Author Topic: Let's talk about RPG Maker stuff or something [Mostly RMVX/RMXP/RGSS(2)]  (Read 7966 times)


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Hi guys.

I was thinkin' since a couple of us here are putzing around with RPG Maker/RPG Tsukuru programs, I decided I'd go around the internet looking for some nice RGSS2 script resources, and imagine my surprise when I find a truckload of them! Unfortunately, they are mostly in Japanese, therefore I think it'd be cool if we talked about some of them and try derive some ideas from it.

First of all, though, here's a link to PocketWiki, where Shanghai/Yanfly and some others post a multitude of useful RMVX/RMXP scripts that may or may not prove to be useful for your own project do you ever decide to take up that mantle... And responsibility, ha ha.

Now, to the meat of this thing.

RGSS2 Resources
Individual scripts I will cover later

Hikimoki | RPG Maker VX Script Site (link)
Scroll down until you see the list of links with the term "RGSS2" on them. These are mostly core scripts for various game engines, as you might be able to tell from the name itself. This particular dude also scripted a danmaku game engine on RGSS2, aside from things like making an Action game, a Puzzle game, SRPGs, an RTS, an MMORPG styled game, and even a roguelike! It also has an RGSS2 Script Reference for those who are well-versed enough in Japanese to understand what the hell it's talking about. This site is also very deserving of mention because without it I wouldn't have found the OTHER really nice script sites, which I'm going to share.

Mint's Room (link)
In the top frame navigation, click "Special," and then click either the "XPRGSS素材" link if you use XP's RGSS or "VXRGSS素材" link if you use VX's RGSS for the script repositories. Since I believe most of the people this thread is relevant to is using VX, you probably want to look at that instead. If you plan to use any script from this site, it is imperative you install the Minto Master Script VX Ver1.02, or many scripts won't work properly when you install them into Materials. Don't worry, the Master Script VX source code link is directly beneath the text box, just click on it. The scripts the VXRGSS page has are numbered, but they are extremely nice. They're mostly menu and battle enhancements. You can add an enhanced battle aftermath screen complete with an active EXP bar (アクティブレベルアップVX), and such. You can also putz around with the animation FPS with the "Change Animation FPS" (アニメFPS変更スクリプトVX) Script.

Phantasmic Area (link)
Click the "Materials" link and then... Uh, try and read the hilariously small text >_< The SS link means it's a screenshot. This site is notable for having a decent ATB system scripted out. Some games are using the ATB bar from this site, I believe. The links under the アクティブタイムラインバトル are relevant in the following ways:
1) First link is a Sample project.
2) Second link is SCRIPT ONLY.
3) Third link is GRAPHICS ONLY.
Although the site is very hard to read properly, it actually neatly divides its massive list of scripts into sections depending on which part of the core RMVX engine it changes, modifies or enhances. It also includes scripts to call the Win32 API into the game itself either for debugging or for whatever reason the project creator deigns. It also has scripts for a 15 Block Slide Puzzle and Othello minigames. Another script of note is one that emulates the famous "At 0 MP you ded too!" mechanic mostly pissing off people playing Star Ocean 3.

Neo Memo (link)
Click the RGSS2 butan to find the list. You can click the image boxes to enlarge them to full. This site contains very nice scripts too, that it is simple enough just to "Plug and Play." It has its own Weight Gauge battle system and a Side View battle system, scripts are located at the bottom of the page, though the Weight Gauge battle system itself is the link labelled ウェイトゲージバトル. It also has a script that calls certain files in the game data that allow you to insert battle voices if you wanted to. Basically, it's a site containing lots of neat enhancement and polishing scripts.

EnDlEss DREamER (link)
You need to scroll all the way down til you find a list of links. The site organization isn't as neat as the previous ones but the scripts are still worth looking at. Basically, these are tweaks to KGC's scripts and also introduces some original scripts too, like a Synthesis Shop script. It's quite a neat site to take a look at when you're stuck looking for ways to introduce skill levelling, weapon levelling, forging and the like. Very nice script repository, it has around 48 scripts.

