
Author Topic: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)  (Read 267367 times)


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2225 on: September 16, 2011, 07:51:57 PM »
I've missed stealing twice, maybe three times so far. The rate really isn't that low. Maybe against bosses, but theycould just have, y'know, Stealing Protection or something. Also, a lot of enemies don't  even have anything to steal. In RH if it gives the message there is nothing to steal, it's not lying.
<%King_Meepdorah> roll 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"?
* +Hatbot --> "King_Meepdorah rolls 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"? and gets 999."12 [1d999=999]
<%King_Meepdorah> ...
<+superaway> ...Uh oh.
<+RandomConsonant> ...
* +superaway shakes head.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2226 on: September 16, 2011, 10:57:04 PM »
Crawl:  How's this for a randart?

Amulet of Surprise (Clar, +Rage, rF+, rC++, MR)

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2227 on: September 16, 2011, 11:08:17 PM »
man I'd kill for just clarity/rF+


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2228 on: September 17, 2011, 02:33:16 AM »
Magetastic: Yeah, it's easy to steal from randoms and hard to steal from bosses. (who sometimes have more than 1 item)

SMT Strange Journey No Fusion: Sector C.
Honestly I find this really easy so I have trouble caring that much. Should have tried a 2 people playthrough instead maybe? Hopefully this gets harder later on.

Infinite Undiscovery Hard Mode Solo: About to go to Castle Valette. I'm getting the vouchers to get everyone up to max level IC but won't use them to get better equipment/items until the SG.
Honestly Captain, restarting on hard then on infinite might be less of a pain than getting Compulsive. Just saying.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2229 on: September 17, 2011, 02:56:57 AM »
Crawl:  How's this for a randart?

Amulet of Surprise (Clar, +Rage, rF+, rC++, MR)

i don't think that in all those runs I've seen one that good. Naturally you will die within a few floors before most of it's boosts become notable because that's how Crawl rolls.

Granted, for my money I'd take the Cloak of the Equator randart I got on my Merfolk, but overall it's not as good, just not on an amulet slot.

 c - the +3 cloak of the Equator (worn) {rElec rF+ Str+3}
   (You bought it in a shop on level 4 of the Orcish Mines)
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<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2230 on: September 17, 2011, 04:28:33 AM »

Er, just checking, but you are actually enjoying this right? Because if so there's no real reason to continue. I can't tell; INTERNET TONE and all that.

I'll respond to the actual post of your content later, don't worry!

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2231 on: September 17, 2011, 04:35:07 AM »
Yes. (Hence the part about drinking beer and stuff)
We're in the DL anyway, etc.

I have actually liked discussions about FE9 tier lists a lot more than the game. (not too much though. I'm not too crazy)

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2232 on: September 17, 2011, 04:57:33 AM »
Bit the bullet and ordered Radiant Historia! It should be here sometime next week, hopefully before the weekend =D I am also the type of gamer not to do everything, go out of my way to do lots of sidequests/get the best equipment/fight extra battles for levels/skills/monies, etc on my first run of a game (unless a game is FAQ bait in itself, wherein I end up finding out/doing lots of extra stuffs while FAQing to find out about puzzle solutions, how to progress plots, etc for things that aren't obvious, well the same usually goes for/happens if I am asking for/other people are helping me through instead of a FAQ too so >_> ) prefering to just go straight through it for the story. Also I'm not usually really the biggest fan of stealing !(unless it's FF5/has savestates) and would really prefer not to have to do/rely on it if I don't have to. Should be interesting to see how this goes then~
« Last Edit: September 17, 2011, 06:08:00 AM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2233 on: September 17, 2011, 10:51:18 AM »
Wait, didn't you say that getting items mattered more than equipment earlier? You'll need some money to get those accessories.

You get quite a few in chests actually. Quick glance through a FAQ... yeah, Spd+3, Spd+5, Spd+8, Spd+10... scattered throughout the game. They all looked "on route", nothing sidequesty.

(I will add that I didn't find speed as valuable as you, but I don't want to say anything definitive without more testing. If you say Aht's speed is that good, then to me it suffices to show that other PCs can match her if she's playing catch-up on HP.)

You might not always have Marco in your team, and using Eruca to trans-turn to Stocke so he can steal is just awful.

*shrug* Stocke is forced, which already covers your thieving duties most of the time. (I don't steal that much. Something to keep in mind when I say I didn't have money trouble... if there are lots of goodies from stealing that I missed, it must be even easier to afford good healing.) If you want a second thief, you have three choices - Marco, Aht, or Eruca. This doesn't seem like it's scoring any of them many points, seeing as there are three candidates for the role and it's not a great role to start with.

