Author Topic: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)  (Read 267310 times)

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2300 on: September 23, 2011, 11:27:49 PM »
FFVIII's writers didn't care about anyone but Squall and Rinoa.  If you believe entries on Wikia, the design documents talk about how they were worried other characters would "distract" from the two of them so they downplayed them/made them comic relief (which is to say, characters we hate more). Because you see, they were so sure they had a sure-fire hit everyone would adore with Squall.

This is how dumb FFVIII's writing staff was.  Not only in specific (Squall is a little bitch) but in general- you can't assume you've written this one single character who is so great that absolutely nobody will not be enamored with them.  It's the same mistake a lot of retarded anime garbage makes, and I guess it probably flies in Japan better than elsewhere, but it's still dumb.

This is why Disc 3 is about nothing but saving Rinoa-  the writers only cared about anything as it related to the two of them.  Nothing else has intrinsic importance at all.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2011, 12:05:17 AM by OblivionKnight »


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2301 on: September 23, 2011, 11:56:50 PM »
So if that really was the mind set, rather than giving us characters who could help the relationship along, either by giving us parallel scenarios, foil situations, etc., they just said "ok, here's 4 character who exist purely for gameplay, now EMBRACE THE AWESOME LOVE STORY!"

...seriously, what the hell?  I pray that's not actually what happened, and it was more just multiple brainfarts in execution, cause how could someone actually believe that a love story only works with 2 characters and a bunch of comic relief characters?
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[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2302 on: September 24, 2011, 03:16:55 AM »
They were concerned the player would get "distracted."  Like they would detract from this amazing, perfect character they had created and the hole he wants to put his dick in.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2303 on: September 24, 2011, 04:42:01 AM »
SaGa Frontier 2 replay - going through this.  I'm following Zack Keene's Odds and Ends FAQ for the timeline, so I just finished the first At The Mines, and the chart so far looks like this:
(1220) - Gustave Born
(1227) - Gustave Exiled
(1227) - Departure From Homeland
(1232) - Gustave 12 Years Old
(1233) - Gustave and the Blacksmiths
(1235) - Gustave 15 Years Old
(1235) - Wil's Departure
(1236) - Desert Megalith
(1236) - Reunion
(1238) - Infiltrate! Alexei Gang
(1239) - Shodown! Alexei
(1239) - Mother's Sickbed
(1240) - Conquest of Wide
(1242) - Gustave and the Pirates
*(1244) - At the Mines*
(1245) - Father's Sudden Death
(1246) - Beyond Grand Valley
(1247) - Tycoon Wil
(1247) - Landing
(1248) - Battle of Buckethill
(1248) - Gustave's Reunion

Everyone is overpowered as hell, Cordelia cleaves faces in with Cannonball + Spear -> Wide Swing.  Narcisse and Wil have a focus on Spell Artes, and Tyler held on to some steel things for a while, but I switched back when I remembered how much I liked Hybrid Artes.


WoW - Brewfest time.  Is fun.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2304 on: September 24, 2011, 05:28:10 AM »

Up to the Milkman Conspiracy.
At first I was quite liking the game; even though it's 90% 3D platforming collectathon just like every other 3D platforming collectathon (and that's not a great formula to begin with) there was something that I found appealing.  I'm starting to actively dislike this game now, though.  I've used FAQs a few times now, because I didn't want to go through the BS of "figure out the random thing you're supposed to punch".  The game has actually crashed on me.  I've had a door glitch in such a way that I couldn't figure out how to fix it, and just jumped off the edge a couple times so that I'd get kicked out of the level.  Speaking of which, lives, they're a resource in the game, and they feel antequated; maybe I should be resetting after any death--number of lives is the one part of my durability I can't just heal back.  Not to mention, a lives system that matters and where your life total can stick with you in a game with dumb deaths (like rolling off a cliff accidentally).


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2305 on: September 24, 2011, 05:33:24 AM »
Persona 2 IS - Picked this up earlier then I thought I'd be able to. Putzing around in Zodiac now, just spread the rumor about the second floor so this should be fun.

