Author Topic: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool A  (Read 1944 times)


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ToR2 - Round 1 Pool A
« on: November 11, 2010, 09:12:06 PM »
Pool A

Match #1

The location, any given body of water.
The challenge, get from point A to point B using only their own power.
The problem, they're both second banana's who don't know how to win.

That's right, it's Starscream himself against Wario in a swimming challenge.
Starscream comes into this with a host of abilities, from can turn into vehicles, to is a robot and therefore can't really get tired, and he's willing to do anything to win.
Wario comes into this as a tub of lard with issues of incompetance.  His one edge is that he's also willing to do anything to win, and in his case, that anything will occasionally work!  But will the odd taste of success be enough to beat a robot?  Only time will tell!

Match #2

When it comes to the aquatic, some matches may be bog standard.  But sometimes you'll get the truly random, and so we deliver.  We leave behind swimming and now present, Talking to Fish!  The challenge where the winner is the one who can best hold a coversation with the subaquatic denizens.

There's some who say that language is no barrier for one who can speak without words.  And there's few finer masters of that art than the infamous 007, James Bond himself.  The issue with him may be less speaking with the fish, and more figuring out whether or not it's a ladyfish he's chatting up.

Of course, where savvy fails, science prevails!  And science will be ably represented by Dr. Emmett Brown, the man who can use materiels from all of time itself to bring to bear on this mission.

Match #3

Pod Racing, the sport of sitting in a metal box barely strapped to a pair of jet engines, and then driven at some level of Mach through a box canyon with plenty of obsticles and occasionally guys on the sidelines shooting at you.  Of course, here at the Tournament of Random events want to take something this dangerous, and make it even more so by letting any yahoo pilot.

Our first pilot is noted martial artist Goku.  He's known for his skill at remaining competent under high levels of stress, being shockingly resistant to G-Forces, and able to make even the highest speed of events drag on forever.  Of course, his main flaw is that when he gets tense, he unleashes an aura that destroys everything around him.

Our second pilot is Odie, who is a dog.  But given that he shares a house with Garfield, and doesn't provide him constantly with Lasagna, we're assuming he's indestructable.

Winner is either the first one to finish, or the last one to wreck their pod.

Match #4

A mainstay of randomness, this week we revel once again in the glory that is American Gladiator, where two competitors once again match wits and brawn in a competition of spandex wearing and pole wielding.

Our first competitor will show that he's no stranger to the kind of absurdity and abuse this game loves to subject competitors to.  That's right, it's the Dood himself, the Prinny!  This demonic penguin will be ready to show off his skills to the gladiators and audience alike.

But his opponent will show that not only does she have skills of her own, but she also looks better in spandex.  Of course, how much abuse is an NYPD officer willing to take?  Aya Brea takes to the games, hoping to win, though stuck in an arena where her officer training will help, but her mitochondrial powers likely won't.

Match #5

What is their quest?

To find the Holy Grail.

What is their names?

Commander Sammuel Vimes, of the Ahnk-Morpork Night Watch.  A gritty realist who doesn't believe in things like Holy Grails, but has a copper's instincts, and a nasty habit of finding the truth in every situation.

He is the Terror that Flaps in the Night, he is the soapy hairball that clogs up your drain, he is, Darkwing Duck.  And despite the comedic misunderstandings that are sure to happen, he's also guaranteed to solve the case in a half an hour or less, unless it's sweeps week, in which case he'll need an hour.

And finally...  What is the average wingspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Match  #6

Last time on Applied Pyrotechnics we had a pair of guys who needed fireworks.  And just barely avoided a pair of people who were weak to fire in the premier ode to blowing shit up with fire.  This season, that has been fixed.

Our first contestant is an actual Goddess, even if she is a boring goddess of order.  We welcome, straight from Tellius, Ashera herself!  Bearing divine power, she'll be able to create some wonderful explosions.  And while she may not be especially wild with them, you can bet that the choreography will be second to none.

But, while our second competitor can only borrow that kind of power, and really only has one talent.  Applied pyrotechnics is her talent, and damn if she isn't good at it.  That's right, Lina Inverse comes onto the scene in order to challenge Ashera's order with the raw chaotic majesty of the Dragon Slave, as well as all of the rest of her aresnal of firey doom.