The main problem is that it's hard to get good, reliable status resistance with accessories. You can't just give Marco a ribbon and call it a day.
- First, those slots are used for speed boosting items if Marco wants to match Aht's speed. Let's not forget that!
- Second, there's like only one status resistance item that protects against every status, and it's late and weak (+2 against everything) Most other accessories only protect against one status. Restarting a battle just to switch accessories is a pain too, just use Solaris to make everything better.
- Third, I had everyone loaded with sleep resistance items against the optional boss and the status still had a crazy success rate (This might be because it's an optional boss, I'll give you that)
- Fourth, those accessories cost money. See my earlier point. Fully equipping your team AND buying speed boosting accessories AND buying a bunch of status resistance accessories AND buying a ton of items is starting to be a stretch.

re the points here:

1. This is pretty valid. Of course, Marco doesn't need durability (Gaia/Madre Blade) or offence (Trans-Turn). He can probably afford, say, two Sky Drops and the Spd+10 armlet if we're talking endgame.
2. I'm definitely going to reiterate that despite my eschewing of both Polaris (except for an experiment with it where it failed to block status <.<) and statusblockers on 2/3 of my PCs that I barely even noticed enemy status attacks until the final boss (Alistel arc boss has an okay one I guess but he's after Sky Drops anyway, which are chapter 5, actually not that late).
4. Sky Drops cost 4000. This is "might as well be free", way less than most endgame equipment. Most of the rest are even cheaper, if you care.

Now hold on a second. You're only comparing all of Aht's qualities to the best options available: Is her healing better than items? Is her damage always uber compared to Raynie? (at least you didn't say Eruca) Is Polaris as good as Marco's MT status healing?

Nah. I am comparing Aht to the Stocke/Marco/Raynie team at all times, except for "holy crap Gafka demolishes randoms with WGS even if underlevelled". If they happen to usually be the best options available then they're better PCs. If not I don't understand what you're getting at.

- Regenerate only works once a round (worthless if your team is fully healed, inferior if your team is hurt and you want to use a lot of healing in one turn), is weak and needs to be cast every few rounds. It just stops being useful after the earlygame.

Regenerate heals 40 HP per turn (for 6 turns, quite a good duration actually). This is enough to close the gap between 90/100 and 150 which you are so fond of (okay, there's still a tiny difference. This is more than made up for extra HP regen offers on turns where you don't need to MT heal but do have some residual missing HP). Basically it makes all your healing 40 points better (unless you're using multiple MT healing moves a round which is grossly inefficient), than heals an extra 40 to everyone who ISN'T healed, each round.

Did you know that Star Traps target two panels? So, either Aht gets an additional turn whenever she uses a star trap instead of a trap, or Stocke pushes his enemies into two traps at once for uber damage.

(I'm aware, yes.)
The problem is that the limiting factor on Aht damage isn't the number of panels she can trap or the number of turns she can get, it's the turns everyone ELSE gets to gather enemies and push them onto traps. Pushing things onto two star traps is just overkill, most will die to one. If this were a game like FFX with lots of big tough randoms star traps would be uber, but randoms instead look like "here are 4-6 enemies who are 2HKOed at best, just have enough HP to deal with weak MT options".

- Wind God Strike actually works well with traps. You CAN target the center... But you can also target one of the 3 of the squares surrounding the center and have Stocke push enemies into it in a single round.

That on the other hand I did not know. So the strategy is Stocke push enemy out of centre, trap a panel beside it (also traps centre), WGS? If I'm misunderstanding please clarify.

Still, it doesn't matter. Both strategies murder everything mobile in a single round (WGS->Air Assault->G-spell is so gross, like 600-700 damage or something even before the fourth attack; randoms don't have that much HP typically). The biggest threat to any Gafka-centred endgame sweeping team is immobile enemies, and Raynie is much better at picking them off than Aht is.

- Raynie gets G-Thunder kinda late, you want it against thaumachines.

In the first thaumachine fight, the real threat is the exploding guys who you can't trap. By the time you fight Thaumachines again (or Granorg armour dude), Raynie should have G-Thunder.

- We're not FAQing the game. We're real men (and women)

If we're not, then I start peppering any lategame Aht notes with "if you actually find her optional skills". Did I mention Marco/Raynie aren't reliant on optional skills to be badass?

Eruca is really made of tissue paper (she dies all the time), she only has one element and you can pretty much forget about fighting the final boss with her.

Yeah, I was thinking about this today, and I agree (although Aht is closer to Eruca durability than to anyone else... this doesn't matter if you think Eruca needs to twink speed to compete of course. I don't, you do, blah blah). I realise more and more I have some fondness for Eruca because I used her with Gafka for total destruction but now I realise that's way more about Gafka, and while Eruca makes the shiniest numbers they aren't necessary and now that I know she leaves I regret not letting Raynie get more exp during that time. So yeah, ready to admit I was wrong there.

Gafka's clearly worse too. He is extremely one dimensional, his one big damage move can often be hard to use (unless you have Aht!), Wind God Strike can't compare with all that Aht brings to the team.

WGS is better than anything Aht does, ever. It is better than anything ANY PC does, ever (in this game I mean). If he had it the whole game, or even half the game, we'd be talking Nina4/Ursula randomsweeping absurdity here. One-rounding all mobile enemies off 2-3 actions (and even softening the immobile ones!) is that good.

He doesn't have much else. However! When the best team is S/R/M, I nod to the fact that there is a point in the game where Gafka, even if you haven't used him before or gotten any of his other skills, is -clearly- the optimum party choice. This never applies to Aht. Unfortunately for all but the best PCs, "I do a bunch of things decently" is not as good as "I do one thing really, really well" in a game like this. WGS, unlike most sidequest skills, is also really thrown in your face, IIRC.

I'm not really interested in a Gafka/Aht debate past that. I will freely acknowledge that if you're looking for someone you can use all game in your fixed party, Aht is a better choice than Gafka. But until you convince me that Aht > Raynie or Aht > Marco, we're stuck with a situation where Gafka is more useful in my eyes (and you should have little trouble seeing why even if you don't agree). So let's focus on those arguments.

