Author Topic: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 15; Encounters)  (Read 25995 times)


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 11; Movement)
« Reply #150 on: November 17, 2010, 11:07:51 PM »
Amanda Sharpe

Sanity: 2/6
Stamina: 6/6

Focus: 3

Speed: 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]

Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will: 4 [3] 2 1

Lore: 1 2 3 [4]
Luck: 4 3 2 [1]

Studious: Whenever Amanda draws one or more cards from the Skill deck, she draws one extra card and then discards one of the cards.


3 clue tokens
Dread Curse of Azathoth (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 2, exhaust for +9 to combat checks, 2H)
Flesh Ward (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 1, exhaust to ignore all stamina loss from one source)
Luck (skill, +1 luck, roll 1 bonus die when spending clue tokens for luck checks)
Expert Occultist (skill, exhaust to reroll a spell check)
Cultes des Goules (unique item, exhaust and spend 2 movement points to make a lore check at -2, draw 1 spell/1 clue token/lose 2 sanity and discard on success, $3)


Zombie (1 toughness)
Deep One Hybrid (1 toughness)
Ghost (1 toughness)

Personal story - Passed:

Pass: Draw three unique items (effect: maximum sanity and stamina increased by 1)
Fail: Two open gates to R'leyh (effect: devoured, replaced by Deep One, add 1 token to Deep Ones Rising track)


Lacking anything better to do, Amanda heads to the Black Cave to pick up a clue. Also, spending two clues to pass the dust deck on to Vinny.


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 11; Movement)
« Reply #151 on: November 20, 2010, 02:02:50 AM »
Gloria: or
Ursula: for you.
Vincent: Brain Band-Aids


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 11; Encounters)
« Reply #152 on: November 20, 2010, 02:06:53 AM »
Sanity: 1/5


Speed: 2 3 [4] 5
Sneak: 3 2 [1] 0

Fight: [1] 2 3 4
Will: [4] 3 2 1

Lore: 0 1 2 [3]
Luck: 5 4 3 [2]

Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.

Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.

2 Clue Tokens
.38 Revolver (1H, physical, +3 to combat, $4)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)
Heal (Spell, Casting mod +1, Sanity cost 1, cast and exhaust to give one investigator in the area stamina equal to the successes I roll; stamina cannot be divided)
Gug Trophy (3 toughhness)
Byakhee Trophy (1 Toughness)
Elder Thing Trophy (2 Toughness)
Enchanted Blade (1H, Magical, +4 to combat, $6)

Personal Story:
Fail - Ursula is was Cursed.

<%King_Meepdorah> roll 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"?
* +Hatbot --> "King_Meepdorah rolls 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"? and gets 999."12 [1d999=999]
<%King_Meepdorah> ...
<+superaway> ...Uh oh.
<+RandomConsonant> ...
* +superaway shakes head.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 11; Encounters)
« Reply #153 on: November 20, 2010, 02:17:48 AM »
Gloria chooses to fight off her fear, being unable to steal space mead ;-;

<Soppy-EatAtJohtos> My encounters aren't showing up ;-;
<Magesona> Because they hate you.
<Soppy-EatAtJohtos> SPACE MEAD
<Soppy-EatAtJohtos> Too bad my sneak suuuucks
<Soppy-EatAtJohtos> Looks like I'll take the Will check one
<Magesona> What are they? They aren't showing up for me. >_>;
<Soppy-EatAtJohtos> First: Exposure to fear weaken your mind. Pass a Will -2 check or lose 2 spells of your choice or 2 sanity.
<Soppy-EatAtJohtos> Second: Your only hope is to steal a byakee and some space mead! Pass a Sneak -2 check to escape. Return to Arkham and gain 2 clue tokens. If you fail, you are lost in time and sapce
<Soppy-EatAtJohtos> So... Will is 3, so 1 die
<Soppy-EatAtJohtos> roll 1d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-EatAtJohtos rolls 1d6 and gets 6." [1d6=6]
<Soppy-EatAtJohtos> Booya

Gloria Goldberg

Sanity 6/6
Stamina 4/4

Speed  1  2 [3] 4 
Sneak  3  2 [1]  0

Fight  0  1  [2]  3 +2 
Will    5  4  [3]  2 

Lore  1  2  [3]  4   
Luck  5  4  [3]  2 

Focus: 2

Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.

