Author Topic: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)  (Read 267292 times)


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2375 on: October 01, 2011, 05:43:13 PM »
Ico HD remaster:

This is the same game, with only a facelift to sell it again. But honestly? Ico is one of my favorite games ever, and one I enjoy replaying even though I remember the solution to all of the puzzles. This game is a study in how a video game can build emotions or feelings in a player though gameplay and style. The lonely atmosphere of the castle, combined with the need to keep the Shadows from dragging Yorda away makes one feel empathy for the bond between Ico and Yorda. And gameplay elements reinforce this. In the beginning it can seem a little odd to have Ico grab Yorda's hand and run around with her, but it becomes more natural as you solve more and more puzzles with her. There is also the fact that the game forces you to distance yourself from Yorda when solving some puzzles, and the way it uses Shadow ambushes at some of these times leads to a paranoia and a desire in the player to keep the two of them together. This too establishes an empathy with their bond!  And the game capitalizes on a player's feelings toward that bond magnificently towards the end.

One new thing worth mentioning is that upon a replay the hieroglyphs that made up Yorda's/some of the Queen's speech are properly subtitled. Not a big deal but it's nice to see what Yorda is really saying.

(Playing the game really reminded me that the castle and Keep is not all that complex when you consider it is the world of an entire game. It's just very well used space )

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2376 on: October 01, 2011, 10:20:17 PM »

XF: fourth playthrough complete.

Time to wrap this up.

5-1 (a man and her golem): The golems here are pretty tough but obviously fear Electrigger. I lure Asgard over and he wipes out people, then revive them on the other side and go after Weisheit. Cheap but hey, it works. Weis is vulnerable to gravity again unlike the desert form which speeds things along some as I have pretty good luck with it, Slow Down and playing hide-and-seek works well enough otherwise.

5-2 (Gate Victims): CAs are a pretty good way to deal with these tanky little buggers. They are fast and have lots of annoying status I can't deal with too well, but Revive Fruits make this simple enough.

5-3 (bird): Bird is anti-physical this time, which pretty much means more CAs and Electrigger. After the gravity has done its work. I take out any demons who get annoyingly close. This battle always feels like it should be harder than it is, but I guess it's mostly a warmup round for...

5-4 (final boss) [1 reset]: Tough but manageable. CAs mean less teleporting which certainly helps, and they're my best offence here. Form Shift is the best thing ever, if it weren't for her wasting turns on it I'd certainly have lost the second time too.

Stage one of the fight is the toughest. Katrina will use 2HKO elemental magic (3HKO to Clarissa, high 2HKO to Alexia) and always chooses the best one, and it's GT so no bunching up. The demons constantly threaten and annoy from all sides, with 4HKO (6HKO to Clarissa) magic and 3HKOish Hard Smashes if they actually get in range. Keeping up with healing is important, keeping the boss in Slow Down even moreso. I mostly focus on killing the demons (leaving a couple trapped stragglers in the back) with elemental spells and petrify, though I do chip in CAs and Electrigger to the boss as well.

Once she drops below 3600 HP I finish up the remaining demons besides a token straggler, break her shield and start attacking her again. She gets faster and faster which makes things a little trickier, but on the other hand she stops using elemental spells, just attacks and Shrine Maiden Glancer. Reviving is easier since revived people don't immediately die to GT damage, though they still do immediately die, and it costs her less and less time to do it. By the third phase, the only reason I'm able to keep afloat of the battle is because she occasionally wastes turns with Form Shift, and even Materialise (the summoned guy is annoying but I slow him down, don't need to worry about cover due to CAs). Again, recast slow down as much as possible, etc. Victory obtained with only two PCs left as Valiant-boosted Alexia does the finishing blow. Hooray!

Thoughts on the fiesta classes...