To be fair, Marco's in most parties because he goes well with anything, with pushing skills, not awful durability and speed, and Trans-Turn.

Which is why he's the best. He steals everyone else's best attributes (which notably means all of Stocke's since he's forced) and has a few of his own (grapple, def/mag buffs... healing I guess!). It's like Gogo if Gogo had effectively great stats (since he can dump offence and not suffer) instead of game-worst. Even if there were some overcentralisingly good PC otherwise that would make Marco only a bit behind, since the optimum team would now be Stocke/Marco/Citan Uzuki or whatever (with a big gap between Marco and #3). Since there isn't, he's the man.

Whew, kept this post under 10k at least. <_<

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2234 on: September 17, 2011, 10:19:36 PM »
Sengoku Basara 3: "Hmm...I feel like there's this game I bought...that isn't a MUA game...that I haven't finished...what game was that?

...oh, right, lets fuck with Japanese History: The Musou Game!"

Anyway, finally finished Ieyasu' story after putting the game off for...reasons not completely related to the game.  Probably doing Date Masamune's next.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2235 on: September 18, 2011, 03:37:40 AM »
I'll start with WGAYP first.

Infinite Undiscovery: Finished Castle Valette.
That was a lot easier than in a "non solo" "non hard mode" "non 15 healing items max run"... Probably because I did the shop upgrade quests this time, and probably because Capell has a lot more levels.
I'm going to roll all over the final boss tomorrow. Just you wait.


You get quite a few in chests actually. Quick glance through a FAQ... yeah, Spd+3, Spd+5, Spd+8, Spd+10... scattered throughout the game. They all looked "on route", nothing sidequesty.

(I will add that I didn't find speed as valuable as you, but I don't want to say anything definitive without more testing. If you say Aht's speed is that good, then to me it suffices to show that other PCs can match her if she's playing catch-up on HP.)

Everybody wants these speed accessories though, and the best ones are very lategame. The best storebought ones are only Spd + 5.

*shrug* Stocke is forced, which already covers your thieving duties most of the time. (I don't steal that much. Something to keep in mind when I say I didn't have money trouble... if there are lots of goodies from stealing that I missed, it must be even easier to afford good healing.) If you want a second thief, you have three choices - Marco, Aht, or Eruca. This doesn't seem like it's scoring any of them many points, seeing as there are three candidates for the role and it's not a great role to start with.

Any thief will get you some points (not too many, but it adds up), because less thiefs means wasting tons of turns in those boss battles if you want to get those items.

1. This is pretty valid. Of course, Marco doesn't need durability (Gaia/Madre Blade) or offence (Trans-Turn). He can probably afford, say, two Sky Drops and the Spd+10 armlet if we're talking endgame.
2. I'm definitely going to reiterate that despite my eschewing of both Polaris (except for an experiment with it where it failed to block status <.<) and statusblockers on 2/3 of my PCs that I barely even noticed enemy status attacks until the final boss (Alistel arc boss has an okay one I guess but he's after Sky Drops anyway, which are chapter 5, actually not that late).
4. Sky Drops cost 4000. This is "might as well be free", way less than most endgame equipment. Most of the rest are even cheaper, if you care.

1 Very lategame, unique, and he doesn't reach Aht's speed. (though close)
2 YMMV then, I don't have excellent memory of who has what, but I've been annoyed by status on a few bosses. (spiders too right?) Paralysis mostly, some poison, fear.
3 Only +2 to status resistance though, which sounds pretty low.

Nah. I am comparing Aht to the Stocke/Marco/Raynie team at all times, except for "holy crap Gafka demolishes randoms with WGS even if underlevelled". If they happen to usually be the best options available then they're better PCs. If not I don't understand what you're getting at.

I'm saying that it's a brutally unfair way of seeing things since you're comparing her to everybody else at once, and I'm using Stocke as an example as he's worse than either Raynie + Marco at everything.

I'll use your method with a simpler easier example:
Let's take a standard FF1 party of Knight/Monk/Black mage / White mage.
Let's consider Red mage compared to this team. Red Mage's physicals are worse than Knight's, he's worse at using black magic than Black Mage, and worse at using white magic than White mage. Wow, the only thing he has is a very small durability advantage over the mages, but you don't get hit often if you're the 4th in battle anyway.
So basically red mage is worthless, 1/10

This is proof by contradiction, since RM is awesome. Instead; you should compare what he brings to the table to each character individually, not to the whole team at once.

Regenerate heals 40 HP per turn (for 6 turns, quite a good duration actually). This is enough to close the gap between 90/100 and 150 which you are so fond of (okay, there's still a tiny difference. This is more than made up for extra HP regen offers on turns where you don't need to MT heal but do have some residual missing HP). Basically it makes all your healing 40 points better (unless you're using multiple MT healing moves a round which is grossly inefficient), than heals an extra 40 to everyone who ISN'T healed, each round.

Enemies don't always use the same move, they don't always hit you with a 150 MT move all the time. They might hit one character for 250 damage, try status... They might also get a doubleturn. 40 HP healing every round is just inadequate in that context and just wasting precious Raynie turns.