6 Clue Tokens
1 toughness of monster trophies (Ghost)
1 Gate Trophy (R'lyeh)

Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Red Sign of Shudde M'ell (Casting Mod: -1. Sanity Cost: 1. Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to lower a monster's toughness by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and ignore one of its special abilities other than Magical Immunity until the end of this combat.)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Ruby of R'lyeh (Gain 3 movement points)
Cross (Magical weapon, +3 combat against undead, +1 horror, 1H, $3)

Personal Story: Pass: Gain +1 Fight

Random Consonant

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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 11; Encounters)
« Reply #154 on: November 20, 2010, 06:42:08 AM »
I fail the check and am driven insane.

[01:39] <RandomConsonant>> Anyways, can I get a witness for an impending Luck check before my internet inevitably fails once more?
[01:39] <Meu>    No.
[01:39] <RandomConsonant> Jerk.
[01:39] <RandomConsonant> Anyways, Luck's at 3, so two dice for this
[01:40] <Meu>    Been hanging out with Zelos too much I guess.
[01:40] <RandomConsonant> roll 2d6 for The Footlocker From The Black Lagoon
[01:40] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 2d6 for The Footlocker From The Black Lagoon and gets 4." [2d6=2, 2]
[01:40] <RandomConsonant> well fuck you too, Hatbot.
[01:40] <Meu>    :(


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 11; Encounters)
« Reply #155 on: December 03, 2010, 12:29:24 AM »
Amanda gambles with her brain and comes out on top somehow.

<Mari> Hm.
<Mari> <Soppy-EatAtJohtos> I think it was this one:
<Mari> <Soppy-EatAtJohtos> You find an old book. If you read it, make a Lore (+0) check and consult the chart below:
<Mari> <Soppy-EatAtJohtos> Successes:
<Mari> <Soppy-EatAtJohtos> 0) Evil forces assault you. Lose 1 Sanity and 1 Stamina.
<Mari> <Soppy-EatAtJohtos> 1) You find the diary of a lost soul who died in the caves long ago. Lose 1 Sanity and gain 1 Clue token as you read his horrible tale.
<Mari> <Soppy-EatAtJohtos> 2+) The book is a spellbook. Take the first Tome from the Unique Item deck.
<RandomConsonant> I think that's right
<Mari> Assuming that's accurate, may as well roll for it now. I won't be around for the next couple days anywho.
<Mari> Lore has been at 4 for ages, I know. So, 4 dice
<Mari> .
<Taishyr> nitwess.
<Mari> roll 4d6 book
* Hatbot --> "Mari rolls 4d6 book and gets 15."12 [4d6=2, 2, 6, 5]
<RandomConsonant> Booc
<Mari> Indeed.


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 11; Encounters)
« Reply #156 on: December 06, 2010, 08:54:39 PM »
Will resume updates (finally) shortly.

Lady Door

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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 11; Encounters)
« Reply #157 on: December 12, 2010, 03:55:27 AM »
Andy's currently recovering from the plague. He'll update as soon as he can. Tonight? Tomorrow night?
<Demedais> Humans look like cars to me.
<AndrewRogue> That must be confusing in parking lots


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 12; Upkeep/Movement)
« Reply #158 on: December 16, 2010, 12:19:05 PM »

The High Priest in Arkham should be a Cultist. Dunno what the hell went wrong there.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 12; Upkeep/Movement)
« Reply #159 on: December 17, 2010, 12:41:35 AM »
Popping out at the party at the Silver Twilight Lodge. Shifting Fight to 3 in preparation for the gate closure.

