
Author Topic: The DL Battles it Out... In Space! (Let's Play Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition!)  (Read 2900 times)


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Andrew's next overly ambitious game project... getting the DL to play a game of Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition over the forums.

Since I'm feeling lazy right now, here is the official description.

Twilight Imperium is an epic board game of galactic conquest for 3-6 players. Taking on the role of one of ten ancient civilizations, players compete for interstellar supremacy through warfare, trade, uncertain allegiances, and political dominance. Each civilization provides a unique game experience with different abilities and play styles. Will you play as the Emirates of Hacan and preside over every trade agreement made in the galaxy, or will you be the Federation of Sol and rapidly take over worlds in hopes of dominating the entire galaxy? In Twilight Imperium many roads lead to Rome (or Mecatol Rex), but no road is without its bumps.

As the prominent leader of your civilization, you must make enemies and allies with the other respected leaders that sit around you. Alliances can be made and broken in an instant. War can be waged, and then rescinded in the matter of minutes. The galaxy isn't stable, so how you will be the beacon to guide your people through? Turn after turn, you must decide what is in your peoples best interest. Choosing a political path may allow you to use your votes which you've accumulated in passing a bill on Mecatol Rex. But what will you do next turn when your defenses are broken and your homeworld is invaded? Or, will you stage an all-out fleet assault on a bordering colony? These are all just examples of the tough decisions you'll have to make in Twilight Imperium.

Provided I can get all the supplies together, I really want to run this game for the DL. Technically, I really want to play the game as well, so I'm going to tenatively put myself in the player  list as well. As such, I am looking for 5 other players. If a lot of people are interested we can run the 8 player variant, but... uh... See the next note.

So let's get one thing out of the way. This game is long. Really, really long. Like, in-person games take in the area of 8+ hours. Which means that, in an online format (and accounting for reactionary abilities), we're probably looking at a game that lasts a couple months. At least, that was the impression I got from reading up by other PbP and PbeM games. Given the way the DL does things, and given that this game needs less moderation than Arkham, it is possible it will flow significantly faster than what I'm expecting though. Either way, that means I need players who are interested, attentive and possess the ability to post somewhat frequently.

Similarly speaking, I definitely need all interested players to read the rules. I'm not yet sure about variants or anything we're using, so just give the full things a read. You can find them here.

Base Game:

So. Provided I can get the material I need to actually start the game (haven't confirmed that I will actually be able to get my hands on what I need, i.e. a copy of the game or online information), I'm looking at a start date sometime after the current Arkham game ends. Probably a week or three thereafter. Otherwise, I'll be looking into the best ways to run this and host it. So, if you're interested, have questions, think this is a positively shit idea, etc, please go ahead and post here.

Random Non-Vowel
World of Puns
Mage, the one I can't think of something silly for
Shortening of Arthur's Sword
« Last Edit: October 12, 2010, 01:43:46 PM by AndrewRogue »

Captain K.

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Oh, I've played this before, a long time ago.  We got in a big argument about whether the biological weapon that kills half your troops rounds up or down (lol).


Random Consonant

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Sure, I can be a guinea pig or something.


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After Arkham? Uh, sure, I'll guinea pig as well.


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Count me in if needed, but I'm guessing you won't. I forget if it's known here, but my house has an obscene number of board games, and I've played Twilight Imperium a fair number of times. I'm happy to play to make the numbers, but I'm also perfectly happy to be the first to opt out if and when there are too many people for spaces because yeah, I've played it before, no big loss. Same primary reason why I haven't been putting myself forward for Arkham Horror when there's been so much interest otherwise.

And oh, if you need supplies then maybe I can at least help with that? I'm not sure about it being third edition or otherwise, but there's some version of at least one expansion sitting downstairs.


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If there's room, and it's after Arkham, sure. I'd be down. Looks neat!
<%King_Meepdorah> roll 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"?
* +Hatbot --> "King_Meepdorah rolls 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"? and gets 999."12 [1d999=999]
<%King_Meepdorah> ...
<+superaway> ...Uh oh.
<+RandomConsonant> ...
* +superaway shakes head.


  • Chibi Terror That Flaps in the Night
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It's been ages, and I'd love to try this game without the "I Win" Card in existance.


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You actually have had that matter? >_> (To be fair, we used the variant with all public objectives initially available, but man. The "I Win" objectives seemed kinda... special. At least provided they were all on scale with the one we used.)


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I'd be interested in playing, if there's room.


  • Chibi Terror That Flaps in the Night
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Yeah, in the group I played with, one guy took it basically every chance he got.  Never lost a game, even when everyone else basically teamed up against him.  Welcome to Twilight Imperium v.1, the board does not matter, only the victory card matters, unless everyone uses the grab Initiative->Victory strategy at which point the board lets you jostle things just enough to eke out a victory if you weren't first, or cockblock people if you are.


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Looks like I'll be able to get the cards one way or the other. Based on what I'm seeing, running this via wiki with the forum as the place for conversation and what not looks best.

So, could some of the wiki intelligent folks help me figure out how map layouts work and such? I'll be able to fuddle about with it, but having some other people with an understanding of this stuff would be good, I think. Or coming up with alternate solutions, if those are best.