KGC Software (link)
Click the テクニック集 button, then the VX 用スクリプト一覧 link if you're using VX though that is quite obvious which one you're looking for... :3 Clicking on the folders will open up the script lists. This site is the basis for almost every single menu or battle edit script out there. Even Yanfly, a very well-known scripter in the Western communities, has based some of his scripts off the dude in KGC Software. There's far too many nice scripts in there for me to describe one by one, though... haha

Sabakan's RPG Maker Blog (link)
The links are in a dropdown menu under Category/カテゴリ, and then in the menu look at the entries below スクリプト素材開発ログ. Whoever this Sabakan dude is, they're absolutely amazing because they managed to script and make a 3D dungeon and code an Etrian Odyssey styled battle system. He's also distributing sample projects for fellow scripters to check out and mostly test for bugs, and occasionally he talks about his scripting and eventing process. At some point, though, the dude states you must have KGC's Multi-Actor Party Changer script for things to be fully functional.

Atelier Nonta (link)
Simple, but very nice site for free music in MIDI and OGG Vorbis if you so need it.

The relevant scripts are in the file. I may or may not post a list of the scripts in the pack, depending on demand.

Individual Scripts

Active Level Up VX ver1.23
Requires Minto Master Script VX to be installed
Firstly, you will need to install the High-Speed Number Display script. To install THAT script, download the image with the numbers in it and then Import that into the Graphics/Pictures folder, then simply install that script in the Materials, above Main. Afterwards, you can directly install the Active Level Up script. You also need to download the images displayed on the Active Level Up VX page and then transfer THOSE to Graphics/Pictures (though I have mine imported both to ../Pictures and ../System, I think it's ../Pictures though).
You can instantly see what it does like, right there in the page >_>

Save Layout Screen c/o Neo Memo
JPN: セーブレイアウト
Simply install the script directly to your Materials.
This script adds 12 additional save slots. Each save file is now detailed with who's currently in the leading party, complete with names, portrait and character sprite. It shows the Level, HP and MP details of the actor who is first in the party. The file also displays the name of the map, how much money you have, and play time. 物語リスト版 displays only 3 save file slots, but titles each save file with a "Chapter Name," and logs it with the name of the actor who is first in the party, along with their level, HP and MP. Also displays map location, money and play time. カスタム版 is similar to the previous version but instead players can opt to MAKE additional save files instead of being locked at a fixed value.

Equipment Forging/Creation Shop
Follow the instructions carefully
Once you've installed the script into your Materials, you will need to find some specific lines in the script and change something in them.

Code: [Select]
Change 生産する to the word either Forge or Create, or any word of your choice

Code: [Select]
if line =~ (/<(装備生産)[::]\[\d+[,]\d+[,]\d+\](?:[ ]*,[ ]*\[\d+[,]\d+[,]\d+\])*>/)
Change 装備生産 to the word create. This step is extremely important. You will HAVE to change the moonrunes in the script to an English word if you're unable to type moonrunes or want to make life easier for yourself. The above line of code essentially means that if you type:

Code: [Select]
Where word is the word you replaced the moonrunes with,
x is the item identifier where: 0 = item, 1 = weapon, 2 = armor
y is the item's ID number
z is the quantity of item needed to make the item.

INSIDE THE NOTE PART OF THE ITEM, it becomes an item where you are required to forge it.

Here is an example from my project, which I used this script with:

Code: [Select]

It means you need 1 of Weapon ID 111, 5 of Item ID 38, and 1 of Item ID 39, to make the item.

How do you call the script when you're making a shop? Very simple!

Code: [Select]
# 生産ショップのスイッチ番号

See that line of code? Change PRODUCT_SHOP_SWITCH's value to an unused switch value. When you're making an event, TURN ON the switch and then do SHOP PROCESSING, and then ONLY INSERT THE ITEMS WITH <create:[x,y,z]> IN THEIR NOTE TAGS, and then TURN IT OFF after SHOP PROCESSING, otherwise you will royally fuck up your game.

Battle-Related Script Collection by tomoaky
Did you want to make a character who has skills that operate similar to FFVI's Sabin's Blitz? Well, now you can sort of do that. Using the RGSS2 "Fighting Game Style Skill Input" script, you can simply put <[insert inputs]> in the NOTE part of the skill. You can put MULTIPLE INPUTS in the same Note to minimize chances of the player screwing up their input.

Code: [Select]

Is the example tomoaky uses to minimize chances of people screwing up a Shoryuken input, for instance.

This script simply adjusts the Y orientation of enemies when you position them in a certain way in the Troop Editing interface.

This script simply adds Battle Mist to the battle screen when you fight.
You will need to download the mist graphic included on the page and then import it to Graphics/System folder.

Scroll down to find the script

Code: [Select]
# ◆パーティ編成許可を表すスイッチ番号

PARTYFORM_SWITCH's value. When it is OFF, you can't change your party set-up. When it's on...

