
Author Topic: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 15; Encounters)  (Read 23066 times)


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Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 15; Encounters)
« on: October 03, 2010, 08:02:31 AM »

Soppy- Gloria Goldberg
El Cid- Amanda Sharpe
Tal- Vincent Lee
Random- Hank Samson
Mage- Ursula Downs
Strago- Finn Edwards
« Last Edit: February 06, 2011, 10:58:36 AM by AndrewRogue »


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (NO POSTING)
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2010, 08:02:42 AM »
Silver Twilight Lodge:

Church Green:
Factory District:

Silver Twilight Lodge:
The Esoteric Order of Dagon:
« Last Edit: January 31, 2011, 11:02:51 AM by AndrewRogue »


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (NO POSTING)
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2010, 08:02:50 AM »

Open Gates: 4/6
Monster Limit: 7/9 (7 in Innsmouth)
Outskirts: 0/2
Terror Track: 3/10 (General Store Closed) (Next Rise in Terror is prevented)
Deep Ones Rising: 3/6
Feds Raid Arkham: 0/2 Yellow,  0/2 Green, 0/2 Blues
Dust Deck 1: 4 Cards Remain
Dust Deck 2: 4 Cards Remain
Dust Deck 3: 4 Cards Remain

« Last Edit: January 31, 2011, 10:40:35 AM by AndrewRogue »


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (NO POSTING)
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2010, 08:03:47 AM »


Bank of Arkham
Bank Loan: Instead of having an encounter here, you may take out a Bank Loan if you don't have one yet.

Arkham Asylum
Psychiatric Care: Instead of having an encounter here, you may recover sanity by receiving psychiatric care. You may either regain 1 Sanity for free, or pay $2 to restore your Sanity to its maximum value.

Curiositie Shoppe
Shop: Instead of having an encounter here, you may draw 3 Unique Items and purchase one of them for its list price. Discard the other two items.

Police Station
Deputized: Instead of having an encounter here, you may spend 10 toughness worth of monster trophies, 2 gate trophies, or 5 toughness worth of monster trophies and 1 gate trophy to become the Deputy of Arkham. Take the Deputy of Arkham card.

General Store
Shop: Instead of having an encounter here, you may draw 3 Common Items and purchase one of them for its list price. Discard the other two items.

Science Building
Dissection: Instead of having an encounter here, you may spend 5 toughness worth of monster trophies or 1 gate trophy to gain 2 clue tokens.

Classes: Instead of having an encounter here, you may pay $8 to draw 2 Skills. Keep one of them and discard the other.

Silver Twilight Lodge
Inner Sanctum: If you have a Silver Twilight Membership, then you look at the Inner Sanctum entry when having encounters here.

St. Mary's Hospital
Medical Care: Instead of having an encounter here, you may recover Stamina by receiving medical care. You may either regain 1 Stamina for free, or pay $2 to restore your Stamina to its maximum value.

Ma's Boarding House
Recruit:Instead of having an encounter here, you may spend 10 toughness worth of monster trophies, 2 gate trophies, or 5 toughness worth of monster trophies and 1 gate trophy to take any 1 Ally of your choice from the Ally deck.

Ye Olde Magick Shoppe
Magic Lessons: Instead of having an encounter here, you may pay $5 to draw 2 Spells. Keep one of them and discard the other.

South Church
Blessing: Instead of having an encounter here, you may spend 5 toughness worth of monster trophies or 1 gate trophy to have any investigator you choose be Blessed.

River Docks
Shady Character: Instead of having an encounter here, you may spend 5 toughness worth of monster trophies or 1 gate trophy to gain $5.  This location counts as an Aquatic location.

Unvisited Isle
This location counts as an Aquatic location.


Innsmouth Jail
Jail Break: Each investigator in the Jail Cell during the Arkham Encounter Phase makes a Sneak(-1) check and draws one encounter card, plus one additional card for every success rolled, encountering one card of his choice and discarding the others.

Sawbone Alley
Outside Help: Investigators imprisoned in Innsmouth Jail gain one extra success on their Jail Break roll for every investigator in Sawbone Alley.  This is a street location.

