Author Topic: Pokemon Generation 4  (Read 10760 times)

Captain K.

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Re: Pokemon Diamond/Pearl
« Reply #25 on: April 14, 2009, 01:04:14 AM »
Arceus has a legal form now.  Level 100, with Judgment, Roar of Time, Spacial Rend, and Shadow Force.  Holds a Rowap berry, which causes damage to an opponent hitting him with a special attack.


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Re: Pokemon Diamond/Pearl
« Reply #26 on: May 06, 2009, 06:39:17 AM »
With Platinum, we now gained new forms for a few new Pokemon.  Specifically, Rotom, Shaymin and Giratina.

Whether you consider these legal forms or not, is up to you.  I'm not gonna get into specifics about them, but much like Deoxys and Wormadam, I factored them into averages as a separate Pokemon entirely from their alternative forms.

Just note the Special Rotom will only be noted once; the differences in Rotoms are literally one attack and nothing else, so not worth mentioning 5 times, just for a single move change.  Note that he IS separated from the Original Rotom, who indeed has different stats.

Anyway, here they are!  I'll get pictures for Skymin and Giratina-Origin eventually, but I need to find them first <.<

Rotom-special (Ghost/Electric)
125 HP, 85 Atk, 127 Def, 125 SpA, 127 Sdef, 106 Spe
Durability: 1.02 (Immune) physicals, 1.02 magical
Special Ability – Levitate: Grants immunity to Ground type attacks

Discharge (15): 64 Electric type special damage, 30% chance of adding paralysis, 68 average damage
Thunder Wave (15): Inflicts Paralysis
Confuse Ray (15): Inflicts Confusion
Charge  (20): Doubles the damage done by the next electric attack, raises Special Defense by 1 level
Trick (10): Trades held item with target
Astonish (15): 18 Ghost type physical damage, 30% Flinch, 19 average damage
Thundershock (30): 33 Electric type special damage, 10% chance of adding Paralysis, 35 average damage
Ominous Wind (5): 48 Ghost type special damage, 10% chance of raising all parameters by 1 level, 51 average damage
Shock Wave (20): 48 Electric type special damage, cannot miss, 51 average damage
Double Team (15): Raises evade by 1 level
Uproar (10): 27 Normal type special damage, user continues to use this move for the next 2 to 5 turns, free of PP costs, during which he is immune to the sleep status, 28 average damage
Substitute (10): User sacrifices 25% of their MHP to create a "substitute" with HP equal to that amount of HP lost. While the sub is up, the user is immune to all status, and any excess damage dealt to the sub beyond its HP is not carried over to the user. Instant Death acts just like lethal damage to the sub. If User's HP is equal to or below 25% his Maximum, then using Substitute is impossible. Note that if attack hits multiple times, then any hit done after the lethal damage hit DOES deal damage to the user (as in, the Sub dies to the previous hit.), and any status dealt BEFORE the Sub is used will still be active normally after the sub (so Poison damage still hits the user, if the Sub is out)
*Leaf Storm (5): 73 Grass type Special damage, lowers Special Attack by 2 levels each use, 90% accuracy, 69 average damage
*Overheat (5): 73 Fire type Special damage, lowers Special Attack by 2 levels each use, 90% accuracy, 69 average damage
*Blizzard (5): 63 Ice type special damage, 10% chance of inflicting Freeze, 70% accuracy, 46 average damage
*Hydro Pump (5): 63 Water type special damage, 80% accuracy, 53 average damage
*Air Slash (20): 40 Flying type special damage, 30% Flinch, 95% accuracy, 40 average damage

*Rotom cannot use any of these moves together.  This is an actual in game restriction that is impossible to work around; if he shifts form, he will lose the respective move if he knows it, and immediately learn that forms new move.  So for example, only Heater Rotom can use Overheat; if he shifts to Lawnmower Rotom, he’ll lose Overheat, and learn Leaf Storm immediately.

Comments: Somewhat  better than the original Rotom, this one trades in a slight loss of speed for slightly better damage, and much better durability, which makes all the difference.  He also adds a few new tricks of questionable use, but hey, variety never hurts.  Is it better for a division change?  Dunno, so I’ll just say Middle/Heavy for now.

