie. Probably as you're reading this post there's that hot, tense feeling in your chest, elevated heartrate, that screaming rage in your head yelling, "It's plain as day she's scum, why won't anyone else see reason?" This is what's now doing your thinking for you.
I will note the hypocrisy in 'Maya tunneling on me is okay, Li tunneling on Asuka is bad'. Beside the whole 'you are clearly not thinking straight if you are voting for me' attitude that I'm getting here which feels like some sort of Appeal to Common Sense or something.
Of course, Rin never actually bothers to put a vote down on this case, simply saying 'yeah Leia is obvious and needs to dieplz' at the start of her post, but by the end she's shifted to 'I'm not 100% convinced on Leia and I'm not ready to hammer'. She then doesn't bother putting said vote on, uh, any of the other people she suspects. Not even, say, as pressure? Slightly concerned that this is the scum tactic of 'throw out suspicions of buddies without actually placing votes so as to distance without real risk'.

- Finally, you disregard the points made against Mai. 1 - You disregard her earlier stance on Helga, which was screaming GAS THE INACTIVES when Helga had basically said 'I have RL plans, can't comment today'. That was my first problem with her - she immediately took as malice what could have been totally indefensible circumstance.
2 - Then she jumps to Leia, who although her idea was lazy it was at least original. While obviously less preferable, it is a fact that there will be lazy Townies who go for simple cases. On the other hand, Townies have no reason to reword and plagiarise another person's case, which is exactly what you did.

tl;dr I will be around for an hour or two. Still want a Tohsaka/Mai lynch, no real preference as to either so I'll go for whoever I can build a wagon on against Leia (who in comparison seems more likely to be a lazy and pissed-off Townie).

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #91 on: September 19, 2010, 12:01:20 AM »
##Vote: Mai Tokiha

On reflection I'd actually rather see Helga lynched than Mai for the forced positional play today following the absence on day one, but with the downtime making this plausibly my last post of the day I will compromise with the case that might actually bear fruit, which is the intersection of mine and Shaoran's shortlists. You could call this a gamble of scum interference against my previous position on the matter, but time pressures and sufficient measure of trust in Shaoran say otherwise now.

I disagree with the sentiment that it's okay to lynch town if they're acting stupidly if you do think that they are town, and dislike the pre-emptive hand-washing of the matter and pressures of the spin of 'anti-town, must lynch' being presented by Tron and Mai. Sorry, no, if I think someone's town then they're never getting my vote unless there is absolutely no better option, and the insistence that this is the correct course of action reflects badly. I will however cut myself away from Rin's 'too easy' position.

That plus Mai's even bigger:

Not liking Maya much, this is a situation where I think keeping it simple is better and rooting around for theories on contributors instead of those who, well, aren't seems like it's looking right past the obvious.

Hey guys, let's not pay any attention on the people who are talking and line people up in the order of how little they've spoken. Mechanical thinking, mechanical excuses. Turn brain off, let scum win. I'd buy it as the thought process from someone hopelessly dedicated to the rule book, but not from Rat. Not for a minute. And he's been playing this card all day.

(And yes, I really am still primarily about Tron, but the complete lack of agreement there is what's killed my motivation in general and oh it's apparently my problem great and the rest of today has been the compromise)

Li Syaoran

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #92 on: September 19, 2010, 12:43:35 AM »
Well, that settles it.

##Unvote, Vote: Mai Tokiha

Probably still too late, but hell if I'm not gonna try.


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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #93 on: September 19, 2010, 12:44:08 AM »
Oh hey forums are back up, drowsypost time so I don't get yelled at.

Soooo no one's biting on Li eh.  Unfortunately I'm not sure what to say outside of that, except vague intent towards hammering Leia when I get up again, for obvious reasons, if the forums are up then, which seems unlikely.  

This game is dead in general, there's no activity and what activity there is is mainly people spinning off in wild directions and lots of OMGUS.  I suppose I'm as much to blame as anyone due to timing shenanigans, but I keep undergoing a lot of self doubt and paralysis.  No one else apparently thinks Li is completely nuts!  Leia is incredibly scummy!  But maybe also a stupid townie bombing themselves!  But if so she's even worse!  And also calling me scum for no reason!  (or, rather, for "being slimy" which is apparently different from "being too charismatic" which is also scummy what)  What do I do!  Helga is scummy too!  Maya is a thinking townie person but thinks Mai is scum and Mai's my second pick for most townie based on rationality + number of irrational accusations leveled against her!  Maya also still hates Tron and that gets into crazy hypocrisy loops!  argh  (the one thing I am pretty sure on is that loops like that never really go anywhere, I am not inclined to pursue Tron at this time, no)

Okay no.  Rin and Helga are still totally superlurky, Rin's megapost notwithstanding as it is still her ONLY real post and winds up with NO VOTE and no decisions.  
.... actually I just convinced myself there.