First National Grocery
Food and Gossip: Instead of having an encounter here, you may spend $1 to search the Common Item deck for a "Food" or "Research Materials" card.

Gilman House Hotel
Uneasy Sleep: After having an encounter here, if you are still at this location, you may gain 1 sanity or 1 stamina.

Falcon Point
Boat Charter: During the movement phase, you may spend $2 to move to any aquatic location and have an encounter there(if applicable), or to move any other investigator in an aquatic location to Falcon Point.  Investigators may not move any further after moving with this location ability.

Devil Reef
Accursed: Investigators must end their movement upon entering Devil Reef.  Flying monsters may move into Devil Reef as though it were a street area.

Inaccessible: Investigators may only enter Y'ha-nthlei from Devil Reef or when returning to Arkham from an Other World, regardless of other game effects.  This is true even if there is an open gate here.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2010, 08:07:07 AM by AndrewRogue »


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (NO POSTING)
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2010, 08:04:00 AM »
It began with a murder. It would not have been that odd in this town, if it weren't for the method. The victim? He'd turned to dust. Just disintegrated right out of his clothes. Rumors started going around about withcraft before we could stop them. We weren't sure if we wanted to. Something was going on. All we could hope was that God would have mercy on our souls.

Now One Can Help You Now
Environment (Mystic)
Gate Opens: The Unnamable
Clue Appears: The Woods

Gates cannot be sealed, although they can still be closed.

« Last Edit: October 04, 2010, 06:46:41 AM by AndrewRogue »


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You may begin. I'll fine tune the displays as we go. Join #rpgdlarkham for plotting.

Sopko is first player (Bolded). Remember to choose whether or not to discard clues to throw off the hunter.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2010, 06:50:15 AM by AndrewRogue »

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 1; Movement)
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2010, 03:07:45 PM »
I'll draw from the dust pile and head on over to Hibb's for another Clue.

Gloria Goldberg

Sanity 6/6
Stamina 4/4

Speed  1  [2] 3  4  
Sneak  3  [2] 1  0  

Fight  0  1  [2]  3 +1  
Will    5  4  [3]  2  

Lore  1  2  [3]  4  
Luck  5  4  [3]  2  

Focus: 2

Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.

3 Clue Tokens

Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Food (Discard Food to reduce any Stamina loss by 1)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Flesh Ward
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)

Personal Story: Pass: Possess 5 Clue Tokens (3/5)
                      Fail: Driven Insane
« Last Edit: October 05, 2010, 12:28:17 AM by Hunter Sopko »

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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 1; Movement)
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2010, 06:36:04 PM »
Tommy Muldoon

Special Abilities:

Hero - Mythos Phase: Before a mythos card is drawn, Tommy may make one or more monsters adjacent to his location move to his location, regardless of their normal movement.

On The Force - Any Phase: Tommy can never be arrested.  In addition, it only costs him 1 gate trophy or 5 toughness worth of monster trophies to become Deputy of Arkham.


Sanity: 6/6
Stamina: 4/4

Speed: 1 2 3 [4] [+1]
Sneak: 3 2 1 [zero]

Fight: 2 3 4 [5]
Will: 4 3 2 [1]

Lore: zero 1 [2] 3
Luck: 6 5 [4] 3

Focus: 1

2 Clue Tokens
Map of Arkham (Exhaust to gain 1 extra movement, $2)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat, $6)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat, $6) (Traded to Soppy/Gloria)
.18 Derringer (1H Weapon, +2 Physical Combat, cannot be stolen or discarded unless allowed, $3)
Obsidian Statue (Discard to negate any Stamina/Sanity damage dealt from any one source, $4)
Speed Skill (+1 Speed, Clue Tokens spent on Speed checks yield an extra die)

Personal Story:
Pass: Become devoured (obviously not yet fufilled)
Fail: Terror Level reaches 5 (0/5)

Gonna move to the Uptown Streets, tossing Soppy/Gloria my spare rifle on the way there.  Tal/Vincent can feel free to grab my Map of Arkham and the derringer if he wants it.