"Using multiple MT healing moves a round is grossly inefficient"
Using an expensive 1500$ healing item (because that's the only other alternative) in one turn instead of casting healing spells in two turns is grossly inefficient, especially if your team is fast, and especially if you have to do it often.

The problem is that the limiting factor on Aht damage isn't the number of panels she can trap or the number of turns she can get, it's the turns everyone ELSE gets to gather enemies and push them onto traps. Pushing things onto two star traps is just overkill, most will die to one. If this were a game like FFX with lots of big tough randoms star traps would be uber, but randoms instead look like "here are 4-6 enemies who are 2HKOed at best, just have enough HP to deal with weak MT options".
This is only true at the beginning of the game, not in the endgame where those traps become available. Hell, even my overlevelled aftergame Aht can't kill some of those robots in the final dungeon, with only one Volt Star Trap panel.

- Wind God Strike actually works well with traps. You CAN target the center... But you can also target one of the 3 of the squares surrounding the center and have Stocke push enemies into it in a single round.

Still, it doesn't matter. Both strategies murder everything mobile in a single round (WGS->Air Assault->G-spell is so gross, like 600-700 damage or something even before the fourth attack; randoms don't have that much HP typically). The biggest threat to any Gafka-centred endgame sweeping team is immobile enemies, and Raynie is much better at picking them off than Aht is.
It matters because it makes Aht about as viable as Raynie about dealing damage after WGS becomes available, when you implied that it made her worthless.
If you're using Gafka there shouldn't be a lot of remaining immobile enemies after your initial combo (or else Gafka's probably not the best option)

In the first thaumachine fight, the real threat is the exploding guys who you can't trap. By the time you fight Thaumachines again (or Granorg armour dude), Raynie should have G-Thunder.
You do kind of want to beat the boss fast as he keeps summoning the exploding things until he dies. (Thankfully Rosch is awesome for this, and it's the only moment in the game where he shines)

- We're not FAQing the game. We're real men (and women)

If we're not, then I start peppering any lategame Aht notes with "if you actually find her optional skills". Did I mention Marco/Raynie aren't reliant on optional skills to be badass?
Not that hard to find, while knowing what bosses you're going to find requires you to be a psychic. But that's a point.

I'm not really interested in a Gafka/Aht debate past that. I will freely acknowledge that if you're looking for someone you can use all game in your fixed party, Aht is a better choice than Gafka. But until you convince me that Aht > Raynie or Aht > Marco, we're stuck with a situation where Gafka is more useful in my eyes (and you should have little trouble seeing why even if you don't agree). So let's focus on those arguments.

As far as I'm concerned, Aht's way better than Raynie because the damage they deal is very comparable (Aht's usually better but unpushable enemies give Raynie the edge) and Aht brings a whole lot of other useful things to the table (Being the gamebest healer, Polaris, saving money, etc) while Raynie has basically nothing but damage.
This is like Pent vs Karel in FE7, Karel has better stats but Pent has so many other things going for him that he's better. (even if you can use elixirs instead of staves to heal!)
Using your method I should put Raynie below Gafka but honestly this doesn't work well with me.

To be fair, Marco's in most parties because he goes well with anything, with pushing skills, not awful durability and speed, and Trans-Turn.

Which is why he's the best. He steals everyone else's best attributes (which notably means all of Stocke's since he's forced) and has a few of his own (grapple, def/mag buffs... healing I guess!). It's like Gogo if Gogo had effectively great stats (since he can dump offence and not suffer) instead of game-worst. Even if there were some overcentralisingly good PC otherwise that would make Marco only a bit behind, since the optimum team would now be Stocke/Marco/Citan Uzuki or whatever (with a big gap between Marco and #3). Since there isn't, he's the man.

What's weird with this is that you're focusing completely on Stocke/Marco/Raynie. Marco being good with other characters shouldn't matter at all, but you mention him being in everybody's best party as the proof makes him good.
(And I'm assuming you're using Gafka with Raynie and not Marco, right?)
That aside, the argument works yeah. (Though as far as I'm concerned, that overcentralisingly good PC exists and is called Aht)
« Last Edit: September 18, 2011, 03:41:34 AM by Fenrir »

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2236 on: September 18, 2011, 10:07:27 AM »
What games are you debating, 2011.

Any thief will get you some points (not too many, but it adds up), because less thiefs means wasting tons of turns in those boss battles if you want to get those items.

What? Two PCs should be more than enough to steal (heck, one is). If you're devoting all three turns a round to stealing you're seriously dragging out a boss fight and the steal rate is probably too stupidly low to be worth it. That is like FF9 steal (which is terrible). I actually thought RH stealing was quite a bit better, maybe I got lucky.

Come to think of it, Aht's horrid steal damage means you're dragging out battles more just by using her for it instead of Stocke/Trans-Turn to Stocke.

Only +2 to status resistance though, which sounds pretty low.

33% resistance, two of them is 66%.

(re the spiders, I don't believe the first has any status. Second and third have poizn, which Regen kinda makes a mockery of anyway.

This is proof by contradiction, since RM is awesome.

If by "awesome" you mean "most likely the second best class, but a distant second". If you didn't mean that, maybe you just like red mages more than most!

Anyway, I'm not comparing Aht to individuals like that, but rather the Stocke/Raynie/Marco party and arguing she doesn't force either of them out. It was a pretty broad deconstruction of why I don't think Aht really threatens to be in the best party. I'm quite happy to focus on the one-on-one comparisons though.