Gloria Goldberg

Sanity 6/6
Stamina 4/4

Speed  1  2 [3] 4 
Sneak  3  2 [1]  0

Fight  0  1  2  [3] +2 
Will    5  4  3  [2] 

Lore  1  2  [3]  4   
Luck  5  4  [3]  2 

Focus: 2

Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.

6 Clue Tokens
1 toughness of monster trophies (Ghost)
1 Gate Trophy (R'lyeh)

Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Red Sign of Shudde M'ell (Casting Mod: -1. Sanity Cost: 1. Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to lower a monster's toughness by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and ignore one of its special abilities other than Magical Immunity until the end of this combat.)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Ruby of R'lyeh (Gain 3 movement points)
Cross (Magical weapon, +3 combat against undead, +1 horror, 1H, $3)

Personal Story: Pass: Gain +1 Fight


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 12; Upkeep/Movement)
« Reply #160 on: December 17, 2010, 03:53:51 AM »
Sanity: 5/5


Speed: 2 3 [4] 5
Sneak: 3 2 [1] 0

Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will: 4 [3] 2 1

Lore: 0 1 2 [3]
Luck: 5 4 3 [2]

Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.

Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.

2 Clue Tokens
.38 Revolver (1H, physical, +3 to combat, $4)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)
Heal (Spell, Casting mod +1, Sanity cost 1, cast and exhaust to give one investigator in the area stamina equal to the successes I roll; stamina cannot be divided)
Gug Trophy (3 toughhness)
Byakhee Trophy (1 Toughness)
Elder Thing Trophy (2 Toughness)
Enchanted Blade (1H, Magical, +4 to combat, $6)

Personal Story:
Fail - Ursula is was Cursed.

Paying for Premium Brain Brand-Aids, then gonna wander the Asylum and see what mischief I can get up to.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2010, 12:41:36 AM by Magetastic »
<%King_Meepdorah> roll 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"?
* +Hatbot --> "King_Meepdorah rolls 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"? and gets 999."12 [1d999=999]
<%King_Meepdorah> ...
<+superaway> ...Uh oh.
<+RandomConsonant> ...
* +superaway shakes head.


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 12; Upkeep/Movement)
« Reply #161 on: December 17, 2010, 10:45:07 AM »
Reminder for Andy that I picked up a tome last encounter.

Random Consonant

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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 12; Upkeep/Movement)
« Reply #162 on: December 17, 2010, 06:20:49 PM »
Tommy Muldoon

Special Abilities:

Hero - Mythos Phase: Before a mythos card is drawn, Tommy may make one or more monsters adjacent to his location move to his location, regardless of their normal movement.

On The Force - Any Phase: Tommy can never be arrested.  In addition, it only costs him 1 gate trophy or 5 toughness worth of monster trophies to become Deputy of Arkham.


Sanity: 1/6
Stamina: 2/4

Speed: 1 2 3 [4] [+1]
Sneak: 3 2 1 [zero]

Fight: 2 3 [4] 5
Will: 4 3 [2] 1

Lore: zero 1 2 [3]
Luck: 6 5 4 [3]

Focus: 1

$5 (spending $2 on encounters, trading $3 to Cid/Amanda)
0 Clue Tokens
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat, $6) (trading to Cid/Amanda)
Speed Skill (+1 Speed, Clue Tokens spent on Speed checks yield an extra die)
Bank Loan (Roll a die each turn on upkeep, on a 1-3, pay $1 or discard all items and become unable to get another Bank Loan for the duration of the game.  Pay $10 to pay off the loan and discard this card.)
4 Monster Trophies (Byakhee, Zombie, Elder Thing x2, total toughness: 6)

Personal Story:
Pass: Become devoured (obviously not yet fufilled)
Fail: Terror Level reaches 5 (3/5)

Failed bank loan roll *again*, trading $3 and the rifle to Cidmanda once he gets to the asylum, and paying $2 for electroshock because I'd like to do *something* before I inevitably bite the dust because goddamn.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2010, 12:40:45 AM by Random Consonant »


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 12; Upkeep/Movement)
« Reply #163 on: December 18, 2010, 12:47:52 AM »
Amanda Sharpe

Sanity: 6/6
Stamina: 6/6

Focus: 3

Speed: 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]

Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will: 4 [3] 2 1

Lore: 1 2 3 [4]
Luck: 4 3 2 [1]

Studious: Whenever Amanda draws one or more cards from the Skill deck, she draws one extra card and then discards one of the cards.


