Final Fantasy 4 The After Years – Girls Stay in the Back
I asked people who I should play as, and the vote was for the stache, so I played as Yang! Yang has an overzealous, excitable daughter named Ursula. He is a killjoy and doesn’t want to train her, so she runs off. Meanwhile, we find out that Cecil has been acting crazy and Yang is in total denial about this. OMG CECIL'S TOO NICE AND PERFECT TO DO SOMETHING BAD!!! We go to find Ursula on a mountain and she is kicking the ass of some evils and she is investigating the meteor on her own. Probably not a good idea, but whatevs.
This section seems to have better gameplay than the last; Ursula is a very fast, kind fragile PC and Yang is quite tanky. The three monks are kinda boring, but they are generics. Ursula once she gets caught up is quite good because of Kick’s charge time. Kick takes an extra turn to charge, but because Ursula is so fast it is actually worth using on her. So we explore and find out bad things are happening, we have a sequence where Yang and monks get slowly backed into a corner in the crystal room while the women stay behind (this has never happened before), the crystal is stolen, time to go to Baron and bitch at some dudes.
The boat gets attacked! So we land on an island. In what seems like at least the fifth time in this quest, Yang tells his daughter she can’t come with him to find fuel and he gets lost so she goes anyway. This part is infuriating because it keeps switching between Ursula and Yang except every time it switches back to Ursula, she gets thrown in the back. Which is obnoxious because she’s the best physical PC in her group. This happens DURING A BOSS FIGHT which made me angry until I realized it was a plot fight. So we kill the turtle boss thing with weakened special which made it slow. Yang realizes his daughter isn’t a total putz so he agrees to train her.
The highlight of the story is the reappearance of the EX-KING OF FABUL, the sexer of Yang’s wife and the power behind the throne. I thought the Duke Consort was a suspicious fellow when I met him, but in the flashback to Ursula’s birth, he’s wearing a crown! OBVIOUSLY, HE IS THE EX-KING. Still ruling even after 17 years and banging Yang’s wife for life.
Overall this story was better than Edward’s even if it has Cecil fellatio much like Edward’s. I think every man in this world wants Cecil to make them his bitch or something, geez. And I even liked the guy in the original game. The quest emphasized that speed is much more important than in the original game because Ursula 3-2’s the world and it is awesomesauce. Definitely going to use her later.
Next is the brattiest brat in the whole world, Palom aka Blue aka Marza the Sorcerer!