Enemies don't always use the same move, they don't always hit you with a 150 MT move all the time. They might hit one character for 250 damage, try status

And in both those situations you just mentioned, Regen is piling up a little healing if you weren't yet at full (and we certainly won't always be at full). If you're using a turn on ST healing, then Regen might (gasp) save you money because Super Heal is so late, and regen might let you use G-Heal when 150 isn't enough but 190 is (also Trans-Turn can make that 230 unless the person who needs healing is Marco!). It can similarly let you use the 200 healing item instead of the 500 in some cases. Obviously I'm not going to hype this personally, but since you were apparently short on cash...

Using an expensive 1500$ healing item (because that's the only other alternative) in one turn instead of casting healing spells in two turns is grossly inefficient

No, taking one turn to heal instead of two is more efficient and you should do it unless the fight is easy anyway (at which point we don't care what we do except possibly for save time). "$1500 for an extra turn" is awesome in a tough fight and an excellent use of your money. Can you imagine an item that acted as FF Quick for $1500? Broken. But using Healing Fruits in a situation that calls for them is exactly that good (just you can't benefit from this as often). I'm utterly baffled that you think otherwise.

As far as I'm concerned, Aht's way better than Raynie because the damage they deal is very comparable (Aht's usually better but unpushable enemies give Raynie the edge) and Aht brings a whole lot of other useful things to the table (Being the gamebest healer, Polaris, saving money, etc) while Raynie has basically nothing but damage.

Raynie doesn't force you to take a turn to push enemies into her damage. If you have four turns to start the battle, Raynie will be able to hit 4 enemies (probably; depends on formation). Aht will be able to only hit 3, and that's assuming you twink Stocke/Marco to be faster than her (or she has a useful Push Assault, which she doesn't even learn until chapter 5ish). Even if there are only 3 enemies, the extra turn is still costly, since with that extra turn Stocke could be using Air Assault to up the big Raynie blast by 45% (which doesn't quite match trap damage, but it's close). This is a pretty darned big difference, especially given how situational Aht's raw damage edge is (nulled by immobile enemies, missing star traps, or the point in the game between G-spells and Star Traps).

None of Aht's other advantages amount to much of anything. Polaris' value is questionable (I certainly found Regenerate much better, bosses use damage way more than status). Saving money is moot because you have enough anyway, you'll at worst just be a few points short on def compared to Aht's team due to neglecting armour a bit (which... has Aht, and thus has a much lower def value to start with). And anyway, without Regen, Area G-Heal is only 10-20 points better than other healing + Regen unless you're using it twice for some (inefficient!) reason.

It gets even worse if my suspicions are right and RH speed is notably worse than you're hyping. Then we don't even care about matching Aht's speed while Aht's accessory slots are weighed down matching Raynie's HP. Actually, honestly, I suspect the best accessory strategy is to jack up your cannon's damage, anyway.


What's weird with this is that you're focusing completely on Stocke/Marco/Raynie. Marco being good with other characters shouldn't matter at all, but you mention him being in everybody's best party as the proof makes him good.

Well, think of it this way. I think Raynie is better than Aht, you think Aht is better than Raynie. Let's assume for a moment that the truth is that they're exactly equal! Then the best party is (Stocke [forced], Marco, 50% Aht, 50% Raynie). At this point Marco is obviously better than either girl (feels wrong to call Raynie a "girl", but canon RH ages are stupid). The situation remains the same if the two are merely close.

Now, you're right, of course: if S/R/M (or S/A/M) is the obvious best party then Marco's advantages over other PCs decrease. Note that when I first threw out an inequality I said I couldn't rank the top three, due to my firm belief in this party! However, watching arguments made by people who believe such earth-shattering beliefs as Aht > Raynie made me realise that Marco would be more overall useful since he's going to be in the "best" party almost regardless of playstyle and how other debates turn out.

(And I'm assuming you're using Gafka with Raynie and not Marco, right?)


Using your method I should put Raynie below Gafka but honestly this doesn't work well with me.

Nah, not necessarily. Remember that Raynie is around and kicking ass (great PC for a while after she gets that first +mag spear, even) before Aht joins. You might choose to argue this is worth more than Gafka's lategame dominance even if you think that Raynie deserves the bench as soon as Aht joins. Maybe.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2237 on: September 19, 2011, 01:42:54 AM »
Deus Ex:  So apparently there's a lot of cardboard boxes in the future.

Going for a pacifistic, semi-sneaky playstyle.  I'm skipping hacking because my kid's going that route on his file.  But the game seems to expect you to hack way too much.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2238 on: September 19, 2011, 04:47:29 AM »

Infinite Undiscovery Hard mode solo: Finished (Circle strafe the first bosses of the Underwater Palace, Regeinlief the last ones. Win), started the Seraphic Gate.

Turns out that going solo into a postgame dungeon on hard mode with no prior experience turns out to be difficult. Who would have thought?
By the way, this is the laziest Seraphic Gate ever. Wow. You know palette swap enemies? How about palette swap dungeons too? PALETTE SWAP EVERYTHING. (This is still fun)

Physical attacks are useless by that point, I started spamming Grinn Valesti -> Eternal Refrain. The first floor was crazy hard, and I had to hug the wall and use Giant Sword of Doom Regeinlief to beat the lame ogre boss after a few tries.
Utterly lost in the desert, I ran into SPOILER, and completely butchered him because this is a forced solo battle and I've been playing solo for the entire game. This is like soloing FE9 then running into the dark knight. Anyway, he came with absolutely ridiculous equipment and I stole all of it.
Now everything in the SG dies in 1-3 hits, I'm way more durable, I've explored the Port Zala part of it and I'm level 97.

