GTA4 - Finally finished this playing it on and off probably for nearly a year now. So that last mission can go get fucked. Drive somewhere zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Shoot some dudes zzzzzzzzz chase a thing on a bike zzzzzzzzz jump the bike onto a chopper lol controls fuck up and camera spazzes the fuck out. Try three times, give up and look up stuff. Some dude on Gamefaqs mentions something about it being a frame limit issue, with settings turned down so the game runs decently on a modern decent PC the frame rate goes up and the the game actually responds to your clicks worse during timed events, it wants to be running around 30 FPS to work. Not sure if it is true or not, but I turned on shadows and added Space as an extra jump button instead of just using the Mouse. That worked. Then oh god chopper control bit I haven't flown a chopper for like 6 months, I have no idea what to do anymore. Fudge my way through it at least. Get up to the last boss dude and there is guys that shoot at you I wasn't expecting (HOW DID HE KNOW HE WOULD CRASH LAND A CHOPPER ON THE ISLAND?!???), so uh killed them with shotgun because I was cycling through weapons, then suddenly police! Errr okay what the fuck ever. I shoot the boss with the last 5 shells I had loaded in the shotgun and then panic scrolled to something not shitty. Shot him with an RPG to win.
Game is no where near as fun or good as San Andreas. If they stop making GTA games like this and go back to that I will be much happier. The controls are worse than San Andreas (HOW IN THE HELL) and there is numerous graphical, optimisation and all round performance issues with this port. It is really pretty much terrible on the PC.
Edit - Oh yeah while I hate on mass marketed games
POKEMANS - Something else to bitch and complain about! I am leveling Munna a little so it will live decently long while I use it to catch Victini (just a few levels to make it a bit bulkier). This is when I realised it would cover my more pained offensive typed gaps, I might still pick up Sigilyph to have a Flyer anyway, just have to get a Magic Guard one. ANYWAY, Munna and things to bitch about. I just got to the level it learns Imprison. Here is what Imprison does. It prevents the enemy pokemon from using any skill that the user of Imprison has.
Wow. That is an awesome move guys. Other than shutting out Imprison itself it can shut out up to three other moves at a time. From the entire move pool of Pokemon. That is
awesome. Ignoring all the obvious things like how low the odds of the opponent having the same skills as you do on Munna and whatnot, it straight up has half the PP of Disable, which is not a great move but is at least guaranteed to have any damned use at all.
Here is the really huge thing though! Is when looking it up to bitch about I realise that this isn't even the first gen to have the move. What in the -fuck- Gamefreak?