Code: [Select]
# ◆ 戦闘中のパーティ編成許可を表すスイッチ番号

BATTLE_PARTYFORM_SWITCH's value. If it is the same as PARTYFORM_SWITCH's value, it will act like the same thing as PARTYFORM_SWITCH when it is ON or OFF.

Code: [Select]
# ◆戦闘メンバー最大数 (デフォルト値)
# ◆パーティメンバー最大数

Maximum number of battle members is self-explanatory
Max members... Also self-explanatory. If you make MAX_MEMBERS higher than 100, bugs happen. Like, so don't do it.

Code: [Select]
# ◆ショップ画面のステータスウィンドウスクロール時に使用するボタン

If you hold the button assigned to Input:: under SHOP_STATUS_SCROLL_BUTTON and then press Up or Down, you can see the parameter changes.

Code: [Select]
# ◆待機メンバー獲得経験値割合【単位:‰(千分率 1‰=0.1%)】

STAND_BY_EXP_RATE is the experience gained by members not in the current party. 1 is equivalent to 0.1% of the battle experience.

Code: [Select]
# ◆ 戦闘以外でも待機メンバーを表示する

When this is true, you can see all your party members, even those out of the party, when out of battle
When this is false, you can only see all your party members when you're arranging your battle party

Code: [Select]
# ◆パーティ編成ボタン (メニュー画面用)
# ◆メニュー画面にパーティ編成コマンドを追加する

MENU_PARTYFORM_BUTTON is the button pressed in the menu to call the party changer.
If you set USE_MENU_PARTYFORM_COMMAND to true, it adds a "Party Changer" command to your menu. This command is negated if you're using the KGC Custom Command Menu script.

Code: [Select]
# ◆戦闘中にパーティ編成を使用する

When this is true, you can change your party during battle, like FFX. The command shows beneath "Flee."

Code: [Select]
# ◆ 全滅時の自動出撃を使用する

When this is true, your party members on standby will replace an entirely knocked out party.

i am completely bummed out now i may add more later
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.


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Re: Let's talk about RPG Maker stuff or something [Mostly RMVX/RMXP/RGSS(2)]
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2010, 12:44:53 AM »
Wow! This is an awesome informational resource.

Damn you, Trance! Why must you tempt me to start an RPGM project when I'm still fixing up MF6?!


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Re: Let's talk about RPG Maker stuff or something [Mostly RMVX/RMXP/RGSS(2)]
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2010, 10:01:29 AM »
Well, you can resist the temptation, can't you~?

Mostly yes, the Japanese are extremely awesome and insane mofuggers and creative when using RGSS2, especially that Sabakan dude who's doing the EO style themed dungeons and battle system... O_O
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.


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Re: Let's talk about RPG Maker stuff or something [Mostly RMVX/RMXP/RGSS(2)]
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2010, 12:20:15 PM »
I fully support this topic and cannot properly emphasize how good Yanfly Engine Melody is for just about all standard battle systems.

More ramblings later I suppose.
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: Let's talk about RPG Maker stuff or something [Mostly RMVX/RMXP/RGSS(2)]
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2010, 01:03:09 PM »
I fully support this topic and cannot properly emphasize how good Yanfly Engine Melody is for just about all standard battle systems.

Yeah, but YEM is pretty much the ONLY customized battle engine that's widely accessible to the Western audience.

It being goddamnably awesome is just icing on the cake. I should probably try and compare some of the Japanese custom battle engines with Yanfly Engine Melody, just because.
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.


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Re: Let's talk about RPG Maker stuff or something [Mostly RMVX/RMXP/RGSS(2)]
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2010, 01:13:34 PM »
Heh, wow. Alright. I'll have to see what I can assemble with this to aid me.


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Re: Let's talk about RPG Maker stuff or something [Mostly RMVX/RMXP/RGSS(2)]
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2010, 09:10:00 AM »
This is awesome! If only I had the time to really try and digest these!
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Let's talk about RPG Maker stuff or something [Mostly RMVX/RMXP/RGSS(2)]
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2010, 02:40:57 PM »

So, like, I ran into a pretty big issue with Minto's Active Level Up VX script.

It only works correctly if you only have ActorID001 to 008 in the party. If you use anyone with an actor ID higher than 008, the script doesn't know how to handle it (???) and explodes.

Just a warning if you plan to use it. No worries, I've already done a very half-assed Japanese post on Minto's BBS inquiring about it. I hope to get an answer soon >_<
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.