-Fantastica OC is great. Everyone had it, everyone used it. Rush enables several abilities at range, notably including Slow Down, the best boss/tough enemy control spell. Feeble Mind also neuters some bosses. Invoke is mostly worthless but decent early when I used basic attacks more.
-Bells are decent overall weapons at first due to 2 range and okay stats at everything but later I wanted either more atk or more mag/range.
-Badges are great for Formation Arts, which are terrific early though quickly go obsolete later. They'd have been better if spears weren't so finicky at FAs.
-Zone Effect is a handy little passive buff/debuff which I often set but didn't go out of my wy to do so.
-Arts Support is generally around 15-20% more damage with FAs and CAs, and this is obviously great in a playthrough where my offence often centered around one of the two.
-CSP Up made mastering Berserker and learning Exploit Weakness faster. That's something.
-Object Attack is lulz.
-Stats are overall okay and unremarkable.

Overall: Oh man bosses would have been much scarier without them! Second most valuable class to the playthrough which is unshocking.

-Excavator OC... well, Switch is nice for finishing off some MP-killed enemies. In&Out extends item resources which is nice because I had to use a lot of them due to no Sacred Slayer and weak offence! Detect owns Stealth Stalkers. Not a very good OC but having Fantastica pulled it up a little.
-Slingshots are good stuff. Decent MAG and great range, the best weapon for combination arts pretty much. There's a reason I used them so much. Eventually mostly dropped them for more MAG, though.
-Shoes are decent, light equips with fairly good Def (depending on height) and evade, nice enough to pick up with Excavator equipment.
-Almost all of their support abilities suck. They slightly extend your finances and resources but I don't really care.
-5 move and climb is certainly useful, and the reflex is decent. Outside their lack of useful abilities, a decent carrier at least... like the other classes they look better with Elementalist/etc. banned.

Overall: I underrated excavators a little (used to consider them one of the worst classes). They aren't great but I did appreciate their mobility, slingshots, and occasionally the OC.

-Berserker OC has a move buff which is sometimes handy (move tends to pay for itself, climb is when it really pays off), Charging Thrust which is quite potent, and Sonic Boom which is nice for mobility. Both of the latter two basically need Rush so I'm glad I had fantastica.
-Spears have decent stats, but the difficulty in using them with FAs was a huge bummer seeing as I had badges and Arts Support. I'd have considered using something else but they're needed for the Berserker skills. On the other hand, hitting two enemies sometimes is handy.
-Headgears suck. FA resistance! oh boy
-Move and Heal MP is a handy enough resource stretch, though nothing worth hyping.
-Exp Up is decent longterm, but I never actually set it. Penetrator is lol.
-Move Up is good in theory, but I never use it because if I'm mastering Berserker I want...
-Valiant is pretty awesome! It's difficult to count on because enemies gang up on people (often not who you want) and since I lack non-self healing I often need to heal at low HP (or go for a last glory attack then die) but the damage buff is just huge, and applies to everything that does non-zero damage against gravity (including Electrigger and CAs). Nice.
-8 move is nice though largely balanced by the straight-line thing. Overall stats are solid.

Overall: Not one of the better classes even with Rush to help them out, but Valiant is sometimes just so good. Weird case.

-The OC is stupid, nothing new here. With Exploit Weakness, Electrigger and the elemental spells are incredibly powerful. Petrify, even at 50%, is great. Many bosses are vulnerable to one of the big emulator tricks such as sleep or misery. Everyone gets this, everyone sets this.
-Bombs were my highest-MAG weapon, and thus important for having stronger attack magic and CAs (although if I just cared about CAs I'd use slingshots for range).
-Pocketwatches I mostly ignored due to the lack of special property and low def/eva (though def gets better later in the fight), though I maybe should have invested in them for their res in certain fights.
-Action Replay is a handy offence booster sometimes, especially with bosses.
-MP Recovery is a slightly better Move and Heal MP, same comments apply.
-Exploit Weakness is an awesome damage buff, obviously. A must-learn for any of my former Emulators who wanted to set up shot in other classes.
-Conserve MP keeps the class a great carrier even after that, Emulator spells are a little pricy and this lets me use them more.
-Speed is a bit low, but the other stats are quite great, decent MAG and HP in particular, while still maintaining 4 move.