##Unvote: Li
##Vote: Rin

I am aware of the irony of Li being the other Rin voter but more seriously, this is mainly symbolic since I am mostly in favor of hammering Leia, who at this point is I think indistinguishable in terms of being bored lazy scum (come to think it is kind of odd people are pulling off her and not hammer-prone) or lazy cranky townie.


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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #94 on: September 19, 2010, 12:45:43 AM »
oh for crying out loud.  posted that despite the ninja for posterity.  Fine then.  Intent to hammer Leia in 15 minutes and drag us out of this morass of a day unless someone gives a good reason not to.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #95 on: September 19, 2010, 01:03:11 AM »
Day 2 Vote Count!

Margeret Houlihan (0): Li Syaoran
Princess Leia (4): Margaret Houlihan, Tron Bonne, Mai Tokiha, Helga Pataki
Li Syaoran (0): Helga Pataki, Tanaka
Mai Tohika Tokiha (I've been making that mistake for years apparently) (2): Li Syaoran, Maya Kumashiro, Li Syaoran
Helen Helga Pataki (0): Mai Tokiha
Tron Bonne (0): Maya Kumashiro
Tanaka (1): Princess Leia
Rin Tohsaka (1): Li Syaoran, Tanaka

No vote cast: Rin Tohsaka

With 9 alive, 5 votes will lynch. You have less than 4 hours left in the day.

Princess Leia is at L-1.

Margaret Houlihan has been prodded for inactivity. She won't hit 24 hours post-prod today, but my patience will wear thin for the future if she does not post again today. The dere only goes do far.


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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #96 on: September 19, 2010, 01:09:14 AM »
##Unvote: Rin
##Vote: Leia

Hammering scummy person who can't be arsed to make non gut cases, day over, going to sleep now.  Maya, since I know you're obsessive enough to actually do this: stop spinning in circles and metagaming and analyze Li's behavior and train shifts for tomorrow?

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #97 on: September 19, 2010, 01:35:29 AM »

(like this game needs to be told to shut up)

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #98 on: September 19, 2010, 01:56:23 AM »
Discussion was taking place - as much as a bunch of little wooden figurines can talk about anything - when Princess Leia suddenly threw her hands up into the air.

"That's it. I'm bored. You're all boring. I've had enough. I can think of a million things better to do right now than this. Like KISS MARK HAMILL and then HAVE SEX WITH HARRISON FORD oh wait I can do both of those right now if I want to anyway! In fact I do think I want to. So I will. Bye!"

The rest of the dolls were stunned at the princess' sudden announcement and departure. Stunned to the point that none of them noticed that the back of Leia's head had been carved out until she was out of earshot.

Clearly, she was not the one responsible.


Princess Leia (Vanilla Townie) was lynched by majority!

It is now Night 2. Night actions from of whom all I require them, please.

Final Day 2 Vote Count

Margeret Houlihan (0): Li Syaoran
Princess Leia (5): Margaret Houlihan, Tron Bonne, Mai Tokiha, Helga Pataki, Tanaka
Li Syaoran (0): Helga Pataki, Tanaka
Mai Tohika Tokiha (2): Li Syaoran, Maya Kumashiro, Li Syaoran
Helen Helga Pataki (0): Mai Tokiha
Tron Bonne (0): Maya Kumashiro
Tanaka (1): Princess Leia
Rin Tohsaka (0): Li Syaoran, Tanaka

No vote cast: Rin Tohsaka
Unanswered inactivity prod: Margaret Houlihan

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Night 2
« Reply #99 on: September 19, 2010, 05:33:24 PM »
Going to be busy all day from here on out, and all night actions are in, so you guys get an early update. Don't expect this every time from me, though! I'm only doing it because I don't want to hold up the game for my own personal ventures.

(Also no story because I am rushed and have had no chance to do any research sorry sorry sorry to the dead player)

Maya Kumashiro (Vanilla Townie) was killed overnight!

It is now Day 3. With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch. From this day forward, no majority = No Lynch.

Since ending a day at 12:30 PM Eastern is lamesauce, you will have 80 hours vote today instead of 72 (like you would have if I had updated when I wanted to). Again, don't expect this every time! It's not like I'm doing this because I like all of you or anything.