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 1; Movement)
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2010, 11:11:19 PM »
Amanda Sharpe

Sanity: 5/5
Stamina: 5/5

Focus: 3

Speed: 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]

Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will: 4 [3] 2 1

Lore: 1 2 3 [4]
Luck: 4 3 2 [1]

Studious: Whenever Amanda draws one or more cards from the Skill deck, she draws one extra card and then discards one of the cards.


2 clue tokens
Dark Cloak (common item, +1 to evade checks, $2)
Elder Sign (unique item, lose 1 sanity and 1 stamina to close gate and remove 1 doom token from track, $5)
Dread Curse of Azathoth (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 2, exhaust for +9 to combat checks, 2H)
Luck (skill, +1 luck, roll 1 bonus die when spending clue tokens for luck checks)
Expert Occultist (skill, exhaust to reroll a spell check)

Personal story:

Pass: Draw three unique items (effect: maximum sanity and stamina increased by 1)
Fail: Two open gates to R'leyh (effect: devoured, replaced by Deep One, add 1 token to Deep Ones Rising track)


Amanda goes to Independence Square for clue acquisition.


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 1; Movement)
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2010, 12:17:18 AM »
Vincent Lee

Location: Woods

Sanity: 5 / 5
Stamina: 5 / 5

Speed: 0 1 [2] 3
Sneak: 5 4 [3] 2

Fight: 0 1 [2] 3
Will : 4 3 [2] 1

Lore: 2 [3] 4 5
Luck: 4 [3] 2 1

Focus: 2

Unique Abilities
Physician - Upkeep: Dr. Lee may restore 1 Stamina  to himself or another character in his location. He cannot raise a character's Stamina higher than that character's maximum Stamina.

3 Clue Token

Common Items
Dark Cloak - Bonus: +1 Evade check / Price: $2
Old Journal (Exhausted) - Type: Tome / Movement: Exhaust and spend 1 movement point to make a Lore (-1) check. If you pass, gain 3 Clue tokens and discard Old Journal. If you fail, nothing happens. / Price: $1
.18 Derringer - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +2 Combat check / .18 Derringer cannot be lost or stolen unless you choose to allow it. / Hands: 1 / Price: $3
Map of Arkham (Exhausted) - Movement phase: Exhaust to get 1 extra movement point. / Price: $2

Unique Items

Expert Occultist - Any Phase: Exhaust to re-roll a Spell check.

Voice of Ra - Casting Modifier: -1 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Upkeep Phase: You may cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn.
Flesh Ward - Casting Modifier: -2 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens.

Personal Story
Pass - Discard 5 Clue tokens in a street area during Upkeep.
Effect - Gain 2 extra movement points each turn.  Physician can target any investigator in the neighborhood.

Fail - Have 3 or more monster trophies.
Effect - Maximum Sanity is reduced by 1.

Current Action
Move to Woods. Taking .18 Derringer and Map of Arkham from Tommy on the way.  Exhausting map to gain a movement point to spend on trying to read Old Journal.

[2010-10-04 18:16:12] * Hatbot --> "PamelaIbis rolls 2d6 and gets 4." [2d6=1, 3]

And fail.  I still get the 2 clues there though!


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 1; Movement)
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2010, 12:39:56 AM »
Ursula Downs



Speed: 2 [3] 4 5
Sneak: 3 [2] 1 0

Fight: 1 2 [3] 4
Will: 4 3 [2] 1

Lore: 0 1 2 [3]
Luck: 5 4 3 [2]

Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.

Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.

5 Clue Tokens
.38 Revolver (1H, physical, +3 to combat, $4)
Knife (1H, physical, +1 to combat, $2)
Nameless Cults (Spell, Exhaust and spend 1 movement point to make a Lore(-1) Check. If you pass, draw 1 spell, lose 1 Sanity, and discard Nameless Cults. If failed, nothing happens) Whatever my new spell is.
Holy Water (2H, magical, discard to gain +6 to combat, $4)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)

Personal Story:
Pass - When Ursula has at least 3 Monster Trophies (0/3) and 3 clue tokens (5/3), she draws 5 Unique Items and chooses 2 to keep. The rest are discarded.
Fail - If Ursula goes insane, or the Terror level reaches 3 (0/3), Ursula is Cursed.


