Hey, I post in this topic too! Sometimes...
Anyway, started the FF5 FJF. Got White Mage for the first crystal, and stopped right after getting the water crystal and my second job, Time Mage.
Been fun. Didn't need to resort to the crazy madness of USING A FREELANCER. I am true man, damnit. Currently level 11.
Hardest fight was...honestly, probably either Galura or MAGISSA. Magissa just...spammed Drain, which hit every time, and killed in one hit. Forza also hit around 50% of my life, depending on random variance, so Protect+Healing was the name of the game. Also didn't help that I kept missing with my FLAIL character. And my other characters. I think I seriously missed about 20 times in a row. Took forever, but I won. No resets! Yay!
Galura I didn't break the Frost Rod on, or it would have been easy. His multi-acting became a problem, as he liked to focus characters, which made his HP-leak kind of scary. Thankfully, backrow Heal Staff Lenna for the win.
I'm still going to be a completionist and get everything in the game I legally can (so I'll miss half the Genji equipment), including all the summons.
Now to grab loads of rods and commence the rod breaking fun. Prepare to die, Liquid Flame. Don't think there's that much important to grab in the flaming castle, IIRC, except the one dagger and an early Esuna.
Kind of sad I didn't get BERSERKER. I think I'm heading towards a bunch of frail magey-classes, so far.
Really surprised by how much I just remember from the game without refreshing my memory, and only having played it last...god, when FF5a came out, so 3 years ago? If I actually updated the rankings stuff, I'd have to up it's rank!