3 clue tokens
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat, $6)
Dread Curse of Azathoth (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 2, exhaust for +9 to combat checks, 2H)
Flesh Ward (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 1, exhaust to ignore all stamina loss from one source)
Luck (skill, +1 luck, roll 1 bonus die when spending clue tokens for luck checks)
Expert Occultist (skill, exhaust to reroll a spell check)
Cultes des Goules (unique item, exhaust and spend 2 movement points to make a lore check at -2, draw 1 spell/1 clue token/lose 2 sanity and discard on success, $3)


Zombie (1 toughness)
Deep One Hybrid (1 toughness)
Ghost (1 toughness)

Personal story - Passed:

Pass: Draw three unique items (effect: maximum sanity and stamina increased by 1)
Fail: Two open gates to R'leyh (effect: devoured, replaced by Deep One, add 1 token to Deep Ones Rising track)


Amanda heads to Arkham, nabs some stuff from a suicidal deputy, and then pays for brainaids.


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 12; Upkeep/Movement)
« Reply #164 on: December 21, 2010, 12:52:56 AM »
Vincent Lee

Location: Graveyard

Sanity: 5 / 5
Stamina: 5 / 5

Speed: 0 1 [2] 3
Sneak: 5 4 [3] 2

Fight: 0 1 2 [3]
Will : 4 3 2 [1]

Lore: 2 [3] 4 5
Luck: 4 [3] 2 1

Focus: 2

Unique Abilities
Physician - Upkeep: Dr. Lee may restore 1 Stamina  to himself or another character in his location. He cannot raise a character's Stamina higher than that character's maximum Stamina.

1 Clue token
1 Monster Trophy (Cultist, 1 toughness)

Common Items
.18 Derringer - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +2 Combat check / .18 Derringer cannot be lost or stolen unless you choose to allow it. / Hands: 1 / Price: $3

Unique Items

Expert Occultist - Any Phase: Exhaust to re-roll a Spell check.

Voice of Ra - Casting Modifier: -1 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Upkeep Phase: You may cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn.
Wither - Casting Modifier: +0 / Sanity Cost: 0 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat. / Hands: 1

Personal Story

Pass - Discard 5 Clue tokens in a street area during Upkeep.
Effect - Gain 2 extra movement points each turn.  Physician can target any investigator in the neighborhood.

Fail - Have 3 or more monster trophies.
Effect - Maximum Sanity is reduced by 1.

Current Action
Spending 2 clues to not draw from Dust Deck.  Heading to Graveyard to grab that clue token.


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 12; Upkeep/Movement)
« Reply #165 on: December 22, 2010, 04:30:48 PM »
Whoof. I guess I move to Y'Honna-Lee or whatever it is and grab that Clue token.

Finn Edwards, the Bootlegger

- Status -

Sanity 4/4
Stamina 5/6

Slippery - Mythos: When moon monsters move, Finn may choose to move as a normal moon monster. He does not need
to make any Evade checks when doing so.

Holdout - Any Phase: Finn never has to discard items or lose money, even when he is knocked unconscious or
driven insane. He must still pay costs as usual.

