So discussion in chat had me thinking, it's been a long time since the DL has done something like best character listing. However, just getting lists can be boring, so instead we're going to drive off some people and invite the crazies to stay with a tournament! The format will be as follows.
32 characters, based on nominations in this topic.
2 rounds. The preliminaries will be 4 pools of 8 characters a piece, done list style. The remainder will be standard single-elimination.
And now the insane part. Characters will not be listed by name or game. Instead, once nominations are collected, I write a brief summation of why each character is the best ever (a mid-sized paragraph along the lines of a DL writeup is what I'd be aiming for).
This may or may not be interesting, depending mostly on how well I can both conceal the identity of each character and how compelling the hype is. It is, however, different, so that's something.
And now, nominations. What I need from you all is your list of Top 10 Video Game Characters. Why video games? Because that's what started this conversation. Best characters period is entirely too broad and will result in a lot more "I have no idea what I'm riding", just RPGs would probably be so much retread I don't want to think about it. Anyway, post in this topic. The anonymity part comes later.
This topic will run for one week, or until I get 25 lists. Be honest and don't avoid nomming people who have already been nommed; I'd prefer a lot of overlap and multiple noms a piece, hence going out to Top 10 in the first place.
Edit: Just to be explicit, these should be based on writing, depth, good characterization, those sort of criteria. Not things like gameplay or design.