Match #7

We all know the tale, whatever the differences, they're only details, little things that don't obscure the truth, but illumine it.  Whether it's bases loaded, two outs, bottom of the ninth, two points down and three seconds on the clock, or the drama of the shootout, and with all three, it's the championship on the line.  It's the big game, baby, and these guys have come to bat.

If there's anyone well suited to getting a proper ending, it's this man.  Judge Doom may be best known for his dip, and killing man and toon alike.  But when it comes to the clinch, his cool analytical exterior will be more than enough to let him grab the big win.  At least, so long as it ain't a Valiant tossing him a screwball.  But it should be more than enough since his opponent has never taken to the field personally before.

Which is very true.  Igor's always been more of a coach and a manager, scouting the talent and giving them the tools to win.  However, he's always backed the winning horse, and whenever the grand finale is in doubt, whenever defeat looms its ugly head, he's shown up at the key time in order to help his star (or is it fool) save the day.  He's got a solid track record on the bench, now can he just do the same on the field.

Match #8

Alright, we all know poker, so I won't wax lyrical about it.

We also all know the competitors.  Lenneth Valkyrie, known for either being an ice queen who betrays nothing and is capable of cooly calculating every situation.  Or, being an over-emotional basketcase.  We'll see which one shows up to the table today to face off against her opponent, an oddly intelligent electric rat who, because it's the anime version, has an odd knack of defying even the laws of physics to win.  And while poker doesn't have physics, we're not sure that'd stop the rat.

Quick Vote Form

01. Starscream v Wario - Swimming Race
02. Dr. Emmitt Brown v James Bond - Talking to Fish
03. Goku v Odie - Pod Racing
04. Prinny v Aya Brea - American Gladiator
05. Samuel Vimes v Darkwing Duck - Questing for the Holy Grail
06. Goddess Ashera v Lina Inverse - Applied Pyrotechnics
07. Judge Doom v Igor, Persona - Win the Big Game
08. Pikachu, Anime v Lenneth Valkyrie - Poker

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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2010, 09:23:54 PM »
01. Starscream v Wario - Swimming Race

02. Dr. Emmitt Brown v James Bond - Talking to Fish

03. Goku v Odie - Pod Racing

04. Prinny v Aya Brea - American Gladiator
Um yeah.

05. Samuel Vimes v Darkwing Duck - Questing for the Holy Grail
From what I know of him I'd think he'd do fairly well

06. Goddess Ashera v Lina Inverse - Applied Pyrotechnics
Lina's pretty hard to top in this.

07. Judge Doom v Igor, Persona - Win the Big Game
Bad guys in sports cartoons never win.  It's like an ironclad rule or something.

08. Pikachu, Anime v Lenneth Valkyrie - Poker
Anime Pikachu is a dirty cheater and Lenneth seems the kind of person who'd be pretty bad at poker, but this still isn't close.

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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2010, 09:32:50 PM »
01. Starscream v Wario - Swimming Race

I don't remember Transformer at -all- despite watching it a fair amount when I was around 5-6, so it's possible Starscream actually has some crippling weakness to water. Otherwise, the ability to transform into a (presumably) watertight craft should see him to an easy win over Wario, who doesn't look to be in the best of shape.

02. Dr. Emmitt Brown v James Bond - Talking to Fish

Time travels to the future where scientists have learned how to communicate with animals, brings a device back to the present that allows him to do so.

03. Goku v Odie - Pod Racing

He'll sound like he's constipated the whole way, but he'll win.

04. Prinny v Aya Brea - American Gladiator

I'd be shocked if a cop weren't trained in hand-to-hand combat. Also, it's a fucking prinny. There's a reason Can I Really be the Hero is such a hard game. <.<

05. Samuel Vimes v Darkwing Duck - Questing for the Holy Grail

Abstain, though this sounds like something right out of a Darkwing Duck episode.

06. Goddess Ashera v Lina Inverse - Applied Pyrotechnics

Both are top tier at this. Unsure, awaiting arguments.