Moving to Historical Society for Clue, and then remembering the delicious, delicious kool-aid of some random cult, bringing with it mighty new power in the form of shiny spell.

<Reichertastic-OKistheMcDonalds> Oh, hey. I has booc too. Anybody here to watch me try and remember some cults with good kool-aid?
<PamelaIbis> no
<+RandomConsonant> kay
<Reichertastic-OKistheMcDonalds> K, Lore is at 3, it has a -1. That's a pool of 2
<Reichertastic-OKistheMcDonalds> 2d6 for some good kool-aid
* Hatbot --> "Reichertastic-OKistheMcDonalds rolls 2d6 for some good kool-aid and gets 7."12 [2d6=5, 2]
<Reichertastic-OKistheMcDonalds> Yum~
<+RandomConsonant> Mmmm, kool-aid
<%King_Meepdorah> roll 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"?
* +Hatbot --> "King_Meepdorah rolls 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"? and gets 999."12 [1d999=999]
<%King_Meepdorah> ...
<+superaway> ...Uh oh.
<+RandomConsonant> ...
* +superaway shakes head.


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 1; Movement)
« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2010, 01:39:20 AM »
Finn gets slowed down a little attempting to read the Cabala of Saboth. Doesn't get anything out of it, this time. Pity. So he heads to Administration to buy some larnin'. Eight dollars for a new Skill, please. Oh, also I defaulted on my Bank Loan and can never get another one. But I'm Finn, so I don't actually lose all my possessions. Fun.

> Lovely.
> Well, first I'm going to burn 2 of my 6 movement to give the Cabala of Saboth a try.
> Lore set to 4, check is -2, gogogog
> 2d6
* Hatbot --> "Strago rolls 2d6  and gets 4."12 [2d6=2, 2]
> Booo.
* Reichertastic-OKistheMcDonalds continues to hold booc supremacy

Finn Edwards, the Bootlegger

- Status -

Sanity 4/4
Stamina 6/6

Slippery - Mythos: When moon monsters move, Finn may choose to move as a normal moon monster. He does not need
to make any Evade checks when doing so.

Holdout - Any Phase: Finn never has to discard items or lose money, even when he is knocked unconscious or
driven insane. He must still pay costs as usual.

- Skills (Focus: 1) -

Speed  3 4 5 [6]
Sneak  5 4 3 [2] +2

  • 1 2 3

Will   [3] 2 1 0

Lore  1 2 3 [4]
Luck  4 3 2 [1]

- Inventory -


Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)

Tommy Gun (physical weapon, 2H, +6 to Combat checks)

Research Materials (any phase: discard instead of spending 1 Clue token)
Whiskey (any phase: discard to reduce any San loss by 1)

Cabala of Saboth (movement: exhaust and spend 2 movement points to make a Lore (-2) check. If you pass,
draw 1 Skill and discard Cabala of Saboth. If you fail, nothing happens)
Dragon's Eye (any phase: exhaust and lose 1 San after drawing a gate or location to draw a new card in its place)

- Personal Story, "Payback" -

Pass: If Finn has 3 or more Monster Trophies, including a Cultist, put "Best Served Cold" in play. [0/3]
Fail: If the Terror Level reaches 3, put "Cut Your Losses" in play. [0/3]
« Last Edit: October 05, 2010, 01:42:34 AM by Strago »


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 1; Movement)
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2010, 07:21:56 AM »

Soppy- Gloria Goldberg: Pass a Luck (-1) check or a pickpocket cleans you out. Lose all your money!

El Cid- Amanda Sharpe: There are gypsies camped out in the park. They are master thieves and you are their target. Pass a Luck (-2) check or lose one item of your choice.

Tal- Vincent Lee: You meet an old wise man in the grove who offers to share his wisdom with you. If you accept, lose your next turn and make a Lore (-2) check. If you pass, you may draw 1 Skill, or draw 2 Spells, or gain 4 Clue tokens. If you fail, nothing happens.

Random- Tommy Muldoon: Its the streets. What could happen here?