What will also be fun is the 2 Luck Sources and 2 Vitality Sources I got from the casino. Less then an hour in there, I happen upon a 100K reward from the slots~
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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2306 on: September 24, 2011, 07:47:09 PM »
While we're at it (and since Yoshi brought it up) I wouldn't say FF5 is much up to snuff when it comes to character work either. Only Galuf, Gilgamesh and Ghido (and this coming from the Advanced version) really stand out at all I think~
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Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2307 on: September 24, 2011, 08:55:40 PM »
While we're at it (and since Yoshi brought it up) I wouldn't say FF5 is much up to snuff when it comes to character work either. Only Galuf, Gilgamesh and Ghido (and this coming from the Advanced version) really stand out at all I think~

The retranslation, to me, always smacked of trying to give characters to a game that had almost none.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2308 on: September 24, 2011, 10:06:31 PM »
Everyone is overpowered as hell, Cordelia cleaves faces in with Cannonball + Spear -> Wide Swing.  Narcisse and Wil have a focus on Spell Artes, and Tyler held on to some steel things for a while, but I switched back when I remembered how much I liked Hybrid Artes.

Oh? Then shouldn't you be trying to enter Duel in every fight possible and have Cody pasting everything dead with Jewel Strike?

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2309 on: September 25, 2011, 03:15:49 AM »
Oh? Then shouldn't you be trying to enter Duel in every fight possible and have Cody pasting everything dead with Jewel Strike?

Team battle is used more often early on just so multiple people can get stat-ups, rather than just one.

Also, on a strange note, the combo to Jewel Strike is Stone-Water-Backslash-Backslash.  The combo to Water Hammer and Lawnmower is Stone-Water then Backslash-Backslash.  Take a guess at which she likes using more.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2310 on: September 26, 2011, 12:20:00 AM »
Yuna is good
Disagree. She's pretty much the pinnacle of incompetent female characters. People argue she's strong, but her entire strength comes from her willingness to sacrifice herself to defeat Sin. As an actual character, she's 100% reliant on everyone else, doesn't ever make a decision by herself over the course of the game, and ends up being hyped as a strong character based on one action that, in the general scheme of things, is more likely to just be an out-of-character plot device.
Tidus ... grows up and matures over the course of the game, he really develops/grows up/etc a lot so he isn't bad per say.
Majorly disagree. Tidus doesn't grow up, and he doesn't develop. His entire personality remains the same, the only thing that changes is his understanding of the world he's in. (That said, this is one of the things I'm going to seriously reconsider and think on on this playthrough (which has been kinda delayed lately, argh.)
(Kimahri also > Quina)
Also disagree! (Or, more, they're not really comparable since they're very different characters. The relevant comparison to Quina would be, say, Wakka, since they're clearly designed as comic relief and not a whole lot else. (And yes, Wakka is clearly better than Quina, on merit of actually having relevance in plot.))

Steiner is ok but he doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things
Disagree majorly. Steiner's possibly the most developed character in the plot with the exception of Vivi. Steiner and Beatrix's love story is pulled off amazingly, and Steiner's development from blind loyalty to actually following his own thoughts on things while fulfilling his duty is gradual and really well carried out. (Also trusting Tantalus as a part of this, but that's less relevant.) But yeah, Steiner is far and away one of the most developed characters in FFIX.
Eiko is also ok and perhaps the fourth most plot/story relevant /important of the core cast after Vivi, Zidane and Garnet but that might just be CT bias talking  :P
Agree on the last part of that. :P Firstly, Steiner as I said above. Secondly, Eiko doesn't really develop much at all, for all that she has some plot relevance. There is some development, sure, but not a huge amount, and nowhere near as much as Steiner or Freya, IMO. (As it goes, I think Freya/Amarant actually have a fair amount of development - they're weaker than half the cast, but I'd say they're better than Eiko/Quina. I'll go into Amarant's development later in the post.)

I might not particularly like Squall and Rinoa much as many don't but I can acknowledge that they are still the most fleshed out/developed of FFVIII's core cast for whatever that's worth. They are constantly in the limelight, hogging the screentime, they practically always exist and make sure we never forget about it. People actually -care- about them, sure the caring for the most part might be in a negative way of the has people frothing at the mouth in rage variety but the fact that they are able to effect people to such an extent emotionally means that in terms of strong/remarkable characters whom people are actually able to remember probably means they are successful and the best/strongest of FFVIII's core cast in that sense.
Different argument entirely, but yeah, the issue I have with Squall and Rinoa is that their love story isn't really a love story. Squall doesn't gradually grow to like Rinoa, he just completely ignores her until she falls unconscious, at which point he obsesses over her. It.. literally doesn't make sense, and is just bad writing. (The characters I actually like in FF8 are Irvine and Selphie, who are the cocky/hyper characters done well.