At that point I found the best strategy in the game. Get ready for it. Allright.
You long press A to use Grinn Valesti. Then you long press B to chain Grinn Valesti into another Grinn Valesti. You wait one second and start again.


I'm ready to drop it now since we're getting sidetracked, haven't really played the game enough to go too in depth, and we're in that "well, we're just playing differently. my way of playing is better" phase. (I'm more of a "Don't make sacrifices if you don't have to and are still winning easily and handily" guy)
This was fun (Marco is better than I thought, Aht is still best obviously)

Zidane is horrible at stealing, the worst thief in the world, but the things you can steal in FF9 are just really shiny. Not Chrono Trigger Panel shiny, but still.
There are some RH bosses (Including one of the Dias battles where you fight 2 uber knights and two beasts) where I wanted to steal items, and actually had to not use Stocke's turns at all because he was doing too much damage to the boss compared to Aht. I guess you wouldn't do that, but the item was good!

Fighter's obviously the best in FF1 yeah, something like F/F/F/RM or F/F/RM/RM being the best team.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2239 on: September 19, 2011, 04:52:23 AM »
Yeah fair enough. That was good fun.

Now I can probably concentrate my WGAYP in catching up with my XF challenge log; I'm up to 4-4 now but have no updates since the end of Chapter 2, shame on me.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2240 on: September 19, 2011, 04:59:57 AM »
Disgaea 4: Beat the main game today, gonna plug away at the aftergame but with Tales of Xillia in the mail since last week, I probably won't be focusing on just that.

This game's probably my favorite Disgaea. The writing was a nice rebound after how bad 3's was, the gameplay mechanics saw a nice number of improvements[monsters don't suck anymore! damage projections! Cam-pain stuff!], the cast was good, the graphics actually look like something resembling a PS3 game, and the music was good. The serious plot was kinda eh, mostly hurt by the actual villain being kinda lame. But that doesn't matter, because this game has a lot of great comedy moments[C6 in general, that one scene in C9, etc; etc;]. Solid 9/10 for me, maybe 9.5? Not 100% sure, but I enjoyed it a lot and didn't really feel like playing anything else the whole time.

<@SageAcrin> Where you realize that, when you think about everything that's said about this person...
<@SageAcrin> It adds up to one thing.
<+Ranmilia> MEGA MAN PLOT


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2241 on: September 19, 2011, 04:20:41 PM »
Bastion:  Fun little ARPG.  Definitely absorbed me for a day then I beat it, then started NG+ immediately then realized I was being irresponsible with time.  My only complaint is that the game early on emphasizes finding a weapon synergy that fits your play style, then in the last few maps goes "Whoops nevermind" and forces you to use the big smashy cannon or the other big smashy cannon to deal with some enemies (unless you're playing without handicaps, in which case the game is too easy to care anyway).  My combo of Machete + Musket was great for dealing with most situations except for those giant eyeball spawning things wherein it became useless.  To be fair I didn't toy around with any of the other combinations that might have worked (Hammer + Rifle? Hammer+Repeater? I don't know how good the Hammer is for dealing with enemy regen on hard mode though, even with both damage upgrades) before going for the big guns, so maybe this isn't as big of a flaw as I felt, but it was pretty disappointing.  Also, for a game that emphasized weapon synergy that much I think it would have been neat to have more Armories scattered within levels. 

Still, aside from that it was a pretty good game.  Did a pretty good job of using the narrator to tell the story throughout the game, and though there were no cutscenes pretty much at all I was pretty well absorbed.  Apparently there's some new content in NG+ so I'll probably at least do one last run through.  Yeah.  I'd recommend it for 15 bucks, and definitely recommend it when it goes on sale during the next Steam "Buy tons of games you'll probably never play" sale.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2242 on: September 19, 2011, 09:32:20 PM »
Also finished Disgaea 4. Final boss was pretty meh. Could've been a terror if he'd decided to spam his one tech (it overkilled Val the one time he used it), but instead he spent most of the fight chasing around my star mage and failing to kill her with standard physicals. Wonder if he's scripted to only use techs when he can hit a crowd or something.

Anyway, good game. Largely seconding Xer, with more disdain for the plot--any story outside of "Val takes over the Netherworld" dives headlong into wallbanger territory even by Disgaea standards. Valvatorez is pretty easily the most entertaining main the series has had, which lets the game coast through some of it, but after the last couple chapters of "Humans are irredeemable jerkasses," ad nauseum I just wanted to punch some N1 writer in the face. Game was much more endearing in the first portion, villain is an emo wanker who seriously sounds engaged in a life or death struggle with constipation anytime the emo overtakes him.