- Skills (Focus: 1) -

Speed  3 [4] 5 6
Sneak  5 [4] 3 2 (+2)

Fight  [zero] 1 2 3
Will   [3] 2 1 0

Lore  1 2 3 [4]
Luck  4 3 2 [1]

- Inventory -

1 Clues

1 Gate Trophy (City of the Great Race, +0)
3 Monster Trophies (Maniac, 1 Toughness / Cultist, 1 Toughness / Deep One Hybrid, 1 Toughness)

Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)

Tommy Gun (physical weapon, 2H, +6 to Combat checks)
Research Materials (any phase: discard instead of spending 1 Clue token)
Dragon's Eye (any phase: exhaust and lose 1 San after drawing a gate or location to draw a new card in its place)

Enchant Weapon (casting mod 0, 1 San cost, cast and exhaust to make one Physical weapon a Magical weapon until
the end of this combat)

- Personal Story, "Payback" -

Failed! Finn loses all of his Clue tokens, and receives one less Movement point per turn than usual.


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 12; Upkeep/Movement)
« Reply #166 on: December 27, 2010, 03:27:46 AM »


Gloria: Close that gate, girl!

Amanda: Brain band-aids!

Tommy: They are so great!

Ursula: You enjoy them AND...

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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 12; Encounters)
« Reply #167 on: December 27, 2010, 04:45:12 AM »
Gate is CLOSED. Location is SEALED.

<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> So.
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Time to close
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> 5 fight, -2 modifier
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> roll 3d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-ClearGenderRoles rolls 3d6 and gets 10." [3d6=1, 4, 5]
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Gate closed
<HaplessHero> Well then
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Location sealed

Gloria Goldberg

Sanity 6/6
Stamina 4/4

Speed  1  2 [3] 4 
Sneak  3  2 [1]  0

Fight  0  1  2  [3] +2 
Will    5  4  3  [2] 

Lore  1  2  [3]  4   
Luck  5  4  [3]  2 

Focus: 2

Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.

1 Clue Tokens
1 toughness of monster trophies (Ghost)
1 Gate Trophy (R'lyeh, Yuggoth)

Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Red Sign of Shudde M'ell (Casting Mod: -1. Sanity Cost: 1. Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to lower a monster's toughness by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and ignore one of its special abilities other than Magical Immunity until the end of this combat.)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Ruby of R'lyeh (Gain 3 movement points)
Cross (Magical weapon, +3 combat against undead, +1 horror, 1H, $3)

Personal Story: Pass: Gain +1 Fight


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 12; Encounters)
« Reply #168 on: December 27, 2010, 07:11:43 PM »
Sanity: 5/5


Speed: 2 3 [4] 5
Sneak: 3 2 [1] 0

Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will: 4 [3] 2 1

Lore: 0 1 2 [3]
Luck: 5 4 3 [2]

Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.

Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.

4 Clue Tokens
.38 Revolver (1H, physical, +3 to combat, $4)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)
Heal (Spell, Casting mod +1, Sanity cost 1, cast and exhaust to give one investigator in the area stamina equal to the successes I roll; stamina cannot be divided)
Gug Trophy (3 toughhness)
Byakhee Trophy (1 Toughness)
Elder Thing Trophy (2 Toughness)
Enchanted Blade (1H, Magical, +4 to combat, $6)

Personal Story:
Fail - Ursula is was Cursed.

Relating to the poor guy, I manage to calm him down.

<XornmasTree> I hear I've been promoted to psychiatrist?
<HaplessHero> Sure
<XornmasTree> 3 Will, -2 check.
* Hatbot --> "XornmasTree rolls 1d6 for INTERN PSYCHIATRIST POWERS and gets 5."12 [1d6=5]
<HaplessHero> Well then
<%King_Meepdorah> roll 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"?
* +Hatbot --> "King_Meepdorah rolls 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"? and gets 999."12 [1d999=999]
<%King_Meepdorah> ...
<+superaway> ...Uh oh.
<+RandomConsonant> ...
* +superaway shakes head.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 12; Encounters)
« Reply #169 on: January 06, 2011, 02:12:14 AM »
Tal/Vincent, you gain the trophy of BARNABAS MARSH! (Andy approved)

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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 12; Encounters)
« Reply #170 on: January 09, 2011, 06:26:15 AM »
Family Found Butchered!

The terror track rises to 4 due to this. Tom "Mountain" Murphy has packed up and left town!