Giratina-Origin Form (Ghost/Dragon)
225 HP, 140 Atk, 120 Def, 140 SpA, 120 SDef, 110 Spe
Durability: 1.74 (Immune) physical, 1.74 magical
Special Ability - Special Ability - Levitate: Grants immunity to all Ground type damage
Unique Item – Griseous Orb: Raises the damage of Ghost and Dragon moves by 20%. This has already been factored into damage where applicable.  Note that cause this item is required for Giratina using Origin form, the very nature of it means the Altered form cannot use this item.
Dragon Claw (15): 84 Dragon type physical damage, 89 average damage
Heal Block (15): Target is unable to Heal for the next 5 turns, this does not effect passive healing like Regen effects
Shadow Force (5): 124 Ghost type physical damage, user skips one turn, during which he is invincible (ala FF Jump), cannot be guarded against by the likes of Protect/Detect, 65 average damage
Scary Face (10): Lowers Speed by 2 levels, 90% accuracy
Shadow Claw (15): 74 Ghost type physical damage, 12.5% Critical hit rate, 83 average damage
Dragon Breath (20): 63 Dragon type special damage, 30% chance of adding Paralysis, 66 average damage
Aura Sphere (20): 53 Fighting type special damage, cannot miss, 56 average damage
Ancient Power (5): 35 Rock type special damage, 10% chance of raising all parameters by 1 level, 37 average damage
Ominous Wind (5): 63 Ghost type special damage, 10% chance of raising all parameters by 1 level, 66 average damage
Slash (20): 42 Normal type physical damage, 12.5% Critical hit rate, 47 average damage
Earth Power (10): 53 Ground type special damage, 10% chance of lowering target's Special Defense by 1 level, 56 average damage

Comments: Trading in a bit of durability for about a huge boost in damage? I think that’s a winning trade, especially since he’s still obscenely durable, he’s perfectly suited for general slugfests, but still has tricks to help him get around quirky duelers like healers.  Low Godlike, cause I’m feeling generous.

Shaymin-Sky Form (Grass/Flying)
175 HP, 123 Atk, 95 Def, 140 SpA, 95 Sdef, 147 Spe
Durability: 1.07 physical, 1.07 magical
Special Trait – Serene Grace: Doubles the rate of secondary effects on attacks; this is already factored into attacks when necessary

Seed Flare (5): 104 Grass type special damage, 80% chance of lowering target's Sdef by 2 levels, 85% accuracy, 93 average damage
Synthesis (5): 50% Healing, 25% healing if during any weather effect unless its Sunny Day, in which case, 66% healing
Grass Whistle (15): Inflicts sleep, 55% accuracy
Air Slash (20): 67 Flying type special damage, 60% Flinch, 95% accuracy, 67average damage
Defense Curl (40): Raises defense by 1 level
Aromatherapy (5): Full status healing
Leech Seed (10): Inflicts a pseudo status where target loses 12.5% of their MHP a turn ala poison, healing the user for that amount, fails on Grass types.
Magical Leaf (20): 53 Grass type special damage, cannot miss, 56 average damage
Worry Seed (10): Changes Target's special ability to Insomnia (which means Sleep Immunity)
Lucky Chant (30): Target is unable to Critical Hit for the next 5 turns
Natural Gift (15): Does various effects based on what Berry is equipped, does nothing if no Berry is equipped. Since Berries are not legal, this move is equivalent of Splash
Sweet Scent (20): Lowers target's evasion by 1 level
Growth (40): Raises Special Attack by 1
Sweet Kiss (10): Inflicts Confusion, 75% accuracy
Healing Wish (10): If user dies, then the next Pokemon comes in at full health with all status healed...IOWs, totally useless in a duel.
Energy Ball (10): 70 Grass type special damage, 20% chance of lowering target's Special Defense by 1 level, 74 average damage

Comments: The original Shaymin, trading in durability for a lot more damage and speed.  This is what we call a “Winning Trade”; he solidly 2HKOs, especially since his damage gets subsequently better as the fight goes on, and he has extra tricks like some status, flinch hax and healing on the side which compliment the Near-Mewtwo level speed beautifully.  Flaws? Grass typing is pretty iffy in the DL, and he can only hit one defensive stat, which holds him back a bit.  Still, High Heavy
« Last Edit: May 06, 2009, 11:45:55 PM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Pokemon Generation 4
« Reply #27 on: May 06, 2009, 12:26:13 PM »
Woah Woah Woah!