But whatever, it's Disgaea, you play it for the cast and for griiiind. And the cast is pretty fun, primarily Val and Fenrich. Val'd get boring pretty quick if SARDINES was his only gag, but he's deadly serious about everything--even when he shouldn't be, and when everyone else realizes something's crazy--and the voice actor really nails just the right amount of melodrama (AXEEEEELLLLLLL!) All in all, it's a pretty satisfying step up after the mediocrity of Disgaea 3. Not likely to convert anyone who wasn't already a fan of the series formula, but I was in the mood for some mindless SRPG smash and this amply filled the bill. Geopanel setups are largely still BS, but I admit to getting a laugh at how appropriate the C6 themes were to the plot of that chapter. Plot/gameplay fusion! In Disgaea!

Desco for MVP, incidentally.

Postgame can wait for a while since I think Lonesome Road comes out this week (unless it got delayed again and no one told me), though I started a new cycle out of curiosity class unlocks with 10,000 mana? What.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2243 on: September 20, 2011, 02:26:01 AM »
Buying a 150 euros new PS3 from a friend. Life is beautiful.
I canceled my 360 Dark Souls preorder to get the PS3 version. Take that, Xbox live and your crappy way of subscribing.

Strange Journey: Beat Horkos. Love how the guy summons pigs in battle to eat them the next turn.
The game is such a guilt trip all the way through. The story writer must have been depressed.

Infinite Undiscovery: Got a holy grail.
Some of those achievements are really going to take a long time. Not as long as GET EVERY ITEM IN THE GAME, but still. Get 99 999 999 fol? Ugh.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2244 on: September 20, 2011, 03:54:47 AM »
Just started Wild Arms XF. Only three battles in, counting the prologue, so there's not much to stay, except that Tony's facial expressions are freaking awesome.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2245 on: September 20, 2011, 03:55:52 AM »
Time for the recap of chapter 3 of XF-fiesta I suppose~ (Fantastica/Excavator/Berserker so far).

oh boy easy part of the game

3-1-A (Zortroa on the river): Combination Arts are kinda boring sometimes, y'know? The monsters here have quirks and I mostly just ignore them. Of course, my damage isn't exactly impressive, but nor is enemy offence here so amazing that I can't get things done. HP Down, Mag Down (just don't use that character as a finisher), and poison exist here but none of that is too bad.

3-1-B (Forsaken Mutants): Jerks. Pretty good stats and they have that healing thing going, Feeble Mind + Switch is a good way to eliminate them but Misery makes this a bit harder. Still nothing too bad.

Storebought +3 equips!

3-2-A (Clarissa/Alexia map #2): Easy. Lots of flat areas for Alexia to do Rush Charging Thrust tricks.

3-2-B (Chelle 2 and the myconids): Lots and lots of enemies here. Same strategies as usual (Rush Charging Thrust and lots of combination arts) deals with things. Confuse is kinda scary but nothing too horrible. Slow on the bosses, CA them to death.

3-3-A (Chelle 3 and infinite CSP): Potential Eggs for everyone. Slow then CA the kappas to death. Repeat for Chelle. Lots of CSP yay! Felius gets Vailant here which is pretty cool.

3-3-B (Weisheit 1): Can't lose this one!

3-4 (Guardian shrine - outside): Why does the game seem to love pairing things Fantasticas and Sentinels? AUTOCRIT BUFF ON CLASS THAT CAN'T CRIT yesz.

3-5-A (inside): Aw yeah it's another 4x weight device and again they gave the enemies super-high VP to be funny. Enough trolling, game. This is the toughest map in the chapter so far; enemies have quite good damage and there are a fair number of them. No special strategies though, just a matter of making sure the hard-hitting sentinels and elementalists don't destroy me and respecting Grapplers' abilities to get turns.

3-5-B (Katrina 1): aw yeah I can do this one legally. Not much to say here; the demons are solid individually but do a poor job of swarming me and the terrain works to my favour with its flatness and my range.

3-6 (Samille, El Jackson, and Shut Out) [1 reset]: Tough one, kinda surprised I beat it first try. No dispelling the wall, so all I can do is throw things over it. Berserker is pretty useless here (I keep Alexia in it for CSP though). Feeble Mind is the power move here to control the elementalists and I watch to make sure I don't carelessly move into range of several at once. Just careful positioning really. Some of them have MP regen (fortunately El Jackson isn't one) so those I try to blitz with CAs instead. Switch can finish off the MP-killed.

New jobs! Emulator. Well, goodbye game, it was fun. Like last playthrough, I won't be using randoms to get them skills because the class is already stupid enough without that.

3-7 (Samille and El Jackson 3): Not too bad, CAs get around most of the defensive tricks. Some nice damage here and I do lose a PC but easier than the last fight, which feels unusual.

3-8 (evil Royal Knights): Emulator doesn't really offer much yet, but this fight is still very easy. CAs for everyone. I have two different PCs in emulator than the previous battle.

Storebought +4 equips!

3-9 (nightstalkers with status): I get so lucky with enemy status rates here, which helps a good deal! Anyway I want to learn some Emulator goodies for people so everyone does some downloading; I focus on getting everyone petrify, and 2-3 PCs misery and sleep. Poison and disease I don't care about. Before I can do this, Feeble Mind spam eliminates the main threat of the Nightstalkers, though their physicals aren't awful or anything. Slow Down helps as well since I'm dragging things out. The royal knights themselves... better than last fight and I lose a PC or two. Plenty of Revive Fruits in this battle but I win.