A gate to the Dreamlands opens at the Graveyard, sucking in Vincent and spawning a Cultist and a Ghost! Moon monsters move on White, sending the Vampire to the Factory District Streets. Cross monsters move on black, sending that mass at The Universal Order of Dagon to the Church Green Streets.

A clue appears at The Unnamable


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 13; Mythos)
« Reply #171 on: January 09, 2011, 06:56:25 AM »
Dust Deck or Clue Tokens in the face?

Random Consonant

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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 13; Mythos)
« Reply #172 on: January 09, 2011, 08:09:21 PM »
I have no clue tokens, so I guess I will be taking a Dust Deck to the face.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 13; Mythos)
« Reply #173 on: January 09, 2011, 11:00:49 PM »
I pump my Lore to 4 in preparation for the fight. Gloria then pulls a Keith and blows the monsters away with her rifle. Flawless victory.

<Soppy-TideIsTheDuggler> ARE
<Soppy-TideIsTheDuggler> YOU
<Soppy-TideIsTheDuggler> READY
<Soppy-TideIsTheDuggler> TO
<Soppy-TideIsTheDuggler> FIGHT
<Soppy-TideIsTheDuggler> Sop Pilgrim vs The World
* Soppy-TideIsTheDuggler is now known as SopPilgrim
<SopPilgrim> Too bad the Nightgaunts wouldn't send me to the Abyss anymore
<HaplessHero> Oh boy
<SopPilgrim> So
<SopPilgrim> 2 Cultists, 2 Nightgaunts, 1 Dark Young
<LucaTrulyworth> Gonna try to kill them all?
<SopPilgrim> Yes
<LucaTrulyworth> 'Kay.
<HaplessHero> Gotta kill 'em all!
<SopPilgrim> 5 fight, 2 Will + 1 for Cross.
<SopPilgrim> Cultist #1. No Horror check
<SopPilgrim> Using rifle
<SopPilgrim> 10 and +1 mod
<HaplessHero> Cultists: just that good
<SopPilgrim> roll 11d6
* Hatbot --> "SopPilgrim rolls 11d6 and gets 42." [11d6=5, 6, 3, 4, 3, 3, 4, 3, 2, 4, 5]
<SopPilgrim> Dead
<SopPilgrim> Cultist 2
<LucaTrulyworth> lolcultist
<SopPilgrim> roll 11d6
* Hatbot --> "SopPilgrim rolls 11d6 and gets 46." [11d6=3, 2, 3, 1, 6, 4, 6, 5, 5, 5, 6]
<SopPilgrim> Dead
<LucaTrulyworth> lolcultist
<HaplessHero> HORROR
<SopPilgrim> 3 minus 1 mod
<SopPilgrim> roll 2d6
* Hatbot --> "SopPilgrim rolls 2d6 and gets 9." [2d6=5, 4]
<SopPilgrim> Pass
<LucaTrulyworth> not scary
<SopPilgrim> 10 minus 2 mod
<SopPilgrim> roll 8d6
* Hatbot --> "SopPilgrim rolls 8d6 and gets 29." [8d6=6, 1, 4, 5, 3, 4, 2, 4]
<SopPilgrim> Dead
<HaplessHero> Blammo
<SopPilgrim> Horror 2
<SopPilgrim> roll 2d6
* Hatbot --> "SopPilgrim rolls 2d6 and gets 6." [2d6=1, 5]
<SopPilgrim> Pass
<SopPilgrim> roll 8d6
* Hatbot --> "SopPilgrim rolls 8d6 and gets 27." [8d6=1, 3, 2, 5, 4, 3, 3, 6]
<SopPilgrim> Dead
<SopPilgrim> Hokay. Dark Young
<SopPilgrim> Casting Red Sign of Shudde Mell on t
* Smashy has quit IRC (Quit: )
<SopPilgrim> Lore is 4 (Boosted it during mythos)
<HaplessHero> Stupid Dark Young and their phys resist
<SopPilgrim> 4 minus 1 mod
<SopPilgrim> roll 3d6
* Hatbot --> "SopPilgrim rolls 3d6 and gets 9." [3d6=6, 1, 2]
<SopPilgrim> Pass
<HaplessHero> Hooray killability!
<SopPilgrim> Dark Young has 1 less toughness and no more Physical Resistance
<SopPilgrim> I lose  sanity
<SopPilgrim> a
<SopPilgrim> 3 and no mod
<SopPilgrim> roll 3d6
* Hatbot --> "SopPilgrim rolls 3d6 and gets 12." [3d6=4, 5, 3]
<SopPilgrim> Pass
<SopPilgrim> 10 minus 1 mod
<SopPilgrim> roll 9d6
* Hatbot --> "SopPilgrim rolls 9d6 and gets 33." [9d6=4, 6, 5, 4, 2, 1, 5, 4, 2]
<SopPilgrim> DEAD
<SopPilgrim> FUCK. YES.
<HaplessHero> Flawless victory
<LucaTrulyworth> Victoly!!
<HaplessHero> Gloria is a fucking badass.
<SopPilgrim> Tal
<SopPilgrim> THAT is how you play Keith
<SopPilgrim> Oh. And I take one extra sanity damage from the Dark Young from Nightmarish