Overall: Still the best class in the game, it largely kept the lategame to be much easier than it could have been. The rare battles where its tricks aren't much good (such as the Tormenta Triad!) are its main downfall, and also unshockingly where I had the most difficulty.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2377 on: October 02, 2011, 02:21:55 AM »
Solatorobo: Red the Hunter - Picked this up yesterday.  I've already dumped almost eight hours into it without realizing it.  It's quite fun.  Already up to chapter six, and all the extra quests are quite varied and interesting.  I haven't had to grind for cash yet at all, and grinding for EXP is worthless if you have any sense of DODGE, since all levels-ups give are more HP.  All the power comes from mech customization, so the real thing to keep an eye out for is the P Crystals.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2378 on: October 02, 2011, 03:21:25 AM »
Sengoku Basara: Chicks with Guns make things explode.  Also, I have sided with the East.

SF 3rd Strike: Beat the game with Q! I officially hate myself.
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[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2379 on: October 03, 2011, 01:34:34 PM »
999: Finished, got every ending. Good, gripping story, but many elements don't seem to make sense, and fanservice is still obviously a problem in videogame stories.
Worth playing but don't think about the game -too- much like I did. Unless someone can answer my questions.


I was right about the killer! As soon as the game showed that, I figured out that Zero must have been Santa. I guess I was half-right about that.

- Why did June disappear in the ending?
- What was Guy X thinking? What the hell was the point of putting Snake in a coffin and stealing his clothes? Did he have another N°2 bracelet?
- Who killed the Captain, if Ace doesn't go to room 1??
- Who killed everyone in the sub ending? Was Ace just playing dead?
- When MC goes into Chaotic Evil mode to keep June with him and go through door 3... Why do Santa, Lotus and Clover feel threatened? People are not forced to enter doors.
- Clover killing everybody with an axe? Really?

Got a PS3, played a bit of Demon's Souls. Not really hard yet aside from the first boss (You're supposed to lose to him but you can win) and red eye knight. Chose a knight, but will probably restart as a thief or something.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2011, 12:00:00 AM by Fenrir »

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2380 on: October 03, 2011, 02:06:42 PM »
* Clear Tranquil gnaws on Mist Spider with L31 Stocke and L26 Aht

Mist Spider is slooow compared to Crush Bear, to the extent both PCs get the drop on it (this may be due to equipment factors set up earlier since I speed twinked so Crush Bear wouldn't be such double trouble~) at the start of the fight. As such with Mist Spider going third every round regardless of whether Stocke or Aht is down one is able to revive the other each round because so far Mist Spider has only ever been taking out one PC at a time (and sometimes Stocke survives an assault while guarding) So it's slow, it's susceptible to Poison, it's attacks are apparently ST only and both PCs have the round advantage. This ... may actually be doable with an overadbundance of items/revival and the time/patience to wait a slow win via Poison out. Stocke has innate revival at least and he doesn't always die straight away either while he's guarding on full HP. I could fork out on buying a bunch more revival items, tag team loop revival spam with Stocke/Aht and wait till Poison does it's job. Is it/the shiny for reward worth it though?~
« Last Edit: October 03, 2011, 02:42:50 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2381 on: October 03, 2011, 04:22:19 PM »
Am I the only one for whom the spoilercode doesn't work on these forums? (Haven't seen it used at all recently outside Fenrir's post. No harm done, I just scrolled past, but I can definitely clearly read it.)

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2382 on: October 03, 2011, 04:29:46 PM »
Doesn't work for me either.
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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2383 on: October 03, 2011, 04:35:38 PM »
Works for me just fine. Might have to do with your browser maybe?