07. Judge Doom v Igor, Persona - Win the Big Game

I'm surprised there's a Persona character I have literally never heard of.

08. Pikachu, Anime v Lenneth Valkyrie - Poker

Can't say I see poker being Pikachu's thing. Also, it took some serious mental trauma to get Lenneth to break her icy facade, and I don't see Pikachu or his handlers having the ability to do so again.

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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2010, 09:50:27 PM »
01. Starscream v Wario - Swimming Race - Wario, swimming? Yeah, even the one with electrical parts is gonna be better in the water than him.
02. Dr. Emmitt Brown v James Bond - Talking to Fish - See NEB. Anything that needs some resources is gonna be an easy win for the doc.
03. Goku v Odie - Pod Racing - Experience flying a cloud means he should ace this, right?
04. Prinny v Aya Brea - American Gladiator - Prinnies have never exactly been great with balance. ;o
05. Samuel Vimes v Darkwing Duck - Questing for the Holy Grail - Pass.
06. Goddess Ashera v Lina Inverse - Applied Pyrotechnics - Pass.
07. Judge Doom v Igor, Persona - Win the Big Game - Kneejerk.
08. Pikachu, Anime v Lenneth Valkyrie - Poker - Can't read her poker face, p-p-poker face.


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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2010, 09:55:50 PM »
02. Dr. Emmitt Brown v James Bond - Talking to Fish- Bond doesn't need time travel to talk to aquatic creatures; he's already had his way with every fish in the sea.
03. Goku v Odie - Pod Racing
04. Prinny v Aya Brea - American Gladiator
05. Samuel Vimes v Darkwing Duck - Questing for the Holy Grail
06. Goddess Ashera v Lina Inverse - Applied Pyrotechnics- Controled chaos is the name of the game here, which is something Lina is very good at in general. Ashera is tough to top in this event, but going with the one who randomly makes shit blow up for her entire series.
07. Judge Doom v Igor, Persona - Win the Big Game- Doom chokes at the end of who framed Roger Rabbit. Igor always comes through in the end.
08. Pikachu, Anime v Lenneth Valkyrie - Poker
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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2010, 12:13:04 AM »
03. Goku v Odie - Pod Racing
04. Prinny v Aya Brea - American Gladiator
07. Judge Doom v Igor, Persona - Win the Big Game
08. Pikachu, Anime v Lenneth Valkyrie - Poker


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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2010, 12:51:21 AM »
01. Starscream v Wario - Swimming Race

Going with the Wario over the electronic airjet. >_>;

02. Dr. Emmitt Brown v James Bond - Talking to Fish


03. Goku v Odie - Pod Racing

See: What other people have said.

04. Prinny v Aya Brea - American Gladiator

It's. A. Prinny.

05. Samuel Vimes v Darkwing Duck - Questing for the Holy Grail

Definitely a Darkwing Duck thing.

06. Goddess Ashera v Lina Inverse - Applied Pyrotechnics


07. Judge Doom v Igor, Persona - Win the Big Game


08. Pikachu, Anime v Lenneth Valkyrie - Poker

Pikachu has no poker face. Also, Lenneth's stats are way better than his, even at lvl. 100, so when he tries to electrocute her for the victory, she still wins.
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* +Hatbot --> "King_Meepdorah rolls 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"? and gets 999."12 [1d999=999]
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<+RandomConsonant> ...
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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2010, 12:58:29 AM »
01. Starscream v Wario - Swimming Race


02. Dr. Emmitt Brown v James Bond - Talking to Fish

Even if he'd confuse the poor fish with his technobabble.

03. Goku v Odie - Pod Racing

They'd both crash and get DQd, except Goku just blows up anything he's about to hit.

04. Prinny v Aya Brea - American Gladiator

05. Samuel Vimes v Darkwing Duck - Questing for the Holy Grail

Gets dangerous.

06. Goddess Ashera v Lina Inverse - Applied Pyrotechnics

Creativity > raw power. Not that Lina's terribly creative, but Ashera.