Gloria Goldberg

Sanity 4/6
Stamina 4/4

Speed  1  2 [3] 4 
Sneak  3  2 [1]  0

Fight  0  1  2  [3] +2 
Will    5  4  3  [2] 

Lore  1  2  3  [4]   
Luck  5  4  3  [2] 

Focus: 2

Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.

1 Clue Tokens
10 toughness of monster trophies (Dark Young, 2 Nightgaunt, 2 Cultist, Ghost)
2 Gate Trophy (R'lyeh, Yuggoth)

Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Red Sign of Shudde M'ell (Casting Mod: -1. Sanity Cost: 1. Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to lower a monster's toughness by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and ignore one of its special abilities other than Magical Immunity until the end of this combat.)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Ruby of R'lyeh (Gain 3 movement points)
Cross (Magical weapon, +3 combat against undead, +1 horror, 1H, $3)

Personal Story: Pass: Gain +1 Fight


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 13; Mythos)
« Reply #174 on: January 10, 2011, 05:40:58 AM »
Sanity: 5/5


Speed: 2 3 4 [5]
Sneak: 3 2 1
Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will: 4 [3] 2 1

Lore: 0 1 2 [3]
Luck: 5 4 3 [2]

Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.

Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.

0 Clue Tokens
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)
Gug Trophy (3 toughhness)
Byakhee Trophy (1 Toughness)
Elder Thing Trophy (2 Toughness) x2
Enchanted Blade (1H, Magical, +4 to combat, $6)

Personal Story:
Fail - Ursula is was Cursed.

Ran off to get my ass handed to me by a High Priest. Dropping Heal and the .38 (because Flesh Ward is so much better) and licking my idiotic wounds in the Hospital, I s'pose.

