
Author Topic: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool C  (Read 1597 times)


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ToR2 - Round 1 Pool C
« on: December 15, 2010, 06:04:04 AM »
Quick Vote Form

09. Scott Pilgrim v Jean-Luc Picard - Plotting the Party         IIIII I/IIIII III
10. Scrooge McDuck v Deadpool - Manliness Contest         IIIII II/IIIII I
11. Ramza Beoulve v Tony the Dog - Boxing            IIIII IIIII III/
12. White Knight Leo v Bowser Jr. - DDR            IIIII III/
13. Coyote v Angry Video Game Nerd - Popularity Contest      III/IIIII IIII
14. Maverick, Top Gun v Maria Renard, Castlevania - Dance Off   II/IIII
15. Dale Gribble v Totoro - Stand Up Comedy         IIIII I/IIII
16. Mary Sue v Fei Fong Wong - Ladder Climbing         II/IIIII IIIII

Pool C

Match 17
Sometimes, there comes a match that perfectly sums up the random nature of this tournament.  Oddly enough, this isn't even the best example of it this week despite being a contest of a chef and a reporter trying to weave baskets underwater.

Our first contestant is much beloved for his ability to cook, and his presence on that famed show, the Iron Chef.  Maharu Morimoto now gets his chance to show us that he's more than just great with a skillet, and that he has other uses for his fingers.

Of course, opposing him is Maya Amano, a noted Persona user, and a reporter to boot.  As we all know, reporters need all kinds of skills in order to get the scoop, and Maya's top of the heap there.

Match 18

From the ocean to the desert, all our contestants need to do now is survive.  Of course, just as I've few words for the competition, so do I also have few words for the contestants in another match sure to draw a low vote total.

First up is everyone's favourite joke character, Squirrel Girl, notable for being the Marvel character with no real powers who dresses up like a squirrel and kicks the asses of people she shouldn't even be able to survive being in the same area code as.

The other person is Hrathgar, some guy from Elantris who I know jack all about because I've been avoiding spoilers.  Which one of these two will win?  I don't especially care, but you might!

Match 19

While this match may not be any less obscure, at least the people involved cater to the same kind of tastes.  Of course, it also helps that the event is the simple footrace.  Getting from point A to B as fast as possible using only one's own speed.

First up is Brock Sampson, some schlub from the Venture Brothers, which I assume gives him some kind of running skill.  Which is good, because his opponent, while young, is well versed at running, whether it's from nasty aliens as Spaceman Spiff, or a man eating tiger as plain ol' Calvin.

Match 20

Finally!  Tired of those matchs wiith the obscure?  Sick of contests where you aren't entirely sure how competant the contestants are at the task in question?  Then this match is for you!

First up comes the man with all the subtlety of a tactical nuke, a guy for whom a casual stroll involves six decapitations and nine maimings, and nothing pleases him more than the sight of roast pig.  Straight from the Kingdom of Highland, Prince Luca Blight!

And opposing him, the queen of pointless technobabble, the chick who couldn't spot a clue if it hit her between the eyes, the lady who can't know it all, even when it's all about her!  Shion Uzuki!

And the match these two towering paragons of wit are partaking in?  Being mysterious!  Whoever can best be a maddening shroud of mysteries wins.

Match 21

Now for a match we all know and love, Censoring Vietnamese Cable.  As per usual, make of it what you will, but the winner is going to be the one who does it best, because deep down, we all hate the Vietnamese getting quality television.

I think we can all agree that when it comes to controlling information, there's few folks better than a ninja.  And our first contestant isn't just a ninja, he's also a doctor!  Dr. McNinja has been going off on adventures for many years now,  and this will simply be yet another ecclectic episode.

Of course, where a ninja might fail, a man of science is sure to succeed.  And boy genius Mandark is such a man.  Best known for his distinctive laugh and being the rival to fellow boy genius Dexter, of the show Dexter's Laboratory, his evil genius ways will give him the keen insight needed to best censor Vietnamese Cable.

Match 22

Abridge, to shorten.  Preferably humourous.

Maya Shrodinger, master of the magna martial arts.  Gets into character.  Hot blooded.

Xena, Warrior Princess, yodels while throwing chakrams.