At the very least FFX definitely deserves to be above X-2 I think (unless it's a personal choice of battle system >>> all/something like that there~ )
Mostly is, yeah. I can't stand much of FFX's character development anywhere ever, and X-2 at least pulls off half of it relatively well. (General viewpoint on X-2 is that anything in the present is bad, anything in the past is decent.) But yeah, I really love the FFX-2 battle system, and I'm really not a fan of FFX's for the reasons in my original post.

For FF8, what characters do you like? Most of the PCs barely have screentime in the way FF8 is written, and the two characters with all the screentime is Squall and Rinoa. Do you think Irvine is a good character? Why?
I like Irvine and Selphie, and I think the plot had potential, if it had avoided some really dumb moments. Irvine and Selphie strike me as a relationship done right (which is funny, given FF8's main characterisation.) (Idly, I'd compare Lulu/Wakka to Selphie/Irvine, except the latter actually makes sense in terms of character/plot, whereas Lulu/Wakka really really doesn't. Which is funny, since that's something I liked on my first playthrough, but a replay shows it's actually pretty weak.)

FF9 has characters like Eiko and Amarant, who fit into the same complaints you have about Lulu and Kimahri. Eiko is a child who doesn't act anything like a child! And I'm not even sure why Amarant exists in the story other than to be Zidane's shounen rival or something. I also feel like Freya is roughly on terms with Lulu in terms of characterization; someone with a smidgen of plot but not too much depth (also is a grrrl or something). I'm going to put forward the argument that those three characters roughly cancel out Lulu/Kim (I don't really agree with this, I think Amarant is horrible instead of boring, but we'll just say this, also sorry CT for Eiko hate! Oh and Quina is just thrown in the trash.)
Main thing with FFIX is that every character begins as a cliche and ends up being an actual character. Amarant does just start off as the typical rival who is worse in every way and is.. basically a generic Lone Wolf. Ends up actually giving a damn about people, thanks to the scene in Ipsen's Castle. (I'm not really defending Amarant here, there's definitely not a whole lot to go on, but there's still something, which I think is as much character development as Lulu and Kimahri get between them.)

Do you think Vivi is better than Auron? Zidane or Tidus? Garnet or Yuna? Steiner or Wakka?
Vivi. Zidane. Neither. Steiner.
Vivi is possibly my favourite character in any game, except for maybe Kefka. He's got some amazing character development, he's a really likeable character (even people who don't FFIX generally like Vivi, and I can't ever remember hearing of someone who doesn't), and he's generally just one of the most complex and well-written characters in any game. Auron, on the other hand.. he's an interesting enough character, but I don't think there's any development there - it's implied that all of his development came from backstory, but we don't see anywhere near enough of that to make an impact.
Zidane vs. Tidus is solely down to development and likability. Zidane has his moments, but I find he's generally just a cocky, laid-back character, and I always like that type. Tidus is bratty and annoying and I can't think of a moment in FFX where he was speaking and I didn't mind. >.> As for development, Tidus grows to understand a world, as far as I can see it. Zidane actually grows to understand himself instead.
Garnet and Yuna are just the same characters in different circumstances, I think, and I can see how some people would like them, but as I said earlier, I prefer character development over just acceptance of a difficult circumstance. It's one thing to say "This character is strong" and another to say "This character is doing what they feel they have to do." I respect the first one in writing, but not the latter.
Steiner and Wakka are kinda different, kinda similar? But yeah, on the whole, again, I just think Steiner develops more. That said, Wakka is one of the better ones in the FFX cast, and this isn't quite as clear cut as the first two choices here.