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2384 on: October 03, 2011, 05:23:07 PM »
It's okay for me too (light grey on the white text for this version) It might have something to do with the theme used too.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2385 on: October 03, 2011, 05:26:58 PM »
Oh right, I did change the theme I was using a few months back, that could be it.

I still recommend using the [ size=2pt ] [ /size ] tags instead, though!

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2386 on: October 03, 2011, 06:14:11 PM »
Solatorobo - Help this game is eating my life worse than WoW can.

In all seriousness, this game is pretty fun.  If you want a challenge, well...  Look somewhere else, but the gameplay remains fairly varied and interesting a lot.  I've only had a handful of game overs, all but one related to "Beat this duel without getting hit!" challenges...  Of which I've only found 3 in the game so far.

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2387 on: October 03, 2011, 06:56:01 PM »
Yep, it's the theme. I am keeping this one because it makes the forums run way faster. >_>
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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2388 on: October 04, 2011, 12:37:56 AM »
You're all super spoiled though.

Demon's Souls: Chose a wandered this time.
Beat Phalanx, then got cocky and tried to beat that dude with red eyes. Lost after removing half of his max HPs. (pretty nice!)
It's already a 10/10.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2389 on: October 04, 2011, 02:23:54 AM »
Fenrir, re 999:
-I was right about the killer! As soon as the game showed that, I figured out that Zero must have been Santa. I guess I was half-right about that.

Showed that what?  And yeah, amusing guess, since I considered that character to be among the least likely to be guilty of anything of the bunch.

- Why did June disappear in the ending?

The ending ending, or the other endings?  The ending ending, Aoi & Akane ride off in their own van they grabbed first, and the ending stops there.  You can assume that everybody met afterward and lived happily ever after, or whatever you liked.  (The game's creator has said that he sees Junpei & Akane as never meeting again since Akane is a gigantic indirectly murdering criminal who wouldn't risk hanging out with the people she kidnapped.)  The other endings, there's severe reality failure as Junpei doesn't find Sudoku in time, and thus young Akane burns to death, and thus the potential of there being a normal Akane in that timeline disappears.

- What was Guy X thinking? What the hell was the point of putting Snake in a coffin and stealing his clothes? Did he have another N°2 bracelet?

Guy X was kidnapped and drugged by Akane / Aoi before the game even starts.  He never does anything except be there for Ace to kill.  As for the coffin switcheroo, there's three takes:
A) Akane wanted to murder the 4 people who kidnapped her & the others, except make Ace do it, because that's how she rolls.  So Snake was there partially since he wouldn't recognize Ace but Ace would recognize him, and she figured Ace to be paranoid enough to try and off Snake.  Once that was done, if real Snake had just shown back up again, then the whole Second Nonary Game would have been derailed - Ace might blab too much information, people will realize something even screwier than they thought is going on, and the chances of Junpei reaching the Sudoku terminal in a proper Nonary Game would go to 0.  But she didn't want to kill Snake, so kidnapping + a coffin worked to put him out of the picture for awhile.
B) Snake was in on it the whole time.  He was at the facility with Aoi / Akane and is smart, so it is pretty implausible he wouldn't immediately pick up on what was going on.  So he was a third conspirator, albeit a less active one.
C) Akane was just running with the potential she saw 9 years ago.  She found a totally crazy plot that would work and just did it because she happened to know via cheaty possibility examination that said crazy plot, well, will work.  (This answers a lot of questions about the plot, mind.)

- Who killed the Captain, if Ace doesn't go to room 1??

You found a minor plot hole that happens when there are lots of possibilities of who-goes-where.  The only possible suspect is that Clover killed him - revenge at "Zero," followed by robbing his body for the message that Junpei finds in the Safe ending.  I believe that Lotus says something along the lines of "Clover locked herself in one room and refused to talk to us" so yeah, she was in Cap's room and killed him.  It's a bit out of character but it's a pretty good patch.  (The metagame answer is "Not having Cap die if you pick Room 6 will leak way too much information in the Knife ending you're not supposed to have figured out.")