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Re: Let's talk about RPG Maker stuff or something [Mostly RMVX/RMXP/RGSS(2)]
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2010, 04:19:07 AM »
Question for people who have started to use this: Is there a good starting point? I kind of nosed around a little and I notice that there a so many scripts. Tad overwhelming to just randomly pick one to jump into. I should note that I have basically full systems with all the math spanning the entire game, so if battle stuff is the easiest if you have the math, that's good.
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Let's talk about RPG Maker stuff or something [Mostly RMVX/RMXP/RGSS(2)]
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2010, 11:56:57 AM »
Can you elaborate on the type of systems you will want to use?

Either way, it's best to make a small test project where you get a feel for the editor first. Start worrying about scripts once you have the basics down. You're using RMVX, yes?
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: Let's talk about RPG Maker stuff or something [Mostly RMVX/RMXP/RGSS(2)]
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2010, 12:39:56 PM »
You could make a tongue-in-cheek RPGDL RPG as a small test of how things work out in the end and overall ability to make a somewhat compelling-ish RPG. Starting small usually gives you the confidence needed to tackle bigger projects because you've a success to show!

That said, I've seen these before and remember PocketHouse being a blog with the translated scripts, specifically Yanfly's Engine Redux which rewrote the entire RMVX engine, but it no longer seems to be! I poked around a little but only really checked that Engine Melody and it's pretty cool. CTB, even, which is Always Neat.

It makes me want to try something again, too, but my lack of TRUE RESOLVE!!! has never been a real boon in these sort of attempts. Maybe if I had a rad idea and didn't mind the particular sprites. Annoyingly, I used to have a site that had some pretty neat ones which'd likely work well due to having elaborate battle poses, but I never bookmarked it and have since forgotten the webaddress. I know it had to do with "neko", but then, what in Japan doesn't?

Cool find. Good thing the VP bumped it, I might otherwise not have checked this out.


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Re: Let's talk about RPG Maker stuff or something [Mostly RMVX/RMXP/RGSS(2)]
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2010, 01:00:07 PM »
You could make a tongue-in-cheek RPGDL RPG as a small test of how things work out in the end and overall ability to make a somewhat compelling-ish RPG. Starting small usually gives you the confidence needed to tackle bigger projects because you've a success to show!

Yep, mostly this. I've started a small, not-so-serious project that won't last too long when I've done the finished product. So far, the latest version of the demo has approximately 3 hours worth of gameplay. You can check out information on it by clicking the banner in my signature.

That said, I've seen these before and remember PocketHouse being a blog with the translated scripts, specifically Yanfly's Engine Redux which rewrote the entire RMVX engine, but it no longer seems to be! I poked around a little but only really checked that Engine Melody and it's pretty cool. CTB, even, which is Always Neat.

Yeah, this thread was mostly made to expose people to different battle systems that weren't just YERD, Battle Engine Melody, etc. In other words, I wanted to show people that Wong is not the only scripter worth his salt. >_>

19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.


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Re: Let's talk about RPG Maker stuff or something [Mostly RMVX/RMXP/RGSS(2)]
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2010, 01:24:44 PM »
MotK fangame. :) I'll give it a looksee when it's declared done.

The only other community I used to frequent that had to do with RPGMaking is still stuck on RPGMaker2003. I just glanced at it and they're still going on about developing games with that. :( It's like working in DOS Command line instead of Windows.

Mrf. I am tempted to start up RMVX again but maaaan, I just know I'll give up halfway due to having no clue how to progress. (or getting Neat Idea #4 that is completely incompatible with the other ideas but implementing it anyway, and keeping that trend up for another eighty ideas)

Just for my reference, I at least recovered one of the sites I had. Not specifically tailored to RMVX, but another big resource for it disappear. (Gozaisaaru or something?) Damnit Trance. :V
« Last Edit: September 16, 2010, 01:27:52 PM by Bardiche »


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Re: Let's talk about RPG Maker stuff or something [Mostly RMVX/RMXP/RGSS(2)]
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2010, 03:44:15 PM »
Okay so, posting a basic intro to this whole RPG making business.

RPG Maker VX is definitely the engine of choice these days. 2000/2003 are hopelessly outdated, and XP is usable but no longer gets much in the way of script support.

The first thing you'll want to do is to familiarize yourself with the editor. Mapping, switches, events, variables and database - these are fairly easy to grasp, there's a help file, you can ask questions if necessary. The basic functions are enough to make something simple in the vein of a Dragon Quest game.