07. Judge Doom v Igor, Persona - Win the Big Game

08. Pikachu, Anime v Lenneth Valkyrie - Poker
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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2010, 04:18:56 AM »
Aww.. this week's matches really shortends a lot of the participants... ;_;

01. Starscream v Wario - Swimming Race - Neither seem suited to this, though...
02. Dr. Emmitt Brown v James Bond - Talking to Fish - Supernatural abilities tends to beat Extraordinary-but-still-physically-possible abilities.
03. Goku v Odie - Pod Racing - Actually, the cloud-riding is a good point, even if his opponent wasn't an exceptionally dumb animal.
04. Prinny v Aya Brea - American Gladiator - If Aya hits the Prinny too hard, they'll both blow up. The psychological warfare gives the Prinny the edge!
05. Samuel Vimes v Darkwing Duck - Questing for the Holy Grail - Far better detective.
06. Goddess Ashera v Lina Inverse - Applied Pyrotechnics - Dragon Slave, Lina doesn't even need traditional fireworks.
07. Judge Doom v Igor, Persona - Win the Big Game - Igor seems like a guy who played ball back in his varsity days, don't you think?
08. Pikachu, Anime v Lenneth Valkyrie - Poker - Pikachu is a cheating bastard, but Poker isn't his area of cheating expertise~. Also, Lenneth has a pretty decent Poker face most of the time... not that it takes much to confuse a rat.


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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2010, 01:02:30 PM »
Quick Vote Form

01. Starscream v Wario - Swimming Race - This sounds like a Warioware contest.
02. Dr. Emmitt Brown v James Bond - Talking to Fish - Wrong Bond.
03. Goku v Odie - Pod Racing - Goku constipationexplodes the pod. Odie runs it into a wall. Odie gets farther.
04. Prinny v Aya Brea - American Gladiator - Iunno. Gutcheck.
05. Samuel Vimes v Darkwing Duck - Questing for the Holy Grail - Gutcheck is Vimes would consider the whole thing stupid and walk off. Darkwing's in his element, on the other hand.
06. Goddess Ashera v Lina Inverse - Applied Pyrotechnics
07. Judge Doom v Igor, Persona - Win the Big Game
08. Pikachu, Anime v Lenneth Valkyrie - Poker


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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2010, 04:04:47 PM »
01. Starscream v Wario - Swimming Race
Starscream. Never. Wins.

02. Dr. Emmitt Brown v James Pond - Talking to Fish

03. Goku v Odie - Pod Racing

04. Prinny v Aya Brea - American Gladiator
Bombs, knives, giant robots. Coinflip says the match is taking place in the Netherworld for me, so Prinny cheats his way to victory and poor Aya is confused.

05. Samuel Vimes v Darkwing Duck - Questing for the Holy Grail
Dunno Vimes.

06. Goddess Ashera v Lina Inverse - Applied Pyrotechnics
Dunno Lina

07. Judge Doom v Igor, Persona - Win the Big Game
Random's logic is solid here.

08. Pikachu, Anime v Lenneth Valkyrie - Poker
Pika is both a) highly expressive and b) simple enough that I sincerely doubt he could even be taught how to play poker properly.
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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2010, 08:29:06 PM »
01. Starscream v Wario - Swimming Race - Wario succeeds when he is facing off against other villains!
02. Dr. Emmitt Brown v James Bond - Talking to Fish
03. Goku v Odie - Pod Racing - I cant see Goku being a good driver, but Odie is probably worse.
04. Prinny v Aya Brea - American Gladiator
05. Samuel Vimes v Darkwing Duck - Questing for the Holy Grail
06. Goddess Ashera v Lina Inverse - Applied Pyrotechnics - No idea.
07. Judge Doom v Igor, Persona - Win the Big Game
08. Pikachu, Anime v Lenneth Valkyrie - Poker