Mage- Ursula Downs: Your reading allows you to learn WITHER. You encounter a friendly old professor from Miskatonic University. If you spend 1 gate trophy, he introduces himself as Professor Armitage and offers to join forces with you. Take his Ally card if it is available, otherwise draw 1 Unique Item.

Strago- Finn Edwards: You learn BRAVERY.


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 1; Encounters)
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2010, 02:02:09 PM »
Sorry, but doesn't Administration's skill-buying let me draw two and choose one of them? Not that Bravery isn't pretty decent, I just want to see what else I might get.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 1; Encounters)
« Reply #14 on: October 05, 2010, 02:04:40 PM »
I pass with flying colors and keep all mah yens~

<Strago> 'lo.
<Soppy-CHUCKISNOTON> Witness for roll?
<Soppy-CHUCKISNOTON> Current luck is 3 + 1 for the Lantern. The mod is -1. So three die
<Strago> Kay.
<Soppy-CHUCKISNOTON> roll 3d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-CHUCKISNOTON rolls 3d6 and gets 13." [3d6=2, 6, 5]
<Soppy-CHUCKISNOTON> Yay. I don't lose all my money.

Gloria Goldberg

Sanity 6/6
Stamina 4/4

Speed  1  [2] 3  4 
Sneak  3  [2] 1  0 

Fight  0  1  [2]  3 +1 
Will    5  4  [3]  2 

Lore  1  2  [3]  4   
Luck  5  4  [3]  2 

Focus: 2

Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.

3 Clue Tokens

Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Food (Discard Food to reduce any Stamina loss by 1)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Flesh Ward
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)

Personal Story: Pass: Possess 5 Clue Tokens (3/5)
                      Fail: Driven Insane


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 1; Encounters)
« Reply #15 on: October 05, 2010, 08:45:07 PM »
I would have to spend clue tokens to make this roll and ew no. They can have my cloak.


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 1; Encounters)
« Reply #16 on: October 05, 2010, 11:44:36 PM »
Ha, hahaha, no. Nice meeting ya', Prof!~
<%King_Meepdorah> roll 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"?
* +Hatbot --> "King_Meepdorah rolls 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"? and gets 999."12 [1d999=999]
<%King_Meepdorah> ...
<+superaway> ...Uh oh.
<+RandomConsonant> ...
* +superaway shakes head.


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 1; Encounters)
« Reply #17 on: October 06, 2010, 03:37:22 AM »
I decline.


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 1; Encounters)
« Reply #18 on: October 06, 2010, 04:11:33 AM »
Strago: Sorry. You learn BRAVERY or FIGHT.


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 1; Encounters)
« Reply #19 on: October 06, 2010, 05:17:22 AM »
I'll go with Bravery.


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 1; Encounters)
« Reply #20 on: October 07, 2010, 02:19:30 AM »
It wasn't much, but there was definitely a certain tension in the air.

Gathering Storm!
Gate Opens: Devil Reef
Clue Appears: The Esoteric Order of Dagon
Monster Movement: Moon White, Cross Black

The situation in Innsmouth continues to worsen. Add one token to the Deep One's Rising track.


Do you draw a card from the Dust Deck, Sopko? Or do you spend the clues?

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 2; Upkeep/Movement)
« Reply #21 on: October 07, 2010, 02:27:09 AM »
I draw from the dust deck. I bump my speed up to 3 and head to the Graveyard for another clue.

Gloria Goldberg

Sanity 6/6
Stamina 4/4

Speed  1  2 [3]  4 
Sneak  3  2 [1]  0 

Fight  0  1  [2]  3 +1 
Will    5  4  [3]  2 

Lore  1  2  [3]  4   
Luck  5  4  [3]  2 

Focus: 2

Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.

4 Clue Tokens

Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Food (Discard Food to reduce any Stamina loss by 1)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Flesh Ward
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)

Personal Story: Pass: Possess 5 Clue Tokens (4/5)
                      Fail: Driven Insane

Random Consonant

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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 2; Upkeep/Movement)
« Reply #22 on: October 07, 2010, 02:43:21 AM »
Tommy Muldoon

Special Abilities:

Hero - Mythos Phase: Before a mythos card is drawn, Tommy may make one or more monsters adjacent to his location move to his location, regardless of their normal movement.