Match 23

Master Baiting, the sport of champions!  A task that must be handled carefully, with a smooth approach to entice the subject to react appropriately until, with a sudden jerk, success is accomplished, followed by a sense of satisfaction in a job well done.

Our first contestant is no stranger to using a pole, and he certainly knows his way around traps.  Egon Venkler is a member of the Ghostbusters, and as such has had to devise several techinques and a couple of very impressive tools to assist him in his master baiting.  

But, while Egon has the power of science, Puniyo has the old fashion tricks of the mob, along with an all too willing family, examples galore, and absolutely no shame.

Match 24

One, Two, Three, Four
Now we have a thumb war!

A someday saviour and war vet
John Connor hasn't got there yet.
But before he beats that terminator
He'll have to show off now, not later!

Against a bot that has no thumbs
A canine mech, that lucky bum
K-9's slot here wasn't planned
Why do the dogs get events with hands?!

Short Vote Form

17. Iron Chef Maharu Morimoto v Maya Amano - Subaquatic Basketweaving
18. Squirrel Girl v Hrathgar, Elantris - Desert Survival
19. Brock Sampson v Calvin, not Hobbes - Footrace
20. Luca Blight v Shion Uzuki - Being Mysterious
21. Dr. McNinja v Mandark, Dexter's Lab - Censoring Vietnamese Cable
22. Maya Schodinger v Xena, Warrior Princess - Abridging
23. Egon Venkler v Puniyo - Master Baiting
24. John Conner v K-9 - Thumb Wrestling

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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool C
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2010, 06:39:38 AM »
17. Iron Chef Maharu Morimoto v Maya Amano - Subaquatic Basketweaving
Gut tells me that Maya would be pretty bad at this.

18. Squirrel Girl v Hrathgar, Elantris - Desert Survival
What the flying fuck is a Hrathgar.

19. Brock Sampson v Calvin, not Hobbes - Footrace
I am assuming that Mr. Sampson is a physically fit adult here.

20. Luca Blight v Shion Uzuki - Being Mysterious
Luca couldn't be mysterious if his life depended on it.  Meanwhile, XS runs on mysterious bullshit.

21. Dr. McNinja v Mandark, Dexter's Lab - Censoring Vietnamese Cable
Eh, will wait for arguments here.

22. Maya Schodinger v Xena, Warrior Princess - Abridging
Kneejerking she has more experience with delivering one-liners.

23. Egon Venkler v Puniyo - Master Baiting
Think I'll wait for arguments here, too.

24. John Conner v K-9 - Thumb Wrestling


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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool C
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2010, 11:36:53 AM »
Short Vote Form

17. Iron Chef Maharu Morimoto v Maya Amano - Subaquatic Basketweaving
Win the contest... or get a scoop from the TRUE Iron Chef. ... Maya forfeits and gets her story!

18. Squirrel Girl v Hrathgar, Elantris - Desert Survival - Cheats.
19. Brock Sampson v Calvin, not Hobbes - Footrace - Say what you will, Calvin can book it.
20. Luca Blight v Shion Uzuki - Being Mysterious - Forgets what's going on, deflects all questions with ditz power, wins.
21. Dr. McNinja v Mandark, Dexter's Lab - Censoring Vietnamese Cable - Cheats. Mandark gives him a run for his money, but Dr. McNinja seems like the sort perfectly suited to this.
22. Maya Schodinger v Xena, Warrior Princess - Abridging - Xena does better with one liners in theory, yeah. In practice Maya probably has a form for this.
23. Egon Venkler v Puniyo - Master Baiting - ............
24. John Conner v K-9 - Thumb Wrestling - Can't thumb rassle if you lack thumbs. K-9 bites Conner's thumbs off, wins.