When you want to make something more customized is when you delve into the world of scripts. I highly recommend starting with Yanfly Engine Melody for the following reasons:

1. The scripts are a coherent package to get you started, hugely enhance gameplay. and are well customizable.
2. All of them are well commented, in English language, and easy to alter just by reading the descriptions.
3. All the scripts, being from one author, are compatible with each other.
4. The core scripts come bundled in a little game demo that lets you try them out. <- There's the main page for the thing.

After you're comfortable with that, you can delve into the world of strange japanese/other scripts (Trance, keep on posting!) and maybe try to make some yourself.

For custom graphics resources...well, I don't really know any good sites for RMVX resources. Help me out here? For audio any .mp3 or .ogg can be used.

Perhaps the most important tip: A great way to learn about anything, be it mapping, eventing or scripting, is to open up an existing game in the editor and see how it was done.
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: Let's talk about RPG Maker stuff or something [Mostly RMVX/RMXP/RGSS(2)]
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2010, 08:31:38 PM »
Can you elaborate on the type of systems you will want to use?

Either way, it's best to make a small test project where you get a feel for the editor first. Start worrying about scripts once you have the basics down. You're using RMVX, yes?

Probably covered the needed answer in your above post, but CTB or ATB (Whichever FFX) speed, no turn manipulation, inherent skillset type stuff is the most defined (And the one I mathed out first specifically becuase it was the easiest).
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Let's talk about RPG Maker stuff or something [Mostly RMVX/RMXP/RGSS(2)]
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2010, 06:47:12 AM »
Hi guys!

Want some graphical resources?

RPG-Tkool Material CLOSET is an excellent site featuring a wide selection of monster graphics and character chipsets done in the RMVX RTP style, along with matching portaits. The site is in Japanese though, so I will mostly elaborate on the links on the side.

■VX素材(顔グラ) <-- Portraits
■VX素材(モンスター) <-- Monster gfx
■VX素材(システム) <-- System window sets

The tag list below the search bar are mainly groups of different monsters, though those tagged with 顔 are portraits.

If I find some more nice graphic resource sites I will let you guys know.
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.


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Re: Let's talk about RPG Maker stuff or something [Mostly RMVX/RMXP/RGSS(2)]
« Reply #16 on: September 17, 2010, 07:16:11 PM »
Tagging for awesomness. Trancey topics are the best kinds of topics <3
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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Re: Let's talk about RPG Maker stuff or something [Mostly RMVX/RMXP/RGSS(2)]
« Reply #17 on: September 17, 2010, 07:22:59 PM »
I'm working on a console-style RPG now using OHRRPGCE, which is a great, easy engine for making SNES style games (not much beyond that).  Don't have any screens of the latest graphics (my graphics guy recently revamped a lot).  The latest I have is this preview of the card game sidequest:

I thought I might post about the game here when it's finished (which... will hopefully happen next year some time).  I think most fans of classic SNES RPGs will enjoy it. 


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Re: Let's talk about RPG Maker stuff or something [Mostly RMVX/RMXP/RGSS(2)]
« Reply #18 on: September 17, 2010, 09:32:07 PM »
Okay, so usui and neko aren't exactly the same, but I was sure it had to do with nekos. Whichever way, I found the link, so here you go aspiring RPGmakers in search of nifty new grafeex.

Takes away a bit from teh joy of creating characters, but those who can't draw are better off using generic sprites, right?


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Re: Let's talk about RPG Maker stuff or something [Mostly RMVX/RMXP/RGSS(2)]
« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2010, 03:54:03 PM »
I never liked XP or VX much.

RM2k is a wonderful engine, it can do almost anything the newer RPG Makers can do without needing any programming knowledge at all. And the amount of excellent games made for it is incredible. <3 The Way forever~
~Sig is gone because I can't be bothered updating~

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Re: Let's talk about RPG Maker stuff or something [Mostly RMVX/RMXP/RGSS(2)]
« Reply #20 on: September 30, 2010, 02:22:11 AM »
RPG Maker! I've been a part of the RPG Making community for a long time. RMN is my stomping grounds.

RM2K3 is just fine for my, or anyone else's tastes, really. If a good game is made in it, a shitload of people will still play it. People gotta realize that. I mean you can use any engine you want, and yeah, RMVX is the most advanced, no doubt about it, but people in the community sort of need to understand that outside of the RPG Making community, nobody cares what engine your game is made in, provided the game is good. Hell, Hero's Realm is one of the most popular RM games ever made, ever, and it's on RM2K3.
It's new. It's improved. And it's the best gamemaking site around. (and also, we host your games, screenshots, and progress logs of any maker.)