I'll reply to the rest later but I'm not really up for discussion today, heh.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2311 on: September 26, 2011, 01:07:43 AM »
Catherine: Started this, played through the second (non-tutorial) nightmare sequence. Started on normal since I start everything on normal but maaaaay wind up restarting since I'm sitting at two retries left after the torture chamber. Not sure of my disposition towards the game given Vincent's options for female companionship seem to be clingy and possessive or freewheeling void of responsibility oh wait she's clingy and possessive too. I dunno, it's early still, hopefully Atlus can give us more than that, and the fact that the attitude about women here being rather regressive will turn out to be more a result of Vincent's POV and Vincent being kind of a dope (it's not like the men come off much better). The game is admirably unsettling, I'll give it that.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2312 on: September 26, 2011, 01:18:38 AM »
Disagree. She's pretty much the pinnacle of incompetent female characters. People argue she's strong, but her entire strength comes from her willingness to sacrifice herself to defeat Sin. As an actual character, she's 100% reliant on everyone else, doesn't ever make a decision by herself over the course of the game, and ends up being hyped as a strong character based on one action that, in the general scheme of things, is more likely to just be an out-of-character plot device.

Okay what. Yuna never makes her own decisions? Did you like, play the game half-asleep or something?

Yuna decides to become a summoner. You can argue given who her father is there's some expectation placed on her, but she could still have abandoned that destiny had she wanted.
Yuna decides to have a crazy blitzball player claiming to be from Zanarkand as one of her Guardians.
Yuna decides entirely how to handle Seymour's proposal, and later to expose him for the murder of his father and to bring justice to him.
Yuna decides to threaten her own suicide to save her friends when they are captured in Bevelle.
Yuna decides to chew out Mika after his big reveal.
Yuna decides to fight against Yunalesca rather than go through with the Final Summoning.

While her decisions are shaped by her interactions with Tidus and Auron, they are very much hers.

You're free not to like its execution but "pinnacle of incompetent female characters"? The FF series alone has produced Rosa and Rinoa who would mock that statement, never mind a gaggle of other terrible RPG love interests (Shana, etc.).

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2313 on: September 26, 2011, 01:27:02 AM »
Steiner's possibly the most developed character in the plot with the exception of Vivi. Steiner and Beatrix's love story is pulled off amazingly, and Steiner's development from blind loyalty to actually following his own thoughts on things while fulfilling his duty is gradual and really well carried out. (Also trusting Tantalus as a part of this, but that's less relevant.) But yeah, Steiner is far and away one of the most developed characters in FFIX.

Name one line Steiner said without looking it up.

I'm not asking for exact specifics-just one line *vaguely*. I'm curious here. Bonus points if it's not comedic relief and/or if it's not involving another character shining notably, just him.

I can recall Zidane's actions-for better or for worse, though I don't hate him as a main. Eiko. Vivi. Beatrix's end of that love story you mentioned, but not his(Or rather, I recall it being generally a vague comedic skit that ran off Beatrix being oblivious and Steiner being unable to talk fast. I suppose that's more remembering uh a skit that could have been done in any number of RPGs with any number of characters.). I recall more of *Amarant's* few lines than I do Steiner's. Freya I barely can recall specifics of but I recall her at least having a plot arc that was strongly and unsharedly her's. And Quina is a blob of mascot memorable blobbyness. But I'll be damned if I can recall a single line Steiner said. His general character, yes. Other people mocking or talking to him, yes. But not him. In four playthroughs.

I'm curious if this is me or not. Hence the question about the lines. Is this actually in the game, or just in your own head?
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 01:28:58 AM by SageAcrin »
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<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2314 on: September 26, 2011, 01:42:26 AM »
I'm gonna question how Selphie/Irvine makes sense while Wakka/Lulu does not.

yes, Lulu was in love with Chappu, but that's part of why she didn't recognize how she felt for Wakka, but regardless, she was very clearly close to both of them (as well as Yuna.)  And the two have spent a good deal of time together AFTER Chappu's death anyway, such as for example, they both were already on a (failed) pilgrimage before that.  Its not something that just sort of sparked mid game, but something that was happening throughout their lives, and Tidus kind of put Lulu on the spot, combined with her seeing Wakka give it his all at the Blitzball tournament.  Its more like she's starting to acknowledge Wakka's finer points and is moving on from her lost loved one in Chappu, and Wakka himself was clearly improving as a person, being less stupid and blind about things.

Selphie and Irvine...where's their interaction?  Yes, they were kids at the orphanage together...which Selphie COMPLETELY FORGOT, and to Irvine, it was more "hey, a kid from my child hood!" and not an actual love interest (contrast this to Wakka and Lulu who have been close their entire lives.  I think the only time they were separated for an extended period of time is implied on Lulu's first Pilgrimage.)  He does a few nice things for her, but them "ending up as a pairing" is kind of just there.