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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool C
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2010, 02:21:16 PM »
18. Squirrel Girl v Hrathgar, Elantris - Desert Survival- Assuming that this is Hrathen. If so, it suits his talents. He's quite good at thinking on his feet and surviving against all odds.
19. Brock Sampson v Calvin, not Hobbes - Footrace- Hyper six year olds are fast.
20. Luca Blight v Shion Uzuki - Being Mysterious- Being obnoxious is a talent that Shion has down pat.
22. Maya Schodinger v Xena, Warrior Princess - Abridging
24. John Conner v K-9 - Thumb Wrestling
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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool C
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2010, 04:06:09 PM »
17. Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto v Maya Amano - Subaquatic Basketweaving. Morimoto at the very least has excellent manual dexterity and a fantastic sense of presentation. Odds are he'll put together something that looks better then Maya can.
18. Squirrel Girl v Hrathgar, Elantris - Desert Survival
19. Brock Sampson v Calvin, not Hobbes - Footrace. Sure.
20. Luca Blight v Shion Uzuki - Being Mysterious. I'm having trouble thinking of a contest Luca would be WORSE at. Running a petting zoo, maybe?
21. Dr. McNinja v Mandark, Dexter's Lab - Censoring Vietnamese Cable. Mandark, from what I recall of him, spends too much time gloating, not enough time getting the job done.
22. Maya Schodinger v Xena, Warrior Princess - Abridging. She abridges the texts in question with a sword.
23. Egon Venkler v Puniyo - Master Baiting.
24. John Conner v K-9 - Thumb Wrestling. I like Tai's answer.
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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool C
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2010, 04:29:13 PM »
17. Iron Chef Maharu Morimoto v Maya Amano - Subaquatic Basketweaving
19. Brock Sampson v Calvin, not Hobbes - Footrace
20. Luca Blight v Shion Uzuki - Being Mysterious
21. Dr. McNinja v Mandark, Dexter's Lab - Censoring Vietnamese Cable
22. Maya Schodinger v Xena, Warrior Princess - Abridging


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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool C
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2010, 08:54:13 PM »
20. Luca Blight v Shion Uzuki - Being Mysterious - Depressingly close.
21. Dr. McNinja v Mandark, Dexter's Lab - Censoring Vietnamese Cable - Gate's got the right idea here, yeah.
24. John Conner v K-9 - Thumb Wrestling - Can't lose, at least! Tai's answer for victoly.

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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool C
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2010, 03:15:17 AM »
17. Iron Chef Maharu Morimoto v Maya Amano - Subaquatic Basketweaving: Sure, I'll buy Tai's arguments.
18. Squirrel Girl v Hrathen, Elantris - Desert Survival: Hrathen does something... not exactly unlike this, at one point.
19. Brock Sampson v Calvin, not Hobbes - Footrace: Not only is Calvin pretty speedy, he's a dirty cheater. Granted, often enough this blows up in his face, so I could be argued.
20. Luca Blight v Shion Uzuki - Being Mysterious: ldfdaksjdbamrrf
21. Dr. McNinja v Mandark, Dexter's Lab - Censoring Vietnamese Cable *shrug*
22. Maya Schodinger v Xena, Warrior Princess - Abridging: ... I'm unsure. Both seem like they'd be good at this, surprisingly, for martial types. But probably Maya moreso. She's just more familiar with storytelling media, and would be able to make more pop culture references that are essential to good abridging.
23. Egon Venkler v Puniyo - Master Baiting: uhhhh...
24. John Conner v K-9 - Thumb Wrestling: Um yeah I'm definitely interpreting no thumbs as "auto-lose", not "auto-win". Tai's strategy at BEST leads to a tie. And also probably a disqualification.

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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool C
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2010, 05:28:59 AM »
17. Iron Chef Maharu Morimoto v Maya Amano - Subaquatic Basketweaving - Subaquatic?  Underneath the ocean floor in the earth's crust, then?  Regardless, this doesn't seem like Maya's forte.
19. Brock Sampson v Calvin, not Hobbes - Footrace - Short legs are a problem but Calvin does a looooooooot of running away fast from his latest misadventure.
20. Luca Blight v Shion Uzuki - Being Mysterious
22. Maya Schodinger v Xena, Warrior Princess - Abridging - Yeah they're both good at this.
23. Egon Venkler v Puniyo - Master Baiting - If Egon can master crazed super-science I'm sure he can master fishing.  (Which is what this is about, right?  Baiting hooks correctly to catch trout and all?  Of course it is.) Puniyo might be able to do it too but it probably involves Puni support and willing to give credit to the one doing it on his own.
24. John Conner v K-9 - Thumb Wrestling - John ConnOr, though.  He's not a con artist!