On The Force - Any Phase: Tommy can never be arrested.  In addition, it only costs him 1 gate trophy or 5 toughness worth of monster trophies to become Deputy of Arkham.


Sanity: 5/6
Stamina: 3/4

Speed: 1 2 3 [4] [+1]
Sneak: 3 2 1 [zero]

Fight: 2 3 4 [5]
Will: 4 3 2 [1]

Lore: zero 1 [2] 3
Luck: 6 5 [4] 3

Focus: 1

$2 (may be traded to Finn/Strago)
0 Clue Tokens
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat, $6)
Speed Skill (+1 Speed, Clue Tokens spent on Speed checks yield an extra die)
1 Monster Trophy (Byakhee, total toughness: 1)

Personal Story:
Pass: Become devoured (obviously not yet fufilled)
Fail: Terror Level reaches 5 (0/5)

Tommy walks up to The Unnamable and busts up some otherworldly ne'er-do-wells, offering his $2 to Strago/Finn should he pass him by in the streets.  He succeeds in taking a bite out of crime, but is left with naught but his trusty rifle as he plunges into the Plateau of Leng.

[21:27] * RandomConsonant looks at the current turn of events
[21:27] <RandomConsonant> Well this is mildly unpleasant
[21:27] <PamelaIbis> Quite.
[21:29] <PamelaIbis> You're going into the gate at The Unnamable?
[21:29] <RandomConsonant> Most likely
[21:30] <PamelaIbis> Hm, okay.
[21:32] <RandomConsonant>Gonna toss Finn my $2 on the way if he wants to get to Innsmouth, though someone else is probably going to have to handle the gate at Devil's Reef
[21:32] <RandomConsonant> Because hey, not like I need money where I'm goin'.
[21:33] <RandomConsonant> At any rate, time to lay down THE LAW
[21:34] <Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Leave a clue on the board for me next turn, I'll be able to pass my PS
[21:34] <RandomConsonant> Well.
[21:34] <Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Well, one I can reach.
[21:34] <RandomConsonant> If I die, you get five clues is what I'm thinking.
[21:34] <RandomConsonant> Though we'll burn that bridge if we come to it.
[21:34] <Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> I'm already at 4. I just need 1 more
[21:35] <RandomConsonant> Anyways, first, the Byakhee.
[21:35] <RandomConsonant> Can't pass Horror, -1 San for me.
[21:35] <RandomConsonant> 10 dice against its one toughness
[21:36] <RandomConsonant> roll 10d6 to enforce flying regulations
[21:36] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 10d6 to enforce flying regulations and gets 37." [10d6=1, 2, 5, 6, 6, 1, 5, 3, 4, 4]
[21:36] <RandomConsonant> Byakhee is downed, on to the Servitor.
[21:36] <PamelaIbis> Who is best fit to take on that gate?
[21:36] <PamelaIbis> Splatted.
[21:36] <RandomConsonant> Again, can't pass Horror, discarding Obsidian Statue to prevent the sanity damage.
[21:37] <RandomConsonant> Its prowess gives me 8 dice against its three toughness, and I have two clues
[21:37] <RandomConsonant> roll 8d6 to enforce immigration laws
[21:37] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 8d6 to enforce immigration laws and gets 25." [8d6=2, 4, 5, 4, 2, 1, 1, 6]
[21:37] <RandomConsonant> roll 1d6 for clue the first
[21:37] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 1d6 for clue the first and gets 1." [1d6=1]
[21:37] <RandomConsonant> roll 1d6 for clue the second
[21:37] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 1d6 for clue the second and gets 5." [1d6=5]
[21:37] <RandomConsonant> Barely, but I live.
[21:37] <RandomConsonant> Into the gate I go~
[21:38] <PamelaIbis> Yay~


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 2; Upkeep/Movement)
« Reply #23 on: October 07, 2010, 02:52:04 AM »
Vincent Lee

Location: Southside

Sanity: 5 / 5
Stamina: 5 / 5

Speed: 0 1 [2] 3
Sneak: 5 4 [3] 2

Fight: 0 1 [2] 3
Will : 4 3 [2] 1

Lore: 2 3 4 [5]
Luck: 4 3 2 [1]

Focus: 2

Unique Abilities
Physician - Upkeep: Dr. Lee may restore 1 Stamina  to himself or another character in his location. He cannot raise a character's Stamina higher than that character's maximum Stamina.

6 Clue Tokens

Common Items
Dark Cloak - Bonus: +1 Evade check / Price: $2
.18 Derringer - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +2 Combat check / .18 Derringer cannot be lost or stolen unless you choose to allow it. / Hands: 1 / Price: $3
Map of Arkham (Exhausted) - Movement phase: Exhaust to get 1 extra movement point. / Price: $2

Unique Items

Expert Occultist - Any Phase: Exhaust to re-roll a Spell check.

Voice of Ra - Casting Modifier: -1 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Upkeep Phase: You may cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn.
Flesh Ward - Casting Modifier: -2 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens.
Wither - Casting Modifier: +0 / Sanity Cost: 0 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat. / Hands: 1

Personal Story
Pass - Discard 5 Clue tokens in a street area during Upkeep.
Effect - Gain 2 extra movement points each turn.  Physician can target any investigator in the neighborhood.

Fail - Have 3 or more monster trophies.
Effect - Maximum Sanity is reduced by 1.

Current Action
Read Old Journal to get 3 clues.  Head to Uptown and stay there.  EDIT: Exhausting map and heading to Southside, hand Ursula $6 in exchange for Wither.

[2010-10-06 20:49:28] <PamelaIbis> Bumping Lore up to 5, so 4 dice.
[2010-10-06 20:49:33] <PamelaIbis> 4d6
[2010-10-06 20:49:34] * Hatbot --> "PamelaIbis rolls 4d6 and gets 15." [4d6=2, 5, 5, 3]
[2010-10-06 20:49:44] <PamelaIbis> Clues get!
« Last Edit: October 07, 2010, 06:30:04 AM by Talaysen »


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 2; Upkeep/Movement)
« Reply #24 on: October 07, 2010, 05:25:47 AM »
Finn will go ahead and use his special ability to move in to the Miskatonic U. Streets during the Mythos phase. He will pass Tommy Muldoon in the streets on his way to the Train Station, where he will pay the requisite $1 for a business-class seat to Innsmouth. He will use his remaining movement to mosey over to the Esoteric Order of Dagon and pick up the two Clues someone left lying around.

Finn Edwards, the Bootlegger

- Status -

Sanity 4/4
Stamina 6/6

Slippery - Mythos: When moon monsters move, Finn may choose to move as a normal moon monster. He does not need
to make any Evade checks when doing so.

Holdout - Any Phase: Finn never has to discard items or lose money, even when he is knocked unconscious or
driven insane. He must still pay costs as usual.

- Skills (Focus: 1) -

Speed  3 4 5 [6]
Sneak  5 4 3 [2] +2

Fight  [zero] 1 2 3
Will   [3] 2 1 0

Lore  1 2 3 [4]
Luck  4 3 2 [1]

- Inventory -

2 Clues

Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)

Tommy Gun (physical weapon, 2H, +6 to Combat checks)

Research Materials (any phase: discard instead of spending 1 Clue token)
Whiskey (any phase: discard to reduce any San loss by 1)

Cabala of Saboth (movement: exhaust and spend 2 movement points to make a Lore (-2) check. If you pass,
draw 1 Skill and discard Cabala of Saboth. If you fail, nothing happens)
Dragon's Eye (any phase: exhaust and lose 1 San after drawing a gate or location to draw a new card in its place)

- Personal Story, "Payback" -

Pass: If Finn has 3 or more Monster Trophies, including a Cultist, put "Best Served Cold" in play. [0/3]
Fail: If the Terror Level reaches 3, put "Cut Your Losses" in play. [0/3]
« Last Edit: October 08, 2010, 05:10:51 AM by Strago »