- Who killed everyone in the sub ending? Was Ace just playing dead?

Ace, and yes.  This was my confirmation that Ace was the killer - I did Axe ending first (after which I strongly suspected Ace), then Sub.  Junpei panics and checks neither Ace nor Santa's bodies, just Clover's.  Since Santa dies in the Axe ending, I figured at the time that pretty well confirmed Ace as the killer.

- When MC goes into Chaotic Evil mode to keep June with him and go through door 3... Why do Santa, Lotus and Clover feel threatened? People are not forced to enter doors.

Because if the doors had worked differently Junpei has possibly signed their death warrants?  Suppose that the set of 3-7-8 doors were one way trips to the final set of doors (1-2-6-9).  If the team had split up, then there'd be 6 people to figure out a good combination (no more Ace / Snake / #9).  Junpei's way means that the remaining 4 might not make their way through the last doors, and that the 2 who remained were possibly abandoned forever with Ace.

If you want to nitpick this possibility, the better question is why everyone else doesn't take a deep breath, pull Junpei away from the door, tap enough bracelets for the door to open, then wait out the timer and prevent anyone from entering.  Let the doors close, then resume the previous plan.  Of course, when you consider that 2 of the people are Santa / future-June-who-is-seeing-if-this-might-work, they're kind of cool with whatever, so actually it makes some sense that they'd shrug and give it a try.

- Clover killing everybody with an axe? Really?

Never the ones you expect, eh?


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2390 on: October 04, 2011, 02:15:09 PM »
Disgaea 4: Beat all of the Bonus Battles through Asagi and Pringer X. Also beat Kurtis. Looking forward to the Zetta battle, but my Desco is only level 3500, so there's no way I'm beating it without some grinding. ...any suggestions for levelling past this point? Mt Ordeals 4 just isn't yielding enough EXP for this to be efficient anymore. What's a good strategy for collecting Statisticians?

I want Pringer X to join my party. Also wins for best Valvatorez scene.

Since I'm nearing the end of my Disgaea 4 playthrough, I decided to continue to catch up on my N1 backlog!
Zettai Hero Project: The Unlosing Ranger VS Darkdeath Evilman:
With a title like that, how can you go wrong!? But yeah, Nippon-Ichi does a Roguelike. Grinding + Dungeon-crawling. Also, making fun of super-heroes for 40-odd hours. So far the writing is a huge step up from Disgaea 4, so I'm digging it. The gameplay is fun in a mindless sort-of way, though I realize that this isn't my usual genre. Still, it's good.

Jamestown: Fuck yeah, Bomber-type is awesome. Played this with 3 friends and loved every second of it, I want to beat all of the challenges now!


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2391 on: October 04, 2011, 02:38:39 PM »
Still 999: Wow...

"Showed that what?  And yeah, amusing guess, since I considered that character to be among the least likely to be guilty of anything of the bunch."

As soon as the game confirmed that Ace was the killer, I thought that Santa was Zero. This just fit perfectly.
I figured it was Ace because:
- He's old, but not old enough to not be a killer.
- He names himself Ace, he's n°1, but seems like the most average guy in the team early and midgame. He never does or say anything particularly awesome, so his ace-ness must come from somewhere else.
- When you have to go through door 4 or 5 at the beginning, him and Clover are the only ones that can't go with you no matter what, leaving him ample time to do evil stuff without you looking. And I wasn't suspecting Clover too much because she was very young and related to Snake. Turns out this was a wrong clue but it led to the good guy.
- Similarly, I didn't buy the sacrifice. It also allows him to avoid Junpei (or anyone else, for that matter) and is soon revealed to be meaningless.

"The game's creator has said that he sees Junpei & Akane as never meeting again since Akane is a gigantic indirectly murdering criminal who wouldn't risk hanging out with the people she kidnapped."

