Author Topic: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)  (Read 262624 times)


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #725 on: March 08, 2011, 05:10:01 AM »
Mass Effect 2, have all of the new recruits but the convict so far.  Krogan, by and by, remain awesome to a man.  Ammo is becoming less of an issue as I'm going along as I'm adjusting to the system.  That said, I'm finding the shotgun to be not that good, possibly just because it's my only weapon to not get upgraded yet seeing as I've gotten Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle, and Pistol upgrades so far.  Sadly, currently have no Palladium upgrades, which is bad as I've almost maxed my Palladium stores.  But I'm sure there's something out there I'll get eventually.

The Anderson/Udina comedy hour is still gold, and I'm starting to dig the Paragon/Renegade trigger system.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #726 on: March 08, 2011, 06:28:13 AM »
I perfer to call it the Hugs! =) or Set Bitches on Fire >:( system.

More accurate description, IMO.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #727 on: March 08, 2011, 09:16:20 AM »
* Clear Tranquil approves

I still haven't been playing any games. Instead I've been watching Dissidia Duodecim videos while waiting for the game to be released to the rest of the world~ Mainly ones with the Aerith assist (this is not biased at all, in any way! >_>) usually with Tifa as the PC. Been really loving the Tifa/Aerith duo from what I've seen. Prishe also looks a lot of fun (and she has CT bait stamped all over her too so I will definitely be trying her out for myself when I have the chance) and Yuna is just adorable (especially in her third alt \0/) Yuna seems to have a quite different/unique playstyle compared to most of the new characters, it's possible she is going to be the trickiest of the new characters to master (well out of the main six) I think the potential is there but it will take a skilled player to draw it out~
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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #728 on: March 08, 2011, 10:23:52 AM »
  Sadly, currently have no Palladium upgrades, which is bad as I've almost maxed my Palladium stores.

FYI, that bar is almost meaningless because you don't max out at a certain amount of mineral.  It's a good idea to keep mining every huge vein you see just because when you think you're well stocked on a mineral a whole bunch of upgrayedds unlock and you're out.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #729 on: March 08, 2011, 02:43:22 PM »
Dragon Age: Some kid gave me his grandfather's sword after I persuaded him that it will help in my glorious fight against the forces of evil. I immediately sold that shit to buy a gift for Shale: An amethyst. He liked it.

Whenever there's an active stat raising spell on a character, there's a big graphical effect. This means that 100% of the time there's a ridiculous big pink cloud following all of my characters, because of Song of Courage. This carries over in cutscenes, meaning that I can't take any of this game's cutscenes seriously anymore.
This would have been MUCH better in FF6: Blind your team -> sunglasses on everyone during the whole game. OR: Blind Strago, then solo the game with him. Ooooh yeah.

Finished the Darkspawn Chronicles DLC too. Nothing noteworthy about it, aside from the dog being named Barkspawn.

Game of the day:


Nier's the swan song of not-great people. Those guys focused on what they did best, and ignored the very obvious shortcomings.
Case in point, graphics. The ground textures are unacceptable:

But the game has breathtaking scenery, like in Aire village.

I had unreasonable expectations after the beginning - It was simply amazing. Gameplay was, if not great, extremely varied and fun (It's usually a God of War clone, but there's a lot of magic available, there are elements of bullet hell shooters, Diablo and text adventures), music was perfect, graphics were lovely, storyline was very intriguing and unusual, bosses were great, etc. There are three levels of difficulty, I appreciated the challenge in hard mode very much, while easy is a cakewalk, as this should be.

Unfortunately, Cavia has a tight budget and lacks good writers. The entire second half of the game is a Zelda like gather-the-crystals fetchquest made of nothing but recycled dungeons (granted, you can visit new areas in said recycled dungeons)
Only the final dungeon is new, but that's where the story can't keep its facade and goes downhill. Cavia is made of trolls (see the other topic), they didn't make a game around an awesome plot idea, they made a game around the idea of deleting all your saves at the end. (and then Square Enix had them stay reasonable about it, I guess)
The ending is riddled with RPG cliches, including a nonsensical betrayal. Devola and Popola... I hate you. All your music too. You can then replay the game to get other endings (which I did), but that doesn't wash away the sour taste in your mouth.

Still, it is the journey that matters in the end, and I prefer the strange little Nier to mediocre games... And average games. Actually, I prefer it to a lot of great games too. Try it out if you want something different. I'd give it something like a 7-8/10.

PS: Dragons are to Dragon Age what Boars are to this game.
This should have been named Boar Age instead.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2011, 02:51:26 PM by Fenrir »


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #730 on: March 08, 2011, 03:36:40 PM »
I watched a friend play through the whole game and the only thing I liked was that unstoppable boar at the end. The gameplay seemed fine but beyond that everything was horrible especially those disgusting character designs.

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #731 on: March 08, 2011, 06:27:03 PM »
You mean people in a hardscrabble world look awful? No way.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #732 on: March 08, 2011, 07:48:48 PM »
So…heard about this game when it won “best game design” at the Independent Game Festival awards.  Decided to give it a try…

First few times I played it, my reactions were “whatever, it’s just Mamono Sweeper without the minesweeper mechanic”.  The more I play it, though, the deeper this game seems.

I remember someone once said that good design is a series of interesting decisions.  And there are just a lot of interesting decisions within very simple mechanics.  The core mechanics are that magic is in glyphs which you pick up off the ground, and you can carry three glyphs.  You can’t drop glyphs, but you can permanently convert them into other bonuses (attack boost, magic boost, etc).  This creates a lot of interesting decisions, like “do I convert this glyph to bonus”, “when do I convert this glyph?”, “do I pick up this good glyph now, and risk finding myself with three glyphs I want to keep, and thus nothing I can convert?”

And even in the done-to-death mechanic of leveling up there’s interesting decisions.  You can level up all the way, but you’ll probably deplete your potion supply (and then might not handle the boss).  Every time you level up, you’re healed to full and cured of statuses, which makes for all kinds of strategies.

(And then there’s religions, which are a bit messy and complex, but also manage to have a similar feel to them.  “Do I want to worship this god at all?”  “If I do, should I start now or later?”  “Is it worth waiting to see what other shrines are on this map?”)

Overall, I’m impressed with the depth of strategy offered in a fairly simple set of rules.  Not that heavy strategy in a simple game can’t be done (Go says hi), but I can see why this game won.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #733 on: March 08, 2011, 07:58:46 PM »
Radiant Historia- Beat.  235/236, but that's missing only the nastiest optional boss node, and gets me all the epilogues/best ending.


Which is a strange statement but sums up well how I feel here.  Genre-redefining deconstruction works and and their reconstructionist counterparts.  9/10 by a great margin.  Exactly the sort of RPG I'd like to play more often, I can only hope the game pulls a Persona 3.
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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #734 on: March 08, 2011, 10:08:37 PM »

Finished this around New Years, also.

Quick summary - Better then Golden Sun 1, worse then 2.

Golden Sun 1 was a game that came out at the right time. It got a fanbase of people who hadn't played RPGs before and the concept was new to them. It also did have some neat concepts in the Djinn and Psynergy outside of combat. The game also had no story, and the gameplay was pretty generic.

Golden Sun 2 was quite a bit better! Its story was still kind of bad at being consistent and giving you directions, but they at least seemed to try!

The biggest improvement was in dungeon design - they weren't simple, and were long, and I felt accomplishment when I finished a tough one. The difficulty was also a bit higher then the first game.

The DS game takes a couple of steps forward - Weapon Mastery is decent enough, as are multiple unleashes. Also, even though the reactions don't make much sense with the smiley face selection feature, it's still fun to be mad at everything or sad about everything.

It also takes a lot of steps backward. Dungeon design is more simple, "use this psynergy and you win" stuff. The dungeons are relatively straightforward, as well. Combat happens to be even EASIER then the first game, which is a feat in itself. The game also suffers from having a
complete LACK of bosses after you get the ship. There are none. None! You get all these new toys and nothing but ultra pathetic randoms to use them on before the end.

That's not even mentioning the story. They did seem to try to give the characters some personality! They succeeded slightly - Ivan and Mia had the personality of blocks of wood in the first game. The story jumped around a lot, but I've come to expect that of Golden Sun. But the biggest problem is that nothing happens. Oh, I mean, there's a couple of big events, and some fairly cool moments, but it just doesn't seem like much.

They didn't even really succeed on being a fanservice game, everyone wanted to see the old characters, to visit old places. They're mostly all alluded to, but it seems like a whole "You'll see them next game" kind of thing. Sort of a waste.

Forging happens to be even worse then Golden Sun 2, somehow.

Anyway, I didn't hate the game. Actually, I thought it was OK! I played through Golden Sun 1 and 2 not too long before this one, so I knew what to expect. And as a generic RPG it didn't offend me... It just could've used a bit more difficulty in both dungeons and battles... And a plot that went somewhere.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #735 on: March 08, 2011, 11:41:48 PM »
Nier's character design is fine. He's an UOM.
But seriously, you didn't like the music?

I finished Leliana's Song (Another Dragon Age DLC)
This might be because I've largely ignored Leliana during the game so far, but I had no idea what was going on here. What am I doing? Who are these people? Why am I in a chantry all of a sudden? Who is that man and what is he doing in my team?
Then at the end Leliana doesn't kill her evil French arch rival because she's a good girl. Nevermind Leliana herself slaughtering of about thirty city guards right before.
The hardest battle in the game so far has been in this DLC: One dude and three dogs against your team. This took me about 40 retries, and then I just gave up and cheated by luring the enemies so that I could beat them two by two. Dogs > Dragons, it's official.

Ok I like doing those "game of the days". I could post them in their own topic, but they are seriously lackluster as reviews.

Game of the day:

Odin Sphere

Its funny how the most glaring example of "Good graphics, awful gameplay" is a 2D game on the PS2.

The whole game feels like an YS 1 cave:

Or alternatively, a bad Sonic clone, like Bubsy or Vectorman.

The point is, character sprites are big and action is fast paced. Sounds good, but you can't see in front of you. So you're going to be hit by attacks you haven't seen coming, all the time. You can't predict what enemies are going to do since you can't even see them. There's a very helpful mini-map on top of the screen, but after having played for 2 hours watching nothing but the mini map, I realized: This is stupid.

I'm not kidding:

Duct tape cardboard all over your TV/computer screen, then play Streets of Rage without ever going up or down for a similar experience. By the way you also need to feed souls to some plants to get fruit and thus level up, and everything about it is so badly done I don't want to talk about it.

The beat them all mechanics never feel alright, either. For example, everytime you attack, you deplete a power bar. Once it's completely emptied, you're stunned for a few seconds. You have to stand still to recover power. This is supposed to prevent button mashing, just like DRMs prevent piracy. There's also a BIG focus on enemies using status attacks on you, which is always fun in solo games.

I didn't play past 10 hours, but I heard that the game becomes very repetitive after that point, with the same dungeons and bosses over and over.

Jesus. I could appreciate this game's qualities, but playing is such a chore.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2011, 12:10:17 AM by Fenrir »


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #736 on: March 08, 2011, 11:59:30 PM »
Radiant Historia - Iron Wall boss. Jesus christ what a troll. High HP, high Defence, and a move he spams that gives him complete immunity to damage... and sadly, I don't have Grapple on my Stocke. fffff

I can sort of see where the story is going at this point, but I'm holding out high hopes for at least a little bit of a twist, and there are some unresolved tensions just now that I cannot see end predictably... other than that it ends, of course, in Wholesale Slaughter of Evil Dudes. So far so good. Favourite characters are Marco and the Gunner, although the latter only by virtue of the amazing attack buff, and not so much for their combat prowess. Marco is a weird healer-ish type... I think? Great support character.

Stocke's forced and still a very strong MC. Just needs area heal and Grapple, and he'd be set.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #737 on: March 09, 2011, 12:39:41 AM »
I rather liked Odinsphere's soul-eating plant powerup system. Though I agree entirely about your points on the inability to predict enemy attacks. It could just be that I have terrible reaction time, though. Whatever, Odinsphere's selling point was really nice graphics + competant story/presentation.

Radiant Historia: Bought 100% Legally With Money That I Earned Through Hard Work, to borrow a phrase from Nitori. It will be here when my friend from the US comes to visit me in April.

Until then, I just started this and I'm already digging Stocke as our brusque-but-reasonable main character. I also like the fact that while he's obviously supposed to be tough, they aren't playing him off as an archetypal bad-ass-I-have-no-feelings-other-than-Anger-Brooding-and-RAGE. In fact, in the third scene in the game, he mentions to his new subordinates that he actually has a person he considers his best friend and is willing to admit this. It's not much, but I kind of appreciate that they decided to throw this in so early. I was kind of worried from the comments about the game so far that he was going to fall too much into the forementioned archetype.

Literally just started, so I haven't gotten to play with the battle system much, but it seems like a simple, intuitive system with a lot of room for variety - which is basically my definition of a "Good RPG battle system". I will note that I was hoping that the PCs would have the same kind of row effects as the enemies, but hey, it's awesome anyway.

By the by, how many people are actually playing(have played) this game, it seems like a lot more than the usual 'New DS release' rush around here?


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #738 on: March 09, 2011, 01:23:46 AM »
RH got a lot of buzz, so a few more people picked it up around here for that. Beyond that it is a fun and interesting game so those who do play it tend to talk about it more. It probably isn't that much more than usual.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #739 on: March 09, 2011, 02:58:50 AM »
Radiant Historia- Beat.  235/236, but that's missing only the nastiest optional boss node, and gets me all the epilogues/best ending.


Which is a strange statement but sums up well how I feel here.  Genre-redefining deconstruction works and and their reconstructionist counterparts.  9/10 by a great margin.  Exactly the sort of RPG I'd like to play more often, I can only hope the game pulls a Persona 3.

Would you mind elaborate?? AS I really can't see the analogy here.....

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #740 on: March 09, 2011, 03:30:37 AM »

I approve of this review.

Also, where can I get that Plants vs Streets of Rage game?  That's got to be a hell of a lot better than Odin Sphere.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #741 on: March 09, 2011, 04:32:06 AM »
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #742 on: March 09, 2011, 04:46:18 AM »
DMC3 Very Hard: Electric Bats are scary.  Especially when used by naked women.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, you obviously haven't played DMC3.

Suikoden Tierkries:  So...a bunch of furries decided to join me, and then plot nonsense happened and OH DEAR GOD IS THIS PROGRESS I'M MAKING!?

If you have any clue what I mean by any of that, you're fucking lying, cause I sure as hell don't.
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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #743 on: March 09, 2011, 05:00:01 AM »
Gref, Steam tells me that you too have DA2. Since I haven't actually been able to play yet, how is it?


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #744 on: March 09, 2011, 06:19:58 AM »
In a weird coincidence, my computer got fixed and returned the same day DA2 came out.

So, I just installed it and didn't get around to playing today. Go me.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #745 on: March 09, 2011, 07:57:19 AM »
No idea how DA2 is Rob, because I live in a gaming ghetto they decided that it needed to be released midnight Wednesday the 9th.  That is midnight leading into Thursday the 10th.  So our release date doesn't line up with fucking any announced release date.  I have no idea and am pretty pissed off about it right now.
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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #746 on: March 09, 2011, 11:20:19 AM »
Nier's character design is fine. He's an UOM.

If you're referring to the main (in the west anyway) then yeah he was that bad. Hated that mask thing and the bottom half of his outfit was pretty bad but I could live with that. Its designs like Kaine's and the boys to a lesser extent that made me not like the outfits.

But seriously, you didn't like the music?

My friend bombed through the game in a few hours so I had to check youtube to refresh myself on the music as when you mentioned music I couldn't think of a single piece. Its actually not bad I'll give you that.

Pokemon White:

Revolver (Samurott) Lv38 Water
Yorkshire (Stoutland) Lv38 Normal
Vulcanus (Darmanitan) Lv37 Fire
Pantsman (Scrafty) Lv39 Dark Fighting
Zephyr (Archeops) Lv37 Rock Flying
Phantom (Galvantula) Lv42 Bug Electric

Picked up Phantom as my team lacks any sort of Electric and bug damage and I'm not regretting it as luck would have it the air gym was next so he curb stomped those flying pokes.
I'm really liking the fact that for the most part you don't need a HM slave to go around with you which means I can bop about with 6 good pokes instead of 5.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #747 on: March 09, 2011, 12:15:20 PM »
Kaine's design is pure, delicious trolling.

And if your friend has only finished the game once he doesn't know shit. He probably even thinks he was the hero.

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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #748 on: March 09, 2011, 09:43:47 PM »
Black: Switching over to Roz style writeups!

Indifflant (L25 Servine)  Grass
Wigglepup (L25 Herdier) Normal
L27 Gurdurr                 Fighting
L27 Palpitoad              Water/Ground
L29 Krokorok               Ground/Dark
Glyphin (L23 Sigilyph)    Flying/Psychic

Just got the Bolt Badge. My team is kinda pidgeonholing at the moment, but oh well. Like all these guys and thats most of the fun. Only really fears Flying at the moment. Too bad my only Rock move at the moment is on my Fighting mon. Should see if I can put one on something else. Can always switch stuff out as a gym demands too. I'm sure something else will come along that I HAVE to put on my team anyway. Might end up kicking out Joachim-mon if anything, but Dark is a pretty damn common type this time around.

Pokemon Musicals were... disturbing yet highly amusing. Needs moar monocle.

Game is overall starting to improve. Bianca continues to be awesome, and more interaction out of gym leaders is always good. The little mini-scenarios for each city are a vast improvement, as sad as that sounds. Cherin needs to stop being a little cunt, though.


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Re: Playin' any games today, Flying Nun? (WGAYP - 2011 Edition)
« Reply #749 on: March 09, 2011, 10:10:14 PM »
MvC3: Played like 20 matches against Meeple. I suck with Sentinel, and Haggar is totally awesome.
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