I am TOTALLY confused.
(newbie here)

But first.. Eruption's base damage is 150 meeple not 120.

And shouldn't you use the preferred sets?


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Re: Pokemon Generation 4
« Reply #28 on: May 06, 2009, 12:41:43 PM »
And shouldn't you use the preferred sets?


The sets here are based only on level up moves, TM/HM and egg moves do not count

None of the sets recommended by Smogon are DL legal if I recall correctly zzz

Also Eruption's base POWER is 150, these are actual damage figures.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2009, 12:43:52 PM by TranceHime »
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.


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Re: Pokemon Generation 4
« Reply #29 on: May 06, 2009, 02:51:21 PM »
Yeah, these are damage figures, hence why the same move does different damage with each Pokemon.  You'll notice Kyogre's Hydro Pump has a much higher damage figure than Blastoise's for example.

The attacks that were allowed in this topic were the following:
-Level Up moves only.  When they learn the move doesn't matter; if tehy can learn it Pre-Evo, but not evo, doesn't matter; its the same thing for these purposes.
-Move Relearner moves.  These are effectively Level Up moves that allow you to get things you've lost.  Every Pokemon has a set thing of Move Relearned stuff, so its more like part of their set that requires special access (sister Claire in AtL2 apparently worked similarly, from what I understand.)
-Semi-Unique Tutors/TMs/Give Aways.  This cast is fucking huge, so if there are a grand total of like 4 Pokemon who can use a move, than that move is legal to me.  Mostly applies to the Elemental Hyper Beams, Volt Tackle, Roar of Time, Spacial Rend, and Shadow Force.  Draco Meteor was listed later separately cause its more grey, given how very few Dragons actually appear in Gen 4 itself (as opposed to requiring trade), and people were curious as to how it looked, so I just listed it with all its potential users.

Everything else is pretty much illegal.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

Captain K.

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Re: Pokemon Generation 4
« Reply #30 on: May 06, 2009, 09:25:04 PM »
Not to mention Smogon preferred sets are ass.  They apply only to a specific subset of competitive battling, since Smogon bans half the moves in the game anyway.


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Re: Pokemon Generation 4
« Reply #31 on: June 04, 2009, 03:27:12 PM »
Added 5 new Pokemon after a long hiatus! And none of them are really that interesting!

...ok, that's a lie, since one of them is Farfetch'd.

Anyway, I will say this now:

Once this topic is done...8 years from now...when Gen 6 is already out...I will probably make a new Gen 4 stat topic, and repost everything in a more reader friendly format or something (ok, maybe just redoing the order and what not.)  So yeah, if this topic is turning into a mess, it shall be remedied soon!
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

Captain K.

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Re: Pokemon Generation 4
« Reply #32 on: June 12, 2009, 12:03:37 PM »
New Jirachi download coming to Japan.  Level 5, with Wish, Confusion, Rest, and Draco Meteor.  Also holding a Liechi Berry (facepalm).


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Re: Pokemon Generation 4
« Reply #33 on: September 11, 2009, 02:07:34 AM »

Short list of all the new level-up moves in Heart Gold/Soul Silver.

Captain K.

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Re: Pokemon Generation 4
« Reply #34 on: September 12, 2009, 03:14:19 PM »
Think those are move-tutor moves, not level-up moves.  Since Pidgey already learned Tailwind when leveling.


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Re: Pokemon Generation 4
« Reply #35 on: September 13, 2009, 08:17:02 PM »
Bah, the post got edited subsequently. I'll just list the moves here then.

Weather Ball, Dragon Rush

Weather Ball, Brave Bird

Muddy Water, Aqua Ring

Lava Plume, Hammer Arm

Hyper Voice, Air Slash



Power Gem, Metal Burst

Power Gem, Hydro Pump

Shadow Sneak, Destiny Bond