<Mageroni> That... makes me consider where my sliders will be, then.
<LucaTrulyworth> Just start over I guess.
<Mageroni> Yup.
<Mageroni> I'll keep Fight at 2, Will at 3, because he may be a dick, but there's still a Deep One to fight.
<Mageroni> And a High Priest.
<Mageroni> Alright, 2 san damage from Elder Thing
<Mageroni> 2 Fight, +3 from gun, +4 from Blade, no mod
<Mageroni> 9d6 YOU. ARE. A. DICK.
* Hatbot --> "Mageroni rolls 9d6 YOU. ARE. A. DICK. and gets 36."12 [9d6=5, 3, 3, 6, 4, 4, 2, 4, 5]
<HaplessHero> wait
<HaplessHero> you have 0 sneak
<Mageroni> Yes, and?
<HaplessHero> and martial law is in effect
<HaplessHero> this is a bad plan
<Mageroni> What happens when I'm caught?
<HaplessHero> You get arrested
<HaplessHero> In Innsmouth
<Mageroni> And then? Can I sneak out?
<HaplessHero> Where you have to roll Sneak checks to draw cards for a chance to escape unscathed
<HaplessHero> Or die.
<Mageroni> ... I can do that.
<Mageroni> Apparently I have stealth. Despite having terrible sneak.
<LucaTrulyworth> Getting arrested in Innsmouth is bad.
<HaplessHero> Jail Break: Each investigator in the Jail Cell during the Arkham Encounter Phase makes a Sneak(-1) check and draws one encounter card, plus one additional card for every success rolled, encountering one card of his choice and discarding the others.
<Mageroni> And I can discard encounters with a clue token, because I am Ursula. >_>
<Mageroni> Moving on.
<Mageroni> High Priest: 3 Will +1 mod
<Mageroni> 4d6 to not be scared of Guy With Bag On His Head
* Hatbot --> "Mageroni rolls 4d6 to not be scared of Guy With Bag On His Head and gets 17."12 [4d6=3, 3, 5, 6]
<Mageroni> 2 Fight, +3 from gun, blade is nulled, -2 mod
<Mageroni> 3d6 to Shoot Some Dude
* Hatbot --> "Mageroni rolls 3d6 to Shoot Some Dude and gets 10."12 [3d6=5, 1, 4]
<HaplessHero> That isn't very good dude shooting
<Mageroni> 1d6 Clue Token The First
* Hatbot --> "Mageroni rolls 1d6 Clue Token The First and gets 4."12 [1d6=4]
<Mageroni> I have no clue how to shoot a dude. I am no Rob.
<Mageroni> 3 Lore, -2 mod from Flesh Ward
<Mageroni> 1d6 to not be shot, either
* Hatbot --> "Mageroni rolls 1d6 to not be shot, either and gets 6."12 [1d6=6]
<HaplessHero> ...
<HaplessHero> FLESH WARD
<Mageroni> Excellent
<Mageroni> 3d6 to TRY THIS AGAIN
* Hatbot --> "Mageroni rolls 3d6 to TRY THIS AGAIN and gets 12."12 [3d6=4, 5, 3]
<Mageroni> He is the guy to be giving me problems, isn't he?
<Mageroni> 3d6 DO IT RIGHT< DAMNIT
* Hatbot --> "Mageroni rolls 3d6 DO IT RIGHT< DAMNIT and gets 12."12 [3d6=6, 3, 3]
<Mageroni> Ok, 1 health.
<Mageroni> Can I do this? Let's find out!
<Mageroni> 3d6 to keep my streak of not dying!
* Hatbot --> "Mageroni rolls 3d6 to keep my streak of not dying! and gets 7."12 [3d6=1, 3, 3]
<HaplessHero> Fail.
<Mageroni> It's... not worth the clue tokens, is it?
<Mageroni> screw it, I'm going down to 1, may as well test the waters.
<Mageroni> 1d6 Clue Token The First (Of Saving My Ass)
* Hatbot --> "Mageroni rolls 1d6 Clue Token The First (Of Saving My Ass) and gets 6."12 [1d6=6]
<Mageroni> 1d6 Clue Token The Second (Of Saving My Ass)
* Hatbot --> "Mageroni rolls 1d6 Clue Token The Second (Of Saving My Ass) and gets 3."12 [1d6=3]
<Mageroni> 1d6 Clues clues clues
* Hatbot --> "Mageroni rolls 1d6 Clues clues clues and gets 2."12 [1d6=2]
<Mageroni> Dropping Heal and .38
« Last Edit: January 10, 2011, 07:34:29 AM by Magetastic »
<%King_Meepdorah> roll 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"?
* +Hatbot --> "King_Meepdorah rolls 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"? and gets 999."12 [1d999=999]
<%King_Meepdorah> ...
<+superaway> ...Uh oh.
<+RandomConsonant> ...
* +superaway shakes head.