Wow. I get it, Sudoku is scary, that's not a reason to be such amega bitch to Junpei. "Consider this a privilege: I'll make you go through hell, be on an emotional rollercoaster, flirt with you like crazy/imply that you're my soulmate then leave you forever after you stop being useful to me"
And Alice is supposed to be the ice queen?

"Guy X was kidnapped and drugged by Akane / Aoi before the game even starts.  He never does anything except be there for Ace to kill.  As for the coffin switcheroo, there's three takes:
A) Akane wanted to murder the 4 people who kidnapped her & the others, except make Ace do it, because that's how she rolls.  So Snake was there partially since he wouldn't recognize Ace but Ace would recognize him, and she figured Ace to be paranoid enough to try and off Snake.  Once that was done, if real Snake had just shown back up again, then the whole Second Nonary Game would have been derailed - Ace might blab too much information, people will realize something even screwier than they thought is going on, and the chances of Junpei reaching the Sudoku terminal in a proper Nonary Game would go to 0.  But she didn't want to kill Snake, so kidnapping + a coffin worked to put him out of the picture for awhile.
B) Snake was in on it the whole time.  He was at the facility with Aoi / Akane and is smart, so it is pretty implausible he wouldn't immediately pick up on what was going on.  So he was a third conspirator, albeit a less active one.
C) Akane was just running with the potential she saw 9 years ago.  She found a totally crazy plot that would work and just did it because she happened to know via cheaty possibility examination that said crazy plot, well, will work.  (This answers a lot of questions about the plot, mind.)"

This kind of requires Melchior-from-Chrono-Cross crazy insight, but I guess this works. She's like Stocke from Radiant Historia with infinite tries to reshape history except it's all in her head.

Another problem arises though:
Seven was shown to be a conspirator too. He tells Junpei that June died during ye old horrible event. Then when Junpei says to him in the ending "Wait... She didn't", I remember him saying "Woops, guess I'm a conspirator too LOL", or something like that.
Yet how did he become an amnesiac? Was he just an awful actor that Akane thought the only way for him to do his part was to not know anything, so she just cheated to know just how much she needed to hit his head to do it?
Or did he just not have amnesia? What was the point of faking it then?

"You found a minor plot hole that happens when there are lots of possibilities of who-goes-where.  The only possible suspect is that Clover killed him - revenge at "Zero," followed by robbing his body for the message that Junpei finds in the Safe ending.  I believe that Lotus says something along the lines of "Clover locked herself in one room and refused to talk to us" so yeah, she was in Cap's room and killed him.  It's a bit out of character but it's a pretty good patch.  (The metagame answer is "Not having Cap die if you pick Room 6 will leak way too much information in the Knife ending you're not supposed to have figured out.")"


"If you want to nitpick this possibility, the better question is why everyone else doesn't take a deep breath, pull Junpei away from the door, tap enough bracelets for the door to open, then wait out the timer and prevent anyone from entering.  Let the doors close, then resume the previous plan.  Of course, when you consider that 2 of the people are Santa / future-June-who-is-seeing-if-this-might-work, they're kind of cool with whatever, so actually it makes some sense that they'd shrug and give it a try."

If Junpei just enters the door alone or only with June and Santa, he's just supposed to explode. He has no weapon and cannot threaten anyone.
Granted yeah, the people who entered door 3 are Junpei + the 3 conspirators (Seven, June, Santa). Lotus and Clover should have put the blame equally on them all though, not just Junpei.
I guess you could say they just panicked, but what happened to n°9 2 hours earlier must have been fresh on their mind.

"- Clover killing everybody with an axe? Really?

Never the ones you expect, eh?"