See, with Wakka and Lulu, they have the advantage of obviously a lot of history together, so there's plenty of room to "fill in the gaps" based on your own imagination, the game gives us all we need to believe why they can end up together.  Want more?  Assume its stuff that happened throughout their lives.
Irvine and Selphie DO NOT have this.  There's a good like 10 year gap in their lives where they were separated, and you can't seriously believe Irvine is going to have any attractions towards a girl he knew when he was 7 as he does when he's 17 (especially since Irvine is the token "lecher" of the crew and hits on all woman, so its not like "oh, she's cute!" is going to work either.)  Add in Selphie not even remembering Irvine...and actually ignoring him outright for a good part of Disc 1 (this...isn't so much hate as much as Selphie being absent minded.  He's hitting on her, and she's in her current "TRAINS!!!!" state of blissful oblivion)

I...really don't see how Irvine/Selphie can be considered a 'well done relationship' when there's really so little there.  I mean, the only thing that really hints at this from my recollection are that Irvine goes out of his repair the Quad for Selphie (which felt more like "see, Irvine DOES have redeeming qualities as a person.  He CAN do nice things without being stuck up or having ulterior motives!" more than actually promoting a relationship) and the Ragnarok scene of "...I just got the scary image of Selphie flying this thing yelling 'whee!'" "Yeah, and with Irvine by her side watching intently!" *go up to the bridge, that exact scenario occurs*...which came off more as self aware humor ala the Disgaea scene where Kurtis calls out Gordon doing something ridiculous and Gordon is doing exactly what Kurtis said (only it was, you know, actually FUNNY in Disgaea)

...ok, I suppose there's the ending, but the ending is suppose to be a summation of the characters, kind of.  Without actual growth in either character, Irvine and Selphie being together just comes off as forced, and even then, its more like the two of them are being playful buddies with Quistis, whose the Straight figure in the trio, rather than an actual relationship.

so...yeah, I really have to question how Selphie/Irvine is a well done relationship.
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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2315 on: September 26, 2011, 01:53:18 AM »
Quick response before I actually go back to playing this game, haha.

NEB, as I said, the most relevant decision I could remember, the one to become a summoner, is made before the game begins and is never shown as far as I remember. Whether it's a sense of duty or what would be an out-of-character moment if it were shown is unknown, but given my general memory of the game, I'm leaning towards the latter, whereas I imagine most would go with the former. I've always just seen it as a plot device that the game never really challenged, though. Tidus.. I see that as more personality than strength (and a generic personality at that.) Yuna also decides to have Rikku join her as a Guardian less than 5 minutes after meeting her, and it's almost entirely because Tidus says "She's a good person!" Whether that's a willingness to accept people or a reliance on/trust of Tidus, whatever, it ends up going against Yuna's strength. It's either an unrelated trait or the complete opposite of character strength. Seymour, honestly, I don't remember much of that, but "I'm not trusting this guy who wants to destroy everything" doesn't exactly strike me as a hard choice for any sane person to make. The suicide thing is an obvious bluff and, let's face it, it's not exactly strong to make the noble sacrifice if you know full-well that it's not a sacrifice. That whole scene is essentially "Yuna saves her friends" and nothing more. It's not threatening to anyone, it's not any strength on her part, it's just an escape to the situation. (And one that doesn't work particularly well in the long-run, might I add.)
With Mika... Honestly, I've already discovered that I barely remember that scene. Maybe it was the fact that I didn't think much of Yuna before that or something, but I really don't remember anything particularly special happening in the conversations with Mika. And lastly, Yunalesca, I mostly remember being everyone's decision, but again, might be wrong there. Vague memories of the game, there's a reason I'm replaying it, etc, etc.

