Ar Tonelico: I will finish this, dammit. Despite how much RH has basically stolen all my playing time.
I got through Aurica's ch2 and Shurelia's ch3. I have possibly already aired all my biggest complaints about Aurica's Scene Of Fail that managed to pretty much ruin everything the game was doing right up until that point, so today I'll complain about Shurelia's terrible voice actress.
I pretty much hate every decision made about Shurelia's 'inner character'. I mean, I understand that all people have weaknesses, including people with big responsibilities (like being the administrator of the Entire World), and I understand that a lot of people 'just want to fall in love'... But holy crap, when you set up the strongest female character in the world to not only look like a loli, but basically have her entire hardass personality be a front for 'all I've ever wanted was a hard dicking from the main male character', you're doing it wrong. Even if I didn't outright hate the message this implies, her VA does a horrendous job selling her 'emotional' lines. I'm guessing they hired her based on her amazing ability to sound disaffected for those early scenes where she's supposed to come off as a literal robot. Die in a fire, Shurelia. At least Aurica is tolerable if you ignore the one Scene Of Fail. I will say that Shurelia's cosmosphere equivalent was at least mildly amusing, and I liked how it FINALLY tied the cosmosphere nonsense to the main plot at the end and explained what the hell was going on all this time within the context of the fantasy world setting.
Anyway, I'm now working on Misha's ch2, and it's amazing how much the quality of the game jumped when the main heroine is likeable! For all that Misha's costume design is the the ugliest thing I've ever seen (at least she stops being a loli eventually, but the costume is still pretty terrible). Jack and Krusche are also far more interesting side characters than what's-his-name-paladin-guy and totally-not-a-sephiroth-clone Ayatane.
Just how different is Misha's ch3 from Aurica's ch3? Because I honestly don't want to sit through Shurelia plot again.
Also, I don't have the AT manual handy, but apparently that's where the origins of the Reyvateil race are, and it's kind of annoying that they never explain it in-game since it's kind of a big part of the whole world-building thing. What the hell -are- the RTs anyway?
Radiant Historia: Good game is Good. I like Raynie. Rosche's in-battle sprite is cool. The sidequests in this game are fun.
Currently trying to assassinate a Princess in Standard History, but I doubt that's good plan.
Trying to keep his bestbuddy from getting ambushed to death in Alternate History. Somebody died, but luckily he can time-travel. Only it seems like it's not important for him to time-travel in this particular instance, which has Stocke all ;_; .
Stocke is level 22, and I think I'm about to beat down Hugo. Possibly overlevelled? Should I grab some boss notes or did Pyro already get those?