I get the idea but honestly, she just seems too young, too girly to pull off killing all those people with such a heavy weapon. Especially since she just became crazy and being crazy makes you a worse killer.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2392 on: October 04, 2011, 05:46:35 PM »
Disgaea 4: Beat all of the Bonus Battles through Asagi and Pringer X. Also beat Kurtis. Looking forward to the Zetta battle, but my Desco is only level 3500, so there's no way I'm beating it without some grinding. ...any suggestions for levelling past this point? Mt Ordeals 4 just isn't yielding enough EXP for this to be efficient anymore. What's a good strategy for collecting Statisticians?

I want Pringer X to join my party. Also wins for best Valvatorez scene.

Reverse pirate on F100 of a high rank item.  They can be found on F20 and on a low rank item as well but are more rare.  You only need to get one to start, so if you don't have any levelled up items you could just reset on F20 until you get one.

After that, stick it on a weapon and use the duplication bug to create copies of that item.  Then combine the statisticians together and repeat until you have 4800.  For efficiency, I suggest duplicating 8 times, combining those innocents and putting them on a weapon, duplicate it 8 times again, etc. until you get a stack of 300, then duplicate 16 times until you have 4800.  You can get more of that if you want, but 4800 is the max for one character.

For how to do the duplication bug, go here: .  Method 2 is faster.

Also make sure you pass all the Stronger Enemy Bills when you're running Ordeals 4.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2393 on: October 05, 2011, 01:26:58 AM »
Catherine: Finished this, knocked out all the endings out of stubborn completionism since it's pretty quick to make another run when you can skip half the game. Not a whole lot of point to seeing anything but the True endings, mind. Catherine True is best for sheer amusement, Katherine True notable for making a whole lot of random comments about Erica throughout the game crystal clear for the sake of context. She must've had a helluva doctor.

Pretty decent game. Challenge on anything other than easy mode is straight up brutal, but it's worth at least soldiering through easy. Game is very good at instilling a sense of dread, mortal or supernatural. Girls worked out better than expected from initial impressions. Not that great a sense for what Katherine's all about beyond Vincent's girlfriend, but OHGODPREGNANTSORTLIFEOUT is a pretty understandable reason for being pushy early on. She is also admirably straightforward and mature about breaking up. And I approve of her figuring out what was going one before being told about it. As for Catherine, I figure what she is is excuse enough. And she is good at her job. Vincent of course is fairly dopey milquetoast, but you can't win 'em all.

Prologue/epilogue were totally pointless. "This is what our game's about and this is what's going to happen in it." Okay? We're playing it, we're gonna find that out anyway. Yes, I've read all the spoilers attached to the narrator. They still didn't need to be there. Oh, and props to the game's musical selection, of course. Just when you thought ES was the only game crazy enough to play Chopin for the last battle.

Guess I'm obliged to play Assassin's Creed 2 next because the brother got it for me last Christmas and I'm seeing him next month.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2394 on: October 05, 2011, 02:10:41 AM »
Radiant Historias- Standard History Chapter 6. Just hit Skalla. Wow two chapters/stretches without Rosch and Raul/frue shenanigans/Elm tsundreness/etc on the alternate path. Instead we have Erucas yes. Eruca is finally shaping up to be more cannon than glass. Holy Arrow is love though I admit I did a double take after spamming it and then realising all Eruca's MP was gone  :P Have her currently set up with Solid Slugs/Gold Dress/Thaumatech Orb/Horn Charm/Horn Charm =) Been running two teams still Stocke/Eruca/Marco and Stocke/Aht/Raynie. Thinking of perhaps giving Stocke/Aht/Eruca or Stocke/Eruca/Raynie a whirl soon. Mostly been using Stocke/Eruca/Marco for the last while and would bring out the second team again (I used it for both Hell Spider and Palomides/Gardner though I did run S/E/M vs the latter first, then reset and went for the blitz assault with the second team for the hell of it :P) but obviously using/building up Eruca as much as possible in case she disappears again  ;-)