Sage: First thing that comes to mind is Steiner's internal monologue on the way to stealing the Supersoft. Might be slightly paraphrasing it to save time/memory, but it's essentially:
"Why am I here, helping these bandits? Because I'm protecting the Princess. Yes, that's right, I'm fulfilling my duty. Duty? But.. that doesn't explain why I'm here. Has the Queen forgotten about her? No, no, I'm sure there's all a good explanation for this. It'll all be explained once we reach Alexandria."
Obviously not the whole development, but just one scene from it. We then get the scene where we fight Beatrix, and Steiner insists on helping the Princess over the Queen, and eventually develop into the scenes with Beatrix (not the love letter one, the Protecting My Devotion section, where he insists on protecting both Alexandria and her, which is the safe ground between duty and personal feelings). The 'quoted' section, though, is mostly his transition from "blindly loyal" to "questioning loyalties", and is probably the first major development - there's some smaller scenes before this, but not a whole lot (and mostly Vivi-related, heh.)

Quick response. "Quick". Honest.
Oh god Meeple posted too, no, I'll respond to that later. FFX playthrough now. ^^;


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2316 on: September 26, 2011, 02:04:56 AM »
Yuna making the choice is never shown.  What IS stated is both how Yuna came to the decision on her own and how Wakka/Lulu were initially against it, but she went through with it anyway.

This is illustrated first when Tidus learns of the Summoner's fate, and how both Wakka and Lulu stated they were initially shocked at her decision and against it.  Later, Yuna's sphere has her saying how she was happy that both Wakka and Lulu were against her decision, just because it was a moment that illustrated how, despite how they didn't agree with her, they really did care about her.

Sometimes we don't have to see the event, but we can deduce things based on what is told to us.  Its pretty clear Yuna came to the decision on her own; whether because she wanted to go off on a journey (though...she did travel across half the world already with Kimhari to go from Bevelle to Besaid, so I highly doubt that's the reason), the whole "follow in father's foot steps!" thing, or whatever the reason, not fully established, but either way, it was HER decision, and its not exactly a small one, and it was even challenged by those she deemed as siblings.'re understating what it means to take action.  The scenario Yuna was in was very delicate, and just her going through with something like that proves she had the strength of will.  She's not strong in the sense of "I can kick your ass!" but rather...well...lets quote FF10 itself, shall we?

Lulu: Yuna's strong.  She will overcome anything.
Tidus: Strong?  I seems more driven if you ask me.
Lulu: She's driven because she's strong.  When a weak person is pushed, they break.

Yuna never breaks, everytime she's challenged or something stands in her way, she stands to meet the challenge in her own way.  You don't have to be this ultra badass to face up to challenges with aggression.  Sometimes, merely standing your ground is strength.  The Mika scene IS immense strength.  She's being challenged by all the Maesters at once, for rather major crimes, and yet, she still has the gall to say "ONE OF YOU IS EVIL AND DEAD!"  Oh sure, things don't go as planned, but that's nothing to do with strength.  She still managed to summon up strength to say something that can be deemed as treason (even if true), and she's fully aware of the consequences.

Yuna's strong cause she doesn't back down and she's willing to act upon it.  That's what people mean when they say "they're strong."  Contrast this to, say, Rosa who sort of sits behind Cecil the entire game, or gets kidnapped and requires rescuing.  Rosa's not a strong character for this reason.  Heck, the one time she DID try to act (early game, she tries to follow Cecil cause she's worried), she only managed to get herself sick and bed ridden, requiring that Cecil save her when she set out to save him. 

Yuna...has a few "rescue" moments, but they're minor by comparison; mostly the Blitzball stadium one is the ONLY case where she was actually captured.  THe Weddnig?  That was her trying a gambit of a strategy.  Put herself in a scenario that would insure she gets close to Seymour so she can send him.  It didn't work out, no, but that's not related to strength, and she wasn't actually in trouble...quite the reverse, she was the only one WHO WASN'T and that's why her "I'll kill myself!" bluff could actually be applied.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 02:11:59 AM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2317 on: September 26, 2011, 02:12:00 AM »
"Why am I here, helping these bandits? Because I'm protecting the Princess. Yes, that's right, I'm fulfilling my duty. Duty? But.. that doesn't explain why I'm here. Has the Queen forgotten about her? No, no, I'm sure there's all a good explanation for this. It'll all be explained once we reach Alexandria."

Funny things.

A: I didn't recall that. It exists, because I looked it up to see it, but I still don't recall it at all. I mean, after I read the script version I recall him having a monologue there...

B: It's Steiner's longest set of lines in the game. Apparently, by a lot.