From here on I mainly use Clarissa and Levin as Emulators, Labby as an Excavator (to neutralise the slightly problematic speed), Ragnar as Fantastica, and Felius/Alexia as berserkers. Everyone has Fantastica OC, Emulator OC, and Arts Support ('cept Alexia for the last); non-berserkers have Excavator EQ. Other fillerish skills vary.

3-10 (Asgard returns): Grab Electrigger for everyone and Dangerous Matter for some. Undead get petrified and shattered, great times. Asgard gets hit with Misery and Slow and blitzed with Electrigger, though predictably he does take some people out with Barrier Fist anyway since I can't really control that.

3-11-A (jelly blobs): Stall point since I need some way to get around, so Extremist for all (I don't use Alexia so she'll pick up more valuable Berserker CSP; must get Valiant... ) Petrify and hit with slingshot.

3-11-B (Weisheit duel): aw yeah gravity boss even better idea when Felius has Valiant.

3-11-C (Weisheit 3): Well he actually tries now, and does manage to kill someone (or was it two someones?), but between slow and an opening volley of gravity he's not too bad at least.

3-12-A (Asgard's last stand): Misery, Slow, Electrigger to death.

3-12-B (more Asgards): More Electrigger. It's not that scary off non-Emulators (still my best damage) but it gets the job done.

3-13-A (rewind~) [1 reset]: Tricky little fight, but Levin in Excavator can make it there in time with others to run interference for him. All those robots!

3-13-B (Weisheit 4): Ow, this is hard. Electrigger kills the robots just fine, but Weisheit himself is really good on this map. Slow helps, but he's very durable (immune to gravity this time) so CAs are really all I can do, and his turns break that up nicely. He does a pretty good job of gutting my party and eats through my limited revival and eventually it comes down to me delivering one final 40-damage Electrigger with my final PC while he has a Rank of Death targetted on her. Haha.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2246 on: September 20, 2011, 04:24:33 AM »
WH40k: Space Marine just revolutionized the action genre. Rather than hiding behind cover and waiting to heal, you heal by sawing someone in half with your chainsaw sword.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2247 on: September 20, 2011, 10:45:28 AM »
Radiant Historia Get! Awww yeah. That was fast!

(... it was there in the post this morning but as luck would also have it I have to go out/am having a long day out, typical >_>)
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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2248 on: September 21, 2011, 01:02:15 AM »
Replaying FFX to try and understand why people actually like it. (By which I mean "reviewing it with notes from a friend who says it's one of his favourite games ever".) It says a lot about the game that I've spent as much time Blitzballing since it was unlocked as I have carrying on with plot. Just got past Operation Mi'ihen and.. it's better than I remembered, but still not amazing. The gameplay is still either stupidly slow or stupidly unbalanced, depending on which one you choose. (Either you switch in every character in the majority of battles and each battle takes several minutes just to do three attacks, or you don't and get screwed over when you're limited to specific parties/weaknesses.) The voice-acting was one of the things hyped by the person I got opinions from, which I find hilarious, since the voice-acting in this game is worse than pretty much anything else I've heard that isn't the opening hour of Grandia II. (For reference, I've just played DDS2 which, in comparison, is one of the greatest sources of voice-acting ever, although I'm not sure if that says something bad about FFX, good about DDS2, or both.)
Thankfully, I'm finding the pacing of the game is still one of the best I've seen in any RPG. Each section flows nicely into the next, in such a way that there's a good deal of gameplay but it doesn't become repetitive or drag on for too long. Gameplay-focused RPG fans should almost certainly love this game, but I'm still not understanding why anyone who plays for story or characterisation would think it's a good game. The characters are beyond ridiculous - a replay is reminding me that the only characters I like are the well-played comic relief, the over-the-top badass and a couple of mostly unimportant characters. I did, at least, start to like Seymour a little more, but I'm sure that'll be destroyed when he actually becomes a villain. >.> (That said, totally forgot about the whole "Pretend you didn't see it!" conversation re: Operation Mi'ihen.) The plot, on the other hand, is just dumb. Everyone just casually accepts Tidus' "I'm from Zanarkand!" thing - regardless of wanting it to be true because of Chappu, Wakka has literally no genuine reason for believing Tidus but still does. Obviously Yuna is relying on Jecht's stories, so that's fair enough, but everyone else.. uhh..  Also, given how religious Wakka apparently is, shouldn't he absolutely hate Tidus upon meeting based upon what he presumed was a joke about being from Zanarkand? >.> Rikku even warns him about that, and Wakka's exactly the sort of person that warning should apply to.

Anyways, I'm still enjoying the game more than I initially did, I think, but I absolutely do not understand how it's considered one of the best FFs ever, let alone RPGs on the whole. I think it's a kinda average game with a lot of flaws - mostly good gameplay elements but mostly bad storyline elements.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2249 on: September 21, 2011, 01:13:17 AM »
Er, most people don't accept Tidus' "I'm from Zanarkand", instead assuming he's suffering from Sin-toxin-related amnesia. (Even Wakka, who clearly -wants- to believe Tidus, seems to harbour this, when he lures Tidus to Luca with "maybe you'll see someone who recognises you"). They may humour him out of pity, but they clearly don't believe him.

Otherwise most of your plot things are just opinions ("ridiculous characters", etc.) which you're entitled to but you should hardly be shocked when others don't share them. Personally I think the FFX cast is waaaay more fleshed-out and human than most RPG casts, and has little trouble demolishing any previous FF game in this department besides 7.

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