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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2010, 02:25:36 AM »
01. Starscream v Wario - Swimming Race
By all logic Starscream should probably win but Warioware hype takes this one for the W.
02. Dr. Emmitt Brown v James Bond - Talking to Fish
James Bond is good at talking to birds, not fish.  (Nice try though, super.)
03. Goku v Odie - Pod Racing
Odie crashes practically instantly.  Jar-Jar style "he's stupid so it'll work anyway!" hype does not work.
04. Prinny v Aya Brea - American Gladiator
Yes Prinnies explode, but they're just as likely to randomly freak out and explode before the match anyway.
05. Samuel Vimes v Darkwing Duck - Questing for the Holy Grail
Buys a cheap knockoff in the bazaar of Ankh-Morpork, they're probably a dime a dozen there.  Failing that, extensive network of contacts should work out here.
06. Goddess Ashera v Lina Inverse - Applied Pyrotechnics
"It's Lina Inverse, the enemy of all who live!"
07. Judge Doom v Igor, Persona - Win the Big Game
Uh sure.
08. Pikachu, Anime v Lenneth Valkyrie - Poker
They're both out of their element but Pikachu is more out of his element.


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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2010, 04:33:54 AM »
01. Starscream v Wario - Swimming Race
02. Dr. Emmitt Brown v James Bond - Talking to Fish
03. Goku v Odie - Pod Racing
04. Prinny v Aya Brea - American Gladiator- As always, American Gladiators comes down to the Eliminator.  Aya, while strong, is still very light, putting her at a real disadvantage in the break through portions.  Hero Prinny meanwhile just spins~ through them.  Seems like a decisive advantage in an otherwise god match.
05. Samuel Vimes v Darkwing Duck - Questing for the Holy Grail- HATBOOOOOOOOOTTTTTT.  Anyway, against like anyone else here, Vimes would be fine; he's got the instincts and contacts to pull something like this off.  But he's not doing it with any enthusiasm, while Darkwing?  Oh yeah.  Heck, I'm surprised he never ACTUALLY DID THIS in the show.
06. Goddess Ashera v Lina Inverse - Applied Pyrotechnics
07. Judge Doom v Igor, Persona - Win the Big Game- If the description didn't specify personally being at bat/getting the free throw/facing the goalie in the shootout, I'd peg Igor as a fine coach for those situations.  But his total lack of personal athleticism is too large to ignore.
08. Pikachu, Anime v Lenneth Valkyrie - Poker
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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #14 on: November 13, 2010, 06:02:06 AM »
04. Prinny v Aya Brea - American Gladiator

Wait, Prinny hype comes from the ability to make itself a competition where you are constantly being pummeled by people far bigger than you? I'm not...sure you understand how this works? Prinny loses extra single lead up competition when it's hit by elbows/tennis balls/thrown off platforms (And doesn't explode Aya because they don't face each other like that...). They basically exist for interchangable abuse.

Aya will have finished the Eliminator before Prinny even gets to starts. And even if she didn't, it's a 2 foot tall creature with no hands and stubby legs versus...a giant rope to climb. This honestly is about a big a mismatch as  you get.
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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #15 on: November 13, 2010, 06:20:43 AM »
01. Starscream v Wario - Swimming Race

03. Goku v Odie - Pod Racing


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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool A
« Reply #16 on: November 14, 2010, 07:42:54 AM »
01. Starscream v Wario - I want to say that Starscream flew underwater at least once in the show, but I can't remember any specific instances. Their base is underwater for a good deal of the show but they generally aren't very happy about water getting in and tend to leave by extending a column up above it. So going to have to go with Wario who usually doesn't seem to have a problem swimming.
02. Dr. Emmitt Brown v James Bond - Everyone is looking at the angle that Brown can go into the future and get technology for this, but ignoring James getting Q on it. In the eventuality that Q comes through, I would think that James would be the better conversationalist of the two.
03. Goku v Odie - Even assuming that Odie had a pod customised to suit, which I think is a fairly safe assumption to make given the contestants in-universe, I don't see him having much hope of this.
04. Prinny v Aya Brea - Don't know Aya.
05. Samuel Vimes v Darkwing Duck - Yeah, this could go either way really.
06. Goddess Ashera v Lina Inverse - Don't know Ashera.
07. Judge Doom v Igor, Persona - Not really Igor's strong point.
08. Pikachu, Anime v Lenneth Valkyrie - Pikachu is probably lucky enough to win, but I'm not sure he could comprehend it well enough.