C: You've more or less got it right, except somehow it rambles three times as much.

D: As near as I can tell it is the only set of lines of it's kind where he really questions himself.

E: The "questioning" is doing exactly what he does all game, in the end. Protect princess over other priorities. Like he's been doing the entire time.

And this is glaringly ridiculous when I read it from the script's over-viewing the plot perspective. His first lines in the game are being ordered to protect the Princess. The last line in the game is him talking about protecting the queen that was the princess. It is all he ever does. Small wonder I didn't remember anything he says-he never says anything else. I am going through the script for laughs and the amount of lines that have the word "princess" in it are hilarious. Holy shit.
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

"Forget other people's feelings, this is fun and life is but a game and we nought but players in it.  CHECKMATE!  King me and that is Uno." - Grefter

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2318 on: September 26, 2011, 02:16:20 AM »
Given the alternative we usually see (which is to say, FF writers being bad at writing romance plots) I think the Irvine/Selphie pairing is better off for not really being in the game.  I'd consider it a point in it's favor.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2319 on: September 26, 2011, 02:17:22 AM »
Deus Ex 3 - Rob, I know you have used it.  How fucking weird is the frame on the Revolver?  For something with an item description mentionign the sturdy frame on the revolver you would think it wouldn't have nearly as many moving parts to it.  There is a reason more modern handguns have the cylinder be the part that moves around when working with the gun rather than having the cylinder be solid and in place and have the frame of the gun move to open it up.  That thing must be so fragile.  Would think twice about using one that you even just got from knocking a guy out since they apparently drop it straight to the ground.

Top-break revolvers exist, but who would use them? They're like the only revolver you can jam.

Ever hear of the Dardick tround?  The revolver in HR is basically a Colt and Dardick's forbidden love child:


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2320 on: September 26, 2011, 04:30:51 AM »
FFX: Okay, aftermath of Operation Mi'ihen, and the scene where Kimahri first talks! I'm.. at least liking the Sphere Grid again - I actually kinda liked the Sphere Grid most of the time, although I'd forgotten why, haha. (It's because I'm a total sucker for collectibles and completion, and that's exactly what this feels like.)
Isaaru is.. possibly the most simple character imaginable. Strangely enough, it kinda works for him, but it still kinda bugs me at the same time. Hm.
Argh, Cloisters of Trials. As much as I like puzzles, these just bug me. Probably because they take about 10x longer than they should, I don't know. Just something really bothers me about this, for all that I like the concept. (This really should have been a top-down thing of just moving blocks or something, though, and not a "spend ten minutes running back and forth collecting spheres".)
...wait, what the hell. What is up with Tidus dancing in the background of random scenes? XD
...My god, Shelinda is a bitch. Hundreds of Crusaders die and her only response is "Well, guess they should have followed Yevon!"? I mean, seriously, this game has more than enough subtle digs at organised religion, did it really need something so blindingly obvious as this one? Wow. I'm.. somewhat impressed, honestly.

Right, just up to the Moonflow crossing. This is the slowest the game's progressed in a while, and that's still good - honestly, the pacing of the game is one thing I simply cannot find fault in, and my perception of the game has improved based on this alone. As it goes, I think the characters are better now than I used to, but I still don't think too much of them. That said, keeping an open mind, so hopefully will see changes later in the game. For now, I'm way too tired to continue, but hey, at least I spent all of today on actual gameplay and not just Blitzball!


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2321 on: September 26, 2011, 10:04:47 AM »
She's pretty much the pinnacle of incompetent female characters.

CT do you have a copy of Grandia 3?  Can you lend it to Yoshi if you do?  So much lol to be had.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2322 on: September 26, 2011, 10:06:19 AM »
Run-DMC - You Talk Too Much.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2323 on: September 26, 2011, 10:53:21 AM »
I always kind of found it interesting that the crux of Yuna's power was to call upon other characters/ghosts and having them fight for her and be her meat shield while doing nothing.

Just saying.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2324 on: September 26, 2011, 03:20:28 PM »
I always kind of found it interesting that the crux of Yuna's power was to call upon other characters/ghosts and having them fight for her and be her meat shield while doing nothing.

Just saying.

Well, a summoner as a general does make sense.

Breath of Death: Amazingly fun. I have three characters and I'm going through an underground mountain passage right now.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...