Getting the armour for Stocke from defeating Mist Spider was soooo worth it in the end. It didn't even take that many revival items afterall because I discovered Fire spam worked a treat vs spider. For some reason it reaally didn't like Stocke's Fire especially after I'd jacked it up by boosting Stocke's MAG with Pieti Edge and Crystal Charm and with Aht tossing Magic Up herbs when she had time between reviving Stocke. Combined with the Poison damage whittling away and adding up over time Fire really did do a grand job here and I ended up only have to use eighteen revival items. Had to use Stocke's Resurrection on Aht a lot too though and also had to have her do more item girl duty and restore his MP the odd time as well. Near the end of fight once the Mist Spider's HP hits a certain threshold it starts using Speed Down which is haha vs jacked up Aht speed and gives time to buff up finish and finish building another mana gauge or two (used Stocke Turn Shift + Aht Lucky Breath + and Stocke Turn Break abuse earlier in the fight too) whereupon I did a mad dance thing with Aht speed + Change + Turn Breaks abuse ^_^
« Last Edit: October 05, 2011, 02:39:38 AM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2395 on: October 05, 2011, 05:40:21 AM »
Catherine: Finished this, knocked out all the endings out of stubborn completionism since it's pretty quick to make another run when you can skip half the game.

Speaking of completionism, have you completed the Babel?

Since I'm nearing the end of my Disgaea 4 playthrough, I decided to continue to catch up on my N1 backlog!

What? No DLC? Tyrant Arc and Fuuka Arc is waiting.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2396 on: October 05, 2011, 07:14:54 AM »
NIER: Lingerie models trying to kill me, two things that I would not prefer to go together
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2397 on: October 05, 2011, 07:45:49 AM »
2010 GotY Japan right there.

Clear Tranquil

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2398 on: October 05, 2011, 05:18:30 PM »
RH- Eruca G Frost get! Awww yeeah ^_^ Definitely cannon now. Glass cannon is definitely fulfilling her potential and making up for lost time with waay more cannon than the glass/dying of earlier~

Why was getting the armour for Stocke/beating Mist Spider early so worth it? Well this is probably old news though I don't remember people talking about it offhand. Moirae Manteau combined with defensive based accessories turns Stocke into an all purpose wall who tanks like a champ. He's taking single digit damage from randoms and compared to the other PCs he really mocked Hell Spider's Death Grind. It's kind of broken for this stage of the game. Maybe.

Skalla was a treasure trove of shinies for upgrading my PCs with. Shadowrun Dress for Eruca get. Also Witch Spear for Raynie and Death Dagger for Aht >_> Buildswise Eruca and Stocke I've already covered, magic and defence twinked respectively though Stocke also has a whopper of a magic stat thanks to Pieti Edge, only currently beaten out by Eruca with all my best magic boosting accessories <_< Too bad Stocke doesn't get more spells other than Fire to exploit this with. Perhaps later? =)
Raynie I've also been mag twinking. Aht I magic twinked earlier, speed twinked recently but I'm having this odd inclination to try out something totally different with her CT style soon >_> Marco I've been bulking up with the HP rings and shiny heavy armour like Gospel Armor in an attempt to make a sort of durable healer/support character but I've also thought about just trying to make him faster. He doesn't appear to have any obvious stat strengths. Magic is better than Atk but ... no attack magic!

Sidequests I've still barely scratched the surface of. Policy so far has been not to really go out of my way for them but if they are almost directly in the path of where I'm going/returning to for plot reasons and/or they are practically staring me in the face well then I don't look a gift horse in the mouth  ;-)

I might change the way I've been doing sidequests soon but I don't know. It depends whether the final is really a challenge or not either way!~
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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #2399 on: October 05, 2011, 08:55:38 PM »
Catherine: Finished this, knocked out all the endings out of stubborn completionism since it's pretty quick to make another run when you can skip half the game.

Speaking of completionism, have you completed the Babel?

Given the teeth-gnashing frustration that was my brief attempt at playing the main game on Normal, I figure that can wait 'til someday when I really have nothing to do.