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Re: Let's talk about RPG Maker stuff or something [Mostly RMVX/RMXP/RGSS(2)]
« Reply #21 on: October 01, 2010, 09:13:00 AM »
While I'm ahead of myself, I don't want to turn this into an argument about whether the more recent RM engines are better than RM2k and RM2k3. The older engines are still very solid in their own rights, but it's losing support in the Japanese side, which was the entire reason why I made this thread in the first place.

RM2k is a wonderful engine, it can do almost anything the newer RPG Makers can do without needing any programming knowledge at all. And the amount of excellent games made for it is incredible. <3 The Way forever~

I'm not too familiar with RM2k (only RM2k3, RMXP and RMVX), but I've seen some pretty nice games done in this engine. Yeah.

... RMVX is the most advanced, ...

Actually, RMVX and RMXP are very damnably similar to each other aside from graphical differences and some intrinsic differences between RGSS and RGSS2. One of the major ones being that RMVX no longer uses some base functions RMXP did, though you can reproduce them, thankfully Yanfly did this for us in the form of a helpful "Base Function Restoration" script, though I think KGC also did something similar as well. Though, some people do choose RMVX over RMXP by sole virtue of having a more powerful and versatile database. That's mostly it, though.

And yes, Hero's Realm is absolutely stunning for the time it was made.

19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.


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Re: Let's talk about RPG Maker stuff or something [Mostly RMVX/RMXP/RGSS(2)]
« Reply #22 on: October 02, 2010, 11:14:15 AM »
Huh, weird. I've never even heard of Hero's Realm.

I'll have to check it out some time when I'm done being addicted to MF6.
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Re: Let's talk about RPG Maker stuff or something [Mostly RMVX/RMXP/RGSS(2)]
« Reply #23 on: February 10, 2011, 07:13:11 PM »
Great topic, incidentally, Trance/Tonfa/everyone. Bumping this, because why not.

I'm flirting with the idea of getting back into RPG design (I did it a bunch around... oh, a decade ago <_<). Back then I just coded my own stuff, which ultimately I think is why I gave up on it - my biggest project I abandonned because I didn't really like the idea of coding all my own graphical environment/input handling/all that. So what I've actually read of RPG Maker software is quite intriguing, as it lets me avoid the stuff I really don't relish spending hours and hours on. For years I'd kinda assumed it just wouldn't be very good/versatile, but reading up on it recently makes it sound like I misjudged it. Basically, I'm looking for something that greatly streamlines the process of making an RPG (which it sounds like the software does) but still allows someone knowledgeable about computer programming and willing to learn the scripting system the tool uses a fair bit of freedom (e.g. if I decide I want to make an enemy who counters fire magic specifically, I don't want to find out that this is literally impossible to create, regardless of scripting). So since I know there's a few people around here who use it, any general opinions on the software and your experiences with it? Bascially I want to know if it's worth my time and money (though I do note there's a one month trial period with regards to the latter).

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Re: Let's talk about RPG Maker stuff or something [Mostly RMVX/RMXP/RGSS(2)]
« Reply #24 on: February 11, 2011, 12:10:26 AM »
Great topic, incidentally, Trance/Tonfa/everyone. Bumping this, because why not.

I'm flirting with the idea of getting back into RPG design (I did it a bunch around... oh, a decade ago <_<). Back then I just coded my own stuff, which ultimately I think is why I gave up on it - my biggest project I abandonned because I didn't really like the idea of coding all my own graphical environment/input handling/all that. So what I've actually read of RPG Maker software is quite intriguing, as it lets me avoid the stuff I really don't relish spending hours and hours on. For years I'd kinda assumed it just wouldn't be very good/versatile, but reading up on it recently makes it sound like I misjudged it. Basically, I'm looking for something that greatly streamlines the process of making an RPG (which it sounds like the software does) but still allows someone knowledgeable about computer programming and willing to learn the scripting system the tool uses a fair bit of freedom (e.g. if I decide I want to make an enemy who counters fire magic specifically, I don't want to find out that this is literally impossible to create, regardless of scripting). So since I know there's a few people around here who use it, any general opinions on the software and your experiences with it? Bascially I want to know if it's worth my time and money (though I do note there's a one month trial period with regards to the latter).

VX is basically exactly like you described, so you've got nothing to lose by going for the trial. >_> Try poking around for scripts and games made with the software, too.

Edit: Hit #rpgmon if you have any questions, we occasionally use it for RM chat.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2011, 12:12:11 AM by Tonfa »
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!