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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool C
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2010, 06:07:27 AM »
17. Iron Chef Maharu Morimoto v Maya Amano - Subaquatic Basketweaving
18. Squirrel Girl v Hrathgar, Elantris - Desert Survival
19. Brock Sampson v Calvin, not Hobbes - Footrace
20. Luca Blight v Shion Uzuki - Being Mysterious- If only this were chaos.... he would be eternal Godlike champ.
21. Dr. McNinja v Mandark, Dexter's Lab - Censoring Vietnamese Cable
22. Maya Schodinger v Xena, Warrior Princess - Abridging
23. Egon Venkler v Puniyo - Master Baiting
24. John Conner v K-9 - Thumb Wrestling
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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool C
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2010, 12:27:02 PM »


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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool C
« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2010, 09:56:32 PM »
Update likely coming later today, get your votes in now!


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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool C
« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2010, 10:07:30 PM »
17. Iron Chef Maharu Morimoto v Maya Amano - Don't know either.
18. Squirrel Girl v Hrathgar, Elantris - Don't know either.
19. Brock Sampson v Calvin, not Hobbes - Don't know Brock.
20. Luca Blight v Shion Uzuki - Don't know Shion.
21. Dr. McNinja v Mandark, Dexter's Lab - Not incompetent.
22. Maya Schodinger v Xena, Warrior Princess - Don't know Maya.
23. Egon Venkler v Puniyo - Don't know Puniyo.
24. John Conner v K-9 - Not ineligible.


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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool C
« Reply #13 on: December 19, 2010, 10:11:11 PM »
18. Squirrel Girl v Hrathgar, Elantris - Desert Survival- He would generally be awesome at this.
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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool C
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2010, 12:03:28 AM »
17. Iron Chef Maharu Morimoto v Maya Amano - Subaquatic Basketweaving - Maya can use a Persona to let her breathe underwater, thus giving her significantly more time to create a more appealing basket!
18. Squirrel Girl v Hrathgar, Elantris - Desert Survival - Sure, Hrathen can do it, but Squirrel Girl is a cheating bastard.
19. Brock Sampson v Calvin, not Hobbes - Footrace - Calvin is particularly good at running, but it's like everyone forgot that Brock Sampson spends 90% of time training, fighting, or running...
20. Luca Blight v Shion Uzuki - Being Mysterious - Really, this is probably the only time when Shion will ever be better than Luca.
21. Dr. McNinja v Mandark, Dexter's Lab - Censoring Vietnamese Cable - Don't care.
22. Maya Schodinger v Xena, Warrior Princess - Abridging - Close match. Maya and Xena could both conceivably be very good at abridging, but I suspect Xena will be distracted by the urge to yodel during the process at some point and give transformed Maya the chance to get ahead.
23. Egon Venkler v Puniyo - Master Baiting - After the awesomeness that was this match's write-up, I can't possibly make a good enough joke here to do it justice, so I'm just voting for the one that looks best at the end of a hook.
24. John Conner v K-9 - Thumb Wrestling - This contest is racist against dogs.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2010, 12:09:54 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool C
« Reply #15 on: December 20, 2010, 12:14:59 AM »
17. Iron Chef Maharu Morimoto v Maya Amano - Subaquatic Basketweaving - Iron Chef, see Tai
18. Squirrel Girl v Hrathgar, Elantris - Desert Survival - Squirrel Girl. 
19. Brock Sampson v Calvin, not Hobbes - Footrace - Brock Sampson.  Calvin's got too much ADHD to stay in the race.
20. Luca Blight v Shion Uzuki - Being Mysterious - Shion, Luca is not mysterious
21. Dr. McNinja v Mandark, Dexter's Lab - Censoring Vietnamese Cable - Dr. McNinja
22. Maya Schodinger v Xena, Warrior Princess - Abridging - Xena.  She abridges wholesale slaughter with sexy lesbian warcries
23. Egon Venkler v Puniyo - Master Baiting - Egon
24. John Conner v K-9 - Thumb Wrestling - John Conner
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory