Pokemon Black- Picked this up and played through a bit. Seems like a step forward and a step back at the same time. Interface-wise, no menu on the bottom screen? WTF? Who thought that was a good idea? On the other hand, everything, from text to battles, goes so fast that I haven't even turned off animations! Sweet.
Step forward and step back is how I feel graphically as well. Large, blocky pixels are ugly as sin. Feels like I'm playing an early PSX game. Some of the backgrounds are nice, though they can look awkward sometimes due to previously mentioned problem. Text borders on godawful as well.
Pretty much everything I plan on using seems to be getting a nickname. I'll be using it interchangably.
Picked Smugleaf as my starter. Patrat is awful, so it's Lillipup's (heretofore referred to as "Wigglepup". Would've been Wigglepuppy for full Ralph Wiggumification, but one letter short...) time to shine. Hits pretty good for an early Normal. Purrloin ("Poecat", due to black, Purloined Letter and the tail looking like the pendulum from Pit and the Pendulum). Poecat is okay, but I doubt it'll last, sadly. Rounding out my current team is Panpour ("Wonkey". Wonky water monkey).
Bianca is <3 <3 <3. Fun ditz. Rare to see those. Other guy is other guy. Team Plasma is hilarious and awesome. I'd say Hero was pretty dumb, but older woman inviting him up to her bedroom? I'd go...
First gym was a neat little twist on things, if still pretty easy. Poecat ended up in a buff/debuff off against enemy Lillipup, wound up getting it low before it got overwhelmed. Smugleaf finished it off. Wonkey wasn't leveled enough to take on Fonkey (Funky fire monkey), so Wigglepup just ended up Leering and SMASH as it kept buffing.
Team Plasma failed pretty badly, so puffy dream pokemon saved for now! Stopping there for the night.